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>This makes Americans shit themselves in fear

I don't get it
Remember the idiots who think America will have a civil are the same idiots who think China will invade USA
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This. America could never have a civil war. That would just be too ridiculous. Isn't that right, Patrick?
Well... what kind of an European are you?
Although most militia larpers are obese fucks who couldn't stand a military campaign the former is quite likely actually
anti-americanism on /tv/ how original.
it's an american film...
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You know how it is. Doomsayers have to doom.
Do the boogaloo boys and magapedes really scare libtards that much?
Written by a Brit
I didn't watch it. People said it doesn't take sides. But right off the bat I noticed it's basically set up so that one side has all the classic MSN villains, trump mad with power, boogaloo boys, and I knew this was like the Biden voters version of Red Dawn.
It's fairly accurate though. And the boogaloo boys are all minorities lol
You really dont want a civil war.
People think the civil war will be something like texas flying planes over new york and dropping bombs or something but the reality is that the civil war would be more like an urban insurgency. Your quality of life (if you live in a city) would instantly crash to zimbawbe levels. Just a few schizos and radicals with home made explosives could destroy a few important roads or bridges to paralyze a city. The power grid in california got taken down after a few too many air conditioners were on one hot summer week. One "wildfire" in maui killed like 100 people or something crazy.
>no power, cant drive to work or anywhere else on your destroyed roads, cant get anything delivered, random fires burning down your neighborhood
Realize that all of this is asymmetrical. a bunch of insurgents benefit enormously from the economic and political damage they would cause with a few acts of terrorism while the government cant retaliate without collective punishment. They cant exactly start rolling tanks down the streets of brooklyn to look for insurgents during the day. Maybe they will start cracking down on your privacy and issuing curfews or something like they did during covid, but that doesnt really stop the asymmetrical nature of the war. There is a very low cost to terrorism and a massive benefit.
No benefit for you and me though, we would be the victims of the insurgency and the victims of the government retaliation.
>b-but that would never happen here
It did happen here, domestic terrorism and the days of rage are what got nixon into office. political kidnappings and office bombings were a weekly occurrence just 3 generations ago and your grandparents were the victims.
Store canned goods, don't tell your neighbors;etc.
Directed by a Brit

the fun thing about confirmation bias and being intellectually lazy is you get to win every argument bc you see whatever you want to believe and ignore any possibility of being wrong
Do you ever feel ashamed that you have to be roundabout and sardonic even on an anonymous forum? I don't even know what you're trying to say so you'll have to be more precise. You can do it I believe in you. You might be able to take something from this exchange to apply in your daily life.

You sound like a 'blue haired liberal'. You probably think joe biden is a legitimate president too, huh?

Anyhow, just back from seeing this. Obviously had my eyes peeled for all the predictive programming. It was a shit movie overall.

insurrection over and over. charlottesville over and over. meth damon is a racist, of course.

It's fucked up to think that americans would turn to violence. If you think about it like a divorce, why can't you do a clean split? "democrats" are literally the psycho ex wife who is threatening to kill the kids if you leave her, and then kill you...

Anyhow. Maybe also predictive programing for if and when they kill Trump.

The court cases are an attack as is, and it puts Trump in compromised situations over and over in a static location where bad actors could likely have a better chance at taking him out.

And if you would celebrate that, you're not a real american.
They put Trump in court because they genuinely believe he's a criminal, it's nixon all over again but worse. They don't see this court process like we do, which is just the state using its resources to give Trump death by a thousand cuts. You have to understand that the biden demographic literally and wholeheartedly believe that trump destroyed this country and his reckoning is around the corner.

Blame the media, blame fear, blame 9/11, but its too late to point fingers. i cant even blame biden voters, they're not even fully there.
So who was the original casting choice?
Elton John.
But he's a walking nigerian scam lol, the memes were fun and all but in the end he's a complete retard and a criminal
>They put Trump in court

christ you dumb nigger, trump has been dealing with lawsuits for DECADES. trump being in legal trouble is not a new development and it isnt politically motivated, it is a continuation of the same lawsuits that have followed him most of his adult life bc he likes to break the rules. breaking rules is great and he should keep on doing it but when you break the rules you have to deal with the consequences, in his case thats been lawsuits, civil suites, being sued, being in court for rape, etc. and all of that looooooong before he announced a political party
Got some boys

Now tell me. What kind of murrcan are ye?
Meds now please
>meth damon is a racist, of course.
Well yes when you see what your usual mass shooter can accomplish with the full retaliation power of the state looming over him, just imagine what these schizo would do if all law enforcement collapsed lol
If anything this movie just made clear how crazy TDS made people. That's Trump Derangement Syndrome for you newfags

Trump 2024 btw
you've seen how blue haired liberals fire bomb federal buildings with 'full retaliation power of the state looming over' them while diabetic conservatives saber rattle about 'one day'. hard right retards drastically over estimate their own capabilities and willingness to act.
>burn federal buildings in progressive led cities

Nothing, why would they? Buddy, most right leaning people would love to see feds get theirs
Just don't respond if you have nothing to say.
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Don't get so mad that I pointed out reality that you've shrouded with your absurdist shut-in view of the world

