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Have you ever had a panic attack?
multiple times actually and it's not accurate at all, she's overreacting
That is not normal. I think Riley needs to be on benzos and maybe an SSRI.
How the fuck can you even have an attack of panic nigga panic isn't even real just calm the fuck down lol
Yes I thought I was having a heart attack and went to hospital. I’ve had it a few times since. Worst thing is it always feels ever so subtly different so you think it really might be a serious health condition this time
If she's acting like this at 12, imagine how bad her mental illness will be in a few years.
>See goy? Your kids are just mentally ill, they're not clutching their chest and having trouble breathing because of anything else. Really.
What the Christ? Not letting children watch this jewish bile.
Quick. Call doctor Goldberg immediately!
not all attacks are the same, sperg.
>So unconfident in their ability to portray what's happening that they have to make her say out loud why she's freaking out
This, it’s just a fucking high school after school game and she’s heaving and asphyxiating like she’s on a boat heading to Omaha Beach.
>People really liked this in Puss in Boots
>Let's steal it wholesale!
Fucking shameless.
I've had panic attacks since I was a kid. Mostly I just sprint to find a secluded place where I can cry/scream/swear until my voice is hoarse. I've had a huge anxiety problem since I was a kid and it's been getting worse as an adult. I've had nightmarishly embarrassing meltdowns in front of my coworkers and relatives and them walking on eggshells around me makes me want to off myself. I attribute most of it to being sexually abused by my dad for years
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We've fallen far as a society. She should have done something like this to get the crowd pumped up. Note: I'm treating her as I would any other hockey player regardless of gender
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It must be a pretty relatable experience because people have been stampeding to go and see it
>”I have to fit in.”
Killer dialogue. Everything she said looks like what was probably written on a whiteboard in some office when they were spitballing what the characters should be like. She’s just declaring her shitty, boring character arc out loud.
ya it sucks, but they have pills for that now.
I always get them after a drinking bender for some reason
Your gaba levels get all fucked up
no, I'm a man
Only had one after smoking some really shit weed
Literally 5 minutes later the house I was in got raided and I got caught with 0.5g in my pocket lel
Maybe it was a sixth sense
>Tony Soprano fainting seeing Uncle Ben
puss in boots really buck broke hollywood that they all need to add a panic attack scene now
Once. The tachycardia is what really sets it apart to anything else I've experienced.
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How do you have a panic attack? Like as a man? Literally there is nothing in life that is serious or scary enough to feel as though you're going into cardiac arrest over. Short of seeing aliens or some shit. Thank god I'm not mentally ill.
God I hate western animation
Everything is ugly
No, i just get very mad and beat up homeless people
literally thousands of times
nope im not a bitch
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what the fuck is that?
How did her stick just fall down like that. Isn't there a wall in front of her, closer to her than the length of that stick? It should have hit the wall and leaned on a corner for a second or something? Am I autistic?
Have people always had panic attacks caused by some mundane shit? Did people just not talk about it?
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Had panic attacks every time I went outside my junior year of high school.
Ended up having to stay home entirely.
It was hell. Walking outside and immediately feeling like you're dying.
I don't have many vivid memories, but one of them is sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed one morning and calling myself a pussy over and over, hyping myself up to go outside, and then almost collapsing the minute I walked to my driveway.
mystery meat asian
probably canadian born
>I need to fit in
She doesn't. If she's skilled enough that's covered and she ought to know playing a team sport requires a modicum of professionalism. Really it's on her parents for not instilling a sense of self and self-worth, building up esteem with victories and tempering ego with failures.
La creatura
>Vacationing in Mexico with my family and tourist guide
>Black van crosses in front of us and stops
>*multiple flashbacks to edgy gore videos you guys shared here*
>"Pinche puto! Pa qué chingaos tienes ojos?! A la verga!"
>"Chinga tu puta madre, wey! Eres tú quien tiene que ver por donde va, pendejo!"
>Black van leaves
>"Sorry, friend. People in this country don't know how to drive. You know?"
>Just so you know, this was in the middle of route with no civilization near and full of trees.
No legs tho
one time I bit down with my front teeth on a piece of candy and felt and heard a CRRK from "above" the teeth, I thought I had loosened one of my front teeth and freaked the fuck out for like 45 minutes, hyperventilating a few times, before I realised they were still in place.
i DREAD losing teeth, especially the ones in the front.
>me when it's 8pm and I haven't drank my vodka yet
People who are that soft or try to glamorize psychological hang-ups have to deal with their own issues. Weakness in society has to stop
Would you brain shutting down and simply not being able to respond to stimulus until you get out of the uncomfortable situation be a panic attack
Oh look, another Disney/Pixar movie I won't bother showing to my kid.
Yes. Lying in bed, suddenly get this feeling of certain doom unless I get up and run for my life. This was after months of rapid pounding heartbeat diagnosed as anxiety.
Literal demoralization and I'm not even trying to be a chud. This doesn't make kids who suffer from panic disorders "fit in," this just encourages all the normal kids to start pretending to have panic disorders so they look special and have people pity them
No and I don't know why this faggoty shit is everywhere now
I think that's more like PTSD.
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no because I have strong mind
If a child’s anxiety is high enough to give them panic attacks they definitely need to be on drugs
no, because they aren't real.

