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>watching my first Bruce Lee movie
Holy shit the dude is such a bad actor. And this is post-UFC world so it's hard to buy all the martial art bullshit.
Bruce Lee is the unoficial godfather of UFC. Many UFC fighters worship Bruce
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>Bruce Lee is the unoficial godfather of UFC. Many UFC fighters worship Bruce
Yeah but you know what I mean. It's a much more informed world about the reality of combat, weight classes, wrestling and all that jazz. It's very hard to buy into the fantasy of choreographed fight scenes.
Unoficial because he didn't fund UFC but he was a mixed martial art promoter before it was cool. In fact it bring him troubles with the kung fu schools but that's another story. I don't get this /tv/ meme of relating Bruce Lee with traditional martial arts when he spent his life saying traditional martial arts are useless in real combat and the best route was to take the best of every style and ignore the bullcrap. He wasn't a traditionalist
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You mean action flicks aren't realistic? It's all an act? You must be so fun in parties.
Esl please
>enter the dragon
>kino of the highest order
>oh no he is such a bad actor

fuck off
also thank you for giving me an idea what to rewatch
>And this is post-UFC world so it's hard to buy all the martial art bullshit.
he fought guys wearing padding before ufc existed
said 6 months of boxing/wrestling would beat any kung fu guy
Also retards always confuse his portrayals in his films versus his actual martial arts philosophy. Jeet Kun Do looks absolutely nothing like what he does in the movies, and really is the progenitor of MMA.
Yeah. He was the one that said to literally mix what you learn from different martial arts schools. He said to flow i to whatever works for the situation. "Be water, my friend."
>kung fu martial arts bullshit
Fuck off, Christian Bale showed me the best martial arts in 'Equilibrium'.
It took me a while to realize thatvis what MMA and that UFC stuff was. I remember watching a documentary on a dvd about him and his take on martial arts. Only later did I start looking at MMA and realize that was based on his ideas. Of course, even though they ran with it, surely a number of MMA schools ran into a wall. Maybe some even solidified and became more like the older schools he tried to get awat from.
I dare anyone to go through all Bruce Lee movies and just find the most impressive fight scene, find one cool stunt he did, some impressive choreography. Make a webm of it and post it.
You will not find anything. This guy was the ultimate fraud. He had one stunt and it was swinging nunchucks. All his fight scenes are him standing in place still and then people come at him one by one and he will swing his fist behind himself not looking who is there and the stunt man will pretend to get hit and fall down. He will swing nunchucks around and people will come at him and Bruce Lee isn't even doing anything to hit specific people or aim for them, the stuntmen will just get in place and look for an opportunity where it can sort of look like they're getting hit and they'll pretend to get hit.

Anyone who can raise their leg and do a proper kick could film every Bruce Lee scene ever filmed. His status of being this legendary martial artists is completely made up. He never did anything impressive on screen, he never fought anyone, no one ever experienced him performing anything impressive. All people have is the fake Motorola commercial where a stuntman pretends to play ping pong with nunchucks.
>Maybe some even solidified and became more like the older schools he tried to get awat from.
Such is the nature of institutions; over time they freeze and crystallize. Be like water, my friend.
Jet-Li and Jackie mog
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Yes. Not many master it, bur those that do are unstoppable.
Millennial nerd fashion was so bad
for his time, if he went into martial arts competitions he probably would have dominated.
MMA, say very early UFC, as he was without modification to his fighting style he probably would have been top 3-5. 'mixed martial arts' as it is today he would be pretty bad, probably not even top 20.
either way his movies are great and he's a legend.
Everyone who was active during Bruce Lee's time mogged Bruce Lee, but all of them are sweeping for Bruce Lee. Jackie Chan was so much better than Bruce Lee, it's not even a comparison. Bruce Lee was so bad that Jackie Chan wouldn't even have this freak be a stuntman for him, but they all have to pretend that Bruce Lee was this legendary skilled master. They still do interviews today where they praise him because they're all Chinese and the Chinese government needs Bruce Lee to be the ultimate symbol of Chinese power
His movies are ok. They really aren't any better than the billion other Chinese martial arts movies being made at the time. Jackie Chan had the bright idea to make an action movie that was fun to watch instead and he made a bunch of money off of it.
I watch bruce lai
Van Damme mogs
Is the black dude in Enter the Dragon doing an Ali impression or is it just me?
All I ever wanted as a child was for Bruce Lee to fuck me in the ass and make me into his white cunny.
jackie chan was a performer who compared what he did to choreographed dance or ballet.
i think the only real contemporary of lee was chuck norris.
martial arts wasn't the TAP-OUT LEAVE HUMANITY BEHIND FOUR SCOOPS NO FEAR shit it is today
Van Damme's problem was his choreographers. His fight scene with Bolo Yeung (in that one movie with the twin Van Dammes) just consists of Van Damme doing the same spin-kick over and over in slow-mo.

