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Given the gift of death: >>200341287
No Susan?
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NuWho died when Capaldi regenerated. S1-10 had its ups and downs but with each passing day it's becoming clearer that any sense of authenticity died after The Doctor Falls. The show may have continued but the soul exited the body, what remained afterwards was a corpse being paraded around for cheap laughs. RTD2 is the same except there's a bit more makeup on the corpse.

If you disagree I think you're lying to me, or you're lying to yourself, or you're a tasteless worthless faggot fuck who can't think for himself. I've never been more honest on this website.
so if Sutekh was clinging on to the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars... eh

how? did he just sit out the Flux and the Time War etc? what about all the times the TARDIS died or went to fuck? what
Find something to praise in this episode. I tried really hard and all that I got was the clevage and that I liked that Ruby told The Doctor to see Susan.

I honestly think that this episode might be the killing blow.
Space Babies > all
why the fuck do so many characters this series have "alison" as a middle name
>Splice Alison Vater
>Marti Alison Bridges
>Louise Alison Miller
he snuck inside so he could go for a doggy paddle in the pool
Stop trolling.
You get ONE (1) Archive footage clip of Carol Ann Ford to hold you over until Christmas 2025.
Nah, it was just a red herring to throw the audience off. So basically, all of part 1 is just meant to be wasting your time to convince you it's going to be a different piece of fanwank to the actual bit of fanwank they went with
I like the Sutekh dog design
I like the cleavage
what about in flatline when the tardis was mini
what about when the HADS disintegrated the TARDIS on Skaro in the episode with Missy and Davros?
Scrappy Dootekh
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So when did Sutekh get onto the Tardis and how many stories and Tardis related bullshit, has he squatted through?
His death on that colony ship is perfect.
"I'd hoped there'd be stars" is the last thing The Doctor ever said. Thats where the show ends.
It's not much worse than the first RTD era.
Do you think he's just kicking the can down the road in the hopes that old age will get Carol Ann Ford before he has to put her in an episode?
Where I troll, I leave nothing but seething and malding. I find that good!
mini sutekh

