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UNIT edition

Thrown into the vortex: >>200404944
In the UK, 13 is the age of criminal responsibility. You don't go to big boy jail, but you can for sure be held in a juvenile detention facility until you come of age. It is also the man's responsibility to ensure consent, as the "active or penetrative partner".

So yes, he is a pedophile, ruby is a pedophile rape baby, and RTD is stroking himself off right now because THAT is the doctor's companion. Congratulations
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girls mature faster than boys. she is a pedo and raped an immature boy which is what rtd reams about doing every night.
>females can be expected to take responsibility for anything
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what is the name of the font you use for that?
The way it works is that you start being classified as a pedo at the age of 16, and there has to be an age gap of at least 5 years.
So he's not a pedo.
I want to have sex with Rose Noble
>new thread
>fifty percent pedo talk
Looks like we're off to a good start.
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This font. Then it's just a case of a bit of blur, and manually tweaking the size a bit and keeping it all ever so slightly off-centre for that authentic effect
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>and there has to be an age gap of at least 5 years.
No, that's according to the psychological classification of pedophilia, which is only required to allow entry into mental health facilities.

The legal definition is strict. You could be a day over 16 and fuck a 15 year old, and you go to prison unless a high court judge decides to be lenient and lessen the charge to sexual assault, in which case you still go to prison, for rape.

If you are UNDER 16 but OVER 13, you're still culpable, but not criminally so. You can be remanded to a youth detention facility until such time you are deemed viable for prison (ie 16), but you are still a pedophile/rapist.

The more you know.
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The reason Ruby's mother was shrouded was because of love, you see.
>Next Episode: Fuck My Life
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How are Kate Lethbridge-Stewart's nostrils so enormously wide and large?
I could probably get my perfectly average sized cock up there
So she can SMEEELLLL what the DOC is cooking.
all the coke
Woah they look like a group of badasses. Wouldn't wanna mess with them
They need an explosion happening behind them, they do not look back.
Not quite. While the UK doesn't have anything like the US' Romeo and Juliet laws, this matter tends to be a case of selective prosecution. The laws aren't designed to to criminalise young people of a similar age going at it.
>Although the age of consent remains at 16, the law is not intended to prosecute mutually agreed teenage sexual activity between two young people of a similar age
you watch out m8 that midget's got machine guns in his segway
no it's NOT the same as the wheelchair woman from UNIT who had machine guns in her wheelchair, it's NOT because it just ISN'T, OKAY?
Let's see, from left to right
>badass respected previous companion in her ages, can type fast and code or something
>nameless jobber #1
>named jobber with loose shoulder pads who complains about a cuppa made by an old lady
>a child """""genius""""" number reader on a segway ft. machine gun
>daughter of brigadier
>jobber #2
>a trans
>misdirection plot device old lady whose big idea on saving the world with free AI or some shit who ends up being a tea maker in UNIT (KWAB)

This is a good UNIT, ye?
TRose looks like a grasshopper standing up
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I was put more in mind of a frog
Cardboard Kate, Old Mel, Old Susan, Absent Wheelchair Lady, The Vlinx, Kid On Scooter, and Trans Teen.
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It's hard to imagine them really putting up a fight if it all kicked off, isn't it?
Anybody else sick and tired of Murray Gold's scores?
14 years ago, yeah
I like his new stuff.
I just love his songs though
I particularly like how the lyrics make so much sense, like the devil's chord musical number
Make do and Mend, Press send, don't defend, slendy-wend-kend, boppy-doppy-dop!
Dr who is perhaps the most global homo show in existence
I’m glad I never really bothered with the new one
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That's where they got the fake surname.
no shiiiiiiiiit, my mind has been bloooooown
if this shitty show had a soul, they'd do an episode with mr blobby being an eldritch horror from before the birth of the universe
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like this?
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>Doctor in distress,
>Let's all answer his S.O.S.,
>Doctor in distress,
>Bring him back now, we won't take less.
QRD on last episode and last 2 days
not your personal scriptwriter. fuck off cunt
nerve touched
proper old timey english would use full stops in R.T.D.
you dream of someone touching you
Kill yourself
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That is so bad I am going to assume that is a real screenshot. I am glad I stopped watching Doctor Who

>be culled
>ad hominem
>freaks out
Actor Ncuti Gatwa is stepping down from the lead role in the BBC sci-fi series Doctor Who.

