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/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplay Thread

Sex Ed Edition

Previous: >>73710670
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xth for ___!
Xth for!
>breathes in the new thread smell
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>Folds you.
Sleep tight, chair.
You fold as soon as someone sticks fingers up your bum.
>Grabs from behind
>Molests slightly
>Nuzzles into your hair and grinds against your butt
Night night...
Decided to join the army because I don't like being unemployed
I want money
Am I cooked?
I decided to join the military too but they wouldn't take me because I'm on meds for depression.
What country
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Can you follow directions and pass fitness tests? You'll be fine if so. You'll be housed, fed, and paid, even if you're a mouth breathing moron.
At least if you're American.
No, but you use me like a chair sometimes. Nighty-night.
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It can probably be really beneficial if you make the most of it. Money, housing, direction, structure, fitness, camaraderie, numerous options for study after or during service. Surely better than being an unemployed NEET.
You're cooked. Air Force or bust.
If Moe doesn't show up in the next 5 minutes I can't be held responsible for my actions.
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As a grunt? I mean, as long as you aren't dragged into battle, it should be decent money. I think the Navy would be better as long as you don't mind water.
I like the Space Force song. Too bad I'm on meds and couldn't join.
That sucks, I hope you're doing better now. I'm asthmatic due to allergies, so I hope they don't ignore me because of that.
Im not American, but thankfully my country is super irrelevant.
I can pass a fitness test, my biggest issue is cardio, but I'll practice a lot.
As for directions, I'm really bad at it.
>Surely better than being an unemployed NEET.
Searching for a job is horrible actually, I hate how tedious it is. This was my last resort, so I don't know what to do if I'm rejected.
That being said, you're right, it's better than doing nothing.
If you're in a smaller country, getting a job often means tapping friends and family to see if there are any openings where they work.
Endless rejections and ghosting is the absolute worst, totally feel for you there. It takes a bit of courage to shack up with the army so I hope it goes well for you, nonners. Even the attempt is admirable! Something is always better than nothing!!
They said they're moving this week.
Breathing asthmatic anon's air to trigger intense clenching at just the right time...
It sounds to me like you'll be okay if you're some irrelevant nothing country and can do okay with fitness tests. If you can work together and follow directions, and I mean really simple directions, you'll be fine. At least you'll have decent food and a place to sleep, plus usually resources to get school and stuff after.
Anon is joining the Greenlandic Self Defense Forces at exactly the wrong time
Right time you mean. America will fall to Greenland's might
Nurse. Gimme a rundown of that horse girl with the glasses (Dream Journey, I think?). If you can tonight, that is.
Sadly Greenland is only 50,000 people, 20,000 of which live in the capital Nuuk. A US vs. NATO standoff would be insane, though.
>A US vs. NATO standoff would be insane, though.
>do nothing
They can't keep getting away with it!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJP9o4BEziI [Embed]
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Post tunes?
Dragged to battle? Nah, thankfully they won't. But sometimes they send you to Israel to learn about military tactics, so... There's that. Oof.
I tried that, but it didn't worked for me. Still, I don't want to be a burden to my family and friends.
But thanks for the idea.
Thank you, you weird looking horse. I'll try regardless! And if that doesn't work... Well, I can always start drawing furry porn, lol.
>dies again...
>irrelevant country
That's the best part, and that's why my dad was so persistent about it. You get free food, a roof, a bed and money! At least that's enough to survive.
And I want to study medicine as well, so...! God I hope so.
Thanks anon.
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https://youtu.be/pxhAnz0wwDM [Embed]

Oof indeed. Good luck on your army bucks.
Good luck my dude, bear through it until the difficult becomes easy.
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Very short (144cm) despite being the cool, suave, mature, soft-spoken older sister type. Wears strong perfume.

Acts polite on the outside but is very distrustful and possibly malevolent to those she doesn't like. One of her in game stories is her trainer helping a drunk who ends up stealing his wallet. Journey could smell the dishonesty on him and ends up taking it back after her trainer left.
>Probably with uma strength, hot...

