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Just watched it, best action in recent memory. The Washington siege was relentlessly kino.
Looks gay and retarded.
A stunning example of visual poetry.
I'm a based right wing Trump supporter and can't understand why BASED Texas (don't mess with it libtard!) would side with cringe bluepilled dialated tranny woke c*mmiefornia (poopie) also the President was supposed to be Trump and that's dumb also journalists I hate journalists
The script is a vehicle for the visuals. A love letter to the world and everyone in it.
/tv/ hyperfixated on unimportant details as usual
I hate journalists with an indescribable passion and even though the film was actually somewhat critical of them, just the fact that it focuses on them makes this unwatchable for me.
Have it follow a squad band of brothers style, make it a 5 episode miniseries, and maintain the political ambiguity and we might have kino on our hands.
i thought it was very good
it is obvious political brainwashing.
They were just photographers. They don't opine, just provide the visuals.
Do you hate journalists or CNN talking heads because there's a massive difference. I don't see how taking photos during a war should upset you in any way. Me personally I fucking love war.
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i liked it. it sucked when they met up with the army. it should have been just them driving around to different towns and seeing small scale combat and different factions
Because there's no context as to why the country is at war. California and Texas in alliance? That's more sci-fi than anything else in the movie.
I didn't hate it but it was really hollow.
I worked very closely with a lot of them for years and they're just fucking vultures. Even the photographers. They will do anything they can to get "the shot" or "the story", they will take things out of context, remove things they don't want from the scene, encourage somebody to cry if they've been through a trauma, they're just absolute fucking sociopaths.

Yeah you could make the argument that it's a job that needs to be done or whatever but that doesn't mean I have to like the people. I wish all 3 of them had been shot in the final scene.
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>uhhhh socdems, right wingers and monarchists in an alliance??????????
>They will do anything they can to get "the shot" or "the story"
>They will do anything they can to get "the shot" or "the story"
like jump a fence to get a shot of a tank firing HE shells at a building? that's metal as fuck
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>What are you?!
Are you mad because the film didn't conform to your political world view?
Tranny movie, low IQ plot.
Texas + California (tech + saas) makes sense.

In reality texas and California would’ve both gone loyalist because of military bases and defense contractors.
Get this man a frying pan and let him cook.

They were literally the same country for most of America’s history before joining the union.
Given all the footage we got out of Ukraine, it's odd there's not a single drone depicted in the combat. This could have been made in 2005 and been identical.
>In reality texas and California would’ve both gone loyalist because of military bases and defense contractors.
In reality every state in the union, save POSSIBLY some in the northwest, would fall in line for the same general reasons, which is part of why the civil war wouldn't happen to begin with. The US was brute forced into being highly interdependent during reconstruction era for for this very reason, it's why a lot of the federal land and disproportionate funding goes out west despite it being far from DC.
Even more than that is the number of family and cultural spread among the states.
There really is no realistic civil war scenario that isn't just outright chaos. If states themselves remain a thing the union will remain as well. Any fragmentation that split them off from DC would also cause states themselves to balkanize.

I'm bored because it conformed to Hollywood's inane out of touch world view. A Hollywood champagne socialist millionaire is incapable of making any meaningful observations about a corrupt broken system that they are ultimately a tool of.
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It’s good. The DC siege, and all of the gunplay was kino. I laughed when they shot ron Swanson. The journalists aren’t depicted as heroes, they actually come across as shitty sleazebags. Killing the war tourist Chinese guys was a realistic ROE. The main QT had some fat ass cheeks and I liked them too.

If they did a civil war 2, generation kill, or band of brothers style show in the same style I’d watch it.

The reason it’s so hated here is because the idea of a civil war is scary to the room temperature IQ normies who post here, and the threads always devolve into a micropenis measuring contest between the armchair generals and wannabe spooks.

