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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
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>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200455281
Good morning I love Betty
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josie mogs
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Josie will win Bloodgames, screenshot this
I'm a stupid whore and i love attention.
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baesie mogs
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>hey.. uh jet. is it too late to *coughs violently* uh too late to change my mind?
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josieGODS I fucking kneel
we know bitty
big fan of your holes you dumb goonhead slut
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Will Dallas be making an appearance on Bloodgames?
What the fuck is that blunt lol
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Love and life
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Trish delish my favorite fish
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>when the only somewhat tolerable guy in the pic is fucking greg

gonna need a lot of weed the next week or so
>morning in india and israel
>josiejeet faggots breach containment
every time
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gregheads.. what's our response
Vance is alright, just boring
we chillll
we all can't wait for the chudgang kino that is about to be upon us
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Have you guys seen this yet? What kind of sounds will pay pigs generate?
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>any time of the day
>taytroons getting cucked
every time
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personally? i can't wait for the reenactment of this legendary moment.. pure kino
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He's gonna be there, as an uninvited guest
Jet Neptune's days are coming to an end
skibidi chungus
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go back jeet
built for working in the back kitchen of a cheap filipino restaurant
this must have been the worst week of her life

until this one lol
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Doing a jig on the grave of taytriotism.
vance isn't in the pic i was talking about but agreed. his music is tops for the genre and his streams were fun.

order of who i'd like to win: vance > letty. but i feel like they won't let him win because he was production last season, it might seem kinda shady
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What happened to Tay I don't follow interseason drama
Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
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Shitting on josie's stupid face
cmon man what's worse?

Putting your tongue on a fat person for one second or getting taken advantage of when you're piss drunk.
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Checked it's not even begun anon.
>vance isn't in the pic i was talking about but agreed
Oh, for some reason I read your post as saying "only tolerable guy in the season".
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35 year fat brown indians that live in RVs still shitting up all fishtank threads with the injun I see

heckin epic brosie W my troonsie wosies
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stop this shit
Josie did that to get closer to the 50k, Tay did most of the humiliating shit for absolutely nothing.
tayleigh's aura was different in the first few days when she had to pretend to not be an MDE fan. whole different energy. i don't think anyone on fishtank lost their cool factor as quickly as she did when she was chanting "THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT" with the rest of the fish.
craziest part is, it never dawned on her at any point during the show that nobody wanted her to go full chud. she legitimately thought she was impressing people the entire time.
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openly cucked her fanbase in a humiliation ritual after claiming she's not streaming because she needs to work on her beanies and she's stressed out while in realty she was getting drunk with her fat beaneer girl friend and flied to kentucky to get fucked by a random twitter guy( the only people to ever receive any beanies were frank and the twitter guy she fucked)
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I would pay an absurd entrance fee and listen to the most basic techno music if I could stare at Bex's tummy gyrating all night
They let Tayleigh get molested on camera and the fishtank audience all laughed at her for it. AND SHE CAME BACK!!!
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Honestly it's best to not know at this point.Just know anyone saying they are a taytriot is trolling she has no support left at this point.
How does one hit the wall so fucking hard? Isn't she like 24?
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real bex hours
Her music is actually good
What did the twitter guy look like I want to see if I have a chance
I will josiecock all over s3 and you can't stop me
I've been talking to one of her ex bf's. Apparently she's into scat kind a like how Betty is into water sports. Very disturbing.
Thank you for your service
Debicki is a goddess
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or are legit cuckolds
(a huge portion of her fanbase seeing how they were willing to simp for her after frank)
nah, i joke about tay but she's fine. love vance and letty. jimmy and dumbgay were assigned heel roles like letty s1 so they did a good job
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I'm so lonely. I wish had a man. I'm a good Bitty. I deserve respect. Don't sexualize me.
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like a less retarded TJ
she did say she found TJ physically attractive but didn't like his timidness and indecisive personality so this makes sense.
Imagine you were sitting right where that white pillow is and she let out an audible BRAP as soon as she turned like pic related.
You're welcome
you know that we know that it makes your tight little bitty clitty wet like a waterfall
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The couple of hold outs are utter cucks and its funny they were the ones spamming tayseether nonstop for months lol
How many taytriots remain? Can I get a headcount?
was around 4 before the cuckening
may be down to 2 now
I think they all died, tragic.
Seriously i count 3