The 31-year-old Rwandan-Scottish actor, who became the 15th actor to play The Doctor in 2023, will leave Doctor Who at the end of next year.
"I feel it’s time to move on...I feel sad, I love Doctor Who, it is a fantastic programme to work on."

The new series airs in 2025, with the 15th Doctor's final episode set to be shown that same Christmas.

Executive producers praised the star's performance in an online announcement: "Ncuti's amazing, fiery, turbulent Doctor is still fighting the good fight, and his greatest adventures are yet to come.

"Monsters of the universe, be on your guard - Ncuti's not done with you yet!"


>fake links and report
lol, no (You) for you
You'll laugh even harder when you learn that 5 of the people in that pic are males.
I thought the Newham Pound Plus Doctor getting only two seasons was known from the start.
all dwarves are hermaphrodite
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>5 of the people in that pic are males.
The three guys are in black are men I assume and the tranny in green but the lesbian dyke midget is a man too?
tranny? What does that mean?
the person in green is transgender woman and the person on the segway is a 15 year old lad with dwarfism. he was actually a decent character to be fair.
It looks pregnant to me.
>he was actually a decent character to be fair.
they never mentioned his disability and he actually did something. unlike Rose Noble who never adds anything to the plot, always corrects the Doctor on pronouns, and is called 'beautiful' by every character she interacts with
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what the fuck are the bumps around its midriff that are bigger than its tits?
thyroid problems due hormones
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World Enough and Time was 7 years ago. How do you feel?
This was a good post
such a masterpiece!
LOL@ how far the "whovians" have fallen, jesus christ. It's been fun watching the people who screamed and cried and pissed about Capaldi because he's "old", devolve so far into the slop that they'll unironically say shit like "nah, man...the listy 13 year old midget with the machine-gun segway is actually pretty cool." and croon about how good the nothingburger 20 year old rapebaby manc slag companion is.

The "fanbase" is falling apart like a wet cake, as they realise that when they build their house on sand, all the praise in the world won't stop it sliding into the shit.
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magic rope
pretty good because this latest episode brought bill back to life, along with apparently anyone else who ever died, ever. Which is odd
your understanding is quite incomplete I presume
No? I mean this deathwave shit worked throughout all time and space, as we saw from the luckiest bedouin in the world when she gave Ngubu the magic spoon of destiny.

So it would have gotten Bill before she even met the doctor, and would have brought her back at the point that Ngubu dragged the dog behind his car and shouted at it.
File deleted.
I'll have to what? What the fuck does "throgh me me" mean?
Why Bill?
It only restored the universe/time to the point immediately before Sutekh's gift of deadly doom dust was spread, which is weird but there we go. Anyone dead or whatever prior to "The Legend of Rubes Babes" is still ded
Reset Button and Deus ex machina?
hack confirmed
Not just Bill. presumably, literally everyone who had ever lived was killed by the sandysnap, and thus revived at that one point.

That's an assumption though. It would be fine if it just worked through SPACE, but as it's also time, it means that it would have siltslapped everyone who ever was, then their parents. Such a fucking stupid mess.
The Doctor said it was all across space AND time, because of the Susan Triad's being also displaced throughout time. ex. we see clips of them blowing dust at people in different time periods.
>Sutekh kills everyone, everywhere, everywhen
>Sutekh embodies death, so is dragged through the time vortex to bring back everyone who died, because death+death=life...somehow

Gallifrey must have been rebooted. Further, this means that the Time War basically didn't happen. The episode simply doesn't make sense and felt like it was written by a 12 year old.
Flux wiping restored as well?
Gordeon Bennet, yes, Flux.
Everyone's restored, Dave.
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nice one
So the hackmaster is trying to replicate "everybody lives" again but with lore breaking magic?
Yes but when the Susan Triads were activated, there were people who were already dead irrespective of their time/space/whatever.

So let's take Bill Potts.

There's presumably a Susan Triad in 2014 or whatever, sometime in Bill's lifetime. Susan in 2014 dusts her, and kills Bill.

Simultaneously, there's a Susan Triad post-Bill's death. Susan in that time dusts everything but Bill's already dead.

When Dr Who hits "UNDO", the dusting of 2014 reverses and Bill within her lifetime magically comes back to life to live out the remainder of her days.

