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E1A edish
https://youtu.be/FznBe380XSU [Embed]
気持ちはタリバン subedish
age for my djt bros
wheres jamal? missing that lil nigga like u wouldnt believe
ill be honest ive started liking him more after he stopped responding to literally every one of my posts making fun of the stuff i would say
ive never felt this way about someone on djt before but its more fun responding to him knowing he wont give you crap for it
more like buckbroken am i right jamel bros?
ive always been a fan of jamal i just think this latest crashout of his is making him look bad
i used to rule the world
shut up nigger
last emperor of china?
seas would rise when you gave the word
if i could be 1 person in history it would be augustus nigga was mega based
i'd be some random landowner with few responsibilities but with a lot of sexual access to women
id be my dad so i dont leave me
isn't that the point of daydreaming
i'd be a european colonialist and impregnate multiple natives in south america or something
peacetime chinese emperor for me
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z45xGGTo3J0 [Embed]
wanna learn to play the piano but im worried about spending 500+ on a keyboard and then giving up
i would love to learn to play the piano but my wrists can't take it
lay off the bbc handjobs bro
that wasn't me that was mlen
one of my best friends is a professional keyboard player but he's classically trained too guess i could ask him for tips but id rather just learn it without anyone knowing
>professional keyboard player
lol discount pianist
piano is boring
keyboards are cool
keyboards are for niggers
he played in front of 60k people last summer
keyboarders invented the very software you're using to share your thoughts and feelings on 4chan
i miss jamal
if jamal were here he'd get this thread back on track. seethecel made this place inhospitable to kind souls like him
i love sourdough
don't remember having any
is he a dj nigger? lol
tastes the way it looks, like shit
we arent talking about your moms snatch
no he's the keyboardist in a band
you sound poor so i doubt youve eaten any
my mom makes sourdough and all kinds of other breads its great
is your mom cute
>you sound poor so i doubt youve eaten literal slave food
i hate poor "people"
because they are disgusting low iq mentally ill and smell like piss?
a lot of them arent those things
sure but 100% of them are trash. you dont have to be rich but if you are poor something is very wrong with you
i think you should kys you sound like a piece of shit
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bruh thats crazy
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poor "people" do drugs shoplift loiter in public spaces scream and menace randoms shit on the streets and rob stores shooting up anyone around when they run out of drug money. pretty clear who should kill themselves. you can go next after them
9/10 of poor people dont do any of that as i said kys piece of shit
the statistics are out there you retarded worthless sack of shit
excreting them from ur seething bunghole doesnt make them "out there"
>i will not look up facts and keep running my mouth
yeah ok whatever. kill yourself
>poor "people" do drugs shoplift loiter in public spaces scream and menace randoms shit on the streets and rob stores shooting up anyone around when they run out of drug money.
so just to clarify you are claiming that more than 10% of poor people engage in this behavior lol
i will not be clarifying anything because you are evidently retarded and feral to boot. eat a bullet
concession accepted
bullet. eat it
seethe lol
how do you end up like iqnigger
be a loser that has achieved nothing in life save for achieving a high score on a pointless test that u now cling to for dear life
trash sympathizers can die along with trash. you are a nuisance
woke up this morning got yourself some seethe
seethe a day keeps the pussy away
okay here. now jump off a bridge
>In the U.S., 51.3% of murders happen in high-poverty zones
>The Brookings Institute found nearly half of U.S. prisoners grew up in the bottom 20% of income—think ZIP codes like Nashville’s 37208, where 14% of folks end up caged
>adults aged 26 or older living below the poverty line were twice as likely to experience serious mental illness (SMI) than those above it—7.5% vs. 3.1%
>a study tracked over 600,000 people in Sweden and found childhood poverty tripled the odds of drug-related crimes by young adulthood
>Oklahoma’s 2020 domestic violence rate was 6.8 per 1,000—50% above the national average—tied to its bottom-10 median income
>Philly’s poorest ZIP codes—like North Philly-East at $17,016 median income—account for a third of its homicides since 2013
>China’s data (PMC) shows higher arrest-to-conviction rates cut homicides—except in poor migrant zones, where crime’s five to six times worse than locals’
>People in the lowest 20% of income are 2-3 times more likely to develop mental health problems than those in the highest 20%, per the Mental Health Foundation’s data
>a study tracked 634,284 individuals in Sweden and found that those exposed to poverty early in life had a significantly higher risk of drug use disorders and drug-related crimes in young adulthood
>People earning less than $20,000 annually are 3 times more likely to have a heroin addiction compared to those earning $50,000+
>In 2018, Missouri’s poverty rate was 13.2%, and nearly 400,000 residents struggled with substance use disorders, with St. Louis (poverty rate ~22%) having the highest drug death rates in the state (Sana Lake)
doesnt negate the fact that 9/10 of poor people dont do any of that stuff but nice seethe

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6AdW2A9TTIQ [Embed]
need to finish golden kamuy
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seethecel needs to take a few bong hits and chill da fuk out
importing gorillas sounds like a good idea now dont it
leave your racism in jp
not racism niggers are a different species
that's flat out wrong moron. the NSDUH shows 26.7% of adults below the poverty line have mental illness and 21.4% are druggies. 47% of prisoners come from the bottom 20% SES and that’s just the caught ones. 15-20% of poor urban residents report committing or being arrested for crimes yearly. kids from the poorest U.S. families are 7x more likely to be convicted of violent crimes by adolescence. lifetime criminality among the poor isn’t a 1 in 10 it's a coin flip
i dont like poor people because they look bad, smell bad, ask me for money and make walking around american downtowns uncomfy
simple as
niggas think poor ppl means hobos
honorary hobo vs hobo big difference lol
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-j3rL4QkUm0 [Embed]
holy fucking based
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damn guys
I guess he's not coming to /djt/ anytime soon
worlds smartest man cant solve the 4chan captcha lmfao
are you high IQ enough to solve a captcha?
imagine if langan starts posting with a trip
dno he doesnt even seem 140 tbqh

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