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How do you respond to her without sounding mad?
Cool story wanna fuck?
"If i wet your lips and stuck them to the window, could you escape"? Just curious.
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>black woman about to have sex with white dude
>que in hip hop
Libs really are great at being racist.
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>well yesterday I was quantifyingly amazing at fucking so like...
Why do they always cast the ugliest n gg rs?? Meanwhile I walk outside and see stunning black women working menial jobs
Y-You too...
Because these women have some liberal social media presence or are in those spaces.
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oh look it's an ugly overweight black woman who is also the smartest person ever, I've never seen this character before
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>smartest person on earth
>doesnt become a billionaire superhero like batman
>doesnt invent her own technology to offset her shortcomings like iron man
>doesnt do anything like lex luther
>just acts slightly sassy and organizes a social media campaign to discredit starlight
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But sometimes it do be like dat
She's too smart to give a shit about that. She literally lobotomizes herself so she can physically care even less.
A lot of super high IQ people don't really accomplish much. Past a certain threshold, they just end up living off the grid in Montana or Idaho or some shit and just read books all day. Either that or drink themselves into an early grave.
Just reprogram the synapses on my bellend to work collectively
Stupidest thing I've seen on television. She could just take drugs or alcohol for that. Instead she risks losing an eye, it's fucking retarded and they just wanted the gross out shock value scene
Yeah, I agree. It was pretty much done just for the shock value, and perhaps, some poor attempt at symbolizing self-harm. They have an entire House episode about that one super smart guy who constantly drugged himself to become dumber and enjoy life.
The scene itself literally had no purpose and made me cringe so much.
Kek dumb nigger. At least it's accurate writing for such an unrealistic concept
>shieet being smart be too much work i aint tryna do all dat
wait she actually says that??
what in the fuck
What the fuck is it with very intelligent and creative people and alcohol?
quantify deez nuts
>*unzips dick*
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Profanity is a poor substitute for a good vocabulary or creative writing.
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Wow, she uses big words. She must be smart.
Shut the fuck up you uppity nigger faggot
This show makes a lot more sense when you realise her ability isn't intelligence but actually some level of mind control.
and not all high iq people are geniuses.
This single sentence is the funniest sentence that man can say and this is why English is the most comedic language that has ever existed. Holy fucking kek
Because the producers are hoping for a reaction that they can defend against. Mainly for free advertising but they also get brownie points in the industry for the "struggle" which translates to industry awards. This is what Disney did to Kelly Mary Tran.
Imagine being fucking amazing at quantifying
>Shieet we wuz NASA super computer!
>People's brains stop growing when they're 25
No they fucking don't. Why is this character such an idiot? Do the writers think using words beginning with the letter q is intelligence?
the gap between regular joe and trisomy 21(downs syndrome) is x
the gap between regular joe and genius level is y
the gap of Y is considerably larger than X.
So, from their perspective, they're ruled and surrounded by people that are moments away from sticking the metal fork in the socket.
I'd be a recluse drunk too.
lol nigger
the smartest guy and earth was a bouncer now he lives on a farm and the "smartest" woman on earth writes a gossip column
You know how you can tell a character is supposed to be very smart? By them saying it every other sentence instead of being it.
Intelligent characters written by idiots always sound so ridiculous.
So, your speechless about me?
>I'm really good at this thing, you know ;)
>but I can't really give you an example of my aptitude, you're just going to have to believe me :)
Someone got paid to write this.
OP is the absolute fat Jew hack Seth Rogan, it’s common practice for his team of writers to steal dialogue for their scripts from social media.

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>i'm so amazing
>this is how smart people talk
I was wondering about that to. I imagine the cop out answer is something along the lines of "she's past material things and accomplishments for accomplishment sake"
>prove it
>Cast the most repulsive black woman possible
>Makes her call someone else repulsive
The sheer jewishness..
Hidden Figures in space.
Too smart that she can't comes up with a safer way to lobotomize herself without risking losing an eye?
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The idea of lobotomy sex makes me diamonds.
>Yeah, no surprise a nigger has issues with math instead of meth.
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>"smart" person has to keep telling you they're smart
How stupid people imagine smart people to talk
You forget how fake gay and retarded the average person is when you're shitfaced sideways. It's a couple hours of blissful ignorance. The "buzz" we feel and "hear" in our brains that drowns out so much of that higher thought is also how we imagine most of the rest of you feel baseline. Just a retarded buzzing or interference locking you out of what we would consider being a sentient being.
pls sir show bobs and vegne.
who watches this garbage.
Fpbp. She's clearly lusting for white dick.
kek what’s the context for this scene? never saw this episode
How is ugliness something you can quantify? It's something you would qualify
>i find you hard to x and i'm good at x
WOOOW what unique writing
We wuz quantifying n sheeeeit
Do rightoids really?
The better question is, would you still fuck knowing she had to give herself literal brain damage to find you attractive?
>She literally lobotomizes herself so she can physically care even less.
>doesnt just drink
not very smart, is she
Thank you, this was driving me fucking crazy.
if her brain constantly regenerates it would be very very difficult for her to get drunk so much so she would be poisoning herself just to get a buzz
lurk more
The person with the highest ever recorded IQ did nothing but learn like 100 languages. It takes a certain mix of motivation, creativity, and high IQ in order for someone to achieve something worthwhile. Like von braun, oppenheimer, and einstein. They were high IQ but they weren't breaking any records with their intelligence. They were just well rounded smart people.