since Pyramids of Mars
I bring Sutekh's gift of a Lynx Africa Duo Gift Set
This has got to be one of the most retarded plot ideas RTD has ever done.
ok anons, I never want to hear someone say 'I want them to bring X back' because look at what happens when they do!
Chinball kino was pure soul thoughbeit
Erm..well, you see...timey wimey!!
Sutekh's actor should sue BBC for not being credited in every episode since pyramids of mars
I want them to bring Kandyman back
I want them to bring back the Krotons, it's not like it could get any worse
I had to develop an autistic crush on an idealized version of Jodie in my head to get through most of Chibbers
Reminder that RTD bragged about having this plot idea in his head for nearly 50 years. Explains a lot if you do the maths.
Lmao I am so glad I didn't go to the cinema to watch this slop. What a fucking disaster.
I want them to bring Drashigs back
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Why didn't Van Gogh paint Sutekh on the Tardis also caught in the explosion?
Sutekh overheard the Beast's monologues while he was chilling in the pit and decided to take notes
why wouldn't Sutekh survive this explosion?
The Sutehk stuff was fine to me, it seemed like a pretty cool idea for a villain to cling to the tardis and lie low to spread his power.
The episode is only so weak because of exposition, acting, and contrivances.
>I am the one who w- AAAAAAIIIIEEEEEEEEE
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What happened to Sutekh when the Doctor materialised the TARDIS around itself in the big recursive loop?
I bet that fucked his head for a bit
What about when the tardis was the doctor's grave on trenzalore? Was there just a tiny sutekh sitting on top of it wondering what the fuck he was going to do now?
They should bring back the Daleks. Anyone remember them?
for what it's worth I think Cherry Sunday is funny
Reminder that the TARDIS landed not too far away from where the Beast was after that storage room got sent down.
I cannot believe 13 never wore anything revealing, kissed or crushed on someone, or showed her feet.
What a waste of a cute female Doctor.
Hopefully the inevitable one Moffat casts for his second run after Russell leaves will be cuter and sluttier.
Iris Wildthyme. Let Moffat cook.
Loses to.a SPOON
Would only work if he said it happened when the TARDIS started malfunctioning at the end of The Star Beast instead of him literally being there since Pyramids of Mars
I've been saying it ages, one of the few praiseworthy things Chibbers did was his decision not to bring back any monsters for his first series.
Problem was, he a) failed to come up with anything new that was any good, and b) panicked and went back on it in his second series
Oh well, time for Elden Ring
How did Adric get on top of the TARDIS?
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>Well Doctor, it's been fun. But before I go back to being the Tardis, I need you to know. You really need to do something about Sutekh who's sitting on me. It'd really help with the steering.
>Iris Wildthyme
>or showed her feet.
this is the gravest injustice because she has quite the pair
This must get reviewbombed to Oblivion it's so bad
The Doctor threw him in a fit of rage
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CHADpaldi wins again
She's that white guy with the bird on his head from classic who
I feel like the TARDIS malfunctioning can just be chalked up to him gearing up his return, becoming more material and the TARDIS fighting back. Wouldve been cool to mention it, but Russell always dissapoints.
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some photo?
Because the only dog in the desert is the jackal
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chib wrote his teenage fanfic into Series 12's finale
rtd wrote his childish fanfic into Series 14's finale
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Unit acknowledging bullets never work
If you're going to bring back a monster or character that hasn't been seen in decades, there has to be some purpose to it (and not just fishing for social media publicity). It has to be done well. Bringing them back for slop like this is just arrogant.
what happened to that baby btw?
Don't hurt RTD's feelings.
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bravo RUSSEL
So what happens to Sutekh when the TARDIS lands? Does he disappear? Hide behind some bushes?
Grew up to be Nigel Farage
Gotta say, if Russell's answer to the timeless child is The Doctor Inheriting the mantle of The god of Life just by his nature of good and the power of regeneration..i kinda like it.
Brig acknowledged that decades ago
Carla was only looking after it for a few days and the series begins after a six month timeskip for reasons.
>president of the united states
He hides in the cubby hole behind the P, along with the spare key.
ruby was the only one that didn't get a family, that's sad and funny at the same time
I really hope the future of the series isn't just OH LOOK ANOTHER GOD every few episodes
>doctor punching the wall in heaven sent for 4.5 billion years
>sutekh sitting on the tardis in Central London wondering where the fuck he went
There is endless fun to have with this retarded premise
Remember when capaldi was doing his speech at the start of Listen and took the tardis underwater? Imagine Sutekh blubbering away above him
I liked the bit in "Planet of the Dead" where UNIT had a collective orgasm at the realization this was a problem they could just shoot until it went away.
Nigel is white though.
Trust me anon...i know.
Same disease Michael Jackson had.
perception filter
I'd pay to have someone edit every TARDIS landing scene to have Sutekh peeking out from behind then hiding whenever someone looks
Can someone shop a little Sutekh onto the TARDIS?
Sutekh could've killed him instantly with one swipe as soon as he leaves the TARDIS, but instead waits thousands of years and enlists an old woman called Susan to create a trap for him (from which he easily escapes). Bravo, Russell.
Turns out Sutekh all along was the kid on the bed fucking with the Doctor, Clara and Danny.
Been watching some Classic Who.
Did Russell ever say if the Ood are related to the Sensorites? They seem like they could be cousin species.
I need Gabriel Woolf to start a Cameo right fucking now
There's an implication in Planet of the Ood
>*squeaky voice* I AM THE NIGHT, I AM THE TERROR
Used a chameleon arch to become human
was it the picture where her soles are up behind her?
Ah cool, glad there's something out there about it.
>RTD1: BAD WOLF is everywhere all over time and space
>RTD2: GABRIEL WOOLF is everywhere all over time and space

bravo RTD, get this man a BAFTA

Wait, so what happens when the TARDIS gets cloned at the end of The Giggle? Does Sutekh bigenerate? Or did he just get a headache?
This is so fucking stupid.
This episode been put on any torrent or (non Disney/BBC)streaming places yet? I can't find it
He should, his voice is so badass.
>cold War
>sutekh nearly gets crushed materialising on a submarine
>gets sent to the south Pole (North Pole?) For weeks until someone gets the doctor and Clara up there
This poor dog has had such a bad time
RTD in Unleashed: Ruby can't get all this information and then just carry on with the Doctor like nothing happened, she needs a pause

Meanwhile, in 2010, Amy gets her parents back and then just fucks off with the Doctor AND NEVER MENTIONS THEM EVER AGAIN
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>all according to keikaku
The thing about Sutekh having been joyriding ontop of the Tardis since Pyramids Of The Mars is stupid as it can possibly get even for this show, but it is a potential gold mine for meme edits and copypastas.
>Wait, so what happens when the TARDIS gets cloned at the end of The Giggle?
That's for the spin-off, honey ;)
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>well, bugger, I do hope she comes back
Thank you Russel. Sutekh posting might actually fuel this general for a few weeks.
It would have been so simple to just make it that he hopped on during wild blue yonder, after the time window sent him to the edge of the universe.
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>this really is quite unfortunate
neuron activation
Yeah and especially since he poured salt.
Where was the Susan on basically any remote base under siege story e.g. The Waters of Mars, The Impossible Planet, Under the Lake? Was she just an Ood or a bacteria with blonde hair or something? The whole thing is retarded.
>RIVER: The Tardis is still burning. It's exploding at every point in history.
poor sutekh
Sutekh and the lofty dialogue of "I bring Sutekh's gift of [blank]" from Pyramids of Mars is just so delightful to me, also because I like the idea of the character. Shame RTD was like "uhh big cgi dog"
Nobody cares enough.
This show is dead.
2 more seasons with Russell and Ncuti
1 season of a new showrunner and
Doctor (PoC/Woman)
Wilderness years part 2
>so, which sutekh goes in which tardis?
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>doctor it's really very cramepd in here I do not approve
Do you think when the Daleks appeared to blow it up in Magician's Apprentice, he just awkwardly stood invisible in that room until it got put back together again?
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by 5 year old Russell Davies
>another showrunner had to step in AGAIN to finally explain a Moffuckery
>and then there was the time you fixed the chameleon circuit
>even now I chafe at the indignity
>calling the war council of gallifrey, this is sutekh
>I could totally turn a couple of them into dust and no one would notice right?
>2 episodes of unleashed and a video commentary
we are spoilt bros

