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>what a stupid tagline
it fits perfectly
Is this actually good?
>20 swimmer threads the past few days
zoomies just finding out about this movie 60 years later
did xqc/hasan watch this on stream? did someone on tiktok floss to it?
It's good I guess if you have some life experience under the belt
Its a very modern movie in its themes. As soon as he has no more money coming it his wife and daughters abandon him and the woman he had sex with decades earlier now thinks she was raped. Some thinks never change.
No it's not. It's a 60's social critique. He's not a good person. You're not supposed to side with him.
It's alright. More of a curiosity because of how odd it is.
Pretty sure he's a schizo alcoholic, probably escaped from a clinic.
you're all missing the point, it is a dreamy story with vibrant lush visuals on beautiful film stock that is such a treasure to watch now that it is an obsolete medium.
Sounds like you missed the point.
not that the themes and subtext aren't worth talking about, but arguing over these aspects is almost petty because it is clearly only background elements of a film that puts this kind of dreamy onericism in the foreground.
you are. a dead alcohilic nigger who is going to get his teeth knockedi n if you continue to forsake reason against me boy, don't tempt me goy I will lynch you from a goddamn tree bark you ingrate inconsidereate nincompoop. Don't fuck wit me ever again you here. YOU HERE?
What's the point? That even Alpha males fuck up bad?
The visuals are the background element, the themes and subtext is what matters, and the visuals are heavily influenced by them (e. g. the season going from summer to autumn)
It's brilliant bc the movie's essentially a Rorschach test for men and the older you are the harder it hits if you made similar choices to the ones the movie suggests the main character did
It hits you over the head with what it's saying.
No it's not. It's a rorschach for you because you didn't understand the movie.

The movie is open to interpretation which is a good thing. For me he seems like a man who's American dream has turned into a nightmare because he lost his money. Everything revolves around that , he no longer belongs in the social set he once did, he is hated by poorer middle class people he can no longer pay them, his family abandons him, women reject him and his house falls into disrepair all because he lacks the magic element of money. He lives in a delusion unable to accept this until his breakdown at the end. Too old to start over, his future is a bleak hellscape of loneliness, alcoholism and shitty apartment life.
>I swim.
so this was discussed on hasan's stream, got it
It's a masterpiece. It has a sunny technicolor triumphalism that is gradually dismantled as we gather bits and pieces of information about Ned until the devastating ending. It also has a lot of symbolism, it is essentially an allegory and the movie doesn't explain too much.
Its cautionary lesson is immensely important for men because Ned is portrayed as the sum of his own choices.
So what's the matter with all these existential US movies from the 60s? What was so unique to this decade for the McBurgerlanders?
zoomie film bros like you don't deserve to know the context
He's just like me fr
Its awesome when he starts running around the woods with the girl and then it all goes to shit when he hurt his ankle.
You're getting there, although it's not open for interpretation. That's what it's about.
The movie doesn't agree with your politics.
Art cannot be understood, fucking retard. Text not only is always open to interpretation and even if two persons agree on the symbols and their syntax, their precise interpretation of such symbols is still purely subjective, as the emotional associations are unique to each person. Even if two people seemingly agree about the "meaning" of something, they are only agreeing on the symbols they are interpreting.
I suppose it's thanks to the french cinema but it's still funny how all it took was few years for the genre to die out completely.
The 60s was the first time it was very cool to self-reflect like this. Also; he really was me
>What was so unique to this decade for the McBurgerlanders?

the postwar optimism of the 50s was ending. Once great cities like NY, LA and Chicago were becoming diversity sewers of high crime and race riots. By the late 60s it was clear the american dream was going to be over for most people. Zoomers think things ended in the 1990s when it was really at least twenty years earlier by the early 70s.
Stop embarrassing yourself, smoothbrain. You can't discuss The Swimmer because you're too much of a loser. Autists such as you seethe when you come up with your own limitations. The fact alone that you seem to believe the movie has one single meaning is typical of lowest common denominators.
I've noticed too. It's a pretty solid film, the message being about suburban life bad, consumerism, identity or something, I forget. I found out about the film through an anime opening with banger soundtrack after googling where the vocal sample came from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOepeZjmvKw
The movie encapsulates that type of self-assessment on a very allegorical, nuanced way. There are some that were released earlier and hint and what The Swimmer would fully address: Bigger than Life (54) and even Casablanca in its own way.
The beauty of it was that the movie's tone was existential so that ideological/dated nonsense was wisely avoided and it seems timeless. It could be remade today without one single change to the plot and its references.
>No it's not. It's a rorschach for you because you didn't understand the movie.
That's a very low IQ/shallow assessment and your unhinged, seething autistic tone means 1)you were filtered because you're too dim to empathize with the main character's journey or 2)the movie's message somehow triggers something in you that you can't rationalize-- hence your malding.
Either way you sound cringe and I feel sorry for you, you're better off watching Bluey at least for now
I >>200406589 (You) have no idea whatsoever who "Hasan" is and The Swimmer is a very well-known cult movie;
How long before the kids discover the other 60s decayed American dream classic?
>Art cannot be understood,
Yes it can. Your experience of it might be unique, but that doesn't mean it's anything goes.
You just took the character literally and missed the overarching point. It's like dudes who relate to Patrick Bateman as if American Psycho is a character study. It's not.
I didn't say it has one single meaning. I said there is a right interpretation.
3 Women
Lilith (sort of)
HEY COME ON give me recs for films with similar dreamy aesthetics and lush vibrance as THE Swimmer.
Best movie I've seen in years and I watch alot
Since /tv/ is apparently really into this movie now, I recommend the short story it's based on. It's really good.
How do you feel about it in comparison to the movie?
8 1/2, kind of. Maybe some of the color Godard movies.
It is good and I'm glad I read it before I saw the movie
better read the original story, first
For the overall dreamy/hazy aesthetics and allegorical tone: Picnic at Hanging Rock.
For the more specific American setting: Blue Velvet.
The movie is a good adaption. It captures the tone.
>Picnic at Hanging Rock

This movie is weirdly very good. Dare I say, it's the female The Swimmer
re-envisioning this story/film as a neckbeard complaint about women is next-level pathetic
it has nothing to do withThe Swimmer in any way whatsoever, but it is really good
t. clueless
I would say so too. Both have an absolutely perfect dream tone which is at the same time realistic (nothing supernatural is shown, both are overall realistic in terms of settings/interactions) with vague sinister hints
Watched this last night after seeing a thread on it a few days ago. Thank you for teaching me of this kino, lads. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to get wet

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