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Sara Hess edition

previously on: >>200445793
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Honestly, I don’t really like this show, and I think I am wasting my time discussing it. In fact, discussing anything ASOIAF is a big waste of time because we will never get a conclusion. Looking at twitter, clearly I am not the demographic for this show. I think I’m done.
see ya sunday
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I think Jace's actor being a manlet is more distracting than the DEI casting.
>From 2005 to 2012, Hess worked on the medical drama series House, for which she wrote 17 episodes.
No wonder this show sucks.
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>succesfully marry your daughter to the king, start pushing for their oldest son Aegon to become the future king
>you have to leave court so you instruct your daughter to prepare Aegon to rule in your stead
>she fucks it up because she's really just a jilted closet lesbian who wants to spite Rhaenyra and doesn't understand anything beyond that
>oh well, you come back when the boy is 12-13 years olds so there's still time to prepare him to rule
>for some reason you DON'T ever do that, you treat him like he doesn't exist
>with no purpose in life the boy quickly falls into an endless loop of sleep-drink-fuck-sleep with 0 wish or skill to be king
>despite this you keep pushing the plan for him to become king, hoping it'll go fine anyway because surely that kind of person is easy to manipulate
>you put the boy on the throne even though he himself says it's a bad idea
>once he becomes king it turns out a neglected alcoholic half-Targaryen teenager doesn't want to be a puppet? woah who could've guessed?
>your long term ambitions eventually backfire when the king's brother kills an envoy so the king's infant son is assassinated as retaliation
>the king finds out one of the killers was a ratcatcher but was never caught, so he hangs the city's ratcatchers
>the damage done by this is miniscule compared to the advantage you gained from the funeral procession of his son
>but you sperg out as if he proved himself as the second Maegor because you cannot cope with not being fully in control of a passive king like before
>sperg out about the new king being shit, even though he's pretty much what your neglect and manipulative ambitions have wrought
>you commit a stupid self-sabotage speech to get yourself fired because you know you fucked up but you're too angry to think straight
>reddit misinterprets this whole scene and goes "omg Otto tried so hard but Aegon ruined everything 10/10 scene Dabid"
Why didn't she boil the water before she drank it?

The show is the conclusion. If George makes another ASOIF book, its basically fanfiction
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Will grandma Alice be the one on her knees now that Cole is hand and her daddy is gone?
I was sensing a lack of female empowerment in that final scene anons.
Has the matriarchy been shaken?
Targaryens are notoriously afraid of hot water
>In fact, discussing anything ASOIAF is a big waste of time because we will never get a conclusion.
It's only fun to discuss because there is no definitive ending.

I can almost guarantee that if GRRM finished the book series, everyone would hate it. He knows this too, whatever he writes will never be as good as what schizo theorists have come up with online, all he can now do as an author with what little time he has left is flesh out his world's lore so that others can continue to tell stories without him.
It's all fanfiction. You think Martin was trying to craft some great piece of literature?
How many other fuckups lie ahead of him?
Reminder that Green Arryk actually won the fight and took his life instead of killing Rhaenyra
yesterdays episode... despite the rough beginning it was SO good
>Great Otto Scenes, Great Helena scenes, Good pacing, Aemond fanservice, Cute Addam scenes
>Cole and Daemon act like cunts and get owned

we are so back
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Do you feel it bros… something is coming soon.. I smell it… on the WINDS… hes telling us. Trust the fucking plan bros…
Cole acted like a cunt and got promoted then fucked Alicent.
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It's going to be 900 pages of the life of Strong Belwas leading up to his service with Dany followed by a brief description of the continuing siege of Meereen before introducing several exciting new characters from previously unseen lands.
he is writing the script of the knight spinoff
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He promised us in 2016 he wouldn’t write anything untill winds was finished, THOUGH.
fool me once shame on you
fool me twice etc etc
but what’s what a feast for crows and a dance with dragons was already :(
words are wind
Why didn't they give her a better wig? I really like the outfit but her hair is awful.
Who is the worst character in HOTD and why is it Mysaria?
She is not the worst character but she is by far the worst actress
How did she get that scar?
They said after season 1 that they wrote Alicent to be like a 'woman for Trump'
All the themes of female empowerment are outsourced to Rhaenyra because
>Alicent bad Alicent MAGA far right incel chud
>Rhaenyra qween slay #freepalestine #pridemonth #decolonize
Who is worse?
I immediately disliked her because she was no tits. Nice nipples tho.
Yeah, and they were best sellers.
Did I miss something?

Couldn't they just have asked Halaena who the ratcatcher was instead of killing them all?
1: cole
2: that bitch
3: alicent
And I’m a green chad.

