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Greg doesn't ask for pussy. He takes it Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
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>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200449831
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best meme of the season right here
Reminder that Tayleigh is NOT an actor and is love with Jordan!
>Tayleigh followed Jordan after he bought a plushie from her
>Tayleigh visited Kentucky where Jordan is from
>Jordan tweeted that the cat was out of the bag
>Jordan said he had conversations with Tayleigh privately
>Tayleigh joined and left Jordan’s twitter space
Tayleigh is dating chicken plushie guy confirmed

unendorse and unsubscribe
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It's almost time
the headbutt and IT SMELLS LIKE WEED IN HERE are my favorites
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Countdown to outdoor violence and stalkers showing up, can't WAIT
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Jordan won
based greg
good comeback
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rmemeber cole haha
I miss you nigga
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Thoughts on Summer trauma dump?
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I respect the 1:1 Fallout animations
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Summy is an angel and I wish her good fortune in life
Lol /bant/ having a meltdown
I'm not reading all that. Even if you summarized it, it would not be useful to me because it is coming from a woman.
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sometimes he spiced them up, normally around women
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eddie van halen lookin ass
Scam and Goran should kill themselves
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Do you have your bingo cards ready?
do you have the whiteface picture of him, that one made me lose it
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Can someone explain the Goran meme to me
skibidi chungus
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one of the funniest moments of the whole series
It’s a stereotypical Balkan name and Jet is Croatian.
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i have many pictures of cole on my backed up triple fail protected hard drive
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Goran make good slop for us. We enjoy.
Too many words not gonna read it sorry
post them
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thanks friends
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>la gorantividad
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>Ah yes beautiful girl you want Goran make you star, yes? Big star on Goran's Fishtank, come, come, come girl, Goran put you in reality tv show on internet, YES! You play game with Goran for the camera beautiful. You play game Goran give Fishbuck, you suck Goran give 2 Fishbuck. Very safe, very profit. I biggest producer in Sarajevo, make you big star beautiful, yes. You suck Goran for camera, do not suck Dragan he is filthy Serbian dog I kill you bitch only suck Goran my beautiful girl YES!
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>they call him down and give him a cake for no reason
>say it's from the fans
>make everyone watch him take it
>he's wearing whiteface
Cole was so fucking funny even if he was a retard sometimes. Shame they went so hard on him so soon or he might have had more kino moments.
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he had a full character arc they cut short with that bullshit
guys don't let your loved ones ever touch a prescription drug for mental health. ideally any prescription drugs
you ever wonder why there's so many fucked up freaks these days?
I saw a guy screaming at the speaker at mcdonalds today. SCREAMING about substituting a patty or something. people don't just act and behave like this. pharmaceutical drugs are frying everyone's brain.

my favorite tts
The detective arc was kino. Being betrayed by a woman, then saved by the same dame who turned on him. He really did seem like he was supposed to be one of the finalists. Maybe Tay Shinji and Cole
Taytriots i'm feeling sick like i want to throw up
Who will be the first one to regret showing up? I'm sure it's either Tai or Letty.
This is a bot thread right? Paid for so the jannies don't take it down. I refuse to believe there are people who care about this shit. At least not people who are directly involved in it.
How do I become like Sam Hyde and create my own gang of right wing weirdos? That vibe portrait in the idubzz documentary was comfy af
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Rate his drip
Thanks for coming into the thread about something you don't like. I'm sure you aren't here to see this post, right? Right?
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She won

remember when this shit first came out?
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any excuse to keep cole in the fishtank consciousness, i dont want goran and co to live that galactic fuckup down
Cute frog
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Will he be making a return this season?
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wosie josie
Be a rich kid and pay them
Balloon boy hoax/10
>makes everyone in the house sing happy birthday to him even though it's not his birthday
>"You know what actually I'm more of a pie guy"
>leaves the cake and goes back upstairs
>they eat his cake while seething about him
this autist was taken from us way too soon. this also all happened right after the group session where everyone in the house openly aired out their hatred toward him which made it all so much funnier
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Jon will scare off Bicflame again
I can’t believe Tay would get a boyfriend without letting the taytriots. I’ve donated thousands just to be treated like this :(
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>yeah babe more another tweet about being in the woods or some shit
>ok now lemme fuck your mouth
I’m worried about them inevitably getting doxxed this time… hope the perimeter is secure
not really that funny. stop posting it man.
someone post the marky TTS that came in right after mid life crisis roid rage Sam beat the fuck out of retard TJ because he was mad all day that the show sucked
>wow TJ you took those punches better than mark key
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>he gave them the entire cake
>they eat the entire cake
>they stay mad about him while eating a cake
Impressive honestly
There you are. How much are you paying for these threads? Have you found it to be worth it?
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do you have the webm of him snooping around near the doghouse
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erm I love josie!
kek based reference
Is letty still fucking the camera wigger from S1?
Im thinking about getting on Vyvanse, Ive never been able to focus on shit I feel like it would save me
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fishtank viewer are you




