Discuss everything related to Philippines travel here.
Going to PH in 2 weeks and there is no way I'll have my motorbike license in time. I wanted to do the philipphines loop which is basically 5000km around the whole Philipphines but now Im not sure.What is the chance that I'll get stopped by the cops? What is the chance they will inpound my motorbike if I have just EU Car driving license? Would it be really stupid idea to take just 50cc bike and do the 5000km on it as I dont need license for it?
Is there any good website or fb groups where I can get girls for some couple study? Something like the walkers fb groups back before covid. All seems to be dead now
So I downloaded Grab in order to familiarize myself with the interface but it seems that because I'm in the US, it won't let me see how rides/food work. How simple is it to get a ride to my hotel near MoA from NAIA?
>>2747716You'll be stopped because you're white. You can't ride a 50cc scooter because you aren't allowed on any highways. You're gonna have a hard enough time dealing with boats and getting these monkeys pushing your rental bike on and off without dropping it in the ocean off their Banka. Just take ferries and planes since you have zero motorcycle experience. The roads are dog shit, the traffic is dog shit and the people are fucking stupid If you have a crash in SEA, it's your fault always. If you have a crash and have no license, no insurance and no idea how to ride a motorcycle you're going to bicutan
>>2747843>How simple is it to get a ride to my hotel near MoA from NAIA?Watch thishttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CcxK7COZW6o
>>2747661>No Coomer EditionThat’s a big girthy NOPE! You pay fealty to coomers who brought this board up to speed and rescued it from the anemic discussions about “what backpack should I buy?”If you happen to mention a country where we’ve “made deposits for study sessions” your thread WILL be taxed, you WILL tolerate discussions about our deposits, and your impotent attempts at gatekeeping will be COMPLETELY ignored.Thanks! Have a nice thread :D
>>2747935Piss off loser security guard TTT
What's a good city to meet like minded people of opposite sex?
>>2747042Ricecel here again. I just want to suck white/hispanic cock but it's so hard to meet them basically all the white guys are bottoms on Grindr
>>2747661White paypig gets exactly what he asked for
Is there any way how can I get from this God forsaken island, yet brutally beautifull, to Borneo (Indonesia or Malaisia) or Brunei? Ideally also something under $250 as Im begpecker and I did blow most of my money to a jungle girls
anyone done the makati degen circuit lately? I haven't been since before covid and was wondering how decayed it is, or if it bounced backI heard it was hella expensive now and not worth it unless you're a retarded and rich indian who cant get your dick played with any other way.
>>2748116>>2748116Cubabro here..Can't speak on Manila, but I'll speak on Cebu I don't usually go out, but this weekend I went down to Mango to check on the state of affairsTheirs a few new bars that opened up, but the quality of the girls is bad...like laughably bad. Some 40 year old washed up hooker was trying to pull me into a karaoke place which smelled like straight up piss and shit and she quoted 250 pesos for a lady drink......honestly I wouldn't have slept with her if she paid ME, I laughed in her face and walked away. TF is wrong with these people.Most people seemed to hangout in the UPtown disco, it was jam packed until 5am. It was a bunch of ghetto, low class Filipinos, but The girls looked a little better, although not by much. I think many new guys don't understand that like 75 percent of the girls in their are freelancers.....they waste all night trying to rizz them up when really all they want is a few thousand pesos (how many thousand is depending on your negotiating skills, but I think 3k should do the trick for most)I met 2 BBW's from the university of cebu who offered to cook afritada for me. The took me back to their bunkhouse and indeed, cooked me afritada. Fat people really are better cooks. I didn't fornicate with them, we just talked about life and whatnot, it was refreshing to have a decent conversation in englishThe next day I met some dude who looked like George st Pierre, and we went to club icon. I was about to swing on the fucking retarded the doorman because he didn't want to let me in because I didn't have ID (who tf takes their passport drinking). Eventually they folded and let us in. Long story short, the Koreans have fuxked that place up, it's shit, don't go if your not Korean because they cater almost exclusively to them. Ladyboys were out and about looking for a victim, but I wasn't having it. We left after 2 drinks.