Very protective of her little sister, gets rid of those who would impede her growth or try to hold her back. Family orientated in general, so hard to get on her good side unless she takes an interest in you.
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Post characters/scenarios you want played.
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>For as much a pop idol as Elizabeth was, even she was a little behind the times on such modern lingo the emperor was awkwardly slinging. She wanted to send their Master somewhere? *Now* of all times? If anything Master should be the one sending the rest of them away! If Sei was here she would probably say this was "super grammable!" (This is an actual line), but whoever was "sent" wherever that nurse in particular should definitely not be allowed into this room unless they wanted an omelette on their hands!
N-no.. N-nooo it's coming a-ah it's coming!
>Pained cries as she entered labour, she had half-wished to have been allowed the dignity to lay it standing up! With Nero peeling away those soaked panties and Tamamo and Gudako in tandem lifting up and spreading her legs everyone would see the sopping state her pussy had been left in after Nero's assault... Would crouching down over a cushion bottomless while everyone gathered around her and watched in a circle have been more or less humiliating? They would never know, but at least currently pain and humiliation were fighting for control, her teary-eyed face bright red with shame as she pushed. Panting, groans, cries. Every "push" was followed by one of these sounds that quickly turned into the others, repeating in greater frequency the further down it went.
P-please! N-noo! I-I can't I-I don't wanna be a mom~!
>She couldn't possibly take the stage if she was sporting that bump what would her (Non-existent) fans say! But she couldn't possibly face those devotees after this either! She had been reduced from a beautiful noble, an idol without peer, to a mere egg-laying concubine.
Please! P-please~!
>Her cries became more fervent as she begged for this to be over. The sadistic blood-countess taking masochistic pleasure in her own pain as she pushed and pushed the egg now crowning as it stretched that poor pussy. Definitely bigger than a chicken's...
I-it's... It's... c-cumming~!
>She exclaimed so indecently, unable to muster the strength to cry out in that eardrum-shatteringly loud voice from before the pained pleasure took over. The egg was pushed free onto the cushion and against the two much larger "cushions" followed by soaking the former in another orgasm. It had probably looked and sounded quite painful to the rest of them but also like it had felt really good based on the lewd expression she was wearing. She had been reduced to a pervert that gets off to getting humped and laying eggs in front of innocent eyes. Hopefully Nero was happy with her newly acquired idol-shaped hump toy and that shining cum-soaked golden egg resting against her oversized boobs to keep as an ornament. And that's how Sodom's Beast-Draco was born. Probably. Maybe. That's probably what those innocent ones and the not-so innocent Illya might believe anyway.
(2/2 and end!)
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(Totes grammable. Should've snuck that in somewhere, tch... Super cute seshy!! Writing Umu's dialogue is such a treat, and Liz was mega adorbs as well. Enjoying being humped that much in front of everybody... We're all so proud of her for becoming a mother!! Especially Eliza!)
Scratching gently as Liz' horns...
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Nero's awkward lingo dropping isn't going to farm her any aura... Too bad, I got it in first my with totally useful knowledge of instagram existing in fate! A-ah really good session though! I didn't expect you to go almost immediately into the humping on the second post and dropping the line at the same time! S-super lewd though, the shameless dignified emperor doing and saying something so lewd.. Oi she didn't enjoy it willingly though! Nero was just smacking her butt so hard it felt good, that's totally all! You're absolutely evil for including that creature though and having her watch the most out of anyone other than Illya who was probably imagining doing the same thing to Miyu herself the whole time... Really fun though, It's super rare to get to do anything eggy so it's a total treat but just the humping was super kinky even if it had gone without
just dont scratch the paintjob...
I'm going to start dating someone from here. Any tips?
It did feel a little hasty, right? When I pressed their boobs together I considered doing a post of mogging, but isn't it super Nero to just dive right in without any shame or reluctance whatsoever? Like, I wanna do humpies and so we're doing it, NOW!

Turning storytime into a full blown egg laying attraction was super lewd, glad you enjoyed. I knew there was a little Eliza so she just haaad to be included as well! Ahhh, that was a lotta fun, thankies for spending the day with me Liiiiiz.
>Cradles our eggy baby. Oi, if you gave birth to a Beast the hell does that make you...

Is it me?
>Flutters eyelashes.
It might be. I haven't decided yet.
>Anons fingernail runs back and forth over the tip of Liz' horn, with just a little resistance from the ridged and keratnized layers...

Can you even feel this...?
I have expensive tastes. You better be loaded.
Nevermind then.
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>Does this to you.
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Bimbos with expensive taste only get rewarded if they can give a good sucking.
>Does this to you
The song "Put it in my Mouth" comes to mind
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I cum way more than that.
cum on me mama please
Oh yeah?
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Perhaps another day, my child.

I'd prove it but I left my ween in my other pants.
Yeah, just unexpected really! That's the best way to describe it. Like a "woah I didn't think we we're going in this deep right from the get go!" Not a criticism mind you. What the emperor wants the emperor gets pff. Definitely super lewd, just the initial pitch alone of getting pinned down and humped by Nero was lewd and embarassing enough but adding an audience super kinky, thanks a bunch for the fun time!
>Oi you were the one *acting* like a beast, she has your face! And boobs when she grows up.
>Aside from all the ridges that cross those twisted horns they were smooth to the touch! Very well-manicured and firm, she had told them to be careful but it'd likely take a mighty sword to actually damage those dragon horns! Touching the tip she can't feel anything really, but being appreciated makes her happy at least!
Well, I don't need to "feel" it to understand your appreciation at least!
Then you can't cum at all can you?
Oh woe is ye!
>Throws a used condom hard enough to pop against your face.
Liz being embarrassed and ashamed is her natural state. Word travels fast in Chaldea. The halls themselves whisper the name "Egglizabeth"...


>Takes the rubber.
>Brings it to my lips (sensually)
>Starts to blow it up like a balloon.
Your ween is in my pants. Why do you have your ween in my pants?
Does anyone want to play osrs?
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Please return it. I need that or else the nonnies will plap me.
im going to think about you and drool all over
This picture took a lot of time and effort so I'm posting it
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Do not drool on me I'm only 2 apples tall.
oh no im grooling
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Evacuate the tred, he's a grooler!!!
in my mouth mommy
Y-Yeah? Well you're... Nero Clammasher-dius? I'll sleep on it. Niniii
>Waterboarda you in all his gruel
If this is Butters I worry for your rapid change in taste.

Better give that one a few more laps around the ol' noodle. Nighty night Liz! Mwah mwah mwah!

It's bath time? Don't hog the tub, oi.
>Places my rubber ducky upon the water's surface.
She's so elegant...
im getting desperate
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZuifkacZ0TA [Embed]
You could always try and RP. 's worked pretty well for me.
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No it isn't, because you're taken.
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i am practicing still
can i see them just once for motivation
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I-I'm seeing double? Four Hong Lu?!?