too long won't read. Fuck that BBC whore
fuck that coal burner Summer should honestly kill herself
I'm normal
they do pay for threads. but there is actually 10 times the traffic for fishtank threads than anything else on /tv/
don't worry though, at this point more people are hate watching and hoping for the shows failure than real positive fans.
so once Jet and Sam run this shit into the ground within a few weeks you may not have to see these threads anymore.
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>One man versus eight
>You've had hard cases, detective
>They took the fruit dum-dums
>They took the cake
>They even took your girl
>You were told this last case would be hard
>But no one said it'd be this hard.
why is taylor on 2.5 i dont get it
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Jet is a moron if he doesn't bring Cole back for bloodgames especially if they're doing a full reset for s3. He knows that's what everyone wants. And Cole would be stupid not to go because it's his only chance to get closure for all the oppressive fishtank memories that weigh on him and he doesn't have much else going on besides getting drunk in his car at 6 am.
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no, i wasnt actually that thorough
tayjeets keep losing, its grim. i wonder if theyll retaliate this time
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There is already a dox on kiwifarms but not totally confirmed
goran desperate cash grab
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Stay mad
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cole has autism, he doesnt know whats good for him and might have rejected the offer even if it was given to him
Shut up bitch
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The biggest problem with season two was that most of the time, fish teamed up with each other and were playing nice.
Cole was great simply because he wasn't playing along, which was why him leaving hurt the show.
I remember late in the show there was some challenge where Christ was struggling to get TJ or Shinji to attack one of the other fish, and after two hours of planning and psyching themselves up they just sprinkled some water on Tayleigh while she was sleeping or something.
>gives the enTITy tits
willingly choosing to poison your brain is crazy.
on top of becoming addicted to a substance that fries your brain, if you have children someday they will probably be autistic.
it's not worth it, the best way to get a clear head is going for walks regularly, cooking your own meals with fresh ingredients meat and produce, and logging off for extended periods of time
there's no shortcuts in life. prescription drugs are just drugs. on par with smoking a little meth every day.
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erm I love Cole
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cole had a magnetic effect towards pissing brian off, they were great together
so many docile males on s2 it was pathetic.
Shes a likeable hard worker whos already been shown to be trustworthy as production and shes another familiar face for the all star season
I remember listening to them eat the cake and justify why being given cake was actually some sort of giga-brain but still easily spotted RUSE to say he was better than them. "H-.. he gave us CAKE... you guys.. 'let them eat cake'?? He's trying to say he's RICHER than us again"
sounds like a great idea, take it as much as you want
Cole missed one day of work which leaves him with 9 days of vacation time.
Vance is sacrificed in a vampire ritual day two to summon Count Cole in his place.
>Trish ends up being the only Fish thats still single
W or L?
Vance isn't gonna be there on the first day so Cole might as well take his place
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Blacked loving freak
Shoutout to when Brian begged trish to fuck with Cole stuff, then when he got mad she hid in her room only to come out when he left yelling DAS RIIIGHT!! WE FUKKIN WIT EMMM!!!
I don't know why, but looking at JC's face pisses me off. It's just too soulless.
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Jet is a moron if he doesn't bring Betty back for bloodgames especially if they're doing a full reset for s3. He knows that's what everyone wants. And Betty would be stupid not to go because it's her only chance to get closure for all the oppressive fishtank memories that weigh on her and she doesn't have much else going on besides masturbating in her car at 6 am.
There are Meg and JC too
Maybe, still not sure what Ill do, might try nicotine gum as a sort of test run
What does "full reset" even mean?
seethe taycuck bettycuck taylorcuck, all simps lying retards
>Tayleigh cucked her fans and gave up 5k a month for random hillbilly cock
why are women like this?
Meg has a boyfriend
you will become more efficient but it will change your personality
Who? Zain the cuck?
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thats the love of coles life you are talking about big guy
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The beautiful and makes tummy aches go away CK mommy.
The QnAnon dweeb biked to the doxxed location but didn't see anything.
>What does "full reset" even mean?
It means absolutely nothing, expect Frank and Fatty to show up the moment the show starts tanking like always.
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I've had these generals in my filter list since they first started. This is the first time I've posted in one. For anyone who has browsed this board before it's obvious right away how fake these threads are. They are trying way too hard to force this shit.
sounds like a win win lol
she just deserves better, she shouldnt trust jet
no the biggest problem was they were all fans and therefore production couldn't fuck with them
they knew how it worked, production couldn't actually gaslight them or pit them against each other because they knew that was the whole point
all they could do was act. which they did. and it was completely apparent. everything was played up and annoyingly fake. every time trish got mad and yelled. every big scene that brian had. they knew they were supposed to be acting all over the top so they did.
and the flip side, they also knew whatever they did would be posted about incessantly online, so they also were really reserved most of the time. they knew the ramifications of doing any small thing, so they played it safe 99% of the time
it was one of the biggest fuck ups of all time that Jet didn't realize RANDOM PEOPLE is the ONE necessity for fishtank
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be nice
thats disgusting
tayleigh is genuinely low iq.
>yeah i dont wash my hands after i use the bathroom unless i get piss or shit on them
>it builds immunity
sam cannot bring on tall in-shape alpha guys because he would feel threatened, this isnt a joke lol
He's lying / sweeping for prod because he wants to be a vampire.
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god he was so hot with long hair
what's wrong with jet
For me it's J "CCP" C
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Reminder Sam bodyslammed Channing three times on the ground
Welcome back to the thread, glad you're still here in this thread about something you don't like.
You’re a retard. The last two seasons the fishtank threads are the fastest moving threads on the board because it’s a 24/7 stream so people are constantly watching. Not everything is a conspiracy.
girls like these are out there and niggas spent months simping for a 2/10 bulimic junkie form the midwest.
this video is god tier

