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Happy birthday Erin edition
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>noooo I don't identify with trumplander
Why don't chuds just identify with Todd like they're supposed to?
>takes a fucking kid to a rally
Todd deserved worse
Please someone tell me why the imbecile black guy and his retarded annoying wife thought it was a good idea to let their daughter be a Supes groupie when they know Supes are evil.
Mentally ill, weak minded, halfwit harlot. She's the same breed as all the other plastic strumpets in Hollywood.
Why do the Chuds at Amazon refuse to cat a trans hero?
oh huh I share a birthday with her
Don't like all the people bullying her online :(
Happy birthday anon!
Jordan Li
dumping webms, discuss and seethe in peace
new meme template
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>Mentally ill, weak minded, halfwit harlot
i love him so much
made for BBC
Whenever I see this picture I start punching myself in the head until I pass out.
Imagine if she killed herself
You're supposed to hate him, chud
Happy Birthday Erin :) we got together and got you a present! It's a loan to get more plastic surgery to reverse your ugly face :D
>ugly, annoying, disabled chink died
What was the plan here? They know Starlight isn't powerful enough to fly for an extended period of time and no other supe cares about them let alone one that can fly
Erin and Jack don't sound comfortable cursing. Whenever Starlight says "fucking" it's not convincing to me
cringe non-watcher
she said trust me tho so that makes it ok
ok based, im definitely watching this show to cheer for homelander now kek
drunk Kimiko
Everyone wishes you were dead
everyone wants to be that barista
what are nuNoir's powers?
I just look at my phone when it isn't a Homelander scene and honestly this is how the show was made to be enjoyed
>season opens with god save the queen
holy shit... there is ZERO self-awareness among these writers, i doubt they're human at this fucking point
Hearty kek
>plays the corrupt ugly jewess politician like a fiddle
remind me why homelander is the bad guy again?
he can talk
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anyone got a webm of this butt jiggle?
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he's just like Drumpf, fr fr
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How will they make The Deep kill his octopus gf this season? They made him eat Timothy last season.
>some fucking redditor actually bought that card and gave it to his beloved
our species has officially failed
>mutilated dick
imagine if it were a vagina with the clitoris removed.
Do you think if I told her I dont care about her botched surgery I still think she's beautiful she would go out with me?
Doesn't count. They actually turn into the other gender.
he looks like a stereotypical lib (i.e. the showrunner and other members of the writing staff)
>noooooo you're the chuds stop posting pics of john oliver nobody on the left looks like that we're all gigacha-ACK
what are the odds
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>natural 10/10 ruined
Seeing this always just makes me sad bros. Why'd she do it? Did nobody tell her she already looked incredible and didn't need to do anything?
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Why does Starlight have a fucking pro-LGBT NGO? These millennial writers are unintentionally showing us exactly what goes wrong with these pro-freedom movements like Occupy Wall Street. Not to mention that our freedom-loving heroes are literally working with the fucking glowniggers.
Maybe she was forced into it
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she got bullied and claims she lost weight and thats everything that changed
also Megyn Kelly is evil or something
Yes, the show is a satire
Does Firecracker even fight?
Even webm I've seen is just her standing there getting punched in the face
So the only reason Homelander was stronger than Soldier Boy during Herogasm is because Soldier Boy was drained from using his chest blast right before? When they meet again in the final episode, Soldier Boy bitches him
why does she look like an instagram filter?
The only group being made fun of in this show is the writers. They've completely lost control and the show is off the rails.
Anon finally found an image so grotesque it actually made me feel physically sick. Everything about this pushes bile up into my esophagus and tightens my guts. What a detestable collection of flesh this is. Good job!
live death of the author
Her face barely even moves in the new episodes. And her lip being frozen gives her a drunken lisp.
>Fox News (vought incarnate)
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she's not a supe. that much was obvious from the beginning. but I bet she takes some compound-V later. probably after fucking Homelander, cause he's got the supply in his bedroom
There's at least entertainment to be drawn from making fun of them with us jackasses here.
lol Vought is clearly Disney though?
She is a supe, she just has an incredibly weak power, making sparks come from her fingers. Her strength and durability are probably proportionally weak as well
and the smartest person on earth is a suburban black woman