>>2748135Cubabro, how do you feel about your kid being a half-flip?Are you worried about the child's or mom's intelligence? Any improvement since you came into her life?
>>2747661Anons... the date with the 24yo smart cute /fit/ ex-coworker went well and she already want to come on friday to "cook something together" but I just bought flyght for a month long studying adventure in PhilippinesNo matter what I do, I'll regret it.
>>2748028You can fly to Kota Kinabalu for like 10.bucks usually. >>2748116It's still same price for BF 3900 pesos, a few places have raised to 4500. Then anywhere from 7000 to 15,000 on top. It's absolutely not worth going stick to LA Cafe or Royal
>>2748135When I say that Koreans have literally taken over people here call me a liar. It's disgusting honestly. Plus they are huge racists and girls now only go exclusively with Koreans because if they are seen with a white guy the Koreans will blacklist her forever
>>2748199That’s a shame. By the time I wanna just take it easy as a white boomer and occasionally get my old pecker played with there will be nowhere to go
>>2748177Reschedule your flight. You did get a changeable/cancelable flight right? How much money will you be out if you reschedule? Phillipines will always be there.
>>2748224The options are getting smaller by the day. AC is basically one huge Korea town now and gets picked clean by them the minute they open shop and all the top scholars are only teaching Korean lessons
>>2748235That’s brutal. This is why I kind of just rest on my laurels of having fucked nearly 200 when the going was good
>>2748135Cebu has quite a few Korean clubs because ji ho can't compete
>>2748260Yeah it's rough out there these days for night clubs the Koreans take over and get VIP tables if whitey is in they immediately feel threatened and everyone's scared from associating with whitey so they don't
>>2748167My daughter absolutely mogs other Filipino kids of the same age in every category......height, weight, verbal ability, and personality. She's going to be a standout. Niggers are going to be fighting and crying over her, I can already see it.The mother, well, she's from a farm in Leyte, I don't expect much of her. She's not as dumb as other Filipinos but she isn't Einstein either. She's of average intelligence. She is a humble and demure woman though, and a good mother
>>2748268Cubabro here...Idk man, I don't even pay any mind to Koreans. They don't really bother me. They can't speak english, so they have to lead with their wallets. Most of them have no rizz WHATSOEVER, so they attract only the most self hating, boot licking, gold digging Filipina's. They also get overcharged for everything because again, no English. I saw some Korean boomers trying to return a 30 peso ecobag that they brought the day before to 7/11. The cashier was confused AF. They had their teenage daughter in their trying to translate....eventually I had to step in and translate. I just gave them 20 pesos out of my pocket, which embarrassed TF out them (rightfully so because they were literally staying in a hotel which costs about 200 USD a night). I just look at the girl and smiled as they walked out the store, the girl trying to mumble something in broken English while all the Filipinos were laughing and giving me the thumbs up
>>2748167>half flipSooo…it’s kind of implied when you say half flip that the other parent is white, not another 3rdie with brown skin ….
>>2748283But I don't make 3rd world money nor live in 3rd world conditions. I live good by any standard. I live better than some white tourist In a shoebox "luxury" condo eating instant noodles lolI saw some half white flip eating in MCDoHe had his call center ID, dressed in his finest ukay ukay attire...Imagine being half white, only to be abandoned and left to make 300 dollars a month, sleep in a bunkhouse, and spend half your dad daily salary on a piece of chicken and a cup of rice. I genuinely felt bad for the guyMy children will not have the same fate
>>2748291What's your take and/or advice on real estate in the Philippines? I was hoping to live there in the future to make the dollar go further
>>2748028This map doesn't show anything. Be aware that the Philippines and Malaysia have unresolved disputes over the region, hence the lack of easy transport between Malaysian Borneo and the outlying Philippine islands.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Borneo_dispute>>2748198Coomer opinions are worthless on anything outside their field of expertise.
