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/GYWB/ - Girls You Wanna Be

The place to fantasize, discuss, and RP about being the girl of your dreams, or Anon's.
Be a dumb gyaru, a shy bookworm, a cute witch, big titty rapebait, a needy loli, a ditzy slut, a domineering mommy or whatever you fancy here! Humans, elves, goblins, anthros, demongirls, monstergirls... all girls are welcomed to the thread!

Yvan eht nioj Edition

Previous Thread: >>73685442
I need to kneel to powerful big cocks.
>You become Ann
>You fall madly in love with Morgana

Would you take it?
I need to drain my balls inside Lucy
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Why Lucy specifically?
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Boat thread!
Doing dogeza for big, fat, veiny cocks~
Hoesquatting to swallow that throat-stretching log to the hilt~
Deathgripped by the hair and face-raped like a cheap onahole~
Enjoying those manly groans and grunts as you're splattered with nut everywhere from your hair down to your tits~
you sound like the perfect bimbo to gag on my dick, especially when you look like that
Becoming a boat!
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Seducing your commander with your fat boat tits!
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Getting extremely lustful for Lusty..
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Holding Lusty tight and breeding her with her tits pressed between us!
All the XIV posting last thread made me wanna get back into it.
I'm looking for the anon i frothed with here
I'm going to cum all over your tits anon
I want to be a powerful heroine with a noble bloodline that becomes one of the kingdom's strongest adventurers, but I also want to secretly surrender my womb to big dicked demons and monsters. It would feel so good to let them claim my pussy with their massive cocks, treating me like their toy and filling my belly with strong monsters.
That's kinda one of my fantasies as well; super strong adventurer who can easily kill/defeat monsters but prefers to let them use her body instead
and i'd love to be a fat ugly goblin with a thick dick so i could corrupt your bloodline
Being strong enough to kill the monsters in one hit but letting them treat you like this instead~
you really like it when weaker creatures use you and degrade you, huh?
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Impregnating my boats with my thick commander cock.
If their dicks are big and virile and they aren't too ugly~ It's their right to degrade the perverted hole that willingly surrendered her noble body to them <3
Exactly. So hot.
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That woman does not look like she could handle herself in a fight
Everyone being impressed by you volunteering for so many solo expeditions, but no one noticing that every expedition you volunteer for lasts more than nine months. Sounds like heaven, respected and honored at the guild and treated like dirt in the lairs.
Not all adventureres are physically strong. Some are OP magic users. Maybe she's a powerful sorceress who can kill monsters with a single spell.

Nobody knows how she does it, but she's always able to resolve all monster problems without a fight. Certainly it's because she's so strong the monsters run away! Surely...
I'd always come back looking like I was winded from months of fighting. The monsters I was sent to fight would vanish...and be replaced by higher level monsters and their offspring. Turns out using a high level adventurer as your slave, slapping her with your cock and manhandling her like a whore is a legendary xp farm. Some monsters would try to prevent me from leaving after my expedition was finished, and I'd have to kill them no matter how well they put me in my place. Their bloodline would live on through the monsters they pumped into me <3
Personally I'd only let them impregnate me if they have a super short pregnancy time, like a week or less. Otherwise I'd just give them sex before moving on.
NTA but love short term pregnancies. A week is enough for those small monsters to grow inside a womb. That way a woman can easily let herself get filled in an adventure, stay a week hidden, give birth and then come back with no signs (except maybe milky tits)
Both have their place. Short pregnancy monsters for your unplanned adventures and long pregnancies for expeditions. Monsters with long pregnancies deserve to impregnate high level heroine pussy too.
>Get sidetracked on your herb gathering quest because you discovered monsters in the zone and let them have their way with you.
Those monsters eat those herbs! Would be mean to deprive them of their food and not give them something in return.
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I like an idea of painstakingly trying to raise my levels, only to inevitably get caught and have them drained with rape.
Repeating over and over again, never really managing to get high level enough to no longer be threatened by monsters, them just getting to take my fruits of labor, and enjoy themselves while they are at it.
I like the idea of being way stronger than the monsters, they could never defeat me, and even by being caught and impregnated repeatedly I'm still way above them. I could vanquish them in an instant but the pleasure I get from them is too much.
One could say I am effectively a slave to them since I won't ever kill them like I should, but I still could if I wanted to!
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>"Commander, please stop posting on that /GYWB/ thread I keep finding you visiting. You're scaring the shipgirls"
I rolled a die to choose a random boat and became Algerie.
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Wish I could become anon's thick voluptuous stacked Tsunade mommywife
>me when she has a dick over 10 inches
Being the commander is fun! Especially with all the boat girls who used to be anons and femanons.
My pronouns are she/them/tiddies
>tfw you will never use FDG as a hat
i need to creampie tsunade every time i need some stress relief...
These tits are exclusively for giving girldick mind blowing paizuri~
It's all fun and games until they decide their commander needs to be a bote too to deepen the connection between them.
What were some of the other options? Maybe other anons would like to roll too.
That is why i set up clear boundaries with my boats and keep them at their place.
feels good having fat boat tits on my head
You'd disappoint your botewives greatly.
Welp they can transfer to a futa commander or whatever they are into.
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Why can't I just be a hot blonde gacha slut and wear revealing clothes and expose my body to horny men and get groped publicly?
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