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>does nothing
Wtf was his problem? Was he retarded?
It's called "Not my fucking problem"
Women don't need any sexist chivalric condescension, chud.She was perfectly capable of handling the matter.
Nobody here will believe you, but it's probably true
Reminder that she said that that was what she wanted.
apparently he didn't know they where filming
I wish this post was real
Women say they don't need no man and I #believeallwomen. She had it under control.
I don't believe you
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>does nothing
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"not my asshole, not my problem"
Nah, just Adam Friedland.
you guys should help other people not because of self-interest but because it's the right thing to do
He was wearing flip flops
No, we won't. We will help those who deserve to be helped and that surely does not include women we don't know because we have been told we are "all" rapists. Go ask other sistas or bear to help you.
>saves beautiful woman from brutal rape
>”sorry, I have a boyfriend”
This man has been burned before.
Even knowing that it's part of a psyop to soften the country up for invasion, it's still difficult not to share your sentiment.
Soros funded DAs will charge you for doing that so why would i
Naive solidarity has been exploited by the undeserving, who are now trying to indict and preemptively condemn males and white people. No more helping the undeserving and the ungrateful. We will help our family, our friends and our race.
What's "softening" the country is Mark Milley pathetically yapping about "white rage", trannies in the armed forces and competing against women in sports and millions of illegals (including Chinese, Venezuelan etc) being let in by the Biden administration.
I'm going to be real with you guys, what the fuck would you even do smartasses?

What if that guy has a gun on him? The ONLY way you can do something is if you live in an area where it's legal to kill people to defend someone. If it were Texas you could just shoot him in the head and get away with it since it was to stop her from being raped. But most places killing him would land you in prison so you'd have to kill her too or risk prison.
Do nothing. Keep in mind the ordeal Daniel Penny is going through and save yourself the hassle.
Just get a cop or security guy
I would listen, that's what no one did.
One, no you didn't. Two, you're bragging about being an extreme pedophile. If only you could get vanned by Sheriff Mike too.
I wouldn't do anything. I'd listen to them and that's what no one did.
she voted for this
If the guy were black and this was in one of the American cities with "soft on crime" Soros-sponsored DAs he'd just get a slap on the wrist anyway. Let women be culturally enriched.
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I fucking love rape bros
>get a cop
lmaoooooo this is how you know a sheltered ass rich white boy posted
touch grass, cops in most cities won't even show up unless it's a rich area or it's a murder
Shout out
That'd be enough to shock him to stop
You girls need to give me some humanity if you want me to bleed for you. Give me your pussy.
and what if he kills her while you're calling the cops/security? then they will show up and just find you and a corpse and even if they believe your story you are going to be investigated as the prime suspect by default.
>hey, can I join in?
Now more than ever because post-George Floyd many "activists" asked for the police to be defunded or not be tough on black crime. The police it now taking its sweet time before arriving at crime scenes in black neighborhoods and this is the result:
nah man they're way slower to go to mexican neighborhoods
you got fucking houses in those areas with 20 cartel members inside bro
>nah man they're way slower to go to mexican neighborhoods
That could be happening TOO, but. the police is deliberately slowing down their arrival at black neighborhoods after the attempts to criminalize the actual crime fighters:
America exists to coddle the blacks sir, cops will always put policing them first
Ok maybe not a cop, but you can just tell anybody you see around that some girl is getting raped. I bet 2 or 3 people going hey what's going on in here will stop him
I would just watch and have a good fap to it, like irl FirstAnalQuest
See this article
Cops have reacted to the persecution against them by simply shrugging off and letting nonwhites kill/rob each other. Uvalde was only the most notable example.
The best policemen throughout the USA are retiring or moving on to private security in astounding numbers, as are people on the military, and this is creating literal chaos in several cities which is compounded by the absurd, staggering fact that some DAs have "legalized" theft and some types of assault.
>the NYPD response times for the most “critical” calls such as shots fired or an officer needing assistance surged 10 percent

aka completely nothing and likely just traffic getting worse + less cops around since they do more paper work