>>2748312Every single expat does their visa runs by flying to Kota kinablu you asked the best way to go. That's the dirt cheapest method to get there flights are multiple times a day from almost every locationThere are no flights from Puerto to anywhere near where you want to be dumb fuck and no ferries
>>2748224>I'm a white boomer. Just want to get my pecker played withFuck off tard guard, you brown mutant. Kek. You're fooling nobody you double digit IQ tard
Hey guys, I like to fuck and creampie retarded slum teenagers. We call them sleens in my neck of the woods. Telltale signs include fuzzy pants, bad tattoos, too much makeup, and fucked up monkey feet. Also - Cubabro and that other Anon are right - they do kind of taste like onions.
>>2748569>taste like onionsFor fucks sake…
>>2747716can you rent a motorbike or scooter without a license are there bribes you have to pay?
>>2748569Interesting Anon.. Where could I find this speciment?
do they do the coconuts in the Philippines like they do in Thailand? Is it hard to find unpasteurized cow's milk?What's the weather like right now? Do the nights get chilly, do I need to have a hoody with me? Can I get away with just shorts or are pants necessary? What about, what do they call it, the happy water. Like you know how Thailand supposedly has happy water, can you find stuff like that in the Philippines? I've never been to Thailand but I researched it a lot because I was ready to go there this December but plans changed, but now I am eyeing a trip to the Philippines before I turn myself in for a felony DUI
>>2748601What I want to do is go to Subic Bay first to do a dry fast somewhere close to the ocean for 7 days. (I've already done two 5 or 6 day dry fasts and my longest water fast was 14 days)And then head to Angeles after for the nightlife and alcohol.
>>2748639And then after that I'd fly back to where I am currently in hiding, figure out what to do with my savings (invest, keep in a savings account, buy bitcoin, whatever) and then fly back to the United States to face reality, and pay my price to society, and then after that I will become an AutoCAD designer or technician somewhere again, and do steroids, and live a beautiful life. Sound good? Now tell me about the unpasteurized milk, coconuts, and renting a scooter without a license bros
>>2748640After jail ends I want to get a pretty girl from a trailer park somewhere and me and her would buy a house about an hour away from the city with a big back yard and have a big family and just be homebodies without a television.
>>2748601my wifes parents have multiple mango trees, coconut trees, various other fruit trees in their yard they do nothing to it just grows like wild fire
>>2748643But what about walking in town, do they have coconut carts? I'm asking specifically because after my dry fast ends I'd like to break it with coconut water straight from the source. Nothing better. I remember when I was in the United States working as a lawn mower when I was in college, I was always shocked at backyards with lawns flooded with apples in various states of decay, and the people did nothing. Don't waste what God gave you and your parents, anon. Please make use of all of those things.
>>2748645you're the same boring loser who kept asking if there were stores to buy healthy foods from. kill yourself faggot
>>2748648My first day on this board bro
>>2748657Yeah I know you can google it all but I wanted to get some cool answers here, plus also save me some time I'm just flying between boards posting stupid shit and I don't really want to do any more travel research bro, I spent all my energy on Thailand and I don't feel like doing it again for the Philippines, I'll just google some shit on the plane
>>2748660>posting stupid shitbuy the lonely planet
>>2748661Fuck that are you a retard? Should I go to a museum too? lmfao
>>2748662youre asking basic bitch questions that can be found in two seconds with a simple google searchkys tranny
>>2748663Womp womp whatever manWhat should I ask
>>2748663Unpasteurized milk is a 2 second question? The real deal on scooter rentals is a 2 second question? That's not true
>>2748569>too much makeupLARP, they can't afford makeup, unless you mean that horrible fake lipstick they use that sticks to their teeth, in which case based.
