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/ZTG/ - Zootopia General: Poor Little Ewe Edition

Pastebin: https://rentry.org/ztg
Booru: zoo.booru.org (if you can't access, use a different browser!)
ZTG Creator List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19heSY9BvV3t0qPa2XJa6q2n7ywyl1Yhckzc1Db-aGF4/

Anon's Honest Zootopia Fan Fiction Reviews: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/31830969/#31831031

Archives: www.ztarchive.com / desuarchive.org
Previous thread: http://www.ztarchive.com/trash/thread/73516778/73516778.html
Previous thread: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/73516778

Current TT Theme: Add your theme! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14sf_QBuL4E6S11se28Xl9Sp3ohgnrhGYE4SchwSUQjY
Previous TT Theme: Mobility (Late submissions welcome!)

TT Archive: t3event.tumblr.com
TT Pastebin: pastebin.com/gudYsYHL
More information on TT:

(>>If any info is altered or outdated)
Judy, a rabbit with a dream, seeks to defy tradition by becoming the first lupine police officer, but naughty Nick (a fox) might have other plans for his little “carrot.”
>>73709270 (OP)
femmy and anneke belong together
Then why is Femmy with Wolter?
Fuck you, John, for putting your swimmers in Rachel's inners instead of me offloading my goo into her peen-pleasurer! Her pussy is mine, you capuchin monkey!
my dreams were shattered years ago
Becky thinks Femmy is a whore.
Becky needs to learn the sooner she stops slut shaming the sooner her son will start talking to her again
the dream continues
O g
al is velvets "little" pogchamp
so much gay all in one place, it's like a gay neutron star
They don't know what that word means, you will embarrass yourself if you tried explaining it to them. They'll chuckle to each other in front of you like "oh look at the cute little autistic anonbun and his youtubes and internet words"
New thread, new day to appreciate Donald J. Trump! 53 days since the stench of Joe ended!
Gideon? Finnick? Maid Marian? Vixey?
why are you still talking about joe biden
It's because he literally can't say anything good that President Elon and his orange lump is doing.
I want to cum inside all of them.
A silver lining...
foxes are thieves and your didney propaganda won’t change my mind
you're not allowed to like gideon here
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