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Has anyone on /tv/ met an actor/actress? I'm 22 and I've never met anyone remotely famous.
Kumar from Harold and kumar go to White Castle came to my family’s restaurant and I gave him his change. He saw it in my face that I recognized him and smiled and thanked me.
It felt ironic that I was in that situation given the movie and his character, felt like I was interacting with kumar not the actor
My neighbor is a D-list actress and is in an upcoming film with Jeremy Meeks, the world's sexiest felon
Michael Emerson came to our college and talked about lost. Took a pic with him. Seemed like a nice guy
I just want to meet Guy Fieri
Me and my 4 friends met Kevin Nash in a Detroit alley in the summer of 1992. My name is Tyrone.
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Robin Wright
Leon Panetta
Doug Stone
Chuck Liddell
I worked security for The Grizzly Bears and they badmouthed the crowd hard
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I met Sophia Lillis at a pub in Cornwall, she was only with one other friend of hers (presumably a friend) and we got chatting and I bought her a few drinks. Took her to my flat that night and I rocked her world, she may have been a virgin but she was squirting so much that I couldn't really tell if there was any hymen blood. She was a swallower, too. We fucked again in the morning when she woke up, and I made her some pikelets before dropping her off at her friend's house. We never exchanged numbers but I wish we did, it was kind of a spur of the moment sort of thing.
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drinks and karaoke with bill
Random commercial/small role NYC actress was a friend's daughter.
Not /tv/:
Jorma Kaukonen from Jefferson Airplane
Marshall Harris, NFL lineman
Asian dude who looked goofy but was a government internet security commission chairperson. Turned out years before he'd hit on a chick at his work I ended up dating.
Old guy who was behind developing something like the atomic clock, famous in those circles in the '50s or '60s.
I've talked to the inventor of the modern police flashlight on the phone.
Based science celebs. If we count that, I've taken a piss next to Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Separately in different restrooms in the urinal next to me. I'm an engineer and they've been speakers at multiple aerospace conferences I was at. The odds seem high, but I've been too alot of conferences and they've spoken at a lot of them. Probably talked to and taken a piss next to some semi-famous inventors as well but don't remember. Every engineer that works long enough gets a few patents
>hello, is this the inventor of the modern police flashlight?
>yes, that's me
>ok, cool, thanks *hang up*

an ex-gf was a lead in a D-tier 90's rom-com. does that count?

twice i met a huge 90's/00's stars (possibly the biggest) at different family-type events where they happened to be visiting an old college friend. no connection at all between people or events.

talked to a matrix-duster-wearing seth green in a club for a few minutes... before he stole away the pack of asian girls my friend and i were trying to pick up.
We just had this fucking thread with the same image yesterday.
Who had the bigger dick?

I'm actually a police flashlight historian/collector.
I once took a stroll through the Bronx at night when I was held up by some gentlemen of the darker complexion with the intention of robbing me. Just then some guy (he looked Italian or Latino or something, definitely not Jewish) showed up. He looked pretty tough, like a boxer or a marine, and I thought he was gonna fight them but instead he challenged them to a game of basketball and proceeded to best them easily. It was then the urban youths realized who he was and quickly scattered after offering apologies. I thanked the unknown man who appeared like some badass green beret, but he simply told me to keep "burning local" and left. Next day I was browsing /tv/ and it was then that I realized the guy was Jon Bernthal.
I've met some comedians because they hang out after shows sometimes but thats it
steve o pulled me and my buddy into his limo in nyc circa 2007, we were in the navy and was walking around three sheets to the wind, it was cool, we pulled into some bar and got absolutely wasted, he was just excited to hang out with service members
>never met anyone remotely famous
You might as well kill yourself at the his point. There's no hope for you.
I made out with Salma Hayek.
I met a guy that does a podcast I listen to and it was kind of awkward. Years later I was eating lunch and in the table in front of me some guy recognized a guy from a podcast he listens to and they had a proper conversation. Moral of the story don’t be tistic
I met many celebs. The ones I spoke to at length were Scarlett Johansson, Dolph Lundgren & Florence Pugh. I really liked all three of them and they were the only celebrities I could tolerate being around w/o feeling claustrophobic.
Scarlett Johansson was the single most beautiful person I've ever seen. W/o sounding too pervy- her outfit drew attention to her crotch and it worked, it drove me insane
My moms sisters husbands twin brother was college roommates with John McGinley and he showed up at a thanksgiving dinner i was at with a pecan pie. I was like 10 and I shook his hand.