>multi doctor stories
>multi master stories
>multi suk stories
now we're talking
Aww, he's smiling :)
>the tardis turned into a pipe organ
>sutekh made a pipe organ play by itself that one time
How deep does this rabbit hole go?
Do you think when he fell into the furnace in Journey's End it smelt like burnt hair?
We want the furry audience
>sutekh while the space station is crashing into durillium during husband's of river song
>this is almost as bad as that time the doctor landed on the space titanic and I had to sit in top of the tardis as it went through re-entry into Earth's atmosphere
in the happiness patrol, the women painted the TARDIS pink

do you think Sutekh used some as nail varnish?
>future of the series
lmao even
Unanswered Questions

>why did the Bumder say "this didn't happen before, time is changing" in TLoRS when Ruby's mother turned around and pointed at the sign?
>why did it snow around Ruby at random times if Ruby and Ruby's mother are completely ordinary?
>what was the significance of Old Ruby remaining at 73 yards if Ruby isn't connected to the TARDIS?
>why did people turn and run from Young Ruby when they tried to speak to Old Ruby if, again, there's nothing exceptional about Ruby?
>why didn't Sutekh know who Ruby's mother was? Why didn't he just google in 2046?
>what happened to the Memory TARDIS?

I'm ignoring obvious questions like "who is Mrs Flood" and "why does Death + Death = Life"?
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Guys... I'm scared right now...
I've got bad news, anon.
>In the 5 doctors it's entirely possible Sutekh climbed onto one of the other tardis that went off at the end of the episode
Of course. The salt. Damn salt. Never pour salt on the floor, anons. You wouldn't BELIEVE the shit it can lead to. Mind-blowing stuff. Some would even say nonsensical.
She's a complete and total letdown.
Rusty's done it, he's unintentionally created the funniest possible episode
>sutekh climbed onto the first doctor's tardis
>sutekh is now in all of 1, 2, 3, and early 4's run too
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I've got it 100%
>The Macra Terror
Giant crabs
>starting out with 7.1 rating
>Bad Wolf
>looks vaugely like Sutekh
>>what happened to the Memory TARDIS?
for real what happened? they stepped out of it into 2046 then they were transported back to UNIT in 2024... and the memory TARDIS......... uhhhhhhhhhh..............
Sutekh saw it all. The melting of Auton Mickey. Margaret the Slitheen. Elton and the Abzorbaloff...
It's a massive shitpost which may well contribute to the show's cancellation
Terror of the Vervoids sequel confirmed
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Magical Sutekh powers or something
If this episode gets more than 5.5 on IMDb in the end, this injustice will be on you all. Ideally it must sink down to 3.0. It's the worst Dr. Who episode of all time.
What the FUCK is the memory TARDIS? No really, I'm asking (You). I ain't watching that gay shit.
Please no, I was 6 years old when I first watched the story with them in, it scared me for ages afterwards
>In Radio Times magazine (issue: 16-22nd December 2023), showrunner Russell T Davies teased this episode as being "the most magnificent finale ever shot on planet Earth", adding: "No hype! I swear that's true."
There's no way he genuinely thought that
Pitch idea for a spin-off. Sutekh and Captain Jack become unlikely roomates, clinging onto the side of the TARDIS as it hurtles towards the end of time itself.
>RTD Vervoid fetish
Uh oh
You don't want to know. Whole episode was a fanfic RTD wrote when he was 11.
A Tardis made of memories.
Ruby's memories bringing a memory of a Tardis into existence
That only exists because the universe deems her special because people thought she was special.
hang on

why did sutekh burn up in the vortex at the end? why didn't he just magically cling back on? at the end of pyramids of mars, he was floating in the vortex and then latched on but it wasn't immediate. also lots of creatures manage to survive in the vortex anyway.

rusty this doesn't make any sense
>>why did it snow around Ruby at random times if Ruby and Ruby's mother are completely ordinary?
I *think* the point there was that the Doctor and Sutekh's desire to know more imbued it with magical significance
>what was the significance of Old Ruby remaining at 73 yards if Ruby isn't connected to the TARDIS?
Pure magic. "Strange things happen at 73 yards," says the Doctor
It's all very wishy-washy crap, that you're meant to just nod along to and then never think about it again
>Rusty uses the power of faith again
It was bad. Like all of the plot needs to go in the bin.
I kinda think this happy ending is a fake out. Seemed almost like a parody. I think this is wishful thinking though and it was just a shit ending
So I wont remember that I become a giant dog, rather than a god?
The time streams are out of synch..you cant retain it.
It wasn't even the time vortex in Pyramids of Mars, that's a retcon. It was just a "time corridor".
Is 15 killing Sutekh the first time he straight up killed something?
I think he's just saying it to hype up his product, but he could just be smelling his own farts.
"Pity. No stars. I hoped there'd be stars."