And that's for traditional thinking of intelligence. Then you have artists that can't do math or learn languages but create amazing things. Their IQs aren't rated very high because you can't really test for those things.
Mastery jewish writers jokes in the story.
The what?
She wants to fuck him
>smart person written by dumb people
It'd be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Stop projecting fag
Based Urkelposter
all she wanted was a crakah to smack her around and call her the nword
Another one of those "midwits writing a genius" lines.
Fucking beautiful.
>take the world's most retarded creature (black woman)
>constantly try to sell them to us as geniuses

when will it stop
>she’s smart because… she uses big words that don’t mean anything instead of just saying plainly what’s on her mind
Smarter people tend not to swear as much. They have better words to use than fuck.
>Well apparently not.
what is hatefucking like? Does it even work? I would like to try it with a girl that is a massive left wing bitch.
It's great. You basically get to pull her hair, spank her ass, choke her, manhandle her without restraint. The thing is most women love to be fucked rough like that and it can get tiresome. Nothing like shoving some ultra feminist dykes head against a pillow while fucking her like a caveman from behind and slapping her ass until it's as red as her hair. I'm not into dirty talk that much but I guess calling her a whore or slut while you do it is a bonus.
I don't respond I listen because a black woman is talking and no one else did
She’s pretty. Not the prettiest, but calling her the ugliest makes me think you’re retarded or gay

Ugliest sheboon you ever saw
Random black Walmart cashier
I swear people here don't like and TV or movies and are just bored.
the lobotomy shit was cringe, why didn't she invent a device that zaps parts of her brain she wants to turn off? extra horny? zap and melt the part of ur brain that makes u not-horny.
It's funny because the show is all about things that could never happen
The Deep from season 1 obviously would have just unzipped his dick
they have to nerf themselves just to exist with the rest of us. It's a painful existence I'd wager.
she still a ugly beast but less compare to the one on boys, again this is Seth Rogen jew dna kicking in.
I wouldn’t understand her Ebonics so I would just smile and nod and offer her fried chicken.
She looks like a pleasant grandma. Would not fuck but I bet she’s a nice lady.
The gay from this episode:
-Homelander making the dude jackoff in front of him and then blasting his cock off
-Recap begins with a completely unnecessary scene of a nude man tied up and begging to have his balls crushed
Once again, when sex with a woman is mentioned it's anal. With this, the "assfuck gang rape" and butcher saying "grab your ankles and get assfucked", I'm pretty sure people in this universe only have anal sex now.
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>Cause we know it's a chronically online transexual freak saying it.
if you lived in that shithole world would you really force children to be apart of it?
Almost forgot, add Butcher shower scene to this
>her mother probably wanted to call her Chastity but niggers are illiterate and can't even speak properly so it came out Chasitee
Sometimes I do feel bad for them, the same way I feel sorry for someone with Downs
nigga moment
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>this sub
The writer is trying to say something, i can't quite tell...
>How do you respond to her without sounding mad?