anxiety is also not an independent emotion, its just fear.
For women it is a separate emotion
kids just starting puberty do not have full on panic attacks and pretending they do in a film marketed toward young kids, depicting this as normal or common, is dangerous
I had my first one at 14.
I had one and only one. Smoked some seriously strong wacky backy and had some of the most soul crushing thoughts centered around how I treated certain family members. I don't remember how I got it to end, I just know I was able to fall asleep after a while. Made me a better person honestly.
Is this the panic attack scene that doesn't exist that I've been hearing so much about?
I went through a rather small blackout water slide once and thought I was having a heart attack.
Turns out I'm pretty claustrophobic.
Add panic attacks to vitiligo and arachnophobia for the random ultra-specifically "relatable disabilities" list. Any bets on what's next? Maybe a crippling fear of heights for synergy with the panic attack meta?
why is everyone a schizo these days?
Glad you still have your head anon. That could have gone very differently.
Only when I started eating edibles at 27
Why does every kids movie have a panic attack scene now
lmao westerners are such pussy ass bitches. I hope ISIS invades your country.
Women have been doing this for years. They just mimic the symptoms and say they have whatever mental issue is popular. Most of the time it's just for attention. Most mental disorders in women are some sort of voluntary hypochondriac thing where they read about something or hear about it from a friend and then they do it themselves.

The funniest one was that actress who posted here who said she was raped because her boyfriend tried having sex with her during a panic attack. Women are beyond retarded.
just have a drink lmao just become an alcoholic
Because the primary demographic for these movies, after kids, is millenial man babies and Disney adults of all stripes.
A stiff slap in the face and snap back to reality is all someone like this would need. Be like bitch people are dying and getting fucking killed and raped right now this is an inconsequential after school activity.
Literally looks like she's taking a shit
I had a panic attack when I tried to get up out of my bed after brain surgery and discovered that it had, in fact, caused some damage. My coordination was fucked, my balance was fucked, and I couldn't stop myself shaking constantly. I thought that was going to be my new normal and I kind of shut down a little. Thankfully most of the worst of it went away with time.
Now I get to do it all over again, except probably with even more risk of shit going wrong, once the second surgery gets approved
>because *women have been stampeding to go and see it
I don't think panic attacks should be represented in media, children who would otherwise be fine could mimic that behavior.
Idiot. She clearly needs top surgery.
I don't think LGBT should be represented in media, children who would otherwise be fine could mimic that behavior.
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>when the 4th booster shot hits you just right
Anon just leave your body. Do as many drugs as you can.
it's amazing how faggots here come up with ridiculous conclusions with little to no context. those statements are ment to represent strings that connect to a maguffin called her inner self that drives the plot of the emotion characters.
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I used to have them constantly in my early 20s and late teens. When its real they are terrifying, i felt like i was gonna die and had no idea how to stop them, i even used to wake up from dreams hyperventilating.I was a nervous kid, raised by women and all the men in my family died young. my father died when I was 19, my uncle when I was 16 and both my grandfather's around the same time. I didn't know how to handle loss and drowned myself in alcohol, partying and coke to drown out the noise. eventually I came to terms with everything, learned how to accept what cards life gives, started exercising and eating right, read alot of philosophy, getting back into religion and learned to like being alone. now I understand what anxiety is and how to stop them immediately when I feel it coming just by focusing on my breathing. Thanks for reading my blog
>mention a quasi-disability or negative experience
>every redditor on the internet feels obligated to blogpost their personal experience about it completely unsolicited
Now you know why this shit is in all of these movies for kids and man children. It's like mentioning breast cancer on a women's forum.
It's almost like you're on a social media site or something.
op literally asked a question and niggas are answering. for what reason are you doom posting?
Yeah i didn't realize /tv/ had so many literal faggots
I'm glad that you related to this coming-of-age tale for young girls anon. Hope someone responds to your blogpost soon.
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I've never experienced a panic attack and I want to sympathize and understand it but I came across this video of a guy having a panic attack and he yells at his girlfriend and he just comes off as such a massive bitch to me.

