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Anyone do the Disney Adult meme? Assuming you don't mind spending lodsemone was it fun? Or is Victoria and Albert's the only thing actually worth doing?
I don't understand why you'd choose to go to Disney as an adult that much. At some point it must get stale no? Like why not go to different amusement parks, you're only going for goyslop IPs.
The theme park generals invariably fill up with people who will claim they're not Disney Adults, but that's all they'll talk about:

DA's will tell you about immersion and shit like that but I think what it really comes down to is that since they have delayed adulthood, they are deeply scared of "the big coasters" which Disney has none of.
Hadn't ever really read through that general and lol, it's all Disney talk. That's so shit.
Once every 4 years is too much Disney for me and I live 20 minutes from Disneyland.
My personal theory is that it's people who grew up in the 90s heyday of the parks being ever present in kids media all the damn time.But they never went at all, either parents were poor, or parents would never be caught dead at some annoying kiddy park so they went without. Disney channel ran commercials for the parks, or documentaries of the newest attraction, while Every single live show on Nickelodeon mentioned Universal Studios making the place look like it was some fucking amazing magical Nickelodeon Land. Just made them tantalizing and reminded those kids of what they are never getting every damn day.

Now as adults they crave the fucking parks they never got when they were 10.
>AI meme
essential reading on disney adults
>Disney adults have their shit together on paper but are bad people down to their core.
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for a while i thought disboards meant "disability boards" not "disney boards". well, same thing anyways.
that is the shittest version of that meme pic i have ever seen
fucking hell that picture
>my obsession with children's cartoon characters is better than your obsession with children's cartoon characters
the fucking state of some people
yeah pokemon is retarded too.
it is funny to see a pokemon retard give a detailed assessment about disney retards.
Because I live in Florida and there's nothing comparable to Disney quality here. The next best thing is going on a nice cruise ship, again, possibly by Disney. I have literally zero interest in leaving the cruise bubble to go to some shithole tourist trap in the bahamas so Disney having their own island is a big incentive. I'm not sure if other cruises have something similar, I haven't done the research. Is there a cruise thread on this board? I'm surprised I've never seen a regular general, now that I think about it.

>you're only going for goyslop IPs.
and Universal, the direct competitor, doesn't have any of those? What good non-IP parks are there in Florida?

In terms of getting stale, yes it has been and I only go maybe once every 2 years on average since 2002 when I was 4 years old. I was always hooked on Disney stuff up to like senior year of high school. I was the loner kid who sat alone during lunch and I would often be on my phone reading wiki articles about disney parks or like disboard. We had the disneyland board game that is now 22 years old yet I still have it in good condition. We would play it all the time while listening to disney parks CDs. I could go on and on about how much of a Disney sperg I was but the point is that I fit pretty much any criteria for a "Disney adult".

But it's still stale because as I'm older I realize it doesnt make me happy anymore but making other people happy is better. i wont go back until i have kids
You live in Florida, you aren't the type I have in mind. There are DA's making yearly trips to Florida/LA with the sole purpose of going to Disney parks. That's fucking crazy.
Disney cruises suck unless you’re rich since you can’t get casino deals
Disney adults can be annoying but there have always been Disney adults. According to Walt Disney, in the early days of Disneyland there were 4 adult guests for every 1 child. This surprised me even more when I realized families were probably bigger back then, so you'd have 1 or 2 parents bringing 3-4 children.

This suggests that many adults went as couples even back then. Walt himself said that after the summer was over and kids went back to school, the park was noticeably more adult in terms of attendance. He explained how he'd go out and see all the "oldsters" riding rides.


To be fair, he said they counted teenagers as adults but didn't say what the cutoff age was. Even still, it wasn't always just for little kids.
Most likely by ticket category, Kids in disney have been for the last 20 from 3-9 and from 10 you count as a adult.
I've never had the desire to go to Disney Land/World.
Even since middle school I always wanted to go to Cedar Point because it had the most major roller coasters.
You really start appreciating stuff after ~16.
>Disney Adult
What the hell is that?
I don't think childless adults going to Disney parks alone qualifies them as "Disney Adults." There are regular people who just want to visit them once in a while.