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It's like an SCP. The more you tell me not to post him, the more show up.
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We used that attack~! You know...
>Fwoosh! Genei Jin! You'll be opened up no matter what now!
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Ain't happening. Stop asking. Explode.

Really tryin' to prove you're not an old man, aren't cha. Must be up and hopping around if you've got the energy to try and flirt.

Mhm, that's super cool, honey. You're so handsome~
>Has no idea what that means but nods along anyway.
fucking fuck
You'll get em next time. Trust.
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Aha, thank you! Compliments from you really mean a lot, you know...?
>Hair flip! Sparkle!
>...Is probably going to have to explain it later. It's important information! I'll scribble it in the note I put in your cleavage!
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Good news: I've recovered! As it turns out, there's nurses in the world that want to heal you instead of drain you when they put their hands on you.
What, did you miss the flirting that much? If you say pretty please, I'll tell you how good your hair looks today.
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Belieb in the you that beliebs in yourself.
can you give me a different kind of motivation
Uoohhh, Zeta's so sweet!!! When are we getting married???

>Dies from the sparkle.
>There's so many notes in there by now. I'd pull 'em out but going about my day with them makes me feel like you're here with me...

Hah? How are they even nurses at all? Do you even know who you're talking to right now?
>Covers your ears.
Guess who!
I want to see buttershakes get his ass beat and cucked by an ava called "meat sweats," possibly with an ava called "milk fat" or something similar
stop thinking please
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...Ah...She fainted...I'll have to give her mouth to mouth to revive her...!
>With the rate that I'm filling the notes up at, I'm probably going to need to replace it with a small notebook...Plus, I found a super secret character yesterday I'm going to use against you later...Call me during the day if you ever end up missing me too much, silly!
you're not the boss of me, buttershakes
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I offer you... wiggles.

When you let me post my second Reisen x Tewi bonus content... And after you sign the marriage papers. And accept the proposal ring I'll get for you... It's a cock ring, by the way... Then we can start planning.
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>Winces when you reach your hands in my direction.
No please not the collar agai--
Oh. It's Hors, of course. Sister to Nors, winner of ten olympic run fast medals, and world record fitter in the smallest bottle. You're a legend.
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W-w-wha?! What do you mean found one! Oi! OI! Ghuuu....

I-If I hadn't been playing all day... Y-you sure that cock ring's the right size? I'm pretty thick down there, a-and it gets bigger the hornier I am! C-can't go breaking Zeta's precious engagement ring...

That's a sufficient level of praise. Hors is young enough to be daughter to Nors though, so you lose points. You're supposed to lay it on real thick when talking to a bonehead like Golshi!!!
>Alright stop it with the Hong Lu I'm getting re-horny...
Yeah, he aint the boss of ya because /I am/!!
>Puts him in the butler uniform.
I'm only referring to you as Lycaon from now on until you finally become my dog.
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She has an absurdly fat ass in her official art, and she has high heels. I'm only giving you a hint instead of posting her because even looking at her activates me. Plus, I wanna take you by surprise and see your reaction. Pray for the state of your dick when the time comes...
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Daughter? No, Nors is as spry as a spring chicken. She can't be older than 20. You can't convince me such a natural beauty is of mature age.
Change back to Hors so I can make the "laying something thick on you" joke. If I do it while the 'wi is out, I'll get looks again.
>Continues posting Hung Lo. You can't stop me.
Tsk... fine... Anyway, it's an adjustable cock ring... don't worry too much about that. So even if it does get bigger... well, you know, it'll fit~ Always will~ Therefore, you won't break it so easily. Though, in the freak event that you do, hmm... We'll cross that bridge when we get there.
Tch, you're still in cockslut mode! The hell's wrong with you!? I wanna see her really fucking badly but don't show me!

There she is, second from the right.
>The 'wi is watching from afar.
No more OCs, huh? I /had/ been thinking about a scene where I'm cuffed on the couch and you're grinding on my leg in front of the television. You know I'd love to talk my way out of being tied up. I'll assure you it's not because I want to cum inside you again, but I'll probably also insist it's what you want. Does holding me back sound like a nice idea? Or I could think of something more suited to Lyacon's character.
In the freak event that I do Zeta'll be so impressed that she'll play everyone's favourite girlfailure and heal my weenie with her throat! That's what she means, right?!
>Wiggles eyebrows (sexily).
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Looking at her puts me in that mode...Forcing a dick on you whether or not you want it so I can forcefully drain it dry...I'm probably going to pause the carefully laid plans I was going to choose from tomorrow and throw her at you. I just need to figure out the right context to put her in...Maybe a school setting again, or an office setting...
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...I'm good, actually. I had a sudden change of heart. Crude jokes aren't funny.
>Pats little Hors on the head.
Aren't you just the cutest human/animal hybrid around? There's not a single other kid with animal features around that I can think of that's this cute.
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>No more OCs, huh?
Don't misunderstand, I still /heavily/ prefer OCs and building my own settings/scenes.

>Does holding me back sound like a nice idea?
This sounds like a nice idea because you cooked it up yourself and its what you genuinely desire! That's all I'm really interested in playing out.

>Or I could think of something more suited to Lyacon's character.
Why'd you offer him if you don't wanna play him... are you torturing me!? Is this torture!? What have I done to deserve this!?!
>Ignores the mounts of characters and RPs she has forgotten about and neglected. Fickle...
You /will/ play Lycaon for me, first! Then I'll do whatever RP you wanna suggest. Even if it's that ocean one because it was genuinely interesting...