Roll credits.
hang on ruby is completely normal yet the god of music can hear a secret song and she can make it snow
and her teen mum owns a full cloak and points at lampposts for fun

even more doesn't makes sense
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Now here's a question.
How many Sutekh's were near the Tardis, during the Space and Time specials?
Because memories are time, and time is memory. So in the Magic Memory Room™, you get a TARDIS made from 'memories' (read; old prop/costume bits)
No, I have no idea what any of it means either
>the doctor sends the tardis to london from satellite five and tells rose to let it die
>ah well guess my plan is fucked then
The Master obviously.
>This Vortex Has Gone to the Dogs
For Season 2.
Millie was seen filming an episode not that long ago.
Honestly the whole Sutekh bit felt like a rushed and underwhelming rip-off of Avengers Infinity War/Endgame. Without any of the important buildup OR payoff.
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>It's the worst Dr. Who episode of all time.
People here say that all the time during or right after an episode just airs.
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>where's my ice cream, i thought we were a senpai
The Magic Room that was built by UNIT, right? Cause somehow they can do that. (again, I didn't watch it.)
Fuck, please no...
Can nu-who finally get a new evil timelord instead of it being the Master yet again?
He'll come back soon, after forging an unlikely alliance with Ramon Salamander
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>Sutekh had the opportunity to take over the TARDIS there and then, however, he was too busy staring up Amy's skirt.
Classic Moffat.
The senpai (and Sutekh)
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Lmao no
>and her teen mum owns a full cloak and points at lampposts for fun
So what happened to them?
Sutekh would have also been let into Pete's World and would have released a "Susan" there.
The walls of reality are closed, what happened in N-Space doesn't effect Pete's World, everyone would still be dead.
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Thanks Russel. The Jailer from Warcraft seems less of an asspull now.
None of that made sense, 15 talking -200 percent volume tone in slow motion, cringy adoption reunion, sutekh wasted. Characters talking utter nonsense. Rtd must have dementia

Just shite
He has killed many Cybermen before.
>Ruby's mother named her
>By pointing at a sign
>Which nobody saw her do
>But somehow this means everyone knows the Baby's name is Ruby
im guessing he is just that same cgi design and a dust cloud for the finale then?
Aye, that's the one.
But it's okay, the Doctor laughed at it and called it, "rough," so we the audience understand that it's actually not that impressive for them to have, in spite of its patently absurd abilities (literally recreating moments in time based on human memory, including details the subject wasn't aware of)
Call me crazy but I think the real reason is RTD hates the Jews, maybe because of what the old Testament says about Homosexuality or maybe just because. Verity Lambert and Sydney Newman were Jews and of course Carole Ann Ford but NuWho has never had a single Jew in it, meanwhile RTD starts his new era off with a Goblin Baby Eating Blood Libel storyline. It just feels very "On the Nose" if you know what I mean, so I have a feeling RTD dislikes Carole Ann Ford for being a Jew and is waiting until he can recast her.
Why'd he cry then?
Wonder what Sutekh got upto in Cardiff for 24 hours while the Rift recharged the TARDIS for the 9th Doctor
>megacorporate shithole that ends up devastated by a global cyberman war
would be a mercy to be honest
I did say there was a 90% chance of shite, and he didn't disappoint
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>I am become life. Destroyer of death.
He fucking killed Sutekh the last time round. And it wasn't some moral thing, like, "and now I have to be the bad man and kill him." It wasn't even a question, the fucker had to die and die quick
Because that's the only way Ncuti Gatwa knows how to act.
So we agree this is the worst episode of the show period?
Wait how did 14 let the Donna family get dusted?
Mothers, lock up your daughters
No one's even mentioned the AI-generated slop that was the Death Wave that remove your memories and sometimes moves backwards from child to mother. Wtf was he smoking when he wrote this?
Nah, still slightly above Space Babies
Surely the TARDIS can sense danger. It's sentient ffs. It knew Jack was "wrong" and went to the end of the universe to try and shake it off.

