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Letty scars edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit

they are burn marks she was in a car accident as a child
What are they doing objective wise? And why isn't Jon here yet? I'm so lost.
skibidi chungus
Letty tits alert
Letty looks so hot with that haircut my standards are so low
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Rain thursday and thunderstorms this sunday, nice.
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Guy on the director cam really putting in the work
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>the only hangout table is smack dab in the middle of the square with no shade
Best season yet
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Should I watch Tayleigh's cam so I don't have to see her? Or do you think I should watch someone else so I don't have to hear her all the time?
friends how do I auto search for FTL in the URL
why are these threads slow, where is everyone, s1 was a blast
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our next freeloader!
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show will fail without an asian waifu
>only get 4 cameras without a pass
lo fucking l
how many faggots are actually happily paying for that?
I bought a pass during season 1 for the """exclusive""" final release and then they put that shit on youtube just a week after it was done
wow she actually looks hot there
threads are split >>200483878

pixie cut Tayleigh is already destroying me. This is going to be a long and expensive 2 weeks
Jimmy tits alert


>MPV script for clipping
you could just kill yourself
greg has mastered the mystical art of alcoholism and all the secrets that come with it, like crushing a can in 10 seconds.
this shit is starting already?
I can't fucking do this, I actually have shit to do
Take down the cams!
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What happened to Peter?
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"We're in fantasy, it doesn't matter"

Lol that would be a really good clip to advertise this
its extremely boring and hard to follow don't worry you won't get hooked in
pls someone post caps of letty stretch
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She's got my endorsement
where did they get these autistic enby actors
Greg was made for this kind of cringe
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Sex with Abi is your moral and ethical imperative.
She's doing this on purpose, btw
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a few too many soups
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I’m watching but waiting for season 3 before I care
Jet Neptune is very bad at understanding what is fun to watch
so are they not gonna shower the whole time?
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whose man is this
Is Flowstreams here?
Will we get a rewindable VoD?
>not knowing about her big naturals
Fake fans
shes so fucking repulsive and manly
Letty saving this shit show
he went from trish's lover to her chat moderator
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See >>200484984

jesus h christ
>POV: the last thing you see before falling into a pond
She quite literally only fucks melanated men
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i love her
Jimmy is fucking fat
jimmy is going to get severely sunburned, I dont think hes ever been outside for longer than an hour
Haven’t watched yet. Can someone give me the rundown of what’s wrong so far?
Why is Jimmy shirtless?
the rapid camera movement is awful.
What is Elliot Page doing on Fishtank?
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She needs BWC correction
he rummages in heaps of trash at hoarderman's all day, of course he goes outside
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letty a qt
>life comes at you fast from buddy to tubby
BEATbros... we are so back
Do any of these Fishtank women not cut themselves?
>jimmy sperging out anytime anything slightly political is mentioned
its gonna be another 3 hours till sunset boys
He wants attention
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Taylo and Trish
God I missed her wonky eyes.
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She has a white trash phenotype, the bl*cks can have her.
director is a confirmed letty gooner lmao
Don Jolly would honestly work well in this type of game
please tell me somebody clipped that letty stretch
The boxing shit has to stop!
Where are they sleeping?
Have they said anything about that today?
shit was funny
Why do people like Taylor? Didn’t she tweet that she doesn’t like dating white men?
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>covering the eye
director looking at tay's back and tits awfully closely
That was abi
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WTF no she doesn't...
there's an outdoor camp with some bunkbeds and a roof. No walls on one side so hopefully it rains sideways
no that was the other chick jimmy tried to kill
earthworm jim
you're thinking of Abi
TTS soon. She knows it's coming.
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Show has been a mess so far
>begin without explaining core mechanics to fish
>don't explain where the map borders are so one of them literally leaves and almost rapes a beehive
>an hour after the start all the npcs leave so now schitty looks like a ghost town
>obviously they're gonna leave, they dont have lodgings there to actually be able to hang out
>half the cams are paywalled
>half the other half don't work half the time
>bodycams are neat in concept, but in reality they will make action really hard to follow
>trish's fat ass broke the dirtbike already
>roleplay is halfassed, half of the fish arent even in costume
>one of them isn't even there
>le boxing training for the one millionth time
>constant tech problems, too
It's not looking good Goranbros..
>Sam, I'm really anxious can I get $100 dollars in advance for more weed and I promise to edit the trailer within 6 months to a year
Where is the volume adjust in this new overlay
So when it gets dark it won't be watchable? The area is way too big
that's abi. and people like taylor because she's hot
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I misser
keep trying faggot
Is that Brandon Buckingham?
>his darkest angel
>the fourth horsemen of the apocalypse
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>where is the dust?
cams will switch to night vision
>personal TTS
rip gayleigh
its great seeing Trish so lively, just a shame Dumbgay is there to ruin the mood
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me too...
it's Chip
QRD on white I've missed so far?
Gonna go fap now thanks Letty
>phone cameras with night vision
Trying what? Refute any of the points I've made, cocksucker
my god i forgot how annoying tayleighs chud voice is
Boring walking mostly
i hope someone magdumps jimmy while hes shirtless
Imagine smoking cigs after sex with your wife tay tay
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fishtank is 4chan's answer to twitch's parasociality
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NEED a webm of Letty getting mad at the camera after catching it watch her sexy stretches
Nothing, Tayleigh already lost a life with some gay shit with chip. That's the only thing of possible (lol) consequence lol.
anyone have pictures of Scott
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I ain’t watching but Is Josie in this shit?
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>sexo trish right on the merchant cam
>cam not working
jet crying that josie wouldn't come on lol
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is lettysex even possible in (((modern day)))???
season 1 vibes
For ryona
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at least 5 Letty stretching webms
i wonder if the sites perimeter is protected, imagine Q or some retarded Taytriot making a scene lol
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>answer to something that's bad with something that's much worse and even more jewish and scummy
>Brian doing an officer maggot impression
very cringe
>i wonder if the sites perimeter is protected
nigga this is jet we're talking about
Who we gooning to bros?
0% chance
there's a visible structure, someone would just need to autistically look at every camping/outdoors/airsoft or whatever event place and match it with the structure they are in.