No matter how stressed or scared I've ever been I've never snapped at or yelled at anyone, especially a woman. Are panic attacks really that bad?

Pic very related

No, it isn't. They call it something different so they won't have to admit they're simply afraid, because that's weakness.
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I'm a functioning druggie so I had to deal with that kind of shit half my life
Naturally, I became so proficient in this that I can just shut myself off to any kind of mental assault and reassess myself on the spot
I'm mentally unshakable and nothing cam get under my skin unless I allow it
How do you know this?
You didn't watch the fagmovie, did you?
>children who would otherwise be fine
How would you know? Should we stop teaching kids how to use kitchen utensils because they can stab or cut someone with them?
>Now you know why this shit is in all of these movies for kids and man children. It's like mentioning breast cancer on a women's forum.
Cringe autism. So many kids/disney adults are gonna be copying this and faking it
I have to stay relatively clean or funding for my surgeries may go away. This is kind of the last gasp for traditional medicine though, if this doesn't work I'm shit out of luck and my healthcare system will just throw its hands up and go "guess you have to live with it, sucks for you". Then I can start thinking about drugs.
I had it a couple of times as an adult. After those, in recollection, I also had a few of them as a kid, but did not understand them as so. I had an aunt who would not leave the house, my mom said she had panic attacks. I did not understand what this meant, her life was fine, there was no immediate danger or anything, and yet she one time got out of her car in the middle of the road to vent and cry at the sidewalk, completely non-functional. My life was also seemingly fine until I had an anxiety breakdown that made me not sleep for 4 days and I was extremely sensitive to the most ridiculous bullshit, I would watch series/movies and be actually scared characters acting aggressive or pointing guns. I was strange and not like me at all, it was clearly a biological thing I could not control. It's been years since that, other than that period of my life, I'm totally chill.
Yeah. Also this looks fucking stupid, no one Is going to willingly let themselves have a full blown panic attack In front of a crowd of people. That would only make It worse.
One time my Nintendo Switch battery died and my wife's boyfriend made fun of me so I went for a walk to pick up some IPA beers to slam before having a blast with the newest releases. The store was out of IPAs though and I started to shake and fart and shit my pants while vibrating like The Flash(tm). I couldn't believe Thanos snapped away my brewskis and I cried for 8 hours and my son's boyfriend called an ambulance and I was admitted to the hospital but get this - they had an ANIME themed waiting room and the wholesome comfiness made me feel so good that I called my therapist and told asked for an upgrade for my SSRI prescription and life couldn't get any better than this.
Panic attacks taking over from Tourette's as the thing to fake on tiktok/yt for views?
>Yeah. Also this looks fucking stupid, no one Is going to willingly let themselves have a full blown panic attack In front of a crowd of people. That would only make It worse.
nigga have you ever gone outside in your entire life? or even talked to another human in person?
Nigga have you ever said nigga infront of a black person in your life, you reddit ass basednigga?
Not the anon you replied to but I'm gonna look into this GABA thing and see if I can fix it, easiest way to fix it seems to be to quit drinking and take vitamin B6 supplements. Thanks for the tip anon.
Yeah, I was 23. I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating chest pain. My mom had to drive me to the hospital, I was just writhing in agony the whole time. No tests turned up anything and the pain eventually went away. Years later I brought it up to a couple different people and they all said it was a panic attack.
/tv/ and /v/ are reddit colonies.
>It's like mentioning breast cancer on a women's forum.
Well what do you expect?
Mine was, I thought I was having a heart attack. It hurt too much for me to even speak though.
no one came and asked if I was all right.
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I once greened out from stealing hits from my stoner friend's ultra-pen and tried to calm myself down by listening to Steve Reich's "Six Pianos".
It made me feel like I was trapped in some sort of time prison and I started loudly breathing like the Cyberdine guy from Terminator 2 until my friends literally dragged me upstairs to bed.
You have good friends I guess. I would make sure you aren't dying on my floor for legal reasons and then never hang out with you again. Someone so hysterical and bereft of self-control cannot be trusted in high stress situations.
If anyone here suffers from anxiety or panic attacks, I cannot stress this enough, quit drinking for a few months or even permanently if you want. It will be a slow recovery but you will recover. Also take vitamin B6 supplements.
yeah when the ducks left my swimming pool. also when i opened the cabinet and saw an uncle ben's rice
Posted from Chana (only on Play Store)
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>It must be a pretty relatable experience because people have been stampeding to go and see it
The more jewish genes a person has the more mental issues they have. Lots of 4chan and reddit fags are jews so that's why you see so many fags sharing their blogs
you mean vertigo? cuz vitiligo is a real skin condition, thats what michael jackson had, but vertigo is just you get dizzy for a minute

