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Sutekh Sits edition

Tossed into the vortex: >>200348869
This show is lame and gay.
Which Companion would Sutekh have judged the Doctor the most for bringing aboard?
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I take it there was no Susan return?
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Is Sutekh supposed to be the One Who Waits, then? Because I can't see the Toymaker and other celestials(?) being scared of a generic death god
/ssg/ - Sutekh Shitposting General I believe you mean. NO DOCTOR ALLOWED, THIS IS SUTEKH'S TIME TO SHINE
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Nope. Pure fan bait and red herrings from RTD.

God, it's so tiresome.
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why is russell putting a large amount of infants and old people in the show now? it feels like a cry for help
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You thought it was the Doctor's fear and paranoia but it was SUTEKH all along!
>Is Sutekh supposed to be the One Who Waits, then?
yes, he waited on top of the TARDIS lmao

did sutekh also enjoy an ice cream with 13 and Yaz a few episodes ago?
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>Wow Doctor. You really just let The Master have an adventure with your companion and within five minutes sending them out the door. Your companion's been shot. And I got front row seats.
If you ever feel stupid for something you did just remember there are people out there who went to see this in theaters
if sutekh has been on the tardis since pyramids of mars why was the tardis only suddenly making that groaning noise over the past few episodes?
Fun facts for you all, finale edition:
> 13 Sutekhs specifically accompanied the Doctor to save Gallifrey in the 50th Anniversary
> A copy of Sutekh was created during the 60th anniversary.
> Sutekh watched the Doctor and River Song fuck for 26 years
> Sutekh's entire plan is just a repeat of Flux mixed with the Reality Bomb.
> The Doctor brought 'life' to every single planet and time he's visited since his fourth incarnation - so ALL the Time Lords should be alive again now.
"I'll explain later."
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cultural appropriator
I would've been somewhat excited for a return of Susan. She'd no doubt be terrible but maybe she could be an adult and be a companion again and it'd be sorta like Romana where the Doctor sulks about not always being super genius timelord among the dumb humans. Even if Susan's probably doubly fucked because of the Doctor no longer being a timelord now but whatever that's just more delicious drama FOR SUTEKH TO SAVOR
>defeating sutekh meant that susan triad stuck around for some reason
>but not harriet arbinger despite the other arbinger from the devil's chord sticking around after maestro was defeated
can we all shut up about the episode and talk more about how much we want to fuck Ruby's friend Trudy and also Rose Noble?
>trying to apply logic to an RTD finale
Something I just realised, Ncuti has his whole spiel about having a granddaughter but not a daughter

Did RTD literally forget about Jenny
Yes. He was also with River when the Tardis was exploding in the pandorica episode
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>doctor I've been stuck on this planet for a 1000 fucking years, I'm binge eating you have no idea how fat i got ffs doctor where are you?
>I need metal, maybe a spoon
>hey we're in a memory TARDIS littered full of old shit, remember that time I made a sonic from old spoons? or the time I PLAYED the spoons with you Mel? wait, doesn't this tardis have ANY metal at all? anyway brb best visit some random planet
I think it would have been nice for Susan to return but, really I don't think any of us would want her to in the state Doctor Who has become.
also remember the 12th doctor kept a spoon in his coat when he fought robin hood
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>He's taking his sweet time down on the lower levels. I wonder what he's up to.
Doctor Who says fans who want answers can get fucked
This meme has unironically made /who/ hilarious again
as much as I hate being fair to RTD they explained this one as them needing metal that was real from outside and not from the memory tardis
why they had to find some random woman for that, I have no idea
that whole section felt like it was supposed to come as part of a whole series centred around living in sutekh's destroyed universe
but nobody wants to do that
QRD on what happened in the finale?

The point was that nothing in the memory tardis was "real" enough

Still retarded that between the three of them they didn't have a single piece of metal, like say a phone or a belt
RTD hit the magic reset button and dragged giant CGI dog around the vortex with a collar and leash
oh wait I can just go to any random point in earth history and find something real, like oh idk what I did 5 fucking minutes after this scene
sutekh, supposedly the most powerful being in the universe, gets defeated with a dog leash.
that whole sequence bordered on experimental and was something RTD dreamt up on acid
Did the show explain Flood?
It was your typical RTD final. Kill a bunch of people off and then have a factory reset to bring everyone back.
Everyone's Sutekh posting because Russel confirmed at some point in time after the Pyramids of Mars, Sutekh jumped onto the Tardis via the Time Vortex and has been squinting for thousands of years since, before getting defeated by a whistle and a leash.
>The point was that nothing in the memory tardis was "real" enough
yet the memory TARDIS is somehow magically able to time travel and be a vehicle for them

also, uh, what even happened to the memory TARDIS? it just got left behind when RTD forgot about it
> I need metal, maybe a spoon
> Let me visit a random planet and steal this woman's spoon after reminding her that her child is dead
> Proceeds to go to 2046 and walk past a fucking metal radiator in the hallway and countless metal objects
he was eating ice cream at the time. he doesn't just have a spoon with him at all times.
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she is Yahweh's harbinger
and the woman talked about "the death wave" working backwards

what the fuck was any of that about? felt like RTD got AI to write those few pages and just handed them in
he has bigger on the inside pockets, he is carrying a ton of stuff on him at any given moment
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that would defeat the purpose
bravo russell

also, does 15's sonic not have a bit of metal attached to it? like, for fucks sake.