It's like the time travel theory during new year
Trish is the true spirit incel
I almost like it better when they bring in MDE/FTL/Sam fans, sure it's gay and referential but they can take a lot more punishment than the normies are gonna be able to take before walking off.
why was brian so mean to this ihop hapa queen
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>taytards getting cucked again
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main issue is, they are in taiwan
Nobody cares Channing
taytriots should be happy that she went with one of them instead of going back to clayton. they hate to see one of their own niggas making it out of the stream chat. maybe it's because he looks like a somewhat normal dude instead of an overweight 30 year old? i'm not sure.
Cole is busy working and going to college and he stopped drinking
>Come on Jordan you have to start a twitter Space they love those, then you'll deny it if they ask if were together come on babe do it.
>oops I just joined on my main account as a speaker
nicotine is a good stimulant and gives you a state change without fucking you up and impairing you. that's a good idea. as long as you don't do it enough that you build tolerance
>Uploaded 1 day ago
>Sub 10k views
This is your video, isn't it?
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he's handsome and seductive
shill your shit somewhere else faggot.
>only 7k views from one of the main Fishtank editors
kek this show is dead.
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>I remember late in the show there was some challenge where Christ was struggling to get TJ or Shinji to attack one of the other fish, and after two hours of planning and psyching themselves up they just sprinkled some water on Tayleigh while she was sleeping or something.
That was Shinji and Oliver and Shinji immediately wanted to quit the show afterwards because he was afraid of Tayleigh's reprisal. He really was the most bitchmade of the whole cast. This is why normies aren't worth having on the show, all of the fans could take hits and dish them back out endlessly except for Jimmy.
who genuinily gives a fuck about some egirl streaming or not streaming? none of them are up to josie standard
Mauro had the most shadow points
The west is full of asians mah nigga and a lot of times they are hotter since they are half white. Get out there and stop simping for these creatures.
literal defamation
replied to the wrong post
I dislike Sam but Channing is a drug addict schizo freak bitch that roleplays as a mommy to frogposters on twitter.
he looks like that faggot from stranger things now
I remember Shinji giving up literally seconds into the paintball challenge of the Swamp olympics
JC is very pure, she is still a kissless virgin and even said as much in her insta today
They are the same age btw
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Of course this disgusting bitch doesn't always wash her hands after pissing and pooping
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LMAO you just know that's exactly what happened
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It's a Neptunism that means whatever you want it to mean as long is it makes you more excited for the next Jet Neptune production. He did this same shit before season 2
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so your saying cole should have killed peter right then and claimed his hapa gf for his own?
goranian looking nigga
She'll be alright, shes gonna get paid and make some connections and hopefully this will lead to a boost to her stream numbers
It got age restricted.
I still think Tay is cool. I don't wanna fuck her but she reminds me of a girl from something I read
>I almost like it better when they bring in MDE/FTL/Sam fans, sure it's gay and referential but they can take a lot more punishment than the normies are gonna be able to take before walking off.
You have never seen a show without MDE/FTL fans. Only Simmons, Mauro, and Jon weren't aware of MDE and Sam. All of which were early outs. S2 the two non-fans were JC and Shinji and JC instantly left, plus she'd never tolerate the insane shit later on in the season, and Shinji was pure bitchmade and wanted to leave over and over.

The strongest fish have always been the most diehard fans.
how about you connect a bullet to your brainstem and stop talking about some foid
Ben is only 18
anyone have the recording?
I think she’s only going to be on for a week because she said that the 24 hour stream will be this weekend. Besides, I still think TJ will be there.
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Jordan sucks on Tayleigh's unwashed shit fingers.