Simultaneously, in the post-Bill's death time, the dusting of that reverses too but Bill is already dead so she stays at that status.

Basically, the magic undo only brings back to life those people who were dusted at whatever point in time. So even if Bill was dusted in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017, the undo brings her back to life... but post-death in 2017 or whatever timezone, she remains dead.
yes, but without understanding or caring about any of it.
As of right now, everyone who ever died anywhere is brought back to life, there are legitimately a billion doctors all running around in a billion type-40s with a half a billion Sutekhs sitting on them
I know the episode was complete bollocks, and >>200427750 is ridiculous, but it's not the case that literally everyone who ever lived is suddenly back to life now even beyond their original deaths.

If Martha died in 2050 due to X, any Susan Triads post-2050 won't magically bring her back to life, cos she was already dead at that point in the timeline. Hope that helps.
This. The universe/timeline is effectively "restored" to the exact point before all the Susans activated.
Yep, and presumably Pete Tyler never died in Father's Day either. Amy's parents never died, so The Big Bang never happened.

The 15th Doctor also landed in prehistoric Earth when Sutekh was attached to the TARDIS, meaning the dinosaurs never got wiped out.
By that logic Bill was never born since Sutekh has been latched onto the TARDIS since the 70s. It's an absolute mess of a plotline because it makes it impossible to define a person's "real death", and I actually think it's somehow worse than the Timeless Child.
I am the doctor
>If Martha died in 2050 due to X
well, no. She would have been dust'd long before that anyway.

And when it was restored, everyone was brought back to life at the same time, and we can only assume that time to be soon after they were killed for convenience's sake, but that's wishful thinking..

No, it happened. It didn't get reset buttoned. It was restored after the fact. It didn't "not happen"
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His body is so fucked up. We're supposed to look at this and see a woman?
>never got wiped out.
within 73 yards only
>By that logic Bill was never born since Sutekh has been latched onto the TARDIS since the 70s.
You're not getting it.

Even if a Susan Triad dusted Bill's parents the day before she was born... once 15 takes Sutekh for the magic undo walkies in the vortex, her parents in whatever year are restored to then give birth to her. The timeline basically resets.
sweater over shirt, she must be Clara
For sniffing out niggers.
>well, no. She would have been dust'd long before that anyway.
Yep, which is complete Dr Who bollocks but that's the intention.

All of time is dusted, over and over and over again, completely fucking the timeline.

Everything is reset.

In the same way the Pandorica restored the universe to what it was like pre-cracks... but didn't magically just immortalise everyone ever.
As this only happened to places the doctor visited after 1975, I didn't give a shit. The zarbi and optera are doing fine, which is all I care about.
The Doctor killed Death, which brought life to everyone. Next season will be Doctor Who: Miracle Day.
>She would have been dust'd long before that anyway.
Say Martha originally died in 2050, she therefore existed in every year prior to that.

So does a Susan Triad. Triad dusts the world in 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051... infinitely and simultaneously.

So when the ending happens, the undusting of 2045, 2046, 2047, 2048, 2049, 2050, 2051... happens infinitely and simultaneously.

So everything is basically restored.
RTD is so culled about the death of hubby that he became a faggot that cannot accept death at all
I'm so sorry anon.

>DOCTOR: Everything is dead.
>MEL: But there's so many places you haven't been. They must be safe.
>DOCTOR: I've travelled so far. Everything caught in that pattern is dying. The whole of Time and Space. I did this.
The next repeating enemy is going to be a race of soiled nappies that all live on a nursing home planet.
it's basically magic and makes no compehensible sense at this point, but this is the intention I think
looking forward to some autist breaking his fingers going through every planet entry on the tardis wiki and putting in a bit about how they were sandblasted by Sutekh's legally-distinct snap
from the man that introduced genie wishes from tardis console
if it happened literally at every single point in time and every single place in the universe and across every single multiverse and ... oh god, I fear for them
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Blackpool was safe
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I miss this kind of TV
kek i've just realised the entire finale was a rip off of Avengers Endgame.

grow up
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Just like they'll have to add a mention of Sutekh hanging onto the TARDIS.
They were largely quite crap
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So, as it's a separate walled reality, with literally no physical form of time..the divergent universe was completely safe?