3 best characters
1: aegon
2: aemond
3: otto
She's barely lucid on a good day.
>Archie Barnes as Ser Oscar Tully, the young grandson of Grover Tully, heir to Riverrun and future Lord Paramount of the Riverlands.
Kermit and Oscar are now one character it seems
>Abigail Thorn as Sharako Lohar, an eccentric Lysene commander of the Triarchy fleet.
kek this troon has contacts, i wonder if wynn feels angry about his impending success in the industry
>Jordon Stevens as Elinda Massey, a trusted handmaiden to Queen Rhaenyra.
Why did they dressed her like a handmaiden lmao
if she was white this wouldn't be a problem
his day of reckoning will be upon him, dont worry.
>Rewatch the scenes again to confirm
>Blood says Cheese was a ratcatcher employed by the household
>During the scene showing the hanging a woman whose son was hanged says that it was the ratcatchers that were employed by the King
>Speedwatching faggots acting like Aegon ordered the deaths of every ratcatcher in King's Landing
>Look at the shot of them hanging, literally just 10 ratcatchers.
>Cheese was among them
So basically, Aegon set shit straight and is a bad thing, why?
at least stay a bit until comfy off season /hotd/ewan/ starts
It feels like the black characters just aren’t in the show. My brain just phases them out. To me, corlys and baela just weren’t adapted.
Real. The "writers" of this show are ass. I dont know why they hate my green niggas. I also dont know why Cole is hated, I thought he was cool, he has that real go-getter energy.
Yeah in retrospect Otto's outburst over ratcatchers really feels like making a mountain out of molehill, and is more about reaching a boiling point for Otto because he's frustrated by not being able to control Aegon the way he did Vissy T.
Nothing is for you chud, so just stop talking forever.
Same writer thought Rhaenys killing a couple hundred people was an awesome girlboss moment and its never mentioned again or used against the Blacks. Don't try to make sense of a Sara Hess episode shes a fucking retard and extremely biased.
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Dude was a real one until he pulled that punk shit.

Bitch also has one of the flattest asses I've ever seen, fucking horrible
Cole is not likeable, however he is basically consistent (in that he's consistently impulsive, insecure, and dishonest), and I'm not bored whenever he's on screen. He also helps move the plot forward on a number of occasions.

Mysaria on the other hand is extremely boring and I'm hard-pressed to name any character traits she has, and while she does move the plot forward she could easily have been cut and substituted with a quick reference to an unnamed informant who we wouldn't need to see or hear more about.
also, like the dude in the last thread said, the autismo wife (cute) saw the ratcatcher, she could have just pointed him out.
Cole's plan would have worked too. Hell, Otto basically had the same ideas. He killed the nobles that didn't bend the knee and he was planning to sent out assassins to Dragonstone to just kill Rhaenyra. Seems that his overreaction is from him not knowing and/or not being in control. Which is understandable but overall handled poorly. Rhys acting was fucking amazing though.
They wrote themselves into a corner with Mysaria and it doesn't help her actress is terrible. She should be more like Larys but they refuse to write a woman character that does anything underhanded or treacherous.
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Rhys acting is the only reason why everyone is overlooking how fucking retarded that scene was.
>Going to assassinate Rhaenyra
>Let me just unsheathe my sword while I'm 20 feet away from her and go on a monologue about how sorry I am
The one good thing I’ll give this show is that I appreciate that people actually talk medieval style and don’t sound like modern marvel characters like how they did in seasons 7-8 of agot
Mysaria at the very least will have a kino and satisfying death
Greencels have just given up kek
Lol no. They’ll frame it as some injustice.
>I'm totally giving up on this show bros
>Green picture
It just keeps happening.
Hanging 9 (10 as far as the public knows) innocent dudes outside the castle doesn't exactly bode well to the average citizen.
what about killing 200 of them at a coronation ceremony? nobody seems to mind that
I can't rank them but Criston, Rhaenys, and Alicent are most mishandled major characters.

Criston's original idea behind the character was deleted, now he just morphs into whichever strawman the writers need to galvanize the audience's hatred and digsust.
Whenever Rhaenys speaks some kind of smug gender war vomit dialogue comes out, and this attitude results in the worst scene of the show so far (Aegon's coronation being interrupted by Meleys).
Alicent now exists to be a closeted Rhaenyra supporter, a blank slate for female directors to self insert into, and an insufferable hypocrite to galvanize normie hatred together with Criston. The only episodes with good Alicent characterization were episodes 6 and 7.