Jordan kicks Tayleigh's yeast infected pussy cheese.
Zero hype. Show is dead on arrival. Hope you didn't invest too much!
Autistic over analysis
>dat reaction image

Wtf but I thought she and jimmy were the smartest in the house #chudgang
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Yes he should've taken CK and Trish to be his concubines
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>They think I'm Cole
Trishamilitia, how we feeling?
Mauro was the biggest MDE fan they've had, this is how he earned the majority of his shadow points
Not reading this. The fact that she wrote that much is fucking insane. She’s the worst!
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What things should we TTS to Tayleigh during bloodgames?
>Missing Jordan yet?
>I hope that kentucky dick was worth it
>How do you feel to have no fans left?
>You could have stayed home and streamed your loving fans while making more money than doing this.
>You have no future after this, Tayleigh.
>Clayon did nothing wrong and deserved better than you.
Let me know any other suggestions
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>I don't know why, but looking at JC's face pisses me off. It's just too soulless.

poor girl is blind as a bat
Tayleigh is nasty as fuck, Q you're better off without her. She will be a fat crack whore in 5 years anyway.
will lmao
Apologize to cole
I like how Brian was tripping out over Cole gazing at him, while he was asleep
Ben is 48 years old.
>I hope that kentucky dick was worth it
oddly similar to that Jeremy text. i forget how it goes.
history repeats itself
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Holy shit, people really do hate Tay now. Does a boyfriend really make people that mad or is just the straw on the camel's back. I haven't paid attention to this shit since s2 ended
My suggestion is to watch on flowstreams and not give them a single cent
>so lazy you can't turn on a camera for 5k a month
>where are the beanie orders you dyke bitch?
>you lied to your fans, now we're going to lie to you
>ugly puke dyke bitch, I bet you enjoyed Frank's touch
>how's the cigarette scars healing? puke bitch
>Tay’s boyfriend looks almost like TJ
Goddamnit the manifestposter was right all along
Damn really? I always thought he was 11 or 12, dude looks youthful as fuck.
>Clayton should've kept hitting
yer a f@ggot
>The entire fanbase hates you and you are the brian of 2.5
>You will not get a production job on S3
>You will go back to your trailer and become a druggie.... oh wait!
>Pay money to wiggers
seriously unsettling face
None of the fish except Daniel knew what the show was beforehand. Them being Mde fans didn’t matter ,because they didn’t know what they were signing up for with the show.
Why do you want to torture this poor woman?
Cole fingers typed this post
is there an official starting time?
funniest part about the last 6 months is her stupid fans getting her to eat fast food every day thinking she would get thicc and instead it just made her look like a frumpy dyke and every day they tried to convince themselves that this was attractive
they liked tayleigh because she was attainable and now she's no longer attainable because she has a boyfriend. it also makes them feel like cucks because they gave money to a woman who has a boyfriend. so yeah, they're pretty mad about that.
#1 rule of a female trying to cultivate an online fanbase: do not get a fucking boyfriend and absolutely do fucking not let the cat out of the bag if you do

The best asmr girls for example say they are single... if they say the words "my boyfriend" they lose tons of views, it's common sense
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guys i dont feel so good ...
2 pm est
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its ironic though, nobody is actually that much of a faggot to simp for fishtank whores....
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Josiepedos. They're the unhinged schizos of the fanbase.
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foid is a term of endearment youre using it wrong, Taylor is our favorite foid and we love her
>women can only have a fanbase if people think they could possible, one day fuck her
Actually hilarious
she's just a liar. lazy and pathetic too. self destruction before our eyes. it's beautiful. Bitch should be forced to work a wage job for the next 20 years as punishment.
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how about fucking boring bitch?
Your coping at this point has to be pathological
thanks but i have no way of verifying and you could be fucking with me but whatever
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>still posting the shopped version
here's the real pic
Jet said it on ig live last night
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When you reveal you have a boyfriend it destroys the fantasy that this person you're watching could one day form an emotional attachment with you. That is very pathetic and anyone upset by this is a delusional imbecile!
>self destruction before our eyes
Because she got a boyfriend? You act like she jumped off a bridge into a children's hospital
Yeah it's gay and retarded but it's true. And none of those parasocial followers actually think they'll fuck her, they just need her to be single to keep up the charade of being a surrogate gf. Again, this is common sense.
so basically there's like 6 guys who are all hopelessly obsessed with Tay because she managed the simp situation horribly and instead of ignoring them played into their little retarded antics.
they all have their own identities and lore on bant where they all know each other just by how they post. they are probably the most pathetic people i've ever seen on the internet in my life.
these people have genuinely made their whole lives revolve around an ugly annoying girl from an internet show. so now that she has a boyfriend that ISN'T them? after she gave them hope by enabling them and talking to them and about them on her streams? their whole life's worth must be coming into question.