C'rizz wins again, baby! This lad cannot BE STOPPED
crap but watchable and weren't pandering endlessly
media now is barely even watchable
Primeval was good.
Remember when BF was good?
I only ever watched one episode of this show many years ago and even then I knew it was garbage. I can only imagine how much worse it's gotten.
>Remember when
I dunno. I only interact with things when they're good, and when they turn to shit, I just go back to the old stuff and start again

This whole disney doctor crap has largely passed me by, but I enjoyed Robot of Sherwood a lot more on second watch.
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What is some good Big Finish?
Blood of the Daleks and that range
Terror Firma
Creatures of Beauty
Natural History of Fear
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>RTD steps in to "save" the show
>I bring you Sutekh's gift of a toaster. Where it toasts it leaves nothing but crumbs, and burnt bits. I find that 'good'
thats the point you leftist faggot
>Even the little wheelchair shill guy, Tharries, said the finale was "underwhelming"
The emperor Russell has no clothes
I agree with you faggot, but you need yo up your game
Fuck C'rizz
What an horrendous mental image
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2 days after finale
ded general
thanks rusty
even the toddlers are quiet
jodie > homobame
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Did Mr "PLEASE GIVE ME A JOB BBC" Tardis like it?

I saw the thumbnail for his "review", and it was just him sitting in a car in the dead of night sipping on soda.
>jodie > homobame
If you are trans, yes.
toddler triggered as expected
I'm fascinated by what caused Space Babies to get just 2.6m. That's such a huge drop from the Tennant specials and even the Xmas ep on catch-up. What happened between Xmas and May?

Did people just think Xmas was abysmal and give up immediately rather than giving the Season a go?
maybe half of the people dislikes homobames?
Catch-up for Ruby Road was 7.49m, for reference.

Catch-up for SB is just over 4, so where did like 2-3m people go?
>But they are building over the 28-day period. Episode 1, Space Babies, is already up to 5.6 million and counting. So it is getting there.”
MI High made me chuckle because they had that wigga 50 Pence iirc.
Thought now that I think about it, that show was spook propaganda weren't it?
I watched it, he thought it sucked.
I really liked the idea of themed costumes for every era they went to . I think it would be been a greater aspect of the doctor if he was gay to be giddy about playing dress up for ever place they visited . We could’ve got the welcome addition of a scene in the tardis of the two picking where to travel too next, followed by the doctor giving a rundown of the eras clothing and how they can fit in, fun banter, improv, idk I think this was the one idea I liked. I’m sad it was more or less for promos and nothing more.
>I’m sad it was more or less for promos and nothing more.
Probably done cos they had more budget, and Ncuti wanted to wear something new every episode. In previous years, with lower budget, he probably would've been told no - 2 or 3 variants at most.
Christmas always gets a ratings boost because people just leave the TV on, and the Tennant specials are more of a novelty when he's not back permanently. Christmas 2024 is probably going to do similar numbers to Ruby Road. We'll see how the show grows when it comes to Season 2.
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>Christmas always gets a ratings boost because people just leave the TV on
That's the obvious reason for the boost in overnight viewers, not so much in its declining catch-up performance. It pulled 2.76 million catch-up viewers in the 7 days after broadcast, while the rest of the series has struggled to break 1.5 million even with it premiering on iPlayer first
To add to that , it would’ve also been a great idea to make this a negative for this incarnation. Almost like he’s too careffeee and playing dress up to avoid the flux and everything before him. I don’t seem to understand Russel’s approach of making the doctor well again by doing therapy out of order with 14th. And on a technicality you can’t just be well by having a holiday or rest, your history is what defines you. It would’ve been much like Matt’s doctor but much more dramatic to a degree. Maybe leave dry eyed until dot and bubble where he exploded at the first example in his travels where he’s called out or judged by the colour of skin
Boom has reached 4.8 million after 28 days