why do women do this to themselves?
>making sparks come from her fingers.
She has gloves on when she does it, it's all fake. When Sage sees that little parlor trick she knows immediately so she thinks of a way to get Starlight to beat up Firecracker, which she does with ease.
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She should have got big fat inflatables instead of the skeleton cheek surgery
Suburban? She lives in fucking Detroit. You can't make this shit up. Do they not understand how fucking absurd and racist this really is? I'm not into Trumpshit but these assclowns certainly make me look at the right side more seriously as the correct choice.
This is the whole fight.
I think she set up the shit to be beaten live and discredit Starlight. So her main goal wasnt fight with her but destroy Starlight credibility aka she didint fight back at all.
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Royce Lopez was the bully. That bitch Megan is taking all the credit.
Female norwoods are cute
Hot as fuck.
Firecracker isn't a supe. I thought that was very obvious. I don't know how you chuds missed it.
>she didint fight back at all.
Because she can't, she's not a supe. Sage figured this out after she saw Firecrackers spark from the glove.
she's also self-taught, self-trained, self-schooled and her apartment is full of books because black women in detroit just read all day
>the first shot of her shows her taking a shit
how relatable dood!
Then why Starlight didn't make her head explode with the first punch? Are you dumb or something?
Plus she was in the supe beauty contest circle when she was a kid, alongside Starlight.
Dumb Zoomers can't even watch a 60 min episode without missing half the shit.
Ask Megyn Kelly, it's all her fault.
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What is with this trend in casting the ugliest possible minorities they can find? Part of me is still suspicious that casting directors are actually the biggest MAGAfags in the world and are actually doing some 6th dimensional chess shit where they deliberately want us to viscerally associate minorities with disgust.
>natural 10/10
That's pushing it.
You're better off not acknowledging them. Your blood pressure will thank you for it.

When did this show fall down? i think immediately after s4 started
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let's make it worse, the bitch got pregnant from one of them and the guy on the right tried to kill her baby
Disney executives were literally caught saying that they don't intend to cast black actors who "aren't black enough".
literally me
seems like the average Trump supporter though, listen to what he says and believes in.
>the critical grifter
please go ruin another thread
way worse things than staying single
He's literally a strawman character. Not every conservative is like that.
Not to mention she survived a fight with kimiko
Season one:
>We're going to kill every corrupt superhero and the evil corporation who controls them!

Season four:
>I'm dying and I'm sad
>My dad's dying and I'm sad
>My wife left me and I'm sad
>I killed my gay lover's family and I'm sad
>Another Woman is mean to me on television and I'm sad

