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/scaly/ - Scaly General #1495

Post lewd reptiles and discuss scaly stuff, male or female is fine. Dragons, wyverns, dinosaurs, lizards, snakes, and reptile-folk such as kobolds and Argonians are welcome, on top of other things with scales like sharks as well. Anthros, ferals and human/scaly are allowed, but please, no monstergirls. As some may take a few creative liberties on their creations, do inquire if there's a particular edge case you're unsure about.


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>Anatomy arguments never go anywhere, don't bother instigating one.
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>Please avoid reposting images from the last few threads to keep the latest more fresh.
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Scaly Smut - Many lewd lizard writings
Scalie Lit - Even more lizard writings
Misc Resources - Source finding and other fun stuff
FAQ - Common questions already answered
You are free to contribute to either, simply reply and post the information.
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Today's featured image is quite basic; got anything better? Horn rings, tail rings, anything special or unique? Or just an excess... (I ran out of time to find a better op image...)

Topic of the thread: What pieces of jewelry do you like on scalies?
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They always cut it before the guy hits the cervical opening...
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Guy just fucking died.
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I, Lowpoly anon bring art. Just something to test the waters. Also have a small scene destription, "With cascading rain and rumbling thunder Ulric slept, holding the stone close, afraid it might disappear. Tomorrow he'd think of a plan on what to do, but fate rarely let's things go the way we want. A drum of thunder awoke him and as it faded, muffled growling and cracking alerted his body and eyes, worried wolves got interested in his chickens again. He stood up, cascaded in the low orange glow of the small stove fire and locked onto the egg, it's movement catching his gaze. Ulric watch the egg break away and reveal a strange creature, only one he heard about for the storyteller, a dragon. A flash of lighting startled the small thing, Ulric knelt by his bed, trying to comfort the small beast with sweet words, with the followed crash of thunder the little dragon leapt at his chest, followed by the blow was what can be only described as being jab with hot iron".
Sorry, was meant to be short.
Tott: I love toerings, and al kind bracelets, also tail rings are hot af too!
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/hm/ - Haunted Mound General #1495
>Stepping on a furry
That's only going to make it worse, there's probably a 80% chance that guy is into feet anyway
(Can't find the one where the dragon was calling the person she stepped on a nerd)
>>73717949 (OP)
You've got some nice cinematography going on, anon! I'm intrigued to see how your AU is going to play out. Nice scene description as well. And don't apologize - it's short and sweet.

>Last Thread:
>And so on. Instead of going through this song and dance, why don't we all just make our own thing? Like >>73709485 said, WoF is likely written by multiple people, so why not try it ourselves? We could avoid the pitfalls it runs into and engage the entire thread.
I don't think you understand the magnitude as to what you are proposing. You are suggesting that we write an entire novel centered around dragons, like WoF but better. This means we need to be as good as Sutherland at characterization, in addition to fixing all the other flaws. Writing poorly is easy, but writing well is extremely hard. In all my years of reading and writing, very rarely did a book do all aspects of storytelling well.

Writing a novel is hard. You are trying to entertain people using funny little lines on blank pages. You are trying to get people invested, to get them to feel and rejoice and cry with the characters, to make them resonate deeply with the readers, despite said characters literally not fucking existing.

But since we're doing this as a concerted effort, well, it's possible. We might have drama and fall apart before the book is ever done, or we might produce a shit or mediocre sotry. But there's a universe were we actually accomplish writing such a book.

