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How do amerilards travel so much? If your a wagecuck you get like 2 weeks of PTO and if you're neet you can't afford it... what am i missing?
>a single male in the US can survive on 22k a year
>work 60 hours a week at even $20 a hour and net ~4k a month
>save “x amount” on the side for travel (10k+) + a 6 month emergency fund (10k)
>quit your job at the end of your lease and go travel
>use the emergency fund to relocate and get a new job at the end of your travels.

I’m getting my pecker played with in paradise peninsulas for protracted periods and I won’t be brown beaten by an pencil dicked dork faggot made soft and doughy by comfort, predictability, and a life of hunching over his MacBook bro, squinting at little faggot lines of code
>if you're a neet you can't afford it
you are using 4chan wrong
this is the final board, you must first make use of other boards to solve this problem
rephrased: skill issue
>How do amerilards travel so much?
where did you get this idea from? the majority of americans don't even have a passport
Large inheritance combined with a NEET lifestyle.
Is it one guy posting these everyday?
If this thread doesn’t explode I’m losing my shit
They don’t. Most Americans don’t even have a passport so they’ll go to some shitty nearby state and that’s about it. (Used to be an American up until covid)
we're not wagecucks. median income in US is 80k/year. save $500 a month and you can go on a $6,000 dollar vacation at the end of the year. and the top 10% earn $200k/year. that makes it even easier. so there are 33 million Americans making multiple six figures. I know it's hard for the yuropoor to understand but it is easy to make a lot of money in America if you aren't mentally challenged and will work hard.
Get the absolute fuck out of here with this blatant lie of 80k median. The median is 50-60k you dingbat.
>it’s easy to make a lot of money
Yea if you’re a fucking dorker who throws away their entire youth and childhood facefucking massive girthy textbooks about ratshit for about a decade+

I’ll take my 60k cat shit salary and rest on the laurels of a pussy-rich youth and figure coomtaculars and call it a day
The national average of 48k is lower than the actual average because it factors in all the people who don't work at all, part time employees who are in school, young people who are new to the workforce, disabled people, home makers, and people who work part time because they don't have to work full time.

A working 35 year old white male in the US with a college degree earns 80K+ on average. After 5 years on the job, the average PTO in the US is 15 days, so that's 3 work weeks. I get 21 days of PTO a year at my job.

For anyone looking to make some extra dough on the side in the US to travel, start a business. I'm always shocked that more people don't start dog walking businesses, private airport transport, car detailing, handyman, plumbing, etc. You can literally put up a website and take a finders fee and just let someone else do the actual work.
You broke it, you bought it, this is now your containment thread
I will not apologize for greatness
>it factors in all the people who don't work at all, part time employees who are in school, young people who are new to the workforce, disabled people, home makers, and people who work part time because they don't have to work full time.
Nigga shut your gaslighting ass up. See pic related. Take a fucking hike
I want all the pecker players to realize you can live large. You don’t need to be a fucking DORK to make it to your SEA Elysium. Yes that’s right! YOU can be prole swashbuckler yanking the bitches right out of these brittle fingered tech toddlers!

Can you make 20 dollars an hour? If yes, you can do it
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Again, that doesn't factor in people who don't work, work part time, mentally disabled, ex felons (black people). If you're a white, male, full time employee, over 35, the average is 80K.
You missed out not going to college. I banged out at least 30 girls in those 4 years.
>save up for a year
Shut up faggot. I trust Forbes before I trust a weasel
Bucko I did go to college and my body count count was close to 40 by the time I graduated.

And how many of those were girls, you nigger faggot?
Don't larp about going to college. I can tell from your writing that you didn't. Since you're so hung up on being wrong, here it is directly from the US Social Security Office.

White Males 40-49 in 2021 made $71,000. There is a 4 percent unemployment rate, so add $2,800 to that number. You're up to $73,800. Then add 7 percent ($4,970) for the percent of people who are disabled. You're at $78,770. Pretty simple math for someone who actually went to college.
Shut up faggot. Forbes > weasel
>add this arbitrary percent for old ppl!