I kind of wanna count Rhaenyra in here too because show Rhaenyra has absolutely nothing to do with book Rhaenyra and it's because of the exact same reasons why Rhaenys is the way she is.. but I think the actress is good and the character is consistent enough so far.
Greenchads are developing Stockholm syndrome
Wait, so jace and Luke have the last name velaryon, so If the dance didn’t happen and chudgon never righteously seized the throne from the whore, when she died, the velaryons would be the new ruling dynasty and the targaryens would just be a Valyrian noble family with no lands?
Well she’s still an annoying cunt and I’ll be glad to see her shamed and killed
No one raised a fuzz about Daemon killing and maiming over a dozen people in S1. No houses showed discontent over Otto killing nobles. No one cared about Rhaenys killing dozens in the Dragonpit.
Didn't Daemon with his gold cloaks go on a rampage in KL one night? The smallfolk weren't too affected. Rhaenys killing hundreds at the coronation didn't seem to affect them either, and Otto didn't use that event to score political points. So with that context it's a bit over the top for Otto to blow a gasket because the king killed ten ratcatchers, one of which slew his son.
>Wanna see a magic trick, Rhaenyra?
Anon, you're complaining about ghosts. They're not involved
He's already fucked two queens, what more do you want from him?
Rhaenys? Vhagar?
He’ll do nothing but fuckup in the coming episodes. I’d say sending Aegon to the front lines and getting Jason Lannister killed are the most egregious in the near term. He goes completely off the rails once he loses control of Aemond
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They keep changing Joffrey's actor. This time it's a kid younger than the previous one from the first season.
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Tits are not important.
>reddit misinterprets this whole scene and goes "omg Otto tried so hard but Aegon ruined everything 10/10 scene Dabid"
The truth is far worse. The truth is that this is how the writers themselves interpret this scene, because their grasp of these characters and their archetypes sucks, and they don't think through the comparisons or contradictions they create.
>Daemon killing

At that point people had plenty of food, and there was no imminent war.

>No houses showed discontent over Otto killing nobles

That parts just genuinely retarded.

>Dragon Pit

Also retarded
medieval people loved a good execution, and these are ratcatchers. They're one step above body collectors in most peoples eyes. Its not like Aegon started lynching shopkeepers.
In the show Viserys says that Jace will take the name Targaryen when he inherits the throne. Don't remember that be part of the book though.
Stockholm greenbro. cole sucks and he’s frustrating to see, which is worse than boring. He just acts like a fucking gay baby retard
I noticed that too. The kid seemed younger to me so it seems it's a recast.
Their echo is felt throughout the show
>2 weeks give or take since Aegon was crowned.
>All his planning, scheming and maneuvering to secure Aegon on the throne.
>Aegon does one fucking thing without talking to him. The first time he went behind his back.
>Alright, I quit, fucking off to Oldtown and chilling with Daeron.
I really hate when a show gets more retarded the more I think about it.
It’s ratcatchers who murdered the royal heir. You understand nothing about the medieval mindset, all of the small folk would rejoice and party, except for the families of the hung.
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>He's pretending to be his own twin. Brilliant.
Just stop thinking chud.
The kings guard armor is horrible, the black and red dudes at dragon stone look cool though. Daemons armor looks great except for the spirit Halloween plastic helmet
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>otto quits as hand in episode 2 in the stupidest way possible

It’s staggers how bad the writing quality has gotten since season 1. Like fuck Otto is hand for a much bit longer than this in the books and it isn’t disagreement over 20 dead rat catchers. Like the only way they can continue the plot is making everyone stupid so Otto can go to the reach.
It has ridiculous pacing issues which dont help.
Otto goes from, "hmm, that was a politically foolish and rash decision to kill Lucerys" to "NOOOO MY HECKIN RAT CATCHERINOOOOS" in a single episode
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I love Aegon so much
>"Aegon is still malleable"
>"It is the death of the death of the child that has unstrung him"
>Sees Aegon crying alone, completely vulnerable, perfect time to offer some words and steer him in the right way, maybe actually have a touching scene where they show some humanity
>Goes to get some Cole dick instead
I swear, if Ep3 ends with another Cole and Alicent fuckfest, I'm dropping it and not looking back.
What makes you think that body collectors and ratcatchers would be hated? You might not want to have lunch with them but they keep the city clean and if you start killing them you're inviting plague.
There is no specified disagreement in the books Aegon just decides the hand isn't doing his job. Its accelerated in the show and comes off very abrupt and out of character for Otto but they are moving forward to the battles which require Cole to be hand and Rhys did a great job with the scene despite it being retarded.
Its really not that insane of a change compared to some other things.
It'll be revealed that Alicent only lets him fuck her in the ass so that its still honorable
He stole this episode. Whoever is 100% black after seeing Aegon and Helaena's suffering this episode is a faggot.
I come forgot about this kid
Daemon did nothing wrong
I think that Emma Darcy, though a bit of a clown irl, is not a bad actress, and she seems very wasted on show Rhaenyra. In particular, the scene where she argued with Daemon about the murdered prince really irritated me, because she was presented as so unbelievably naive and innocent, as if she was only just now figuring out that Daemon is like this, and it gets on my nerves that in the name of making it so that Rhaenyra never does anything morally dubious, she is stripped of agency and nuance. At the very least she should be presented as being tacitly involved in what Daemon did. I suppose she is, in that she's attracted to him specifically because he's a psycho, but is too stupid to join the dots that being a psycho means doing actually bad things, but the writers certainly don't want to acknowledge that.
Why did he throw up a wooden horse? Is it supposed to be symbolic?
>Randomly remember some of the old youtubers I used to watch back in the GoT days, go through and see if any are talking about HotD.
>See Dragon Demands, remembering enjoying him be a cringey turbosperg about D&D and all the ways they ignored the books.
>All of his HotD videos are just total showrunner/writer dicksucking excusing every single retarded change they've done.
What the fuck happened to him lmao.
>What makes you think that body collectors and ratcatchers would be hated?
Because they were in actual medieval times they were seen as deeply unclean and at the bottom of the social pyramid so the jobs went to social outcasts.
>those rooks rest rumors
It’s over for us team green chads.
they could have just asked the guard who already told them literally everything else
guess suspect line ups hadn't been invented yet though
They burning their brother's posessions instead of his body.
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Do people normally feel worse for the parent than the child when the killing of a child occurs? And only on the mother?

