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Medic Reddit Jimmy Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200340180
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Who will be the KWAB of the season?
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Jon twitter space
Taylor mogs
Tayleigh or Jon it's hard to tell
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she does!
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post this cat :)
Jet Neptune
>Chews food into microphone
>Like.. GTFO of my ear
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Would you eat Taylor's cupcakes?
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Love that cat
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Can't stand this freak
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I'm getting ready for another Betty meltdown when she's watching people having fun and starts to regret burning bridges
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Damiel won
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Will the real winner of last season look like?
It was hilarious when she publically tweeted that she didn't wanna go near the season 2 house but then in discord said she was sad she wasn't invited
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>i will stop being a slut
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Betty is a Jewish princess who deserves the world!
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No lie detected
The Town lost. S2 caused their home market value to plummet.
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is this the goranian kino everyone keeps talking about?
I would say she's a fitted bitty but I'm still not sure what that means
She deserves to be put down mercifully.
It's sad to watch her at this point, desu.
Megs expressions are kino. I can see what jet tried to get her to stay
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anyone else ready for the vance/cole switcharoo
Daniels never coming back. He had the worst time with withdrawals during s1.
people think cole gained weight out of depression but it’s actually because he’s trying to disguise himself as vance
it's a complete bullshit theory but at the same time i could totally see it happening
What if he says the n word again
Letty will sue
bummy buster is pretty funny sometimes
But she loves being called Nina the nigger
Would you bust his bummy?
Sam and jet really struck gold with her. Finding out about her psycho ex and the revenge porn was kino
Imagine if Letty and Betty had kissed during S1
Trust the plan
Good tank

She said she threw Letty down a flight of stairs at the after party but idk if she was serious or not
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yes :3
Trish won my heart desu
Imagine if Betty had waxed Letty and gave her a mani pedi and a full body massage
I would use her dump truck ass as a pillow to sleep on
how long has she been doing meth?
Dont get my hopes up you son of a bitch
you guys gotta stop talking about these women none of them are interesting or beautiful
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if they did this i would actually watch bloodgames
Ariel is NOT a methwhore! Please be nice!
Betty looks kinda grim without makeup or filters
But short skirt tights and heels Betty = coom
>damiel won by paying a hooker
Do you actually like Don Jolly's work or are you just trying to epicly pwn Sam on a thread he will never read
He could just be feeling jolly
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You're absolutely right. Here are some examples that fit your statement:
Interesting: Dr. Lisa Su
Beautiful: Karen Fukuhara
The blonde ruined her face with that buccal surgery meme shit all the celebs are falling for
damiel seems like a real fag honestly
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smella supremacy
>Pix of him with his cock out with the boys in a motel room
>Calls himself bummy buster
Whatever gave you that idea
maybe him and jon could resolve their grievances by exchanging tummy kisses
jon will have an autistic fit and leave in like two days guaranteed
ugly dyke
What will jimmy do if Letty refuses the hugs?
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Why is Vance playing a show in Washington the day 2.5 is supposed to start?
Why hasn't he gotten an official promo video yet when everyone else has?
Why was he the last contestant announced?
Why are his endorsements so comically overinflated?
that girl isn't beautiful shes asian
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take it back
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Do you like her?
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Watch twilight in preparation for the vampire bloodgames

kstew is the most beautiful girl on the planet
I understand why people like asian women but they look a little too strange, mixed race ones are often attractive
Maybe he shows up later
Hopefully he doesn't have to witness any rapes this time
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the 2.5 vampires seem more like zombies than vampires from the previews they've shown. Jet can't get anything right
jimmy gotta be one of the gayest niggers in existence
He just said he's gonna be a day late on Twitter. Jon also mentioned that he's gonna show up at night.
list of actual hot women in the FTCU (fish tank cinematic universe)
- summer
- bex
- finnish girl (forgot her name)
- delaney
Cole is a fag idk how you guys ever fell in love with him. Jimmy was always the best man.
fuck cole
She's got a tight lil body
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>mixed race ones are often attractive
summer is an ugly bbc slurping hunchback goblin tranny and insane furfag
Cole is an actual /tv/ poster and Jimmy is an unfunny faggot poser
Jimmy took initiative and tried to attack someone. Cole is a BBC spam poster.
Shit sounds gay.
these are the only two fishtank cast members who were funny or entertaining, along with john
>Cole is an actual /tv/ poster
That isn't a badge of honor or something to be proud of.
>Jimmy is an unfunny faggot poser
Jimmy is a schizophrenic that thinks there's metal in wood
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did y'all hear sumn?