"You're black and a women, your opinions are doubly irrelevant."
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>The writer is trying to say something
Think you meant the showrunner
>That's ok queen, the feeling's mutual, assure you of that
>That's ok queen, you ain't qualified.
don't forget abortion sub plot
>She's too smart to give a shit
Lmao, literally Rick.
Man the writing is so bad
>and I'm uh amazing
>and I have a phd in quantitative research
Being clever doesn't stop depression etc. The smartest people can actually end up with mental issues preventing them being any more productive than a low IQ manual worker. You find her at the start being depressing a shitty apartment, once homelander recruits her, all she can do is kinda survive day to day, maybe bring down vought, maybe she wants everyone dead etc etc
doesn't count, theoretical mathematicians are either alcoholics or psycopaths
bix nood ma nigga
>scene is setup to leave the antagonist speechless
yup, woman writing
So this is the true power of zoomer humor?
>newfags don't even know what a nigga moment is
Forgot to turnoff your tripcode ?
Keep seething nigger
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She's probably the daughter of some African tribal leader.
>no no it’s right wing chuds protesting is why the show is in the dumpster definitely not the writing, quick, flash more penis on the screen
yes she is the smartest person on earth
but, because her brain keeps growing, she has brain rot moments that she can't control.
pretty interesting if you actually watch the show instead of looking at screenshots
The problem with creating a character that’s supposed to be intelligent is that you need writers who are genuinely intelligent to produce some believable dialogue and actions for them.
I suspect there aren’t many in that writing room.
There's four of these weird Russian mathematicians now that live in the middle of nowhere and are barely seen. Perelman actually lives in a city and goes outside where the others are far more reclusive.
That's a fella. He probably has a big ol' mamba to break your bussy crust.
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Your concession has been accepted.
I never noticed this, the jewish writers are really obsessed with sodomy
That’s how I felt about the ass eating orgy scene. Just boring now
Smart != practical. The smartest people I know often suck at regular life.
glad I stopped watching this jew crap after the first series.
I'm pretty sure it's almost entirely third worlders and sõys.
more or less the same things as occupy this board/site.
>I am le FREAKING amazeballs at <insert here>
Why are millennial writers like this?
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>Frenchie reduced to a literal Frenchie, lusting after black cock
>Hughie reduced to a sniveling, incompetent idiot who is always in the wrong and his team, with the exception of Starlight, seems to hate him
>Kimiko reduced to "the writers barely disguised guro fetish" after giving her Deadpool-tier recovery
>Starlight reduced to a bogged hypocrite who somehow ends up in the right in the end
>Butcher reduced to flipflopping between "stupid irredeemable asshole" and "sympethetic woobie who isn't in control of his actions"
They really should just make Homelander the main protagonist and The Boys the antagonists. He's the only one who seems to be developing (regressing) into an interesting character.
When a supposedly intelligent person uses profanity as a stand-in for an actual word, it makes that person seem retarded in my eyes.
It's because her liver doesn't regenerate, just her brain.
>I'm really good at the thing I cannot do right now
is that right? very cool
thats not the story you zoomer retard
They're doing this with every race. The white "bombshells" of today look like frogs, troons, trailer trash, ayy lmaos. Filling media with ugliness at every step.
characters can only be as smart as their writers
and since you have minority women writers they can only tell and not show
this same exact thing happened in later seasons of game of thrones once the book material ran out/was ignored
>nigress is good at le math
Why is Hollywood trying to push this?
And how smart people have to talk to stupid people if they want them to think they're smart.
silences the inner critic so they have more freedom to create/do stuff
Living with autism must be difficult. Well, I'll leave you be. Let me know if you need any special help.
life is pain
Can someone post the webm of the scene where he admits she’s hot as fuck and she looks into it?
I'm an autistic fuck, how do I find a strong girl that won't cheat on me? Is it even possible?
WOW qrd?
If you're so smart, why aren't you at a healthy weight?
What the literal fuck happened to this thread?
>A lot of super high IQ people don't really accomplish much. Past a certain threshold, they just end up living off the grid in Montana or Idaho or some shit and just read books all day. Either that or drink themselves into an early grave.
I come from a high IQ family but one cousin was a certified genius (150+) and he dropped out of high school and did every drug on earth until his heart gave out at 43. He told me dealing with people is like being a kindergarten teacher and he hated every second of it. The man was actually kind of happy to be dying in a hospital bed, or at least as peace.
what anime?
Yes Bunkerchan we know you astroturf here for the Democrat National Convention.
The more he burns Vought to the ground, the less evil he seems.
>dealing with people is like being a kindergarten teacher
what's worse is that you've no alternative but to live in a world designed for kindergarteners.
that's why imbeciles succeed so effortlessly, it's all been designed for them.
You made this lol. Fuck janny faggots. Die screaming janny.
>Most intelligent person in the world
>Is a black women
>Says "fucking"
This has got to be the most semitic thing ever created.
Manchildren and feminist cunts.
>Starlight's breath still smells like squid
you ever notice that when 2 niggas meet they start speaking a language no whites can understand and then start shooting eachother?
I'm glad I stopped watching during season 5. I intended to marathon it later when it finished. turns out it got worse
I am of the personal belief that the more intelligent a person is, the less involved they are with the day-to-day of other people. That's why Manhattan fucking off to Mars always made the most sense. It was within his power to leave all the dimwit behind, so he did.