I was wondering about that with the way Alicent and Rhaenyra were both written to be more sympathetic for Helaena than for Aegon or Jaehaerys, or even his sister Jaehaera
That scene is great when you ignore Rhaenyra and focus on Daemon being an obviously unhinged wife beater only restrained because Rhaenyra is the "Queen". I haven't seen anyone mention that part where he instinctively goes to choke her but takes a step back and tries to sweet talk her.
Actors and prostitutes were at the bottom of the medieval social pyramid. Ratcatchers and body collectors provided a service. If you kill them you either deal with rats and corpses piling up or you need to find someone else to catch rats and collect bodies.
The reason in the books was the same as what it should’ve and easily could’ve been in the show. Aegon wants fire and blood and otto wants a 10 year long master plan to avoid war and scheme his was to victory.

The show did a good enough explanation of this but then they did the retarded rat catcher shit
Aren't they supposed to throw him in the ocean?
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>George now gets to have two shows that butcher his work
Well, the kid is death. It is not expressed as cold as how Alicent showed but the suffering of the parents is usually sadder since the thought process would be that the suffering of the child is over and he is in heaven. Which leaves only the parents to grieve. Helaena is the one that has to live with the event and some might see that as worst than dying.
>He just acts like a fucking gay baby retard
Well, yeah, that's his character. He's a very insecure, neurotic, sulky young man who has unfortunately been trained as a killer. The one aspect that does kind of annoy me, from a realism standpoint, are his affairs with Rhaenyra and Alicent, there's no way Cole would ever be around royal women unchaperoned.
The women were more girlbossy in the books. In the show they are helpless retards who just react to what the men do, the men are the ones in control of every single aspect of the conflict, in the books the two queens had much more of an active role, but it makes them guilty and not 100% innocent naive mothers who get to quip at the foolish men for starting wars n shit
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What are they?
greenfag here
Jace would be a great father unironically
I liked the scene right before in the council when Rhaenyra's ranting that she'd never cut off a baby's head and Daemon's sitting there trying not to laugh.
Good. Fuck that fat hack for selling to HBO.
Wrong + Nice pop history faggot. There were some jobs, such as executioner, where you were so bottom of the pyramid you weren’t even allowed to live in the same village as people
He genuinely thinks Winds in coming this year so he’s in a state of delirium
showfags are the worst Fab-io's one cool guy
>he’s a shitty character on purpose
Still don’t like him or think it’s good. You can have unstable psychos like daemon and still have them be kino. Coles just an annoying loser
In Velaryon fashion, yeah, I suppose it was Rhaenyra's choice for him to be given a Targeryan burial. That's kinda funny, didn't think about that since Luke technically should be treated as a Velaryon.
I’m feeling it, bro.
Yeah, I have no complaints about how Daemon has been written and portrayed, he's been a seething dark triad nutcase since day 1 and they have actually stuck to that and are following it to its logical conclusion, so that's nice.
He's getting attacked by pajeets. That's hilarious

There's only one book and it gives little info on anything between Otto and Aegon and even less reason with it only being the Otto wasn't immediately leading an army. If you adapted that then it makes Aegon look megastupid as there's no disagreements other than "huh ur slow at acting bye" and then Otto sits around and does nothing until he's executed. Wow amazing character 10/10 why dun they do it like in da "books"!?
yeah i read them too, if it ends up true i think even the most hardcore team Black supporter will realize the showrunners going nuclear on Greens is not good for the overall narrative
He seems to be quite an adept queenfucker with years of experience. The man has his merits.
well isnt Cole in the books as much as an asshole in the show? Fabien played his part perfectly then...
Bullshit. Who's gonna tell the executioner to move out of the village?
Hes the Ramsey of this show. Just comically evil and insecure so when his death scene happens all the showfags can soiface in their reaction videos. The writers know their core audience well, unfortunately.
I remember when team black attacked Olivia, phia and ewans looks, sent death threats to Tom and now this.

