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May Queen edition
prev: >>200434602
>order something
>7 weeks later
>still don't have it
This shit just makes me appreciate Amazon more and more. They can send something from Japan and get it to me in <10 business days.
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New poster for ‘KEKOO’ starring Hunter Schafer, Dan Stevens and Jessica Henwick.

In theaters August 9.
stupid wordfilter
I'm going in with an open mind and not going to instantly hate it just because it stars a tranny.
>order something expensive
>no order confirmation
>tracking doesn't work
>no information on your account
>do a search and EVERYONE complains about this company doing that shit but your stuff arrives in under a week anyways
>my stuff arrives in under a week

i remember keenly what life was like before tracking and all this digital surveillance of packages, so why am I so anxious about it now?
these filters have been active for far too long now. swap out "cuck" with "incel" or something, do ANYTHING to make it seem like this place has actual human beings running it who give a single solitary fuck about the users
I think my problem is with the digital surveillance of packages, since it's coming from outside my country. I think it's getting nabbed at a port or some shit. Second straight time it has happened. Luckily the company will send a replacement if you notify them, but that means another X amount of weeks to get my shit.
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I'm only watching because I really liked Luz... and the trailer doesn't look half bad
>doesn't really like Dan Stevens
Are you not into handsome men as a straight male?
Vinegar Syndrome?
No, it's some gray area legal site, but 100% legit.
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..but we love Hunter here, what are you talking about ?
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Comes out on Friday for streaming, so get that torrent client ready.
First for Beyond the Black Rainbow
Speak for yourself, tranny lover
ok, done. I love Hunter.
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>check free streaming services
>has some good horror movies
This is just retarded. I know it's free, but 480p shouldn't even be an option anymore.
No actress or girl today will age gracefully. There merely exist for us to laugh at when they turn 21 and we see how poorly they age and hit the wall and how it will affect their films and the entire film industry as studios will need to keep finding under 20 girls for movies as girls hit the wall at 23.
I have no idea how Nell Tiger Free or Jenna Ortega can be put into roles as attractive girls as they are aging so poorly. We will see how walled Ortega looks in beetlejuice 2.
>drink, smoke, and do drugs
>coat your face in pounds of makeup every day since you're young
>age like shit
I wonder if there's a connection.
That Millie brown girl aged so shit lol. She was this cute girl in stranger things and she turned 20 and looks like a gremlin lol.
It's kino time.
Yeah and don't forget the negative attitude all young girls have due to msm. 13 year old girls already know of "sexism" and "misogyny." Let's see how the M3gan girl ages in the coming years.
You're goddamn right

I wish there was an easy way to anonymously share large files. I could just grab it and instantly post it here for everyone to take.
are any of the hellraiser sequels post-III worth a watch, even if it's for a good horror movie unrelated to hellraiser?
Did you like 2 and 3? I've only seen the first one and thought it was cool because I wanted something grotesque at the time
Hellraiser IV: Bloodlines is retarded fun like III
Hellraiser V: Inferno is decent as it's own thing, it's not really a Hellraiser movie besides the fact that Pinhead is in it
The rest are awful
Hellraiser has always been overrated AF. The only reason it gets attention is cause the monsters look cool. The movie looks dirty and unaesthetic.
Kill yourself, faggot pajeet. Nobody asked for you worthless brown opinion
>The movie looks dirty
>and unaesthetic.
Thank you for this. I'm not seeing my daughter this weekend, so it's a slightly shittier weekend for me. At least this movie makes it little less shitty. It's kino time.
4 is somehow decent. Ignore the rest. I'm still mad that the Paschal Laugier Hellraiser movie didn't happen.
>not seeing my daughter this weekend
That sucks. Get screwed by courts like most dads? Hope you still have a good relationship with her.
>Got screwed by courts
Nope. Wife just takes her to vacation with her. Obviously I can't go with them. Didn't go to court, because it would have ended up me getting terminally fucked.
But yea, my relationship is good with her. She loves me and I love her. Each day I get to spend time with her is a great day.
One of the few reasons I'd ever want kids would be just to show them all the movies, shows, and music I like and hope they like them too. Just getting to sit with your kid and show them some cool horror movie would be pretty awesome.
Yea, that's cool. We do watch movies together. (Not the most horrible stuff of course).
>One of the few reasons I'd ever want kids would be just to show them all the movies, shows, and music I like and hope they like them too.
More likely than not, they won't like the same things as you. That shouldn't be an expectation you have as a parent
I know they wouldn't, as most kids don't like what their parents did. I don't like the same music my dad listened to. Just how it works for the vast majority. I'll never have kids anyway, since I'm too damn ugly and logical.
My dad doesn't usually like horror. He likes westerns and Kurt Russell, so once I showed him Bone Tomahawk. He did enjoy it. Good times.
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so was it kino?
Haven't seen it, but it has both Klaus Kinski and Donald Pleasence. Seems quite kino to me.
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Dafuq is this, a sequel to Herzog's film? I never even knew this existed
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Trailer was nice, hope it ends up being good and not overly preachy bullshit.