>>2748670>What should I askhow about an actual travel question?nobody gives a fuck about your raw fucking milk and coconuts, you imbecile
>>2748596You can rent a scooter without a license no probles, they dont check, but you will likely get stopped by the police. When that happens, at least show them your car driving license. Sometimes, they don’t check if it’s valid for motorbikes and may let you go. However, most of the time, they do check.If your license isn’t valid for motorbikes, you may receive a ticket, which is usually around 3,000 pesos. Alternatively, you might get "ticket," which often costs about 5,000 if higher try negotiate.In the worst-case scenario, the cops may impound your scooter. If that happens, having a “motorbike license” in the form of 5,000 pesos might help, assuming the officer is corrupt. If not, they’ll take the bike, and you’ll need to deal with a very angry Filipino from the rental place to sort things out.the checkpoints are usually at the exits/entrances to the citties and they stop almost every white person when they see them so it is good idea to wear full face helmet
>>2748569How does that even work lmao? Do they not even care about getting pregnant or something?Are you not afraid paying for the kid for 18 years?Genuinely curious, I don't know shit about PhilippinesAlso>teenagers
>>2748597Anywhere in flipland. 7/11’s are a prime spot. >>2748672That’s exactly what I mean, my fellow white man. You know what’s up.Slum teens have one level of makeup knowledge and that level is “whore”>>2748682Getting them pregnant is a bonus! It’s a gift really, since so many of them want a mixed baby. They are absolutely obsessed with whiteness and babies. The amount of pregnancy requests I get are surprising. And the girls are kind of ambivalent about me sticking around afterwards >yeah Anon, you stay if you want if not than…(shrugs)Irresponsible insemination is a hallmark of the Philippines. Flips are nigger-tier in their breeding habits, so might as well join the club.
This bitch here. I can’t stop cumming inside this filthy sleen. She’s such a trashy little slut. Cleans up nice, but she’s pure hood rat. I’ve been dumping load after load into her for 2 days now. I’m turning down other girls so I can keep fucking her. My balls are swollen and sore but I JUST CANT STOP NUTTING IN HER.
>>2748674What about illegal drugs? how easy is it to get happy water or benzos for example? What can you get OTC at a pharmacy without a prescription? I don't understand, what's a "travel question" what's an approved "travel question"? Give me some examples
>>2748681This is what my Thailand research said too>>2748693How did you find this "hood rat" girl?
>>2748681Thanks anon for the detailed answer the tip about where they checkpoint you is gold
>>2748693Mid but go off
>2748729I don't think this zoomer understands
>>2748696Don’t talk about sex. Because the Jannies are brown, angry weirdos who seethe over white men pillaging Pinay vaginas. They don’t understand that sex is normal human activity - and not even noteworthy- but it’s something that’s absent from their lives, and that makes them very very angry. Everything else is fine.
>>2748729sometimes you just want a girl who knows how to fuck more than the prettiest girl who can't fuck
i want to backpack around philippines but im a retarded neet who doesn't even leave the house. how can i learn and study what to do and how to do it? i want to change my life but i dont know how.
>>2748800Just do it and learn along the way.Ask perplexity to assemble a perfect all encompassing list of backpacking tips and tricks across SEA. I’ve admittedly never backpacked, but I have traveled many many times to many countries and continents, what do you need to learn? Just be a guy, walk around, buy transportation, find housing, do things you want to do.I found Philippines to be fun because of family and Boracay was cool, but Oxalis Adventure Hang En Cave was much more of a “holy fuck” moment for very cheap. Philippines is probably much more easier due to the prevalence of English everywhere.
Cubabro do you ever see Filipinos who look like you? (Latino) Since genetic studies should show that 2% of their population is Latin American or Native American.https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/abs/forced-migration-in-the-spanish-pacific-world/unruly-mexicans-in-manila/EF2599210A0715A5A91B23BB9D84B96C
>>2747661I'm here, got a nice condo, GF who I like, life is way better than before I left, but I still have this crushing emptyness and anxiety. I'm 32 and feel like my life is over
>>2748837>I still have this crushing emptyness and anxiety. I'm 32 and feel like my life is overWhy? Are ypu early retired and without meaning or something?
>>2748807Damn nigga I thought you said bareback. I started typing out a few surefire ways of getting cum in pussy sex while in flipland. Ah well I’ll save them for the next thread. Anyway my advice is to stop being a whiny faggot, go buy a good backpack & plane ticket to the Philippines. Be a man and figure it out as you go. You’re not going to die. At worst you’ll have to text mom&dad for some money.