It's a shame too, because whenever he had a good fight choreographer his fight scenes were great:
Which one did you watch?
>it's hard to buy all the martial art bullshit.
You've never seen a single martial arts movie lol. You don't watch them for realism.
Did you know the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park weren't REAL dinosaurs?
>watching my first Bruce Lee movie
>Holy shit the dude is such a bad actor. And this is post-UFC world so it's hard to buy all the martial art bullshit.
I live in a world where 90s and 2000s niggas unironically act like niggas from 4chan, but they're not trolling, whereas dickheads on 4chan are trolling and just doing tricks for fun.
Listening to a 90s kid/2000s kid is just like listening to a woman: they say the gayest, dumbest, most retarded shit you ever heard in your life. Oh if you could murder them all.
Please don't lump me in with this filthy nigwad. I'm a zoomer and religiously watched all the Bruce Lee movies when I was a kid given they were on Netflix and my family were early adopters of it (since it launched in 2007, but they dumped it after Cuties). I know a bunch of Zoomers that feel the same, especially Asian ones.
The Big Boss is criminally underrated.
I liked his fight scene with Robert Baker. He has some impressive combos at 1:38 and 3:08:

You also have to remember that during the 70s, most martial arts fight scenes were that slow-paced sterile Shaw Brothers shit where everybody was basically dancing to a rhythm.
You know that in the 70s until very recently there was a lot of mysticism around martial arts. Part of the fun was believing that this shit could actually work and many people did.
It's like wrestling, some people actually believed it was real, but with martial arts it was also a lot more profound because the performers had the athletic skill to fool you.

Wrestling is now fake and gay and lame, Martial arts are still better but lost some mysticism definitely, also magic, every trick has been explained and now people know much more intimately how it all works.

This is not time for Hulk Hogan, Bruce Lee, or Harry Houdini.
It is so weird to be a gym obsessed Brazilian and see people here shit on Bruce Lee. Even just saying something mild as fuck like "Bruce Lee wasn't a real fighter" here would create such a shitstorms that would take hours of shouting match or straight up land you in a physical fight. People here fucking worship Bruce Lee almost like a saint. It's Bruce Lee then Hélio Gracie. Say anything bad about them and you're basically fucked.

I once witness a guy almost die because of this. The dude didn't even say anything bad about Lee, he just started to heckle a guy trying to do the one inch punch thing calling it bullshit and gay kung fu magic.
Based, fuck those "uhm ackshually" nerds. let my bros indulge the fantasy.
Legit question, what do you think of these fight scenes? They're from Universal Soldier: Regeneration and I've seen them described as more realistic than the usual martial arts stuff:

Do you find these better/more realistic than the usual martial arts fights?
the gracie family were god tier fighters tho, you would have to be a retard to talk shit about them.
namefag pls
>Bruce Lee is the unoficial godfather of UFC.
Nope that's royce gracie, kys newfag
There are a lot of rivalry and jealousy regarding the Gracie family, at least here, specially when it comes to some of the sons. So sometimes you've someone trying to start shit for no reason.