Canadian tay defence force
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zero. there were converted to "pebbles"

extreme pebble the kitten fans
>No Bex
>No Frank
>No Cole
>No Betty
>No Bliccy
Why should I watch Bloodgames again?
Did Q give up?
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You are a grown man
me in the right back
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I just hope that tay has a lot of fun with her old friends especially jimmy

Her life outside of fishtank is pretty depressing
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These threads should start moving fast when the faggot twitter tourists get here tomorrow
Mentally ill bant faggots go back to your whackjob circle jerk shithole threads we don't want you here

Go have a twitter space where you goon to each others shitty jokes and flex on other retards because you're oh so superior because you're not the most autistic loser in the padded room

Fuck you all you're the most toxic autist pieces of shit and your streamer waifus are boring idiots
i hope jordan rocks her world and gives her tons of leg shaking orgasms
unlike all the other incles posting here im happy as long as she's happy
Is fishtank really back? My email was forgotten by the website so i cant check.
Good job it's for the best. Taytriots only seemed to exist to have gay internet slapfights and harrass each other.
As far as anyone can tell yeah he was seen in josies stream earlier.he was posting a lot earlier then when he put two and two together with tay and he has not been seen since.
>Go have a twitter space where you goon to each others shitty jokes and flex on other retards because you're oh so superior because you're not the most autistic loser in the padded room
/ftl2/ do be like that
There's still the British anon that bought her a steamdeck (kwab)
Thanks for the rare bex ass
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he's a josie simp now
You shouldn't.

It's a soulless case grab because jet is too lazy to get the season 2 house flipped and he has no money to make season 3. Season 3 is not starting in August there is no chance in he'll the chief whippet wigger has his shit together by then.
Sorry, I was in a coma for a few years, when did e-celeb threads become allowed? Can I make a Rogan thread?
who thought calling something "all-stars" after 2 seasons without including josie and TJ was a good idea? all stars is like a season 7 or later kind of thing. the desperation is palpable
What a Qingey Quck
As a regular enjoyer of Josies streams i find this development disturbing.
Josie is too big for fishtank now. Shes crew
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Goranian chemo you wouldn't get it
jet probably made this post and thought it was clever
>josie and TJ
I mean they already won. Wouldn't that defeat the purpose.
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Can't be helped
Now we're in the same boat
it's meant to signify the end of the era and future seasons of fishtank will be much different than the failed test runs that the first two were
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hell no please leave him to yourself
Where the fuck is TJ
you failed twice its time to shut it down
How many hours until it starts?
Doubt. I only watch for the trainwreck so it better still be bad.
whether you like it or not, you're team josie or team tayleigh. when you talk shit about one of them, you're lifting the other up. consider which one really deserves your support, whether explicit or implicit.
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We all agree Vance should be the only one exempted from the "full reset"?
Go for it have fun rules bitch
vance should be exempt from this mortal coil
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They should team up like the avengers
All the other wiggers had their turn already so it doesn't matter who fucks her first
yeah, so he can be the only fishtank alumni to be a fish, production crew member, and freeloader.
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Expecting Josie to read.
I can't wait to miss everything while it's live, then come home and watch people sleep while I frantically read archived threads again
Jet and the web dev said it starts at 2pm est
Whats a full reset? I havent paid attention to anything since s2 ended
I asked a question, faggot. You failed to answer it. How would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning and didn't shit in the street?
hey discord trannies
remember how season 2 was great until day 5 because you kicked off Cole for insulting jet ineptitroon aka jet failson
pepperidge farm remembers
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Somebody answer, are e-celeb threads allowed now or is somebody paying to allow this particular e-celeb thread?
Rules bitch
You know know im thinking about it they did jave a weird sort if tag team going on before BI got his ban.Same side different coin?
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Hell yeah. Ganna replay the elden ring dlc and cringe at how bad this gets. Guarentee there are some retard fish that lose on the first night
if you pay its allowed
you asked "can i make a rogan thread?" and he said "go for it". that's an answer to your question. maybe you meant the "when did e-celeb threads become allowed?" question, but in that case you should have said something like "you only answered 1/2 of my questions".
the MDE discord trannies have infiltrated the mods, but also these hydejeet botted threads are like 40% of /tv/'s traffic when the show gets going. So add them to the filter list
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>lore reset
Oh so he wants to repeat all the same challenges again but we cant say its a repeat because those times didnt happen
I hope Tay is laughing at you stupid simp betas, taking your money and getting fucked by her boyfriend who she's been with for months go buy a beanie maybe she'll wipe off her bf's sweaty jizzy balls after sex and you can smell his cum like the pathetic simp microdicks you are while you wear your "special" beanie