> and this is creating literal chaos in several cities
absolute delusional republican spotted
Why should he have done anything?
if u love it so much how come u never did it yourself? thats what i thought shut the fuck up pussy
>completely nothing and likely just traffic getting worse
Your low IQ wishiful thinking "don't notice things" counterargument attempt is in itself backfiring, as were the attempts to manipulate stats so as not to count certain crimes and present the narrative that less crimes are being committed in the US nowadays. Stores are being looted in broad daylight because Democrat DAs and legislators are abetting criminals. Unhinged ppl who assault others are being freed without bail. Etc.
>absolute delusional republican spotted
Leave your basement and walk around LA, NYC, Kensington, Washington DC etc. You will be assaulted/murdered and there'll be one less dysgenic leftist in the world.
Ppl who come to the US are all startled by the current state of primitive, dirty lawlessness in some of its major cities.
His problem was that it's not his problem.
Even in movies nobody stops rapes. That’s so incredibly depressing that I kinda want life to end.
This is America. The only thing that matters is me and freedom. Not my problem.
>be woman
>doesn't post bob and vagene
>there's probably two sides to this story
>that woman doesn't need a man to save her, I should be respectful
My freedom is their freedom however. And I don’t like being raped, so I plaster a mad dog all over the floor. Nothing wrong with picking up garbage.
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I'd pull out my phone and hit record while jumping around in the hallway yelling WORLDSTAR
It was back before cell phones he was obviously going to the nearest phone box to call the police. It's against the law to not report it after all.
It is France not burgerland
This would be a fantastic topic for that ABC show What Would You Do? They reenact the scenario, and then interview people about the action they took.
Yea bro I was with you at the bar and you were really fucked up. That was a 59 year old construction worker you went home with,
Walk up behind him and bonk him on the head? I 6 year old could do that
Then he pulls out a gun/knife, or you inadvertently kill him and your life is instantly over or changed for the worse.
For all he knows it's a public fetish and they might get angry or violent if he interrupts
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>I was wearing flip flops, what was I suppose to do?
Insanely based take from the gay bug
>objective morality
>We will help our family, our friends and our race.
*unless they're female
>shoot the guy in the head with my unregistered handgun with the serial number scratched off
>turn to the woman
>"I was never here, you didn't see my face. Okay?"
>take the guy's wallet and shoes
>drive home listening to Judas Priest
>ill have what he's having
It's funny how faggots will continue to sob into their keyboards about how everything is shit and how they wish it could all be better, but when presented with a simple moral dilemma, they'll recoil and go "NOT MY PROBLEM". Inaction is your fucking god, and you deserve to reap all the benefits from your worship.
Unironically morally and ethically this.

Some people have never been on the receiving end of "No good deed goes unpunished."
Stopping a breeding session? In THIS low birthrate environment? If anything I'd be going off to find my own female to breed
>It's called "Not my fucking problem"
had she minded her fucking business when le tenia was slappin' that one hoe, she wouldn't have ended up beaten bloody and raped.
First off given that it's in a degenerate city, it could very well be kinky sex and it would be rude to interfere; if it was nonconsentual you wouldn't know if the guy was armed or not or what the risks stakes were.
You're not objectively aware of everything that is going around you and your presumption of things may cause more harm, and if you really believed in what you said you would be aware of this, or you may just be that dumb and have ruined a lot of legitimate things because you didn't understand the context.
How would you know it was an actual attack and not kinky illegal sex between adults? You'd have to confront the issue to begin with.
>you just murdered her boyfriend
Real smart. Sure you're dumbshit punisher larping ass would argue "well they were degenerates anyway" which is true, but doesn't make you not a murderer.
The ones sobbing are the ones that pushed us all away and said they didn't need us. So now they're the ones reaping what they've sown

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