She's a lesbian... Nice grammar though.
I’ve posted about this over the years but in college I worked at Starbucks and told Jason Alexander “you were the bomb in Shallow Hal” while doing a shiggy and he laughed. Life’s been downhill ever since
I also fucked a girl who was close family friends with Patrick Wilson back in 2011z I didn’t believe her so she called “Patrick” on FaceTime while we were in bed and there he was. Told him insidious was dope, still haven’t seen in it.
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I met TS Michelle Austin because I paid to suck her cock. Swallowed her cum 3 times. It was worth the $100.
met a bumch, hung out with a few, they're literally just people nothing more
Well, this isn't /tv/ but /mu/.
Back when Freddie Gibbs was still on instagram (he had one of the best shitposting pages on the site from 2018-2021 and continuously got himself banned by posting the most raunchy shit on his stories until he had to stop in fear of getting permabanned and losing the ability to promote on any meta-owned social media site lol) he went on Instagram Live and was fielding questions from all comers. He allowed one question per person and was honestly pretty cool about it. He's pretty funny, dude could have been a comedian if he wasn't a rhyming rapist.
I managed to join the livestream while I was sitting on the bus one day going to work.
>I join
>I'm white btw
>Fred's like "wtf does this white nigga want man? freestyle for me, nigga"
>I don't rap, so I just ignored that shit and said, "Damn I can't believe I get to talk to Don Cheadle. Will you give me a G pass so I can hang out on a street corner in Gary at night?"
>I don't think he expected that, so he laughed and said "yeah, man I'll see you there"
>Kicks me from the livestream
>He makes a story post about me later saying something like "to the white nigga I gave a G pass to, see you after dark" with a bunch of emojis
And that's how I joined the Vice Lords through the power of friendship and mild racism. Other than him, I've never interacted with a famous person irl. I did once speak to someone claiming to be Evan Rachel Wood on IMDb back in the day and also I'm fairly certain I was contemporary with Elliot Roger on /r9k/ when he was posting about how much he hated being "eurasian." I called him a fag. I like to think I helped.
Saw that coldplay vocalist randomly while doing my morning run. He was also doing a morning run but barefoot like a hobo. I was confused as fuck.
i ate the pussy of the fake mexican daughter on the george lopez show. and i valet parked the car of terry crews when he was visiting the ucla medical center. i was also neighbors with danny pudi before he was famous.
>I've talked to the inventor of the modern police flashlight on the phone.
absolute 100% gold

>Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin. Separately in different restrooms in the urinal next to me.
my sides
this thread is rapidly becoming legendary
Mine are all somewhat lame.

I saw Patton Oswalt in a bakery once. I saw JoJo Siwa at Disneyland. I won a film award thing once and I went to the ceremony and Cate Blanchett and Bill Nighy were there.
Met Jeff Goldblum at a film festival, felt surreal talking to The Fly himself. Nice guy, very jew-y. Met Tony Hawk on the street in NYC, he was cool as could be. Used to work for a comedy club and met a lot of big comics like Chappelle and Bill Burr. Chappelle was notably generous to the staff, gave huge tips and always took them out to private parties after his shows. He took everybody to a strip club one night and he brought a giant trash bag full of $1’s for everyone to throw around, had to be a few grand worth. Didn’t meet him technically but my favorite interaction was when I saw Jerry Seinfeld eating at a steakhouse in a ski resort town. I spotted him from outside as he was sitting near a huge window. I walked up, put my face right against it and stared at him. He pretended not to notice at first but I outlasted him until he acknowledged me by getting visibly pissed and calling the waiter over to complain in what I can only assume was his trademark high-pitched voice.
>could have just said you met two astronauts like that anon did

