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Cuck edition
Previous thread >>200439416
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whats the canon excuse for starlight turning into a disgusting androgynous creature?
Emaciated nog spotted
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they literally dont mention it
in fact they lie about her looks
It IS serious. I see where they were going with the idea. The problem is that it is highly prone to recursive errors.
It's not something you want to test for a few months and then throw it out into the general population.
There are too many factors that lead to rapid mutation random things that your immune system would normally suppress.
When I refer to vaccine bullshit, I'm referring to nanomachines, son, or the people who believe in the graphene receiving 5G microwaves to cook their brain, or people who belive that it was secretly a Las Plagas zombie virus thing.
Yes, the vaccine can lead to a type of AIDS.
It does the same shit that Fauci's AZT bullshit in the 80s did. Except where AZT required multiple shots over long periods of time to keep it up and in your system, the COVID vaccine has MRNA that rewrites your white blood cells to do the exact same shit AZT does, without the constant shots. So your immune system is constantly compromised. It also wipes your immune system, so every disease you ever got, every sickness, your body forgets how it created antibodies to fight them. So, hello chickenpox, whooping cough, shingles, anything you may have had and beaten before? You are now vulnerable to it again.
To say nothing about the passage of time and your immune system learning how to fight shit again. It can't. It's been rewritten to fight ONE thing, and all further cells created are ONLY good for fighting that ONE thing.
That's why you don't fuck with MRNA.
Shit. I forgot this guy was even on the show.
Why did you reduce Hughie from protagonist to supporting character?
This story is supposed about Hughie, not about Butcher or Homelander
Mogged by a 38yo

A dangerous reminder for people who flew too close to the bogging sun
>When I refer to vaccine bullshit, I'm referring to nanomachines, son, or the people who believe in the graphene receiving 5G microwaves to cook their brain, or people who belive that it was secretly a Las Plagas zombie virus thing.
Government gayops to discredit valid opinions like the vaccines being dangerous, demographics changing, etc. The retards who believe that shit don't matter.
>erin moriarty is 10 years younger than valorie curry
Fucking lmao
Straight white male protagonist is strictly verboten in the entertainment industry.
>now you're all ugly and washed up
I really wish Firecracker would say something like that, but then Erin Moriarty would leave the show. Long gone are the days of Jeniffer Tilly being humiliated in the Chucky movies.
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not in real life..
black don't cr-ACK!
So many slurs against white just this season alone. Has a character ever said nigger?
If she just reversed the buccal fat removal she'd look fine. Such a horrible trend.
She called sage "uppity"
Closest we got
>reversed the buccal fat removal
Oh no no no
>Why did you reduce Hughie from protagonist to supporting character?
Because the only good scenes are the ones with Homelander in them. I'd make the show all about him if I was in charge.
>man butt and cocks
>women dont even show the slightest amount of skin
>CG gore
>white people bad
>conspiracy theorists (all of whom are white) bad
>capitalism bad
>corporations bad
>CIA good
this show isnt edgy in the slightest
At the risk of going too far off topic..
Why do you think the rate of all cancers has increased so highly in the last few years after the vaccine?
Because cancers of all types live in a lot of people, they are just repressed by the body's immune system. Sometimes the body is too tired to fight anymore, and that is when the cancer gets a foothold and a tumor gets a foothold.
Your immune system encapsulates damaged cells and stops tumors from growing, mostly. Compromising your immune system to force all of it's abilities in one tiny little direction, "the virus that causes covid) means that thhe irritating little warts you had on your dick at sixteen that the doc froze off and they never showed up again?
No, fuckhead. You still carry the virus, and your body is now producing antibodies full steam to fight a cold virus you don't have to pay attention to the throat or uterine cancer it was previously, casually, keeping at bay.
Because the MRNA has rewritten, by force, your system's priorities.
Long Covid is not Covid at all.
It's simply a previous strain of the flu. One that your body has now forgotten how to fight, because the vaccine overwrote the priorities to combat the evil, dangerous, often fatal strain, the KUNG FLU CORONAVIRUS!
I was being sarcastic. Your immune system recognizes the different flavors of the flu, and can deploy antigens that worked against other strains, leading to varying difficulties in overcoming the current flu virus at the time.
Maybe your immune system is retarded and it takes two weks. Maybe your immune system is smart, and you get over it in three days.
There's no telling.
The problem with the covid 19 vaccine is that the vaccine reprograms your entire immune system to deal with one specific strain, while greatly hampering it's adaptability to anything else. Your immune system has to relearn everything, like an adult toddler.
Which gives any latent cancer causing agents lurking in your body to grow unhampered.
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B-but it has gore in it, anon!
and yet MM called soldier boy a racist piece of shit
Elective plastic surgery should be illegal.
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kek its literally marvel with gore and sex jokes
Don't forget the "only villains have fetishes"
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>black character can only get wet by having their high IQ lowered by a white man
I started laughing
Not true. Frenchie's fetish is fucking orphans, Hughie likes ghouls, and MM is a cuck.
>lobotomizes herself
>becomes an average black woman
What did they mean though?
This was a hilarious and original post.
You know exactly what they meant. Sex is bad for your intelligence and you need to stop breeding if you want your IQ to be higher.
That black women are kinda slow?
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Thank you.
>anyone talks to Sage, even a casual remark
>she accuses them of racism
These writers should strike again because I'm in awe of their genius
>white boy
it's literally what he was though. It's like calling someone "hey human". Imagine being offended by this. Fucking snowflake shits
Garbage bait. He was clearly referring to the "white trash" comment. Why is it okay to make insults based on race when the person you're insulting is white? Again, fake edgy writing.
give it a fucking rest already schizo
shut up brown
hello saar
Don't forget, she was watching the Kardashians, and the next time she wanted it she was talking about the Ray J video like it was hot shit rather than Kim laying there being an unresponsive farting fat lump of slack meat that a feral skinny tiny guy was desperately trying to hump as being a hot video.
I saw it. It wasn't. Kim was more interested in eating a bucket of fried chicken rather than enjoying Ray's drug induced furious hammering.
It's fucking amazing how the left fucks up so bad by admitting that their literal gods are retarded idiots while going "Hahahaha! I made you into a stupid guy who was so desperate that he made five copies of himself eat his own ass and that is you! You are him!"
Just like Butcher talking about "Dodgy incel Voughtcoin pushers."
That is not Butcher. That is shitty writing by a 20 year old woman who hates men because she weighs 300 pounds and smells like a week old dead animal on her best day.
Incel is a woman's term, not a man.
Men do not call each other incels. Women use it. "Hahah, you can't get pussy!"
Wrong. Take a shower, clean up your rat's nest of pubes and belly hair, push the legos and video game shit to a corner for an hour, pay a hooker, and you will get your dick wet. Do that a few more times, and you will learn how to act, if you are that bad off.
Therefore, by Butcher's very nature, he would never use that as an insult. The man will beat a laser eyed fetus to death, but he would never use "You can't get pussy" insult.
That was a femal who wrote that line, clear as day. A woman who was mad that some guy told her no for a date because he had a raid or something on tap for that night, and he knew even if he went on the date, he was not getting laid that night.
Ladies, we will take a ten man group raid in videogames over listening to you bitch for hours on end while we pay for expensive food and no sex instead of a pizza and a few beers while we fuck up another ten dudes in a video game.
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what kind of person writes essays like these on /tv/ lmao
See, you typed lmao.
That makes you a retarded child.
Go fuck yourself, retard.
I am well aware that you zoomer faggots cannot pay attention to anything longer than a monosyllabic sentence of less than ten words.
You don't have to continue proving it.
We all know.
lol, just shows that no matter what they come up with, nothing can beat the magical hard R no-no word.
you sound mad, lmao. is it because no one’s reading through your tard rambling
>what kind of person writes essays like these on /tv/ lmao
probably anons who have a lot of time on their hands and care about the stuff they watch and enjoy
it is okay to enjoy stuff and care about them, you dont have to hate everything
That no color shit always makes me laugh because black is the absence of color and white is all the colors.
Someone seriously deranged, or isolated… who are we kidding, it’s probably both.
i do that without writing essays of garbage on /tv/
Started watching Gen V out of curiosity, and holy shit, it's so fucking bad. Now I understand what people mean by
>millennial writing
You actually wrote that?!? I just thought you told ChatGPT to write like you were born with trisomy 21, good for you little buddy.
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>The canon excuse
Megyn Kelly, a supe hired by Vought (incarnate).
It's all her fault.
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>Gen V
just watched the first episode but couldnt really get interested in what is essentially high school drama with some super powered people
It's rather sad that the current level of education in public schools has taught you that what I wrote would be considered an essay.
That would barely be considered an opening paragraph, and would score a few bad marks simply for redundancy and not flowing enough to make my point.
I do have to lower my level of writing to make a point here. It's absolutely disgusting, from a writing perspective.
And you treat it as if it is too wordy to spend time reading a single paragraph after I dumb it down to what I hope is your level.
Maybe I should include a few dick and fart pictures and half as many words.
You might get it then.
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not reading that essay
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Here's your level of discourse. Enjoy.
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Perhaps this is more your speed?
Try not to beat off too hard, I hear it can cause penile blood clots in vaccinated people like you.
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I thought for sure there would be some explanation like she got in a battle with Homelander in between seasons and got her face lasered but the writers didn't have the balls to give us a canon explanation