They need to stop with gatekeeping tts and let everything that is legal through.It should not just be jets toy.
Hey guys Bex here

Bex Bex Bex
Frank said hes going to be on S3 on twitter even so I dont get what Lore they are resetting.
Bro just watch clips you won't miss anything
this post gives me deranged former tayleigh simp vibes ngl
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it has to do with the fact that they actually used a casting agency for s3 instead of just picking fans
A a full lore reset means sam will create a character not related to Goldstriker everything will remain the exact same way even if it doesn't make sense. Goran logic
reminder when the site inevitably breaks to try https://flowstreams.pw/fishtank
merry cripmas jet!
I think Jet is trying to say he's going to treat s3 like a whole new show. Like it's season 1 again and try to capture that magic that made fishtank special to begin with. He wants that organic feel again.
He’s probably there.
so no chip? what the fuck.

>Day 2 of S3
>Anyway guys today we'll be doing karate training with Sensei Scott
NO! the feeling of being there live when something like the Jimmy hammer throwing incident happens is too good to miss
they were a duo on his twitter space and kind of understood one another

Q is about as delusional but lacks the violent tendencies so far and he's a lot more attention hungry and sensitive
big words. If they actually manage it its great, but it is Jet after all.
Thank you for not being retarded and being capable of answering a simple question unlike that other faggot
They will never be able to recreate what made season 1, season 1 you just had to be there
just realized the reason Sam doesn't care if this shit sucks dick is because it's a money laundering scheme for his crypto millions.
don't forget the rice counting challenge on night 1
Jet is so good at talking out of his ass with all these grand ideas that get people excited but won't translate into reality at all it's a crazy skill and people still fall for it
for s2 that was just to make everyone go giggle haha in their head to feel good about being the only insider.
Hopefully it means its a change of pace and isn't just a sloppy mess of them making stuff up as they go along but thar will never happen
What will Sylvia call her kid? Fishtank? Jet? Frank Hassle?
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you only realize this now?
its a house flipping scheme
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-use this to avoid the crypto miner/data tracking/FBI backdoor
followed by everyone in the same room till someone pisses and wins followed by iq tests hosted by Sim Baldstriker
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Kiwianon Jr
thats right paypigz time to buy jet more rolexes and xanax you fucking dummies
fucking disgusting
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Yeah i remember them BI just openly saying he wished he molested kids was mental.Yeah i agree all those times Q got humiliated on Tay's streams with his delusion he just bounced back.I get the feeling this is different him going from tay to Josie is so sad making your entire persona about a girl from a internet show is fucked.I know he is a lolcow but i can't help but wish he would go make a friend or get therapy or something it's just not right.
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Too bad Jet won't ever allow contestants to bring their own cloth anymore.