Posted from Chana (only on Play Store)
Are "panic attacks" becoming the new autism, where everybody and their dog thinks they have it because they saw an internet video on it one time? And here I thought ADHD was the new hotness.
Settle down. 2 minutes in the box isnt even a big deal. Lmk when you get a 5er.
>high school
Yeah ok Cletus.
I for one am glad they removed him from the box. It was terrifying feeling like I was about to be robbed in my own home
My 8 yr old nephew mimics the shit he sees on social media. Just the other day he offered an underage girl some clout if she gave him a kiss. Absolute sicko.

Is media for children showing people being stabbed and cut with kitchen utensils?
autism isn't special enough anymore they call themselves neurodiveregent
Anime is for kids, so yes.
All these "people" will kill themselves after their first battle during the coming war.

Oh well....
Jokes on you. Ill kill myself as soon as I'm drafted. I wont even see a battle.
Vax status?
At least take the draft officers and commissar Shaniqua with you.
>Demon Slayer Movie grossed more than all of Disney/Pixar animations combined
lmao you fucking tard
Puss N Boots did it better
>guide blares back at a Black Van
Either he's a fucking retard or has a massive pair. I live in a similar shithole and wouldn't dare to shout back at a suspicious vehicle
yeah regularly, worse than that
they express differently for different people, trauma-based ones tend to be worse
it’s a dysfunctional fight-or-flight response, good luck “calming down” while being flooded with adrenaline for no reason

why is this /tv/‘s new fixation? why does it offend you? how does it relate to your political ideology or whatever motivates threads like this?
>I've had panic attacks since I was a kid. Mostly I just sprint to find a secluded place where I can cry/scream/swear until my voice is hoarse.
I love making up dumb excuses for having no voice
> and it's been getting worse as an adult.
don’t worry, it’s degenerative
Funny thing, that. I get panic attacks from social situations and I thought I'd show my brain a situation it should actually be scared of by jumping out of a plane. I was completely calm for the whole experience, even though it was my first time flying as well. Then I had a panic attack when I got home because my brain wouldn't stop thinking about the smalltalk I had to do while waiting for the jump. I also wasn't affected at all when a crazy homeless guy came into work with a big knife, but I'd get panic attacks once I got home because I had too many customers talking to me that day.