might be someone's private land though would be hard to spot that but I doubt it w/ the size.
supple princess tummy...
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So which of you retards is gonna crash the party?
trish delish
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get ready for two weeks of them sitting by this table having nothing to do
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Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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That's already happening, love
Kiwi already doxed it
Yes. Jet hired 70 men to guard the perimeter of this outfit. No HWNDU operators will be getting through.
Where's Jon?
I like the runescape dungeon synth music
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BTW Abi got doxxed on /bant/ and this is what her alabama hood looks like
They marked it with rocks man
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>goth gypsy fortune teller trish looking at you like this
Do you need to be a paypig to switch to fish cams or something?
>Kiwi already doxed it
that came from bant, our dweeb on the ground Q went there and didn't see anything
voodoo mama juju
christ thats grim
if it had grass it wouldn't be too bad
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it only took him 2 hours to completely give up on his character
that's a new fishtank record
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10/10 Neptune
How are you guys hearing the music?
This is where I plap her
>it's a sam following trish around like a dog episode
flowstreams is better than the actual site
And its so hot out they cant even have them daydrink without risk of dehydration death
ask if there's any spells she can use on my white cock, specifically with her mouth
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We are back together once again. I missed the far superior FTL experience of not paying for the season pass and not even watching the show on their site while chatting on a third site.
>the medieval music combined with sam punching the pads

Ok I'm warming up to this. It's becoming so bad it's good
With my ears
No it isn't, he was talking without the southern accent within minutes last time
director cam seems to have it
Its funny how Trish is oblivious to the hold she has over these men
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bugs when you lift the rock
it's on the director cam
The exotic nature of her boyfriends is the only thing that takes her way from this place. Now I understand.
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Why does Jimmy have a lean gut lmao
Who has Jimmy been sexually harassing the most so far?
My directer cam doesn't work at all
sylvie snacks...
it doesn't work when you first go to it. cancel it and go back and it should work
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It's kinda fucked up that Letty cam lets you see everything but Letty.
Just came to Letty. Like old times.
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Who are they?
Letty of course
Who do you think regrets coming the most?
I can’t wait for fatty to try flirting with letty again
is that mumkey jones
stupid cunt
letty brought condoms, what a slut
this is boring
Tai, he actually has some motion outside of fishtank, the other 5 are jobless fucks looking for more easy money
Why is that fat bitch here
where is my nigga nifty
Maro has gotten larger
you're right she's more post punk
Tai for sure. Once Jon shows up, he'll be so ready to quit
>Tai, he actually has some motion outside of fishtank
Not really, the other day he said he was gonna have to drive Uber again because he's making no money as a standup
she's early glam
Sam's boxing schtick is so fucking gay
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another season of sam and this red headed faggot pretend to be street fighter characters. im calling it now, jet haters are gonna be eatin good this season.
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What's Jet thinking right now?
letty and tayleigh secret alliance lol
Have to turn off the Letty cam. Feeling sick at the sight of her arms
Every time I hear Nina speak I want to push her out of a moving car.
not taking art advice from a trust fund kid that dropped out of risd
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But seriously who is this guy?
Letty ASMR
Nah this will be great and be a great lead to s3
It made sense in season 1 with the whole boxing Goldstriker theme, but after that it's just overplayed and gay.
making a tribute to them rn
Fatty is gonna be an ogre boss battle isnt he
LMAO are they actually sleeping in there?
an ftl poster that got a role
he's great, best npc
KYS Cole, go back to watching BLACKED
whats to stop me from taking letty from there in the night?
alright what are the stakes, why should the fish care about playing? is there even a main prize?
where are they this time, northeast again?
>do doordash deliver here?

its like SNL. the more times you go to it the funnier it gets
A racist
>a vampire attack is imminent
>show is unwatchable and boring
>general resorts to the same tired simp posting
This is unwatchable
I don't know if it's my internet or the site, but the streaming is garbage, I miss everything
warming up to this nigga ngl
where is lubecooch?
>TTS speaker on everyone
someone is going to leave because of this.
Nothing. It is your God-given right to turn up to camp and plap her until the sun rises.
Paul Dano
Jet hired some retarded larpers to do all the work for him
That is going to get SOAKED on thursday. They will all get so sick sitting out in the rain all day. Jet better set up some tarps tomorrow in prep (the rain on the tarps will make it so we cant hear anyone)
what if jimmy rapes tayleigh
This is…. Unfortunate
Did they just find whippets in the lootbox lol

>oh so me and tayleigh
>oh i cant talk about that yet
what were they cooking?
you are gay
maybe for 1 or 2 nights. no way they dont say fuck that and sleep indoors
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Are (you) enjoying this?
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might as well post tay's texas hood too
Jon will not be able to handle it
Were Tayleigh's binoculars issued to her or did she bring them herself?
Based junkie die of fentanyl
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hey jet the tts needs to be louder
Of course
since he is dead in the rp story i guess that means he will show up as a vampire later
arm broken in accident, couldn't come. some are hoping he'll come midseason but low chances
They're 100% already a couple, they're cute desu
they're already making more money this season with letty
this is much nicer than alabama
>6500 viewers
>this is probably the peak