But not once did it realise a giant CGI dog was wrapped around it? Fuck OFF
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As in, just 15?
Nigga couldn't go 1 (O N E) episode without killing something in an incredibly violent fashion
It only worked because ruby had special powers, but ruby's mom is just normal so the whole thing makes no sense
Not by a long shot, you have the majority of this season, and all of chibnalls run thats worse.
God no, it's not in the abyss that Chibnall carved out for himself. Close, but not quite there.
The Susan Triad there probably ended up getting converted
At least it was amusingly shit. The Timeless Children was worse because it was shit, but it was also boringly shit. Just a 35 minute Wikipedia loredump while actors stood around on the spot.
Jesus christ that was literally the worst finale even Chibnalls were better.
Holy shit I completely forgot about that
Fuck's sake Russell
Which one of Chibnalls was better, retard?
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she had the sniffles
The Susan on the Impossible Planet was an Ood with blonde hair. The Susan on Midnight was a photon of light.
Based Romana.
have you watched kerblam? you should watch kerblam
Odds on ruby's father being the important one? Seems a big dangling plot thread. Idk how RTD expects anyone to care about it after this shit show though
No it's better than Space Babies.
AT LEAST i care about Ruby. It's nice to feel at least a little bit of emotional investment into a Doctor Who companion. I actually thought the scene of her meeting her mom was sweet.
The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos
No tears were shed for the goblin king what the hell russel
The majority of this series is still better.
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>Did you hear something?
>Must be the wood settling.
I'm a bit upset she didn't call the Doctor out outside the coffee shop. "What? You need me to be better off never contacting my mother just so you feel better about never contacting your granddaughter?"

She will regenerate into John Simm.
It's bad, but it's not as bad as some in the past (Chibnall).
Two nothingburger mystery women but he keeps this third one still expecting anyone to care
She was dressed as Clara all season and last costume is Romana's

Iris canon?
So in the giggle when Ncuti duplicated the tardis, he took the new one. So did suetek decide to jump ship to the new one? Or is there 2, depending on how interlinked with the tardis he actually was.
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>I can appreciate a good decimation as much as anyone but this really is rather garish
lmao saved
I think the implication is that's meant to be the "real" TARDIS because it has Sutekh on it.
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So when did the Toymaker encounter Sutekh
Be reasonable, Anon. You can't seriously expect people to remember stuff that happened 10 episodes ago? That was 7 months ago, for God's sake!
he's a white male so nobody cares
Why exactly did the Toymaker not want to play games with Sutekh?
Because he hates Jews that's why he won't bring back Carole Ann Ford
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>tfw no Sutekh model in their shitty Comic Creator app
Someone edit Dogs Playing Poker to have Sutekh
>He's alvays cheating on ze snakey ladders, yah?
Toymaker wanted to play human games and didn't understand the appeal of throwing a stick and waiting for Sutekh to bring it back.
the killing blow was the faggot bridgerton episode
Apeps and Ladders
You JUST KNOW they banged
Carole Ann Ford won't be brought back
Too problematic
Anon was talking about 15, not about the Doctor. Shooty isn't the Doctor, btw.
Something for the dads, yeah?
Not enough wide shots of her running down corridors
I wanted to see the Newton's Cradle
White Tardises fuck Dog Gods.
can't wait to watch bowlestrek find something to seethe about in this episode
The shit with Maestro doesn't make any sense. He makes a big deal out of Sutekh being there in Christmas 2004 but he's been around every day, everywhere
remember when Tardis Wiki had an article for cleavage that listed all the times companions had their cleavage on show
The finale of the series is just a big fakeout? I swear RTD does this on purpose to annoy us

At least they killed off Sutekh in the same way as before. Pyramids of mars feels somewhat preserved I guess
Oh aye he's gonna have took very hard to find something to dislike about this one.
He was just outside lol
We used to be a serious fandom. Just look at us now. It's pathetic.
>that moment when Sutekh turns the TARDIS door around to face his cock
what happened to sutekh when the tardis exploded in the pandorica opens
imagine that. just a monstrous red rocket slapping down along the walkway
time for bowlestrek bingo?

no shit

why do they treat audiences like morons?
He died but then Amy remembered him and put him back when she recreated the universe.
Sutekh was trapped between those two storage units in Fear Her
honestly with the state of the show that's not even a certainty
If I'm not a moron, why did I sit through 54 minutes of this shite?
Remember when all 13 Doctors showed up to save Gallifrey in The Day of the Doctor?

>About 10 fucking Sutekhs
Usually they say something like
Which makes more sense to announce that way because it's very specific.
They've shot season 2 already.
Louise Miller sounds awfully similar to Lucie Miller, don't you think? Bravo RTD! The true reveal is yet to come
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I'm glad Ruby's rubies got a good send-off. RTD's been stingy with them.
Why didn't 15 use Sutekh's powers to bring gallifrey back to life (again)
yoooooo what if Suktech isn't the boss? but like a Harbinger to a Harbinger yoooooo that would be hella based AF.