Basically all 2000s comedy horror parodies were like this.
I htate this whole genre of "horror" that has come into existence lately. The "uhh white people scary"-genre.
>overly preachy bullshit
preachy in what way?
Yes, it's (unofficial) sequel. Italians had the habit of making unofficial sequels back then like Zombi 2 or Alien 2.
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this was very good
Religiously, as it's a theme in the movie. For or against, I don't really care, just don't be overly preachy either way.
>For or against, I don't really care, just don't be overly preachy either way.
ok Rian Johnson. Im sure the movie will be very kino.
How do you make these charts? What site do you use?
There's not that many movies, that it could be called a genre. Is there even anything else notable than Get Out? The second Peele movie has black clones as major villains and third one has a kaiju.
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No clue who that is. I already said I hope it's good. You clearly just want to argue, so go do that with yourself.
>Shocking Dark (also known as Terminator II, Terminator 2, Aliens 2, Aliennators, and Contaminator) is a 1989 Italian science-fiction film written by Claudio Fragasso, produced by Franco Gaudenzi and directed by Bruno Mattei.
>Although the film was promoted as a rip-off of James Cameron's The Terminator (1984), it is primarily a rip-off of Cameron's subsequent film Aliens (1986).
This makes me chuckle every time
a movie about religion cant be good if its neutral you fucking retard
What part of "overly preachy" don't you understand? Last reply from me, enjoy arguing with yourself.
your idea for this movie is shit, fuck you
Holy mother of homosexuality
"The Ritual" would fit. I guess it's just jews putting to film their fears about the white man re-discovering his origins.
We ain't gay here. We just like Dan Stevens. He is handsome. Fact.
The 2017 movie? Wtf, it's a lovecraftian indie movie with all white straight male cast where the main character survives by killing the monster or rather a demigod with sheer strenght and willpower. You'd have to be psychotic to see that movie as somehow anti-white or woke.
The "demigod" is a yotun, a being from the whites folklore / religion there is and the evil cult people are of course, all white religious people.
A movie can be anti white even if it has an all white cast (which it doesn't - one guy was def. not brownish)
I always knew Hugh Grant was up to no good...
No shit haven't you seen Paddington 2?
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Currently watching pic related.
I love Joe Spinell.
Yotuns were villains even in the scandinavic folklore. Worshipping them would have been seen like devil worship in christian religion. Yotun was slain by the white guy in the movie. In folklore yotuns were slain by the white gods and heroes that were worshipped. Human sacrifice is part of all scandinavic pagan tradition. You are seething about the topic, you don't even know anything about. You want to seethe. It's retarded since there are actual woke movies to seethe about instead of The Ritual.
No, because I'm an adult.
He was good in those Guy Richie action movies, although he basically played the same character.
Also it's retarded that you would preferred that the there would been some black lesbians as part of the ancient cult in swedish woods. That would have been woke. You are seething because the movie had 99% white actors and some slightly darker dude that was one of the first ones to die.
Do you only watch the stop motion Paddington then?
Here's my idea for 28 Years Later

>28 Years after rage virus has devastated UK
>We follow our main character as he wakes up in a seemingy normal society going about his day to day 9-5 job but we can't shake the sense that something isn't right
>We get a glimpse of the first sign which read reads KEEP OUT
>The entire village is full of people who are quarantined things have kind of went back to normal but society is split and torn with some cities becoming only for regular people and Carriers
>Infected are still there as part of the backdrop but the main conflict comes from how can coexistence happen between the regulars and carriers
>A carrier guy falls in love with a non-carrier guy they say fuck the rules and it's their actions that cause the virus proliferate and run rampant again essentially destroying all the hard attempts to rebuilt civilization
>Jim is there but he's a taxi driver and calls his cab Frank