I honestly wonder whether I wouldn't have been the perfect soldier in ages gone by, the type who just keeps going on patrols instead of accepting a week off in town, except instead of it being patriotic fervour it would have been so I didn't have to deal with lots of people in town. Or a sailor on a small ship where you only get to go on land once a month or less. Then I'd die unwed and people would have chalked it up to me being a soldier who wasn't ready to settle down, instead of having a broken brain.
>it can’t possibly be society, it must be the children who are broken and wrong!
>her boyfriend tried having sex with her during a panic attack.
yeah it’s very obvious that meta-cognition like “this is trivial/not dangerous, I am aware I should not be panicking” is completely useless at dealing with panic, panic takes over a more primal than rational part of your nervous system
it’s ridiculous and it sucks
anxyliotics are the only thing that works to intervene and even then not that well
>muh trauma
so tired of this meme
we live in the first world
stop being a pussy and move on
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shit like this just romanticizes being mentally ill to kids and now kids will play into this kind of thing and pretend, but in their pretending they will be put on brain altering drugs that will change the course of their life forever
yeah i was fucking terrified the whole time i was in mexico. everyone is trying to scam you the whole time and you feel like shit could pop off at any moment
they want every kid on some kind of pill
>joy is delusional
>disgust is attracted to the inappropriate older video game guy
>envy is small and cute
>embarrassment is a big strong emotion
>anxiety is a scary fucking muppet

That single tear from anxiety is top notch emotional climax
idk if you thought this was some kind of own but we can see this is true with the rise of trannies. its clearly a trend
If you know Spanish well enough to remember the conversation word for word and type it out correctly here, why were you even worried?
that reminds me, I need to buy some finlandia
>idk if you thought this was some kind of own
No I was being sincere lol
>anxiety: olvido
>joy: what’s that?
>anxiety: forgot
so did you fix it? how?
>I can just shut myself off to any kind of mental assault and reassess myself on the spot
lol what does that even mean? what are you actually doing/thinking?
It means he's larping as a badass on 4chan
> has panic attack hours after skydiving while thinking about his conversations
> has panic attack after work thinking about talking to too many customers
anon, do you not notice that youre not having the attacks WHILE actually talking to the people? those conversations arent what cause them, but rather your own thoughts about them

t. freud
Yeah. I was terrified my ex would kill herself if I broke up with her.
You should talk to someone other than 4chan about this
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No asian
Fake disease. It's just weakness and entitlement that you can remain weak and do nothing about it but take meds. I'm not even tough guy, I'm stressed and anxious all the time, but never to the point of having a sissy fit and clutching my chest like a woman. >>200237903 is right, your anxieties are imagined, and even if the worse you can think really happens, so what? you lose everything and die? not that bad. The meme stow-icks were unironically right.
Remember when Pixar was interesting fantasy settings like talking bugs or whatever why are we now having to watch movies about female mullatos playing hockey…
So stupid, and you know they changed this preemptively just to avoid the uncle tom comparison by some twitter bitch
this boomer obsession is stupid as fuck.
>you don't know stress because you weren't in WW2!
Can't wait until they're all die out.
I had my first one around September of last year. It was fucking terrifying.
I think it was garlic induced.
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Hillary don’t you have some child’s blood to drink why are you on 4chan rn
I'd rather be tased than experience an existential panic attack again
page removed
I think it’s quite common to go through a phase of OCD fear of breathing/heart/whatever problems, that can manifest in some pretty terrifying panic attacks. It’s something most people get over. This is a problem that has existed for as long as humanity I would bet. James Madison suffered from it. I never understood it for pressure/social events though
Got better in a year.
No I had rage. Because people were stupid and I wanted to hurt them.
>2d concept art: cute SEAsian tomboy
>3d model: FAS creatura
>Panic attack
I can't take this seriously.
>Playing hockey
I ESPECIALLY can't take this seriously. What a farce!
99% of panic attacks are just people being drama queens and pussies. My ex used to have "panic attacks" and at first I was all supportive. After awhile I became jaded and I slapped her out of it once. It worked! In the good old days, panic attacks was just called women being hysterical and a good slap was the best cure. Turns out she would get really horny after.