Go buy Sam Hyde another Porsche and send some messages to your boring zoomer waifu who would call the cops on your creepy ass if you came within 100 yards of her irl.
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Im more into S2 Episodes I think, 2.5 may be fine I guess.
Why are you bumping the thread instead of reporting it?
that was years ago bro
I feel really bad for him, he’s so clearly miserable but he’s an asshole to everyone who tries to give him advice or help him out. Then again everyone is a sad asshole at 19 but he wouldn’t have the same grace for another person in his situation
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I've never had homosexual urges before except for when I was in the barracks for months at basic and I was weirdly mildly turned on about the weak, incel looking guys. I think that's what happens in prison. Anyway suffice it to say Jet was built for BBC
>Reporting a paid for thread
Good idea anon
this is spam
You're prison gay for jet moxley Goodson?
the /tv/ defenders have logged on
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getting crushed by meg's thighs
Do you have any proof it's paid for?
I agree Jet is a bullshitter but the full reset sounds like a good idea. We don't need to see Josie or Tayleigh or whoever back because we can. Every season should have a completely different feel.
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Quick, before the tourists get here, PROVE you were here for season 1
Rocky does. He was their janny shill during season 1 and 2. But he still thinks he can get back under Sam's good graces so he hasn't dropped the screen caps yet.
trishadelishamilitia, how we feelin
uhm... well a lot of people use it... and I keep seeing it, so it's just.. IT JUST IS, OKAY?!?!
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slow down there buddy, i'm still trying to figure out whether or not this is an elaborate troll or if she genuinely hates us all.
Holy digits and based post
haha yeah that one guy stomped on a mustard container and it went all over the wall. heckin ebin
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oo ee oo aa aa
The power of the pipe blessed me
it could be an imitator
unless i see him confess then i'm not so sure if he's moved onto josie
speaking of that, maybe BI did kill himself
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It's either real and therefore she hates you all or an elaborate troll and therefore she hates you all.
I thought she would be the first one gone
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i love josie wosie more than anything
I wonder if he's still a janny. Probably not cause he's too retarded to get along with other people.
why did she do it?
Totally agree i think everyone has given him honest advice but he just keeps going.He can be insanely funny whether he knows or not.Im retarded but from what i gather i would assume his parents are very work orientated and obviously not shown him much attention.Again not excusing him for being a dick to people which he always is but its just very grim.He obviously just built this entire persona around tay which is very sad but he obviously just wants attention.
pretend I posted a video of that fat black guy whipping himself in the balls with a towel because he thought the cameras couldn't see in the dark
Hey wise guy where’s the ice cream in this joint!!!!!! :p
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The jannies allowed me to post Betty's confessional video despite this being a blue board because I spoilered the image
to be fair she does have a touch of the tism', she finds things funny that quite a few of us don't desu
can't wait for more recycled garbage neptroonian "kino"
If I were Tayleigh, id hate my fans too
Jet sent the most TTS of anyone during S2 lol.
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member these?
shut up
It’s gotta be pretty insane to go your whole life without a friend and after 19 years the first bit of attention and “social” interaction (talking to people on the computer isn’t a social activity but you get what I mean) you get is for being a pseudonymous internet figure relating to a racist reality show. Gotta be completely insane for him
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I'm hyped
satanic concern-trolling was a fun time too.
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real true and based
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josie leaving first was the easy choice, she couldn't even speak without trembling like she was having a stroke or something the first couple weeks
This coming out was so funny. Cole really did buck break them
The show is Satanic. Not in the sense that Sam or Jet worship Satan, but in that the premise of the show is to degrade people for entertainment. In the same way that porn is Satanic.
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retro gif
Bettybro, is that you?
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Is his Hannah another one of Sam's ex gfs he screwed over?
>they still haven't stopped retconning Cole out of S2 on the site
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Anon she told her new BF to do a space to troll and rub it in and humiliate her last few supporters on bant.Fuck she even joined the space also this guy who has never done anything on twitter than post his chicken vids just does a space? In the space they even called out bant fishing for the usual suspects to appear and give them free content.Tay is over and has ruined any support she once had.Me im happy i fucking hate tay but trying to humiliate people on bant by proxy of your normie boyfriend is utter cancer.
he's gonna be on bloodgames tomorrow
Based fanfiction writer