Not sure about jim's name

Guy from the first movie
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>signs you're in for kino
My thoughts are that, why would waste your time writing this. The movie already has a writer. No offense.
Exactly. True patrician material.
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goddamn look at this cgi slop
eggers gave up to normies, this movie looks bad bros... are we ever gonna see something like lighthouse again
CGI + really dark lighting so you can't see anything and the CGI seems "better".
Trailer didn't impress me.
get an OLED
Legitimately wish that guy would jump off a bridge
the books is a lot of fun as well, very quick read and dives right into the good stuff, several things in it that didn't get into the movie
there's literally no identity to it, it looks like it could've been made by anyone, slop of the week
I would support a crowdfund to have him executed. Genuinely unironically wish death upon him.
/hor/’s first genuine horror film.
Stupid bitch with stupid outfit. Typical.
Kek. He might be a 1%er.
The 1% of people on this planet with less intelligence than a dog.
Even better. Eat the rich. The wealth gap between the rich and poor is too big and keeps growing. The rich lives lives of no stress and luxury while most work and can barely afford luxuries.
I'm usually very empathic person to the point I don't even want to kill insects, but I fail to feel any empathy against negro piss man. He has no soul. A single insect is more valuable to me. So if /hor/ wants to go with this, I have nothing against it. I understand you.
I would support a crowdfund to watch the bottom 30% of society and 30% of those between 40% and 70% have a running man or hunger games style fight. Like Battle Royale jap.
>but I fail to feel any empathy against negro piss man.
Same bro, it must how the 1% feel about us.
But anon, blacks already do that in the inner cities.
>He has no soul. A single insect is more valuable to me
100% agreed
Also pretty sure the guy obsessively spamming about "the 1%" now is him. True subhuman behavior, he genuinely does not count as a human being in my eyes. People don't act like he does.
I did not like Parasite that much, it was a good one time watch. And the flooding thing is actually true. I thought that was a movie thing. Apparently the poor areas have no flood management lol.
I'm sure he is not. His big house is as big lie as him fucking 70 girls per week. If he was rich player, he wouldn't have spent a year posting about black cum and roasties on his every waking hour here.
You're brown.
I don't care. I tend to believe what people say online. What's the big deal? 1% is nothing. On a thread in /CK/ there is a guy showing off his cooking and he lives in an upper class home and he owns in la and Italy and a few more. You can tell just by his kitchen he is rich and comfortable. His appliances are nice too. It's the kind poor people don't buy.
Any high quality Melissa George horror kino I'm missing out on? Triangle and 30 Days of Night were high quality; currently watching Amityville Horror (not that big a fan.) Any others that are can't miss? For a while she seemed like she was set to be a high-tier, prolific horror actress but I haven't heard about much from her post 2010.
It is him. It's noticeable. When he gets obsession to some topic, he will start repeating it by himself.
This is the brown faggot btw.
Your life must be so fucking sad if you need to LARP in /hor/ every day.
Shitty but atmospheric cult classic. 7/10 for me. Very recommended.
I think slopanon is rich too lol. He is like a neet and has all the best gaming systems. Probably lots of royalties and rental income.
We don't hate the 1% as much as you. You have made sure of that, negro piss man.
It's funny that he pretends to be some rich playboy but then behaves like somebody with special needs. Does he seriously think we'd believe him?
No one is larping buddy. You think people larp cause you're poor or something.
I like slopanon. He seems like a nice guy.
>Does he seriously think we'd believe him?
Well, he is retarded after all.
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Well not believe him is more of a reflection on you than him lol. If you were well off, you know others are like you.
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Slashers are the most kino subgenre.
You can't even speak English.
Well this might are others, that am off well for them. It are very believings, because him is off.
Based solely on the poster, I'm guessing this film is some sort of horror-parody of The Amazing Atheist.
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I will try to watch this tomorrow. I hope it's good.
Kill yourself.
I always thought furries were creepy as hell. Interesting to see them tapping into that fear.
Would you fuck her?
get out sucked donkey balls. literally 0 scary scenes
skeleton key is so much better execution of the idea, 1000 times better and it even explores the race angle in a much better way. that ending was shcoking and it was overall much scarier and atmospheric
meanwhile get out fell so flat and i have no idea why people liked it
Is he okay?
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114 days remaining