So it's gone from 2.04m overnight, to 3.58m after a week, to 4.8m since then
goalpost loser
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So after 28 days, Ncuti is getting figures that Flux got after just 7 days
Not at all. It's still pretty terrible. But +28 gives us an idea how many people catch up beyond the first week.
>after 28 days
Okay. And?
Boom's taken 28 days to get as many catch-up viewers as TCoRR reached in 7 days. If you zoom out far enough, you can get the individual numbers as high as you like. It doesn't tell us much in isolation, without comparison to the rest of the series
Church on Ruby Road also has the distinction of being the first proper episode with the black Doctor, so people who wouldn't normally watch the show might have checked it out. It's like how Woman Who Fell to Earth did crazy numbers.
older series/seasons did not have this priviledge, you only get overnight and cope
Obviously we need to compare the other +28 day figures. I'm just saying, "catch up" is a broader term than just that initial week, given that they got 1m extra catching up over the 28 days since
>Ep 01
>4.43m overnight
>John Bishop was a bigger draw than Shooty Gatwa
lol & lmao & lmfao
not clicking on your white culture genocide link faggot
>Catch-up for Ruby Road was 7.49m
press x to doubt
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That's *+7*, as in, 'Overnight viewers + 7 days' worth of catch-up viewers'. So 4.73m overnight viewers, 2.76m catch-up viewers
>2.76m catch-up viewers
all gay
Yes, I know. Apologies when I said
>>Catch-up for Ruby Road was 7.49m
I meant the final figure was 7.49, not that they added 7.49 to the pre existing overnight figure
my bad for not being clearer
Seeing that tranny try to look feminine with his broad shoulders and little pot belly is the most grotesque thing this show has ever put on air
I know you fapped to her twice
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>be a newish fan
>check wikipedia to see the overall series
>>wait what the fuck happened to 14th doctor
Since this is not reddit I'll tell you the truth: most people aren't interested in an overtly gay black doctor that acts like a millenial addicted to tiktok. Casting matters, the main character's personality matters, it's a major part of whether a show will be appealing or not.
Is the 14th doctor that frail gay old dude?
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>be a newish fan
>check wikipedia to see the overall series
>>wait what the fuck happened to 8th doctor
Is the 8th doctor that american manlet with a big dick dude?
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>be a newish fan
>check wikipedia to see the stuff you just watched
>>wait what the fuck is series 14 i just watched season 1
The first time doesn't count tbf
why no wiki wars for that?
I work in the production for real. Not a high level, just a staffer, they for real have a Mcgann series getting ready to go. July or august filming. Please screenshot i'm literally not joking. Its not the sea devil spin-off, that's on hold.
No idea but she must have great breathing.
Thanks, ask your bosses to film book "Mad dogs and englishmen"
ugh, an old white male doctor... who cares. bring back jo martin or just cancel the show
Television viewing habits have changed since 2023, and although the weather may now play a larger role in what shows people watch, the only numbers that will really matter are the +90 day consolidated ratings.
nigga lips?
cope toddler loser
Sad samefag
Do /who/ a favour and kill yourself already
90 days isn't really enough time to get a firm grasp. 365 is where its at.
please inform other anons how gay black doctor dick tastes like
Only if you tell us what janny dick tastes like first, you ban-avoiding faggot troll
delicious, since he has thousands of years of dick cheese stored up under his melanated foreskin
what are you implying?
sure thing anon
Just 1 year? Nah, iPlayer's going to be around for ages, we can't really say how it's done until at least 5 years post-release
white doctor rating doubles homobame
TT and NL offing pact executed
/who/ rejoices
no no, some fans don't catch up until decades later now, so only +4560 is where it's at
I'm not quite convinced, perhaps adding another 100 days would be more realistic.
doing that, McCoy rating would go up as well and rtd2 would still be the worst
>mccoy bros finally win
Is this the best we can hope for now that Jodie was blocked on Bing?
i'll be rewatching this entire season on repeat for the next few months, so you're probably right.

that kiss in Rogue makes the entire season worth it.
>"it’s gonna be the most devastating finale ever!"
it sure was, russell, but not in the way you're thinking
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>doing that, McCoy rating would go up as well and rtd2 would still be the worst
just as he planned
The chessmaster was playing the long game all along
I don't think so. No one watches the old stuff anymore.
they should revisit Space Babies, but this time all the babies are sexually active and 15 thinks that's amazing. they've finally found their daddy uwu
>JNT finally redeemed
What was /who/'s favourite Millie Gibson tits outfit of the season
For me probably Rogue but desu the black tank top in the finale had some pretty kino cleavage moments
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who fucking cares about that slag. big shooty brought the fit this season. he was zested to impress
low average bimbo is not enough to watch hourse of disgusting greasy homobame
Rogue was, of course, let down by largely side lining her for most of the episode, so that (combined with the generally low-lighting of a lot of her scenes) you don't get much of a look at the Ruby Booby
The Empire of Death tanktop was a valiant effort, but tragically underutilised. An outfit which demanded an extended running-down-corridors sequence to really let the chebs swing freely, but was never given one
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we were robbed
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Who else is rushing out to buy their Skull Face t-shirt?
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1 coaster please
Do you think the homo from Rogue is sitting out there somewhere waiting for the Doctor to come save him
Meanwhile the Doctor's just like
>too much effort babes, too many dimensions, forgotten his name already
And people say the Doctor Who merch is shit now
love that non-ending
>15 has no way of ever finding the guy
>guy could literally be anywhere
>we left it vague so the actor can come back when he's free at any point
why should an audience give a fuck? it's not like we're on a specific quest to find him, and he hasn't even been mentioned since
>too much effort babes, too many dimensions, forgotten his name already