my fucking sides
Can somebody translate this into non-tranny zoomer language?
Damn she really is retarded
Yeah it's fucking nuts when you put it like that jesus.
tay has nothing to come back to after 2.5 so she better enjoy her time in RI hope that hillbilly cock was worth it
so there is some recording of this space right?
Josiepedo posting is off topic anon
literally what has happened
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That's not funny.
They keep doing because you keep replying you fucking retarded faggot moron bitch idiot dumbo
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got love the wose you just gotta man
No one is mentioning how Jimmy was in the space too. He accidentally unmuted as a speaker and you could hear him masturbating for some reason. Really weird but not unexpected
Xe did a space on intersectional jazm and then zers did a thing with branp and put up a turkeybuzzard in space with Argon's followers then I dilated
Just imagine if the first time you talked to someone outside of like a school project was on a twitter space and you’re being called a retarded faggot by 4chan users
i laughed
s1 flexing is cringe. it was no better than s2
the folx over at ftl are planning to kill jordan, wtf
Was this guy been deleted somebody might have archived it.check last bant thread in archive for proof.

No we ignore them on /bant/ too but they never stop. They're think they're le ebin trollz
S1 had the same problems sure (deadair and lack of planning) but I somehow felt more engaged and entertained while watching it.
s1 was different than s2. No one knew what was gonna happen next even if it usually ended up being shit. The chances of a REAL season 1 happening again is almost 0 considering the odds of casting an entire house of autistic people who don't know what fishtank is about.
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it didn't repeat things from the previous season and it didn't lose all of the content after Cole left and then retcon him out of the show and delete his clans, so I would say S1 was better. S2 before day 5 was better than S1 thoughever
This reality show has the ugliest people I have ever seen in my life. It's great.
He was a main fixture in one of the clips they posted this week numb nuts
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josiepedos are trying to memoryhole this
I genuinely hope Sylvia is a good mother and that she manages to build a happy family
No they like that she acts like a dumb child
That child will grow up to be a renowned nuclear physicist
his dad's black and his mom's obese, so no.
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moisturized n shiet
He made enough of an impact on the season that all the other contestants continued talking about him for weeks after he left. They couldn't edit around him, but they could try and show him in a bad light to make it look like he HAD to go
I just don't understand how you can go through school and have no friends.Like the freak's in school usually get together so they are not alone so that must mean even those few told him to fuck off.Or he has just always been alone.
I do too, she seems like a sweet hard working gal that’s turned her life around
The fact that she didn't have an abortion and moved to NZ to start a family tells she will do good.
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She refuses to get rid of her OF and her simp baby daddy allows it. Already not looking too good sadly.
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make sure you login way early, the site's predictably fucked for the first few hours every time

they're paying bodies, not talent, friendsies
more like, be sure to watch it here so that you don't contribute to the crypto miner/data tracker/FBI backdoor
I'm happy Josie carved out a lil niche for herself and brings joy to so many people!
Man I like Cole too but you’re going a little off the deep end, he’s autistic and they showed how he was pretty faithfully
based retard
it's obvious paid shill/bot behavior how you're all here at 4 AM
she does seem to talk a lot about assholes and shit in her streams.
They tried and failed to erase him off the show, showing him in any light other than 'get this rich kid OUT of here!!' would be showing how they shot themselves in the foot
It’s crazy, you almost have to try to do that on purpose. I was/still am pretty introverted and weird and enjoy spending time by myself but I can’t imagine having no one like that. I genuinely hope he figures it all out
why does flowstreams have channing dox? I thought they hated scam?
The kid will grow up to be a somewhat competent dental hygienist?
All i want is to wake up to news that hunter schafer has been stomped into a toilet.
>satanic concern-trolling
it's not concern-trolling, it is satanic. sam is an egregoric occultist and hides it behind his fake christian persona
i'm pretty sure it's him, i wish he'd come home to /bant/ thoughbeit
Can we please ban all fucking septum piercings from the show? So tired of these vapid bitches with cattle piercings.