thoughts on the song by the way?
Feels like AI generated slop but I like it
>It'll scare the cum out of you
I'll rage if Joel dies in the opening.
I liked It Follows and the haters can't handle it.
Roasties ain't getting my cum. They can get my ass juice.
Nastiest post ever made in /hor/.
if that happens i will go up to the screen smile and then kill everyone and then suicide
it was really good but the pool scene was jarring
Samefag. It follows is meme tier.
ok, 'really good' was maybe an overstatement
i'm not the guy, for me smile is the best curse movie by far
It Follows is good but desu I thought Smile was better, and Ring is obviously the GOAT curse film.
Kek. Imaging swallowing alpha cum when you're young and then swallowing ass juice once you turn 25. Guess the wall is a bitter drink to swallow.
Why does this pajeet have such disgusting fetishes?
the ring is just a little strange
muh little girl on an island
felt like 2 different movies mashed together - one about the tape and another about the girl
also Smile is just scarier and creepier than the ring
As disgusting as your BBC cuck fetish?
>the ring is just a little strange
>muh little girl on an island
Not talking about "The Ring" as in the 2000s Hollywood remake. Haven't even watched that.
I'm talking about Ring/Ringu from 1998. The movie about Japanese psychics and an angry ghost lady.
>also Smile is just scarier and creepier than the ring
Not more than Ring. I didn't find Smile very creepy at all desu, I liked it because it's a fun movie with a lot of scares.
Saw it in theaters with a friend. I enjoyed it
Nice projection, Negro Piss Man. Or should we call you, Ass Juice Man now?
the thing about smile is that the 'apparent mental illness angle' is actually very well done but i don't think everyone appreciated it
most of the criticisms i've read of the movie (other than it being a ring ripoff which it is) were about 'people irrationally not believing the MC'
well guess what, it takes only a bit of a display of madness before you lose all credibility even with your family members
and schizophrenia and psychosis is also largely a reaction to trauma. Psychotic people often hear voices that are significant to them - their father, their grandmother, their exes... like Rose heard her mothers' voice
the movie is just underrated and it had a bunch of cool jump scares and memorable moments to boot
and also it wasn't woke (unfortunately a real issue with horror lately). it could have been so easy to have some weird sexist angle about women not being believed when mentally ill. in fact her ex boyfriend is aiding her and she asks for his help. Which was sweet
i really can't name a better horror than Smile that's come out in the 20's
I go watch one edwige movie and the spamathon happens again.
Personally, i'm beginning to suspect me because I'm the only one with an alibi and innocent people never have alibis. Someone give me a columbo apu I'm taking over the case
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The negro piss man is on summer break now. It used to only post for a few hours, now it post all day long. I don't think the creature does anything else all day besides post here, it only leaves for a few hours to sleep. It's here for almost the entire day now.
>Wonders why spam is happening more now
>I tell him
>"Umm I don't care!"
You are either the negro piss man yourself, or you are just retarded
What percentage of the post count is you archiving your internet friend tonight?
He's definitely a kid. Genuine summerfag.
You will never be a mature distinguished gentlemen.
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Anon, are you connected to yourself?
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I really enjoyed Totally Killer
please rec other goofy lighthearted horror kino.
Anti-Christian zogslop no doubt.
August Underground's Mordum
Girlboss wokeslop
Serial Mom
drag me to hell
the cabin in the woods
Happy Death Day is alright.
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you guys gonna check the korean anthology movie that dropped today? 6 short films but can't say I recognize any of the director's works
member when that scottish faggot on youtube got triggered by this movie?
I just read Sardonicus by Ray Russell. Gonna watch the 1961 adaptation this weekend. Looking forward to it.
ayo dafuq do I watch fo tnite
The Sadness
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Recommend me some tv shows or movies with this type of cinematography
I seen that it wasn't shit
Reccomend me a horror movie where everything is so dark that you have no idea what's going on ever at all.
the descent
Robert Eggers Nosferatu. At least the trailer, they should brighten it for the release if they want it to be actually watchable.
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Apart from a few words in the beginning, this is a dialogue-free tribute to grotesque misogyny. It's basically just an hour of a girl being terrorized and murdered without any plot to even attempt to justify any of it. Some that note its place in Australian and global horror history also consider it a precursor to THE TEXAS CHAIN SAW MASSACRE, which I count as another mark against it. Don’t waste your time like I did.