There are however childless adults who nearly exclusively consume Disney content and won't consider going to other parks, and make going to them either a regular event (if they live close enough) or something like an annual rite of passage, and they only travel for the purpose of attending a Disney park. They're the ones who will lament "This isn't what Walt would have wanted," and have strong opinions about the company and parks.
I used to go almost every year with my family as a kid since my grandfather lived 30 minutes from the parks, making it easy to work them into a larger Florida trip. When I moved out on my own, I went back twice, but Universal has replaced Disney world for me at this point.

I still think there is a lot to enjoy at the parks, but I feel that most of the good shit is from the past while newer things lack the creative touch of previous decades. That's not to mention how expensive the parks and hotels have gotten. I do still think visiting the parks can be worth it as an adult if you're into that kind of thing, but it's better to work it into a larger trip. I cannot fathom how people can spend an entire week or more at Disney. Hell, go over to Tokyo where the parks cost you $50 a day, and just visit other parts of the country before or after.
I'm considering dropping by because for complicated reasons by family/and work are basically forcing me to take a 3 week vacation road trip and my path will take me near there and I'm looking for stuff to do. So I might stop by for 3-4 days for old times sake. I wouldn't consider myself a Disney Adult though I haven't been to that place in like 20 years. In fact most of the stuff I liked as a kid there are long closed. And I'm not gonna do the super Disney fan thing cause that's just cringe.
>I cannot fathom how people can spend an entire week or more at Disney.

In Florida you basically need a week to hit everything there. 4 days for each park, one for whatever water park is open that period and two free days to either double back on whatever you liked or go to one of Orlando's other tourist spots. In Cali though you've got a point as their other park there sucks and there's only so much you can do in Disneyland.
Walt deliberately designed Disneyland as a place to entertain adults so they weren't constantly bored taking their kids places like he often was. Plus Disney was a lot more novel back then. There was no home video, and their movies only got a rerelease every decade or so in theatres, so people would watch the films every time they came out even as adults because they didn't watch them as kids so many times they memorized the whole film. In fact one of the early novelties of Disneyland was a theatre that always played Snow White which was the only way to watch it in the 50s and 60s outside of the once every few years theatre rerun.
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I really don't get what the big fucking deal is supposed to be with Disney adults anyway. They are genuinely fucking harmless but people cannot shut the fuck up about them. So they like to spend money going to an over decorated theme resort full of food and merchandise, okay.

My theory is they are hated by the miserable fucks that are convinced that being an adult means one has to be fucking miserable at all times, and the only entertainment is drinking and playing poker. If anyone is doming something other than whiskey and poker then they are clearly arrested development fucking psychos, and possibly pedos looking to kidnap that need to be institutionalized immediately. Apparently life has to suck, and you must rely on just alcohol and football or else you are an insane faggot.
Fun fact, you are not supposed to like Disney once you turn 13. You are supposed to grow out of that shit.
Is this the first time you've felt shame for being a Disney Adult?
Again Walt Disney designed his stuff to appeal to everyone. My great grandmother saw Snow White as a little girl and loved it her whole life, she just didn't act like a crazy consoomer sperg about it and just rewatched her favorite movie once in a while.
When people think of Disney Adults they think of single pathetic looking people spending a shit ton of their money going to Disney parks every other month taking pictures of them with over the top social media style faces freaking out with costumed characters like they didn't realize it was a person in a suit 30 years ago and constantly scoff at all the kids around making them have to wait and making noise and interrupting their mature adult Disney time. That's what people bitch about.
>Like why not go to different amusement parks
Local amusement parks often have a much lower tier clientele, the pricing of Disney and Universal adds a barrier. Not fool proof but helps.
i think if an annoying zoomer with pink hair on a clickbait opinion site calls you "terrifying" that probably makes you ok with me
D'Awwwwww that feeling of shame you have when people call you out is real anon. Fucking drop the Disney adult shit.