George Lucas wrote a whole Wampas attack scene on Hoth where Luke Skywalker gets scrached in order to explain Mark Hamill's face getting fucked in between movies.
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This is all you had to post.
I do understand that people like you cannot communicate effectively, and I have learned most of your verbal shorthand.
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ur gay
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nasty demon hoe
Call an African American "black boy".
red dit blog posters love to read their own bs and they believe moar words the better to say the same thing over and over
exactly. have you ever seen a nignog blush?
I hate when I can tell a line a man is saying was clearly written by a woman. When young women write older male characters they don't come out much better than when dopey men write women and give them all the subtlety of a Bond Girl.

It's hard to watch but a good example of that is John Oliver. I'm convinced that his entire staff is made up of gays and women. The writing in his first season changes from being clever to being "zany" or "sassy".
Bros, I deserve a cute big nosed gf!
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can a nigga get a qrd on this ho?
>Call an African American "black boy".
i prefer calling them my "little buck"
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Firecracker is basically a female Alex Jones or some other youtuber who talks about conspiracy and such
Actress is Valorie Curry, she was in that Detroit Become Human and im pretty sure she just call herself lesbian for woke-points
>Firecracker/Valorie Curry
Cool, looked her up on the wiki. Thanks for the infodump anon. Not bad for 38.
She looks like she could be Karen Gillan's sister or something.
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It's the female mindset.
Don't get me wrong, I've been married for almost twenty years, and we have two grown kids off at college, and I work a shitty six hours a day four days a week at a silly job where I have more fun interacting with people rather than my actual job. I don't do it for the money, I already make four times as much for my 20 years at my other job in retirement, I do it to get out of the house and have fun shit to talk to my wife about. She does much the same. I'm not a boomer, hell, I'm barely a Gen X.
Women do not think the same as men. They never will, and if they do, you got a woman with a dick.
I was spanking our son for shit he did wrong by the time he was eight. Wife argued against it for our daughter, and so it was not until she was ten before she first experienced the belt.
Interesting fact, it took less experiences with the belt to correct her actions than it did for him. Little fucker was hardheaded.
Now they're both gone to college, and neither one is going for "Underwater lesbian dance therapy."
Wife and I watched this movie many years ago. I found it to be fucking hilarious, and she liked it because she thought it was romantic.
I haven't had the heart to tell her that it is exactly how women have to be treated. She might divorce me.
>Real Housewives of Amazon Prime
Inability to be concise is a sign of low IQ.
>and that is you! You are him!"
I never felt like I was that guy. Maybe if I simped for any youtuber, but I don't.
when Firecracker was about to bring up the abortion I thought for a second they had actually written her surgery into the show kek
>ywn have smol emma on your cock stamping on your bollocks
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>gets into her medical records
>"should we mention the buccal fat removal?"
Inability to read more than single syllable six word sentences is even more of an indicator.
It's not a matter of being concise.
I can be quite short and to the point.
Simply calling you a retarded faggot gets the point across.
It does not, however, explain why you are a retarded faggot.
Alas, most people of any intelligence are quite willing and interested in reading three to four sentences with an apostrophe, comma, and a period in the right place, and tend to ignore the current crop of intellectuals spawned from public schools whose vocabulary consists mostly of frfr, bussin, ong, twerk, and cap.
I know, I know, we're old and prefer words that make sense rather than ebonic trash.
We tried to teach you kids, but you were too obsessed with worshipping niggers.
didnt read
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>Caucasian American
u fgt
ur ghey and virgin
u hav tny dk nd nvr ben touch by girl
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cool, I broke the brain of some faggot in his 40s
Everytime there is a frontal shot of Starlight it cracks me up. Her new face is straight up ghoulish.
Anyone who watches s4 and don't stop after 1 episode is only watching it for the gay porn FAGS
Is it really the same guy as in s3? I just find it hard to believe he looks nothing like him
Apparently, he turned 50 and and a doc told him to stop working out.
So, now we get Skim Milk instead of Mother's Milk.
>CIA good
funniest one to me desu
Great copypasta.
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That scene and the one in picrel caused audible laughter.
Please go outside
You wrote all this.
Have you considered the fact that normal people consider that sex tape hot? Just like how they consider Kim Kardashian hot. And how normal people still think current Megan Fox is still 10/10.
>Flouride: Not even once.
She is also actively owning chuds on twitter
It's probably different in burgerstan but I never heard any man mention Kim Kardashian it's got to be some weird psyop to make burgers simp even harder for niggers
Nobody cares about twitter even in the western world a laughably small %of the population actively use twitter globally it's got a be like 0.1
No one other than black "people" and other "people" of color found that "sex tape" attractive or anything enjoyable. You have to be a truly demented coombrain to do so. People enjoyed the tabloid nature of it. Same reason Monica Lewinsky still gets interviews and movies made about her to this day.
People actually watch this safe-edgy crap?
Yeah, you. Motherfucker over here got a starlight body pillow.
Yeah, I don't heard about any of the Kardashians either but in my country late 20s to mid 30s guys still think Megan Fox is a 10/10 and there was a literal whore that would appear on tv and shit and she was all plastic but they thought she was 10/10.
>To the beard lovers, MM didn’t always have a beard, as you see here in the source material. He was a Marine, clean shaven. Now that he reports to the head of the CIA and the White House as leader of The Boys, he’s dressing the part, hence him wearing a suit for the first time in 4 seasons. Season 3 episode 1 I brought back the mini fro he has in the comics as well (slide 2). Every season I add an homage to the source material and weave it into the story. As an actor it is our job as storytellers to use everything we have to tell a story. Including facial hair

he unironically posted that on his instagram
Hol' up, wasn't he an Army Ranger not a Marine?
Been a very long time since I've read that slop.
Everyone was loosening their shit over her back then I guess it's a nostalgia thing at this point but other than that I not heard anyone mention her for the last 10 years
I don't know how to tell you this anon but you hang around subhumans too much.
There is the media angle definitely I only really seen her ass pic when she was gona break the internet no interest in seeing more
Its the equivalent of the "hawk tuah" bullshit going on right now but that is being ran into the ground at record speed.
>Apparently, he turned 50 and and a doc told him to stop working out
There is no way that is real his doctor probably told him he had to go of the roids and downzise or he was fucked from many years of abuse. Still he looks fucked up now being a tranny never pays off
He 100% has been on gear since season 1 and his doctor probably told him "look you're already 5 years older than most black men, stop or you will explode"
hell, try calling them just "boy"
Hourly reminder that the us will be minority white by 2035.
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My pillow humping wife
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They completely removed the part about Vought working with the government. There was even a plot about Vought planting a braindead president to do their bidding.
This is how you know all the writers will vote for Biden.
>all the writers vote biden
That was evident before the first episode of the first season even aired.

Are all conservitards retarded?
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>Missing the point this much to make the obligatory /pol/ bait post
I clearly stated in my post that they refused to integrate a vital plot element of the comics into the show because it doesn't bode well with their politics. Please explain to me what made you think I was unaware of the writers' political affiliations so we can laugh at you.
make israel great again!
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I can't wait for them to wipe out the white race so I don't have to interact with "people" like you. I'll be living in a gated community with my hot Jewish wife while you're in the sanctuary district running errands for Tyrone.
Based! New immigration record for the us in 2024!
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10/10 would toss in an oven
I thought that was a girl at first and thought they were going to make Homelander trans
>Season 5 reveals Homelander to be FTM
I mean, no wonder why she/he went batshit insane
I feel like I agree with you but keep it short holy shit. This is 4chan not review board for scientific studies.
>*smacks lips* fuck you racist ass white cracka hockey mayo monkey Soldier Boy. You accidentally killed some of my family
In surprised they went with such a realistic depiction of a black man
>they are going to pull a Wasp Factory
would be pretty crazy ngl
Just nothing behind those eyes. Totally vacant. You can see the hole where her soul used to be.
In the comics Mother's Milk's dad studied day and night to sue Vought for dumping waste that turned his son into a monster in their suburban area. Ended up working himself to death. Meanwhile his mom has breast milk that makes him extremely strong.
How did they improve this in the show?
>Soulja boy killed his parents on accident
>He now hates racist wypipo and da corpos
I love how surface level all of the 'social commentary' is in the new season. It really blatantly shows how writers / showrunners don't understand any political nuance at all and just see the other side as a bunch of stereotypes. Ironically as bigoted as the people they claim to hate.
Honestly even the alex Jones schizos I know have more political nuance than this tumblr take. They can bitch about how most Republicans like trump aren't true conservatives and don't support a small government like the libertarians etc. The boys political writing is just some liberal arts college kid playing Don quixote fighting the windmill fascists and racists.
Not nostalgia, they think she's currently still 10/10.
>don't understand any political nuance at all and just see the other side as a bunch of stereotypes.