But if you are going to dangle out my husbando, you better show some follow through! Also, who would you wanna pair with him? Jane or Rina? Those are your only two options.
Hmm if you break it, maybe! Well, after you compensate me for the breaking the ring to begin with... Then I'll think about heal your swollen, throbbing ween with my mouth and throat.
Also, very rude!
>Unrizzed by those eyebrow wiggles --> Effect: -50 to Relationship points.
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Guohhh.... I-I'll be ready... I'll stay away from the tred all day and come on with maximum power! Not Golshi then I suppose...

Ah, you're becoming well behaved on your own! That's called maturity!
>Little Hors is now a tree. Please stroke her branches.
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Golshi...Hmm...Keheheh...No, I think Golshi could work, actually! I'm gonna go with the angle of her being Golshi's trainer. Perfect, perfect, perfect! Thanks for the idea, Guinea Ship! This is why I basically force you to get drained against your will!!!
H-hey! Frankie's a perfect example of a mid 20s girlfailure! Don't act like getting hung enough to break that cockring wouldn't make your throat itch and your knees wanna bend and crouch down! Grrr!!
>M-minus 50! N-nyo way...
>Hops on a stool and then on another, slightly taller stool, so Tewi can push her bulge into Zeta's face.
T-this'll get me a point back... right? It's really big and stinky...

What the hell... Golshi's just gonna be your cum cow... I have to act silly while being milked and emptied by your dumb, stuffy pussy...
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Oh no - if I become too mature, Nurse won't think I'm attractive anymore. I have to revert to my younger years, or I'm done for!!
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Golshi my meatdildo cum cow...I'm sure you'll be able to act silly while I'm milking your fifth load of the day out of you, right...?
...Though I'll have my mystery girl be a little more submissive since it fits. You're lucky! Slightly.
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>Nurse won't think I'm attractive anymore.
You might wanna sit down for this one, big guy.

Tch, just be nice to her balls and everything's forgiven. She likes them getting massaged during blowies, or jammed between our fat asses while doing reverse doggy...
Post your last saved image
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Balls, huh...? Okay, maybe a lipstick mark or two on each of 'em after the tenth load, juuuuuust to be nice. Maybe some licks, too...And some cheekrubs...and some breaths against 'em...and a few fingers trailing over 'em...
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Yes? Please tell me.
>Sits down, cocking his head with the most innocent smile you've ever seen. Surely, you wouldn't break that frail heart by saying something hurtful.
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Kiss marks are magic charms to help balls refill! Super effective! Especially when you put the lipstick on in front of me and really pop your lips a few times before getting down there!

>Loses nerve.
>Sinks into the ground.
Sunken ship.
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Saved this before finding it later on xitter
>Puts out a salt lick
Okay princess. Sorry for the late reply. I'll play Lyacon for you sometime on sunday. Is that good? I'm down to brainstorm more later this evening.
I'm glad you liked it
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>Grabs it with one of my many tentacles.
Did I say salt lick? I meant salty dick.
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へー...And here I was, just thinkin' of doing an assjob or doing doggystyle...Looks like I'll have to get my mouth ready for tomorrow, too. Looking forward to it! I'll bring some really thick lipstick so that it leaves marks that don't wash off easily!
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Yay. I'm glad Nurse is in deeply love with me.

What're you on about! She is definitely not a girlfailure of any kind! And maybe I might want to do just that...
>Keep stuttering and watch those numbers drop even faster, weeny...
>Bulge gets pushed against her face.
...Is it now?
>She'd give it an unimpressed look for a few moments... Before simultaneously gripping and lifting her skirt, while lowering whatever undergarments the smol bunny girl has, letting that bulge loose. She'd then wince a moment, getting hit with Tewi's musky smell, and soon refocusing her attention to its throbbing self
Hm, we'll see. I need a taste test, first.
>With that, she quickly opens up her mouth and shoots her tongue out, licking and lapping that shaft from tip to base as best she could, getting its entire length glistening in a sheen of her spit. From there, she'd glance over it one more time and nod in approval. Without much other input, the redhead licks her lips, gives a devious smile, then engulfs that tip inside of her plush lips. Of course, her pink muscle didn't have enough, teasing that dick's slitted opening, drilling down against it over and over again. Meanwhile, both her hands reached out, with one doing its best to grip onto Tewi's cock's slippery, slimy surface as the other cupped and hefted the smol girl's large, sperm-producing sacs. And once they settled down, the hand wrapped around the shaft began to furiously jerk it off, pumping that hung penis as fast and as best it could, occasionally giving it loving squeezes. The other hand simply fondled and lightly massaged those weighted balls.
Mmm... Mwah... Haah~! Mwah..~
>As for her mouth? She'd sloppily makeout with Tewi's tip, repeatedly popping her lips off, feeling and seeing the bridges of saliva connecting the pair to one another, then watching them break, only to smush her lips against that cockhead and take it in. She'd continue this sort of play for a while before stopping and pulling away entirely.
Phew...~ Okay, you can have a single point back~
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D-doggy sounds nice... If you've got a big, jiggly ass it'll give me the perfect view. Haaaaa, staring over your own tits to see your cock buried in your trainer's cunt while you spank her wobblemeat... only a futa uma musume can know such joys!

Don't say it so loud... people are gonna think you're serious... tch.
>Okay princess.
W~ow! Yaay!!

>Sorry for the late reply.
Not to worry! I need to wrap things up here myself.

>I'll play Lyacon for you sometime on sunday.
Ugh... the next two weekends I'm gonna be busy. Wait... I don't even know why I'm making plans because I'm gonna be at a convention from the 20th to the 23rd and I'll be prepping before then...