The simps are truly the pathetic ones. But tayleigh is pretty callous and shitty for actually involving them and talking to them feeding into their delusions for the joke. maybe she didn't realize how sick these people actually are.
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cool it with the seethe pal :3
Trish is still single guys
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I will always love Tay even if she fucks other men. Just be like letty fans!
She doesn't owe me streams.
She doesn't owe me anything.
She deserves my endorsement.
you haven't been reading much
tayleigh itt doing damage control kwab
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My favourite
10 pm
Based, thanks for catching me up on the lore
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one word, one butterfly effect of events leading to other events and your foid is gone. caput. destroyed by king jimmy content prince (to king cole) watch your fucking mouth KEK, SIMP
one season they should just pay a bunch of jacked dudes to take pics in these shirts for the mauro/meg of the season and show the other contestants
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I give absolutely zero fucks what the fish do with their lives. If Damiel wants to blast off and be a drug addict who cares, if Betty fucks a sewing machine who cares, if Tay gets a boyfriend who cares, a 22 year old girl should be dating anyway. Get your fucking in order if you spaz the fuck out over some girl from a internet show getting a boyfriend, you have way too much fucking time on your hands to get this neurotic over some internet girl.
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Can't wait to see all the LOL moments Bloodgames contestants have at the official sponsored IFunny workshop on Fishtank Live Allstars: Vampire Bloodgames
This isn't reddit AB you can say fag
No one wants her
genuinely one of the most pathetic and parasocial fanbases on the internet
probably for the best
Letty is funny and doesn't talk down to her fans
S1 worked because you had a mix of genuine normie weirdos (Jon, Mauro, Simmons) and stealth Mde fans hiding their power levels. The stealth Mde fans are secretly in on the joke but have to maintain the illusion of being oblivious so part of them playing the game involves acting and part of the fun of watching is sussing out which contestants are actually stealth chuds. It’s a really interesting dynamic. S2 was a dud because they removed the stealth aspect which immediately allowed all the contestants to relax and soi face while kicked holes in the wall.
she's cool but she also fucked a guy after knowing him for like 2 days
taylor is an exception, her fans are really invested in her relationship with TJ and would actually be upset if it didn't work out. also lettychuds don't really care that she's a whore and sleeps around because her sluttiness is a part of her appeal.
Nuh uh Tay is heckin cute and valid
Needs to be something triggering from her past that will also make it past the wigger censors
sorry to break the news cheif but Tj and Taylor won, umad? :3
a good balance would be like 70/30 normie weirdos to fans/chan autists
>Season 1 worked
not really, it was boring as fuck. peak fishtank was the first week of season 2 (a time sam hates for some reason)
Mate you have to stop with the cuckposting
just saw the news tayjeets were cucked...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
the location got doxed, go tell her in person instead of tts
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this thread isn't even reddit it's full on der cord. enjoy your most pathetic thread on /tv/ award, it's a pretty big accomplishment. and Sam unironically got fucked by a tranny lol
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cole won. the others got their pity consolations and blown out west eurasian holes. completely unbothered me, but vengeance must be meeted out
Why does sam hate the first week of season 2?
taylor cheats on him, the leaks will be revealed
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cucking is the topic currently being discussed due to relevant events that have just occurred.
S2 leading up to around the time Summer left. Was the most entertaining shit I've ever seen. The rest of the season was such a disappointment.
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Is this what winning looks like?
Watching a streamer you think youre going to date is literally the cuck behavior UNLESS you actually wind up dating her
I agree, and I don’t think jet intentionally cultivated the s1 cast to be a dynamic mix. It was lighting in a bottle, but if he’s smart he’ll include a couple of hidden fans and let them pretend to be normies amongst the pack. The sleeper cells can’t *officially* be in on it, e.g., jet has to make them believe they slipped past the screening process undetected and “infiltrated” the show.
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hes the underdog and ready for his redemption arc
>(a time sam hates for some reason)
Sam was trying to force late Season 1 antics on people that knew each other for mere hours and obviously failing. Plus the naturally forming stuff like Summer's melt down was FAR more dramatic than the cult retardation he tried forcing.
Just-just shuddup
Breakfast of champions
We like when tayleigh talks down to us. We want CBT.
Because they did the fan reveal too early and half the cast left
its only up from rock bottom you know
Bout to have a brew, get through the day.
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Someone remind me
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I like Cole but he didnt win lol
No cuck fetishism pls
Taylor W
Summer's great.
Taylor kissed TJ within a couple of hours of going on the show so there was never any chance for her to develop a parasocial fanbase like the other fish. She is the exception to the rule
season 2 was good for 4 days before jimmy spilled the beans that they were all literally acting, playing characters
after that they had no idea what to do, sam was fucking pissed that the whole show had become pointless instantly, and the next thing that happened was the CK arc which killed the show entirely
the pre season hype leading into season 2 was pretty awesome. all the new characters made it exciting. but even if jimmy didn't spill the beans and ruin the show, the hype would have worn off and it would be obvious that they're all in on the bits eventually
production will block anything that's related to boyfriend or ex
keep it vague
now turn on the audio so we can hear the friction burns from all the skin on skin action in her voicebox.
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because he's a miserable person who doesn't watch or understand his own show
Quick drive to work, clock in early.
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All we wanted was honesty and transparency. Don't feel bad for her. She's about to learn the hard way.
>nose ring
>makeup around her eyes
>larps as a cutesy wholesome girl

yep, she's a slut
did taylor give up gambling and dealing poker and whoring around?
My favorite aspect of season one was watching a bunch of weirdoes and introverts come out of their shells.
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She has a beautiful voice! why so mad anon???
Remember when Cole went on JC’s stream then Brian showed up and JC started smiling and giggling and completely ignored Cole? To me that was the funniest shit
Ermm Tay did nothing wrong... Creep!
>she cheats on him bro that's why she moved to michigan where she doesnt know anybody away from florida where she could cheat more easily