wow, isn't this like an old dead and buried gay stereotype? why even bring this up....
meanwhile fans claimed the return of Sally Sparrow for ages, ironic
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I miss her already...
Cool but I mean I want to see her on screen all the time, every week..
sorry anon your only option is to rewatch Space Babies - Empire of Death on repeat then
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I might just..
we need a supercut of just millie's scenes
what are the new brown girl's tits like
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>here's ur new dr who m8
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>perfectly average sized cock
>Jodie was blocked on Bing
Judy on suicide watch.
it has been like this for months, but I posted the workaround
Saving this one as "RTD_shooty_maestro_kill_who_gay.png"
>not expecting rtd to pull some gay nigger from outer space magic in season 2 that reunites them
cmon faggots step up your game
I want to suck Ruby's tits
The best doctors are the ones that had not time to spoil
Took me too long to notice that the guy in charge was the Cat from Ref Dwarf
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You better not be pulling my leg, anon.
What has Tom said about homobame?
>but I posted the workaround
Which is? Show me how smart you really are, babe.
>who are you? Why is a microphone strapped to my neck?
When was she ever called "skull-face"?

There's no way. They know it would overshadow the main series and prove how much everyone hates it.
You're just J'luzz
it is not perfect, but close enough
Provia Pippa?
And why all these zeros?
provia to substitute photo
pippa as random female name
and zeros to distance the name from surname
ok so not brilliant
but she cute tho
I see.
You people have no standards.
ATJ doctor when??
Hopefully not.
ATJ? What does that mean?
do you have other tecniques?
DL? What does that mean?
Dwarf Lover
Not at all. I'm not an AIfag. And stop trying to bait in the Nosferatu thread, thank you very much.
Diaper Lover
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He's too old to go back to being the 8th Doctor though, we already saw him regenerate.
not me
They can make up any old sci-fi bollocks in this show.

We kept seeing River Song after her death story in S4 and Alex visibly aged, so they just threw some nonsense into dialogue.
Anya Taylor-Joy you ignorant uncultured swine
>look fans look all ur favourite props and costumes wowweeeeeewooo pls keep watching

>ruby barely wrapping string around some sonics and stuff
what is she meant to be achieving lmao

the direction was piss poor
RTD finales featuring ropes/cords/chains

s1 - to open tardis console
s4 - to haul earth
S1 - to haul god dog
>>s4 - to haul earth
>zero rope, chain or cord
they all featuring tugging in some way
so did Moffat's finales, except his was a different kind and explains why he wrote scripts one-handed
RTD is always tugging, THOUGH.
so list them
We're sending our love down the well (all the way down)
>Series 10 > Series 4
absolutely correct. RTD's seasons have aged like shit, and Moffat's like a fine wine.
Literally nobody is going to watch this lmao
toddlers can't concede, they will double down
I liked NG in the role and I enjoyed most of the episodes, but somehow in retrospect it all feels rather empty.

I don’t feel I really got to know the new Doctor or Ruby – the season was just so short. Only eight episodes, two of them Doctor light, two of them a RTD finale and one of them Space Babies.

Boom was great but having the Doctor so limited with so few other episodes around with him being active and in this Doctor’s first season nearly makes me wish we had a more standard episode in its place.