Uhh... I truly cherish your friendship and you have the patience of a saint? Your habit looks /especially/ flattering and wrinkle free! Did you steam it or—
(Sorry that I always seem to have excuses... this isn't intentional... waaahhh...)
Boo! Only poking my nose in for a bit.
It's hot, it's rough, and it reminds me I need to get my hands on Honshou (Or is it C.C?) to continue our session.
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C'mon, with everything you've been telling me on Discord? All those sweet goodnight messages? Those 3 AM voicemails you keep leaving? Isn't it about time we made it official and told everyone the truth of how I really broke my back? I'll never forget that night you showed up at my door...
I've always wanted to FUCK a kyoshi warrior, anally, with her ass covered in their white face paint.
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H-hey, you forgot to add how Tewi squealed and came after like 5 seconds of sloppy toppy and gentle ball fondling....
I-I needa go to bed after that, or I'll get pulled in... l-late night Zeta is as scawy as ever... n-niiighty niiight.
>Dies again.
>Total score: -49

Tewi showed up at your door and broke your back. With a metal bat. She'll do it again after such an abhorrent post.
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Doggy, and then lipstick marks all over the balls that managed to shoot out so much cum afterwards...Uwah, spanks, too? Perfect...
Go to bed! The sooner you wake up, the sooner I can forcefully drain you dry when I wake up!
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Goodnight, darling! I love you too.
Who wouldn't? Female warrior, lovely face paint, fit body, tight ass. Ja, ja, I could play one for you!
You say this once nors leaves
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>Watches Tewi dying.
>-20 Points.
Well, aren't you a quickshot~? Wait, I knew that already. Either way, such an easy one to make climax...
>Watches her die again.
>-21 Points.
Well, have yourself a good night, then, Nors... and don't me scawy... I'm not scawy... Nighty night, tho!
>Total score: -90
Kyoshi warrior making me into a geisha (male)
can't fuck nors in the ass with a giant strap
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>*erotically roleplays erotic roleplay with you*
Tight ass, tight holes, thigh grabbing tit-fucking goodness. Doing a "finger" painting with my dick when it's all done. In a few days if you're free?
I assume you mean I'm getting destroyed, which yes. If you're the one getting destroyed, yes again.
>I like futa no matter who's getting fucked. Sue me.
Kyoshi warrior making you into an adorable geisha, sharing their makeup, gifting you fine silk robes, pinning your ankles behind your head as she obliterates your once tight ass?
>With a real or fake penis, the image is hot no matter what!
Hmm~m. Like it. I should be! I can make a quick random "Kyoshi warrior" folder by then.
>It's probably going to be all Suki.
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If her tits are that sweaty, imagine how much sweat and smell there has to be trapped underneath that skintight outfit.
Like, between her thighs or something. Just as an example. Something to think about. Philosophical.
Sweaty pussy taste disgusting wtf are you on about??? Fucking virgin city in this bitch.
We're posting NTR right now?
Yesyes, all of those things!
Either phallus good too!
Factoring in the work she does, and the "work" she'll probably do if paid well enough, I'd say there'd be a rather copious amount of sweat pooled up just beneath the surface of her outfit, soaking through rather well. As for the smell? Perhaps a bit tangy or sour? Certainly anything but sweet.
And it'd certainly be far more concentrated between her thighs, I must say. Thank ye for the example and the thought.
I can't fucking wait. See ya~
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The ghost of christmas past.
Good, goood! Probably go with a strap~on for a change of pace. Hopefully I'll be seeing you, and your cute behind, in the near future!
>Pegging's back on the menu boys.
See ya so~on, anon!
>Time for me to make a hasty retreat.
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That's, like, your opinion, man. Some people swear by eating ass while I think that tastes weird, so who knows?

Why not? Nothing wrong with it.

Always happy to spend a few long minutes in thought about her peeling her uniform off after a long day and laying back on her bed. Knees slightly parted and hanging off the bed, giving anyone who walks in a clear view of her panties that are so soaked through they might as well not exist at all-
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A fan of the slower type of stripping I see. Enjoying the thought of each article of clothing, with all its drenched stickiness, gradually getting pulled off of her does have its charm. Probably in the same vein as watching those steamy scent clouds puffing out of her outfit as she peels it away. Likewise, imagine the cameltoe she's sure to have after settling down on her bed and as she does so, pulling up her already tight panties further upwards. Hm hm.
Pookie doesn't have time for me, huh? Going to have fun at your convention? With your real friends? Hmm? But I could do another day maybe or just wait, but I can't chat reliability until around 6 hours from now.
Mauling-rape, I wanna be ambushed and ruined out of nowhere on a simple jog.
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Pulled so tight upwards that the little bit of fabric that's there is entirely engulfed between her lips, as if she's not wearing anything at all. Poor thing, she's too tired from work to even properly undress and shower - surely someone who happens to come across her like that would help her take the rest of her outfit off.
Maybe even take care of the sweat dripping between her cleavage and her thighs. They probably wouldn't be carrying any kind of towel though, so their tongue would have to do, lapping all over her perfect porcelain skin.
How can you find this arousing
>Wakes up with a cat-like stretch
Ngh~ Good morning, perverts.
>Starts petting
Wooahh! Bigggg stretch!
What are you on the hunt for?
Her underwear would simply end up being a thin line poking and running through from both the top and bottom of her womanhood, making those lower lips that much puffier visually. And being too tired to clean and dress herself properly, obviously she'd position herself in a place where some good Samaritan will come to her aid, even tempting them with a seductively sweet voice, and the promise of a good time.
For example, getting to fondle her breasts while taking off that already suggestive top. Or squeezing her plump thighs and behind as they're loosening and pulling down her tights and underwear. Once her sweaty, glistening body's fully laid bare, then they can start cleaning every last drop of sweat from her body with their tongue. Going through every last inch of her goddess-like body until not a bead of salty sweat's left behind, especially from between her legs.
>Mews happily, arching their back and wiggling under those affectionate pets.
>Mmmm~ just lurking. It's going to be a long day for me so I thought I'd just gaze at you all doing your thing for a while.
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Some would say she's doing it on purpose, laying back and pretending to be too tired to move so someone will come take advantage of her - but look at her. That innocent face could never dream up such a scheme.
If she ends up getting groped, and squeezed, and pinched, and gently bitten, then that surely wasn't her intention at all. She's just happy for the help in getting undressed, not some slut that wants someone's fingers to dig deep into the soft flesh of her ass and chest. So deep and soft that you can almost sink your entire hand into them...
It'd be a waste to -not- take the reward, right? I mean, it's implied if she lays there, completely naked and panting, that your reward should be to get on top of her and press your tongue into her mouth. That makes sense.
>Pookie doesn't have time for me, huh? Going to have fun at your convention? With your real friends? Hmm?
Yes! I'm having /so much fun/ without you! Makes ya mad, doesn't it~? I bet you'll wanna really punish me for being so fickle, useless, and free~! Get all /angry/ and punish mee~ fufuu!!