Damn RTD cooking up a 4 course feast of yum yums
Millie's special message
I'm sure we'll find out in series 16 that's exactly what happened.
>doesn't get her chebs out
BOOOOOOOOO *chucks popcorn at the screen*
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I also like the idea that if any future Doctor has an adventure with most of the pre-Fifteen Doctors from now on, they’ll just have to ignore the fact that Sutekh’s hanging around the whole time
Suktech left some of his ball sweat on the Tardness and will eventually grow back
>Now, Brooklyn, phones off.
Brooklyn's always on her phone at the movies and I'm glad someone finally said something to her about it.
Also, if this happens... Sutekh on an earlier TARDIS is gunna see any post-15th Doctor TARDIS without him wrapped around it and go "aw shit, he must defeat me at some point"

top kek

this falls apart the more you think about it
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>tfw agreeing with Brazillians on twitter
Well you see there is still the meep's boss, the golden tooth woman, ms flood... All will be revealed in season 4. Or it just gets canned before anything is explained cause people would rather watch the weather
The trouble with writing time-travel stories is that you actually have to have a really strong grasp of linear storytelling first
>She's so fucking leng
Actually she's pretty short, barely over 5 feet long.
He is, grandpafag.
RTD said Seasons 1 and 2 were commissioned together, so I hope he had sense to wrap all this up by the end of Season 2 just in case.

Stuff like the gold tooth can be lingering for as long as they want, cos it's not as connected as all the other stuff.
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>2024 Dr Who literally has the character watching 1970s Dr Who to remind the audience it used to be good, decades ago
I always cringe internally when the stock footage starts up. Right the way back to Earthshock, it's just such a cheap gimmick to try and lend extra weight to the story
Normies hated it too. I will guess that unpaid shill places like r/doctorwho will praise it like they always do
>Rock Hudson
Harbinger of AIDS
Nuwho > classic who
I see. I still think he has set up too many mystery boxes to be explained in just 10 more episodes, especially if he adds more on top of them
Nah people on twitter are still giving it 11/10 or whatever. I get they don't want to criticise the show, but surely even they can see how bad it was?
I cringed as soon as the name dropping started. "Telos... Skaro... the Ood Sphere" etc and then they straight up did the old footage thing, and a bit with the new effects just to rub salt in the wound
They don't.

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>2015 Dr Who literally has the character watching 1970s Dr Who to remind the audience it used to be good, decades ago
r/gallifrey fellates every Ncuti episode and the rare people who don't have to walk on eggshells to avoid being called -ists, but i don't think they're paid i think they're just stuck in this farce where everyone has to play along to be a good "ally" to rtd's cause
>The Clever Boy line stuck out like a sore thumb and I immediately said something out loud after hearing it. There's absolutely no way that specific line was written for no reason.
the episode before this one was literally red herring after red herring lmao
Ncuti crying in literally every episode except 73 yards ruined his character so much, it dilutes any future emotional moments
Mrs Flood said "I had so many plans" and was wiped out along with everyone and everything else

So she isn't a God, then, huh
> Ruby's mum is just some random 15 yo
> Is randomly roaming around in the snow wearing a long black cloak and hood and pointing at a sign post
> The "god of all gods" can't find out who she is.

This episode is so bad that its flaws are fractal. Even its flaws have flaws.
I hope Season 2 Episode 8 is just him drowning in a pool of his own tears for 45 minutes while someone else solves the plot for him. But he drowns and regenerates.
Series long mystery that has is literally unsolvable, has no real consequence on the show, is massively inconsistent, and had to be shoehorned in to the big bad's plans at the end so it looked like it was a bigger deal than it was.
He didn't cry in The Legend of Ruby Sunday.
It's a cheap way to show an emotional moment. They had to use it because ncuti is a bad actor
Even the Doctor Who subreddit hates this episode
Bravo RTD lmao
why didn't he just have some line about him being released from the vortex after the salt thing, instead of the hanging on the tardis shit
The Mrs. Flood is that she's Susan Foreman.
>Mrs Flood
>15 crying every episode
RTD is playing 4D chess with us bros
Because RTD wanted to write himself into the history of the show
pretty much, they don't want to criticise the show out of fear of being grouped in with le chuds who hate ncuti because he's black and/or gay. peppering in this woke nonsense isn't the reason the show is bad, but it does provide a convenient shield against criticism. same shit with star wars. nobody actually likes whatever drivel disney shits out but they have to pretend to to conform.
Or he jumped on before he aged to death when it was all over the place at the end of The Star Beast, leading into WBY
this is no worse than "Clara was splintered across my entire timeline and inserted into every episode ever" and the Timeless Child nonsense
It's still bad though
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>inb4 Mrs Flood is a Time Lord who takes on the form of every companion as a trap for Dr Who for some reason
Is there another Sutekh on 14's tardis?
Osiran Lord of Death can't finish off the universe until he finds out the name of some 15 year old who ditched her kid 19 years ago.
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Well I liked it. Bravo Russel. A well done and satisfying mystery.
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Speaks to emotional immaturity, doesn't it? The only way Rusty's capable of communicating an emotion is the most extreme and overt expression of it. With Tennant, that used to be smacking things and shouting, "NO NO NO IT'S NOT FAIR!" and with Ncuti it's constant weeping. No reservation, or nuance
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true it's just funny fodder for memes and that's about the only.value we can get out of this show anymore.
I don't even hate the idea of "ancient evil attaches itself to the tardis and spreads seeds of itself through time and space". there's an interesting kernel of an idea there. it was just executed in the worst way possible.
Sutekh's full appearance list is gonna go absolutely insane on TARDIS Wiki across every single medium of Dr. Who story set after Pyramids of Mars
Those were pretty fucking awful too, correct
If you can't see something did it appear?
The episode with the "Clara was splintered across my entire timeline" asspull was directed and presented and acted with 10x more grace and elegance than this heap of shit and you have amnesia if you don't agree
Given they mention 1066, I think he clearly has gone back up the timeline too.