>>2748837Go fuck yourself dude
>>2748843>Are ypu early retired No, comfortable financially but not working full time>without meaning or something?Yes. Wish I got here sooner and younger to run amok sexually, but that wouldn't provide much meaning I don't think. Wish I was off doing something cool like climbing mountains instead of being an office drone in tropical paradise. I get bored easily
>>2748687> Irresponsible insemination is a hallmark of the PhilippinesSounds basedIf I were to go the Philippines, how would I go about finding these whores to creampie? How far from the capital would I have to go? What are the dangers/drawbacks?What dating sites to use? Usual Tinder?More info you can give the better
>>2748860Go fuck yourself 2x.
>>2747931If you're a manlet wearing a helmet and long pants, nobody will know your race unless your arms are as hairy as an ape's.
>>2748640You can hardly find a worse country for dairy than the Philippines. Everything that seems creamy is made with coconut cream. As far as coconuts, the only way to find out is to walk your ass down your street and see if anyone is selling coconuts. If someone is selling coconuts, then yes, coconuts are available. If nobody is selling coconuts, then no, coconuts aren't available. Simple as.>>2748601Northern Luzon sees a few cool gray days every winter, but overall the tropical seas keep temps very mild. Even in Baguio I never wore a jacket. 17 C is comfortable short sleeve weather.>>2748596Once again, walk your ass down the street and look for scooter rentals. If someone rents you a scooter without a license, then yes, you can do so. If nobody is willing to rent you a scooter, then no, you can't rent one. Jeezus. Have you piebrains ever left your mom's basement?
>>2748861For the third time, there is no "how", anon. Life isn't a numbered list of instructions with a guaranteed outcome. There's a reason it's called getting lucky, because when it happens it really does feel like all the pieces fall together spontaneously, and you naturally make the right choices without even thinking about it.
>>2748866>doing well financially >living outside the US>has a gf Shocking
>>2748845>CIPI'm all ears, anon>>2748860What do you do that makes you live comfortably in Ph? I thought it was all call centres there, who pay a pittance.
Does anyone know if they make Gin and Tonics in the Philippines? Reminds me of me and my ex-wife's first vacation when we were going to the country where I was sort of born, and she asked me to google to make sure that they don't celebrate Thanksgiving day and everything would be open when we arrive
>>2748908Philippines produces a local gin of acceptable quality.
>>2748887He has also a seven figure because buttcoin is the future
>>2748887stop being angry at other men for their success, it makes you look weak and petty
How do you find bars where you can drink alone in a dark corner and have no one bother you or anyone approach you trying to sell you stuff?
>guys guys help me n.n>guys I NEED raw milk, coconut, lots of illegal drugs>guys come on please tell me, bros I just need to know how to put a backpack on and walk around?>I know you just do it....but HOW??? >how do you even survive?? I mean I know its full of people and is highly urbanized, but I think I might die unless I get advice?>what if I need to eat food? what do I do??good thing all the coomchat got banned, so we can enjoy this new high level of discourse
>>2748936retard, maybe i dont wanna get scammed, get dengue fever from mosquitoes, stay in an overpriced shithole tourist trap with rats pissing in your face, or get robbed of all my possessions including documents.why do you faggots act like there are ZERO difficulties to backpacking on the otherside of the world? like absolutely nothing could go wrong?people get hospitalized simply for rinsing their toothbrush with tap water. there's so much you need to look out for especially if you're a neet who isn't even used to ordering pizza by himself.
There seems to be a cohort of individuals who think the Philippines is some super remote fucked up tropical hellhole like Papua new guinea.It's true that there are islands in PH like that, but tourists and white people don't go there. Most of the country is very civilized from huge metropolitan SEA style hive city, down to smaller towns with simple town houses. Yes, there are fucking coconuts in the philippines. Yes, there are gin and tonics (lmao).Yes, you can go backpacking there, but it is not a country with a lot of hostels that are your typical backpacker party joints. It's not a very good country for backpacking in general. You're much better off bringing a normal backpack and a piece of luggage and just hopping from hotel to hotel or apartment. There is no reason to be walking around anywhere in PH with your hiking gear on.It's easy to find pussy. You just walk outside and talk to women. There is no anti-male culture like in the retarded western nations. You should not drive a scooter here, the traffic is horrific and the drivers are murderously bad. If you want to see stuff then hire a driver of a car for a day and be driven around.If you insist on motorcycle touring, prepare to be disappointed and injured. The further you get from civilization the more shitty and tacky everything is. It's for filipinos by filipinos. You can pretend to be impressed if you are hauling a vagina around, but by yourself you will struggle. Literally any normal tourist activity you might want to do is better done elsewhere, except maybe surfing. The philippines is only good for raw creampie sex with teenagers or drink, and its like that because its a retarded impoverished shithole with nothing to do except fuck or drink. You can fill your time with things between raw creampie sex sessions with teenagers, but you had better believe that is the core activity tying everything else together.