But no, we just don't like it because the show is making fun of Republicans.
>tried to kill
so the baby lived? pity.
I figured out how to fix the Sage character: you know the stereotype that niggers can't swim? Say that that part of her brain got rewired by her powers and that's why she wants to fuck Not Aquaman (you'd have to ditch the lobotomy thing though).
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i agree with him, he didnt bring up muh waifu bad so im happy
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What the fuck happened to American etertainment that it became so shit? Ever since the screenwriter's guild strike, it has all been downhill.
Women ousted the old guard and instituted a DEI mafia.
bro posted a question and then answered it in the same post
Of course not, thats why I said the average, he actually looks too intelligent and slim to truly represent the average Trump supporter but the rhetoric he believes in in spot on. Seems there's some cognitive dissonance where righties seem to see themselves as chads.
Kino movie.
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luv muh wife
you realize the writers believe anyone that browses 4chan including (You) look like that? stop sleeping with the enemy, fag. these writers hate you as much as they hate everyone else here
but she is a pedo
I like the theory that her true power was mind reading and she was just pretending to be a genius to manipulate people. That would explain how she magically knew things that the plot needed her to know. Once again, the fans come up with better ideas than the people who get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to write this slop.
great vfx but holy fuck after 4 seasons of this im totally desensitised
so hot so was my mum with me kek
Fell into a bog while sprinting toward a wall.
Not bogged
not a bad thing
You mean to tell me that no competent writers are left? Are Hollywood execs that greedy?
Hollywood execs are that greedy and agenda pushing grifters? I thought you guys were just memeing.
Several of the Jews that make the show regularly come here
Based little patriots
is this what they call bimboification?
but I'm not American? I'm Dutch, which is widely accepted as the chaddest nationality, so I have nothing to worry about. I also couldn't give a rats ass who becomes president in your country.
Hmmm! Dat quite a massive improve'lence, dahlin'! Jes' a few moments ago you was well on yo' way to bein' severely ugly! Now, thoo de magik o' bogkraff, de blubulence of yo' blobulence done reciprocated to a respectumal reclusium! Yow! SCIENCE!
she makes my pp hard both dumb and smart i like her she can stay in my love basement garage
>the white libtarded woman smiling
>black guy is tired of their shit
>white guy tries to convince himself thats sucking BBC isn’t gay
How can they simultaneously be so on point with this cucked liberal shit and at the same time not realise that this is how everyone else sees libtards irl? lmao
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Ever since i learned that Anthony starr is colossal faggot it kinda ruined homelander for me
Why are all the women on the show so old?
lol what butt?
Aren't basically all actors though?
White women, jews and shit skins. The trio of destruction.
I'm german and dutch are widely accepted as the most retaded clogging up the glorious autobahn with your faggot ass campervans homosexual tranny enabling tulipmunching fuckfaces in all of europe. Thanks for sylvie meis though, I hear she's prostitute in hamburg now.
The ancient Greeks thought actor to be no better than prostitutes. The Modern world made a mistake forgetting that.
>people who like dressing up in dresses and pretend to colorfully be other people are also gay
big shock
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>Dutch, which is widely accepted as the chaddest nationality
first time I'm hearing this
A cursed image
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you're making shit up
he's based in The Boys and Banshee and that's all that matters to me
Being proud of being a nation of potheads that are going to be replaced.
58% white and dropping rapidly btw
he also had a fun appearance in Auntie Donna
They all have a proverbial gun pointed at their heads in the form of Homelander's patience. If anything this is satire on how these figures are forced by the bigger fish to act like clowns or else they lose their heads.
good in Cobweb too
So its like the jewish owned politicians running america?
lol u must hit like an absolute girl to be able to solve the captcha
Seethe swarthy manlet
well you learn something new everyday, feel grateful. maybe you should also appreciate that we are simply the best at agriculture, that's why we can offer the cheapest prices and that's the reason why you buy dutch, because if it ain't dutch, it ain't much. just like the chips in your computer, you can thank ASML for that. hope you can grow a little and get some proper schooling bud.
no. she must play the victim on cam.
god i wish i had been that boy.
>in the first episode homelander frames the starlighters for killing a few innocent MAGA- homelanders
>alluding to the fact that mass murders are fake and gay
wait, i thought alex jones was supposed to be bad
You're goddamn right I'm seething the next time I see one of you untermenschen trying to pass a truck for 45 minutes when I could be going 300kmh I will fucking end you.
Fuck the jews hitler should have gone after you.
Irish masterrace here, can confirm Dutch are not even top 10 most based nationalities, wind your neck in son
I know, right.
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Why can’t they cast my black girlfriend?
It is your standard American way of life . It’s hilarious how they are taking the piss out of your shit stain of a country
> After the super flying punch
> Starlight is just hovering
> Drops to the ground when the cables let her go
Why is the choreography so bad here?
Anything to stop you noticing her face.
only thing I learned today is that the dutch write like catty faggots, not that I'm surprised
But Anon it's the first thing I notice everytime it's on screen
pretty soon arabic will become the primary language in your shitty EU cucked country, and on that day i will laugh knowing that you live there
Firecracker was able to hold off Kimiko during the convention fight though
>I’m going to mess up your face because I look like a blowup doll now!!
>I am the prettiest!!
Average Dutch man here. Everyone knows the Irish are subhuman.
Saaar. I am True™ Red Blooded American can, Saaar, do the needful.
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>sensitivity readers
Is this show actually secretly based?
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they sometimes make fun off like commercialized wokness
its just a lot more rare than making fun of chuds and 4chan
You can have her
Maybe it's the Garth Ennis influence peeking in from time to time to save us from this slop?
fresse halten tulpenficker
Hola Cletus, how's your Spanish coming along?
All whilst holding your boyfriend’s hand whilst Jamaal bums him. Enjoy yourself fatty
Have you changed your first name to Ahmed yet, or is your Muslim handler okay with the one you currently have?
There are already cities in the US where english is not only not the primary language, but you can find arge portions of people not speaking a iota of english.
I legit don't remember why they're no longer lovers.
were they ever ? i don't think so
Can still buy a gun.
They weren't ? I kinda blank out of Frenchie cause he's an annoying surrender monkey.
So can your enemies.
don't think they ever kissed
And I can still buy a shotgun. You thick cunt
But they fucked.
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goddamn look at the ass on that young buck
Don't know, maybe you should ask your mom's bull, since 58% of your country is white and it's rapidly dropping.
>white plates
this isn't even the Netherlands retard
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What does it feel like knowing the only redeeming thing about your country catches a quart of teutonic cum in the face every night?
Hilarious how amerifats are getting utterly buck broken in this thread lmao.
I don't see him shitting himself, anon.
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>one faggot derails the thread
Imagine being proud of of getting Dutch leftovers lmao couldn't be me. She's so massively bogged she had to flee the Netherlands. Try again Heinrich.
yuropoors ruin everything, they cant survive for 5 minutes without seething at burgers
>white guy tries to convince himself thats sucking BBC isn’t gay
That's clearly a rightoid.
Buck broken ITT and buck broken IRL