>But I could do another day maybe or just wait
Lets wait. I don't wanna make a promise and then I end up having to reschedule. I'm gonna be less active in the thread, so I don't give you the wrong impression.

>I can't chat reliability until around 6 hours from now.
Its alright, maybe it's best if we don't discuss it until we know for sure we can play relatively soonish? But when the time comes, you can build your sundae with whatever you want! As long as you play Lycaon, I'll grant your every wish!
I kinda like NTR when the GF gets raped but she's forced to like it and wrap her legs around the complete stranger while the boyfriend is off in another room close by, clueless.
Of course she wouldn't be doing it on purpose, since all she'd want is to have someone take off that outfit of hers. Though, the manner in which they do that is something she wouldn't particularly care for. In fact, she'd probably encourage them to take their time and undress her in whatever way they deem most fit.
So if having her body played with, or having her most sensitive areas poked and prodded at is how her volunteer chooses to operate, who is she to deny them? After all, her nipples getting rolled around between someone's fingers, or her quivering, engorged clit peeking out from underneath its hood and getting grazed and massaged by their fingers, or having both her massive tits and well-rounded ass being splayed, gripped onto, and sunk into by explorative hands, is something out of her control.
Pressing your pink muscle into hers as you both exchange saliva, having your head smushed between her thighs or breasts, or simply being held tightly on top of her with either her hand or her leg teasing your crotch the whole time, rubbing it up and down until you're set to blow. It'd be a fantastic reward to be offered and received..
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I like reverse NTR, does reverse NTR count?
no, only inverse NTR
Feliz jueves!
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Ehhh, that's just lame.
Avas you want to see tonight?
Yeah yeah yeah. Have fun at your convention ya stinkin furry. Fucking dudes dressed in carpet with their dicks painted red ain't my bang. If you want to put some cherry lipstick on though, I can always fulfill the latter half of that criteria, Pookie. You have a nice day.
>pats and scritchies for the lurker an a lil bit a squooze
>Eyes blink rapidly under those pats and scritches, weaving between anon's legs before flopping over onto their side with a big lazy slap of their tail.
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HSKW. Toji.
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Don't threaten me... I'll dig deep into my furry roots and uwu post at you! And you'll /still/ cum while you call me cringe and annoying~ :3

>Fucking dudes dressed in carpet with their dicks painted red ain't my bag
I'm attending an anime convention this month... anthrocon is in July!! And don't you worry your little head, my cosplays will be just as cringe as wearing a mascot head! I'll be Velvette from Hazbin for one of the days!

>Notes his request for cherry lipstick.

Have a nice one, Double!
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https://youtu.be/zZdVwTjUtjg [Embed]
Oh yeah, I heard a Lady Gaga song that reminded me of Vel. It was Swine. She was in one of the TV shows I mentioned (AHS) if I can further tempt you into watching. Toodles for now.
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At that point, when our bodies are intertwined - one of her legs wrapped around mine and by arms around her waist grabbing at her ass - is it really surprising that it'd slip in? At what point my pants become undone, and my cock smacked out against her sweat-and-spit stained stomach isn't really clear, nor is anything when we're both grabbing and pinching at anything that we can manage to grab hold of.
The combined smell of her and my sweat, lust and pre, as well as the taste of her spit mixing in my mouth is enough to make anyone lose track of time and where they are - let alone what they're doing.
Maybe, at some point, her folds are pushed open by something soft and slick. Maybe more of it is shoved in, with need, with greed, as there's more taken than is given. Normally, there'd be a price for something like this, but it's already happening. Hot, sticky breath on her skin, my lips desperately trying to find hers again in the haze - finding her neck, her jaw, her cheek, peppering them all with kisses before finally, finally locking lips again to muffle our moans as I thrust all the way in.