>"i know you suck toes!"
>"ummm ok... teehee"
That looks comfy while abi's looks sad
whatever faggot go jerk ur tiny dick to some 360p screencaps of 3/10 beat faced fishtank dykes
co2 cannisters for the airsoft guns but jet had them lying around......
Why did she leave the fishtank if she had to go back to this?
kinda, I'm waiting for dusk/night to see if shit happens. Just here for Tai t b h
Why is there a fance around a death bush?
who is the new green dress girl in town?
How did letty lose her virginity?
do you know what a hood is?
>that letty moan
against her will
Are they at least somewhere with dangerous wildlife? Someone getting mauled to death with a pov cam is the only thing that could make this worth it
Do you really care what numbers this pulls in?
still the main character
tay is going to melt down from the kentucky TTSes and jon will fold at the slightest criticism
LOL I'm literally gooning to your post right now and you can't do anything about it, faggot
I keep seeing tai in freeze frame for a second and then it disappears
a neighborhood?
great reply, thanks dude
why is vance just sitting there watching the boxing?
brian is the sheriff and ben is an irl ex special ops
sure but also no; if you're esl I'll let it slide
Where’s horse fucker
letty softly spooken footcrunching asmr is great
Why does reddit hate Jimmy so much?
Jimmy just said Jon would kick his ass
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>irl ex special ops
but so am I.
yea next to the clit
>I can listen to Letty radio on one tab and watch Taylor stand around in another
because he said the n word
Greg cam for Taylor boobies
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White zoomers just use ebonics not carrying about what they actually mean, rich white kids on tik tok talk about "standing on business" and show their "crib" in their videos.
I'm English but also not that anon. Do you mean hood like niggers mean hood
He is a chill guy, like him already and I hope he doesn't get killed by vampires
He’s their ambassador and is making them look bad
Ben is a Marine or something no joke
burried 6 feet under and coming out at night
he problematic
shes taunting him
The way taylor is watching sam box, it's 100% over tj bros
no wait actually who is that
I take it back
the map is just a flaccid penis
why isn't letty being that much of a bitch at the moment?
again so am I. I have gotten fat though. I still like my odds
He’s leader of smoketeam6
I mean she literally watched TJ fight him before
what is the cord hanging out of taylors dress?
That's me
she was only a bitch in season 1 after being told to be in the basement
it's funnier to watch the tranny fucker and his gimp fail than it is the retarded contestants.
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Greg giving Taylor the ick
id give her a free load, if you get what im saying
lmao taylor still hates greg
obody gives a shit enough to play a character
>lies about taylor multiple times in order to scam people
>talks to her like nothing happened
based greg
>letty is starting to tts farm like the s1 days
Profits soon.
one story houses always look so depressing
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Letty out of bounds
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Get this letty simp off the director cam, Jet.
Is Brian still in his awful relationship with the happa?
letty is leaving the area lmao
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wait so I pay for the season pass and they still make me look at these ugly ass tshirt designs?
they're barely gonna sell any TTS because nobody can fucking hear them
fax i could tell by his cammies
She's had a year of our love to level up with
Cuck mentality from you
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>have to pretend to like Greg for 2 weeks
>White zoomers just use ebonics not carrying about what they actually mean
I never thought about this but you are right
I noticed it with white kids talking about "smoking on packs", never thought I'd see it stretched to 4chan

yes, in the US "hood" would almost always denote ghetto as opposed to neighborhood, which is a lot nicer in connotation
>He paid
She's an evil 2 faced person
Tampon, virgin.
Really really really hope TTS stays this low volume and inaudible paypiggies do not deserver to be heard
go back
>I pay for the season pass
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this guy has been haunting my dreams for the past 4 months
any1 with similar experiences?
>Greg stops being autistic when he’s RPing
To be fair why did she think going in fishtank when he was trying to win money would help fix their relationship. Especially when it was all live-streamed.
>simps falling for lettys TEEHEE WOMENTRICKS again
come on guys, why are you this pathetic
Do they have GPS trackers?
why the FUCK is tayleigh whispering like last season?
Why does Letty keep sighing like that
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I just realized they made this out of the doors and shades they ripped out of the season 2 house fucking kek
Did Jet open the show with another gay speech like last time?
Based Brian.
Brianbuddies, we back?
hi channing, you must be really upset about that night in texas still
thank fucking god too
you deserve it lmao
where is mauro
>letty printing tts money
every time
we never left
peter W
They're going to have to put one on Jon just incase
I love pretty women
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alright yeah I'm calling it, this shit is NOT getting any better
sammy boy wanted a quick few bucks and I'm sure plenty of retards will throw that at him but I'm gonna get back to my hundredth listen of Almighty So 2
nice trips
she looks retarded. gain taste.
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Main character
she is literally the one one actually talking to the cam