Americels just can’t stop LOSING
>they sometimes make fun of
they're literally just copying something in real life and flashing an applause sign to the audience saying "remember this!?"
that isn't good writing
yeah it is actually
I didn't realize Erin taking the bimbo pipeline would have even more reasons to be the best thing ever.
this season is filled with that shit
>rick roll
its just yet another guarantee that this show will age like shit 10 years from now and no one will talk about it
i don't get it, who derailed what
Why is it that satire makes them seethe so much? Thank God I'm not American.
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The fuck is wrong with this bitch's nose?

Unlike Starlight I feel like some plastic surgery would help Ashley out.
big egos, they can't handle being made fun of..like Homelander
Not to defend Megyn Kelly being a total bitch and attacking Erin on national TV. She said the old picture of her was from before she could even drink. But Google says 2016, which would make her 22 at the time? Did she lie or just fail at math?
what the fuck is going on here? Did they actually use cgi?
They have jew induce schizophrenia because they can’t stop sucking kike cock while hating jewish concepts like multiculturalism, immigration and racism
Where did those tits come from? I thought she was a flat chested whore.
Mutt genes
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Uhhh that’s not true bro
please someone post the link, I want to show my wife man made horrors beyond comprehension
I would be seething if some woman twice my age but looks younger than me because I fucked up my face started to talk shit about me all over national tv
Are women really this catty?
>dem grapes too sour anyway lol
Spoken like the snivelling dutch coward you are.
Who am I kidding if you're dutch there's like a 90% chance you're gay anyway.
>I want to show my wife-man
I thought she looked sexy in one of the recent episodes when she was wearing a dress and crawling on the ground picking up papers that she stopped.
>Show off cock everywhere.
>No female nudity though!
Wow, these writers are so fricking edgy and totally not gay.
I am a real americuck
Fight for the rights of every buck
I am a real americuck
And fight for what's right
Fight for my wife's (buck ack ack ack)
His face says it all.