lol you are on 4chan nigger. thats 95% of anything political here.
This retard would make a great Max Payne personification. He looks like Sam Lake.
That would be hilarious of the writers tried to finally make the chuds hate homelander by turning him into a troon. The immediate backlash from the troon community would be hilarious.
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>they took this away from you
>girls get it done
>*a single tear falls down homelander's cheek*
I know but what does that have to do whit twitter?
>Homie can regrow limbs/organs
>But this only happened after puberty, hence she(?) cannot go back
didn't you read her sob story essay on instagram about how it's so fucking unfair that people make up lies about her plastic surgery and how it's obviously not true as everyone can clearly see
they're never gonna acknowledge it on the show
this is the timeline where you can just pretend to be something you're not, and everyone has to pander to your delusions
She's so beautiful...
there's reddit and then there's reddit that thinks it better than reddit. here's the latter
I have literally never in my life heard anyone call Kim Kardashian hot.
You must be living in some kind of parallel universe.
How about you go to one of those places and never come back?
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>built to be Firecracke'd
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>I have found the answer to all our prayers, a dvd that breaks black supes.
>reversed the buccal fat removal
You can't. Buccal fat is connected to the facial tissues in a way too complex to replicate with surgery. Once it's gone, it's gone.
This is part of why fillers look uncanny.
>slurs against white
Do these actually exist? I know words like "cracker" and "mayo" are intended as insults towards white people based on their race but they're completely devoid of any history or substance that would actually make them offensive. Honestly hearing people try to use them as insults just comes off as seething ("y-you're a fucking white male!") than anything else. They're as much "slurs" as "whiteboi" is.
would it be disrespectul to use deepfake AI to replace all scenes of her in S4+ with her pre-OP face and then releasing it to the public
She looks like that vamp wannabe freak Ginger from that flashback True Blood episode.
Except, Ginger was skanky hot in a weird way.
The make up artists made an effort to make Ginger younger and hotter for that episode, and I had to stop for a minute to convince myself that she was the same person.
"Racist" is a potent anti-white slur.
>but they're completely devoid of any history or substance that would actually make them offensive
but cracker is used in the historic context of slave owners "cracking the whip to drive and punish slaves."
Which is insulting because it's a bad thing. Right??
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>self-inserting as the doom guy to defend the leftist propaganda in the comments of fmovies
how do you do my fellow redditors? if he likes the show so much then why is he pirating it kek
A little known fact is that she improvised that line and after shooting it Erin locked herself in her trailer for 2 weeks.
why is this show making fun of me?
>why is he pirating it
maybe because amazon prime video is aids
I have it (for the free next day delivery) and I still pirate the show because it's a better user experience

