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Have there been any times where movie sequel(s) have been re-created or dropped entirely for another try?
And is there any chance this will happen to the star wars sequels?
Yes. Superman Returns comes to mind, specifically says 3 and 4 didn't happen.

I think it's more likely they try to reboot it and completely destroy themselves financially in the attempt

The power of of one, the power of two, the power of mannnnyyyy!
Yeah. Terminator Dark Fate ignored everything except the first two. The new Halloween movies ignore everything but the first.
>completely destroy themselves financially in the attempt
That would be more than beneficial too.
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>Tell me about it.
Does Highlander 2 count?
Well Carrie Fisher is already dead, they'd better hurry it up before Ford and Hamill croak too.
Seeing what Ford looked like in Indy 5, its probably better to just leave it at this point. Maybe in 20 years,when KK and Iger are no longer in position,make some Yuzan Wong Trilogy set 100 years after the Episode 9 and do a cleansing of Galaxy and soft reboot of the franchise.
They wouldn't need to be in the sequels.
Both in the sense of, they could find other actors for their older versions, or use some kind of makeup/cgi.
And in the sense of by not having them, we wouldn't have ties to "ooh muh nostalgia, i remember Leia" and "somehow palpatine returned."
Most series reboot all the time. Hell current star wars cannon is a reboot after scrapping the EU.
Will this happen to current star wars? No, not short of disney completely dying. They're stubbornly attached to the shit they've made and won't budge on any of it (even though their shitting writing is unintentionally retconning it)
If you want to enjoy star wars, consooom legends shit. All the games are on steam for like 30 dollars and the books are easy to order.
I wish they'd do that with the post-Capaldi Dr Who
Halloween has done that a bunch, I think there are three sequels now to the first film that ignore the continuity of the others
Kill yourself shill
Anything set in the disney wars continuity is faggot shit. Fuck yourself
they should redo the PREQUELS
there should be no sequels at all because the story ends on ENDor
At this point, best to let Star Wars drown in its own feces and hope that someone does an exciting take on The Culture series.
Who says anything about Disney continuity,dickhead? Just set Tit in a new era,and not mention any of the mouse crap. But for that to happen,Star Wars need to be taken from the wokies first. Iger and Kennedy would just continue the current course.

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