>back in my day people did this behind closed doors
>oh well live and let live that's my motto

Pure privilege and power in it's unadulterated form.
what are you talking about? what privilege and power?
>I would never do X, other people also shouldn't do X
I just want Firecracker to statutory rape me 20 years ago, is that so much to ask?
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For me it's Cate
I will vote for Trump, but this is irresponsible. What are kids doing at a political rally? They're not even close to voting age. Their parents are teaching them to buy into mass movements without thinking. They should be doing a summer math or reading program or something.
lol i thought that was fake subbed
still on S2
I for one desire to be covered in her bodily fluids while she is odorous, preferably after yard work or a long jog
>most intelligent SENTIENT being
instead of the most intelligent nonsentient being??
>the writer's poorly disguised fetish
its not inappropriate, the parents went and brought their kids

shtu the ufck up faggot
Do yourself a favor and stop at the end of S3.
She's still hot, stop being a bunch of fags
It's quite creepy indeed
This is even more fucking disgusting than what erin did to her facr
She was so kino...
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She has a very kino face idk why
Why do Jews have such a cynical, pessimistic, and sad view of the world? The comic was dark too, but it was still relatively lighthearted and it wasn't the misery circlejerk that this show has become.
she only like girls what a waste...how touched her
The comic was a joke. It is written by a faggot who HATES comic books and so it is written shittily on purpose and still the comic book nerds ate it up because they just LOVE SHIT.

People are still watching the boys show and star wars even though it is absolutely SHIT
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>putting the most powerful man on trial could actually be an interesting plot point
>the entire trial is a 10 second shot that exists solely to make a Kyle Rittenhouse reference
she is ugly in a fugly type of way...would face rape
tl;dr but dutch people are goofy asf and the country itself is boring and irrelevant
But it was still a fun read. This is fucking miserable to watch.
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why is superhero media always so liberal despite superheroes, as they are widely known, being a fascist concept. i don't mind watching or reading if it's good, season 1 and parts of season 3 of the boys were good, but it confuses me why they would pick this genre to send their message.
They're women
woman word
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Within every woman lies one of two words that only men can see. For Ashley that word is "Could." It also comes with a unique color, for her this color is #00A19C.
She looks like she's had reconstructive facial surgery after a bad auto accident.
because all they have in common with Todd is their massive hogs
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the most fabricated, artificial general since fallout, which wasnt even that long ago. what a despicable, ugly place /tv/ has become. cant wait for rangs season 2 being stuffed obnoxiously in my face for 24/7
>Dutch, which is widely accepted as the chaddest nationality
You're accepted as the biggest faggots in europe
Comic books have always been jewish propaganda
No one thinks the dutch are tough, no one. That's why your women fuck nogs and moroccans
>Blood splattering everywhere
>Starlight's knuckles are spotless and clean
They couldn't even just throw some ketchup on her hand
The Dutch absolutely dominated K1
Daily reminder that the (((dutch government))) passed a law that basically forces “””working girls””” to have sex with clients they don’t want to have sex with (mostly shit skins) LMFAO
Aw shit they got her lips too
>'Chicken Run' legs
Are calves the final boss of bodybuilders?
Insane how this show is becoming the thing it's supposed to mock
There's already two spin-offs and there'll probably be more to come
How much is Garth Ennis seething that he indirectly created a new superhero franchise
As long as you ask for it in Spanish.
Google it nigger
I don't he's seething, probably just happy to be a sell-out
dude is like 7'2 his legs are pretty decent
He's probably laughing his way to the bank with the checks in hand. Here's a little secret for you, he doesn't even hate superheroes, he just found an audience in shitting on them and kept doing it.
ah it's another one of your fantasies gotcha, you simply wish it was true so you wouldn't be an incel anymore
>they told me I could be anything
>and so I decided to become a ghoul!