also he made you so mad that you had to post about it here, which is kinda funny.
Holy fucking cringe.
"I'm a manly badass man but also I have mainstream liberal politics" is some of the most cringeworthy shit in the world. You have to be a fascist, a stalinist, or a libertarian if you're doing the manly man shit.
>Cornstarch crusaders
Holy fuck based.
That's how you know she's absolutely going to suffer one of the most horrendous deaths on the show.
It's always funny when libtards loop back around to revealing their true racism.
there were a lot more heated comments i couldve posted if i was seething, go back to /pol/ or /b/ and work on your bait some more
They should have just had a "supe" that can steal youth to keep themselves young that got to her but she ultimately won in the end or something.
I've written essayposts before. Some of them were in one draft that took 5-10 minutes to write because I had a lot to say in one post, some of them I actually spent time editing because I genuinely wanted to get a point across.
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By the way, i call people incel all the time
Especially if they arent incels
whenever I feel like posting an essay, I just let chatGPT type up one. I don't even proofread it, I'm just happy wasting everyone's time.
>Especially if they arent incels
Even Fab Five Freddy?
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keep shit short and to the point unless if you have something of value to say thats worth the extra lines. anons wouldnt be able to go through threads with hundreds of replies if they're all paragraphs
Nah he told me everybody's fly
I looked at it.
Doom Guy is so fucking faggoty that he liked his own comment, and got six or seven of his little reddit friends to like his comment too.
That comment section is airborne AIDS on crack and speed.
It's almost a one for one representation of this board, but allowed to actually be nasty to one another.
One of the most interesting things about this show is that when S4 came out and since all of the Furiosa threads have stopped. LOL. It's just the current vessel for culture war slop even though both sides are getting styled on by jews in this case.
>That comment section is airborne AIDS on crack and speed.
well yeah, its people who are pirating the show for the wrong reasons (being broke). you're not going to find a lot of bright individuals in that group
you can't convince me you actually give a shit about any of this
I'm almost getting bored to death just replying to you
Are you saying that anons lack reading comprehension?
Maybe we need to start spamming emojis so these little idiots can understand rather than typing.
Although, I don't think retards that speak only in emojis, ebonics, and zoomerspeak have anything intelligent to say.
she needs my autistic child in her right now
what is it with faggots like you? laughing at random retards on the internet for like 3 seconds isnt a life commitment
that's crazy bro
did you also notice that on /sp/ they stopped having Roland Garros threads around time Euros has started??
and I bet they will have threads about Olympics when they start as well
it's so easy to see through, shills are so obvious
screencap this post there will be threads all over /pol/ about elections in USA around nov 5th as well
it's all a conspiracy I've seen all through it, it's all just culture war slop even though both sides are getting styled on by jews in every case
Well, hurry up and do us all a favor and scream NIGGER as loud as you can on MLK blvd, street, ave, whater fucking it's called in your city.
That way you never have to worry about it again. Or, you could close the tab and stop being a retarded faggot.
you wasted 4 lines, in three sentences to say
>I don’t care if anons are retarded.
brevity is gold, nigger.
>Long gone are the days of Jeniffer Tilly being humiliated in the Chucky movies.
Her and her big tits are half the plot of the new chucky show
She also got the tip of her nose chopped off and lips fillers so that wouldn't fix everything
Do woman really just abandon ther families because their le unhappy? Jesus fucking Christ
No one cares about poverty ball but a movie with 5-10 threads at any given time should not suddenly die down to maybe 1 that fast. But you've figured it all out and are above anyone else so mock away.
yeah but the protagonist is an annoying teenage gay mutt, and all the other characters are annoying teenagers as well
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And Fiona and her big ass is the other half.
You can beat a child for their actions while calling them stupid.
They will not learn a fucking thing unless you provide some small explanation of why you are hiding them.
>Stop stealing shit! while beating them is far more effective than:
>Do as I say! while beating them.
You can't just smack the fuck out of children without a brief explanation as to why. They won't learn.
The only reason people are reading your paragraphs in this thread is because you've become the subject of ridicule. In any other thread you would be ignored and no one would reply. People have lives to tend to, so what makes you think they have time to read your pseud posts?
this time you wrote even more, without saying anything.
do you think anybody’s going to listen to some anonymous retard?
So you wish for me to stop bumping your slide thread?
Go be a faggot elsewhere then.
but you’re the faggot? and it’s not my thread (not a fag)
>slide thread
oh god she's an even bigger faggot than I thought
>the general thread to talk about the show is a "slide thread"
I, uh..
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bros give it to me straight. how bad will the 4th of july episode be
Could you be anymore obvious with your self bumps of this slide thread that should have been dead eight hours ago?
seek help freak
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keep crying
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>nooooo don't post in the slide thread!
kek what is being slid on /tv/ exactly? Please elaborate I'm genuinely curious.
You're painfully obvious. Page nine and you started bumping your thread.
Now, I'll shut up and watch you get there again. Just like the other three times in the last eight hours since you made this slide thread.
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>Now, I'll shut up and watch you get there again. Just like the other three times in the last eight hours since you made this slide thread.