you autists cant help yourself always telling everyone how you're engineers, huh?
kek, what prompt do you use for stuff like this?
engineers are physically incapable of not bringing up the fact that they are engineers if they get even the slightest opportunity. I can't even begin to imagine how insufferable these people are to work with.
>please make your story as vague as fucking possible so it doesn't hurt my feefees
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>He pretended not to notice at first but I outlasted him until he acknowledged me by getting visibly pissed and calling the waiter over to complain in what I can only assume was his trademark high-pitched voice.
this would be a great skit if you kept hiding when they went to check, then returned to keep fucking with him
My wife was gonna pay for some meet and greet with my favorite band. I said no and she couldn’t understand why. It’s because I’m not celebrity obsessed and refuse to pay just for the privilege of meeting another person.
I ran into Lawrence Fishburne in a coffee bean in North Hollywood. I told him he was great in Pulp Fiction and he got really mad
Also /mu/, but I've hung out with Bebe Rexha and seen her tits.
Back in the day you used to be able to write to famous people and if lucky they'd write you back.
Now if you even tweet at a famous person chances are it's a.i. replying to you, or their manager.
I messaged an actress a while ago tell her she was my crush when I was kid, we've been DMing each other ever since.
When was this?
My father used to work in a bar in downtown Toronto and he served Fishburn multiple times while he was filming in town. He told me that "Larry" told him that someone confused him with Ving Rhames in Hollywood and that it's not exactly unusual. Idk how that's possible when he looks so distinctive.
He told him this around the same time his daughter put out her sex tape lmao. My dad said it came up in conversation and he absolutely did not want to talk about it (how the fuck did that come up in conversation???). I asked my dad if he watched it and the only thing he did was make a comment about all the zits on her ass lololololol
hell yea
I know this isn’t /mu/, but I’ve seen the Imagine Dragons’s guy’s hog. And it wasn’t on my terms.
You have to tell us the name of the romcom, anon. I need something to watch and I want to point at the screen and shout "my anon fren tapped that."
Same with doctors and lawyers. If you get a degree that requires a lot of time or that is not too common , it becomes part of your identity. Gays do that too for some reason, the lifestyle becomes the dominant thing in your life. Doctors have engineers beat by a country mile though.

Unhappily Ever After
also /mu/ but I got fingered by the bassist of Finger Eleven and uh… let’s just say that name is well-earned
Well, I said this in yesterday's thread but I met Brie at Ace Con. I also met Andrew Garfields at the same con. He was chill. No, I didn't have sex with either of them.
that’s hella epic, broh. your so random
Is she a milf actress? Good job, anon. If you were crushing on her as a kid I'm guessing she's in her 30s/40s. Jennifer Love Hewitt?
Nah she's British
ive met Ramona Flowers over a decade ago, was nice
immeasurably based
>Scarlett Johansson was the single most beautiful person I've ever seen. W/o sounding too pervy- her outfit drew attention to her crotch and it worked, it drove me insane
Go on
New Orleans anon with the polaroid proof had the best Scarlett Johansson story. Unfortunately, Disney had him killed and they scrubbed his story from the archives.
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one of my sisters high school friends and her brother are youtubers with a ton of subs and is currently doing a video with Mr Beast. and pic related was a childrens entertainer that bought my dads mustang
don't really have any cool stories. briefly met Alan Arkin at a farmer's market in Cape Breton. couple months later walked past Meryl Streep in the Toronto airport.
details, anon, details.