>>2748807anyway, im worried about the logistics of hostels and other things.how do the showers work with all these people? are they private at least? if i shower in flip flops to avoid fungi, what do i do after, like do i walk back to my bunk bed with soggy flips flops and everyone will get mad at me?and what do i do with the wet towels, also clothes in general how would i wash and dry them?my other question is about renting bikes, if i want to go from city A to city B, do i have to go back to city A to return the scooter? how are you supposed to unpin yourself from the starting location then.
>>2748938Fact: if 75iq brown monkey people can live there indefinitely with no shoes and eating trash and mangos, then you can probably figure out how to come and go as you please without too much difficulty. You are overthinking this. If you are going to a place where people live, then you can buy the things people need to live in that place also. You're not going to fucking die, moron.
>>2748939What about hiking are there trails there that go up mountains or whateverI'm worried I'll get bored of just drinking and sleeping and drinking coconut water
>>2748940>how do the showers work with all these people? are they private at least? if i shower in flip flops to avoid fungi, what do i do after, like do i walk back to my bunk bed with soggy flips flops and everyone will get mad at me?>and what do i do with the wet towels, also clothes in general how would i wash and dry them?god damn you are a fucking ausitic little fuckup loser aren't you?
>>2748942You have no intention of seriously traveling. You're a complete moron and you sound desperately poor. I recommend that you start with somewhere that is 100% training wheels like Thailand. Philippines is more of a shithole and getting around is more difficult and annoying. You will have a bad time unless you know exactly what you are doing and have the confidence to seek it out.
>>2748946kek go take a hike back to retard land
>>2748946here's a thread for you big guy: >>2746364go play pretend millionaire there
>>2748946who sounds desperately poor and without confidence is you, who thinks getting on a plan in 2025 and going to some other place than the one he is in now is a flexThis isn't the 19th century buddy
>>2748943yeah, that's why im asking for help.i genuinely have no real world experience. explain like im an alien that needs to pass as human.
>>2748959It's ok man you're just high iqAs for me, I have a different mission, now:No one answered the drug question how do you get drugs there, do you ask people on the street? Do they sell benzos OTC at the pharmacy without a script?
>>2748962I'm pretty sure if I can pick up street hookers in American hoods I can figure out how to get street hookers in the Philippines, you're all just stupid jews who have no humor
>>2748959Another thing is, I don't think you realize how shitty of a situation it is that you have to fly to a fucking place like the Philippines to get away from everything here and get drunkYou all assume that everyone who wants to travel to a foreign country actually wants anything to do with the people there, outside of street hookers and alcohol.That's why jews are stupid
So me and a one friend (half Filipphino and speak tagalog) are going to rent a car and drive around Philippines. We will spend 1 or 2 days on a location and then drive somewhere else. The important question is: Will we be able to pull girls who are open to a one-night connection, or will we end up with nothing because they hope for something more serious?
>>2748964i dont care about hookers or alcohol, i just want to go to gorgeous beaches and have a good time.
>>2748966The problem is jews are merchants, so they have a habit of sleazing up to all foreign populations, so they assume that everyone is like them that wants to ooh and ahh at third world shit holes like they feel obliged to do
>>2748968it's not fun moving around where I am now, much less the Philippines, that's not a good time, for jews it's a good time for normal people it's not. If you can ask extremely detailed questions and hit the ground and not worry about anything, that can fast track you. I don't need to chit chat with fucking sea monkeys and then post instagram photos for everyone to know I got on a fucking plane
if you were trying to find and hit on a pregnant woman, how viable would that be?