bros why did israel do it? why do they make the boys slide threads?
what is blud waffling about
thank you for explaining what makes you angry
hope you have a great rest of the evening.
damn you're so cool keeping track of poster counts and pages of threads
just shitpost like a normal human you fucking freak
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its revenge for this
very bad, expect very very bad (like everything simce S1E1)
unless they make Firecracker x Ryan happen
The jews are apparently sliding threads on /tv/ now not just /pol/ which is some next level shit when you think about it. Also a general for le most popular tv show right now is somehow a "slide thread" not sure what its sliding on here exactly maybe that thread where the guy posts deepfakes of women pissing themselves.
To be fair (on exactly this one singular point) companies like Disney and Amazon probably do pay jeets to shill their stuff here.
Using an established general for an extremely popular show to slide threads is not a tactic they'd be using though. If they wanted to slide /tv/ they would just post twitter screencaps and misleading headlines, then camp the threads posting low-effort bait to keep them bumped.
Oh I don't doubt shills go on /tv/ and /vg/ and the like I just love the idea that a general is a "shill thread" or that anything is being "slid" on /tv/. Its clearly a conspiracy to keep posts about... uh... alec baldwin? Suppressed.
brother they do not need fringe incel neet virgin views that badly
they should pay the pajeets to go shit up reddit or twitter instead
4chan has over 50 million unique users a month, it is not an obscure website anymore and it is much easier to shill on due to the anonymous nature, no one can check your account and see its 1 month old and exclusively talks about one product
25 million of those users are me, sorry about that.
only 1 million have anything good to post though
>noooo all conservatives are gigachads
Absolutely hilarious how unhinged chuds become when you point out that Todd is the typical trumptard.
>Todd had a bigger dick than MM and used it well
What did the creators mean by this?
>literally cuckolds MM
>4chan has over 50 million unique bots a month
and still not a single post worth reading
This is why I post on altchans like sturdy, much comfier and down to earth
is this the ultimate chud power fantasy? white nerd cucking a black man?
but 30 million are me, some thing's not adding up
that could only mean
Oh shid
Oh fugg
Same three faggots in a discord working to astroturf /tv/.
They pay them less, and there is less of them than on /pol/, but they still exist.
It's not like we can't look up the profiles on IMDB posting glowing reviews of the latest disneyslop and notice that out of their fifty reviews, forty eight of them are about "Ranjeep Singh and His Adventures Talking to White Women Before He Took Over India with his giant cock!"
Todd is jewish in the show, and the actor is jewish in real life.
And the jews had to make multiple references to him having a bigger dick than MM.
It's painfully obvious.
Gotcha again for bumping your own thread.
Two discord trannies humping each other.
Can you shoop this to just put the N on Invincibles head so I can send this to my normie friends thanks qt.
I'm not getting paid, I do it for free.
astroturf hate for the goys?
what for?
don't forget the part where this thread is to "slide" something but he won't say what that is.
Maybe im just imagining things, but I feel like at the start of the show it handled this pretty well, showing how big corporations play and manipulate both sides of the fence for profit, but then the writers got upset about the "le chuds" enjoying the show and just made it one sided. Either way this show from S1 seemed like it was about The Boys getting together to kill Supes and it feels like its going nowhere on that front.
Here is a literal compilation of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rggghqJIVUo
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Was it ever explained how the fuck those hijackers got guns on the plane
Even if 9/11 didn't canonically happen you still couldn't bring loaded guns onto a plane
>and just made it one sided
hard to not make it one sided when most leftist positions are reasonable and sane in comparison
can you reverse fillers?
kek I love when people do these kinds of bait posts
>so entrenched in his echo chamber that any differing opinion must be bait
well it's kind of true isn't it. if you want to make fun of chuds the show kind of writes itself.
they dissolve on their own, unless you get a fat transfer or shit like that.
she didn’t get buccal fat removed though, she just lost weight as she got rich an aged
they don't even need to make shit up, they just need to put conservative talking points on display as they are
I mean just look at the insane shit mainstream people like MTG or Tucker or Crowder say, don't even need Alex Jones for this
You're a retarded faggot shill.
Was that short enough for you?
Was that too long for you to read? I can't make it any shorter.
>If you want to make fun of leftists, just let them write their own material. They'll shoot themselves in the foot by making their paragons accidentally more racist and sexist than the parodies they claim the right wing are.
Or are you going to pretend Starlight did not attack someone and beat her to a pulp for simply telling the truth about Starlight being a hypocrite?
BTW, HIPAA only applies to medical personnel. Not to some random that got access to medical information.
If you left your AIDS diagnosis lying around and I found it, I could spend the rest of my life providing that material to everyone you ever encountered right in front of you, and you would be unable to do fuck all legally about it.
You could attack me physically, but that would instantly make you wrong in the eyes of the law, and I would own every dollar your AIDS riddled ass earned for the rest of your life. Legally.
where am I wrong?
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tl;dr + ur gay
OK, renter.
the most funny shit about your post is how you think Starlight is supposed to be the good guy
then point out the crazy shit she does as if writers weren't fully aware of this, and you alone have the brain capacity to comprehend this "hypocrisy"