you paid $100 to give her three blowjobs?

that's not an AI image, it's been posted here for a long time. lurk moar, newfag.

good for you man.
I bet it was all about how she worshipped his dick

She just seemed really soft and inviting and kind of shocked at how pretty she was and sacred of it and/or how ugly she might actually be. She would follow Florence Pugh around like she was her little sister or some kind of kitten. Towards the crew she was very geisha like. This could & would change if she was following one of her moms around but it was far off, like a fireworks display.
I hate getting vulgar but her pussy in black widow-- hhhhhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg...
I've never seen the movie but it was amazing
My grandpa and me lied about meeting Mel Gibson at the mall one time to my grandma cause she didn't wanna go with us
You posted this in the last thread lmao. I'm the Shania Twain guy.
I want to fuck FloPoo soooooo bad bro tell her to answer my DMs
I used to go to the same eye doctor as Chris Farley. He was in a flimsy disguise while in the office when I walked in. My personal code is to treat any celebrity I see/respect as an ordinary person. They get enough unwanted attention from the paparazzi.
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the streamer Jon Zherka is my cousin from my dad's side
if I were to meet a celebricunt, I would go to jail
Thats dumb, you could have a real story but instead all you have is “I observed Chris Farley”
Perry Mattfeld her freshman year at USC.
I walked Bob Dylan on stage
Holy shit
I was just watching his videos today
Are you albanian
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Spent a night with her in 1995 or 1996. Not sure about the exact year anymore.

Met Trump a couple of times in the early 2010s. He didn't sell of shit but he was very full of himself. Brandon was a sweet boy but Trump ignored him all the time.

Used to hang out with European royalty in the 1990s but they have become all very boring.

Morten Harket is a good friend of mine.
yeah lol
do you have any zherka stories to share
not really, it's all an act including the cocaine stuff. he is college educated, but he was actually a bouncer at one point. his parents are very nice and i love hanging out with them whenever i'm over :)
Norm McDonald.
Met him through Barry Sobel and he promised to introduce me if I helped with a pilot he was working on, so I did and he made good on his deal. He had me drive around various parts of LA for like an hour while he played phone tag with Norm. I figured he was lying and was going to tell me it was called off but he made good on his promise and for the next 6+ hours we hung at Norm's condo. Really nice guy and easy to talk to. This was December 2017.
Val Kilmer. About 15 years ago. Completely chill dude. Took the time to chat with us. Worked in a National Park at the time. He tipped $100, adjusted for inflation today probably close to $300.
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I've met picrel both as well as hilary. wish I had met obama tho.
What did you talk about with each? All three are interesting for celebs, especially Lundgren.
My aunt was Miss New Jersey in the Miss America pageants. She was never Miss America but was in the pageant a few times. She knows Trump. She said he was a womanizer and playboy but she never saw him to anything like rape or sexual assault, or inappropriate crap around minors. I went to one of his dinners at the Trump Hotel with her, her family and my dad. I just remember shaking Trump's hand. My dad said hi to him. Fancy dinner and place. Impressive to a kid at least.
worst celebs? what do you mean about the claustrophobic stuff
I've have been friends with Nellie McKay for over a decade.
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I talked to Mark Torgl who played Melvin in the Toxic Avenger. Nothing notable about the exchange.
Saw Nick Mullen in Irvine. I had a chance to say something to him but I couldnt think of anything. A horde of mostly brown people immediately approached him and seemed annoying.
Saw a dude covering his face being rushed out of a Forever 21. Apparently it was Hayden Christiansen and his personal security according to the chatter I heard. One of the oddest things I've ever witnessed.
My dad made out with Whoppi Goldberg in the 80s for a bet
Around Beverly Hills and Century City there's these tall office buildings and many offices are used for the production companies fronted by directors, producers and actors. Most are shells or LLCs used for tax breaks, but there are legit ones. From deliveries I made there, one of the true blood actors has an office and he's very handsome in person. Christopher Nolan looks like an older, freaky version of the guy from Kids in the Hall in person. His wife runs the office and I believe he just paces around the building. It takes like 2 weeks tops to write some crap like Oppenheimer, so the rest of the time he just paces like an autist I guess.
My uncles met Trump and Obama since they were part of the company responsible for restoring parts of the White House every couple of years. Obama personally walked out and gave them coffees. They couldn't meet Trump since he was late for something and had to rush out of there. But they said he looked very cartoonish when he talked.
Hell yea
Who are you?
>that’s not an AI image