And then they get mad when someone makes fun of Matt smith looking like an ape.
They actually gave him a Strong burial like his dad got.
Indians and Spics believe HotD is actually real
How come the tardgaryens never acquired anymore land in the kingdom, despite ruling it for hundreds of years? How come they just have dragonshitstone and kings landing lol. Irl most kingdoms had lots of cadet dynasties of the ruling dynasty ruling many of the lands
ALLEGEDLY in episode 3 aegon and aemond will go to some brothel to drink and aegon will poke fun at aemond for only bedding the first woman he's ever been with
apparently aemond will take this so personally he'll deliberately sabotage rook's rest, leave aegon hanging against rhaenys, only jump into the fight to fuck up rhaenys & aegon both when their dragons are tangled, ep 4 will end with cole finding aemond over aegon (seemingly dead) as if he wants to finish him
>Coles just an annoying loser
They want him to be this way, they didn't adapt any scene that made Cole look intimidating or powerful.
>Hes the Ramsey of this show.
He's no where close to Ramsay. Ramsay's cruelty was his biggest character trait and why people wanted to see him pay, same with Joffery. Cole has none of that, only pettiness and hypocrisy without any of the flair of a good villain.
I will kill my self if this happens, greenbros
You're conflating shitty person with shitty character. And I never said I liked Cole, or that I think he's supposed to be liked.
>Coles just an annoying loser
Yes, that is his role and personality, and it's played in a fairly realistic way which serves the plot, that's really all I'm looking for from this part.
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that's exactly why no one cares about the smallfolk, they're fucking retarded
Olivia Cooke, Phia Saban, and Emma D'Arcy are all fine choices to play QUEENS

i also wonder how their armpits / underarms / axillae smell like ? HMMMmmmmmm??
I guess they let Hess do 2 episodes in a row then.
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This whore kinda looks like Alicent.
And isn't owning land the primary source of income for feudal lords?
I’m not. My whole point was, a character can be a shitty person (daemon) but still be a good character. Cole is a bad character and bad person. A character can also be a good person but bad character, like late seasons John I dun wunnit snow
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Why fags like pits so much?
Your expectations of Team Black are way too high, there will just be edits between Daemon and Viserys and Aegon and Aemond to demonstrate that Team Green has no loyalty.
this sounds fucking awful and suspiciously like something Hess & Condal would consider subversive genius, so it's probably true
Yes it’s the entire income, the king has vassals who rule land for him and he gets a percentage, but the king gets 100% of the income if he just rules it himself, and he doesn’t have to be there, they just send bailiffs and shit
No shit they aren't the same character but they fill the same role of being a lightning rod for the fan's hatred.
sure it's not. Just like when GoT went nuclear on the lannisters
Then the appointed steward will be de facto a feudal.
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You could've saved her /hotd/
Baratheons are meant to be bastard Targs I think
You'd think that a guy who took the time to bitch about Aragon's tax policies would give a little more depth to his fantasy world's government. They seem to make most of their money by borrowing it from foreigners.
Dragons complicate things
The Iron Bank is such a deus ex machina. They have so little leverage on their borrower.
So they should've thrown an empty casket in the water?
the Lannisters were actually respectable and competent before they fall apart due to their own internal problems. the Greens have been pathetic self sabotaging jobbers since day 1 and it seems their only role is to become even more embarrassing and self defeating
Why not? They burned an empty casket.
>I’m not
You absolutely are, you keep repeating this idea that a character has to be likeable/charismatic (I assume this is what you mean about Daemon, and I agree) to be 'good'. I disagree, I think a 'good' character is a consistent character, who is well-acted, and contributes to the plot in a meaningful way, even if they are annoying/unlikeable, like Criston.

It would be weird, inconsistent and generally shit writing for this character who has been depicted from day 1 as a weirdly intense, angry and obsessive guy, who happens to be good-looking but is clearly way too neurotic to be a Chad, to suddenly become a funny, confident, outgoing Daemon-type.
muh dick
>the Lannisters were actually respectable and competent before they fall apart due to their own internal problems
someone seems to forget what happened after Cersei blew up the pope
Why are only whores allowed to work as psychologists in Westeros?
Anyone make an webm of daemon pulling his dragon out of the garage?
nigga that was all long after they won a whole war
It's an age where people had enough common sense to realize psychologists are retarded
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why does emma act liek a dyke irl when she is actually pretty cute when she embraces her femininity.
maybe im just down bad but id date rhaenrya. she has a nice ass/figure in those dresses too.
cant you make them yourself using torrent (for the episode) and Webm for REts?
They have all of the Crownlands, stupid.