this lack of self-awareness is exactly why we make fun of the right.
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I seem to be living quite rent-free, actually.
>Same two fags posting retarded shit as four hours ago.
Nah, not an astroturfed shill thread at all.
>what, more than one person disagrees with me
>can't be because I'm a babbling idiot, must be astroturfers/jews/lizard people
you're the gift that keeps on giving
what the fuck are they astroturfing?
>HIPAA only applies to medical personnel. Not to some random that got access to medical information.
And you are a dickless tranny that can never reproduce.
>Here comes the airplane little baby! Open your mouth!
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I see the italic text, I click the thread again, I remind you that you're gay. Simple as.
rent free
I bet he thinks it's to slide the fishbowl general because Sam Hyde is so subversive and intimidating to establishment media.
this was a really weird scene and felt like mild character assassination

in the first season starlight's whole thing is about how naive and innocent she is, which is why she's disillusioned when the seven is a bunch of degenerates

if she spread that rumor about firecracker why would it surprise her that the deep would want a blowjob from her? why would she get disillusioned with them so easily and start working with hughie against them?
gee, I dunno, maybe because she's a sheltered bitch who's lacking any understanding of responsibility?
Is it really so hard to understand that people like that exist? IRL I meet them every day
I just realized what firecracker's name is
is season four any good or what tell it to me straight dawgs
best season yet
worst season yet
>over 3 hours of footage
>Two lines
white fragility
Has anyone made a meme of starlight and MM pre and post dramatic appearance change?
The episode where Homelander goes back to the lab where he was created had some kino scenes.
Firecracker is hot as fuck and is a lot of fun to watch.
Other than that it's the usual, Eric Kripke wants to satirize his political opponents and fails at it because he doesn't understand them.
>The show is a lot of things, subtle is not one of them
Unironically I'd be willing to bet if you scooped five random /pol/ users and paid them to write a show making fun of /pol/ and pushing leftist messaging, they would do a better job than Kripke and friends.
Viewership is up by how much?
how many people watched the new star wars trilogy?
>Other than that it's the usual, Eric Kripke wants to satirize his political opponents and fails at it because he doesn't understand them.
Still don't think I've seen someone expand on that in anything other than vague platitudes.
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>because he doesn't understand them
and how could he, those complex and misunderstood beings
Wouldn't know and I don't care since this isn't even a Disney owned IP. It's 21% btw, chuddite.
>"The Boys" Season 4 has set new viewership records for Prime Video, exceeding Season 3's launch by 21% in its first four days, and becoming one of the platform's top 5 most-viewed TV seasons and its second-biggest returning season
It's okay so far

The dynamic between homelander/ryan/butcher so far is the most interesting, all the other subplots range from bad to decent, with frenchie's being easily the worst (his new gay lover introduced only this season had a family that was killed by frenchie), hughie's and starlight's aren't much better either

There's also some kind of intriguing stuff with a-train and a really irritating character called sister sage who is "the smartest person on earth" but somehow forgets to get rid of footage that exonerates a mob of the false flag she tries to perpetrate with homelander
Women don't understand loyalty or commitment
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I miss when it's unsubtleness was like this
my point is that viewership doesn’t equal quality.
more people went to see Rocky IV on premiere than Rocky, but the latter is far better than it’s sequels.
unless you really do think that mentally retarded consoomers’ opinions matter.
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>no Kellogg bastard
Weak shit
Lmao, you post a great example. No leftist impersonator or parody has been able to capture Trump's bizarre manner of speech, which is part of his charm to his supporters, and it's ripe for comedy.
The only person I've seen come close is the creator of Smiling Friends, and he's not one of yours.
sounds like i better get my kinoslop ready
>my point is that viewership doesn’t equal quality.
But the whole point of go woke go broke is that it won't be popular and will fail, right? Why is it that because /tv/ doesn't like it, it's bad?
>No leftist impersonator or parody has been able to capture Trump's bizarre manner of speech
Trips of full retardation. There's plenty of decent parodies of him. People like him because he never really says anything and makes them feel good. The joke is that he rambles like an idiot and most people do that just fine.
I agree popular opinion is not the ultimate measure of quality, but it's certainly better than your (a literal nobody) unfounded opinion.
what other measure would you propose, that's at least halfway agreeable?
who the fuck said anything about go woke go broke? the guy asked if it’s good. it’s not, it’s complete and utter dogshit. but you couldn’t stomach that your favourite cuckold melodrama could be called out like this.
Not latter.
But that's just your opinion and the numbers disagree with your opinion being correct. Clam down fag
Liberals literally have less empathy toward people outside their own group than conservatives do.