On TARDIS Wiki, you bet it counts!
This wasnt great but you guys have clearly forgotten how shit this show can get
Its a good idea and would have worked if they had just said he hopped on during wild blue yonder. Making it the whole show is so dumb
Yeah of course it's Omega, and when he goes into his true form he won't have the sparkley blue robes and giant helmet he'll just be some guy painted gold. Just like Davros whenever he returns.
The future really is bleak.
>Given they mention 1066, I think he clearly has gone back up the timeline too.
Fuck, I didn't even put that together while I was watching it
Tardis wiki literally counts a drawing of Hitler on a propaganda poster in the Empty Child as an "appearance" of Hitler
>it's a Sutekh has to balance on top of some organ pipes episode
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reminds me of mgsv when it was revealed skull face was following snake through all of mgs3
Probably switched TARDIS's during the 5 doctors
>Moff Christmas Special
>Nigcutie bi-regenerates
>It's Capaldi
>He immediately starts beating on 15 while calling him a fag
>Says "I am the Valeyard, babes!
>Episode ends

I am thinking KINO
I mean, he could've visited 1066 again since Pyramids of Mars but I dunno. RTD basically wants Sutekh on top of the TARDIS for the whole show.
I would honestly welcome Moffat coming back and just starting right back up where he left off. 13-15 was just a weird post regeneration fever dream
I thought of this too lol
> Says Earth was dying over and over again, every time he ever landed there.

Paradox after paradox then. Shit tier writing.
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new thread
One trick pony
I didn't get this at all. If Earth is dying over and over in every time the TARDIS lands, wouldn't, I dunno, a previous Doctor notice
It's not related to Doctor Who, right?
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wow... so true
Nah, new original programme
Don't turn around..
Exactly. The whole thing makes no sense.
If this was Britain under the "Conservative" Party, god help us for what Labour have in store when they inevitably win in a landslide
Why did she drop her bags in shock when first seeing the TARDIS move but the second time she was well familiar with what it is
Doesn't deserve it.
RTD watched The Flux and was like "yeah I can do that but worse"
worst thing about this shit is retards who hated the flux are praising this shit just because it has RTD's name on it
>if you kill the dead they come back to life
This is literally Russell's understanding of the world.
I have literally as much information as you do right now
Is it?
me too, but by the time RTD is over the Doctor will be split into multiple beings as part of a homotrans harem with no need for companions
Good spot. Did time change in that moment? Continuity gaffe?
Well, see you lads at Christmas. I see schizo has already started showing up so naturally he'll be shitting these threads for the next few months.
It is for the oppressed masses on TERF Island. Where the most an LGBTQIAAP+ can hope to achieve is to be paid millions of pounds to write crap TV.
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Sutekh watching half the planets the Doctor landed on get destroyed during Flux
>RTD casually canonizing The Curse of Fatal Death
You can't spell Retard without RTD
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"Help me doctor i'm fucking burning with your shitty little box aaaaaaaaaa"
>RTDs husband dies irl
>Creates biregeneration so there's copies of every Doctor out there and there's no finality to the versions
>Adds a wheelchair ramp to the Tardis (and makes Davros not a wheelchair user) because his husband had to use a wheelchair as he got ill
>15 meets Ruby in a nightclub the same way that RTD met his husband
>Makes the Doctor have a gay (male) romance
>Makes the big bad of his first season back, Sutekh, the personification of DEATH (which they defeat and reverse the effects of in the next episode, with the Doctor proclaiming himself as the god of life and declaring that there is no more death)
Russell mate, please go to therapy
At least Flux gave us Dan the man, space dog, team rocket skull siblings, and that old explorer guy who sacrifices himself
How do you know?
Clearly referencing the TV Movie, anon. They even showed a tiny clip of the TARDIS at new years from the McGann movie during the montage.
The TV Movie was New Year's Eve 1999, it was set in the run up to the new millennium
I assumed this was a reference to when the movie was set.
>Moffat's mom dying results in one of his DW scripts for an episode falling apart a bit at the end
>Russell's wheelchair bound boyfriend dying results in Russell years later shitting up a dozen DW scripts to coping hard with his obsessions over wheelchairs and resurrections
It is so fucking grim, lads
When Kate said UNIT could hire Susan Triad, I did laugh when the Doctor was like "ffs here we go"
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Oh, I totally forgot the movie was set in 1999. Weird coincidence that The Curse of Fatal Death released in 1999.
Doctor Who Season One (2024) official Bluray box announced - here is the cover!
What was the announcement Susan was going to do anyway
She went out live having a breakdown and turning into a skull mask and blowing dust at people
No one's addressing that?
Is that why he let Kripple Killer Kate murder Shirley off camera?
Find out in season 2
Moffat was the showrunner we needed, but not the one we deserved
Kinda funny how much Fatal Death prophesised NuWho

