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I give Predator 5 / 10
Why do you like this movie so much?
That's okay, it generally doesn't appeal to women as much.
Excellent paranoia throughout the film that works on multiple levels. Well defined characters. An unforgettable monster design. Great action, sound design and music.
u got filtered
let me guess your favorite film is “i saw the tv glow”
It's unironically better than sex.
It's shit compared to Alien.
I gave it 2 stars out of 5 over at letterboxd
finally! I've been saying for years that its a worse movie than the sequel. and Predator 2 isn't even that great, its like a typical 6/10
It's just comfy
simple as
lol alien is retarded. sub-moronic.
>all crew members watch an alien burst out a fellow crew member's chest
>it squiggles away
>"man why do i always get the dumb jobs..."
harry dean stanton without a care in the world after witnessing a chest burst
You're already decades too late for your opinion to matter.
Filtered mutt
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Here's your "movie" bro.
Ridley Scott was smart enough not to do this in Alien
because I'm a sexual tyrannosaurus and not a slack jawed faggot
tyranosaurs were scavengers so
Because... GET TO THE CHOPPA!!!
Not sure about being better than sex, but it's surely better than two hours of looking at and listening to most women.
It's one of the most testosterone-fuelled movies ever made. Only women and trannies don't like it.
It's great when you're 8-years-old. As an adult you see it's basically WWF as a sci-fi film.
>the udder side
I don’t get it was Predator 2 a space milkman?
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Predator is the best movie of the 80s tied with Robocop and all the negative comments itt make me sad.
It's a surprisingly intelligent film. It utilizes loads of 80s action tropes to set up expectations before eviscerating them. Predator is basically the film all modern, "subvert your expectations," directors fucking wish they could make. That's because McTiernan clearly has respect for the genre he is playing with. He know how to make a good action movie, and he knows what people want to see in an action movie. He revels in the dumb action before treating you to something new. Then, even when the film shifts, it never disrespects the characters or the genre.
the /tv/ hiveminds favorite slop is glorified b-movie nonsense like this, the thing and alien. basically all the same movie. total shit, i think they like it because they identify with how much everyone wants the antagonist to die.
You sound like a slack jawed faggot
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I give you a 5/10
Yes, it starts with the protagonist and his crew as the typical action heroes who kill dozens of bad guys effortlessly. They are the badasses, the predators.
Then they get fucked up by a higher tier predator who picks them off one by one and turns the action film into a slasher film. It's the perfect 80s film.
>the opening shot shows an alien ship landing on Earth, leading us to expect aliens
>later on an alien shows up

What a shocking subversion
The alien ship intro is my only real complaint with the film. It's one of three films that I skip the opening scene for when showing it to someone for the first time along with the Thing and Dog Soldiers.
Slack jawed faggots like you would give it a 5/10
its perfect. never to be replicated
Got a ripped VHS of Predator found curbside, pop it later in honor of this thread.
Perfect stalker monster. Most movie monsters have zero reasons to not immediately jump in a group of people and start slashing. Predator only goes after those who can fight back and that’s why it has to be careful
you type like a woman
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I gave 6/10 but I wouldn't argue with you. This board is 90% capeshitters.
Predator was capeshit before cape got shit. Batman from 1989 is twice the movie and even so it's only marginally an 8/10
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