s2 only person who did it was cole

its so easy everyone else is just a retard
>never thought I'd see it stretched to 4chan
Why? Its not 2008 when this website was unkown. A lot of 4chan users are also on twitter and tik tok, and mobile posting is bigger than PC posting according to stats.
that was a bit, please pay attention alright?
Ice Poseidon won, i'm out
where is big god? Who is this blond nerd?
That's fair. I'm just wondering though.
They still haven't opened the show
all the good stuff will happen till 3 am again, right?
god damn i cannot listen to letty's vocal fry fake nice voice anymore please stop switching director cam to her jet
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Proud Taytriot since day fucking one
its just her group of megapaypigs that she milks on discord.
They don't get along? I don't even remember them being on the show at the same time
Big god is the only one running mde while these niggas larp
please dude I don't need to contend with the fact that I'm currently sharing this site with people that are the age I was when I started coming here
Is it chopping for anyone else?
Would you let that guy ride your dick?
Trish lookin fine lmao
How long are you going to give this before tuning out?
>Letty already wanting to call it quits
Where is Tai? His cam is down
Letty da kahntent kween
MC is Greg
Why the fuck is Mauro there
>jimmy thinks he has to be entertaining
>he thinks him trying to be entertaining is entertaining
kill yourself faggot
she's a literal 3/10 not including her horrid selfish personality
dunye and mauro FUCKED
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>Would you let that guy ride your dick?
yes, but that's a cute girl, not a guy
tay has paypigs, why is letty mogging her?
For duanye
They need a guy to larp as the quitter.
What's he doing?
This is the last time before they do the "full reset"
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>where is big god?
Scuffed Realtor returns in 1 hour

Proud Tayleigh hater since day 1
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sex with letty
This fucking shit is objectively genius
>TTS on individuals
The Mauroboros hungers for money and Dumbgay
he's a legend of the tank
When do they plan to do that?
>>White zoomers just use ebonics not carrying about what they actually mean
Anon, this website made "based" more of a thing than Lil B every could.
did you know that this "channing" faggot is just a deflection from the fact that Sam had tranny cock in his ass and mouth? say it. Speak the truth. Sam Hyde lusts after trannys and it's as hilarious as it is disgusting.
I made a conscious decision a few hours ago to stop watching this and close the FTL tab. was able to be productive and do some other stuff.

that being said, did I miss anything?
She didn’t she said don’t have any expectations
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>she put on a little weight since season 2
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alabama one looks like its supposed to be a sub urb but its poor people, and like a place when you go buy drugs, and texas one is just country side.
trish is easy
>tay has paypigs
not anymore lmao
>letty and tay were talking a bunch last night with jenny
who tf is jenny?
he's willing to pay for his own plane ticket
didn't letty and jon have a big falling out? How are they going to deal with that
yeah but that's because lil b was unironically /ourguy/
he mentioned 4chan in a song in 2010 ffs
>npc just saying "Hello" as he walks by
I laughed at the oblivion vibes
Wanna live under that dress rn
That’s really interesting Channing, thanks for letting us know
Dunye’s pocketpussy
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>Proud Tayleigh hater since day 1
I respect desu, I'm a taytriot since day 10
The only attractive female to ever appear on the show
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>hey man, wanna let uhhhh me ride that cock of yours, dude?
Gregg creeping out the hoes
Greg rizzing Trish
Greg raped me
This is basically just audio only with the lag atp
she said janny ((short for janitor) like on le 4chan)
if i had money and wanted to give it to goran i would do TTS as the inner monologue/conscience of the players
greg is trying and failing.
greg hitting trish with that mosquito rizz
That is a boy.
Totally forgot how autistic Greg is, wiped out of my mind completely
You must be a child
Nahhh man chillll
Trish not fucking with Greg at all lmao. Taylor and Trish are both already tired of his shit.
Janny (Jet)
Greg is losing his virginity tonight whether Trisha likes it to not
>trish is easy
yeah man she kissed cole and brian the first week
meanwhile, delusional /ftl/ retards kept propping up the TAYLOR is a whore meme
looks like the thumbnail of a pov shooting video
at least you're not watching some stupid degenerate show with them... oh wait.
Sex. With. Trish.
if you type the word rizz you should kill yourself. I will now kill myself
>getting better
first time?
They can smell that he's searching for poon
tayleigh looks like fucking butthead dude
i have to admit that I just don't get it.
jenny is schultz's wife, casting director, and producer. i.e., the person who keeps goran's show afloat
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Imagine both of them taking turns slowly suffocating you to death with their tits
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Tay haters, or "tayters" as I like to call them, are just the most low T males that are afraid of a woman who can outpace them. They want broken BPD whores like Summer or Trish they think they could dominate
I know tons of white trash chicks that have that same face.
director cam fucked?
Almost none of these people can keep up an act for a day, let alone 2 weeks
Why is Letty's audio so loud?
>Toss a bunch of old trash from the previous seasons in the woods
>Toss the old trash contestants in too
>Live stream it for money
Unironically genius, I kneel, Jet.
Does she have to pay for sex?
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He will take what he's owed
too based for them sluts
Bro, Letty is really cute.
it's like it has ADHD
Tayleigh literally got dominated by Frank live on cam and also licked Trish's boots
>girl sword-fighting with bf
Im killing myself right now
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I closed the tab like 20 minutes ago, I'm just here to shitpost before I get fishtank exists until next season
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>That is a boy.
Are you trying to tell me I'm gay, because I'm not, I just find tomboys hot.
I don't want anything to do with any of those three.
Reminder the red scare girls are the only reason she does this and Sam had one of them on his podcast where he embarassingly was trying to impress her.
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On a personal note
I think tayleigh is fucking ugly
taytriots seem pretty gay desu
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trisha militia and greg heads shoutout
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That’s fair
No they don’t, whites rarely have monolids and epicanthal folds
Who is doing this?
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Who pitched and who catched?
kentucky fried cope
Restream here no commentary no facecam no bullshit
well the taylor haters are tj haters which are taytriots and jimmybros
Nah that's a plastic shed we tore apart
Taxcin status?
Damn, didn't think the coon would be into fat gay Hawaiians
that baby is not going hungry
>Tay abusing a small business owner
What a cunt
They know he’s a weirdo now. Taylor had to tell Greg off and Greg also commented some weird stuff when Trish streamed
renn faire for retards
making a girl uncomfortable simulator
What the fuck is meant to be hot about this picture?
mauro looks like a baseball catcher
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Niggers fuck anything no matter their sexual orientation
she prints money
Fuck you LMFAO I'll copyright this piece of shit
hey trish has eyebrows now, good for her

