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A thread for posting and discussing furry games. NSFW preferred but optional.


Lust Shards



Socially Awkward


Cruel Serenade + Guttertrash

Small On Top




Flexible Survival

Hole Dweller

Curse of Something

Deep in Brixen Space

Changeling Tale

Axyn's Adventure

And others:

Previous Thread:

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https://youtube.com/watch?v=hNWJexjmQ24 [Embed]
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1st for the best furry husbando
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First for an argument that these games could be less overwhelmingly gay
Kys troon freak
>OmG tRoOn
Stop letting that faggotry live in your head rent-free.
Will his game ever be completed?
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i posted that ai gender swap of Tate like a month ago and now i see it everywhere lol, straight pilling annons one twink at a time.
Gee it's almost as if twinks are just
>make girl
>call it a man
Twinks are for the furries who wana jack off to more material but don't wana be gay for it so you just make it look female and cover up the dick and boom, basically a chick.
>runing my husband
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lets be real, if he aint plowing you, then he's your wife not your husband.
>straightfag thinks he can straightpill fags
I don't think so straightie
>Anubis and the buried bone
Where the fuck can I find the NSFW version? It's not even up on F95.
>not only does he shit up the thread but he posts AIslop as well
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I've been working on my game for almost a year now and I've somehow stumbled into making one extremely similar to demons within's concept despite never having seen that game
I even have the same "you are the corrupting force within" and that you modify the outcome with emotions
god damn it this is niche as fuck literally HOW
the more the merrier anon-kun
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you talkin about lust shards?
Neither of you understand what a twink is.
So glad Tate finally came out as trans.
It's an imaginary character sex swap, not an imaginary character's mental illness.
Ugly ai art of a perfectly fine character, also he's kinda more Twunk than Twink
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talking about this game

My execution is pretty different since I'm not a pure VN, I have more of a lifesim rpg with a VN plotline running alongside it.
But we have the same type of player role as a corrupting demon inside the MC and dialogue mechanic for emotions dictated by you being the way to guide conversations.
I guess it's just the reality of making media that sometimes you come to the same conclusions, in this case having the player be a force of corruption is a great way to drive the story and intertwine the gameplay mechanics into it.
At least I'm assuming so from the description of demons within, I haven't actually played the game since I think that would make it impossible for me to work without feeling unsure if I'm being original lmao.
Tate's asso on my faceo
so what's gonna happen to raincheck now
I'm not really going to care much about lust shards until chapter 2, Alvy's cute but I'm more into feline anthros that aren't super muscular, like Tate plus I just found Tate more interesting personally, there hasn't really been many other furry games that interested me beyond Morenatsu, Perfect Home, and When You're Here
What happened?
>mental health reasons
Every time...
Kind of funny sorry here, Tate is the only reason i have a six pack now adays.

>be me
>dec 22 2024
>Browsing 4chan
>find my way on to furry games /trash/
>"lust shards"
>hmm, not gay but this game looks interesting, at least its drawn well.
>download it
>Boots up to cody instantly tryna suck scribbles.
>da fuq.mp4
>close game
>a week goes by
>post Christmas im bored af, Christmas fling lead nowhere so now im horny too.
>Sees lust shards again
>fuck it it cant all be gay right?
>play through, unknowingly pick tates route.
>ya know that twink has some nice abs
>confusing feelings.mov
>play through all of tates story
>fuck that kinda went hard.
>kiss scene at the end, god fucking dammit now i wana fuck this cat.
>At gym the next day, chest day.
>posing in mirror as all faggots do, at least i pick a quiet corner to do it.
>stomach is lackluster, strong but little definition.
>realize i have almost no core exercises in my routine, only russian twists for obliques.
>remember Tate, "oh fuck now i have to get abbs"
>Get a friend of mine to write me up a 3 month program for abbs
>2 months in, start cut.
> 1 month later, visible abbs.
>not summer yet but i feel more confident regardless.
Thanks tate.
File deleted.
imagine this, but better
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ofc its the wrong one
Tate encouraging anons to start working out is wild.
you're supposed to post your homoerotic gym fantasies in >>>/fit/
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My poor RessRess, I can't stand seeing him so sad...
I bet the doxxing was done by the faggots from r/furryvisualnovels and/or their respective discord channel.
It's a never ever.
>3 month program for abs
Solely for abs or as accessories?
Either way dump it here, I'm getting tired of paywalled apps and awkward L hangs.
Who's this semen demon?
Ai brain rot is real. Even artists that can prove that they didn't use is get accused of it all the time.