> The show explained fucking nothing, just mystery box crap to try and get people to watch another season of garbage.
Sutekh posting's been so fun I nearly forgot the god awful Ruby Sunday's Mom twist.
I'm still not seeing a webm of fruity nuiwty screaming
also keep in mind that woman was alive for who knows how long after the destruction started, and she mentioned that a caravan of people were also around and travelling somewhere
...and then a couple minutes later sutekh says that there's no one left in the universe
seriously what the fuck is up with that whole scene? that's the biggest mystery in the whole episode, mrs flood is nothing in comparison
He's literally over the planet Earth, surrounded by satellites. Why the fuck would he not just use metal from that?
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>sutekh during the 50th
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If paint just flakes off the TARDIS whenever it dematerializes why would the Doctor care about what graffiti people leave on it?
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How does Sutekh get defeated? Deus ex twerking?
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"I just wanted to say... hello... and also Sutekh is sat on top of me."
gets put on a dog leash and thrown into the time vortex
they put a leash on him and drag him through the time vortex for a while, then drop him into the vortex
you just know...
>ruby attaches a dog leash to his collar
>doctor attaches this to tardis console and drag him around the vortex
>everything comes back to life
>tardis doors shut, break the leash, sutekh burns up in the vortex for some reason

it's BAFTA worthy, honestly.
The TARDIS didn't say anything as she's kinky and into it.
Was she deepthroating Sutekh's doggy dong the entire time?
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>Tell me Doctor, did you know Sutekh was hanging on outside?
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As Sutekh howls, Ruby leashes him with a rope, handing it back to the Doctor, each wearing an intelligent glove. The Doctor whistles for his TARDIS, a thruster below the console activating, knocking Harriet aside as she investigates, and pushing the TARDIS across the room. The Doctor and Ruby scramble inside, hooking the rope to the console. With a flip of a switch the TARDIS dematerialises, rope, Sutekh and all.

The Doctor, Ruby and the TARDIS fly through the time vortex, dragging the god of death behind them, surveying the universe that had been rendered dead and decrepit through Sutekh's plans. The Doctor's decided - he'll bring death to the dead universe - death to death - life. On earth, UNIT members and people in the street come back to life. As the universe comes back to life, the Doctor decides that he must once again bring death, casting Sutekh back into the time vortex.
Ruby ties a lead to him. The Doctor then proceeds to drag him through the Time Vortex, pumping so much Vortex energy into Sutekh that it kills the God of Death and in response, creates life.
> Sutekh was hanging on the Tardis during The Big Bang
> Tardis was destroyed and only its memory was brought back along with the Doctor by Amy Pond

> Why would Amy Pond remember Sutekh back into existence?
Amy was simultaneously fantasising about dogging, and inadvertently brought Sutekh back too.
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Sutekh, NO
What happened to the guard that was in the Time Window room with Ruby? When the Doctor and Mel came back he was just sent away and forgotten about. Why didn't the Doctor take him with him in the Memory TARDIS? What the fuck happened to him? Did he die? Did the Doctor send him to his death?

If this was explained in the actual episode then I apologize; I tuned out like most of it because it was so boring and awful.
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>Doctooooor theirs a giant dog out here and its looking at me funny
>the tardis blows up and destroys the universe
Sutekh be like
>TARDIS goes to the end of the universe to try and shake immortal man off
>TARDIS doesn't give a fuck mostly that a giant dog is straddling it for millennia
> Doggy is wanting answers to RTD's fuckery also so brings Ruby and Doctor to him
> Doctor attaches a leash to Doggy and the Tardis
> Doctor drags Doggy through Tardis
> Doggy rips Vortex showing different areas of time and space
> Doggy brings life... for some reason
> Doctor drops Doggy into the Vortex
> Doggy disintegrates rather than falling through into a different time or space

Oh and death itself has been destroyed so in theory the Time Lords should be alive again... the Doctor neglects to even think of this.
Iris Wildthyme incoming!
why did sutekh wait until this moment to unleash his plan? why not during 12's run, or during 9's era? why only now? wat
RTD wasn't the showrunner
>Doctor ponders Skaro briefly, but not his own planet

Bravo RTD
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it's about as dumb as it sounds
it's a long story, wiki it

she's a metafictional character who breaks the 4th wall and pretends to be doctor who
She wanted to torture and murder an old woman in her bed and relished in the idea of fucking with her, would that be in character for her?
>the first black doctor violently assaults animals
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"I see all of time and space... hey Doctor, what's that dog on top of the TARDIS? Anyway..."
>so ALL the Time Lords should be alive again now
They can't be. Their corpses were cyber converted and then permanently killed
>You mean you're just gonna keep me? Like that giant dog I saw on your Tardis?
Obviously they didn't come back or else the doctor can't be MUH LAST OF THE TIME LORDS
Death was erased though, spanning every timeline and every planet the Doctor has visited.
New Wave style spin-off about what is probably a Time Lady, who goes on her own adventures and trolls the Doctor. Voice by Katy Manning (Jo Grant). People are more joking than anything saying it will be her.
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>the Doctor killed a dog by leashing it to his car and dragging it behind him until it died

That's honestly really fucking dark
The door is open for Simm master and misty then
>Ruby was actually normal the whole time
So all the fuckery about it being impossible to track her parents or the TARDIS not being able to go to the night of her birth again and the snow was just muh salt at the end of the universe fucking with reality?
Or did I miss something?
jesus christ raimi
> 14th Doctor still out there
> Every single prior incarnation bi-regenerated and is just out there doing things
> The Curator from the 60th
> The Divison Era incarnations are all still active
> Susan is still out there, as reminded by us
> The Doctor has a daughter in the future
> The other Doctor's Daughter, Jenny is still out there
> Donna is part Timelord due to metacrisis
> Male Rose are both part Timelord due to metacrisis
> The Master is alive trapped in a tooth
> Mr Flood
We know the Master is coming back, because he's just trapped in a tooth since the 60th.

