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How does he cope with the crushing realization that the prequelfags won? His generation of fans who lived through the disappointment of Phantom Menace are old and irrelevant and a new generation of unironic nostalgic zoomers are reshaping the consensus.
Prequels suck.
The same way that all old, out of touch bastards do it, by complaining about the youth these days and calling them dumb.
would he be wrong
About the prequels? Yeah.
-t. grew up with them
he molests young boys to cope
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>world actively getting dumber and more tasteless
>"how do ya like them apples boomer? :))"
>t. dumb zoomer
I'm a millenial, zoomers grew up with the sequels poor bastards.
The poster boy of notable discomfort
Imagine making a hours long rant against a movie like TPM but giving the weakest limp wristed criticism of Disney Star Wars which is magnitudes worse.
What a dumb fag.
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>reshaping the consensus.
This dude is a huge faggot now
I hated them at the time but 20 years of top quality memes have made me love them
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Based Redlettermedia STILL making the autistic incels of /tv/ seethe. Oh, and the prequels are still shit btw ;)
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Now that we're all here. Doesn't the idea of the Progenitors in Star Trek negate the theory of evolution?
>How does he cope
By drinking alcohol
The prequels are perfect for the ironic zoomer mindset (who by the way as a generation have added absolutely zero contributions to culture that isn't on tik tok/extremely ephemeral [second aside look up harold innis' theories on space vs. time oriented medias to learn more]), not that millenials have done much better) because they're sincere and weird and unbalanced in a way the lend themselves perfectly to the ironic "critical reevaluation" which is really just a memeification that acts as a vehicle for guffawing at the sincerity of lucas' failure. And of course this phenomenon is intensified by the total transparent focus grouped cash grab of the recent sequels. Rest assured zoomers will age and there will be another generational "re-evaluation" but also rest assured that they won't be able to engage with the prequels sincerly either
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>he tries to sell us that there's a difference
what have x-ers added to culture
I liked the prequels as a kid but I can admit they are also terrible. OG fags need to also recognise that the prequels really aren't any more terrible than the originals. Star wars is rule of cool spectacle over story telling. At the time the originals came out they were cool because of the exciting WW2 special effects, the aliens, the costumes, the sets and the laser swords looked cool. The story is shallow and it isn't particularly well told or thought out. Do you think George Lucas was planning for Luke to kiss his sister or was he just making things up as he went along? The prequels are basically the same thing for a different generation, the pod racers look cool, the clone vehicles look cool, darth maul looks cool, naboo looks cool. If you stop to think about the plot and characters for more than 10 seconds it all falls apart but that's not what star wars is about. All of the criticisms RLM levied against the prequels can also be applied to the originals.
>OG fags need to also recognise that the prequels really aren't any more terrible than the originals.
lol no
how did the prequelfags win? what did they win?
>Progenitors look almost exactly like shapeshifters
What did they mean by this?
The new generation of unironic nostalgic zoomers are getting their just deserts, which is to see something they loved get ruined through constant meddling
One of the best bots

Stop liking what I don't like
He lost, which means everybody now believes in the opposite thing now. Everyone had to change their minds because he lost.
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>"JJ Abrams would make a good Star Wars Director."

He more than anyone did this to us. is this George?
Everyone under 40 thinks the prequels are good, and those people are the future.
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People just seem to not criticise the originals because of some cult mentality. Here's some off the top of my head.
> Stormtroopers can't shoot straight.
> Many editing gaffs are left in
> Luke kisses his sister
> The empire is brough to it's knees by teddy bears
> Everyone is related, darth vader is lukes father, leia is lukes sister
> Introduce cool bounty hunter then do nothing with him and toss him down a pitt.
They're the same it's just OG fags think their version of shameless spectacle with cool laser swords is somehow different than the prequels.
>implying the post you replied to was made by a gen x-er
>nostalgic zoomers are reshaping the consensus
Add to this that over the past decade movies have been stupider and stupider to appeal to international audiences.
I recently rewatched the prequels and those retarded movies werent any worse than anything else my frens have forced me to watch lately.
The RLM guys don't understand this. I think Jay even outright said you shouldn't pretend to like something even ironically just because it's from your childhood.
Zoomer here. I don't give a fuck about Star Wars.
new gen gave up on movies in it's entirety
Prequelfags are trying to stifle criticism by linking it to the bullying JarJar and Jake Lloyd received. Like if you voice any disapproval of the prequels you're basically condoning psychological abuse. It's fucking weird.
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>prequelfags fisting themselves off over terrible movies
he won, bitch
>Everyone under 40 thinks the prequels are good, and those people are the future
There's a fucking steep shelf in culture, movies and music, I want to say it solidified in 2013, a wall of things turning shitty. It doesn't coincide with any particular age bias with me it just happened in my late 20s I guess, where everything that came out gave me intense antipathy. And realizing that that period of time is going to be looked back on as "when things were good" is so sad.

On the other hand there's plenty of periods in history that people say things were shit then so maybe we're still in one of those.

Seeing people nostalgic for idk avici or Rihanna or a transformers sequel is just... How are you supposed to trust the taste or opinion of any of those now older adults who are in charge of media.

Your opinion is disregarded if you haven't seen groundhog day. Go look at a list of movies in 1993 and name one in the past ten years that compares.
He made bad content? I'm shocked.
bro thinks the prequel fags won
nice bait
Edge of tomorrow.
The OG films aren't perfect, but your criticisms are pure shit.
The OG films are just a stupid as the prequels.
>unironic nostalgic zoomers are reshaping the consensus.
I thought it's mostly younger millennials, and they're a contrarian minority. Most people still hate the prequels.
The few actual zoomers I've talked to irl don't seem to care much about star wars but they all agree the OT is the best.
>Introduce cool bounty hunter then do nothing with him and toss him down a pitt.

I never understood the whining about this. Boba Fett was just a bounty hunting goon with stylish armour, he was no more important than Greedo really, there was no reason for him to die gloriously.

>but in muh books and comics he's speshul elite commando man

No one cares. In the films he's just an evil henchman like Greedo.
Watch the Plinkett reviews. They explain why the prequels are bad.
The boomers are not going to like this....
>lets fly down a trench for some reason even though space has no gravity and we can approach the death star from any angle
Yes. Only one of them is even approaching a great movie. The other two are really nothing special.
2014 and 2016 had quite a few good movies.
the prequels remain trash
lucas proved to be a hack
he'll never be able to recover from his influence over the sequel trilogy
It’s like missing George Bush
>AT-AT armor is too strong for blasters
>trips one up with the tow cable
>then shoots it and it explodes
>with the same blasters
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>murdered white women is fucking hilarious
>we should remove graveyards to make more place for parking lots

they lost their fucking mind
I'll never forgive them for shitting on The Zookeeper (it was good you old fogeys). It makes me nostalgic for the good old days (2010-2013, the peak of civilization)
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Nobody cares what zoomers think.
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>Last video was 2 weeks ago

It's over.
What the boomers shit themselves as you speak nothing but the truth. Boba Fett is literally Darth Maul. Looks cool, fans love him, gets to do absolutely nothing. Is killed and thrown in a pit. The prequels are as much a part of what makes Star Wars what it is as lightsabers and space ships.

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