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Yeah seems to be more like a mixture of the two monsters
This guy was pretty vampiric looking though
I fell in love with cole in december of '23
It is
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Based Jimbo
that was fucking hilarious.
>too inept to know how to hammer correctly
>must be metal in the wood
Praying that Jimmy gets kicked within the first couple of days
That drawer was so fucked
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>That isn't a badge of honor or something to be proud of.
It's over, Jon's phone ran out of battery. Everybody was annoying anyways.
Maybe the zombie like ones are suppose to be vampire thralls.
Cole and Jon were fakers. Tryhards are embarrassing.
Jimmy is such a cringy try hard
>what posting in francesca capaldi threads for two years does to a nigga
>Cole switcharoo on 2.5.
>He's Kingpin-tier in size due to the constant drinking.
>He's actually the vampire leader. The main antagonist.
Coleslaws eating good this time.
Which one is it?
anyone who doesn't simp for taylor is a tryhard cringelord
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hey, now, not so aggressive
That septum piercing has got to go
Seductive Ella
Anyone have that screenshot of Jimmy’s achievements told via greentext?
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This is a /bliccy/ thread
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>holding ella's hand while enduring the stinging in your nose from her angelic musk into old age
more like
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Have you seen her goth slut party phase?
She's kinda mid
These threads are kind of sad. I feel you have to be an inherently miserable person to keep up with fishtank, it is intentionally crafted to make you feel bad.
nothing wrong with lezzing
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I was just joking
I'm well aware that she's raw sewage
Yea most of the fans turned on production after tayleigh was taken advantage of when drunk
Frank was also doing dumb shit like ashing in the actual fish tank and fucking with the chickens in an abusive way
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Jimmy dat boi a faggot
hahahahahaha this tayleigh fag cope
She was molested anon. You cannot legally consent when you're drunk.
Is tayleigh that blonde whore who had her pussy out while she was passed out drunk?
No that was bliccy
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Any other druk friends here? Good evening, my favorite ft character is Taylor.
Bruh i can't even they think she was ah......hahahaha....uh oh no hahahaha......kiss...raped....ahahahahahahahah.
It's called molestation/sexual harassment and it's against the law anon
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good taste. I'm more of an ella chad myself.
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Im swigging out of a bottle of whiskey watching the wicker man i hate tay.Bald dyke bitch.
Is tayleigh the lowkey autistic gangly tall white bitch? What happened with her drunk? I stopped watching midway into season 2.
what we drinkin tonight? md 20/20 blue raspberry for me
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She consented.
Ya. Frank HASSLE got her wasted and then made out with her. Then she ran down to the basement to puke and Frank ran after her to make her sign a consent form.
Damn is there a clip of that? Sounds wacked out
You can't consent when you're drunk anon
I told u this
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got a good feeling this season is finna be 1 hundo dog poo
Maybe. I will look for one on /bant/
hopefully. or else it wouldn't qualify as goranian chemo
so literally every club hook ever was rape?
sex with sylvia
sex with letty
sex with chicken lady
sex with bex
sex with megan
sex with bliccy
sex with jackie
rape with summer
sex with taylor
Mr.Failson, that image isn't appropriate for this board! You trying to get banned again, nigga?
that guy needs to be locked up and tortured
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You’re just jealous of his cock
>real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank
Him and Betty are disgusting
Are you Scottish? I found out yanks have mad dog i thought it was a uk thing.
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someone asked for this to be posted
Why does this board exist?
Anon im sorry she said she consented her words whatdafugguwant me to do huh?
no sir. usa
can someone explain to me why jimmy and tayleigh are still a thing? they are the epitome of cringe
Cool 2 second clip faggot, ill use google. Fucking lowlife
the rest of the s2 cast just sucked that much worse
>they are the epitome of cringe
you answered it yourself. they're walking goldmines of cringekino.
Sorry ninja that's all someone else gave me on /bant/
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fucking kek
There isn't really a longlist of entertaining people to choose from that aren't blacklisted from the show
imagine making a sex list and not including abbie
wtf, scrubdaddy
Of all the things we don't have at least we share mad dogg salute.
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She had great trash talk and probably looked like a bombshell 30ish years ago
Also a rare case of a guest staying only as long as they needed to
already running a 'veteran all-star' season on the third go around? So just full fake, can't continue the premise as all potential applicants are larping autitists/speds?