I'm guessing the explanation for how Missy died and was revived will be now retconned to be Sutekh bringing life to everything.
What do you do with the Doctor Who franchise at this point? Continue on post-15? Hiatus? Hard reboot? Just finally let it die?
Michael Grade it
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>oh hey you know that being i'm absolutely terrified of and ran away from? he's right their yep just behind you anywhoo, time to dance
let it die, then reboot it in 15 years when the DEI shit falls out of fashion and people go back to meritocracy
the season IS supposed to be the reboot. Only a long hiatus or death can save it
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Go back to the last popular doctor and pretend everything after never happened.
Is the "oldest one" Maestro spoke of supposed to be Sutekh or someone else?
By hard reboot I think people mean you restart at a new First Doctor.
Long Hiatus and then hard reboot. I'm talking a whole new First Doctor etc. Give it to a completely new set of showrunners and that way you can slowly reintroduce new takes on all the old monsters and storylines. The series no longer has all the retarded baggage and things would actually start to matter again, instead of endless retcons and hand waves
Hiatus. It's needed a hiatus for ages now
Nice for them to get a chance to catch up.
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What's he thinking right now?
We need a hard reboot
>defeats a dog with a whistle and leash
bravo russell
>a caravan of people were also around and travelling somewhere
>...and then a couple minutes later sutekh says that there's no one left in the universe
I took it as she was confused like she was about her baby, but who knows, the writing this series has been Chibnall level retarded

Unironically, pull a "it was all a dream/mind palace/psychic trap" for everything after 12
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>They really did get it all wrong without Peter
you mean 10, right? No one wants the old ugly guy bacl
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this will eventually happen. thanks for the nightmare, dreamlord!!!
Nah I think all this finale did was undo Sutekh's nonsense

any death that happened before the finale is still fixed/dead
this but the complete opposite
go for it being jodie's coma dream after falling into the train at the start of series 11
that was you get to redo jodie without giving her the worst character and outfit of any doctor and maybe write a good story or two instead
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>Damn Doctor, you really fucked up this time. Wait a minute.. Is that the fucking Brigadier??
There's something on your box
On some level I think he knew what direction things, as part of the wider entertainment culture, could and probably would go regardless who the showrunner was. We can disagree about his attitudes and choices but, Moffat was managed decline in face of the pressures placed on the show.
Get Moffat to do a spin off like 8th Doctor Adventures or live action Shalka Doctor Adventures, and ignore the main show.
so could sutekh hop around if multiple TARDISes were in the same place? imagine if he hops off 12's and latches on to 1's during 2017, or hops off Jodie's to catch a lift with Jo Martin 249834378673865734847365258769473 years ago
If we take it as canon (and now everything is canon) this is the closet thing to the Abrahamic God in the setting https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Glory
>catch a lift with Jo Martin
>oh dear this is the wrong doctor, all these darkies just look the same
>I think for me it’s “and now I must become a monster” being wasted on killing the same dipshit genocidal terror he was merrily killing last night on BBC Four. It’s not even that I mind the Doctor as this agonized raw nerve who weeps at every sparrow’s fall because he is, as this seems to ultimately conclude, secretly the god of life. It’s just that… that’s it. We spend a bunch of time doing “you made me into this” for the awful moral horror of cutting a rope and throwing the space balrog into the time lava. Like, sure, evil bat K-9 looks better bouncing about in the title sequence than the Earth did in Journey’s End, but that’s fifteen years and a pile of Disney money for you. It’s still a scene where you don’t imagine Ncuti Gatwa would have had an easier time emoting to the actual visual instead of a tennis ball. It’s emotionally hollow. It has nothing to say about anything other than itself.
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If Moffat had script edited, Empire of Death would've opened with the Doctor on the dusted planet in the tent, and then flash-backed all over the place.

The direction this episode was so flat and the storytelling average.
10 will be included in the dream
Cosmic horrors have to be just about to destroy the world, or they don’t work, as you point out. There is simply no way to make “everyone in the universe is dead” matter in Doctor Who, although the scene with the nice, weary lady gives it a good try.