They also technically have all of the Stormlands since House Baratheon is technically a bastard branch of House Targaryen that fused with the leftovers of House Durrandon
They lent Stannis money to defeat the Lannisters who owed them more money.
Not true, literally not how it worked irl as the French consolidated their crow lands. The king was able to efficiently control large portions of land by the 1300’s, and asoiaf tech wise is like the 1400’s with some1500’s trappings
Jace’s actor might be good looking for some people but he is a very bad actor
kek no way
The difference is that the Greens technically win the war and go down as the victors in history.
Aegon feeds Rhaenyra to his dragon
I’ll add further, this would be true if it was like the 9th century, but by the time of “high feudalism” the only reason the king didn’t control all the lands was because it was already owned by powerful nobles who would rise up and kill him if he tried to violate their rights and just take it, but over time, every feudal socieity (except the HRE) did slowly consolidate all the feudal vassal lands under the crown
They had to beg for interactions
He's standing up straight and combed his hair. He's come a long way since season 1.
I’m not saying he has to be charismatic and cool like daemon, but you’re never gonna get my point so I’m Just gonna have to agree to disagree.
That did not come across at all in that scene. TGC inventing an entire backstory when the writers just want him to be evil rapist chud is kind of sad
There’s a reason we used to consider it a mental illness.
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>we are at opposite ends of the spectrum, whatever the spectrum is *winks*
isnt she supposed to be 3/4 white? how tf is she blacker than her mother
Shut the fuck up chud, you believe in elves and dragons but don’t believe in a black folk?
it's safe to say season 2 is primarily about demolishing the greens in the eyes of the audience as thoroughly as possible
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Did you mistake that anon for me anon? You know I’m here forever. I don’t think there is enough Ewan posters left, we will have to evolve to hotd/ewan/tom/harry. /
There's no elves in westeros, dickhead.
you dont like soap opera in castle?
someone needs to do the preston dabid book comparison between book greens and show greens
>erm ackshually it’s a Valyrian which is more hyperboreanic-aryan then elven m’goodsir
And yall chuds questions why nobody likes y’all
Whoa Margery and aemond have the same :3 face
>manlet's attempt to dominate
Some leakers allude she gets pregnant with Cole's child
If that were true, we wouldn't have gotten a scene of Aegon crying in his room alone. They clearly want us to feel some level of pity for Aegon
This man is ridiculously handsome no homo
Daemon bitchslap
I think that as well. but I guess no one truly knows.

had to pay attention to leg wound
Valyrians aren't Westerosi, they come from Essos, you're thinking of the Chilun of da Forest
Milly and Olivia are lucky girls.
Milly came out as a lesbian
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>Winning anything
you greencucks are delusional
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>He's standing up straight
it was a hard process after all the teasing he got from cast members and fans
Tywin was a complete retard securing his successor. He should have tried way harder to get Jaime released from the Kingsguard and get him away from Ceresi. Having 3 bastard Lannisters to work with for a successor was nowhere near good enough. Jaime needed to have at least 3 more true born kids with a real wife, and then Tywin could have worked with 5 potential successor choices instead of 1
>two children

its over maelor bros
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What the FUCK?
I stand like that too after years of gaming

>child actor laws tied up Blood and Cheese

huh I didn't know that
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Pretty much. Fags are calling Aegon a mass murderer for killing 10 people, it's crazy. The whole episode was made to make the Greens less sympathetic. Makes sense considering their target audience is pic related.
According to the leaks it would be Aegon who sires him. Unbelievable.
The show writers are embarrassed that Aegon is openly married to his sister when the entirety of GoT has Jaime and Cersei secretly fucking. How long did it take show watchers to figure out the two of them were married? Helaena might be an autistic Cassandra-esque character, but you’d still expect her to interact with her husband more
Maelor is born later this season, they've fucked with the timeline
So they cut out Maelor but not Joffrey?
what in the absolute fuck are you babbling about
why would an actor who has filmed the entire season say he only has two children in interviews
>the green children are bastards too!
Because they're aware that at this point int time, the character has two children

>There are a few factors as to why the series doesn't strictly adapt the scene this way. For one, the show is on a slightly differently timeline than the book, which means Maelor hasn't been born yet and the other two are even younger than Fire and Blood depicts. "Maelor does not yet exist on this timeline because 30 years is compressed into 20 years," Condal says.

Maelor hasn't been cut
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I'm pretty sure this meme started from these generals before other SM got it and made it viral
my bad. I figured only another ewan poster would keep on using the same (very nice!) picture of him. be well! the costumes are looking better this season, dont you think?
you are grasping
Sound fake, show cole would let him kill aegon
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Reminder, Greens are murderous, traitorous dogs and should be killed wherever they are found. The eternal (((Hightower))) knows no bounds.
yeah you probably think daeron isnt cut either cause they mentioned his name. you are hilariously delusional if you think either of them will ever appear on screen. youre probably still holding out for nettles and mushroom too
So they’re bringing Maelor in to have him lynched by a mob? What’s the point then??? B&C was supposed to be his big scene. Watching a small child that we’ll spend no time with get lynched by a mob is a complete waste
Yeah he swiped it from me, I don’t mind. Need to find some more high quality pics for Aemondposters to use. I don’t have much on my phone at the moment other than rust Cohle and ravenous gifs. Yeah they are lovely this season, the embroidery too is amazing.
see >>200452703