based irish fag

based and agreed
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so are we allowed to be hype or do we need to hate we've got a ton of fun in a few hours
They’re a joker style website
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>i wish he'd come home to /bant/ thoughbeit
Me too, Baldbro. Nice trips btw
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Somewhere right now the s3 cast are sleeping in their beds unaware of what's about to happen to them
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Impossible. It's Jet's fetish after all.
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>Me too, Baldbro.
what gave it away? i can't even tell who is who with id's on /bant/, there's very grim days ahead here.
Congratulations anon you are the proud owner of the most based post in this thread.
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Yeah im pretty much the same i enjoy being on my own but i have no problems being social when i need to be or making friends.Same i wish him well but he needs to get rid of the ego.
I’ve only slept for two hours I’m not ready for the giga grimness that’s to come
I memba when everyone hated vance calling him a viewer self-insert character because he had no personality and I also memba people unironically defending simmons when it actually was true he was just retarded, but still incredibly unlikable
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>what gave it away?
Your typing style is somewhat distinct to be desu
>still simping for the puke dyke
didn't all of this start because she got a boyfriend
They have jet dox too.
I know the answer but did that darkness motherfucker ever give you your money back?

Anyway here's season2 if you need it
The only thing worse than a retard is a retard on coke shitting up the thread
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Letty audibly pissed 4 times and audibly farted on camera once.
Is season 1 anywhere or is that just something that will get put back up eventually
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HOURS until total letty victory
What did Greg ever do to her? Pretty sad she has to resort to this. At least Greg was producing content she was just being a dumb cunt streaming nothing
>9 hours until the season starts
>going on ~3 hours of sleep
surely they'll have too many technical issues at the start for it to actually be watchable, right? it seems like it's part of fishtank tradition at this point
just because i still have the folder doesn't mean that i'm still simping for her anon
nope, i don't think i'll ever get that $40 back either
meant for >>200460877
Idk I'll ask /bant/
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>HOURS until total letty victory
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my wife...
Is oliver part of the allstars? Hes been my favorite character
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Why is Letty always so calm when watching violent acts?
Dang.at least your karma levels are off the charts taylist will be gunned down by a fellow black it will all work out.
Vance was the only 1 that knew what Sneed was proving he was /ourguy/
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>Is oliver part of the allstars?
Probably not, sadly.
No oliver vampire? Oliver suck. Oliver dracula
it’s over, the only way it can be turned around is if she crushes bald’s sack
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my wife though
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i think this is the first pic i saved from these threads
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I wasn't thoughover
Why couldnt Tayleigh have kept her mouth shut about this at least AFTER the show? Somethings not fucking right
without flowstream gods this shitfest of jets retarded brain would be unwatchable
i kneel to thee flowas
shes so stupid looking
She is actually retarded.Not in a good or fun way for some reason she thinks destroying her entire fanbase in single month was worth it.In reality from the 24 hour stream its been down hill.
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Goodnight /ftl/. See you soon.
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I've been hearing that Mondo Megabits have a secret chat where they're already planning their raiding parties, with their most esteemed R6 holders at the helm, ready to fight.
What time does this shit start for us Central time zone chads
jesus fucking christ tayjeets really are all dumb browns
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My wife thoughie
No comment
She's fucking her boyfriend right now. Give up and move on, have some self respect.
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You could say the same about Taylor or Josie or any female streamer honestly
If tayleigh didn't do it, why doesn't tayleigh just tweet about it?
A rel retard move on her part.
She was in the chickenguy's space listening so she's fully aware.
Did she really lie and cry about being overworked & depressed, saying she needs a break to work on her beanies and visit her brother who she hadn't seen in a long time, but in reality she ends up traveling to kentucky to fuck the first guy who bought her plushie after only 30 days.
the story is too crazy to be true, but it probably is. Her calling letty a slut was projection.
remember when she called herself a femcel?
taytriotism is dead.
3 foot world bro.
Bro she doesn't know you and she doesn't owe you anything.
fatty needs to be locked in a confined space again, and let him cook this time instead of having ben let him out after a minute.