Duanyes a pitcher
Why are there so many leaves on the ground in JUNE???
The Greg cam is too cringe kek
still the average demographic of this website and especially this thread is around 18, on /bant/ people blogpost and talk about their live more and half the faggots there are young adults
flips are easy for white dudes, yes
>he's never been in the woods
get outta here city slicker
Where are you from?
>the taylor haters are tj haters
yes and no, i didnt mind TJ winning S2
but at the same time I felt he didnt deserve the cash AND the girl at the same time >>200487059
>which are taytriots
no, Tay is fucking disgusting beyond belief, thats one of the most disgusting people ive ever seen
>and jimmybros
Jimmy is cool and you should stop pretending he isn't.
holy fuck tay is ugly.
where do you think leaves go? they function as nutrition for the trees.
Different time zones, in places like Argentina and French Guyana it's winter
Me on a date simulator
NAbros, how long until nighttime over there?
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sex with abi
lol get a grip
I’m just so curious about how sex with her would be
That’s half of her appeal

I can imagine letty or trish

But what would that hairy chudcunt look like boing boing on cocky
There's nothing tomboy about her, unless you're one of those retards that think short hair=tomboy. She's a weak dumb bitch.
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people have been saying this
3-4 hours.
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>the sound of Letty giggling in my headphones
Comfy restream here bros come join
Ikr, she'd incredibly uglyhot
i enjoyed watching greg from afar but for some reason watching life from his perspective makes me hate him. i'm enjoying letty from this view. i wonder how i'll feel about POV jon.
Would hate fuck desu
Trish upskirt cam when?
Hating Tayleigh but liking Jimmy is some kind of mental illness
> But what would that hairy chudcunt look like boing boing on cocky
my fucking sides
Is every cam down except for Letty's?
gregcam was kino last season though
tbf I am incredibly out of touch with 4chan now because I loathe everything about it
my favorite boards are shells of what they used to be and the only others I like are dead
I want to leave but I have no clue where to go after spending more than half my life here
>mosquitos all over letty
I already know what it's like to be retarded desu
Would love fuck desu
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wtf! you wouldn't lovefuck?
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>Hating Tayleigh but liking Jimmy is some kind of mental illness
how? Jimmy's hamming it up and Tayleigh is clearly a pickme
Man I love Tai so much
Because she's the main character
She's clearly a demon
where's the tayseethe TTS at?
you never had sex
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Anyone else find this really hard to watch, every 10 minutes it crashes or lags and I have to refresh.
I just wanna lean back and look at Letty and Tayleigh be cute.
These technical issues makes me wanna quit watching this shit, it's stressing me out.
So beautiful
It's kinda hard to keep up with all the cams but otherwise seems fun. Also I want to FUCK Trish.
>director cam is just a wooden board
lettybugs are feasting
Me in the back.
Hey guys support fishtank and please buy the season pass. The features are out of this world. It's awesome.
Let the nigga cook
She’s an angel
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Schitty Show
Schitty Town
Schitty Production
Schitty Sensei
Greg will deliver
my stream doesn't even have a volume bar
stop these slanderous lies please
You can like Tayleigh and still think she looks disgusting. She's funny, she would be a cool friend to have.
West nile virus
nah ugliest girl this season
>tay be cute
I think I've found your biggest problem bro
thank god tayleigh is here to complain about everything and ruin the vibes completely!
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yeah it sorta its very hard to follow anything that happens
Maybe wizchan? Every other image board is zoomer terf too,
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>Brian's been eating good at the soup kitchen
my nagger. I'l reuse my multi cam page from last season, only this team i can make it HUGE on my Apple Vision Pro (TM)
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I just hope no vampires get into Tayleigh's three foot world.
Did Sam go home already?
Based blacksmith and blacksmith’s wife

A little too good...
>Tayleigh be cute.
She was too expensive to bring in. Less expensive than Cole, though.
"muh pick me" nigger this got old 6 months ago, nobody even says that buzzword anymore other than redditors
Letty can craft a weapon out of my bone
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all tay did season 2 was lay in bed whining and knitting like a geriatric. she fucking sucks, dude
because blogposting is allowed on /bant/ really and oldfags typically don't do that until there's an "I'm more of an oldfag than you" shitfest.
you're here forever not really
thats not fair she also soi faced every time Sam showed up and ruined every bit!
Who the fuck is the girl next to Taylor?
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>Tai is breaking RP and shitting on the production again? Pull it!
uh did you just rape me with your eyes dude i mean im not accusing you of raping me with your eyes I just think you should keep your eyes somewhere else okay?
It's le spoopy coffin thoughbeit
who's the girl in the white dress
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greg just got robbed kek
People actually simp for these girls? Are things that bad?
no we don't
it's a bit faster than other altchans but still pretty slow
desu I think imageboard culture is just fucking dead at this point and we're just chasing ghosts
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Taylor from the past
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wtf is that thing next to Taylor lmao
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who the fuck is that faggot?
It's just a bunch of garbage in the woods, being streamed on a broken site. Bravo.
Abi is a princess
Abi is an angel
Abi is beautiful
Abi is sweet
Abi is everything
taylor is so awkward at conversation lmao
I want to lick the sweat off trish's mosquito bite riddled, peach fuzz covered back.
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>Are things that bad?
Taylor is nothing like I thought she’d be
It’s fucking weird
shitjak.sharty is alive and well influencing the culture.
Does anyone have anything good to say about this so far?
fishtank threads are the only good thing left on 4chan, the rest is porn, gambling and pedophilia.
Jets girlfriend
Step aside prod bootlicker. Tay did more to shit on their script than any other contestant
Same anon, when I move to my new house I'm just going to ask mods to permaban me from all boards and move on.
i missed it. what did he lose? was it the crazy survivor chip in the woods?
The viewers should be able to turn the music on and off, and control the volume