cuck fetishists must go. LOVE AND LIGHT WINS.
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not angry, indignant. righteous fury must be meeted out on all simps and cucks and wide-eyed foids too
damn, the face of a slut if ever saw one
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you should have remembered
if during season 2 they could TTS that tayleigh was ugly, lesbian, make fun of her weight, liking green day, her ex girlfriend, then I think we should be allowed to say things about Jordan on TTS
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makes me laugh every time im reminded of it
TJ counts as a bf as much as a dog. Guys see Taylor as single because TJ is a nonentity. They'll never say it out loud, but Taylor's fans think "Oh, I could definitely mog/beat up TJ and win Taylor over". You would NEVER see this parasocial situation work if it was Frank, Sam, or Brian she was dating for instance.
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>production will block anything that's related to boyfriend or ex
She has always had uncensored TTS both on the show and on her livestreams, I'm sure THIS time you'll totally get to her, enjoy spending $50 per TTS to Goran, she'll break for sure this time! Just a few thousand dollars worth of TTS and she'll be crying and wanting to go home.
TJ cute
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/bant/ trying to piece together how the pick me bitch who was a total cunt who would turn on people at the drop of a dime ended up being.........a total cunt who turned on them at the drop of a dime.
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Friendly reminder to Taytriots that in order to have proper vengeance, you need to have clips and photos of Tayleigh saying and doing problematic things during season two on-hand, and be ready to send them to people in case Tayleigh ever tries to get a normal job.
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who was he talking to? Brian? Jet? Anon?
cole IS the content king, he can do no wrong
based as fuck
/ftl/ is having a full on melty

thank god that place can go burn to hell
>TJ counts as a bf as much as a dog. Guys see Taylor as single because TJ is a nonentity.

true, women don't respect men who are submissive
Kind of true, if TJ were the real entity he would lock it down and forbid her from streaming except as a guest on his shit.
>nose ring
>makeup around her eyes
literally every woman under 30 has these
fucking faggots rule of thumb, if cole wouldnt do it, you dont do it.
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>Tayleigh ever tries to get a normal job.
The best she could get is some dead end call center gig, or working retail or food service. She has no skills or education.
he was pointing at himself in the stream preview... affected by the memories that haunt his every waking moment preventing him from moving on with his life. drowning his sorrows in the early morning in his car all by himself
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Brownoid contrarian contributing to the seethe & cope
>taytriots lashing out at tjaylor
pathetic lmao
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welcome to hell
>if cole wouldnt do it, you dont do it.
So jerking off to blacked videos is good?
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you just know cole has put his fist through his bathroom mirror a few times since fishtank
i'm sure some of them think that, but a lot of them would probably lose interest in her if the parasocial obsession with seeing her and TJ work out as a couple wasn't there anymore. i can't say i'm invested enough to keep up with them like that, but it'll be interesting to see where they're at in a year for sure.
why is it okay for taylor to have a bf and not tayleigh

why are you all hypocrites
do you have a clip of her smashing her head on the light?
The composition here is incredible
>Cole in his warm winter clothes his parents got him
>standing diminutively in an unfinished shack
>expressionless yet somehow conveying deep sadness
>JC drifting toward brian with heart eyes
she's faking the relationship for attention (and possibly for money, TJ has the dough now)

remember her gambling addiction?
you fucking retard, because she's been lying and manipulating people for money for the past 6 months dumbass
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get back to /bant/ simpfaggot leave your defamation ADL bullshit out of this thread
So is it safe to say Tayleigh succumbed to the returning fish curse? Jimmy and Jon already suffered it, worried about Letty. Tai is immune from breaking the Fishtank and Vance is immune because he’s more wood than man.
>that huge disgusting dried grool discharge in tayleighs undies