They need to accept Betty's apology
She's make it up to them if you know what I mean
do you think she knows that the smiley face is designed to clean spoons?
oliver cuck
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TJ bros......
I hope those freeze frame fades are a signature of the s2 edit.
A seething basedjack wearing a mask with a smug expression
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>Cole only became an alcoholic because of the druk threads
he's kino personified no doubt
I wanna say i like her but i cant get into tattoed girls
Very nice, im hitting vodka and wiskey tonight
Cole is king and Vance is boring
No offense to Vance, he’s probably a good employee, but he’s a BORING cast member
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How much would it cost to laser off Ella doodle tats
kek ben stepping in to keep her from hitting the floor
Who is that?
so it begins. taylor's inevitable waning and betrayal of TJ
That's the guy that joins random online games and says
Where are they going to shit and piss? Do they have showers?
cringe and cringekino are not the same
probably like 30 1998 honda civics
Poop bags for the poop bucket
whos that?
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the epitome of sex
ehhh, semantics. they still reel in the same viewers
Those will be worth billions when all the electric cars stop working.
His YouTube channel is pretty popular
He's an online troll
jimmy kino https://youtu.be/Q5tc7ydTcZw?si=jrjyPnmsEMEmD8p6&t=621
They last forever
They're like Toyota rav4s
Source on the bottom left?
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No Josie, no watch. Simple as.
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I love bex
where tits
lmfao didn't everyone hate this bitch?
I licked them off
naw, actually entertaining people will bring in more viewers. catering the the lowest common denominator is a losing formula
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she's hot and cool now and she's gonna bully tay all season so she's based
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Bex nips belongs in mouth.
i agree. i think they do too and that's why they said they're gonna get actual actors for season 3.
/tv/ is a letty board
Delicious flat chest
actors on an allegedly unscripted show? yikes. theres plenty of people they can find who are just entertaining on their own. they were able to a few already. tay and jimmy is being "all-stars" is just beating a dead horse
Anyone have a link to a bex folder?
Or an abi folder?
Or an ella folder?
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Ask /ftl2/ on /bant/
why yikes? duanye was one and he was fuckin fantastic.
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My only regret is that i never saved more bex....
fantastic at being an annoying piece of shit who ruins every moment with his inane screeching
I didn't watch season 2
Someone give me the QRD on Tayleigh and Jimmy (Beyond telling me if Tayleigh is hot or not, I can see that for myself)
eh not really. his shtick got tired after like 3 days and then he let them humiliate him
Wait for the episodes
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Ahhhhhhhhhhhh pawg ass
Is it a W or L for Trish that she wasnt invited to 2.5
Letty is a princess!
She's in great shape for a 30 yr old
Jimmy is Jon but as a millennial redditor with anger issues and severe mental problems
Tayleigh is an ugly softball dyke who got raped and got naked on camera multiple times on season 2
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Can we all agree no other fish should come back to work on production except Vance?
Bex on the beach
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if he ever confesses, im going full COLE motion
Yeah that about does it
Sexo con bexo
she will be on s3 if this stupid 2.5 thing doesnt tank them
fine with it as long as they add something and know to take a background role like he did
basically tay got raped by jimmy and then by frank and then the wiggers all got a turn in the basement and vance wept
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Bex is sex
did she ever she she wasn’t?
They raped summer too while Vance filmed it and cried
FYI they completely lucked out on the 70s theme. The house had already looked like that. They barely added anything to it. It makes me wonder what the s3 house will look like. It might be sterile and white again.
not a josie simp but i found her more entertaining as a production wigger than a contestant
his camerawork for s2 was actually great from what we've seen so far. no reason for any other fish to come back because they have nothing to offer
Damn, look at that plapper.
She sucked at the auto cam. Wasn't even trying to track the action
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>tfw sleep schedule is absolutely recked right now
>go to bed at 7am wake up at like 6pm
>remember the fish don't wake up until like 5pm

bro's I'm synced up and ready.
>auto cam
I read somewhere that they could have easily have had a program to handle that for them. Is that true?
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i hope they somehow make it mafia themed. maybe 1920s/30s era house modeling aesthetics
It looks so cheap and boring now
can you show me this footage you are alleging sucked?
Cummie on bex tummie
Yes probably but who's gonna program it or pay for the software
I'm guessing it would glitch out all the time too but better than Josie clicking random rooms while inhaling balloons
Season 2.5 couldve been Rocky, Edie, Marky, Don Jolly, Fatty & Channing
Nah I will when flowstreams finishes tho
He's making an archive of s2
Season 2.5 couldve been literally who?