Blood and Cheese got ruined by child acting labor laws
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Otto just isn't Chud enough for the Chudgang.
These are 100% true, same guy who leakd it is the one who leaked the real title of episode 2 in advance. He's laying out all the leaks on reddit right now and I gotta tell ya greenfags you should stop watching for your own good.
Tom and Phia said they have a “messy” scene on the floor together this season, and in the trailer for the season Helaena says “you know what you must do”. She might be telling Aegon they need to make another heir who will be Maelor. Doubt he will be born this season though. /
B&C was Anti Rhaenyra propaganda made by Alicent.
i dont get the point of actively seeking out leaks just so you can cry about them
Unless they cut it off. Although it would fit the narrative. Blacks have intimate scenes meanwhile Greens have sex scenes with ominous music playing. I won't be surprised if they turn it into a rape scene instead.
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Who's going to tell them?
>Doubt he will be born this season though. /
Helaena dosen't have more than about 2 episodes at most next season left though surely.
the resemblance is uncanny
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>brb time to get drunk and save the kingdom by having sex with my chubby autist sister
It does line up with a rumour we heard when they were filming that Aemond shows up late to RR deliberately. Also there was a guy with a drone that snuck footage of RR being filmed. There was a scene being rehearsed between Fabien and Ewan where Ewan goes to strike something with his sword and Fabien yells at him to stop. / I’ll see if I can find it hold on.
Because they spend most of their 300 years of rule going through a cycle of mass-dying from stupid civil wars, disease, and bad luck, barely starting to rebuild, and then it happens all again.
>Aegon the Conquerer dies.
>Maegor proceeds to murder his way through all but one of his male relatives to steal the throne, then dies himself after years of no kids and civil war.
>Jaehaerys takes the throne, manages 50 years of peace and breeding an army of targ kids, only for every single one of his male kids to die before he does, and leaving Viserys and Daemon the only male mainline Targs left.
>Viserys and Daemon have tons of Targ kids, only to fuck it all up with the Dance. Targs now have no dragons and only two living males again lol.
>Aegon 3 and Viserys 2 do a decent job, have a good amount of kids. Except those kids end up being:
>Dareon 1, who gets himself killed young in Dorne.
>Baelor who goes nuts and starves himself while refusing to have sex.
>Aemon the Dragonknight, who takes kingsguard vows to have no kids.
and finally
>Aegon 4, who has a million kids, but mostly bastards, and legitimizes them for shits and giggles, Targs and Blackfyres butcher each other.
>Daeron 2 is king, does decent job, only for him and most of his kids to die of the Spring Sickness.
>Aerys 1 is king, all three kids die to stupid mishaps (his first kid chokes on a fucking pie ffs), leaving Aerys' brother as heir.
>Maekar 1, has 3 sons, 2 of which are shit and die early, Egg inherits once Maekar gets his head crushed by a rock.
>Aegon V has a bunch of kids and grandkids, then proceeds to go full retard and get them all killed in the fire at Summerhall.
>Jahaerys 2, a sickly loser, inherits, dies within years, his only son Aerys 2 inherits.
>At this point, Aerys 2's wife and kids are the only living proper Targs.
>Aerys 2 goes full mad king, gets overthrown.
>Viserys 3, last of the Targeryan kings, is betrayed by his whore sister and murdered by dothraki savages.
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I wish I had an autistic sister to fuck...
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I see two bastards.
I saw this too and the funny thing is this person thinks Addam is Laenor's bastard son. Do they even watch the show?
You really can just say the most random fandom shit and get 13k likes
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Found it. Don’t click it you don’t want spoilers obviously. https://youtu.be/dXEK4svh1a8?si=pL7a3lYna2T2lTle
new ship unlocked
Haelena having another kid AFTER B&C is complete insanity.
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Are they brothers irl?
tell them what? let a non book reader fag learn. it's basically how I read the book I guess
that's why B&C is less traumatizing for her in the show

It also allows her to be a dragonrider and not just a fucking zombie post-B&C
how many are bots
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3000 hours in W4R
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mogged by his on-screen younger brother
Dany will raze the Hightower and rule Westeros as the Empress of the Dragon for 1000 years, bastard!
Erryk (black) won in books and the show. If it was Arryk, he wouldnt have called her "my grace" and apologize for suicide
Greenchads, I was going to reply to this fool explaining how Bran is confirmed to be king in the books meaning Dany will die, and that the Whents descend from Aemond’s bastard with Alys Rivers meaning the Starks are actually part Green meaning the Greens actually won, but then I reflected on how desperate and shizo it sounds and decided against it.
He did it out of regret and his dead brother. Makes more sense than Erryk killing himself
They could make it work with Aegon needing a male heir but even then, what would be the point? At most we might get one or two scenes with Helaena pregnant but that's 9 months for the child to be born. Years before he is a toddler. Anything they might want to do with Maelor or have planned from the book is going to be thrown out or absorbed by Daeron.
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Dont worry bros, we will have more cole x alicent scenes ahead