But again in Brazil the people that are practitioners take a lot of this very seriously. You can get into trouble even because of fictional characters. Say for example dissing Ryu, from Street Fighters. Guys like Lyoto Machida will lose their shit, even at an older age. They will take it personally as if you cursed their family or something.
Game of Death
>your most influential movie is the shittiest one you made and it's not even close
F, his 4 other movies are so much better.
I didn't watch the scene because I would like to watch the movie in the future but that's beside my point.
The solution is not to make more realistic action scenes/movies and many people tried that with Taken, Bourne, hell the shaky cam was born out of a desire for realim, and there are movies about MMA like Warrior, and hell you can just straight up watch the UFC.

The point was just that it is valid to note that there used be a mysticism about Martial Arts that's gone from the world now and that that mysticism used to be indeed part of the enjoyment.

The solution I think is just to step up the writing, showmanship, choreography and presentation and just make good action movies without worrying about realism or martial arts.
All the Wuxia films and old kung fu films can be enjoyed this way and many action films that came after did just that like The Matrix, Kung Fu Hustle...etc

So it's not really a problem just as much as it is a sad little observation that mysticism and allure is dying from the world and we have to cope with that.
The japs beat gracies
Oh, I see what you mean.

>The solution I think is just to step up the writing, showmanship, choreography and presentation and just make good action movies without worrying about realism or martial arts.
Agreed. You can just regard the crazy kung-fu fight scenes as a conceit of the genre, rather than anything that's really supposed to be realistic.
I could beat the shit out of any kung fu ching chong master, any zesty ass wrestler, any cte brain boxer, any UFC rogan bitch nigger, and anyone else
We already knew brazillians are retarded monkeys, no need to write two essays about it
Action movies were seen as barely above porn in the acting required, which was why Bronson + Eastwood weren't taken seriously except as "tough guys".
>Oh no, this art martial is a bad actor. Reddit helps me, aaaaahhhhhh, why they chosen this guy and not Deniro to this action movie
Retard, I hope you never watch Total Recall.
I am gonna watch it just to spite you.
What makes you say that?
Kill yourself dumb fuck zoomer
Yeah no one wears t shirts and hoodies theses days
This never happened
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>post ufc
>king if fights with spears nunchucks batons knives and swords
>pshhhh the UFC fighter could destroy this guy but obviously Bruce Lee can’t use any of the weapons his material arts are designed for
Arnold is a good actor and was good in Total Recall. There was no bad acting in Total Recall
and yet you still believe you're a woman
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>And this is post-UFC world
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Absolutely zero wetbacks would know anything about any Asian martial art if weren't for Bruce Lee adapting westering fighting techniques into his MMA called Jeet Kun Do.

People barely gave a shit about karate until that Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris movie. Bruce Lee is the unofficial Godfather of the UFC because he invented MMA.

kill YOURself, summerfaggot
> This is your brain on pay per view MMA "fights". Imagine thinking corporate homosexuals hugging each other out with blood capsules is "fighting".
>jackie chan was a performer who compared what he did to choreographed dance or ballet.
That's what action actors are. In fact I remember hearing that Chris Evans was really good at picking up fight choreography because he has a background in dancing. Hell, Jackie Chan and the others from the HK martial arts scene were good at what they did because they came from the Chinese opera industry which was basically an acrobatic circus.
bruce lee would have been considered seagal tier if he was still alive
this is the first fight that came to mind too. this shit was so based after all the build up
Real world physical fights (like real world gunfights) are usually pretty lame. The moves are basic and chaotic, and the fight is usually over in well under one minute. Also real life isn’t fair, so the person who wins is usually the one that ambushed or sucker punched the other guy.
>the fight is usually over in mere seconds.
I'm not posting any weebums because some slash will report it for gore or some shit but if you've ever seen a self defense webm thread you know of what I speak.
Any random bouncer would rekt his 40 kilo ass.

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