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~ /spg/ - Sonic Porn General ~ Wolf Woofers Edition

Thread for porn of all Sonic characters. Artists and writers welcome!
Also feel free to talk about the games and favorite characters and such, anything Sonic related.

>New rentry for collected fanfiction (thanks anon!). Post new links in the thread if you want anything added
>Free online Sonic AI gens:
>NSFW Sonic games:
>Tansau's Sonic animations:
>Sonic Character Chatbots (SFW and NSFW) can be found at
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You wrote in the name field instead of the subject field, OP...
Whoops, sorry.
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This has the Skyrim "Ah you're finally awake" vibes
>"She Looks Like She Fucks Human Men" the general.
Wish there were more shark girls
I wish
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>>73710795 (OP)
>Wolf Woofers
Obligatory picrel.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3F2z8ApOI8 [Embed]
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>just a pink hue and a tail
>still hot
the mind is a wack thing.
Futa Amy to spice it up
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Started on /3/ with this, but to not clutter up that thread, I'm postin this and a reply to his question here, since these threads end up being dumps, anyway. This is an Amy model that I'm currently workin on. I'm very much a greenhorn when it comes to Blender with maybe 70 hours' tops. I know how to block out mesh shapes and use bezier circles and paths and know about sculpting, but unfortunately no retopology yet, plus difficulty with features like eyelids/eyelashes, etc. It's my hope that I can find those who know how modeling works to make this model fully rigged and posable, including facial expressions.

"what are her motivations though? tell me more about amy, what drives her"

My headcanon Amy is a chubby ditz. She still helps save the day, still likes and pursues Sonic, still swings the hammer and plays with tarot cards. Being a girl in the city, I figure she got her first job only recently and has no idea what to do with all her disposable income, so she pigs out on stuff she never got to have too much of before, and it's showing up on her figure and she's in denial. Her apartment is paid for by Tails, who has plenty of patent money he earns passively to support his friends. Even so, she's a little smug and likes to think she knows more about life in general than he does just because she's two years older than him. She also ropes him into schemes to try and get Sonic's attention or uses him on pretend dates as "practice" in hopes Sonic rounds the corner.
Post general questions here
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If you were to suggestion Tansau to draw or animate a sonic character:

who would it be and what would they be doing?
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Where do we go when we die?
Two notes. 1) I also have a slim and trim version that I'm working on, and 2) blocked out models for Rouge and Tails are on the way
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A well-aged cut or a tenderloin? Oh, what a choice to make.
RIP George Lowe, he will always be the best space ghost host on Cartoon Network and adult swim.

Also Sonic general questions
Would you let lanolin vom on your knob?
Acording to the sight I found it on: Artist = kerbaru
Only if she was into it
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Looks like she wants you
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Some Sonic adult fanfiction I have saved
Love these types of shoes
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Last page of the old comic
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There were one more
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Does anybody have access to Blurent's work? He did a Cosmo picture a while back and I haven't been able to find it anywhere.
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Yay! Fucking loved oopsallnaked. Is ENF still doing stuff?
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I'd be breaking through that glass to get to her fine ass desu.
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Cream knows why I came over.
Wish I get isekai'd to Mobius....
I thought this title automatically comes with every sonic thread

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