It would be really easy to implement that
Taylor is staying at my house while the show’s on btw
5 years of natty lifting
how did you think she would be?
Is the music only on Tai's cam?
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sorry chud, it's 2024 and Total Abi Love is now worldwide
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>contestants steal all the decoration thinking it's junk they can sell
They couldn't handle a stream in a house, what made them think they could do one in the woods
is the Director Cam player playing random medieval music by superimposing it on top of the cam audio? If thats the case Im never using it again
You're all faggot spammers

That's all

Criticism successful

You've been struck by a real critter.
i think the music helps a bit
The iFunny rep.
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>Tai making conversation
>Letty and Taylor laughing
>Japanese RPG music playing in the background
>i think they're running out of ideas
New mde intern. His name is “JaXxcin” he’s a 17 year old sound cloud rapper from Iraq
vinny demaccio, fall river D&D dungeon master and mastermind behind fishtank 2.5: bloodgames
fuck no, we don't
She’s very awkward
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They should bring her in as a vampire and let her actually murder Brian
Greg is the good kind of cringe, Jimmy is the bad kind of cringe
sam's character seems kino. too bad he gave up on it after 15 minutes and started boxing
little too new-gen for me, sharty's never really done much for me
just feels like pale imitation
I think it's only on the director cam.
Music is on director cam, no matter who it's on
fire jet honestly
Yes we do
There are people in these threads who think the girls on this are 10s rather than mentally ill neet losers
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Better than this tay guy or whatever.
So what happened to Greg cam after he got mugged?
I don't hear any music
Just a party slut with with a letty type personality

But she’s awkward and I think might have female autism
This is a no crit server sir
iFunny CEO
It’s comfy and I’ve laughed
sorry saw the reddit spacing and didn't read
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I need her to break my balls and spit in my mouth, I don't care anymore, I need her
>people actually simp for these girls?
youre like me from December 2023
then i got hooked and went to a psychiatrist due to a parasocial problem with one of the contestants
this I love abo
his crossbow and his bolts
Yeah, desu the ost is kino
Yeah like the other anon said the music is nice and comfy. I like Sam's character and him riding the dirt bike as a fast travel too. Otherwise kinda shit.
Thank you *kiss*
hahaha a schizo
It gets fixed for me when I close and open the tab
I would drag my nuts through 17 miles of broken glass, salt, lime, acid. Have my dick smashed in a vice repeatedly for 5 hours just to see Abi smile irl.
Just sayin
I would fuck her and take a mallet to her head afterwards. I don't want to see her on fishtank again.
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Sam already screaming at people and calling them dumb ass pieces of shit.
the only people who can't tell the difference are losers that act exactly like jimmy
That’s a big whiteboard.
Chip looking good too frfr
:soundstart: in the chat
Stop watching porn and find God you disgusting freak
Which one? They all look either fuck ugly or pretty standard.
real talk gents. how do we save taylor?
would be kino
I can't decide if CK is cute or not
Brian is surprisingly good at RP
Sam's character is kino
Music is good
Greg is leaning into it
Tai's penis inflation story was amusing
Chip actually feels like an organic character this time
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She literally is autistic. She can't eat certain foods because of the texture and has always been an awkward nerd her whole life.

She's only been hot for like the past year
She looks like a gigastacy but she's an autist. Tj is a giga twink but is autistic too so they're a perfect couple
Earlier tay was wandering in the woods and it was playing upbeat music then Sam rode up on a dirtbike and it switched to scary music as he said some ominous shit, very kino
Well apparently all you need to do is buy something from her store
apparently jet asked her if she'd go on blood games. in case you're wondering how bottom of the barrel they're scraping
This guy gets this
Taylor used to look like a nerd until like a year ago. She definitely has girl autism. She didn’t eat the hotdogs in season 2 not because she was actually vegan but because she has an autistic food aversion towards meat.
Alright bros, which anon is Qnanon?
Facts, nothing kino about Jimmy's cringe
So you only watched week 1? She won the cell, punched trish and was a hair short of winning it all.
shes never been hot
I'd genuinely kms immediately.
Didn't you guys get cucked by some Kentucky retard who made fun of you?
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Where is she?
I think she's just super low iq. Definitely an easy lay.
dw, they are the /bant/ fags who have been obsessing over female contestants in their generals for the last few months since season 2 ended.