I actually started writing the lore for such a book, although it's outdated by about a year (where have the years gone!?)
Thanks, I know nothing about cinematography but I do watch movies a lot, so guess my brain kinda breaks it all down to point. Not sure where to take it since it's playing kinda different, might have Ulric keep Saphira secret as long as possible, maybe meeting Brom in secret or downright going to him and asking what do do. Maybe have Sloan catch a glimpse of a young flying Saphira which allows the Razac to still have a reason to kill him and go ransack Ulric's homestead, basically creating a man with nothing to lose, trying to figure out how to really cement him and Saphira's relationship as more than rider and dragon without lowpoly tubes going in lowpoly holes, XD
>...trying to figure out how to really cement him and Saphira's relationship as more than rider and dragon without lowpoly tubes going in lowpoly holes, XD
Good luck, my friend, because romance is already quite difficult as it is! Saphira might develop a feminine Oedipus complex towards Ulric, and I'll imagine because he displays masculine dragonic traits that she finds attractive. Maybe some denial from her, since it feels very weird to have romantic feelings for someone who raised you. A typically healthy couple fulfill needs in one another, such as one needing to be more assertive while the other needs someone gentle and soft to ease him. There's lot of articles online on which you research. One source I personally recommend is Localscriptman on youtube. He's knowledgeable and informative and entertaining.
I see, thank you, very useful information. I was kinda gonna do the opposite of what you said, Ulric falling for Saphira instead, sure he's raising her but he sees if more like raising a loyal companion at first but slowly realizes something more is brewing in his heart, not a super tragic back story but losing his parents, kinda made him shutdown most of his emotions, never really had closure for the loss so he stayed to himself at his homestead only going into Carvahall? periodically, don't want to make Saphira a therapist but him having her gives Ulric someone stronger to hold on to the metaphorical rope, someone to fill his half empty heart. Also kinda why his rider mark will be on his chest, sorta symbolizes Saphira filling the gap, Side note I guess, not gonna make him look elvish over time, he'll stay normal.
(Pictured: Saphira resting with her rider, looking at the sky as she contemplates on the biggest decision of her life: should she tell him?)

Ah. Well that'll still work. As long as one or both of them start developing romantic feelings for the other. Your idea of Ulric losing his parents and having this empty hole in his heart is a good idea for his character development and attachment to Saphira. I'm just some random throwing ideas at you, so don't feel obligated to take my advice (or anyone elses) if you feel otherwise. This is now *your* AU. But since we're on the topic, what did you imagine would Saphira's reaction be if he spills his spaghetti? What would her view on Ulric be?

>...not gonna make him look elvish...
Unfathomably based.
Her reaction, she would probably find it silly at first, because they're rider and dragon, why be any closer than that. Then after the captured by the razac chapter (I have yet to read) she would see him as something more, not her rider but her protector even though he could and well get them both killed she sees the man she saw as a hatchling during the storm upon hatching, a strong heart, a wall to seek shelter. Need to read that chapter, since Saphira gets muzzled and chained up, and part of me wants Ulric to go all out, since a grown man as a rider is a lot stronger than a teenage one (Eragon). But then I think I shouldn't because it'd make him a Marty Stu.
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Thanks for the writing advice last thread anon, I'll have to bookmark that website for later. I admit I'm curious what design they'll give the Dragon in Shrek 5, as there aren't a huge amount of scalie related media I'm looking forward to. (Well, maybe what Meganium will look like in Pokemon Z-A)
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>>73717949 (OP)
>Scaly Smut
>Scalie Lit

My autism is flaring up over this discrepancy.
>...she sees the man she saw as a hatchling during the storm upon hatching...
That's quite emotionally resonant! I should probably stop poking and spoil the thread on what you have going, because I see a solid story taking shape. You've got something good on your hands.

>...a part of me wants Ulric to go all out...
>But... I shouldn't because it'd make him a Marty Stu.
Well, what would Ulric do? He'll likely go all out. Saphira is his only last emotional connection he has; she is literally the last thing he could lose. He's going to fight like a demon. This would also logically play into Saphira's seeing him as her protector, that wall that shielded her.

You shouldn't worry if he'll be perceived as a Marty Stu. What you need to worry about is if the story is entertaining. Is there conflict, do the characters feel like individual beings with agency and flaws, is it consistent? Many characters existed in stories that would absolutely qualify as Mary/Marty stues, but are still beloved because their stories are ultimately entertaining. Sometimes, it's gratifying to see assholes getting their faces beaten in through and out their own asses.

I'm not sure for what reasons you think that he's a marty stu (too powerful, too little flaws, everyone likes him, etc?), so I think it's best that I link you the Editor's Blog:
Even tho you're not doing a written story, the advice here will certainly help a lot. Try searching around for the specific issues you're worried about.