I haven't been to a social event in almost 17 years. Gainfully employed, happily married. I will NEVER want to meet you faggots in real life.
>Would you still fuck knowing YOU* get to give her brain damage until she finds you attractive?
ftfy and YES YES YES
"Accomplishing" things typically requires too many other people. Hiring committees, department heads voting, bosses, audience members, fans, customers, academic bodies, review boards - you name it.

Bring truly gifted and surrounded by morons is a very fast way to get nowhere unless greedy people can profit from it.

Dumb people don't let being made to feel dumb, or to be proven to be dumb, or to be outed as dumb in front of the people important to them. The smartest people usually lack the social skills or the workplace politicking prowess to not be their own worst enemy. They want to fix problems, but it usually would require stepping on toes to do it.
Having to deal with you fucking retards running the place. your stupid culture war bullshit and the me me me
Summerfags go back
Yeah. I'm bright and I get frustrated dealing with normies. Being another standard deviation above me, and having to live in a world designed for idiots -- I understand why a lot of the really smart people choose self-annihilation

>They want to fix problems, but it usually would require stepping on toes to do it.
In my experience most normies don't even actually want problems to be fixed, it's all some weird play-acting
>he doesn't know the boondocks
>what dumb people think smart people are like
Learn how to Google shit
>Bad taste + not taking care of your appearance really isn't that complex.
I don't know my actual iq but I got a degree in neuroscience and before that one in music theory and piano performance. I pretty much burned out after I graduated. Test taking has always been easy and I've never had to take notes in anything. Practicing or studying something feels like watching a movie. I speak 4 languages. My verbal SAT score was 760. Math was lower because I get lost in thought with math, I'm not quick enough.

Anyway yeah I can't work normal jobs or do normal person stuff. I can have friends and have fun with people, but it's always very intense and I have to do it sparingly to give myself time to recover.

To answer your question high iq/savant/autistic people have more channels of information open at once. They're just processing more details and the weights of importance are different.

Alcohol turns off and dims a lot of those channels so you can finally relax. You feel an actual weight lift off your brain. It's also a social performance enhancer. You can listen to someone talk without mentally pencil drawing their eyebrows and ears in your brain. When someone says something about their dog you can listen to their story without remembering simultaneously everything you know about dogs.

It sucks afterwards though because the vhs player memory you normally have gets all fuzzy and faded from times you were drinking. I had a particularly stressful gf for a few years I had to drink heavily with to stand the volume and timbre of her voice, and I can't remember any of that time in the clear detail I can remember surrounding years, and it's sad and disturbing to me.

Also the women you attract tend to verge on psychotic and they eventually die or troon out.
Do you feel an obligation to acquire more and more knowledge about the world?
he only had to associate with other ingelligent people, but was too insufferable and socially retarded so he coped with drugs lmao
just leave the U.S, buddy. Learn another language with that big brain of yours
>my actual iq but I got a degree in neuroscience and before that one in music theory and piano performance.
bitch you are posting on /tv/ no one is going to believe that
Bitch, not even 12 hours ago you were on your knees getting glazed like a burnt Krispy Kreme donut and begging for more so don't pull none of that sassy ass "yaas kween" nigger shit with me.
>he only had to associate with other ingelligent people, but was too insufferable and socially retarded so he coped with drugs lmao
I can sort of understand, I'm top 10% at best and I was often frustrated as fuck at having to follow a curriculum designed so that 90 IQs could reliably pass it. He was in the 99.95 percentile, smartest guy for hundreds of miles around trapped with 400 absolute morons, it must've been agony for him. Imagine being forced into special ed, to do the special ed class and only socialize with special ed kids, before the internet was really a thing so you couldn't even have electronic conversations with non special ed kids.
Born too soon
nigga moment
Literally me except I dropped out of college in my last year due to major depression and suicide attempt. Never finished my degree and I feel like shit for it.
Also substitute weed for alcohol and I'm just like that other anon.

I can't help that I'm thinking always about 10 different variables when people bring up discussions, I wish I could have literal horse blinders.

Also having an above average but not photographic memory almost seems like superpowers to normies. I have an amazing short term and medium term memory and can recall a ton about my works local clients due to that, but I lack the social skills to rise up in the bullshit world.

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