no he fucking didn't, you even said
>as a little girl
meaning she was a child when she saw it, like people are supposed to do. But then you grow the fuck up.
Because you ARE an arrested development creepy fuck. The fact that you had to deflect with this bullshit
>I-it's not MEEEEE!! 'm one of the normal ones, I'm not THAT weird!!!!
tells me that you have already been made painfully self aware of your creepy weird Disney shit by other people before coming here.
Just fly to other states and enjoy their parks. It'd actually be cheaper than doing any Disney park nowadays.
Why not go to Busch Gardens Tampa?
There are actually quite a few regional parks in the country that are in decent areas and have other tourist attractions nearby for a complete vacation. Not to mention you can take road trips like myself and see and do so much classic and unique stuff that should appeal to anyone who thinks Disney is the only clean and classic fun you can have.
My top 5 park destinations for stubborn Disney-or-nothing types would probably be:
The park and surrounding area is 95% white and Pigeon Forge & Gatlinburg have more quirky tourist trap stuff in one place than possibly anywhere else in the country. The park is well themed and has an impeccable ride lineup. The location and atmosphere is incredible as well as the Smoky Mountains themselves and the accomodations options are unparalleled if you're looking for affordability. You could easily spend a week or more there and not get bored. Rent a cabin for the ultimate mountain vacation.
>Silver Dollar City
Similar to Dollywood but with a slightly better coaster lineup. Branson has a lot to do but nowhere close to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg. Great for a 3-5 day vacation.
>Busch Gardens Williamsburg
Blows Epcot out of the water. Landscaping and atmosphere is better than any other park in the US. Closest thing to a Europe park not just in terms of the theming but just the general vibe and assortment of attractions. Kings Dominion is nearby and then theres all the historical stuff like Colonial Williamsburg and Jamestown etc.
One of the best coaster lineups in the world, tons of other stuff to do. Clean and fun atmosphere. Beautiful massive park. Near Lancaster Amish Country with lots to do. Centrally located for easy day trip driving distance to Knoebels, Kennywood, Dorney Park and Philly.
>Cedar Point
The most obvious one for coaster fans but also just a great park in general. Stay at Hotel Breakers for an experience that rivals Disney resorts. You can easily spend three days there.
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I'm about to move to Orlando to be near theme parks. I can make a differentiation between "Disney Adults" and regular theme park enthusiasts...

Yes, there are some adults who still act like children when going to disney. They obsess over IP's, taking pictures with characters, and buying merch, and feel the need to role play everything. They can be a bit obnoxious, but are generally harmless.

The reason I enjoy theme parks though (at age 29), they are one of the nicest places to just hang out. Everyone around is in a good mood. You can talk to people from all over the world, meet hot girls on vacations, try lots of interesting restaurants.
The rides are just a side perk, which you can ignore if the lines are too long that day.
I'll likely spend a lot more time in Universal and Seaworld, but I would say its very possible to be a single adult with a disney pass, and not be a "disney adult"

When you vacation to a theme park, its all about checking each attraction off the list. doing everything once, burning yourself out in the process. If you live nearby, you can pop over for a couple hours every day, and just enjoy the vibe, similar to if you live next to a local park, and just hang out every evening...
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Because it's fucking weird
It's not that weird when the person is a coaster enthusiast or general theme park nerd who has the entire industry as an interest or hobby, or works in the industry.
The disney adults are an entirely different breed. Most of the park/coaster nerds only visit a disney park every two or three years, once a year at the most.
It's when people categorize them all together that it gets obvious that the hate is coming from a place of projection.
I get it to accuse adults of wanting to go to disney on a regular basis or fanboying like those disneybounder types, of being absolute freaks but lets not generalize everyone who visits disney parks as being on that level.
Now I would say if you go to Orlando and go to just Disney but not Universal, Sea World or Busch Gardens Tampa then it probably does say that you are closer to being a disney adult than the average enthusiast, regardless of your visit frequency.
No, let's definitely go get on that level.