>It could happen here.
>open matte
>so it makes all the CGI look like complete shit
>CGI helicopter
>CGI bullet
>50 cal with dinky .22 brass flying out of it
>doesnt even turn the limo occupants into jello, they just wiggle their bodies in poorly lit room while CGI blood shows up

>Why did /tv/ hate Civil War
>Checks box office
No one liked it.
The biggest thing is that it desperately tries to make journalists look good.
The second biggest thing is that it assumes a civil war in the U.S. would have any kind of cohesive borders (State borders for example).
> The biggest thing is that it desperately tries to make journalists look good.

How did you come to that conclusion? It seemed pretty obvious to me that they were essentially vampires exploiting a tragedy. They were all very emotionally closed off opportunists and they didn’t really seem to have any empathy for any of the people living through the conflict. They seemed like your typical stick out like a sore thumb yuppies, and they were so retarded that most of them ended up getting killed because of their incompetence and stupid risk taking. Everyone who saw that movie probably hated journalists more going out than when they came in and that seemed like it was intentional. You don’t even really feel bad for them.
>Caenny Spenny
wake up babe new >IM ACTING-tier actress juss dropped
just watched this skit today, holy fucking based.
Is your girlfriend italian?
The ass was fat tho
stupid marxist wokeslop that shills like OP desperately tried to meme as "centrist"
she's a tiny woman with a nice butt so she gets a pass
>and that seemed like it was intentional.
I don't believe for a second it was intentional. Everyone involved in making it is a far left wing puddinghead.
No, they’ll fabricate the shot they want to get even though it doesn’t actually exist
they can manipulate matter?
Yes. You can't?
Sometimes when I cum in the shower it starts turning into cooked egg whites
Here's the rule newfag.

If 4chan talks about something CONSTANTLY it has at least some value. Regardless of whether they say it's good or bad.
Everyone who isn’t a quadriplegic can
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>reddit spaces
>attempts reddit child psychology
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firstly the suicide bomb scene, in reality some blonde white 20's something woman isn't going to suicide bomb a water truck in the city lol in reality she wouldn't be in the city or at least near black folk and she wouldn't suicide bomb anyone that is the least likely demographic to do something like that

then white country folk stringing up white people they know by the arms for days and beating them with bats for stealing from their store is retarded and what some leftist city person thinks would happen in the country if a civil war were to happen

everyone knows where everyone sleeps in the country

anyways i was just like "i can't be fucked with all these absurdities and retarded bullshit so i turned it off"

i knew it would be ridiculous but yeah the first 5 minutes was so retarded and i just couldn't be bothered with it anymore
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self report
I'm in love, who's that?
the plot and message were too on-the-nose / simple
i think you are unaware of how much people already disliked journalists before going into the movie
but having the main characters be yuppie white women and brazilian journalists with an old black male journalists and not say the leader of the resistance or whatever during the revolution isn't going to get people excited about watching your film
this is one of the many dumb things about this film
>da action was good
>da gun play was good
people are adults and wanted to watch this movie to see if it was a thoughtful depiction of how a civil war would play out not just to see guns go bang and explosions