so now that Tay has bounced, when will Trish and Taylor follow suit?
I remember watching TJ always being there for tay trying to be her friend for her to treat him like dirt.Now after going commando behind enemy line's to turn everyone against tay I'm thinking.Massive TJ W
I hope it has set in with her how over it truly is, all that crying on stream was fake
Nigger , did you read.
The point is that tayleigh was never a good person. She took advantage of taytriots who donated, she made 15k over 3 months streaming all while literally crying on stream saying she's depressed.
I want, no NEED to be Betty’s man!
once she's done fleecing TJ
out of lifeforce (cum)
is your skin color of melanated origins?
>nooooo there's no way the social retard can get a cute gf and i can't!!! she must be scamming him!!
cope fag, TJ won
I find TJ and Tayleigh’s relationship to be tragic. Everybody says that Tayleigh shat on TJ on Day 1 but she only did it to gain the approval of Sam. There were moments when TJ and Tayleigh were alone that she loosened up and managed to be somewhat cordial with him and even went along with him in some of his schemes. All of that ended when Taylor arrived and took his attention away from Tayleigh and I think Tayleigh never forgot that.
Tayleigh says on stream
"I'm so depressed"
"Im so thankful for you guys"
"I don't really go anywhere, I sit in my room and it's nice to have someone to talk to"
*literally cries*
Retarded taytriots falls for manipulation and then donates money to her.
She deserves to get hassled for it until she quits streaming permanently.
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>lied about her dad being in the hospital
>lied about "being forced" to be a lesbian
>lied about cole stealing her panties
>lied about her ex boyfriend clayton mayo abusing her
>lied about working on her beanies
>lied about stressing out about streaming
>lied about traveling to visit her brother
at what point enough is enough and people rightfully notice what a dishonest lying cunt she is?
I hope Jimmy confronts her on that. If theres anything Jimmy hates, its liars and mormons
these are all true
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>All of that ended when Taylor arrived and took his attention away from Tayleigh and I think Tayleigh never forgot that
so true
It's so sad because the entire time TJ was with Taylor he was saying that he was close to tay and how good she was.It all worked out for ma lil nigga TJ but i get where you are coming from.
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my wife thoughover
Nah, Tay underestimated how popular TJ was among the audience and treated him like s2 Simmons. When TJ made Jimmy, her friend, quit the show and everyone in the house were congratulating him she drew that "TJ W" picture to virtue signal for TJ fans.
She was always a snake.
>Stay Inside
Tayleigh was about to open up to TJ and was ready to reveal she was as much of a dork as he was until she got mogged by a big tiddied, blue-eyed goblin. Neptunian
Jimmy is a tay simp.
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>those posts back to back
she truly is an utter cunt towards everyone
Jimmy is a faggot
he really did consider her his closest friend after brian went, they had common interests in music and film and often talked about them. which is funny with how trash she treated him outside 1 to 1 conversations - she'd just throw him under the bus given any opportunity with little to zero care in the world lol. rejected him when he called her his best friend. immediately jumped on the lubecooch bandwagon calling him a pedo, yuck
dancing on the taytriot flag
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is there anything more pathetic than a person becoming completely obsessed with a fish for literally half a year to a year after a season has ended?
i think not ;^)
Sexy Bexy
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great argument
it's not looking good for tayleigh... why lie like that? to get some money, it's not even that much
I hope Betty is ok, she must be pretty sad after not getting the invited back again
what if i want to chill my slightly bellow average stinky incel cock inside her throat?
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She's spider Betty now
Oh that’s good, I’m glad she’s well!