Of course, that's all just hypothetical. Something to think about, you know?
I'll be pondering it, but I have to get going to a doctor's appointment. Back's still killing me.
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That's a squid!
Looks like she's gonna slap my balls and then tell me 'nice balls, bro."
Oh, hi! I'm the same person actually, that anon was onto something. What's up?
Sharing my favorite goth girl
It wouldn't be surprising in the slightest. Frankly, it'd be surprising if nothing would end up slipping in. To that end, she may or may not have slyly unbuttoned your pants and undergarments while you were distracted with, well, everything else. And it'd only take one hand to do. Her other hand would busy itself stroking your hair, caressing your cheek, or simply raking itself up and down your back while her own body trembles in delight with every touch.
That would be quite fair, since both parties would end up far too enamored and involved with exploring and claiming every part of their respective partner's bodies.
And as those flower petals part for their guest, one can imagine how the warm, velvety, welcoming insides of her love tunnel take each and every inch of that "soft and slick" something within its confines. It'd squeeze gently around it, enticing to move in further, before repeating its past action once more. All the while her lips unleash a torrent of soft, breathy moans, her legs taking this opportunity to lift and lock around your waist in an energetic, delighted matter. And before long, shaking her hips lightly as that long-awaited object finished sheathing within her most precious place.

But yes, all of it's nothing more than a thought, a hypothetical, as you say.
Good luck with the appointment, and hope you can get that back issue addressed with proper and permanent solutions.
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>another slap
>AND another one
Oh! Lucky thing! :nyomnyom:
>wave wave
Sorry for the other day, I was feeling pretty tired, personal stuff & all, thankfully everything's fine by now.
That being said, I hope you're doing great! Mnyes, mnyes! Ahh! I wanted to ask: are you free this Saturday? I was going to ask for today, but I'll connect a little bit too late for that, and I don't want to keep you waiting!! ª!
I don't exactly know who that is, but her turquoise lipstick was built to be smeared sloppy-style. Either over someone's body, or into the dirt while she's being rubbed-out by someone. Who is she? She cute...
A bit of an obscure reference now, but Kylee from the short-lived cartoon Extreme Ghostbusters.
Frog nun at perfect standing blowjob height for tall nun
>accidentally an entire horsecock
Everything's better now? Well I'm glad to hear it! I was disappointed I got to miss out on fun stuff with you but if the situation calls for that kind of move I can't complain about it, I totally understand so no apologies needed.
I actually am totally free on Saturday if you wanna reschedule our wrestling-slobberknocker to then, yeah! Before noon, let's shoot for again? I'm very excited for it. I love your work and seeing your comment about sexy hands and claws really lets me know we're on the same wavelength. Fortune's default outfit is so lewd, I just have to comment on it too while we're here. Bare pits, bare hands, bare feet-
>Takes a deep breath.
Yeah, Saturday definitely works for me if you're down too.
She's a cutie patootie, for sure. Gloss lipstick like that is lewd!
IKR! Leaving glossy black little kiss marks on some large throbbing cock is heavenly. The way her mascara runs a little from the teary irritation from deep-throating a mean dick...beautiful
Do we have any EU avas?
I've remembered about yet another girl from persona 4. What I like about Yukiko is her more "realistic" facial features, meaning that she doesn't look like a separate racially ambiguous kind of anime girl, but really asian. I don't know how to explain it, but my inner measurehead tells me so. I don't particularly like very skinny girls, but she totally owns it.
Not, but I do admire her skills.
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Tomorrow is Fuuka Friday. Please look at my wife.
No can do boy, I have better persona girls to look after
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Shark play!
Your wife has a pretty nice ass. Kudos
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More for me to enjoy!

Her ass was built to get groped and spanked.
>[ELECTROCHEMISTRY: success] even through the screen of your phone you can feel the potent smell and body heat of a virgin teenage girl. Marvellous, comforting, fluffy feeling fills your chest
She isn't my favorite Persona girl but she is certainly a looker, the perfect kind of girl for NTR. You could even manipulate her into doing it for you!

Wait, are we really on /ERP/? I could have sworn we were on /NTR/

The only one that I have seen make more than one NTR play was Hotaru, both with Sumireko and Koishi
>SMT and SMT accessories
>not fucking cougars and/or monsters
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Very busy today. I’ll be around later tonight. Good luck with work. Oh, and I’ll have a tune review later.
What a week, huh?
>pic 4 (You)!
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Fuuka: Are... you okay? You've been staring at my butt for the past five minutes...

She's not many people's favorite, but she's mine! Sweet and earnest, if a bit clumsy. I bet she'd be weak to anal, but more like how Zee is weak to anal rather than how Mitsuru is. She'd be pretty fun in an NTR scene too, with how much of a pushover she can be.

Hey, wait, Fuuka would never cheat on me!! She's a good girl and she's waiting for marriage! Blowjobs, outercourse and anal don't count, though.

But really, I just wanted to gauge interest. I haven't seen too many Persona faces here, so I figure I'd throw my favorite in the mix.
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>[RHETORIC: failure] okay anon, she looks meek enough to not report you to the police as an old creepy male that gushes over schoolgirls. Be brutal and forward like a chop with a cleaver!
Because your small ass looks lonely without my dick in it babe. And it definitely worth looking at
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Well said, son of man.
...But our alignments may differ since I want to fuck a lot of the humanoid demons.

>I just wanted to gauge interest.
I'm sure there's a bunch of people that'd love her! P3's pretty popular. My heart lies with all of the Akihiko x Mitsuru art, though...
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Fuuka: I... what? Anon, I don't think that's okay. There are steps to these kinds of things, like going on a date, and a thorough blowjob...