maybe john wick is more your speed if those are things you derive enjoyment out of when you watch a film
Why were they shooting on film? Was this set in the 80s or something?
Just because it would be outright chaos doesn't mean it won't happen. At the very least I think high levels of political violence are the future. Drones have made everything worse, I expect tactics from Ukraine to start getting imported into the rest of the world's political conflicts soon enough, and there's no reason they couldn't come to North America too.
>I’m in love
Get help
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Because it was unrealistic
Why does she look like she just shit her diaper?
>get politics outta our movies
>no wait get it back in
What was the message? Shirley you can tell me if it's so simple.
There will be no civil war
movie is supposedly about civil war which is a very political premise
instead the writers and director are like check out these guys they have guns oh and theirs a big explosion, cool aye
offers no premise as to why the civil war happened and what is spurring on the action of those involved in the civil war
also retard the politics were in the film just dumb leftist tropes about how they feel about white people and conservatives
It was made by a faggot. That already tells you from the start that a boogeyman trope is going to be included. I thought it was good in the sense I that I can visualize a delusional person's point of view. Like the rooftop snipers in neutral cities or even where Lee gets shot by the secret service trying to save the child for being an idiot(like most women). What does surprise me is that the dude with red glasses actually does something right by killing those not from America.
The message is the movie, and another thing don't call me Shirley.
>65 replies and no ass shots
dead board
i saw the trailer for it awhile ago and it looked like a generic leftist oppression fantasy so i avoided it.
What's the world view you fucking idiot?
>it's a CIVIL WAR?
>over what?
What the fuck is wrong with you, literally what is this movie about jesus christ
I thought it was ok/good up until the combat scenes in Washington.
They can best be described as asking an 8 year old boy what "army fighting" was like as you had
>Soldiers mag dumping at each other... 15 feet apart
>An Apache helicopter descends to fire rockets at troops in a building... 15 feet away
>A wood paneled security gate with one person in holds up the advance until a tank drives up to shoot it with its main cannon... 15 feet away
this chuddie is mad! maybe learn some media literacy and avoid this humiliation ritual.
>Why did /tv/ hate Civil War again?
political reasons OP
It should have been about Ethnic cleansing instead it's about some girl with cute butt.
>best action in recent memory
it wasnt an action movie
everything was shit but the most glaring one was the main characters. they're preachy wanna be nightcrawler but bad, very bad
There's nothing political about a civil war.
ok champ
How? It was about journalism and how journalists lost all sense of ethics. It doesn't matter who the president was or who was fighting against who, Garland even lumped Texas and California together to show that regardless of the side it's about Americans fighting Americans. And it didn't matter to the journalists either, they only cared about the next big story, so much so that the little girl looking woman rather took pictures of the dying blonde than show any concern for her.
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Top notch writing
>california and texas allies??? but california blue and texas red, how that possible????
it's a bad movie russian faggots spam the board with
>It was about journalism and how journalists lost all sense of ethics.
lmao even

This movie is several steps behind reality and it's Garland's most pathetic film to date.
Current journos, especially American ones, would avert their cameras and come up with fake fantasy shit that describes the exact opposite of what is happening.
How will this movie be seen as in a few years?
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>it's Garland's most pathetic film to date.
Surely you don't think it's worse than Men.
nappyfag BTFO
It doesn't matter what it's over. Are you stupid?
Why do his opponents get protective gear?
I actually do because this one tricks you that it has something to say with its incendiary subject matter and title, and it clearly has bigger scope and budget behind it. The end result is a cringe nothingburger
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Gets beat up in a handicap match against a handicap,Still want equal rights.
Yeah I don't care can you post more speini?
sound and fury signifying nothing, might as well be capeshit, pretty poor taste to make a film called civil war set in the modern US given the number of simpletons that Russia is trying to shill into domestic terrorism
The hero of the story usually fights against faceless villains
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Some action scenes were alright.
The plot is too retarded and took me out of it, though.
idk how you can find this attractive when shes dressed like a 5yo
>dressed like a 5yo
Have you forgotten which board you're posting on?
My favorite photo I've seen of a journalist photographer was during the Syria refugee crisis. Every photo was nothing but fighting age men in camps or boats. However, a dozen photographers found a lone child near a fence and they all encircled her to get her photo so they could tell the narrative of these poor women and children refugees. The one child they could find they all gathered around to take that photo. Another photographer took the photo of all the vultures and it's hilarious. I have it saved somewhere on my computer but I can't find it. I can't find it online either.