Pleasure! I'm also curious, but if they're absolutely, unfathomably, universe-ending based they'll make the dragon fatter. Same here, I can't really think of anything else /scaly/ related that I'm looking out for.
Thanks, I'll do my best with this and thanks for the tips. Hopefully can get it all done, might take a while since I'm doing bit by bit and making small character building stuff. Also hope it can fly under the radar a bit, don't need Paolini giving me a slap on the wrist and having to quit, if that happens I'll move on to something more obscure, maybe an AU with Siveth, but for now gonna focus on Ulric and Saphira.
>POV: You are Basementanon, and you just tried to capture a lone, innocent dragonet...only to discover that her mama has cloaking capabilities...
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I want to be a Tama!
Me too
(Pictured: Saphira, flying for the first time in months since her retirement, experiencing significant difficulties for some reason. Was the wind always this hard to fly through? She swore she needed less flaps to retain her altitude...)

Glad I can help! As far as I'm aware, Paolini isn't going to sue you as long as your fanfiction isn't for commercial purposes. But just to be safe, just make Saphira horrendously obese - trust me, man will leave you alone after that!
I'll pass on the fat Saphira idea, only thing I thought about doing was some kind of tip jar, just for supporting my art as a whole. Haven't done it yet, dunno why, maybe just afraid I guess.
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Yeah, there's this fear that having a tip jar would likely lead to legal troubles - I've been there. Best I can advise you is to look at similar content creators and how they present and monetize their work. Maybe review copyright law?

But yeah, best of luck to you low-poly anon. I look forward to your work!
Thanks. I read a bit on copyright stuff, seems to fall under fanfiction and even then that gets finicky because people do fanfics and have tipjars and on one hand it can promote the source material and on the other it can be seen bad by the creator. So it's a up in the air kinda matter I guess.
>just make Saphira horrendously obese - trust me, man will leave you alone after that!
I'm not sure about that
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Would you a birb?
(Pictured: Saphira, several years into her retirement, having found a permanent solution for her flying troubles. Still no word of a solution on the tightening narrowness of her cave's entrance.)

We all know that Paolini is secretly into this as well. Clearly, this is just a public dogwhistle from the man, intent on letting us know what he's really into.
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>I can't cuddle my Burmese python cus she sheddy
I fucking hate this, bros.
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No, I'm not calling the police I'm getting my fucking shotgun.
Feeder culture must die.
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Day of the Salad fucking when?
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>there's probably a 80% chance that guy is into feet anyway
I'm sure as hell he isn't into dying though.
Teasing and gentle steppies are one thing, but that guy is being crushed to death by metal like a can under a hydraulic press.
>I was just keeping him safe! T-The chains…? What if he wandered into traffic?
The basementer becomes the basementee. I think I’d like that fate more.
The government really has to do something about these rampant dragons coming out of the wilds and abducting people for mates. Especially when they're big enough to tower over buildings and cause loss of life! And that guy has no idea what he's in for- no training! He'll be lucky if he doesn't fall out midway back to her territory, nonetheless how to adjust to his new life!
>>73717949 (OP)
OP is a retarded pleb
>The government really has to do something about these rampant dragons coming out of the wilds and abducting people for mates.
Don't be silly Anon, that's just a conspiracy theory. What, you think dragons are just swooping down from the sky and sitting on people? Don't be ridiculous, that never hap-
This is exactly what I'm talking about! But the state's too worried about the borderline infantile reading ability of your average kobold! They don't need to read good to do basic labor! I don't care if the kobold at the drivethru window can read at a teenage level, just put pictures on the cash register buttons!
I never found snakes that interesting or appealing, that black tipped tail however did catch my attention for some reason.
Something many artists seem to forget or not get right is that she is actually wearing three white beads on her tail as accessory that continue the line of white dots at the end of her tail which eventually merge with her underscales.
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Good morning lizards.
Fat dragons
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Sorry anon, she's just a bit temperamental due to being vulnerable in that state. Hope your burmy has a good, clean shed that doesn't leave much behind.
Did the graphics for WoW get more hi-res? I remember outfits being skin suits before.
Hope you have a full larder for her anon, it takes a whole village to have a dragon patron like that.
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Yeah WoW gear got more high res. Many item pieces have chest pieces with 3D pieces, legwear with coats on them, physics-engine belts and shoulder adornments. Not *everything* obviously, but some cool things.
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>t. dragon

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