Pyramids of Mars and Empire of Death are so different that it almost seems like an odd choice to show Pyramids at all — it creates expectations about the kind of story you’re going to get, and don’t.
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traces of It’s a Sin here – the Doctor unwittingly spreading death throughout the universe because he’s having fun, but ultimately queerness being affirmed as the source of life.
I wonder if it would have worked better to have “everyone turns to dust” be the cliffhanger. Then the obviousness that everyone will be revived would be a bigger plot beat for the story to revolve around and allow Empire of Death to be more about the Doctor, Ruby, and Mel in the empty universe.
The “I must become a monster” moment would have worked if there was something in there about the connection to Mel, Susan Triad and H.Arbinger so they’d have to die too. Contrived maybe, but it would actually give something for the doctor to agonise over, and some consequences beyond “goth scooby doo will now disappear in a powerpoint transition”.
well yes of course it would look at rtd doing this twice before, part 1 everyone dies, part 2 doctor brings everyone back
These are both good ideas. You are better writers than RTD.
I cant get past the fact that CGI Sutekh was, despite the FX department’s best efforts, adorable. I never found him to be even remotely as intimidating as the Classic Who depictions of him (paralyzed guy in a helmet; Typhonian Beast with glowing eyes). Every time it showed a close up of Sutekh’s head, I wanted to give him ear scritches and say “Who’s a good God of Death? You are!” and then toss a ball for him to fetch. Relatedly, I suspect the reason to go with CGI Sutekh was that RTD didn’t want the optics of Gatwa’s Doctor flat-out killing a man. So he gave us the optics of Gatwa killing a dog by dragging it behind his car until it tore apart.
Viewership figure prediction?
2.01m overnight
Not looking great.
End it by going full schizo:

Part 1:
> Ncuti returns to Earth to hang out with Donna and Rose but instead encounters the 14th Doctor.
> Ncuti speculates that something has happened, but 14th reassures Ncuti that they are just 'away'.
> Ncuti and the Doctor team up to investigate the woman who has the Toymaker's Tooth from the 60th anniversary.
> The Doctor betrays Ncuti and seals him in the Master's tooth, revealing he is working with the mysterious woman.

Part 2:
> Focused entirely on Ncuti & The Master with flashbacks exploring their lives.
> The Master reveals he was the child from the Timeless Children who pushed the Timelord off the cliff out of jealousy.
> The two being the adopted children of Tecteun.
> The two have to team up to escape the tooth.
> They speculate as to the identity of the mysterious woman and what the plan is that she has.
> Along the way they bury the hatchet and escape the tooth as allies.

Part 3:
> Ncuti and the Master track down Donna her son, Rose
> They explain that after they were consumed by a sand cloud (The empire of death) the 14th Doctor disappeared
> It is revealed the 14th Doctor is the true enemy of the story, having discovered the fob watch containing his memories from his life with the Division and seeking answers on his past along with the grief of everyone around him dying constantly.
> The 14th Doctor plans to speak his name at the Medusa Cascade to re-open it, unleashing the Time War once more believing that the only way to restore balance to the universe is for the Time Lords to control everything.
> Ncuti and the Master race to stop him as The 14th Doctor speaks his name (Unheard) as the cliffhanger
>RTD they explained this one as them needing metal that was real from outside
Wouldn't it have been more satisfying if the writer remembered that Ruby carried her own metal TARDIS key? Would've tied in neatly too - inside the memory TARDIS which is basically useless, Ruby uses a bit of the actual TARDIS to solve the plot macguffin
my 8yr old niece who loved dr who up until the end of capaldi anyway she immediately thought jodie was wrong and so I never showed her another ep and she wasn't interested in watching her, her favorite doc is 9 and her favorite episode ever is as she calls it "wheres my mommy?" also really likes flatline, anyway she would laugh herself stupid at this nonsense, I swear she would be laughing herself silly, did rtd forget that dr who is suppose to make kids cower behind the sofa in fear at the bad guy and then cheer when the doctor wins?
>by going full schizo
>it was all a dream/mind palace/psychic trap
At this point go truly wild and mindfuckery by doing the schizo kino that is Faction Paradox.
oh yea thats something that would've made sense
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aw the doctor taking the god of death on a walkies
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>don't forget about me, I killed all the osirans
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>sutekh third-wheeling Thasmin's dates
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>the killer of his own kind
>no not you sutekh I'm talking to the doctor
I haven't watched the episode. I'm guessing they do not explain either when Sutekh latched onto the TARDIS or why he is only acting now.
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They say that when the 12 Sutekhaleen are gathered the Sutekhahl Core will end all life
Come to think of it this two parter felt like Chibnall era episodes to me.
fans already bringing out the headcanons as if to make RTD seem like a genius
>Was the reason the TARDIS disliked Jack Harness but how he was able to cling on to its outer shell as it travelled through the time vortex in ‘Utopia’ because of Sutekh? Was the God of Death unable to eject Jack because Harkness was able to reject death?
He latched on at the very end of Pyramids of Mars. They even showed some footage from that story.

And has been sat on the TARDIS ever since.

I'm not joking.