>I bet the doxxing was done by the faggots from r/furryvisualnovels and/or their respective discord channel.
I wouldn't doubt this since they also went crazy over Shelter using Ai and being a boogeyman over there.
The previews on his page do look a little funky, but they really don't feel THAT "off".
I would have to see more art of him to be sure if they claims have any merit to them.
dead hang leg raises, Russian twists, abb roller, everything else is fake and gay, start with 3 sets of the following, 1 minuet Russian twist, 10 reps dead hang, if you cant hang use a roman chair, abb wheel, go until failure . from their work up, add time to the russian twists and a few reps to the leg raises.
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>A better Leo plus incest
I like him!
fuck, i didnt know how much i wana fuck female tate till now.
Not to be a sour sport in this but kind reminder that this 3 month ab guy already had low body fat % to begin with to get abs. All the ab excercise in the world will do jack shit for your midsection if you have body fat there. If you're a twig or just lack all muscle mass then yeah 3 months will get you visible abs, if you have body fat then you're fucked. Lose the fat or you won't see shit
have been working out for a year or two prior to this, tate just made me want better abbs lol.
lol. Nah u got it right the first time.
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i've been stuck on the last 10% of wolfrush's translation for a while, mostly on the punny/funny lines. anyone have an idea on how to get this one through?
I'm not a twig, I just have a weak core that I want to give more focus to.
>Lose the fat
maybe one day
im 175 6,1" so by no means a twig, but yes i did have around 21% body fat at the time i started this routine, and yes a large portion of it was the cut i started a month ago. However, being skinny doesn't get you definition by default and it definitely doesn't get you visible obliques. for that i must thank tate.
>Solo son negocios
>Y ya es hora de pagar!
It's all I can think of at the moment.
it's not bad, i even thought of something similar. i'm starting to think it's not be possible to get the full pun through.
>being skinny doesn't get you definition by default
No, but 3 months of eating right (protein) and ab work will. The key here is "being skinny" aka: low body fat %

the point being not to discourage but to "mentally prepare" that if someone has body fat they will not be getting abs until they lose said fat. It's setting a proper expectation. Abs are made in the gym and revealed in the kitchen
>Mas te vale salir de aquí, o verás!
change it for: alejate o ya verás!
>Nosotros estamos bastante felices de verte, no es así?
remove the Nosotros, it sounds weird in a casual conversation,
>And today... we're making a KILLING!
maybe something like: Y el día de hoy... estamos para MATAR!
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Mfw im in an ugly faggot competition and my opponent is Tate Foster (TJ is better)
>change it for: alejate o ya verás!
yeah, i like that better!
>remove the Nosotros, it sounds weird in a casual conversation
i think it fits since the guy saying it is the corny inflated-ego villain type. i might see during testing.
>maybe something like:
hm, it still doesn't keep the double meaning, and it sounds a bit awkward imo.
if i change it so it doesn't keep the pun i might go for something shorter but dramatic.
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https://youtu.be/mY9gVIcRkkI?si=xSXmZlZQT5mwOMaZ [Embed]