Here's a meta-analysis of that very phenomenon: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/01461672231198001
And a summary of the findings if you just want the conclusions: https://www.thecollegefix.com/liberals-harsher-moral-judgments-explain-low-empathy-for-conservatives-psychology-profs/
>The results showed that “liberals judged conservatives more harshly than conservatives did liberals, seeing them as more immoral and less likable” and resulting in lower empathy.

There was another study that showed liberals have a worse understanding of conservative beliefs than conservatives do of liberal beliefs, but I'm having difficulty finding it again. The short answer is that liberals literally don't understand their political opponents and that's why their attempts at parody fall so flat.
who asked?
Go fuck yourself, retard.
>how’d you measure
you can’t do it objectively. I’d say that it’s the delta between what the show is trying to do vs what it does, compared against how high-brow it is.
for the goys:
>aiming for somewhat serious television (at least in s1), but it’s just silly filler between le shocking edgy moments.
>attempts social commentary, but it’s underlying premise is retarded and impossible within the show’s world
>attempts political commentary, but it’d only comment is „Trump bad” - literally just does what happens irl and says it’s evil because Homelander=Trump
in that sentence „former” would denote Rocky IV, which is a pretty bad movie, and definitely worse than Rocky 1.
I purposely added „than its sequels” to avoid the confusion, retard.
>and the fact that liberals saw conservatives as more harmful than conservatives saw liberals
wow I wonder if there's a reason for that
could it be because it's actually true?
nah, I'm sure it's completely fabricated
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I don't know what's more funny the study's god awful method or the website actually looking like a parody site I'd see in the show. Thanks for the lol.
There are at least three far left retards in this thread shilling and attacking anyone who speaks in good faith.
You cannot argue, they will spam far left retarded shit nonstop.
Just shit on them with short sentences, they continuously claim that anything more than five words separated by a period is too much for them to understand. And don't write two sentences, or, god forbids, a comma in your sentence.
Their brain short circuits and they resort back to zoomer speak.
Not even the uber giga racist supernazi didnt use the dreaded n word
>go woke go broke
No one really believes this, there are enough retards out there to consoom slop media forever
This guy literally googled "are liberals evil" and got forcefed by the algorithm
jesus christ dude, I asked for something that's not completely pulled out of your own ass
how did you fail to understand that

>anyone who speaks in good faith
how's the air up on that high horse?
Fuck off faggot.
More accurate to say 'it's not believed anymore', doesn't stop it from still getting posted and retards thinking they're winning a culture war or some nonsense.
I was one of the anons who told you not to write unnecessary paragraphs, and I stand by it.
I think there’s a wave of leftist retards flooding /tv/ after twitter told them rightwingers are somehow shocked the goys mocked them. it’s a sad state of things
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and I began by saying you can’t do that, that’s why I went on to give you a halfway agreeable answer, like you asked.
reading comprehension is dying in the age of tv shows like the goys.
Right-wing tolerance is literally what got us into this whole mess in the first place with DEI shit and progressive identity politics everywhere. Right-leaning people let left-leaning people into organizations as long as they do good work and don't make things political. Then when the left-leaning people get promoted in sufficient numbers into positions of power they turn around and openly discriminate against right-leaning people, while ironically claiming to be the more tolerant and open-minded group. It's a very real phenomenon.

You do know that The College Fix didn't publish that meta-analysis, right? There are two links, that article is just summarizing a study published in an actual journal which I also linked to.
>b..but muh history
the more I have to read that shit, the more I understand Stalin actually did nothing wrong.
nice homelander is like the protaganist
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>*blocks your path*
The depths of your illiteracy are truly astounding. Go back to middle school and learn the difference between an article summarizing a source and the source itself, because I provided links to both.
The three fucktard shills won't read that, and even if they did, they would not understand it and just post single syllable sentences three words long mocking it.
You're pissing into the wind.
but unironically.
Everyone sucks so much ass that you want to see Homelander win
So you ignored my request and instead inserted your own biased personal interpretation of the show which is exactly the opposite of what I asked for.
Even no answer would have been way better than this.
eat a dick
Hurry up and make the next slide thread, shill.
STFU and do as you are told, slave.
actually I'm moving to /got/hotd/ after this
Yes, exactly right.
>make everyone an unlikable villain
>even the "good guys" are unlikable villains because "muh gray morality" bullshit
>make a character who's decidedly evil but also very charismatic and makes life hell for all the other unlikable people on both sides, up to and including killing them
Yes anon, did you the study or did you just link it? The method is absolute balls. Spans two countries whose definition of 'liberal' are very different.

That said, personally, I think trying to draw conclusions like "are liberals smarter?" or "are conservs more nice?" is pretty stupid.
Split the country in half, do you think you'll find one general thought about things or is there a chance you could find reasonable helpful people and crazy people who want you to not exist within both groups?