My guess is this guy had that sort of sexual relationship with her and would cure her "panic attacks" with his dick. I guess she was just searching for clout and said it was rape after the fact. Women are insane and want the complete opposite of the nice guy that they always bitch about.
do you still take it?
Not quite a panic attack but I physically stumbled when I found out my father was murdered. Like my knees didn't work properly for about 5 seconds. Maybe that was an anxiety attack, I don't know the difference and hasn't happened since.
Yeah, I do.
I take the lowest dose possible though.
The same dose 10 year olds take.
>no anon you don't have a social phobia, you just have a brain that gets really anxious in social situations and then goes into a panic attack when constantly replaying the conversations after they're done
thanks for the insight

she chews her nails
This isn't going to be relatable to kids it's just going to teach them to act like this.
Holy fuck the West is so pussified lol.
Your dad raised a weak little failure and he probably should have kicked your ass into shape a bit more.
Oh my god the cartoon is overreacting?

Lol damn what a faggot
I had my first at 4
Lot of times, is never like this unless you are an attention whore though, everyone feel like this at some point but you don't do this unless you want people to notice you, I guess is healthier than cutting yourself but it is what it is.
I'm taking Alimemazine to quell my sporadic panic attacks and I've ended up with such a low dosage that my doctor actually laughed and said it was bordering on homeopathy. It's ridiculous what a strong effect it has on me. I think my original dose was something like 500 times the one I take now, and it was a daily dose, and every time I missed a day or two I got high from it and couldn't do anything but lay in bed because all my movements felt laggy and I couldn't even think straight enough to watch a movie.
Learning the greatest pillar of support of your life was murdered is a pretty big shock and 5 seconds of paralysis seems fine as a general reaction.
Yeah I think the healthy thing is to eventually be able to get off the meds.
Sounds like we're both at a good rate so far, you moreso than me.
I just worry about getting off them for good. It would suck to have to go crawling back.
lol, more like Doctor Visakhapatnam.
yes when i was a grown adult. another panic attack scene in a cartoon? will there be another one in the third spider-man cartoon movie? will Gwen have one? is there gonna be a panic attack scene in Moana 2? OH MY SCIENCE I FEEL SEEN!!! Stop this shit, and stop fucking 12 FPS 3d CG animation horse shit while were at it.

My panic attack was because I was not properly prepared for my job because my trainer wasted all the time talking about his ex-gf and life and when I was put on the floor to work they just left me there with no help except messaging a manager but they would ignore you.
not an argument.
a non whit eperson. they actually out number caucassian people globally and also in america. if that makes you pee your pants go live in any of the mostly white countries i hear they are pretty nice like Norway and Finland.
they dont fuck with touristas you were never in danger you should be more worried about the heat and if it is hurricane season and also how much shittier food will taste after you leave mexico and come back to microwave land.
I get them a lot when I'm in a small, confined space or in a bring crowd where I can't move around well. Stems from accidentally locking myself in a trunk full of clothes when I was a kid in the middle of a swelteringly hot summer, I was basically pressed up against the lid of the trunk due to the clothes and couldn't move. Was in there about an hour before my family found me, dehydrated and delirious.