Here, let me get down to your level

Suck my fucking balls
Yes but I can see how /k/autists would turn full khmer at the first occasion
Iran and Russia have bigger chances of imploding into civil wars than America
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>Don't get so mad
>Suck my fucking balls
One of us is mad and it isn't me.
I suggest looking at the average k/ommando.
burning a trash can and screaming TRUMPF IS LE BAD a hundred times aren't revolutionary acts, those are the tantrums of autistic men children
Looks like he would shoot up a school
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>you've seen how blue haired liberals fire bomb federal buildings

No, I have seen them burning corner shops with full backing of DNC and every corporation ever while right wingers who went to stroll in actual government building got 25 years in prison.
If you are able to wear that in public then you probably have no problems shooting down the "enemies of the state/race/god"
you type like you're over the age of 50
>make a garbage napoleon movie
>make a total non-sense american civil war movie
fuck england
Actual Ivan here.
Not happening. Somehow westoids and our own delusional liberals stuck in their echo chamber find it hard to believe that Putin gets overwhelming support, but you have to have one careful look at the people around you when you go outside to realize majority does vote for him. I don't know and don't care if he's a bad president or good, too tired and jaded for this shit, but bydlo sure loves him and we've been held hostage by the bydlo since some faggots decided to import them into society from bumfuck nowhere villages to help build cities but forgot to send them back.
Good thing I didn't mention that. You did to diminish them.
Lol that spazz Rittenhouse killed two people and walked free but you're being persecuted lmao
The boog boys were feds irl, but in the movie they made the boog boys part of some "resistance" against the US gov.
>t-they were f-feds
Nice coping
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Speaking of a spazz, look at his face when the rifle round shred through his bicep muscle.
Join me in the shekel shuffle avi
NPCs aren't people
If you think they were an organic group than you are a fucking moron and probably think 09a isn't another glow op, or PF.
That child Rittenhouse defended himself from two pedophile communists supported by DNC and their corporations who were attacking him during their Covid spread riot.
They are. It grew out of a prepper joke and they were mostly libertarians. You poltards lost your shit when you found out one prominent guy involved in a shooting had a black handicapped wife.


literally nobody in america cares about this
If you are white and working class, that character is what the chattering classes think of you.
Nice strawman dude. You're putting on the same level of likelihood an invasion to a civil war, which the US has a precedent for. Not "da chuds". You. So fuck off and die you stupid nigger.
brandon unconditionally surrendered to goat fuckers
its more likely there is a US civil war than the chinese invading. I do not believe the chinese have a navy
not Americans, democrats
>meth damon is a racist
he was a civic nationalist since he didn't care about the cuban guy being from florida
Why haven’t you been conscripted to die in the forever war
103 Palestinians died screaming in the last 24 hours
Because unlike ukroaches our army is doing well enough and doesn't need more manpower.
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Yet the conscriptions continue. Victory in 2 more weeks

Kind of funny you’ve taken like 40x the entire NATO losses in Afghanistan/iraq over 20 years in 2 years desu.
I bet you’ll draft dodge if you do get conscripted. So many have. Here in Finland were full of Russian draft dodgers
>Yet the conscriptions continue.
Blatant lies but you keep coping, /k/tranny
>Here in Finland were full of Russian draft dodgers
They fled at the first sign of mobilization. Just like majority of retards coming back from Georgia now they weren't even in the lists, lmao
>I bet you’ll draft dodge if you do get conscripted
Well, we'll never know, because I won't get conscripted

Enjoy. My country has no draft, and I won’t die in a forever war over nothing. Not trans btw.
the way the president wanted to surrender and they said fuck off and murdered him and his family in cold blood was horrific leftist fantasy
Why are you still stuck at the border after like 2 years and a bajillion casualties
lol when the Asian fodder and African mercenaries run out you’ll be next. Better start fleeing now with the others
>Not trans btw.
But you sound like one. Maybe you should go for it
>Why are you still stuck at the border after like 2 years and a bajillion casualties
Impressively retarded
Yeah, just two more weeks.
>shills a war and too chickenshit to fight in it
>shills a war
Except I don't?
I would've been better without it. But since we got into it do you really expect me to root for the opponent? Is this average /k/tranny IQ?
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Why would I be trans? Because I notice Putin treats his conscripts like cannon fodder?

In a practicing Christian in a white country that’s been at peace for centuries, i find it sad you’re reduced to dying in nothing wars

This is your future
>resorts to gore
Classic tranny behavior
I mean a civil war would make no sense anyway.
What happens to the nukes?
Or the drones?
Or chemical weapons?
Or the air force?
Or the navy?
Or the gps system that gives whoever controls it a massive advantage?
Whoever has the nukes can just wipe an enemy state off the map.

It wouldn't make sense. Sure they could agree to disallow the use of nukes in the early parts of the war like with Russia, but if one side ever gets close to losing it will always be an option. Imagine if it was the choice between defeat/certain death or using a nuke. You will pick the nuke almost every time.
>that trigger discipline
yikes, magabro
the court cases are to divide his attention as much as possible so he can't do rallies/interviews.
you guys talk about 4D chess so much but the court cases are actually 4D chess on trump. DEMS are aware of trump's snowball effect so they're putting up as many roadblocks as possible and stacking negative press against him - for eg him sleeping in court, telling fake rape victim to fuck off no money etc
good from the river to the sea of blood
So why did he not bust him? Was he too stupid to figure it out or did he maybe fancy Bateman?
Stop I'm already hard.
democrat propaganda
Not my problem, you created that golem.
Takes greater discipline to hold the trigger like that without firing that it does to not fire without your finger inside the trigger guard. Stay rekt!

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