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Can they shoot on the property they are using, is it rural enough.

Replace rocky with spice bear
i know it was fun to joke about josie running the auto during the season but the truth is you have no proof who was running it when. that in an of itself was entertaining
I don't get why it doesn't automatically go to the room with the most viewers with a slight bias so when someone clicks on a new room it counts them as like say 1.2 viewers for a few seconds
Probably during the day no one will care
do you want bex to lose her job c'mon man.
Oh that's what you mean? What else was she doing down there?
i mean when she would bring cigs and try to do her autistic pep talks and fall on the stairs. that was entertaining.
Those stairs almost fucked her day up
I barely used auto cam. S1 made me too used to having to click around and following the action. It made things feel more exciting desu.
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Yea they made it unusable
Whoever was on it
Probably Josie being passive aggressive cause she didn't actually want to be there
How did Shinji ended up becoming the biggest loser post-show?
Got rid of jimmy so im thinking based
He's bitter because he's been gaslighted so many times that he has hundreds of adoring fans who want to watch and support him. Production and Fishtank fans did this to him.
he's doing a bit
I was wondering why he hated trish during the show and i realized he was always a hateful incel who hates women despite being a coomer. Trish was the nicest person in the cast
Fishtank turned him into the joker
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Made for painal
I was looking forward to watching him but his first few streams were mostly his friend talking and then his solo streams were him silently playing video games
>2 hours silent stream of him playing DuoLingo
Crash is a fucking retard who has no idea how to manage a talent
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Oh yeah this dude 100 percent scammed him from his winnings.
Need to hate fuck this lil ho
he's a lazy beggar
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Lol he deleted the tweet
Sam and jet scammed him out of his golden scarab money first tho. Not cool now japdick can't afford school
He straight up ruined Shinji’s life by getting him to blindly sign up for fishtank
He did have thousands of fans. They went out of their way to subscribe to his his shitty youtube channel. He had like 8000 and then he deleted it for no reason, only to start a new channel with only like a hundred subs now. He was at the same crossroad josie was at and he fucked it up time and time again. Meanwhile josie made 10k during her 1 year anniversary stream. And when people give him good advice on twitter he starts complaining about his life
Truly a shitty friend too
I still find it funny how Trish managed to come out of the tank in a better position than the shows fan favorite.
That dude is the biggest piece of shit
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didn't happen, this is a trustworthy individual
you think taylor or tj made him?
>hates whores
>Has sex for money on film
Flawless japdick logic
Down Syndrome Bill Hader
Looks trustworthy
If he told me to go on a reality show I would say when
When he made shinji's first stream all about himself (thus killing all of shinji's momentum) he wouldn't shut the fuck up about his "vacation" in the phillipines (pedo sex pest)
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I would trust him around an underage asian female
Seems like a straight shooter
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I remember when he was asked about TJ after the show that he said that TJ should cheat on Taylor. Idk what his problem is
I don't like the vibes I'm getting from this picture
Bummy status?
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>Vampire Bloodgames
This is what the wiggers called their Don Jolly humiliation ritual, vindictive little cunts
He would have made a good couple with summer
The karma from their satanic rituals is gonna bite them in the ass someday
They're messing with unseen forces
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evening all
this was a real kino movie
Letty should have beat her to death
starting to get real satanic vibes from this thread ngl
>josie beating up letty in a boxing match.webm
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take it back
they're all on short time now
Best Lecter, best Will Graham, one of Manns best too and that's saying something
bloodgames much?
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>here's your bloodgames bro
Donbros, any of you tried to contact him through his email on his website? Did you get a response?
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Friendship won actually
oh right. the website, donjolly.com
Dontarius has a website?
That honor is for a select few, he's always in my prayers though
They should make everyone shit in a giant communal latrine and have the loser of the dog house have to pour diesel on it and stir it while burning
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the amount of bugs the lights are going to attract will be funny
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psst... i see dead people
Abby status?
She stole grand prize from her
Bump for Don Jolly of donjolly.com
Letty got like 20k plus fishbucks in the end.
He's not dead just autistic
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wiggers don't watch survival shows, one ep of naked & afraid and they'd rethink all this shit. odds are the cast won't actually sleep outside at night anyway, it'd be easy to tuck them in indoors without the audience noticing. if they can't pull it off they can hit me up
Not every season needs a stupid period gimmick like this
miss this autistic nigga like you wouldn’t believe
They owe her big time
She was the only one trying to put on a show
Yeah he contacted me and told me to tell everyone to stop using his name to sully his good friend Sam who he ended their business relationship on amicable terms.