you reckon she touches her vagus nerve while thinking of fat /ftl/ incels bukkaking all over her face?
all that streaming equipment bought for tay is completely useless now lol I feel for the dudes that bought her that stuff
trish would be too dumb to lie to her fans
>tayleigh says she's depressed needs to take a break to visit her brother
>take 1 month off streaming and making beanies
>last night she posts a pic from mammoth caves in kentucky
>random guy who bought her chicken plushie and posted a vid about it (tayleigh followed him for that) is from kentucky, her brother is not in kentucky
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>I feel for the dudes that bought her that stuff
you know who don't?
she couldn't give two fucks now that she got herself a boyfriend and gets to hang with cool MDE members.
I believe clayton, she hit first
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Yeah sometimes i wonder what show people actually watched.TJ sure the lil nigga did stutter but he clearly came alive when talking about music film or art.the night where he talked about the ugly sisters that was when i was sure he would win.Also the foreshadowing of him him getting a buzz cut then jet doing it lol jets self insert always wins.The only thing i don't understand is the amount of seeth he creates i love TJ but im not gonna go fuck TJ has not streamed.that family feud stream TJ was the highlight as was the doomed DnD stream with ollie.In this day and age wishing some dude the best makes you a cuck its so fucking sad.Tay has destroyed her entire fanbase and fags will still defend her it's nuts
sad but trvthnvke
back when s2 was still running, youd be insane to take Trish over Tayleigh, its funny how things change so quickly
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certified trvth ballistic nvke
that shit hit Q and the remaining taytriots like a ton of bricks
This show attracts insane people to its audience who will hold a grudge months after the show is over when their favorite chud doesn't win.
>the night taylor left tay stayed up till 4 am calling taylor a tranny
Still funny
checked the ftl2 thread, not a single tayjeet in sight lol
who knew the road to tayleigh's heart was being into drugs and buying her plushie
Kentucky simp won
tts’ should be kino
just be a greasy looking dude and smoke cigs and you’re in it’s that easy
just got word from Lord Jet and the Basement Bulls that they will be putting the stream up in short hour to start testing. (confirmed by the discord nitro fishtank group)
>In this day and age wishing some dude the best makes you a cuck
it comes with the territory and its mostly bait like most posts here, but im sure some anons are too far gone/jaded to see it any other way than self inserting. i couldnt watch the nigga for more than a few seconds and he really annoyed me with his indecisiveness but he's just naturally likeable and makes you wanna root for him/see him succeed. clearly it also translates to real life considering he was the most liked fish in and out of the tank and how much support he got during the show from his real life friends who even shaved their heads for him
i didn't care for trisha in the tank, but she did a total 180 on me she's in my top 3 for sure
kek what queen good for her
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Love malia <3
When tj said tay was his best friend in the house and she laughed in his face. What a bitch
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you should add too that the guy tayleigh is fucking did a xitter space yesterday where he was mocking them, tayleigh was listening to it too
if you're a taytriot still in denial, seek help or wait for the based and redpilled femcel in S3.
Its crazy that there are people that still pay attention to what these retards do after the show.
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he first tweeted this (now deleted)
"cat's out of the bag" = the truth is out, a reference to him being her boyfriend.
what’s funny is she didn’t mean to join lol she left so quick she got caught
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and after the xitter space he tweeted this and then deleted all of it
It's so fucked because it's just tay getting her last fuck you in.
kek fucking based, gotta love the Tayster baby
Hi guys, Jerma985 here

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