They are a minority and will be drowned out in the coming days as the show's primary audience starts tuning into the show more.
Chip looking like Ned Stark
>greg gives his crossbow to the guy in the black bandana
>he robs him of everything he has
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>taytrannies are disgusting homosexual fetishists
who would've thought
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in my heart
She was a big nerd until very recently
King of the crack north
She was a full head of hair short
shes super hot, you are just a contrarian
Too expensive for Jet
Idubz is a cuck is all I remember
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I'm going to cuck him right back, Tayleigh is mine.
yeah I feel that. Once I saw how awkward she is I didn't find it odd at all that she and TJ hit it off, despite people still acting like they don't get it lol.
I'm glad there's a lot less Jimmy dick sucking this time around
abi is an angel. she is above the barrel

in my dreams...
>I'd genuinely kms immediately.
I lacked the courage to do so
And let's face it, you would do too
>Letty immediately busting Sam's balls by asking him to repeat the long bullshit name he just made up
In her bfs section 8 desert housing unit
fucking a nigger somewhere for drugs
This one obviously
tayleighs nose is so big you can see it on the POV cam
>ya jimmy is totally not wholesome chungus sauce and greg is!
this is what you faggots sounds like, please kill yourself, please please please please please please please fucking kill yourself dude. please.
but you're not though
you and I both know this
Anybody got a summer status?
Did you forget to post this 3 hours ago?
She doesn't know you apparently.
it's not happening, most people don't even know about kentucky
>letty didn't watch s2
I want to go hiking with letty
obviously filtered along with anything calling Jon a fag or mentioning nina
abicord running overtime I see... must be paid DLC
so uhhhhh are they competing for anything or...
Hey dweeb
exiled after Sam discovered her hatred for white men
S2 tv threads were so kino and when it ended I went to the bant threads and it was just people posting about Josie
Weird shit
or she was asking somebody who was there for both seasons how it was different
wrong trip
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rough sex with unwashed Trish in the woods
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>my stream doesn't even have a volume bar
Thats because they made the stream expand as you go wider. I have an UltraWide monitor and get the same issue. Reduce your browser width to accommodate for their incompetence.
Tai and Letty are the perfect content duo
They are just dicking around in the woods for two weeks
Jimmy quit
>dude jimmy is so badass and edgy like me!! he keeps saying things he read on funnyjunk thats so cool!
Letty said they aren't really competing and they are basically just working together to survive
cringe is kino, faggot ass tourist
what a bunch of fucking retards you guys are, she literally deleted all her post from her insta where she was partying and dressed like a e girl or a slutty alt chick so she could start streaming on twitch and bait losers like you.
hi Q :D:D:D can we have sexc!?!?!?
Only fags care about that stuff. There's only like 5 people who would and I doubt any of them want to spend money on calling her a lesbian
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Where is she?
cant believe they got aphex twin to do the soundtrack
Josiepedos are the cancer killing /bant/
What’s with the deleted insta pics of her dressed in revealing clothing in clubs and shit
Kimmy lost btw
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how does the TTS work in this season? Im only here to collect Tayeigh, Letty and Taylor screencap, watch Greg do his thing and watch the highlights that i appreciate you all very much for doing
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Well she gets 40 viewers so it doesn’t work
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>anyways can I get paid now?
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Eating burrito
Does Jimmy really think he can just push a tree over?
locked in my basement
what a goblin sheesh
She got a new ipad
has anything notable happened other than tayleigh getting killed already
letty's having devious ideas already
Its crazy that she actually deleted the posts
He knows he can.
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account
Greg's cringe is kino, Jimmy's is painful. Also yes I only come here for fishtank threads and there's nothing you can do about it, go post about the latest batkino or star wars kino
Probably, yeah
He's a retard
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Keep telling yourself that. I'm only here for the popcorn anyway.
This is so fucked up
getting on ozempic. not a joke
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Are we going to witness something Neptunian?
The larping shit is a smokescreen, it's really about humiliating Jimmy and Jon again.
Josie is the closest thing to success fishtank has produced.

fuck yeah
jimmy thinks hes an anime character
I bet she doesn’t let him fuck. Just a feeling I get. She’s trying to play the I hate white men role but she doesn’t really want to go all the way
>just goes back to fiddling with the bed
kek, based.
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>boxing jimmy
I honestly kind of hate when he speaks like a cyberpunk cool guy, seems dishonest
the fuck is a chigger?
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>the six josie posts in ftl2 are killing bant
Cope harder nigger
Why didn't any chudbros man up and get this chuddette pregnant?
>Jimmy has to box Sam's character to beat the town Boss
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my nigga niffty better come back
the cuck has finally shown up
Doctored image, he isn't in his uni dorm anymore. Real Q scholars will see right through this.
even cryo doesn't want to watch this shit lmfao
It's real oh my god
I'm feeling pretty comfy too anon even being sick as a dawg, glad this isn't too goofy
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opinion on you being cucked (not really as you never had a chance in the first place)
and tayleigh being fucking ugly?
any tay tts' noteworthy?
>it's really about humiliating Jimmy and Jon again.
god i fucking hope so
Nope lol. She’s irrelevant. Letty mogs her on social
little annoying bugs that itch like crazy
damn nifty got that fifty
Tay looks like an androgynous front man for a shitty band that will die of a heroin overdose at some point
they really just brought everyone back to humiliate them again huh
She's on ozempic...it's over.
Which one were you? Canadian, Irish, or American?
Russian ozempic at that. clearly bullshit
why did chud take her vest cam off?
This guy is literally just mad he can’t get good views of the girls like he could in the house
None so far, she's barely gotten any from what I can tell
holy fuck lol
Send TTS to this stupid whore
I'm praying for that to happen
they NEED damiel rn
>man, you call that a cock? mines bigger, dude...
love this chud, thanks for this screencap
tai is rizzing her up
If Tayleigh is happy, then I'm happy too. I've moved on to greener pastures anyway. You can find me in Josie's chat on Friday!
my armpits stink rn
What an ugly man lol
you simp for that?
You do realize that he’s not real and he’s a bot that scours these threads, right?
Yeah I only found out that /bant/ had loser simp threads about ftl active 24/7 early this year when the /biz/ jannies went on a power trip and mandated verification for the board so all the /biz/raelis just colonised /bant/.