It just goes to show the agenda they were trying to push at the time.
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I can appreciate a movie that feels like it's attempting to convey something that the writer felt was important even if I don't agree with it. Civil War wasn't that. It was written by cowards too afraid to say anything at all
It was saying internal shooting conflict bad and turns your country in to a third world shit hole.
>tshirt and jeans
>dressed like a 5yo
election year trash
lol not was about the consequences of the conflict itself. that's why it's so vague.
vote four bidens xd
The country is already well on it's way to being a third world shithole, it's just that we'll still have Starbucks and McDonald's.
Ok retard.
I don't know how old you are, but i'm enough of an oldfag to recognize that there has been a drastic drop in the quality of life in this country over the last twenty-odd years. From healthcare, to food, housing, basic infrastructure, crime, even just basic customer service at any business is objectively worse. No things aren't Yugoslavia in the 90s or Post-Apartheid South Africa tier yet. But it's headed in that direction.
Texas is a cunt hair away from turning Blue.
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>Washington siege was relentlessly kino.
This was some Michael Bay shit. I thought that was so incredibly poor. It didn't connect at all with the first hour of the film. It felt like the studio was like; Well..we got a big part of the budget left. Let's call Michael. He'll know what to do.
Everytime in my life that I have known people involved in a major news story they have slanted it with their bullshit. My high school teacher whose kid was kidnapped off the street in the 70s? They made shit up. Kid got stabbed with a screwdriver while he was helping my brother hold a door closed? Lied about the Arab who did being "local". Major Australian banking scandal that eventually forced the sale of multibillion dollar divisions? It was a "brave whistleblower" who posed for their photo who brought it to light, not that a bunch of pensioners lost their houses gambling on geared share funds they were tricked into for commissions.
There's nothing to like or dislike. movie says nothing other than
>war is bad m'kay?!
>it coincided with the election, thus ONLY election tourists could ever want to use that term.
Funny how r*ddit fags love their stupid graphs. Makes them feel smart or something.
the hilarious thing is that so many people think we are already seeing the worst in modern warfare being demonstrated in Ukraine. They arent even using blinding lasers yet.
Wars result in weird alliances, it's rarely autistically along ideological lines.
In this case you get two separatist states fighting central power, the struggle brings them together
There was a shooting recently near me involving some underage section 8 nogs. Local media made the nog who died out to be some kind of dindu hero protecting his poor innocent sister from evil thugs. In reality I knew both of them and even some of the niggers that lived in the same complex with them called them niggers. They were mostly known for starting fights and shoplifting from every store in the area on a daily basis. I am 100% certain they did their part in instigating whatever hoodrat drama led to them being shot.
The people who the government wants to kill the most are going to be the people seeking refuge yeah, also fighting age men is a retarded term that just means any man who's not geriatric.
Great flick by the standards of the last few years. The girl was unbelievably cute too.
>"This was the most important movie I've ever been a part of", Spaeny explains, "because it shows how ordinary citizens can topple the white power structure. The work of journalists and photographers has been key to exposing the racism of American society. Without journalists, George Floyd's murderers would have never faced justice."
They are called fighting age men because they are suppose to defend their country not abandon it you mulsim retard. Women and children are suppose to be refugees, not 18-24 year old males. The men in ukraine stayed to fight while the elderly, children, and women left. And the journalist would go on and on about all the women and children refugees when there weren't any, they were all men in that exact age range. So when they actually found a child refugee they were on that like flies on shit.

Also nice ESL faggot.
>no search results found
i didnt even watch but
>map looked retarded
The film is unequivocally unambiguously overtly critical of journalists. The whole movie is just Nightcrawler 2. Idk how it went over your head, maybe you went in thinking this was another marvel civil war?
>overtly critical
Not him but the movie is more sympathetic of journalists than it is critical of them. The adrenaline junkie/desensitization are supposed to make them tragic heroes rather than depict them as sociopaths. If you listen to any of Garland's interviews it's clear he loves war reporters and wanted to shine a spotlight on the effects their jobs have on them.
Wow generic photos of soldiers isn’t interesting in a war conflict where as civilians, especially children being caught in it is? No fucking way, man!
That's the point I was getting at? They weren't there to document the real refugees, but try to tell a story that wasn't real. That they were women and children. When 99.99% were young males.