I would watch Jimmy larping as Survivorman
No, those two are definitely asleep right now. Nigga must've just realized afterwards that she has a bf.
Sir this s blood games thread
Your avatar is off topic
Someone said this before but they should’ve just done a cabin in the woods theme for the half season instead of this gay bloodgames larp. Would fit the format of the show perfectly and things would get heated with the fish living in tight close quarters. Fishtank: Cabin Fever
Insider here, were gonna be having bathroom cams again, this time inside the bowls of the porta potties, theyre gonna be hidden to everyone except those who had bought the season pass since the first season
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Is there a full version of the Try video at the end of the Erick Hayden CEO skit? https://youtu.be/822KO8dPs0M?si=eVAt36ioOaFFg9OB&t=178
Tell Don to relax, the patriots are in control
Poop cam? Can't wait to watch the pile grow in real time
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it doesn't get much darker than me, sirs
Sir you're gonna have to take off your avatar or exit the thread. It's not 2.5 related
true. i don't think they will either and if they do do another themed season it'll be more organic and spontaneous instead of just picking a time period.
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i have bigger issues ahead. i need to clear time for a couple weeks to watch this shit and lay off cocaine a bit
agreed or a small cabin town with say 3 cabins a yard and a shed
How are all these cameras and equipment going to stay running outdoors 24/7 for two weeks? Imagine the sheer work involved to keep all this shit working plus trying to run a fun show. All of this shit sounds like a pure logistical nightmare.
Um security can we get this guy trespassed please? I saw him enter the girls bathroom and come out with white power all over his nose saying something like Josie wosie?
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the trick is to pretend to be a normal human being and not worry about it at all. let it happen. let the wiggers worry. it's two weeks, worst case scenario the dyke wins
Star link.
I thought you only smoked pot?
He only smokes pole
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no, i smoke weed/eat shrooms and dabble in coke/molly. i don't do molly much anymore because the comedown is rough on me mentally and i have a full plate with little downtime. coke is actually the least mentally taxing shit i do to myself, funny enough
Have u tried meth
Imagine if Tay ended up as a runners up again
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will franky boy be there
Why is he so scared to irl troll now
Did the judge tell him to stop?
Just do it frank
Stop being a pussy
Just don't molest or assault anyone
he's too famous
Probably more laziness than fear
Yea all the Walmart boomers know him
Idk he's kind of a bitch
That CrossFit gym guy held him down and almost threw him over a rail into a ditch kek
it's also a bit boring to do the same thing over and over
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nah, the meth in cali these days is p2p. it's mass produced in mexican superlabs with comically dangerous precursors and so full of impurities it causes rapid brain damage. it doesn't even give you that insane sexual euphoria that ephedrine based meth did. don't touch that shit unless you know a chemist
>That CrossFit gym guy held him down and almost threw him over a rail into a ditch kek
That guy was also short and had a man bun and still mogged the ever living fuck out of fat Frank
We're taking you to rehab right now
Your brain is all jumbled up from drug use
You're starting to hallucinate and see yourself as a little Mexican girl
tombstone piledrived
Yea they could have easily fucked him up but they thought he was retarded or crazy
so what frank's a comedian not a cage fighter
>Quest/Challenge is not going in a way Jimmy would like to
>Jimmy will blame Letty for this
>Letty will answer this by messing with Jimmy
>Jimmy gets booted again for violently sperging out, thus being KWAB of the season
If your comedy involves people trying to fight you or pulling out guns you better be ready and able to defend yourself
Sam gets even more scared
When the dude that dropped his dogs started chasing frank he locked the doors to his truck and wouldn't let frank in lmao
that sounds hilarious
lmao franks content pretty good despite him being an asshole, i only seen this and the dogs one and both made me laugh
The guy that dropped his dogs was ready to kill

This one is retarded because they pretend to be 15 to pedo bait but that's pretty close to what Sam did with marquis
him being so nonchalant repeating some retarded phrase while they lose their shit is so funny to me
daniel always deletes his tweets after like an hour
he's a weirdo
sam being directly involved in this is so friggin ironic
Notice how Sam disappeared when frank went to confront him lol
It was funny how easily he was able to run away tho
I think that dude was already having a bad day. Probably craving dope.
the mall one is the best where he's taking surveys
page 10 are we running it back
I think of the S1,S2 house and the people living in them will never know the adventures that took place, those memories have fallen into darkness.

No more of this. Let it die.

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