Panic attacks from "pressure" or "social stress?" Hell no, that's some pussy shit.
youre surprised 4chan people have mental disorders?
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yeah my first impression is they look like ticks, like whatever riley does with her hand here looks like something out of a tiktok video.
vaxx status?
catbox it for fucks sake
This is what happens when parents aren't allowed to hit their own children anymore.
How sad to see all these so-called males saying they had a female moment and had a panic attack. All this mental health awareness nonsense has turned the next generation into a bunch of pussies.
Many times. In a way, they have defined my life. When I was a teenager, I thought I would never survive. But I did. I chose a psychology intensive major in college and I learned many things about why people become depressed, anxious, panic, etc. Panic never gets easier in the moment, but once you live long enough to know how it passes, you fear the sensation less.
You can have panic attacks without wanting people to feel bad for you(in a matter of fact most of panic attacks are like this), what are some kinos with this?
bruh are those shadman drawings on the right?
THIS,the only time this could actually happen is if your an 8 year old in the dentist about to get wisdom teeth pulled.......
Punch Drunk Love. Apocalypse Now.
You joke but benzos are the only thing that help with panic attacks, shit is magic.
For a few months I started having panic attacks. The first time was at the gym, I lift extremely heavy and was sitting in the change room and all of a sudden I felt the distinct physical sensation of my heart squeeze rapidly and it became almost impossible to breathe. I didn't want to rely on an ambulance and the hospital was 5 minutes away driving slow so I quickly packed up my shit and left the gym. The cute girl working the desk gave me a wave and said see you later and I smiled and said "See ya" without any indication I was on the verge of passing out. I sped to the hospital even going through red lights carefully and by the time I stumbled into the emergency room I was barely getting any breath. They told me to take a seat and after a few minutes of trying to keep myself awake I went back to the desk and said i was having a heart attack and needed to be checked out right now.

They got me in rapidly after that and did EKGs and x rays and blood work and slowly over 5-6 hours my breathing returned to normal and they said everything looked good and that I seemed to have an exceptionally healthy heart and discharged me with an appointment with my doctor later that week. I had another episode in the doctor's office itself and he had me lay down in a quiet observation room and determined I was having panic attacks. He offered a prescription but I said if it was definitely mental with no heart or brian related worries I was gonna ride it out for a bit to see what was up.

That whole summer I wound up having severe panic attacks with similar symptoms and everytime it happened I would lay down and smoke weed. By the time I went back to school they had disappeared and I stopped smoking weed and haven't had an episode since.

TLDR you usually won't be able to tell when people are having real panic attacks
Hey kiddo the fuck did I tell you about airing the family's dirty laundry online? Your ass is gonna get it when you get home
btw you can take ibuprofen to bring yourself down if you smoke too much weed, the anti inflammatory properties reduce the effects of weed somehow, you won't be stone cold sober but you'll be much less high

i've tried it, it works
stop responding sincerely to shitposts
Yes and this is not even close to what a real panic attack is like.
kill yourself zoomfuck twitternigger retard
had my first real panic attack as a 25 y.o
prior to that I felt that I experienced panic attacks but that was just the false media representation of panic attacks.
I'm actually glad I had one because after the first real panic attack you're life changes. I realized that people only want to hurt you, they don't know any better, they're npc's programmed to slam you to the ground, you're actually alone in this world. even your parents don't give a shit, if you show any signs of distress, you're worthless in their eyes.
>2d concept art: fat SEAsian tomboy
ftfy famalama
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>Grown adults are actually crying with this shit
The amount of people who project and have "deep thoughts" deconstructing movies made for kids is a fucking black pill. The inside out worldbuilding is the kind of metaphor that you would find in a 4th grade book. Wtf, man?
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I've been smashing my head against desks and walls due to perceived faults since I can remember myself. If I got a less than perfect mark, I'd grab a book and smack my head with it. Other times I'd run into walls. Which is weird, since my parents were never strict. And it was all for naught since I turned into a lazy failure with no ambition... I don't think it's a panic attack anyhow. I've only ever had it once, I think. I tried to go to sleep and I couldn't breathe when laying down. I felt like yawning but it was interrupted in the middle, and I was stuck feeling as if my throat was blocked. That's the most I've had.
Lurk more, newnigger.
I was prescribed an antidepressant by a stupid doctor that I had a bad reaction to and it caused me to have a panic attack. It was so bad my parents called poison control, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. It also didn't go away for years. I would have random panic attacks out of nowhere triggered by nothing. Just all of a sudden it would happen, like while driving. It's not bs, but I think most people who claim to get panic attacks are full of shit cause I know what it's like. It debilitated me for years.
No, I'm normal. And was never chased by a tiger or sieged by a pogrom.
The realistic panic attack trope is so overused now. It's gonna age really funny when people remember how ubiquitous it was for like a five year span. It was even in the new Bad Boys, although they made it kinda based by having the resolution just be Martin Lawrence slapping him out of it.