NOTE: I’m giving it a half-star instead of zero for a few slightly artful camera angles and edits, and that’s it, because damn, this is vile. I'm also judging everyone on here that's giving three- and four-star ratings to this trash, because Jesus Christ, come on people.
whats a good movie where soemthing bad happens and the main characters go find some occult specialist and the occult specialist is like "hmm this is bad"
aight im finna watch The House that Jack Built for tnite
Wow, sounds cool. Added to my watchlist.
Been watching this trash. This dude's flicks are hour-long dead baby jokes disguised as horror flicks and are so bad that they make me chuckle and giggle.
whats the best giallo
jesus christ you retards are useless
Or Suspiria if you consider that a giallo. You could look at it as a very surreal slasher.
never heard of it/him. tell me more
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>40 posts removed
Whoever reported most of roastie jeet man’s posts went full retard and reported all of mine too and I didn’t even get handed a ban.
Whoever reported my posts, I sincerely hope you win the lottery and lose your ticket
True, this was good. Would rec.
They just seem to remove all of Ass Juice Pajeet's posts and any posts that are replying to him. At least they are actually getting rid of his bullshit now
The ass juice thing was revolting and the weirdo made two posts about it. Freak behavior.
He's posted some other very revolting shit before too. Recently he went on some strange rant about how he wants to drink "Tyrone's alpha black cum" from Nell Tiger Free's mouth. He saw a screenshot from The First Omen and it caused him to have that strange sperg out.
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Spider kinos
>eight legged freaks
>son of godzilla
Normally I wouldn’t entertain this idiot but he kept getting the name of my favorite actress wrong. I’d say it’s intentional but he’s already proven himself to be just that retarded.
I really doubt he did it on purpose.
He's more than retarded, he's a mentally ill kid who is also a pajeet. He might be the most retarded creature to ever post on /tv/. It's awful that the creature is on summer break right now, as he is posting all day long because of it. I wonder if he will ever stop this shit, or if he will keep doing this forever?
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Spiders are the most kino killers in the insect kingdom
Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
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Imagine getting trapped by a spider
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>Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
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>>Spiders are arachnids, not insects.
what’s this from?
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Deleted scene Clive Barker's Nightbreed (1990), which could potentially have been one of the best scenes in horror history if the studio didn't fuck with it
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Are there any good ghost movies in the last 2 years or is it all "psychological thrillers" and slasher gore porn faggotry
>Are there any good ghost movies in the last 2 years or is it all "psychological thrillers"
What are some examples of what you consider good ghost movies?
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>slasher gore porn faggotry
>awesome killers
>cool masks
>comfy atmosphere
>funny characters
>sick gore
>cute girls taking their boobies out
Slashers are so kino.
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>Those digits
Based slasher chads
I like when cute girls are hesitant about revealing their boobies, and then they reveal them
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Kino. Peele's done it again.
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Hargan these nuts lol
kek'd at Scream
For me it’s Luigi’s Mansion
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White people do be scary.
I made that lmao, I can't believe I forgot >>200505825
This dude Jaws needs to chill the fuck out and stop eating people.
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That's a lot of white people...
Im scared bros
Disgusting. I hope his father is dead so he doesn't have to witness his son's degeneracy.
Deadass scary fr