I don't know why he waited until specifically now. I zoned out by then.
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2 mildly good episodes in the season
moffat still king of nu-who
Part 4, last part:
> The Medusa Cascade rips open unleashing the Timelords and the horrors of the Time War
> Ncuti & The Master have a Tardis battle resulting in them crashing on Trenzalore
> Ncuti kills the 14th Doctor in his Tardis, explaining 'The Name of the Doctor' and completing the foreshadowing of "The final act of your life is murder" from Rassilon in The End of Time Part 2
> Taking the remaining Tardis, the Master flies a mortally wounded Ncuti to the Medusa Cascade
> The Cascade needs to be closed from both sides
> The Doctor ends up closing the Cascade from the other side while regenerating
> The Master is tasked with carrying on the Doctor's legacy and takes on the title in his honor
> We see Gallifrey as a rift opens above a temple, with a regenerating Doctor falling from it
> The Doctor picks up some robes as they find themselves with no memory below the rift as the young girl from The Timeless Children.
yfw it was Sutekh knocking four times on the door of the tardis
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So, best episode of Ncuti Who?
RTD promises higher than ever stakes for season 2
To recap:
> This explains the Doctor's grave in 'The Name of the Doctor'
> Pay-off to the Medusa Cascade plotline
> Pay-off to the Doctor's name
> Pay-off to the Fob watch being in the Tardis with the Doctor's memories
> Pay-off to the remark of The Doctor's final act being murder (of himself)
> Pay-off to the Master's tooth
> Resolves the Time War plotline
> Explanation of what was on the other side of the rift
> Justifies the Master's hatred of the Doctor as jealousy from childhood, as the accidental murder resulted in the Doctor getting more attention than him.
> Explains who the other child was in the Timeless Children
the threefold deity of malice and mischief and misery >>200357889
Omega returns.
Shooty Shooty Who, where are you
>characters should be allowed to be ordinary
Also RTD:
>Chibnall had such a good idea to make the Doctor the origin of the time lord's society and powers
>Millie will have been in fewer episodes than Mel Bush even by the end of Season 2
>if only you knew how bad things really are
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>i would love overnights views higher than the weather's report
>would you?
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Favourite thing about Dr Who was taking time out of our busy schedule to directly accuse Sutekh of 'cultural appropriation' - with a straight face - and then crowbarring in a mention to the planet of the China planet from Turn Left.

Bravo Russell.
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I'm fatigued on everything having a double meaning, or being an anagram, or people being potentially 47 different possible characters, or this relating to that, and would kill for a series of 8 unrelated, interesting adventures in time and space that can be viewed in any order.
Boom, 73 yards, Dot and Bubble and Rogue were all good episodes.
out of those, 73 Yards.
Davies said: “There are stories on the way that are specifically looking at stuff like [Climate change] – not all the time, but it has to become part of the atmosphere of the whole show, because it’s true. It’s the world we’re living in right now.
“And I’m much more interested in trying to look at – very much looking forward to season two actually – which is how we ignore these things.

The snow isn't a plothole people just ignored it
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I think Ncuti is worse than Jodie.
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Quite love that Russ has brought back The Toymaker, Sutekh and directly mentioned Mavic Chen. Hopefully next year will see the return of Magnus Greel and Kalid.
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>accuse Sutekh of 'cultural appropriation'
Sutekh did no such thing. It was the Ancient Egyptians basing their mythology on him and the Osirans. If anything the RTD should be accused of cultural appropriation as he is using a villain that basically purports the ideas that 'of course those people couldn't create a civilisation, they got it from ancient alien astronauts'.
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>Flux destroys half the universe
>Doctor kills the GOD of DEATH by flying him into the time vortex
I'm kind of starting to miss old grounded Doctor Who

The Doctor Stands on a Landmine obviously
How do you get higher than killing death after he destroyed the entire universe... well the half that's still alive after the flux
Obviously she's just saying she'll name her child Donna
>he destroyed the entire universe
multiverse - which is just what Davros and the Daleks planned under RTD with the reality bomb or whatever it was called
Next season: it's revealed that the TARDIS itself is God and Rassilon is God's mother, and together they create 47 Reality Bombs, cos one just isn't enough, and the day is saved by Rose Noble crying because her tears contain regeneration juice.
But the twist is she's actually pointing beyond Donna, at a previously unseen wall made of bricks, and wants to call her child Cement Brickston.
But they didn't ignore it. They've never ignored it.
Omniverse: 'all multiverses'
what does her cummies contain?
Episode was garbage but Ruby's exit was one of the better companion exits except for the daft "I love you". It felt like she had a legit reason to leave that wasn't all about heartbreak and didn't involve her dying or some garbage. Otherwise it's probably one of the worst finales RTD has done, even the deus ex machina asspull didn't have anything memeworthy like jesus tennant or dalek caan giggling like a retard
stop using 47 at least use 42 cause of cultural significance
And then in series 3 the doctor kills the god of the uberverse which as we all know is the multiverse of all multiverses
>Ruby's exit
She's out of the show now? In-universe why does she leave?
the one that made the most sense was martha
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mechawho confirmed
Well not truly because we know she's back next season because of casting. It's more like she has a Martha exit where she comes back but in a reduced role.
No more supernatural shit please. Bring back aliens.
they found her daddy
weird that they played it as heartbreaking though. Dr Who could just set the co-ordinates for like 8 months later or whatever and pick Ruby back up immediately from his POV
And she married Mickey because they're both black
She also said "clever boy" which is kinda weird given it was Clara's go-to
did anyone else laugh out loud when ncuti said to ruby that he'd shown her the universe during her exit
here's what he showed her, according to what we see
>a space station run by babies
>the 1960s
>a warzone
>wales (basically a warzone)
>some planet where they just hung around in a sewer trying to direct the space racists
>regency england
>the finale
seriously he didn't show her SHIT
RTD red herring us all again.
Thinking about Ruby in that tank top
Ruby's dad then hanged himself because he didn't want to face child support backpayments.
Carnival queen
yea its funny if you ever played new vegas:who and you level up enough and get he blue stabilizers its nothing to just go anywhere, set location and time and sit back for 5mins while the tardis goes their, time and location have no meaning
Aliens are dumb and science is hard for RTD to write. Magic forever!
I also laughed when 15 said "you changed me Ruby, I never used to talk about family the way I do now." By the time of Devil's Chord, he was infodumping Susan to her for no real reason and he barely knew Ruby at that point lmao
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It's for morons like you
also makes sense being as hes black and all, also a violent wife beater, being black and all that, good thing she's a doctor, to patch herself up after the weekly beating
Mad Larry's suffered enough
>Iris's TARDIS, disguised as the no. 22 bus to Putney Common, is smaller on the inside instead of larger on the inside like a regular TARDIS.
>In-Universe we see a parallel universe where The Iris Wildthyme Show lasted one season in the '60s and was mostly hated but had a loyal fanbase decades later.
>It's mentioned in an In-Universe web forum that a lot of The Iris Wildthyme Show fans don't consider the novels canon.
So Sutekh is the ultimate toxic fan? Latched on during the heyday, stuck around, has grown incredibly bitter about the Doctor’s choices, feels entitled to answers and wants its own fan theories to be seen as vital - if not, it can all die!