Damn some women are really festing pustiles of ooz
and brian looks retarded
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Tayleigh’s fans are parasocial losers who like her because they thought she was obtainable. Taylor never developed a parasocial fanbase because she immediately got with TJ. There are way more self inserting TJ fans who were invested in seeing them get together than parasocial simps who wanted to get with her. She also openly posts pictures with him so she’s not hiding anything.
damn vro
because tayleigh doesn't have fans, she has a bunch of weird guys who want to fuck her. she's not entertaining in the slightest, she's annoying and cringe, she hates streaming, she thinks her fans are creepy, there's no reason to be a "fan" of hers. your investment in her has to be 100% based on thinking she's attainable, and now she's no longer attainable so they're are mad about it.
she's a druggie whore ofc her pussy is gross
back to /bant/ defamer
its ok for both but taytriots are severely mentally ill with their parasocial relationship that they have shit fits when its shown that tay is not going to date them
will you have a meltdown when taylor is revealed to be a slut? sucks to be you mate
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reminder that you can relive the memories of season 2 at any time in the free archive on https://archive.flowstreams.pw/Fishtank/season%202/
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I want to feel bad for Tayfags, but truth is, they're retarded for even entering this dyke's orbit in the first place. She was to laugh at, not with, and that's a lesson that they never learned.
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TJ is here!
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Is jimbo still sperging over TJ or what?
looking good player
jet itt again
holy shit tay is a fucking idiot. how hard is it to put on a smile for every stream and rake in an easy 5k a month two days a week. if i was the boyfriend id tell her to keep it up to, you literally dont have to work and you could get the simps to buy whatever you need. why nuke that opportunity. yeah awesome you pwned the neets and now you cant work a regular job because you said nigger and 1488 or stream because you shit on your simps. congrats you fucking tard.
jimmy isn't mad at taylor and tj anymore for whatever reason
so is he the taylorfag or tayleighfag?
Show fell off when Chris Lynch stopped frequenting
jimmy is actually pretty chill he like everyone else played up his character for views
she was not making that much money by the end of his streaming career. her streams were not good, she was bad at entertaining her audience.
Chris lynch is the key to all of this
this but unironically. hottest girl to enter the tank.
he never gives TJ props but also never says anything bad
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The best way to explain the slut eye is by the Japanese term sanpaku. The Japs believe that the whites around a person’s eyes say a lot about his character. People with whites visible above the iris are troublemakers and aggressive jerkboys. People with whites visible below the iris are the opposite: trouble comes to them. The former is destructive, the latter self-destructive.
What do all sluts have in common? That’s right, self-destructiveness. You haven’t met a drama queen with delusions of hysterical martyrdom until you’ve met a slut with a mile-long rod sheet. That lower sclera sanpaku is like the stigmata of sluttery, an S-beam glittering in the dark near the Tanghauser Gate.
(Of note: when women are aroused into a submissive state of mind by a powerful man, they will look upward at him, thus revealing their lower sclera for all and sundry, and in this submissive state they are more open to conjugal transgression.)
Other marks of the slut eye: it has a wetness quality to it. The eyebrows downwardly converge combatively in the middle, setting the eyes off like gun barrels. The woman possessed of slut eye will alternate between widening and squinting them, as if she were simultaneously assessing a threat and issuing you a challenge.
I get it, but at the same time imagine having to go live for an hour or 2 every other day and there’s a chat full of retards spamming “JJJJJ” and repulsive simps gassing you up you have to interact with. It kind of sounds like hell. Streamer girls are psycho
be fr man
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thats right, hes boring with no personality.
she made 15k in 3 months lol
Hi Jimmy
I agree with this, lets get her fired from her future job so she has to uh... mo..move in with her boyf-..wait a minute.....
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desu i got tilted by the response to the Jimmy interview (aged like fine wine) and ended up just dropping fishtank and /ftl/ until now. Hilarious to look in the archive and see some larper pretending to be me for months
tl;dr you're an incel
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>whats he dreaming about?
tayleigh is based because she uses linux like her ex bf clayton did. she also likes video games that other girls dont like which makes her special. also she pretends to be racist which is epic.
Yeah, that’s why they “rigged” it for him. Do you retards read the shit you write?
yeah and the vast majority of that was at the beginning. she was getting basically nothing in the last few weeks of her streaming, because her streams sucked.
You don’t even have to read the second post it’s a picture
Cum down JC's virgin throat
Who's excited for some Based Chudgang Kino
so what’s the move? are you back, I saw Jet tweeted at you awhile back?
he's the only funny one
coles virgin cum
keeping it til the new wolverine capeshit i think
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what part of what i said is incompatible with the goranian vision?
all she had to do was ban the troublemakers, thats literally it. you have people like the norwegian cuck and the canadian cuck who would gladly throw money at her.
yes she wasnt making as much money because she was acting all bitchy by the end, hence me saying how hard is it to put on a smile for a couple of hours.
Who’s in chud gang?
Chudgang is what Tay and Jimmy fans aka retards call their friendship
nice, man. Glad to see you’re doing alright.
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in vuvuzela crazy retard goran land sure
not sure yet. probably gunna clip a little but not as much as S2. I'm down to apply for S3 again. almost got in last time but I didn't have my passport ready when they hmu on day 1 (could have been me instead of brian lmao)
blacked videos, girls that bullied him in highschool, and momcest
>the same one deranged cole hater spamming this shit
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but enough about tayleigh
Maybe I’m misremembering but didn’t he say recently that TJ was the person he talked to the most from the tank.
A while after the show ended he was in some space and it seemed like he was more annoyed at the dogfucker TTS and viewed lubecooch as a double standard.
>coal didnt admit to it
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Stop. This larp has grown old, I figured you would've found something else to do after S2 ended. You're not me, and you will NEVER be a successful clipper like me. Take the Rocky route and start bagging groceries bud.
righteous bro
also the fans were successfully gaslit many times so i don't know what he's talking about
I’ve been had the whole time?
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>jerk off to black interracial one time
>never live it down
dont even pretend like you didnt remind yourself to put the momcest like thats not worse except when concerning disgusting bettycordcels
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Will they bring back Chinese Chris lynch for 2.5?
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
aren’t you BaldBro from Bant, who’s 40$ was stolen by a nigger from canada?