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Spider Baby is proto-Texas Chain Saw Massacre. The siblings' personalities in both movies even line up.
Ralph is Leatherface, the retarded one who can't speak.
Virginia is Nubbins/The Hitchhiker, the psychopathic one whose actions risk drawing too much attention to the family.
Elizabeth is Drayton/The Cook, the "mature and responsible" one who is supposed to keep her siblings out of trouble despite also being severely mentally ill.
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the pope's exorcist vs insidious
there's an alternate timeline in my mind where TCM: The Beginning never happens, and instead of Halloween 2007, Rob Zombie is given the chance to direct his own version of TCM and casts Sheri Moon in a Virginia role, and Sid Haig again.
Just because he's obviously a fan.
Could've been good.
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Can somebody please recommend me films similar to Angst (1983)? I watched that film years ago, and it's the best film I've ever seen. I still can't find a single film that's more kino than it. I think it may literally be the perfect film, every other kino pales in comparison to it.
The Golden Glove
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Der Fan
Maniac (1980)
Maniac (2012)
Peeping Tom
Hopefully you haven't seen at least one of them.
Seen them. I like all of them, Henry and Der Fan are some of my favorite movies, but none of them really felt similar to Angst besides Der Fan
you might like jörg buttgereit’s “schramm”
Angst definitely has a unique "vibe" to it. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Actually I do kinda have a rec. If you like Der Fan and haven't seen it already then I'd rec checking out its semi-sequel The Gold of Love. Not really comparable to Angst but it's pretty cool.
what’s this from?
Seen it, kind of of comes close, the soundtrack especially.
I have actually never seen Gold of Love, I'll check it out. Thanks
Spider Baby
Spider Baby.
Should note that it isn't the same movie as the other webm even though the filename of that one is "Spider Babes". Not sure what movie that one is.
>I have actually never seen Gold of Love, I'll check it out. Thanks
Hope you enjoy. It's much weirder than Der Fan.
Only available version of The Gold of Love is a VHS rip with fansubs. Never released outside of its initial German VHS. Would be cool to see it get restored like Der Fan was.
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>Only available version of The Gold of Love is a VHS rip with fansubs.
Yeah it sucks when a good film is only released on a low quality and obscure VHS/DVD. One film I watched recently this also happened to is Sombre. Good serial killer kino that was, for some reason, only released on a rare, shitty looking DVD.
>order replacement capacitors for old TV
>from china
>gets held up by customs on san fran docks during summer
>caps burst in heat defeating the entire damn purpose
>get refund but have to start over
Hopefully some boutique labels get to them or something.
And thanks for the rec.
OMG! Is that the new slow-burn trauma horror kinorino?
It's based on book from the writer of Let The Right One in. The book was written on 2005. And yes, it's a slowburn like the 2008 movie. Slowburns didn't begin with Babadook. Don't be retarded, anon.
Very based.
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>mfw I got tricked into a slowburn
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based. sackheads rule.
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Times you acted like Martin?
Speaking of Nell Tiger-Free, how is Servant? I actually finished S01 and liked it but I didn't check out the other seasons as they ended the last episode introducing a cult into the storyline.
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>MFW le creepy smile movie
Just watched Tarot, it's a typical disposable teeny bopper PG-13 horror movie, but I'd say a step above the usual affair. Some good monster designs and it's nice to have a modern PG-13 teeny bopper horror movie where the demons are actual tangible threats that are actually going to kill you instead of just jumping out to say boo for a jump scare with no clear clarification about whether or not the demons are actually going to do anything other than mildly annoy you.