are you retarded?
>journalists portrayed as the noble heroes
they all deserve to hang
yea like those faggots who during sandnigger migration craze moved dead kid body closer to water to make it look more dramatic
I've seen DIY youtubers make laser pointers that automatically target faces. of course that was a very weak laser designed to annoy, but the principle is the same.
This movie is so smart that it even filters its own stars. The journos are clearly portrayed as unfeeling vultures, just like everyone else. But if you idolize a certain group, you will automatically consider them "allies" no matter what they do… not unlike a real Civil War.
Only because of dems flooding everywhere with dirty Mexicans

The film wasn't particularly critical of journalists. At least not intentionally. Sure, they're shown doing propaganda for a terroristic military force that performs summary executions of surrendering union troops, but I'm pretty sure you're still supposed to support them, as one of the few bad things you hear about President Swanson is his killing of "journalists", though if the journalists he killed are anything like the leads of the movie, they deserved what they got.

It would've been a much better film had it actually taken any sort of political stance. War is politics by other means, and they very much undid their own gravity for the sake of having broader appeal.
Because it was gay and retarded.
A civil war should include murder of migrants,Rape,Gore,Robbery....etc,this movie was poor political move by Democrats.
It's not a Hollywood film. It's a British film distributed by an independent American company.
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Because it passes the Bechdel test - and because #fakenews journos are literally the enemy of the people.
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You have to go back.
It’s implied that half the military defected. The Western Forces have a ton of main battle tanks and F-22s that state National Guards wouldn’t have many of.
why are they allowed to vote?
Why is she using a film camera?
>It doesn't matter who the president was or who was fighting against who, Garland even lumped Texas and California together to show that regardless of the side it's about Americans fighting Americans.

This is dumb, and why the film sucked.

It's a civil war. War is politics by other means. If war could be stopped by virtue of more people knowing how terrible they are in some kind of generic sense, war would've died out ages ago. Scrubbing politics from the film just leaves the narrative underdeveloped.

The film also underminds itself by showing by far the worst atrocities being committed by the Western Forces the MCs are embedded in. Nothing comparably bad is shown being done by President Swanson, and any such IRL, remotely legitimate president would be entitled to use any means necessary to put down such a lawless, violent group.
A film can suck for many reasons, but not being what you thought it was about isn't one of them. The movie isn't about a civil war. The details of it don't matter. Your need to have every bit of worldbuilding explained on screen is a detriment to the modern movie.
That's exactly what happens btw even though Garland probably didn't mean to show that. In the end the "last words" are in a sense edited and the pic with the dead President (who's totally not Trump btw) is staged
So make a completely different film?
And poltard said exactly nothing.
based except trump is zionist and elections are rigged and red vs blue is scripted
was that supposed to be funny?
are you?
yeah i’ve seen better acting from porn stars
I'm not watching this divisive shit.
holy shit you are fiercely reddit and should kys
because there aren’t any besides her in frumpy baggy jeans
the actress has hired shills to over hype her talentless ass
In my post, I said exactly that. Idk how it went over your head. Maybe you went in thinking i was just some fat chud?
yeah tshirt and jeans that a 5yo would wear
alex garland hates heterosexuality
you really shook the tourist nest with that one lol
the fact that you had to search it says a lot desu