I hope so! But I'd be happy playing a lot of Persona girls too. Naoto's my Persona 4 favorite, though I could probably play Chie and Rise too, for example.
I think Fuuka is fun because I don't ship her really hard, like with Akihiko x Mitsuru which is a no-brainer. Likewise, Aigis has to be with Makoto or Hamuko, and Yukari... well, I could totally see her slutting out to console herself after the Promised Day.
>Anal doesn't count
Even though she obviously loves it? Maybe telling her that those things don't count ended up morphing her sexuality; don't be surprised if she starts moaning everytime a dick enters her mouth
So is this Salome or someone new?
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To be free of shipping thoughts...You're so lucky...
Fuuka's definitely a cutie, though! I've
just never thought about her sexually...Probably because she's a cinnamon roll and because I'm pure as heck. Aigis is cute, too! Her interactions with Ryoji are funny...A flirt like him would probably be fun to play with one of these days. Hamuko...Uwah, I love the art with her and Shinjiro a bunch...Tch, I'll never forgive P3R for not giving us her again...!!!
...A-Ahem, anyways! Yes! Good luck!
Humanoid demons are good too.
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>Anon stands flabbergasted, shocked from his unexpected success.
>[PERSUATION: success] Well, she's all set. You can lay her out like a deck of cards on the pavement in a back alley, or you can ask for her cute little girly room. She's a puppet you can make dance the quadrille, but for good measure, ask her another question
>[EMPATHY: failure] ask her if it's okay for her to date a man so much older than her. It's not grooming if the girl likes you and it's not rape if she liked it.
A date? You're making me blush, girl! Do you really mind going on a date with an old man like me, you're young enough to be my daughter.
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I have been spending the past 9 hours deep in thought about this reply. If you say I fell asleep before your reply, I’ll deny it. Thanks, Nurse. I’ll have something soon to approach you with, I’m sure.
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Isn't that the best part? Seeing someone so ditzy and adorable gradually get lewder and sluttier, and she doesn't even realize how wrong it is! Just a few months in and she'll start kneeling whenever she hears someone unzip!

Am I that obvious......

Shipping is at least 50% of fandom, if not more...!
>because I'm pure as heck
Uh huh... Totally... I'm just a bit biased for her since she was my first ever Persona fave. All the new Fuuka memes just make it even better, but I'll always have her old, deadpan voice acting in my heart...
Aigis is super great. She's probably my actual top top favorite, but I strongly believe she belongs with Door-kun in anything like this, so I can't even see her as a waifu.
Also Hamuko and Shinji are precious!! He's my favorite P3 male—something about the gruff, earnest, self-sacrificial type is so alluring to me. I could fix him... if P3R was the comprehensive game including the P3P routes it should have been. Grrr.
Ah, but yes, thank you!

Fuuka: Y-You want to go on a date with me? I don't think students should engage in those kinds of relationships... Maybe we can start as friends...?
You've been here the whole week as a file.png/jpg poster and talked about ntr, it was kind of obvious.
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My brother in Law/Neutral/Chaos...

Hey, hey! I'll need a bit, but I'm free to continue if you are!

W-What's with that disbelief...I haven't said a single perverted thing this mon...this wee...toda...in my post so far!
Aigis really is great...I played her a bit in the fighting games and PQ/2. She's such a dependable tank in the latter! Hearing her であります is one of the cutest things ever! Door-kun's lap pillow...I totally get that ship, 100%. Honestly, it's got a bunch of cute potential...I always knew you had a good head on your shoulders...
>He's my favorite P3 male—something about the gruff, earnest, self-sacrificial type is so alluring to me.
Right??? Oh my god, I love him! I love him opposite of Hamuko since genki girl opposite of a stoic guy like him is just peak...She even teases him a little in PQ2, kyah! I gotta write as him opposite of her one day!!!
Honk mi mi mi - Toji thinking noises
Yukari on a train
Yukari on a train
Yukari on a
on a
>[RHETORIC: success] wait, who says friends can't have sex? There is no law that prohibits bodily intimacy between two friends. Check with her.
Since you're so unavailable, let's be friends first. I'm willing to tolerate blowjobs without handholding and eye contact and anal without making out for a while.
Hey, hey. Take whatever time you need. I got all day.
I sleep like this and look like this.
You've never been stealthy in your entire life.
One and she Brexited.
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I'm getting too obvious... I'd better change up my methods!

Your track record speaks for itself, 相棒... Your lust hangs around you like a demon!
She was my main in the fighting games, almost entirely because I wanted to see her doing cool things on the screen. Also, I remember looking up guides to make sure that I got Aigis in the wedding scene for PQ... She has to be with Door-kun...! I watched a friend play through P3R recently, and I had to hold back from just bawling at the end...
And yeah, they're basically made for each other! I can imagine a dozen scenarios in my head already for a scene with them... You should write that with me sometime! Sometime!! For now though, I hope you and Tojii get up to a bunch of fun~

Fuuka: I suppose that's only fair... Okay then! As long as you promise not to hold my hands or kiss me, I don't mind. I'm sure those activities will burn a lot of energy, though, so... would you mind if I cooked lunch for us when we do that together?
>You've got a bad feeling about this...

That can't be true...! I'm a master of disguise...!! Nobody can tell it's me when I'm femanon...!!!
Silver but they're MIA for months
Aqua but same deal as Silver
I think the new Arknights poster is also EU
You're the only femanon nowadays. It's always you. The sound of your wobble cakes slapping together alerts the entire thread.
Fuuka x Mitsuru x Aigis…

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