>no nonsense doctor
>handsome doctor
>dorky doctor
>older doctor
>woman doctor
>universe needs the doctor so they survive beyond the regeneration limit
>master gets boobs
She was giving out some free software, or something?
>>Moffat's mom dying results in one of his DW scripts for an episode falling apart a bit at the end
What episode was this?
>the gift of free wifi to all
>great intelligence sequel-sequel confirmed
Moffat was laying seeds
Some addressing the UN bollocks. Sounds like a big deal until you remember Bono and BTS address the UN all the time.
Moffat is better than RTD because he's not an Oxford educated twat
The Lie of the Land where Bill used memories of her dead mother to defeat the Monks.
He wrote the Monk trilogy while she was dying. Literally writing the script of The Pyramid at the End of the World while he was at her bedside in hospital.
We may need a second wilderness years period. Come back in 2045 with a fresh outlook on the show.
Worse, mate. He's an Edinburgh Fringe twat
RTD trying very hard to immortalize this doctor as the one who cries and cries wtf is his problem? being in touch with your emotions is healthy but bursting into tears nonstop is indicative of mental issues
where did you go to uni then?
>Come back in 2045 with a fresh outlook on the show.
It is insane that we're 19 years into NuWho and it's still being controlled by the same narrow clique of geeks. It would be like if Peter Davison's first series written entirely by David Whitaker and Terry Nation
>sutekh and faction paradox... again
>The War Sutekh
We should have listened to eccleston
problem is RTD and Moffat are both old school Who geeks who have ptsd from the original cancellation and they see Who being off the air as the worst possible outcome so they will fight to keep it on TV at all costs. ironically it will end up burying the show for good. they don't understand that having a hiatus is what allowed them to breathe new life into the show 20 years ago and that cycle needs to happen again
I'm guessing you wasted three years of your life studying humanities at a former polytechnic or a mid-tier Russel Group at best and are resentful of people like RTD because of it.
>mid-tier Russel
good way to describe the last series lol
I went to Durham, pillock
you sound homophobic
I'm homophobic. I've a fear of being bummed.
Oxbridge reject then?
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I wish I had a sofa of reasonable comfort...
Any sane person is.
Well, I’m afraid this conversation will have to end, because I suspect my internal monologue will be much more interesting than talking to you.
I just know that RTD is sat at home smug as you like thinking he's top shit for faking us all out with Ruby's mum being a random normal woman. Dickhead.
this is why Doctor Who needs to die. why do chuds still latch onto what is clearly a gay/trans show? it's ALWAYS been a show for us. you're all just slow and stupid
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So what's the total number? How many times has Ncuti wept so far?
>make a big deal of it
>"actually, it wasn't anything special at all! don't you feel foolish?"
No, you prick, because you've just spent the last 6 months insisting that it was something special and important. You've just been fucking lying to my face
Remember when Tony Blair wanted us to have a bio-metric DNA database?
But no, a DNA database is something that would only be supported by the evil far-right like those low-tax libertarian Faragists
>The Three Sutekhs
>written by Nicholas Briggs
>staring Nicholas Briggs
>produced by Nicholas Briggs
>Nicholas Briggs as Sutekh 1, 2, 3

Coming soon to Big Finish
it was a metacommentary on fandom thinking there's some outlandish theory behind everything
Dumb chuds, it subverts you're expectations, not his fault your too stupid to get it.
>Telos mentioned twice
series 2 confirmed for cyber kino
So if she was just normal, what was with the snow following her around?
inb4 coincidence bc it snowed inside the TARDIS too
the Last Jedi of Doctor Who
It even predicted the Doctor getting married.
Because the Doctor, Ruby and Sutekh were all so intent on learning the truth about her, their feelings imbued it with a sort of ritual significance (the Doctor compares it to religious belief). By simply believing that it is important, they made it so.
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Why did Sutekh even care?
Spotted the fag.
That's just Moff repackaging his limited pool of old ideas, same with loads of his timey-wimey shite being reheated from Continuity Errors
Why didn't he do anything in the thousands of years before he landed at ruby road too
Because it was something he didn't know, so obviously he wanted to know it. When I think
>embodiment of death, nihilist to the core whose whole philosophy is simply anti-life
I think
>inquisitive mind
He was charging up his mana
Are we regenerating?
Why didn’t they all die immediately in 2046 when the dust was visibly still lingering in the air?

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