Having the Doctor being uncharacteristically scared when facing Maestro and later Sutek would have had more impact on me if I had known what is characteristic for this Doctor, I think.
i will. it looks kino and this show was NEVER for the chuds
i wonder what happened to those 'time lord rock' trock musicians
i suspect nothing amiss has happened and they are living perfectly ordinary lives now in their 30s
I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that Space Babies is the single biggest blunder in the history of Doctor Who, possibly in the history of all of television
The first part of Space Babies was to get to know more about Ruby and 15.
yeah that's what people who make music are called. keep up anon.
I think this series geniunley could have gotten away with it if not for that opener it was the biggest mistake they made.
Modern day Twin Dilemma? Except that there are zero excuses for Space Babies as RTD had literally years to come up with a season debut for whoever he was going to cast as 15.
i dunno, Tommy Cooper dying on-stage and the ending of Byker Grove were pretty weak
The Twin Dilemma was great.
>15 rhymes off exposition about his people
>Ruby... uh... has a mum
Sorry anon, we learnt barely anything about them this episode, or this series in general
I watched space babies with my Mum and brother and I felt so fucking embarassed. They obviously never asked to watch the follow up episodes.
That people of color part is bullshit cause RTD is a racist faggot.
Who is he racist against?
The non whites. Think about it. Chibnall had Rosa and Demons of Punjab his first season. RTD literally had no important people of color for his 'historicals'. But no he'll happily race swap Issac Newton. Because fuck writing about actual important black people when you can use race to get clickbait views for your shutty writing.
>be rtd
>cast black doctor
>zero black directors
>zero black writers
>zero black people of colour for historicals
>gets rid of black composer
>white companion
what did he mean by this
surprised shitty gatsworth hasn't insisted on some black writers at the very least
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the best option was to never address it at all, ever.
the next best option for Modern Audiences was Martha's dialogue in The Shakespeare Code which was cute.

wider issue is casting people who actually look the part. historical figures you can get away with (look at how ballsy they were with 'Vincent and the Doctor') but none of the Beatles looked anything like them. also the hair/clothes were wrong. fine except he specifically wrote a line addressing a historical nitpick.
what was weird was they had racists in the future scoff at 15 in Dot and Bubble and then the very next episode he wanders around in the fucking past and nobody bats an eyelid

da fuq
>also the hair/clothes were wrong. fine except he specifically wrote a line addressing a historical nitpick.
It was an alternate history timeline. The question that it poses is "why is there a The Beatles at all".
It's unironically a psyops. It's training you to feel uncomfortable around only white people
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pick your side
>it's like bridgerton, wow this is so bridgerton, oh my god it's bridgerton we're in bridgerton
What ever happened to Downton Abbey, has it just been completely supplanted in the public consciousness by omniracial Netflix melodramatic slop
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Anon, it finished in 2015. Almost a whole decade ago. Sorry, we're just old now.
That's poo. He's wearing a poo shirt.
Ruby didn't make a shit joke about Woks
>he wanders around in the fucking past and nobody bats an eyelid
They had a fairly racially diverse past, with the two lead historical characters being played by non-white actresses (Indira Varma and Camilla Aiko), but then made historical homophobia into a significant plot point of the episode. So is this an 'idealised' past or not?
What did he mean by this?
>A strong showing for #DoctorWho's finale cinema release on Friday night. Total gross of £364,253 - the fourth highest of the weekend - across 275 screenings.
>queer fan
>walks around with MANTRAP on a t-shirt with literal shit slug monster
we are doomed.
Going all-in on references in general is poor form
Going all-in on references to American TV is especially bad
Going all-in on references to an American TV series that's clearly aimed at adults, alienating younger viewers, is just bizarre
Indira Varma was so good, she'd make a good new The Mistress
it is more likely that 2024 ruby would've seen more of Bridgerton than any of Downton though
>it finished in 2015
What the hell.
she would be good doctor as well
new >>200436937

new >>200436937

new >>200436937

new >>200436937
I'm not talking about it from the perspective of the characters, I'm talking about it from the audience's perspective
I had never even heard of Bridgerton before that Doctor Who episode. I looked it up and it seemed like some kind of historical softcore porn.
>Going all-in on references to an American TV series that's clearly aimed at adults, alienating younger viewers, is just bizarre
no kids are watching this slop
only 20 somethings
and they want amerifags watching it
That's the problem, yes
People like to glance over when he admitted that he tried to put a nigger joke in Agatha Christie episode.
I like Ibrahim. The closest character to classic unit in nu-UNIT.
>The question that it poses is "why is there a The Beatles at all".
if there wasn't a The Beatles, what would happen?
put your speculative fiction hats on lads.

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