>sutekh is ian levine
Now now, they wouldn't have known to go to 2046 without first jamming a spoon into the screen to boost the signal (or some shite). And metal from the Memory TARDIS wouldn't work because tfjshfdfsddghsiudgjsogkpsdjguihsogkdeopk
>you changed me Ruby, I never used to talk about family the way I do now
I thought that was because of 14's future therapy. Did that just not happen?
you just wrote a much better characterization than RTD was aware of.
well he did get turned into dust or whatever
Literal magic is a bit easier to swallow than >ah yes Sutekh used thanatosian particulate matter destrudo to misalign the zoetic field of the universe, but it I reverse the polarity...
and the doctor had a family with the ponds and his wife he would regularly stay for Christmas dinner, way to go russ, you just retconned the most wholesome family the doc ever had
I forgot to hit enter.... I've failed.............
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When you list all of the locations like that it really is a lame journey through the universe unless they had 100 off screen adventures
Everyone knows the Moffat Era isn't canon.
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RTD ripping himself off again?
did they ever eat? they had to stop for food at some point
Ruby: “I was named after a road. Ruby Road.”

Louise: “That’s nice, love. I named my child lamppost.”
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My favourite part of the whole story is how sutekh must have canonically vacated his seat on top of the tardis just so capaldi could chill there for a bit. Once again proving that 12 is the most based Doctor.
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So what happened to Sutekh on Frontios? Was he perched on top of the hat stand the whole time?
rtd desperately wants this to be true sure, the guy that mogged the fuck out of every showrunner in the entire run since 3
>I have been made to suffer... indignities.
Did Sutekh get a headache every time the TARDIS landed in a room with a low ceiling?
>this is really weird dude im...i'm going to hang off the base for a bit, you do you and "listen" or w/e
i miss technobabble...
weirdly, I can stomach meaningless technobabble more than "fuck it, go with it, salt magic gods or whatever"
>Sutekh latches on to the TARDIS
>fails to turn any of the countless companions since Sarah Jane into a harbinger and just immediately start wiping out the universe
now now flatline was his most embarrassing adventure, followed closely by that time he got super fat on trenzalore, sutekh has had a rough few millennia
In practical terms, what's the difference between
>The psychic energy harmonised with the localised huons causing interdimensional resonance which manifested the TARDIS into our world
>Time is memory, and memory is time, so by remembering we create time
What we have now is functionally technobabble, a string of nonsense to handwave away a contrivance that moves the plot forward, just with the pretence of science stripped away in favour of pure woo
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>Way back in the RTDs 2005 debut ‘Rose’ Clive Finch warned Rose Tyler that “the Doctor had one constant companion: Death”.

RTD is playing the long game.
imagine Sutekh trying to shake off the headache from the TARDIS being wedged in a wall after being thrown from the time vortex at light speed
In the commentary, RTD says the scene in the coffee shop at the end was scripted for it to start snowing, but they dropped it because they started questioning logic like "what would the barista be doing?" and because he admits it sounded more poetical in the script but it was utter woo when they saw it realised.

He knows this is all shite.
The good old days where you reverse the polarity of the neutron flow.
is sutekh gay?
Just wasted an hour of a Saturday afternoon/watched the finale.

What the HELL.

Sutekh had 5 mins of screentime and gets defeated by a fucking dog leash? Ruby's mum turns out to be a random blonde who got pregnant at 15 and spends every summer in Ibiza and Benidorm?

THIS is who Sutekh, the supposed god of all gods fears?

A more savvy BBC would never have allowed this.

It's also obvious that Mrs Flood is an embittered version of Susan, jealous of the companions who have been travelling with The Doctor whilst she was left behind.

Also, Sutekh is now apparently a problematic racist for 'appropriating' Egyptian culture.


And no, I refuse to watch the bastardised edit of the beloved classic. They did it with The Daleks, and NOW THIS.

WHY. My beloved Doctor Who, turned to ash, akin to Sutekh's dust of death.