But seriously, how many people actually get panic attacks? I had a boss who did once and it was never like this, she would just call out random days and piss people off because of it
That's understandable, definitely not the same as a medical condition panic attack
Puss in Boots the Last Wish ruined a generation of animation filmmakers
>Captcha: MGAY
Why are modern cartoons so ugly
>Panic attack in the penalty box
>not seething rage
Women should stay out of sports
Sure, most people experience them these days and either you learn to deal with it or get a prescription for an SSRI and/or buspirone. What you shouldn't do is make it your fucking personality or use it as a crutch for any shortcomings you have as a maladjusted adult.
Yeah. I have them particularly when I get drunk and babble to people then sober up the next day. I don't want pity for them. Pretty much my own fault. They don't cause me to start hitting myself though. That is Autism.
global ethinc makeup doesn't exist.
The yare the majority in their country, like whites are the majority in their own.
Also non-white isn't a group, racist
Yes, its nothing like this. But pixar employees are narcissistic zogbots so I wouldn't expect them to know what a panic attack is
>Oy vey those billions of Asians and Indians don't exist it's all in your head
>all asians are one group
can't tell if you are genuoinely retarded or just a leftist racist
Were you sleeping? When I have sleep apnea I have that "INMINENT DEATH" feeling, wake up feeling like I can't breathe and run to the corridor in case I need to ask for help.
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>will there be another one in the third spider-man cartoon movie?
already had a panic attack
Why do /pol/cels get so angry over this?
every night, multiple times a night
i dont usually sleep for more than 30 minutes before i wake up to one, unless im drunk
Why do you want to rub your mental illness in normal people's faces?

I had a rough upbringing (physically and sexually abused) and, during my early 20s, I did a tour in Iraq. Saw some really disturbing things. So, naturally, I have PTSD and, when I do have a panic attack, they're very bad. Like convulsions and borderline psychosis. I have the appropriate supports (e.g., medications) and an active medical team I work with (e.g., GP, Psychiatrist and Psychologist) to keep everything in check. 99.9% of the time I am good and you wouldn't know it to look at me. I've worked hard to develop aappropriate coping strategies and only use medication as a last resort. In the larger scheme of things, it could a lot worse (e.g., substance abuse, agoraphobia, or depression) so I consider myself fortunate.
>I can't relate to this kids cartoon...THEREFORE IT SHOULDNT EXIST!
You're the mentally ill one here lmao
Kids cartoons aren't your therapy session, retard. Go see a specialist, a normal one
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the puss in boots movie did it because the protagonist was being hunted by literally death itself so they want to copy the scene but with non issues
That's not a panic attack

That's just general paranoia

t. has chronic panic attacks
>Have you ever had a panic attack?
no but i had something similar due to overconsumption of amphetamines many times
its pretty bad
Mary and Max
Look into NAC as well, i've heard it can help balance out your gaba receptors and reduce alcohol cravings if you have that. but yeah avoiding benzos or drinking is the most important
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I almost had a panic attack when I was high once. Felt like I was going deeper and deeper into a dark tunnel and it was starting to become hard to breathe. Never experienced anything similar when sober.
panic attacks are what you feel on the inside

not what you exude on the outside
I mean I know you guys are coping that you're tough online but a panic attack is an involuntary response that can occur pretty randomly, it's not just a being sad thing.

I had one years ago when I woke up randomly at 3AM, no idea what caused it.
Interesting, it's still up!
You people will never understand what anxiety is actually like. You literally only experience it when your would NORMALLY be nervous, like before a test or a hockey game or some shit. Try feeling it when there's absolutely nothing happening you fucking self diagnosed faggots.
Normal panic attacks are easy to deal with, just thug it out and sit down or whatever.
However when they coincide with your IBS which makes you want to throw up and shit your pants at the same time, well now we have a problem.

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