If you are an adult, and you are not taking your young kids, younger than 10, with you on a magical vacation, you are a freak and deserve the ridicule you receive and more. If you have no kids at all with you, congratulations you are a pedophile.
like i said, the generalization of all people who enjoy rides with disney adults let alone people who are pedos screams projection to me.
since you went there, i guess we now know a lot about who you are.
my parents are in their 60s and have been in the disney vacation club (read: timeshare) for the past 20ish years. they'll often go without me or my siblings, these days they go on the cruises more than they visit the parks, and have done most of the itineraries. i think they just value the "resort" aspect of it more than anything disney-related, they meet a bunch of other boomer couples on the cruises so they'll become friends for the duration of the voyage.
i do wish that they were more interested in traveling overseas or visiting more types of destinations (i've asked in the past and their only remaining bucket list destination is yellowstone), but if they are happy then i guess that's all that matters.
>"magical vacation"
>kids under 10
>hundreds of thousands to millions of people are pedophiles because they go to a theme park
these are the words and thoughts of a pedophile projecting his guilt onto others
you could probably rent a villa with security in caribbean with your own cook for the cost of a disney package trip
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What decade was the peak of Disney World? Was it
>The 70s, when it was just Magic Kingdom and 2 hotels and all the people were nice and normal
>the 80s, when Epcot was brand new and it was all about technology and not the clusterfuck it is now
>the late 80s-early 90s when MGM studios was brand new and there was all of this expansion going on at the parks and all the new hotels and water parks and Pleasure Island
>the late 90s-2000s when Animal Kingdom was new and we started seeing all these new thrill rides at all of the parks along with more hotels and shit

Or was Disney World always overrated as shit?
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>I've never met a pokefag who gives off furry vibes
Late 80s-Early 90s Eisner era was peak for the entire company.
WDW was always overrated though.
There were actually quite a few theme parks throughout the country from the beginnings to that era that met Disney on the same quality level but just never met a level of success to stay operating let alone compete like they were intended to. I would say the ones that were most successful are many of the parks overseas that are still around and still highly successful in their own regions. Like Phantasialand, Europa, Efteling, Lotte World etc.
But there were plenty of theme parks that have existed in the US and built before WDW that were just as good or better than DL or WDW. Legend City in AZ, Freedomland in NY, Magic World in TN, Pacific Ocean Park in CA just to name a few.
So the notion that WDW is this omnipotent force in the industry that has always dominated in success because of just how great it was, is false. They just happened to be backed by one of the most powerful entities in entertainment since they got into the theme park game and monopolized it. All those parks I just mentioned and more would possibly still be around if WDW never existed.
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Knew a couple who went there for their honeymoon and got matching shirts
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I think the early years of EPCOT was its peak. I have a 25th anniversary souvenir book from WDW that showcases alot of the great epcot rides and attractions, plus the promo artwork was just beautiful
america is truly the most goyed country in the world. Imagine having anything fun or interesting be owned by multi billion dollar conglomerates, who produce low-tier garbage consumer products sold at hugely inflated price, while the locals have to pay expensive admission only so not to be bothered by the negroid populations that get priced out
Congratulations you're a pedophile
Disney also advertises the parks nonstop. There was a time when Disney Channel was barely much more than a 24 hour advertising service for parks and new park attractions. Disney Parks benefit from the fucking massive media corporation that reminds all viewers and customers that they have a big giant theme park to go visit this summer. No one else really competes here at all. It's a rare occasion I see anything but Seaworld and Universal advertised at all, especially local parks in the other 48 states.