source: im grrm
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it is confirmed Erryk won
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Though All Men Do Despise Us
how come we hacent seen alicent full nude yet? have we? i dont remember season 1
I use tiktok for content creation purposes, just for anyone that's going to berate me about it. Anyways, its been a hoot seeing everyone making videos about Daeron and getting hyped over it. Condal confirmed that he's a child with a dragon in Oldtown but not yet a rider. Meaning he must be between Joffrey and Luke's age. Which is completely wrong but it is yet another issue with the time compression they did. They'd have to pull some retcons and time fuckery if they want to include Daeron in S3, which I wouldn't put it past them to do at this point.
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Kill targs
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Elliot grew up fast
>Condal confirmed that he's a child with a dragon in Oldtown but not yet a rider.
He’s a bastard, isn’t he?
I hated otto so much but he was so based in the last episode.
he wouldve been more based if he didnt hesitate to throw the pin.
Why are they doing a con in a tent?
the only thing they confirmed on the show is that he is in oldtown and not that he has a dragon
Old man's rambling vs young kings yoloing the war.
>people said I was retarded because I said it was Erryk
kek I know it was the green victim complex but still.
That's what the showrunner said in an interview. They could very well change it, of course, and make it work but that's what's going on with Daeron right now till at the moment. He's a kid, he has a dragon, he's not yet riding.
we don't g et shit for female nudity now. went to a damn poppy den with whores and they barely showed anything.
Deleted scene. She said there was a alicole sex scene that was messier.
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The show clearly divides the good and bad guys, but still it seems the quality took a dip from the first to the second season
No more boobies now
usually when you make such claims you back it up with proof
Targaryens are Indians.
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Who would you cast as Daeron anon? I liked the idea of Æthelstan’s actor from The Last Kingdom but it sounds like he’d be aged out of the Daeron they have in mind.
All the actresses knew from GoT to watch out for nude scenes and to set their price prohibitively high.
Because George decided on them just having kingslanding and dragonstone, plus surrounding crownlands back in the 90s so it’s too late to change it. That’s why every Targaryen marriage outside of siblings has to fail somehow because otherwise half the great lords would have purple eyes and silver hair.
Not true
How am I wrong?
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I don't know about all that. But Rhaenyra ends up being dragon shit.
Blacksisters, our cope?
All men must die.
The downvotes on Reddit for people calling Emma "she" lol. She looked good this ep

I normally just ignore any tranny shit but fucking hell why can't you call a woman a woman
Almost every time a Targaryen woman marries outside of the family she has children
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Actually sunfyre died pretty quickly after he ate rhaenyra so she technically was turned into half digested rotting sludge
Viserys should have just married his daughter.
>She said there was a alicole sex scene that was messier.

i think that was the scene in ep2 where they were going harder. im sure in her mind it was much worse
Bullshit. She'll win.
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The new Jon Snow
Nah it was in season 1.
Stop making the characters boringgggg
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>Mhysa edition by Sara Hess
Olivia said there was a messy sex scene cut from the first season. It was likely the night Aemond claimed Vhagar as Cole was missing and Alicents hair was all messy.
why doesn't addam have white dreads?
They look more like a drug seller than sailors
ink dye
Why would he use dye when it was an open secret that both he and his brother were dragonseeds?
>That Addam and Alyn were dragonseed no man who looked upon them could doubt, though their mother steadfastly refused to name their father.
he likes dyed hair.
no he doesn't condal!
yeah that elle article. she never says anything about it being in season 1
he's dying his hair, he must like it.
Oh you are right, I found another article about it where she says her orgasm was cut from episode 2.
Why does Lord Corlys look black ?
All women must ligma.
no you didnt just take your licks and call it a night
>But we are not men.
i will accept a more solid lore reasoning. Until then, condal has changed this without purpose.
it was an arbitrary decision to make the show have wider appeal or be inclusive or some such thing. if you're going to racebend characters for no reason but have them still look valyrian in terms of hair, then it should be consistent.
I didn’t say they wouldn’t have children, I said the marriage fails. Like the vale for instance. Daemons marriage to Rhea should've resulted in a house Targaryen that was in charge of Runestone, but this obviously isn’t the case in the main series so the marriage had to fail somehow when George was writing fire and blood. And Daella Targaryen, her marriage to lord Arryn should’ve resulted in multiple children who would been married off to other lords and ladies and resulted in at least a few vale nobles born with purple eyes and silver hair. But again this isn’t the case in the main series so she dies giving birth to one daughter who marries right back into the mainline branch. There’s exceptions like the baratheons and Martells, but that’s why there’s no cadet branches because they didn’t exist in AGOT
Dyed his skin because he also likes dye
Rhaenyra's son is king when the dust is settled.
ink dye is in the lore
this particular character doesn't use it and had no reason to
>he likes it and uses it now
Because they’re given media training by the studio so they don’t spoil the show.
he likes it and uses it now, no matter how many times you say wrong
You want lore reasoning but you say Condal did it. lmao.
"he likes and uses it now" is not a valid reason. it is vacuous and purposeless. he didn't like and use it in the source material, and there is no reason for him to like and use it in the show.
we see him liking it now and used it

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