Fuck off
I know, it’s fine. These fags will never get the last word :)
These, burgers prefer "road-tripping" to other states.
There's so many burgers abroad merely because there's so many burgers period.
>rich family money
>budget / work traveling
Based codemonkey hater
Why do people brag about fucking girls in college? I don’t understand what’s so fun about pumping and dumping random women who you’ll never see again and never have any emotional connection with. Isn’t college these days for getting a degree (in a useful subject), networking, then fucking off into the workforce?
What bachelor degree makes you 80k after graduating??
>if you're neet you can't afford it
neetbux + housing benefits cancelling out rent + shopping for reduced to clear food + parents who have a bit of money = I can travel abroad 1 maybe two times a year.
>graph says 20-59, not 40-49
>graph says earnings from employed people, yet you add in 4% unemployed to their earnings as if the original figure didn't already exclude them
>assumes that the white unemployment rate is equal to the population's rate when 95% of the recent job growth goes to POCs
>assumes the same homogeneity regarding all the other stipulations used to manipulate the unemployment rate
But this is besides the point, there is something weird about amerilard teens and 20-somethings somehow being able to fly and be a nuisance in places like Japan, my thinking is that it's a combination of remaining boomer inheritance + debtmaxxing + flyer credit cards and an amplification by influencers that make it seem like everyone can afford it. Still though, it feels like there's more to it - maybe they save nothing and spend everything on clout and appeasing their gfs.
Its often incomprehensable for the average Euro just how much money exists in America today.

They people that get paid well, get paid really really well.

10 years ago I was training 3 graduates to take over my role (IT). They where on $75,000 straight out of college. Thats a combined salary of over $200,000 a year for a job I was getting paid £40,000 at the time for.

America is just a wash with cash for those with connections. It affords them some of the real luxuries of life
guys dont have gfs cant afford nice cars, pay 500 a month in rent sharing with roomates, why wouldnt they have money they have no lives
>"graph says 20-59"
You lost me on the first line when it became clear that you don't know how to read a graph. But I'll explain it. This is directly from social security. It does not count people who are unemployed. As it says, it covers "wages salaries". The dark blue bar on the first graph corresponds to white males, aged 40-49. The medium income for that category is $71,000. This is wages and salaries.

To your second point. blacks and hispanics in the US are much more likely to be unemployed than whites. The unemployment rate is about 8.6 percent for blacks and a little less than 5 percent for whites. This is not difficult stuff. You're inner city schooling failed you if you can't read a bar graph. No wonder you're making 60k like some half-retarded black janitor sweeping up the halls in a middle school gymnasium.
My GF makes 180K as a nurse practitioner. You need to level up my boy. Maybe start lifting, buy some new clothes, go to a dermatologist, stop playing COD for 14 hours a day. Just a thought.
No one cares
Why are you idiots even talking about men over 40, who cares about them? What matter is what 20 to 30 year olds make and its nothing. And what they are going to make in 20 years which is not what 40 years now make itll be less
>The dark blue bar on the first graph corresponds to white males, aged 40-49. The medium income for that category is $71,000. This is wages and salaries.

I knew there was fucking Judaism afoot. Sorry, we’re not cherry picking The dark blue bar on the first graph corresponds to white males, aged 40-49. The medium income for that category is $71,000. This is wages and salaries. white males (I’m white btw) 40-49. Get the fuck out of here as I said before I know your calculations were catshit. Fuck race, fuck all your little assumptions. I said median fuckin salary point blank period for America. It’s 53k.

Now fuck off you fucking dork. No fuckin SHIT 40-49 white males are going to skew it up to 71k NO SHIT
They don't you tard.
I work for an airline that gives me three weeks PTO a year and free flights on our global network.
Anyone in America who can afford to travel internationally either has family money or is gainfully employed. People with careers all have 4+ weeks of paid holiday time. It’s a complete meme that Americans don’t get vacation time. Only part time fast food type workers don’t get holidays.
I had almost zero luck with women in college and then after graduating got my own place in a bigger city and had amazing luck
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Can you eurocucks make up your god damn minds? What is it, we are a bunch of annoying tourists who travel all the time and ruin your """"holiday"""", or a bunch of shut in hermits who have never left our home state?