>>2748946>You have no intention of seriously traveling. YAnd finally, you're right. I really don't want to do this. But I have to, for a lot of reasons. The problem with you is that you think traveling should be only the way you have it imagined in your head, and you want everyone to travel with the same ideals as you. That's not reality. That's the delusion of a coddled dweeb.
>>2748987In fact I'd RATHER pay for street hookers than chat up any actual girls there. take your money get the fuck out of here hit the street and I can continue drinking or reading or whatever I'm doing until I want to fuck again. You're all deluded
>>2748991and I want the ugliest fattest ones, I hate spending money deal with it bro
>>2748935People don't drink at bars in the Philippines. They drink at tables on the street. Bars are a foreigner tourist trap kinda thing. >>2748939What you think are "teenagers" are actually petite 21+ single moms, but whatever. At least pinays don't hit the wall as hard as western women.>>2748940To save water at hostels, you must shower with a roommate. Surely you aren't going to a hostel expecting privacy, are you? Most hostels in Metro Manila are for seamen. Why would you travel around the world to sleep in a dorm with a bunch of seamen? When it's time to do laundry you take your clothes to a laundry place. When it's time to go to a new city, you cram your ass onto a bus that is going to that city. When the ticket boy comes around, he will give you a ticket for the destination you tell him, and then he will come around again to collect the fare. >>2748942You will get bored, duh, it's the Philippines. Nothing to do but engage in social activities.
>>2748962>how do you get drugs>b-but I don't want to get scammed or robbedPick one, retard
>>2748962>benzosit's not 1983 anymore gramps
>>2748968The problem is pidorussians are extremely insecure faggots that constantly need to bring up ((current target)) and shit up every conversation the happen to be around
>>2749008A lot of this sounds fucking terrible, I'm second guessing my choice of destination
>>2748985Indonesia. Not gonna spoon feed you more because your win is my loss
>>2749034Based gatekeeper. Lock it up
>>2748962Just ask around. People you meet just say do you know where I can buy drugs, they'll help out. Super friendly people. Nothing bad has ever happened to people trying to buy drugs there. Certainly not in the last few years. Just keep asking you're bound to be BLOWN AWAY by the people's generosity
>>2749008Im really curious how to break into a street table with hot women but I guess they probably end up clubbing
Any recommendations for restaurants in Pasay? I was thinking of stopping by every place in MoA while I was there but that would take maybe a hundred meals.
>>2748991>>2748992>fucks slampigs>gets some reading done A man of culture
>>2749130Pasay is a shithole. Head over to Salcedo Makati and you can get really high quality food. Habitual Coffee is a truly tiny ass coffee shop but their lattes are good and their breakfast menu is reasonably cheap with good quality food and decent proportions. It's also a clean and well kept area while not feeling artificial like BGC and outside the redlight district.
>>2748861>>2748894You guys are obviously cooming noobs. Welcome to the club. We discriminate, so you must be white. If you’re brown/black then none of this stuff applies to you anyway. This will get deleted by faggot Jannies eventually. So just watch the cooming threads like this one for TG or discord links. You are not alone in your desire to recklessly inseminate brown teenage pussy. But basically do this:Go to flipland or Thailand. Be white. Be tall (preferably). Fuck girls. You can pay a few dollars or with a bit of effort you can fuck then for free, it’s up to you.
>>2749147>Salcedo MakatiInteresting. I'll check it out, thanks. Tricycles aren't really used in Manila are they, it's all Grab to get around right?
>>2749121Talk to the guys. Once you talk to the guys and they see you're alright they invite you to their table and group which is full of women. Another thing when I first went a decade ago was smoking. You go to the smoking area and ask a guy for a light, they will talk for a few minutes and find out you're alone and then invite you to drink with them in their group. This is the easiest way possible. But be careful. Drunk pinoys are not to be taken lightly.
>>2749147Lmao you spend more money in manila than you do in your home country Philippines isn't cheap
>>2749154Cheers, I was in one TG group but got kicked out since I wasn’t actually in the Philippines and had nothing worthwhile to sayLoved reading experiences and stories there tho