Good times. Anyone else remember /bizantium/?
Letty doesn't capitalize on her "social". She doesn't do shit.
more like from a good band and will be addicted to heroin but live until 76 anyway
Shows you werent in the threads. Im the Taylor Friend.
no idea who thought this was a good idea, this people are not entertaining unless they are confined in a small house and force to interact with each other
Maybe this shit will make more sense after few beers
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He has too much aura they wouldnt be able to handle it
>not on Wednesday
buy a membership poorfag
tinny bugs Innaswamp/wetlands. Think lice but instead of hair they dig into skin. Looks like a rash when you get them.
tai would be able to fuck letty if he was less asian and less short
why is the worlds shittiest music playing over them talking
are they really this retarded
>duanye will bite you in the penis for sure!
>tastes like fried chicken!
lmfao tai
>any tay tts' noteworthy?
it hasn't started yet
Can bareley hear the fucking tts
>Letty mogs her on social
who talks like this? go back zoomie
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wrong. we NEED her !!
fake this is his old trip
that's what I'm doing lol, last season was kino when drunk
>no idea who thought this was a good idea
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>it hasn't started yet

Letty and Tai's speakers have been blowing up
Why isn’t Q there?
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tay soon
It took her forever to do it though. Like months after the show went by before she decided to. I remember when people pointed out that she did it on /bant/.
It's Jet Moxley Goodson(lol) now
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missing this chigga
>tai saying "yeah"
I think she just didn't want to be a streamer and wants to be private which is fine.
legit thought this was jet for a minute
Jimmy is fatter than I thought he was.
I don't donate, nor do I buy memberships. I will not be contributing to any sort of e-prostitution.
My previous trip was cracked and I moved to a secure tripcode, why is everything fake or a larp with you fucking people?
holy shit it's literally her.
unit albeit
Frankmaxing, we will win over Tay with his new physique.
Is that shit even real? I looked up his profile and none of the posts in that image were on there
Don't make a new thread
just let it die...
more like Jet Doxley
he does it more than vance, like at the end of almost every one of his sentences. must be an esl thing, shinji did it too
prove it by showing your Sennheiser headphones
Too many mentalists to keep track of
whoa wonder why moron
I am SO happy for her new relationship with her Ipad, It's such a big decision and I'm rooting for you bliccy!!!
clearly it worked since most of the people simping for her believe she is le autistic trad wife. I have all of her post from her insta saved, I'll upload it and post the link in subsequent threads
Is this the real Q, I can't tell. If so I'm glad ur moving on, you can still get tayleigh though
he deleted them, duh.
painfully unfunny much like brian.
surprised he doesn't have stretch marks with weight gain that fast
>not real
the only bot is you loser. thats the guy sam said was new pill. he denied it but cause new pill is actually sam/crew. buts till less of a bot sycophant than you.
tai still hates chip lol
i can confirm this, it's an odd crutch ESLs have
Ithurts, its like she is waving bye to me for the last time like the last video you have of the love of your life before she died in some accident that leaves you bitter resentful and alone the only time you feel okay is when you replay this final clip and do so to an obsessive degree because its the only way you can feel warmth in such a cold world
>jet hires actual cameramen and actors
>its still shit
maybe they should stick to the low budget since nothing changed
Confirmation of being understood I'd guess.
Sure it's fine but it also means she didn't do shit with her "fame". Not a success. So I maintain Josie has had the most success from being on Fishtank.
first 2 ifshtanks i watched non stop for like a week
im done already took like a 2 hr break came back and it still sucks

not sure how they took the crap of season 2 and just made it way worse
The oldheads remember how fat Chip used to look back in the day
>that's my worst fear, going to war
It is
new bake
>Hey Taytriots
Tai doesn't know
I don't want Tayleigh anymore. After Josie reads my gift of Birth of Tragedy by Nietzche, she'll be the one that finally realizes my prospects as a suitor.
Tai is fucking real for fearing drone fights
>maybe they should stick to the low budget since nothing changed
they need to hire an actual developer who can figure out how to make a streaming site
>Tai putting his comedy career on the backburner to fuck around with these nobodies for an extended period of time, again
Fuck, man
>open and closed during firefights
jimmy you retard
This is the "everyone's in on the bit" season 2 thing but actually realised
This FT is looking pretty pathetic.
wow haha u shld make a cum tribute to her
I found out that they used dewalt tools this season so I’m giving up now too.
(Image limit reached fuck you)

>greener pastures
opinion on josie being brown and ugly and you being cucked by winston?
Damiel is better than Brian. Seeing him getting fried all day for the first few days before getting caught with a cart, and then going through withdrawal, raging and destroying Letty's shit before getting kicked off the show was pure kino.
its 2 weeks, comedians can disappear for months when they write material
I should. I want her to know how much i love her…..
Remember how much they hyped up the whole cult angle, or the organization bullshit. And how much they hyped up the room upstairs and then did absolutely nothing with it? How is it that you faggots keep tuning in to this garbage. It's a literal scam. There's nothing here
imagine baking when this thread is barely moving fuck off fag
letty a cute! such a pretty princess
Hi cryo
but she's native american mixed with mexican, are you really going to betray your blood?
if ur not stroking it rn u dont love her enough
I want to see how bad it can get and still have people spend money on it, I don't actually watch for the show
don't make me ask
>trish's fat ass broke the dirtbike already
did this really happen
More animal abuse chip killed an innocent moth
so far tai has been the most amount of content
always is
She wants us to get that coochie shot.
>letty was onsite before tay was
she was definitely in kentucky kek
always carrying hard my chigga
anyone has the full webm?
it's literally the same kind of shit hole you tard
>everything is half-assed
Exactly what I expected from Goran

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