Seek out enlightenment or continue on the path of daftness that you have chosen.
I care not what you do.
>How much is Garth Ennis seething that he indirectly created a new superhero franchise
Two things, he probably got paid big bucks and two is he's probably done with the IP. He told his story, it's over. But yeah, it was inevitable. Capeshit(and i include all semi-fantasy action blockbusters) is just that culturally contagious. I think that a 100% faithful adaptation of The Boys(with the same budget and marketing behind it) could have changed that course and would have been just as popular. Not right away but after 3 or 4 seasons people would come around to it.
Of course his calves are as wide as my torso, but for HIS own proportions they look un-bloated like the rest of his body.
extremely cringe reaction
looks like tiffany, what's the meaning of this?
>couldn't give a rats ass who becomes president in your country
if trump wins then project 2025 will probably affect all other countries thoug
>I'm Dutch, which is widely accepted as the chaddest nationality
Don't you guys have a homosexual cocksucking alley in your capital city? I rest my case.
So they’re just checking off a list of cultural references they want to make and throwing everything else out the window? I believe it.
lmao this is one of the dumbest plans I've ever read
I also wanna know why they suddenly don't care about killing the Boys anymore. In the first episode Homelander catches Butcher alone and then head popper has Huey and Butcher alone in the alley and doesn't kill them. Even in the last episode were Homelander could've killed Huey before he got outside.
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can't wait for Hughie cheating on her with the med goddess Vicky
Do you have ones of the scenes where Kimiko gets /druk/ at the Qanon convention?
Honestly its a good thing Kimiko didn't get grabbed because Frenchie would 100% have hit pavement instead, no way Starlight have hold both of them
>democrat supporting lib
you have to find that out for yourself
yeah. have the jews just gotten worse at their jobs? is the propaganda being bad part of the psychological game?
Whites will soon be a minority in the us so the quality of the propaganda isn’t all that important anymore. They already own your government and all your biggest companies.
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>DUDE everything in this show is a reference to republican thing !!!!!!
already dropped a drunk Kimiko
>He's still trying to pretend it isn't
I meant the bit where she chugs beer
Have you considered that its making fun of liberals on purpose and that you just have a victim complex?
So you admit that trans people can't actually change their gender?
what happens if you impregnate her and she turns into a man ? also are you gay ?
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What happens if you're assfucking the male form and then they turn into a female? Does your cock get crushed due to the asshole suddenly getting massively tighter?
I miss her so much.
Based Roberta enjoyer
not if you're a supe
what happens if he masturbates then fertilises her eggs with his own sperm
>villain that seduces business men and then holds their cock ransom
it's kino.
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Fuckin' el', Hughie! I'm tryin' ta buy some clothes, but all these fuckin' cunts gaht is soup!
I really fucking hate everything involving frenchie and kimiko. I could not care less about an ugly mute or a shitty actor doing an obnoxious french accent.
>but my sister
>oui oui I am actually uh gay perhaps
Who gives a FUCK
my favorite part is how Homelander and Kimiko have tragic backstories and just kind of remember to go seek them out because of a poster and a random hallucination
They want to depict right wingers as onions and redneck at the same time.
Can you post the sex scene?
is this the "literally me" character for gender fluid trannies?
Of course you get man ass but not even a hint of tit.
Thank you, anon.

Why does xe take such a small pause there? Does xe actually have a penis in female form too, or something? I mean, a real girl would just squirt uncontrollably, right??
Why can't burger fats separate a character and the actor?
you are on belgium level of faggotry
but you also import sea monkeys and morrocan monkeys
you wanted to write chuddest nation I suppose
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Look at this girl shoulders, you know she is taking Anavar
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Stealing it
>lefties literally believe that rape victims should cry in fear when they even see or hear the word rape
>the characters in the show cry and piss themselves when they see something completely innate and unrelated to the trauma
it adds up
<Innocence - Guilty>


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