Why not just link the study? You couldn't of seen that site and taken seriously for even a moment.
Couldn't have, not couldn't of, you stupid ESL faggot shill.
>did you read*
>Why not just link the study?
Because it's very dense and very long.
>You couldn't of seen that site and taken seriously for even a moment.
All I read was that article and confirmed that its summary was accurate to the conclusions drawn in the study. Why should anything but the accuracy of the information matter?
where’s the bias?
the show did try to be a somewhat series in s1, dark and gritty, with the occasional gross-out. unless you’re willing to tell me that all the themes of sexual exploitation, giving in to a predatory industry, depression and grief are just funny characterisation.
the show obviously wants to do social commentary, with Vought being an evil corp, and superheroes all being fuckwads and deviants. this doesn’t work because irl mechanisms that allow Vaught to do what they do wouldn’t exist like they do in the show. in other words, the base premise of the show is simply unrealistic, and not because there are superpowers in it.
as for the political commentary, there isn’t really anything to say. the show just copies 1:1 whatever’s happening in US politics at the moment and does nothing with it. it’s political commentary is that in the show the bad guys are doing what Trump is doing irl. Trump=bad is the full extent of it for the past 3 seasons.
So you just took the information second hand but want to say it's valid? Because a website said so? I don't think you read the study, Anon. Again, I have a problem with the premise.

Going back to why it was posted at all, I don't think Homelander himself is supposed to be a 1:1 representation of Trump or Repubs. I mean, Homelander, Homeland Defense, pretty on the nose. There's more than loldrump.

I think the 3 guys who ended up in the room to get bat'd were good representations of people who've fallen into a cult of personality. We had the husband guy who was kind of a normie, but liked what the guy had to say. (And was physically attacked for it by a black guy before, which is how a lot of the extreme trump folks seem to behave.)
since the original poster of this is a low IQ nigger here's a TL;DR
>nog supposedly genius character only talks about vain shit
>some rant about kim kardashian being bored at sex
>butcher calling a man incel is uncharacteristic of men so that line was wrote by a woman
>only women mock men for lack of pussy
>men prefer their own male frens over a bitchy cunt that gives no sex
maybe it can be condensed even more, but that would cut some ideas
>where’s the bias?
>here's my opinion uhm I mean the undisputed facts on "what the show is trying to do" and "what the show does" because somehow I'm the unbiased authority on these questions
yeah but what if you're just wrong, ever thought about that, you fucking nigger?
>Men do not call each other incels
if I’m wrong then you should easily disprove what I’m saying. that’s how a discussion normally looks like outside of whatever gay bubble for niggers and faggots you usually frequent.
yeah, that was retarded, men has mocked other men for lack of pussy all the time, and if they hire a whore to prove they can get pussy, they get even more mocked for being unable to get one with just his own sex appeal
Men don't.
Left wing faggots do.
Left wing faggots are not men.
yeah i want to see homelander kick some ass
wrong again
the point is that there's no reason for me to read your opinions in the first place, as they don't provide anything of value, as you've already admitted that you got nothing to back them up
so they're literally just shit you made up on the spot
There is no disproving leftwing faggots.
They will just pretend that the study is fake.
Leftwing faggots merely post their feelings, nothing of any importance. They have no intelligence, merely "I don't like that so it's not true and any proof you provide is fake."
>nothing to back them up
I explicitly explained how I’m right, you have yet to provide a counterargument (you are unable to)
Those anons weren't talking about the laughably bad study.
my counterargument, again, is the increasing viewership count
are you seriously so self absorbed to think that your singular opinion somehow matters more than the collective opinion of countless other people?
Just say yes so we can end this conversation instantly.

>and any proof you provide is fake
what proof was provided, can you point to it?
>noooo you should be tolerant of the ramblings of unhinged retards like David Icke, Alex Jones and Trump because calling out the insanity makes you intolerant
lol lmao even
I was talking about ANY study, fact, or evidence.
Leftwing retards believe that if they just say "I don't believe it because I want it to be false" then it does not count.
Shut up, leftwing faggot.
I hope your social situation improves and you don't need to rely on (you)'s for attention.
>Leftwing retards believe that if they just say "I don't believe it because I want it to be false" then it does not count.
your lack of self-awareness isn't even surprising at this point.
that’s not a counterargument to anything I’ve said.
furthermore, we’ve already established that popularity isn’t a measure of quality. we even agreed on that.
I’ll help you.
read >>200487071 again, and point out where I’m wrong. I am sure this time you’ll do a wonderful job.
And your language exposes you at every turn, leftwing faggot.
You have no other way of speaking, so you are instantly spotted.
Blame your parents for not drowning you at birth and sparing humanity your faggotry.
that's a yes if I've ever seen one
Thank you
you know that even if you don’t admit to having no argument. it doesn’t change the fact everyone can see you that you lost?
what’s even worse, you yourself know you can’t argue with what I said, that’s why you’re trying to run like a coward.
what’s more, now you know that I know that you’re not some smug asshole convinced of his intelligence, but just some butthurt semi-retard.
>it doesn’t change the fact everyone can see you that you lost?
NTA but you haven't really substantiated anything.
I have substantiated everything I claimed, all you’ve done is say „nuh-uh” over and over again, without actually providing any argument against my points.
I'm not that Anon, but aren't you the one whose point is that because a lot of people like it doesn't make it good? And that your opinion correct because X.
I haven't read why your opinion is the right one, but if it's the right one for you that's cool. But an opinion isn't a fact.
>no new thread
Woke lost.
after doing some comments to other anons and receiving no reply at all I can be fully certain the fags replying each other nonstop are either a single troon or a coordinated discord raid
4chan has always been you and about two other people. Did you come here in 201X?
my opinion is that the show is bad, and has been pretty much since S1E1, although it has gotten worse over time.
the retard responded with viewership numbers, which let’s be honest, aren’t indicative of quality. when he asked for a way to objectively say whether a show is good or bad, I replied that there is no true objective way to do it, but the closest you can get is by comparing what the show is, to what it’s trying to do (+ correcting for how high-brow it is).
if you’re at least somewhat intelligent, you can figure out what any particular show is going for, and how it measures up to it.
I outlined what the boys was seemingly going for (some of which was confirmed by the show’s writers and showrunners), and why it doesn’t work on as much of an objective basis as you can (as in, the show isn’t bad because it criticises Trump, but because it’s criticism lacks substance).
the retard then just circled back to „but muh numbers” and now we’re here.

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