I didn't bother checking the other lines, good catch.
>estamos para matar
Eeeh, it's good. It just doesn't really make much sense in spanish.
We don't really have an equally aggressive sounding equivalent to "make a killing".
Maybe something like "Y hoy (en dia) la muerte se vende bien/tiene buen valor", but the other guy might be better off just localising the dialogue instead of trying to translate the joke 1 to 1 (which often sounds awkward anyway, but whatever)
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>artists: fuck AI we need to protect ourselves and our living from anyone who uses it!
>also artists: let's dox and harass an artist with a well known art history because fuck AI!
The left truly never cease to stop eating their own and it's a well accepted fact of life.
my IQ goes down the moment I start phoneposting
I'm personally thankful none of these retards ever went after Ryuo, since the way he draws backgrounds in Soulcreek is something that could easily be mistaken as "AI art" by the terminally retarded. Still, the shit with Shelter genuinely made any mention of it a loaded gun at one point due to them trying to lynch anyone and everyone they even vaguely believe has used AI anything.
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>bringing up politics out of nowhere
I was the one that leaked the Demons Within build... I've leaked so many updates for games
May I please you with my body in return
May the kemoshota visit you in your dreams tonight brave soul
maybe you should consider wearing diapers
idk wtf that is
You have done a great service.
Should I stop playing WoW so I can play more furry games?
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So we can agree that Sam stonks went up even with him STILL not getting Sex'd, right?
Yeah. Though it depends on whether or not you're getting tired of interacting with people and just want some solo games to go through
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sexo wat gam
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Nice that we agree, i liked his approach to consoling Res. I know people think he has a thing for Edwin due spin the bottle, but honestly my impression was that it is Garret he is interested in and was scoping out potential competition.
Isn't WoW a furry game?
For social interaction there's always VRChat
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Honestly as much as anons bitch about Furry Pandering i don't really think i would call WoW "Furry" just because of the playable Furry races considering they are basically always sidelined, job and the narrative focus is most Humans and Elves (Including Undead ones) with a Dash of Orcs and a good helping of Dragons (which would be "Furry"/Scalie, only that they tend to transform into Humans and Elves anyway).

Tauren keep getting screwed over and basically had a honorary Alliance member as their "Leader".
Pandaren do nothing.
Vulpera do nothing.
Worgen had their "Pride" event be cheerleading the Country rather then the race with a specific "Humans are better" angle due being about talking out Tess out of becoming one.

The option to play as the races are nice, but WoW is a Human/Elf/Orc/Dragon game first and foremost, the furry stuff is set dressing.

Genn is a fuckable old man though.
I've been trying to lose weight for 5 years and I'm still a fat fuck lol
Food is too good and I need alcohol to cope with since weed or other drugs are hard to get here
>Food is too good
This is also why I can't bring myself to truly diet, it'd mean cutting down on some really nice dishes that I enjoy cooking (or replacing ingredients with shittier "healthy" alternatives that taste like medicine or old socks) and/or going for recipes and foods that I just don't enjoy the flavour, smell or texture of.
>slept 4 hours just to wake up with the urge to fap
I really need an alternative outlet to porn
He's not incorrect though. The vast majority of artists are leftists, and leftists got real comfortable unpersoning people for the slightest imagined reasons over the last ten years.
Rightists just consider all this vidya and dejenrasse nonsense to be contemptible from the word go and don't even engage with it unless they think they have a shot at banning it wholesale.
Sex swap is a mental illness. Why didnt he want to be male?
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I also enjoyed Both Ress and Sam method of distraction which also served as a nice bonding exercise, even though it didn't have any sexual connotations it was a very kind gesture.
>it is Garrett he is interested in
I didn't think Sam had a thing for the captain, but now I see it as a potential source of jealousy if he's the next target for the new cardinal sin demon.
Still, I want to see the Yote get some dick...
Sam can be a little silly. As a treat.
>Genn is a fuckable old man though.
Good taste.
What perfect bouncing pecs...
New Breeze In The Clouds trailer:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=7Vj9l_TbB1s [Embed]
Sex with all the minions and bosses.
Also, did they drop the Sweet Baby Inc. Alliance for good?
>>73715662 (OP)
All the old Crowjob in Space swfs I have (4)
>gets a 6 pack because of a twink.
A few more of these cases in the furry community and we might have an actually decent fandom.
In this alternate fantasy, no decision was made by anybody but me, and this alternate Tate was never male, never identified as male, and never desired to be male.
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oh shit
oh fuck

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