Also their parts are open all year long. That alone gives them a massive leg up on their competition in almost every other state. The main difference I see is that majority of the other competing parts in almost every other state is that they are often just a collection of roller coasters. Most Six Flags and other state parks never have anything like Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion, a high quality attraction one sits and views things in while relaxing. Everyone fixates on thrill rides that a lot of people don't like, are scared of, or they just do not care to stand 2 hours in line for a 20 second ride on a coaster. Once one is sick of coasters, then overwhelming majority of local parks have nothing else to offer outside of really expensive carnival food.
Just admit you're scared of roller coasters. That's the root cause of Disney Adults. They never grew up and out of that fear.
Disney sucks, they don't have good roller coasters. I love me some classic Disney cartoons but not enough to be drained of my money for extortion priced food and soi collectables while surrounded by professional furries.
Didn’t they also use to always have specials on Network television showing off all of the parades going on for Christmas and Easter and 4th of July and shit which were all also advertisements for the parks?
Which old ride would you bring back at Epcot (besides Horizons because at least 95% of people will say that ride should have stayed)
Shut up
How much would you have to be paid to do those Disney costumes?
The Wonders of Life pavilion was comfy to me as a kid. It made me feel like I was on a school field trip at the Smithsonian or a science center or something. Body Wars and Cranium Command were fever dream shit. I remember Body Wars being the most aggressive simulator ride I've ever ridden, and it was better than Star Tours but it was very motion sickness inducing, due to the way the CGI video looked, the theme of being inside a body and the violence of the ride system. Probably the most unique simulator ride ever.
However, I'm going to have to go with the OG Journey Into Imagination as the greatest dark ride that was ever at Epcot and one of the best in all of WDW. Its insane how much they butchered it in its following two iterations and its dumb that the Magic Eye Theater was just forgotten after Honey I Shrunk the Kids. Its not like it would have been hard or expensive to just keep updating it with new 3D films and keep it as a crowd eater.
Really all the old Epcot stuff could have and should have been preserved. The old rides should have just been continually refurbed and updated over the years.
That and they used to make a lot of documentaries about new events or new attractions like how they were constructed etc.
Fucking christ you are a goddamn bitch. Why do you retarded coward fags actually think the coaster is going to kill you anyway? The very thing the park owners want people on and off every day that if they were to kill someone, they would be sued and close. It's actually in their own best interest the coaster never hurts anyone.
I have a female friend who unironically fits this meme. She even calls herself a Disney Princess.
Only issue would be how you would fit World of Motion and Test track together
I went to Tokyo DisneySea last year and Tokyo Disneyland this year by myself and it was pretty fucking sweet
I went during off season on a Tuesday/Wednesday and barely had to wait in lines, got to do everything I wanted and then some
even got to go to the DisneySea fancy restaurants for lunch and dinner even though I didn't book it until the day of
I'm sad I didn't go to Disneyland sooner, I'm sure if I go now 70% of the characters are "tanned"
Honestly my first experience with Disney was some sing along VHS from the very early 90s from Disneyland and I first thought that it was what Disney World looked like so it was a bit interesting to see there be no Matterhorn and a bunch of the rides looked different than the Disneyland versions
if you live in tokyo or florida or LA it's fine, if you're visiting it's fine, if you're actively flying somewhere just to go to disney shit and you have no kids you're weird.
Regional parks have never really been competition to Disney World. Some of them have stepped up their game over the years and become destination parks (mainly the ones listed here >>2682695) that probably eat into Disney a little bit. Also, a lot of them including Knoebels, Waldameer, Kennywood, Knott's (open year round), Silver Dollar City, the Legolands (a couple of which are year round), etc. have relaxing dark rides. Not the same quality as Disney's but still entertaining. My 7-year-old thought Disney's Haunted Mansion was boring, the fans of that ride are mostly over 30. Also most parks don't have those kinds of lines for coasters unless it's the weekend or they're Cedar Point or Hersheypark. Plus many of them have plenty to offer outside of coasters unless you want to be a jerk and say flat rides, trains, sky gondolas, animal exhibits, shows, parades, water rides, games, non-Disney dark rides and boat rides, etc. don't count because they don't have fucking Mickey Mouse plastered on the ride vehicles.
Disney's one of the oldest fandom cultures. The phrase Disneyana was coined to describe the culture all the way back in the 1970s, as if Disney and Americana are inextricably linked.
The venn diagram of Disney Adults and "Animation is Cinema" people is basically a circle.
People like rides that aren't just baresteel noodles only distinguishable by a plywood cutout of a superhero and whatever Meleefag tier descriptors that thoosies came up with for what to call different parts of a track layout.
Regional parks getting tunnel vision and focusing all their efforts on the coaster wars whether it be quantity or dick measuring contests over how tall or how many inversions definitely created the perception of that being all they are and thoosies reducing parks down to their coaster counts for the purposes of their credit score don't help either.
Dark rides are much more scarce on the regional scene, since most only have one or two while Disney and Universal have made them a core part of their identity.
Knotts is basically an honorary Disney park with how much Disney people talk about and enjoy it and the various historical ties ranging from Disney and the Knotts being friends to Beary Tales being designed by Rolly Crump or how Knotts ended up hiring away some of Disney's popular old musical groups when they were tossed aside.

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