Holy fuck you're insufferable.
They’re very insecure about being poor and irrelevant. They consume our media, our politics, and our culture every day while we never think about them
I work for the gubmint and make a lot of money and get 9 shit loads of time off. Tradeoff is you need a college degree for anything decent and have to be squeaky clean to retain said job.
kek this pecker anon again
By income America is consistently one of the top three wealthiest countries in the world. Almost all working professionals have several weeks of PTO and tons of companies offer unlimited PTO.
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>/trv/ is final boss
I never put together until now ...
>/int/ + /pol/ - geography
>/n/ - how to get there
>/biz/ - how2neet
>/ck/ - what to eat
>/out/ + /fit/
>/fa/ - be the grey man, but look good out there
>put it all together

So now Americans are known for traveling?
I remember 5 years ago the meme was Americans never leave their home state and are ignorant because they never travel.
median is 50k and that's household income.
Fraudulent business entities.
Tax write offs
Free money from the government
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If you don't have to be at the office 3 days a week you can cheese it pretty easily by cleverly scheduling workcations
there are lots of us
so we get around
>tons of companies offer unlimited PTO
we honestly owe thanks to Euros for ripping on our lack of vacation. My company does unlimited PTO since 2019. Most people take 20-25 days, rarely does anyone abuse it and try to book 40 days of PTO
Don't blame the Jews. You didn't go to college. The fact that you work in a Subway as an adult making 20K is your fault. You should have smoked less weed and studied more. Now you're suffering the consequences. Blaming others for your own poor choices is what black people do.
Be quiet you dumb animal and deal with being a debunked dumbass
>be me
>work high-paying high-stress job for several years where even when I took PTO I was expected to be working remotely
>save up money
>quit and become a teacher
>teaching pays enough to make ends meet and I have enough saved up to travel during the summer
take the teacher-pill anons. Even if you don't have enough saved up you could do like summer school or something for extra money and still have a couple weeks to travel
Being in a room full of kids for 8 hours a day sounds like pure hell
Stay mad poorfag. You're just salty that you can't travel as often as we do. Maybe log off 4chan and git gud with your life.
This method has always been really stupid to me.

If you just worked a few years and saved 100k you could get 10k a year just off dividends.
>we're not poor

>the dude who jumps out of the ambulance when it comes to pick him up
As you are someone who works at Subway and essentially failed as a man, you sure have some strong opinions. Did you ever think, "Maybe I should stop giving advice, and start listening to people who are more successful instead?" Your hostility and misplaced anger is such an obvious coping mechanism for your own failure. "The Jews took my money! The boomers screwed me! Trump did it! " Fuck off with that shit. You smoke weed and play video games for 8 hours a day. You're lazy, uneducated, and you have a bad attitude. That's why you're not successful.
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>whines he's poor
>attacks people who try to help him
Anons, this is the security guard. /trv/ resident retard. He makes the same kind of threads every month
>If you just worked a few years and saved 100k you could get 10k a year just off dividends.
No you couldn't unless you magically pic a 10 % dividend yield stock, which there are no stable ones, sure get the dividends, while your capital drops drastically because any company giving that much in dividends will fail.

You can get about 7-10% average return from the s&p 500 but that's capital appreciation not dividends, I suppose you could survive off that but if the market crashes you're fucked, it takes years for the market to bounce back, what will you live off then?