The central narrative core is not the sort of thing a good screenplay glosses over. It'd be like making a movie about a divorce where you never find out why the couple's breaking up.
>Me personally I fucking love war
Thats because you were never directly affected by one.
omg that would be so subversive omg
>like making a movie about a divorce where you never find out why the couple's breaking up.
It's not like that at all because the movie isn't about the civil war. The war is the catalyst but not the story itself. This is a road trip movie about journalists and how they are personally effected by the war, their journey, and each other. You might as well be asking about the entire discography of Matt Damon's character in Eurotrip and how his global hit single Scotty Doesn't Know changed his career.
It’s pathetic this fucking faggot parasite is desperately shilling his faggot bullshit on 4chan. Hilarious all progressives want to gas and murder anons yet still shill their faggotry toxic aids here.
Toothless and useless. Waste of time film from a mediocre director.
Who cares, so weird to get your panties in a bunch about this movie over this.
>hurr durr california would never align politically with texas, its unrealistic
Well in this movie they did, americans are so fucking pathetic with their cringe politics. Go worship some nigger cock or something.
She never said that you deranged faggot.
Irony is not a personality.
Fuck man, this shit is so fucking annoying. Okay, so hear me out how this happened from my headcannon
>president elects himself a third term
>states riot
>california (being the biggest state) creates an army of it's people and start openly rioting
>Texas (being the second biggest) follows suit
>they actually win battles and slowly push the US army back
>fighting the same enemy they start allying with each other
It would be like some dude going "why would Stalin work with hitler? They are obviously completely different ideologies". But they did, at the beginning.

Besides that was not the point of the movie, that's just your niggerfied american brain that is acting up.
fuck you, thats an insult to michael bay action scenes
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>Nothing comparably bad is shown being done by President Swanson, and any such IRL, remotely legitimate president would be entitled to use any means necessary to put down such a lawless, violent group.

Sure but in the flick, President not-Trump has staged a coup and taken over the FedGov as a dictator for a third and unelected term, (and presumably intends on being dictator for life) making his orders invalid and justifying the actions of the rebels.

>The movie isn't about a civil war. The details of it don't matter.

Except in this flick the details do matter, as the writers presented us _with_ the details, because they wanted to promote "orange man bad!" propaganda.

If you're going to include your politics in the movie, you have to provide a believable reason for them.
Everything that happened in the movie has happened in some third world country that has had a civil war. In Rwanda neighbours literally started chopping each other up the night it began. They just walked out the door and started macheting people they used to see every day. That was the whole point of the movie, to show these things that are happening in third world countries but now happen in the US. And yes it is insane to imagine that, but that's what war does to people. Sure they are brown and lesser evolved than white people, but that's how they reacted to their civil wars...
That famous photo of the little boy on the beach was literally staged by journo's, they dragged his little child body away from debris and other victims so they could create a nice scenic photo.
>Yugoslavia in the 90s
That's not third world you fucking dumb yank. That is literally second world.
thats precisely why this movie is gay and retarded bullshit made by a british hack
if Texas and California are in agreement, that isnt some "2deep4u" comment about them having more in common than they dont, it nullifies the entire idea that there would be any civil war and everyone would just collectively agree to goodify the president, especially in say a country where the president has been assasinated
multiple times
also making a "le civil war is bad guys" in the US where the last civil war is pretty much agreed upon as having been a moral step forward for the country with the only people saying it was "unnecessary" are the same "right wing nutjobs" this gay british retard is permanently terrified of
this retard cant be bothered knowing basic US history, so lets hope the british retard hack does better in his next movie about how Malaysian's doing an insurgency against the british is actually totally bad and they totally shouldnt do that or else they will lose their humanity or whatever the fuck this retard was trying to say with his shitty B-movie
>i need my movies with a clear bad guy i can root against and a good guy i can root for
You're so fucking stupid dude, it's so sad you have an internet connection so you can spew your retarded opinions.
>That is literally second world
Warsaw pact and the Soviet Union had been dissolved by then.
>literally staged by journo's
It was staged by uniformed NGO or rescue workers. There were photos of them picking up the body, carrying it to a part of the beach that had no debris and then posing it.
It was great.
People here expects some kind of political message, there's no political message, is just people travelling during a civil war. It has great moments.
>fighting age male
it really means
"shiftless burdens on the dole at best, criminal rapists and murderers at worse"
based spaeny being in character.
>proud general trump
you know he would be sniveling like a faggot at the end like president offerman right? joe wouldn't even know whats happening of course.
The election tourists started flooding in when the candidates started announcing their runs which was a year before this.
based zion don

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