The magician scene was almost masterful, reminded of the excellent flashback scene from Dead Silence. It's a shame she jumps into the box almost immediately, 10% of the scene is outside on the stage and 90% is in the box. Going in the box is necessary for the punchline, but I wish 90% of the scene was on the stage and 10% was in the box. The old timey aesthetic with the audience was kino, I wish the magician screwed with her out on stage for a minute or two before the box stuff.
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Horror kinos that made you do this sort of facial expression?
It's positive that your spam is now at least related to horror movies, but it's still a spam, when you keep repeating it. It's summer and you are still a kid. Go outside.
the movie sucked but that magician scene was good
if the whole movie was like that, it would've been way better
that elevator scene made me shit and puke and bleed from my ass, it sucked so hard
Not him but you need to go outside actually
I walked the Exorcism and just movie hopped IF.

What were they thinking?
Seriously speaking, this thing of yours with all the liquids that come from human body. Is it a fetish?
>Not him
Nice try. Shame that it doesn't work anymore. You have made profiling of you too easy.
it's the same guy. he's trying to create a character, and the character name and lore is coming from the supposed 2nd party everytime. he's lonely for ERP to the power of 2 people
>makes the same spelling mistakes
>analyzes himself and his other self from the point of view of imaginary third party
We have reached to a new level of meta.
not him
but maybe he infected me
I think i've seen that movie
Invansion of the Negro Piss Men?
Just like that time PKD worked out the CIA brainwashed him into burglarizing his own apartment so he'd be paranoid about a burglary that did happen but with a burglar he couldn't guess
name a better horror than smile from the 20's
nta, but I didn't like Smile, so there's plenty just from 2020 alone that I find better.
Not hard considering Smile was trash but Thanksgiving, Saw X, Hell House LLC 4, When Evil Lurks, Cobweb, Pearl, M3gan, Orphan FIrst Kill, Deadstream, Malignant, Wrong Turn, Black Phone
where did they get plastic flowers from? did they go to ikea?
Soilent Green
Love Sion Sono movies.
Pearl was the best movie since Halloween.
I'm waiting to see Pearl til closer to Maxxxine, X was great. The only notes I had on X were less obvious old people and don't make me listen to Fleetwood Mac covers over a split screen because that is too much 70s even for the 70s, and chances are neither of the other two will have those problems
Hyped for end of summer
Less obviously ^made up^ old people
i thought these were just reddit onions cuck slop nuhorror for feminists
X definitely was, Pearl was fine though.
Can't say for Pearl but X is a 70s throw back
I wouldn't call X the usual feminist horror. There's lot of boobs, asses. All the old good slasher tropes. No "men bad" themes. It's actually surprisingly tame with sex scenes. There isn't even any lesbian stuff. But there should be.
X is race mixing propaganda.
You are a pajeet. Your whole existence is an example of dangers of race mixing.
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Lesbian 70s is mostly giallo, you don't really get it in American movies. Or if you do it's because there's an absence of men, like prison sexploitation movies or island of women things. Even Dracula and Carmilla movies are light on the lesbians when it's canonical to have lesbians
You're right though, everything needs more lesbians doing lesbian things
>slasher slop
>ff slop
>aids slop
>better than smile
black phone is good tho, but the rest - come on
You're gassing up Smile too hard. I liked it but I agree with that anon that many of those other movies were better.
And Smile? Incoherent slop. Oh look, a villain that warps the victim's perception of reality with zero limitations. That's convenient, because now the director can make a movie that has zero story, cause or effect. Just think of random "spooky" scenes and stitch them together and call it a "movie", because the entity is warping the protagonist's perception of reality anyway, so nothing has to matter anymore. How about a scene where she gifts a little girl at her birthday party but it turns out the entity made her gift a dead cat...and then she goes to the grocery store to eat a banana, but then it turns out she wasn't eating a banana but deepthroating a kitchen knife...and then she goes driving down the highway but then it turns out she's actually driving down the wrong side of the highway and almost crashes her car! Wow, what a riveting movie. I love movies where nothing matters it's just a random string of irrelevant scenes that have no weight, cause or effect.

1408 is the only movie that needed to be made with this kind of villain. Smile and Oculus can go fuck themselves.
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Unironically loved the Happy Death Day flicks back when they hit theaters.
They're really rewatchable and fun movies. Was talk at some point to have a spin-off movie.
>A Quiet Place: Day One
In theaters on Friday
>In A Violent Nature
Streaming on Friday
I've seen it, and while it is a decent Lynch flick, I feel like it's overrated on /tv/. Lost Highway is clearly the superior Lynch.
>>In A Violent Nature
The gimmick got boring fast
I'm going to do the opposite. I won't watch it, and I already hate it because it stars a tranny.

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What exactly are you supposed to do when seeing this in the middle of the night?
Shoot them as I fear for my life
<20 posts left
Lol what now?
Grab those demon tittays obviously
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What’s the next thread theme gonna be? It ain’t up to me this time.
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>white women
No clue, I never make threads, just alert people when it's close to time. Pretty dead right now so I hope someone does it.
>Trip 3s
i guess subjective taste
very valid criticism, the writing wasn't anything superb
but i just really enjoyed the execution. it was honest to god horror movie for the sake of horror
idk maybe im just simping for the main girl, she did really well
has this general ever spawned any best of list like they have music essentials on /mu/?
Too many differing opinions and trolls. /hor/ has plenty of charts though from various people.
I'll check out Violent Nature when it's up
Me too, since I didn't see it in theaters. I hope it's good to keep the slashers coming.
Lmao the last thing that retard needs is more attention
3 more to go
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hey i'm looking for the source of these movie quotes
"oh, mon dieu, mon dieu!"
"what was he shouting?"
"the names of the devil"
it can be heard in this song at around 2:11 and on
Guess I’m making it again lol. Hope you guys like Doctor Sleep
Never seen it since I assumed it would be bad.
I liked it but it’s definitely no Shining.


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