At least we can continue to enjoy the classics.
>At least we can continue to enjoy the classics.
But remember, Clara is in the background of every single episode now, and so is Sutekh.
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Where do you think he kept the lamp?
Now that I think about it, you could just say he jumped onto the TARDIS at some random point in time rather than hanging onto it since Pyramids. Sutekh waited in the time corridor until the Doctor eventually at some point passed through there via the time vortex, in which case Sutekh grabbed on to the TARDIS and had only been hanging on there for 15's adventures. I know that's not said explicitly in the show, but even a throwaway line could have said it and I think a lot of this would have made a lot more sense. Though I will admit it is unintentionally hilarious and the memes are amazing
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>/who/ when Doctor Who is cancelled
>He knows this is all shite.
And that's the most aggravating bit of all. He knows it's shite, and thinks that's brilliant
>They did it with The Daleks
wait what? what the fuck has been going on are they releasing cut down versions of classic?
They released a colourised version of The Daleks which was heavily cut down.
He should have just made Clara the harbinger

but you left out the part where Sutekh the 2nd latches onto the Master Doctors Tarids and says "here we go again!" and winks 2 of his eyes at the camera
It seems really obvious that he would've latched on during the 60th, because they specifically make a point of the TARDIS making a bizarre noise, and then they do the salt thing, and are at the very edge of the universe.

But nah, it had to be "since the end of Pyramids of Mars", fucks sake
hey fag, stop trying to retroactively fix this utter shit ok? lol you are pathetic, you can just disregard all this shit as fan fiction you know that right?
>Now that I think about it, you could just say he jumped onto the TARDIS at some random point in time rather than hanging onto it since Pyramids.
He literally just had to say Sutekh was called back into being, in this new actually divine form rather than just being an alien with anger issues, when the salt line was drawn. Same as how it let the Chingchongchinaman Toymaker back into reality
Then when 15 says "this is all my fault" it literally would've been 14's fault.
you are fucking kidding me, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE?
It's not even just that. It has new comedy music plastered over it, they coloured it in, added new lines of dialogue, everything.

What happened to sutekh when the TARDIS exploded?
Death (the tardis blowing up) + Death (Sutekh) = Life (the universe rebooting)
I wasn't that fond of some of the colour choices, but I conceded them at the time because, I get it, having it all just be shades of bluegrey like the actual sets/costumes would've almost have read worse than it does in monochrome
Then the guys behind it did an interview where they said their inspirations for the colour choices were Batman and The Prisoner, and I immediately changed my mind and concluded they were fucking morons
love how you get an instant block for calling Rogue a slash fanfiction on there but not for calling an episode shit lmao
Why did the Daleks stop using stun? https://youtu.be/D0MajKlwXz0?t=41
oh, and the big rumour is that the next 75 minute edit will be The War Games

you know, that 10x25min episode serial
please stop, I'm not clicking that link and my life has gotten just a little bit worse knowing w/e the fuck that is exists, I looked it up and just the few stills that I saw made my a tad nauseous, I think I'm going to watch The Daleks again just to get the taste of w/e the fuck that is out my mouth
I can't remember, why did he spin the tardis?
Weird ending, felt pretty shit.
At least we have the GLORIOUS Ian Levine AI recons to look forward to.

Sadly the BBC will foolishly never let them see the light of day on a Blu-ray or DVD release,

We must all be so grateful to Ian Levine, the real savior of Doctor Who.
Part of their wider devolution from shrewd survivalists into shouty murderbots. You only stun someone if you want to extract information from them or use them as a hostage, but if all you want to do is burst through a wall screaming, "EXTERMINATE," then there's really no need
Same as how the Cybermen don't really do subterfuge anymore anymore now they're a big stompy galactic empire instead of the last gasp of a tragic people who refuse to die
All nothing. They explain it as the Doctor thinking she was important, which manifested itself as everybody else doing the same which I think is why there is weird supernatural stuff going on and why the god-like beings are all interested in her. Why did it snow? The universe thought she was important. Why did it play a Christmas carol? The universe thought she was important. It was very Moffett, honestly. But the best part is the Doctor basically tells her not to go see her family because her mom clearly didn't care about her enough to come find her all those years, which I thought was awesome and totally on brand. Then of course they ruin it by having her not listening to him and he decides that maybe that's his sign to go really find Susan.
Drivers got deprecated
no thank you, I will pass on that and never watch it jfc the thumbnail is bad enough
now you reminded me chibnall invented robots called "sniperbots"

lmao, this fucking show
i cried when ruby finally met her mother
you are all just bitter cunts
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I knew I had these pics somewhere, actual production photo on top and still from the colourised serial below
it looks cooler
ok what the fuck has been going on? just looked this guy up let me guess he's """"reconstructing"""" marco polo?
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And deux
Not just that, he's reconstructing EVERY missing episode.
see the top one is something I might actually watch, the bottom one is fucking horrible
>We must all be so grateful to Ian Levine, the real savior of Doctor Who.
Every day, I leave an offering of Northern Soul compilation albums at my Ian Levine shrine, in honour of his heroic actions. You know, he leapt into a furnace at Television Centre and plucked the still smouldering tapes of The Daleks from the flames with his bare hands!
Lots of good clips on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1LZY6bLkzI

But the "official" one was trash
I have no idea who this person is but he should unalive himself
And he wrote the much beloved classic Attack of the Cybermen.
>Kieran Highman
Who actually worked on the official The Daleks release lmao
Ah yes, sadly he would've been instructed and given a brief for the official one
the reunion was sweet, its more just the fact it was unearned
>her face was obscured, just because of love or whatever I guess
it would have been more satisfying if the episode ended with
>well, her face was obscured even from a god and we don't know why
Overly obsessed fan. He saved a bunch of missing episodes a few decades ago. There was also a rumour that the Slitheen and Victor Kennedy are based on him. RTD famously told him to fuck off.
yes I've seen that, and others what the fuck is that paid one though? fucking hell, what is wrong with these people
Yeah, no doubt, not only taking marching orders from the Restoration Team but also having to collab with a handful of others who'd all be throwing their weight around in equal measure. His YT's full of great clips, but mainly because he's able to just get on with them and do his autistic thing
the dvd/blu ray cover is also funny
>daleks in the tardis
>blurry cut off dalek with no appendages
>pls buy me only $39.99
so what episodes did he have? clearly not the ones that matter
this shit is KINO, holy hell
he most famously saved The Daleks from being wiped