I do agree that wage cucking to be free for a few months and then wage cucking again and continuing that cycle is retarded though.
median household is 75k (https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html).
>throws away entire youth for a decade in school
lolwut? I became a lawcel in 7 years and my starting salary at 25 was $95k. Lived at home the year after graduation to pay off a good chunk of my loans in one go and saved up $10k for a 3 week trip to Japan. At year 2, my loans were pretty much paid and I secured work at a second firm in town, taking a month break between jobs to enjoy 3.5 weeks solo in Japan on a $10k budget. If I get a gf now (looking) who moves in with me, my rent is halved and all that goes into saving for my next trip. An intl vacation is affordable to me every year, and since I'm in Utah, I've got a ton of national parks and natural wonder near me to explore on weekends that aren't melting people alive. Its pretty kino if you actually did something with your work life.
They really don't get it but I don't blame them. Someone on twitter had posted UK job postings for NUCLEAR ENGINEERS STARTING AT 36k POUNDS! Meanwhile (on glassdoor) the salary range is 89-160k with a 46-86k bonus. It doesn't make sense to get a degree in Europe because a degree holder in Europe makes about as much or less than non-skilled workers in America.
You work in law and started at $95k? Were you an associate at a personal injury firm or something?
You're right about them being poor, irrelevant and butthurt, but both things here >>2677976 are actually true at the same time. The US is an extremely stratified society in ways that say Norway, where burger flippers make $20k a year and engineers make $40k a year and everyone gets 28 days off, is not.
In the US the people who have "made it" have fuck you money compared to euros, own boats, own monster trucks, or go on international vacations. The poors road trip to the Mississippi coast and play slots at the casinos there.
American culture also has a huge emphasis on "making it" for this reason because unlike in this country >>2675327 making it really sets your life apart from the poors. If you make $100k a year the restaurant employees where you eat are still making $20k so goods and services become extremely cheap relative to your salary and unlike in the UK the US government does not punish you for conspicuous consumption (gas and other luxuries aren't taxed much for example, some states don't have income tax at all, etc.).
Suck my dick faggot. You’ll always be in the armchair of any life experience with eyes fixated on your lines of code than reveling in it.

No amount of money releases you from the sterile digital, autistic prison that you try to gloat about
Kek. It was the insecurity guard. I knew it. Another "I'm poor and depressed" thread. Fix your life wagie or stop crying on here about being poor. You are such a basket case on this board.
They don’t. Most Americans don’t even have a passport.
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>How do amerilards travel so much?
Many don't. Like they said, I met many who had never even had a passport or visited another country. The successful ones do. My employment allows me up to 60 days PTO annually. I save up a couple grand like >>2673804 said and go on a binger. Last I went was Japan. I'm not rich by any means, but I was richer than a couple of years ago and f me if I don't enjoy the fruits of my labor. Suck it.
>Why do people brag about fucking girls in college?
nigga what other time in your life will you be around people your age with the same goals and mindset? That's the perfect time to do that.
>Isn’t college these days for getting a degree (in a useful subject), networking, then fucking off into the workforce?
no shit but you'd be a loser to not take advantage of opportunities presented to you. LIke all the women you could meet. I enjoyed my college time when I was young- I had two really beautiful girlfriends so I wasn't sleeping around. I will go back for a degree because I now have a scholarship unlike before when I was struggling.
Didn't you know everybody on 4chan made three firgures right out of college and is now a millionaire who works 5 hours a week and is also 7ft tall and has sex all the time?
80k is the floor for code monkeying after college
The USA is the 3rd most populous country. Almost 340 million people. It’s also the richest country in the world. It comes at no surprises there are millions of Americans that travel. Yes many Americans don’t get good PTO but there are enough that get a lot of time off. I get 5 weeks a year. Not including two extra weeks depending if I use them. That’s a total of 7 weeks. I travel multiple times a year. It’s a combination of having the time off and making other sacrifices to travel. I don’t drive a nice car, I don’t make risky investment, etc.
I run my own business and I usually take about 7 weeks a year off too. You almost feel bad for the Subway guy, but bro lives in Los Angeles. There are endless opportunities to make money in LA.
>You almost feel bad for the Subway guy
He's a security guard. If you feel bad for him check out his behaviour here
He's the one who hates white people
order is wrong /fa/ and /fit/ are at the same time frame and /out/ is after you have become /fit/. Then its /biz/
This. You see many Americans abroad because there are 330 million of us. Most of the Americans you see abroad are suburban boomers or families as well as backpacking college students or young adult professionals. In my experience, young adults and college students backpack all over the place, whereas suburban white families stick to cruise ships and the most popular destinations, like Paris or Amsterdam for example. The majority of Americans don’t even leave the continent and I’d say close to half never leave the country. Their versions of vacation are going to Myrtle Beach or Lake of the Ozarks or some shit. Also you’ll rarely see hillbilly redneck Americans abroad because they simply cannot afford to travel and it is more expensive for them since they don’t live near large airports

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