Zoom in on the girls left hand you moron.
Hands are always a giveaway
lel this image is older than you
Extensively been around many NBA players. I know it’s /sp/ related but OP said celebrity and people like James certainty are. They are generally really arrogant, which makes sense considering their job, but not fun to be around sometimes. Also they make you feel like a manlet. I dont care how tall you are you are gonna feel small next to an NBA center. It starts to get to you a little bit.
i bumped into rupert jee in nyc when i was 14 or so. he took a picture with me.
I met Stanley Kubrick one time. He was sitting down at a McDonalds, looking suspicious, like he was being followed. I went up and asked for an autograph. He shot me a frightening glare and said "autograph? Ha! You would." I said "excuse me sir? I just admire your work," he cut me off, scowling. He motioned for me to hand my memo pad over, and I did. He scribbled something in it, and said "that one's on the House. Now go into the restroom, you'll find him there." I asked, find who? He just motioned to the restroom. I went inside, and sitting on the floor, Indian style, was a buddhist monk. He just stared at me. I checked the autograph book, and all that was written was "Fuck you -- Pauly Shore." When I went out of the restroom, Kubrick was fistfighting with the cops over an "overpriced" McDouble.
You were too dumb to realise you were replying to a joke initially, but this gave me an opening for a joke of my own.

You see, Megan Fox, the actress in the picture - actually has a club thumb! This bit of trivia is pretty useless on its own, but combine it with AI’s inability to accurately recreate the human hand, now that was a golden opportunity I just had to go for! But alas you were yet again too stupid to create humour with. Oh well!
Hahaha oh wow, anon, thats hilarious. Can I screenshot this epin reply good sir? <|;^)
I played golf with Bruce Willis a few years ago in Idaho when I was invited to Demi Moore's house.
I'm guessing you didn't talk to him much
So you had a devil's threesome? That's pretty gay.
I met Matt Bennett (Robbie from Victorius) a month ago at one of his nostalgia raves. One of the most famous nicest people I have met. He told me all about his life, career and he really wanted to hear my story and who I was. It makes me feel horrible that the nickeloden stars were treated like shit, especially the girls.
yes I was raped by the well-known actor [DELETED BY MODERATOR]

Me on the left
During the filming of the Matrix, Keanu Reeves gave me a positive vibe talk/handjob at a Sydney bar in the toilets
this is a great story
>I'm actually a police flashlight historian/collector.
name 5 police flashlight historian/collectors
That's a guy that I probably haven't thought of in 14 years. Did he talk about his post-Victorious career?
oh you rascal !
I once met Andy Serkis at my job (front desk in an hotel)
Was rather cool and signed an autograph where he wrote down "Gollum, Gollum"
Yeah he's mostly focusing on his DJ shows, but he also worked for Ariana Grande when her fame took off, the two of the are really good friends. He's taking things easy and he's a great performer.

He also showed me the pear phone from the show and he doesn't know where Rex is (I joked and said that Rex got locked up in guantanamo bay and he found that hilarious)
i met Christopher Lee last week
Morten is a great musician. which one is he again?
Is that one of the guys from the OG Hi-5?
Mostly very brief encounters but Florence Pugh, Anya Taylor-Joy, Rebecca Ferguson, Henry Cavill, Chris Hemsworth, