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>in the movie, she cheats on her husband

>in the book, she's completely loyal
>she even finds him inside the zone
>turns out her husband transformed into an owl, but she still loves him
>stays with him for 30 years until his death
>during all these decades, she endures painful suffering just so she could spend time with him

I hated the fucking movie.
so she and her husband don't get killed and bodyjacked by the aliens in the book?
The movie had a lot of potential but (((they))) just couldn't contain their fantasies about how their mothers lived in their youths.
she was married to an owl for 30 years? Kino
yes they do.

At the end, she becomes a flying whale covered with eyes.
>At the end, she becomes a flying whale covered with eyes.
that actually sounds better than them just being killed in the movie.
I'm interested in the book. The film has some ok moments but the book sounds better. Is it really worth a read?
a whale and an owl being a couple. sounds wholesome.
Only an Anglo worm could turn a book about a woman throwing herself in the abyss to find her husband to a story about female empowerment and how her husband willingly went on a suicide mission when he found out she was taking bbc on the side.
Sounds stoopid u stoopid
Writer was high as fuck when he wrote it.

Would definitely recommend.
Stephen king high or Philip k dick high?
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What a hoot
saul evans and gloria's scenes on the rocks were the best the book had to offer
if he was going to make one movie he should have just cut out ghost bird and made gloria the protagonist on a mission to find saul
then they could have shown the bar scene and the scene where she finds out hes the slug
Love the standards for how high the author was when writing. Based.
It's for readers, you know already
Phillip K Dick got high while he wrote? I never knew that
Have you read the book blade runner is based on?
The owl really knows how to lick a tootsiepop
No no, the scene of her getting fucked by a black guy was necessary! Don't you understand?
No, I own it but never got around to reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. I'll try to make time for it soon
Pretty obvious he's on drugs writing it.
NTA but I found the story interesting but the screenplay was much better imho. Still worth the read, it's short and quick.
in the book she's also asian so this whole fucking movie is inaccurate

cool, looking forward to finally getting around to reading it
the movie completely missed the point and tone of the whole story.

some cool visual effects and set design, but beyond that pretty much a total disaster. very similar to prometheus both in where it succeeds and where it fails
So in the book she doesn't transform? Why is she immune to the zone?
>she cheats on her husband
with a nigger. That needs to be pointed out. Like all white women, she's built for bbc.
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>in the book, she's completely loyal
They decided to make the movie more realistic.
>in the book
he didn't adapt the book into a screenplay, he straight up said that himself
he read it and took it as an inspiration for his own screenplay, and said he only treated it as a memory of what he read, not a direct adaptation
and if you read the book you'd understand that as the book is pretty different from the movie, the only things it really has in common is there's the zone, the lighthouse, a female character sent in, and there had been prior teams sent in before, that's really it
the characters, what they do, who they are, and all of the other story elements are different
PKD high
Books & plays are the superior medium
That doesn't sound very feminist at all, no wonder they completely changed it
first book is absolute kino, you could just read that if you want. 2nd book is a slog with some good moments, 3rd is better than the 2nd but still not as good as 1 but it does give you some (but not all) answers about area x
she's loyal in the books but there are clear tensions between them. she's very aloof and prefers lookin at tide pools and shit more than anything else.
her cheating in the movie fits the theme of self-destruction since it wasnt a direct adaptation.
plus there arent plans for a trilogy so her chillin with her owl husband for decades has no bearing
That sounds 1000% better than the film. High concept sci-fi can be great but they turned it into another jump scare parade. *yawn* will take a look at the book.
The single best scene in this film is when all the beautiful tuff ladies get tied up to chairs and are cleave gagged. The monster looked good, threatening even, but too cgi.
But it's the tough ladies tied up with clothe in their mouths that really sells the picture. Natalie long overdue for such a scene.
I see what you did there. I mean what you were trying to do, but failed.
Nothing to lose by trying the first one then I guess.
I absolutely loved the first one too. Even better than the movie. The 2nd one is really bad though. It's so boring. The first book focuses on the expedition in area X and is in first person narrative. The 2nd book switches to an entirely new person and focuses on the inner politics of the government agency monitoring and studying area X and switches to third person narrative. I'm struggling yo get through it to move on to the 3rd book.
Portman probably demanded the blacked scenes in the movie. She seems like a whore.
>a whale and an owl being a couple
The sizes of an average millennial couple.
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I'm still not sure what happened in the books. There was an alien particle trapped in the lightbulb of a lighthouse, then a secret society in the 1950s found out about it (how?) and released it, and it turns out the alien particle was actually a massive alien organism that is slowly expanding while consuming and assimilating every living things in the area.
The movie is just discount alien Stalker though, I don't think any of it was discussed.
>pretty obvious
How about you shut the fuck up and quit assuming what other people did because you're an unimaginitive cunt?
This movie was good, but because of the blacked scene I will never watch it again.
Book plot sounds gay as fuck, movie was way better.
Dick was well known for his use of drugs.
The weird horror was the best oart of the film, all the drama stuff eas the worst and the ending was stupid. In the hands of a more interesting director it would have been a better movie.
Might read it, the weird stuff was the best part.
06/24/24(Mon)16:49:37 No.200448165
>>200436383 #

There is no ((they)) faggot. Every dicision was Alex Garland and ((they)) hated the theatrical cut so much they refused to give the movie a wide release and only released it in limited markets.

Luckily mine was one of them so I was lucky enough to see it in the theater with full Dolby Digital surround sound and the experience was god tier. Especially the alien 'dance' scene. Garland is an autist that refuses to compromise to studio execs and the whole thing stresses him out so much he's walking away from directing rather than deal with ((them)).
Had some cool scifi stuff and little horror bits but it was just a bad movie otherwise.
>in the book
she's not in the book you dumbfuck
The movies theme was about self destructive behavior and annihilation. I don’t think it works if she’s just some loyal wife.
Annihilation and Civil War are super ultra omega level filters.
>you foolish chudcels… the movie wouldn’t have been kino without the bbc cuck segments…
The cuck elements are portrayed as extremely bad. So bad both husband and wife basically commit suicide over it. So like I said. Filtered.
The biologist is transformed by the Zone at the end of the first book. A "clone" is sent back by the Zone as part of its plan to probe or further contaminate our world, but for some reason this clone retains most of the original self and is essentially the same character. The clone returns to the Zone and finds out by reading a journal that her original self held off the change for 30 years living on an island with an owl (the husband) before turning into an alien whale.
The actors probably weren't even in the same room based on the way the scene was edited.
To be clear, you like it because you like the negative way watching her get blacked while her husbands away makes you feel and consider it to make the movie better?
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>reverse shot
>portrayed as extremely bad
Definitely doesn't look like something designed to give jewish men boners to me!
He was genuinely schizophrenic and addicted to amphetamines, wrote several books while believing he was channelling the prophet Elijah, told his wife he'd had a months long affair with a ghost wearing a magic necklace that let him talk to God (who had retired) and got kicked out of a drug recovery program for being too batshit insane when he got sober. He was beyond high.
She requested the scene and they "rehearsed" in private. Natalie is self conscious about burning coal in public, this is how she quenches her thirst.
>I hated the fucking movie
That actually sums up how I felt after watching it, and I knew nothing about the book.

Really? I thought it very common knowledge. He was writing in a period that has mass amphetamine and barbituate use among writers and 'creative' types. He was obsessed with memory and the concepts of retaining and implanting new ones and what happens if they are removed etc. Dude was legit batshit.
This is very clearly shown in 'Do androids dream of electric sheep', when Deckard goes to the Replicant police HQ. The replicants have no clue that they are not real and imitations blah blah. I still enjoy 'second variety' though and the movie 'screamers' did it a fair bit of justice I believe. I haven't read 'a scanner darkly' but I found the movie pretty hard to keep track of so I can't imagine how the book would be.
You say that meanwhile Hershlag's new show has her literally kissing a nigger on the lips
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I don’t think about black people at all.
I agree with this take
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I don't like how the movie ended with a very different sequel bait. nothing goof ever comes of movies deviating from source material.
The single most accurate take on this hellsite
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I guess the movie wanted to portray women realistically.
now that's a cucKING.
Say no more nigga.
I really liked this movie, the bear monster was great and the soundtrack was eerie and alien
The book sounds like ass.

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