Levine is well known as a fan of the BBC science fiction television series Doctor Who.[3] Levine was, in part, responsible for the return of a number of missing episodes of the show to the BBC's archives. He also retained many off-air recordings. Levine was consulted by members of the production team about continuity for a while during the mid-1980s.
>Sutekh getting shot at multiple times by the Rani in the pre-titles of Time and the Rani
Look, Anon, that scene was good. It was actually probably the highlight of the episode. It was a very nice little emotional pay-off for Ruby's story since her introduction, quite deftly handled, perhaps a bit mawkish but I think it ultimately deserved to be a bit twee
The problem is, it was attached to the another 85 minutes of pure shite. It was awkwardly lashed to yet another shite DA BIGGUST MONSTA EVAH Rusty storyline, and all the extraneous shit about it which turned it into a fakeout mystery box really did a lot to pre-emptively undermine the goodwill that scene really deserved. Everything to do with UNIT's super duper time chamber, from the absurdly over-dramatic 'POINTING AT THE LAMP POST' to making her the key to defeating Sutekh, was just horrendous and really primed the audience to just be fed up of the whole sodding thing by the end
What did sutekh do during the time war? What about in the 4.5 billion years the doctor was trapped in the confession dial?
I literally watched this episode yesterday. why did you post a picture from the episode I just watched.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Intriguing an audience is piss easy. Leaving them satisfied is hard work. Solid characterization, plotting, etc. need to be on display right from the beginning. Intrigue and atmosphere alone can never carry you across the finish line.
well ok thanks for that I guess the daleks is great serial, idk what the fuck he's doing now though, could've saved richard the lion heart one as well sure everyone jacks off to marco polo but the knight one is the one I actually want the original of course not w/e the fuck this "reconstruction" shit is
RTD literally said in an interview recently (if you can track it down, I'd love you 4ever) that most of the mysteries were put in purely to generate internet buzz.

But to some fans, just making mindless references to a story from 50 years ago which don't fit anything is enough.
And the Clara explanation was bullshit too
he's using AI to reconstruct the missing episodes these days
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thank goodness ruby was left on Ruby Road, huh

could've been a lot worse
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>doctoor I know clala has a great ass but can you please just let the mummy thing kill you, you have no idea how long i've been humping the tardis me and her have well its getting toxic
Basically, when JNT took over and tried to curry favour with fandom, Ian Levine used his media connections (being a fairly successful record producer) to get 'in' with JNT. Levine then barged his way into the Doctor Who Production Office, being granted the role of 'unofficial continuity advisor', basically they let him sit in a corner and read the scripts early, then whinge about minutiae to some poor screenwriter who just wants to feed their family
One of the things he did with his position was insist on looking through the BBC's archives to see what was still there. He apparently arrived the day The Daleks was due to be junked, and was able to prevent its junking at the last minute by kicking up a fuss. This, with some extra support from JNT, was then the trigger which prompted the BBC to start looking into proper archival. And to his credit, Levine did a lot of early legwork, looking through documentation to work out which foreign broadcasters might have copies of different stories, contacting them and chasing up leads. Unfortunately, given how clique-y Doctor Who fandom in Britain became during the Wilderness Years, this led to him developing a massive ego and trying to assume the role as the sole true custodian of Doctor Who (1963-1989), and he regularly throws big hissy-fits when people don't bow and scrape before him
yes I got that, is accidental total not intentional pushing someone in front of fast moving traffic legal in the uk? because I've been saving for a holiday I might be able to book a trip
How is this episode so highly rated on IMDb? Retards must be review bombing it with 10/10s
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The Normals all checked out years ago, and there's not even all that many hatewatchers left by this point. Just uncritical fanboys who'll gulp down anything with the logo plastered on it and ask for more, and very tired Stockholm Syndrome sufferers who just don't know how to quit Who and are too tired to even complain anymore
>ruby arrives, wants a thing
>9 episodes later, she gets the thing
what has been her development? she's arguably worse than Yaz, she hasn't changed a jot
and yet he didn't save The Crusade or Marco Polo or Myth or a ton of 2s serials like Massacre, Master Plan, Power of the Daleks etc. I guess thanks? and fuck you at the same time.
Imagine crying at a fucking Doctor Who episode
are you a woman?
fans are actually mental, and here's proof

Sutekh is BASED AF
you should've stopped at 12 and come back to hate watch and post in current year, because fuck this awful shit, holy fucking fuck this is bad
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here's a transcript

britbongs be britbongin
It's really not that surprising that Ruby shows up again in season 2
Look at Martha
Not much he could do with those, most of the Hartnell and Troughton stuff got scrapped in the '70s. The rule was that copies got scrapped after 7 years (the traditional length of a BBC foreign distribution license), the Daleks was just lucky enough to have had a copy returned as recently as 1974
It should just be legal to kick some people's heads in tbqh

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