post one with the chops then. i'll wait.
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Ben lore video, Fishtank is a mob front.
thousand cock stare and butthole eyes. wants to settle down with nice guy tj after she fucked a ton of guys with her slut friends.
fuck you people you guys are assholes
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cockicidal maniac with a brittle skull to match
What's worse is that in the post you can literally see how it is set up to be an attentionfagging (you) farming post. He did this all the time and even talked about it and some mentally ill /bant/ faggots tried character assassination
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>when cole asked the other fish if they were in the 4chan threads the night of the plant reveal and none of them knew what he was talking about
Hi taylor. You know it's true bitch
>i have pride in myself
>wahhh stop telling it like it is
fucking coping faggot. go settle down with a whore like taylor.
why do you bother responding to obvious trolls?
Are they going to be archiving 2.5?
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most likely. they already have the feeds set up for it so i don't see why not
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>extend the figleaf
>revealed to be normiehouse
no wonder the peasants of the house didnt get him
Cole and Shinji were so kino. It should have been them
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alright lesson learned season 3 don’t simp for a female contestant
Tayleigh is a low IQ nasty vile bitch
>TJ will not be there because of his broken arm
Need I remind you he had a broken tailbone, cracked rib and a pink eye when he was competing. Broken arm would not be a problem when he would do essentially a speaking role.
poor cole man, he didnt deserve what happened, i know great things require sacrifice but he could at least have gone all the way with trish, maybe with brian watching? wouldve really made up for the lonely nights R2P0
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you need to try harder bro
truly goranian
Nice shoop. I'd be impressed if you weren't so hellbent on impersonating me.
Maybe he just doesn't want to go
its been said already that he most likely brought his laptop with him to kill time until it starts since he can't really help out with setting up things
lmao during the gator squats video trish basically said she got the ick from brian screaming about his life
I audibly laughed when she said “this is so gay”
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>its...the rings of saturn....no.....neptune.....goran...its goranian....
Reasonable thing to get the ick about
kek yeah that was hilarious and true
What if instead of “bloodgames” it was “chudgames”
Brian crying about his life and quoting berserk was so hilariously gay
lovely lady trish, I wonder how she’s doing?
the fish sitting around the fire at night while tts plays is gonna be kino
i dont know
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>I'm a fat blindian.
>No I'M the chubby nigjeet!
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Trish was based and I’m tired of pretending she wasn’t.
Its not the same without audio, she shouted something like "oh no you skinny bitch"
She was only based when peter ordered her to be based, like an attack dog
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nah she was always based
nobody likes her anymore outside of the canadian cuck

stop posting her
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first trish screencap i ever fapped to
>responds to clip of trish being based when brian was long gone
That was hilarious but that wasn't being based. That was just laughing at trish after she got what she deserved
Her full on assault against production when they tried cutting her hair was entirely her own doing.
she let them cut her hair in a very kino shot
I doubt Taylor wants to go to another state to work a slave job in a forest and hang out with Greg, Tay and Jimmy unless TJ is somehow involved.
okay that was pretty good
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reminder a registered sex offender paid for this
How would taytriots have reacted if it was Jimmy instead of some random chicken guy?
no he won't be there , he was playing bg3 on his pc which means he is back in his apartment alone
biggest sweetheart on the show
2nd is tj
He was playing Crusader kings 3 not Baldur’s gate 3. He has ck3 on his laptop.
What was that guys name again? I remember goin down the rabbit hole when it happened and found it very disturbing. Robert something?
the same canadian that always says that tayleigh mindbroke people?
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This was a fun night
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The Trish and Abi team up was kino as well, and her dynamic with Fatty
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>Cole saying the rest of the show was gonna be shit because they're all fans while the other contestants cheer that trash is being dumped on the floor
imagine getting suckered into buying that shithole of a house to only find out later there were chickens in your living room
Trish knowing how to twerk is hilarious. Maybe she's not that bad
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JC - Just Cheeked (Up)
or she went up there to get railed by the wiggers , she is a party slut after all . tj won't be on 2.5 it's already confirmed.
The same way she lied about everything lol
>visiting friends and family
>I’ll be crocheting
>possibly make videos while on break
>im taking a break from streaming because I’m depressed
Ratchetness aside, Trish actually seems like a very sweet girl
He didn't join in the 'fuck idubbz' chant so they had to kill him
dumbgay just posted a selfie with mauro in RI
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trish's only mistake was making this cunt her mod
it’s literally only confirmed on here you weird niggers
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mauro actually confirmed for bloodgames
fucking grim
he wasn't playing ck3 , it was bg3 , you might have read it here somewhere cz I saw his gametag on discord and it was bg3 during the afternoon
they also all resented him for not helping clean up the trash because he was too busy telling the camera that the girl who did the interview was the hottest girl he'd ever seen
Nvm I found it, rob casio. Frightening stuff.
someone add a quest to make taylor and tayleigh cuddle for 30 minutes

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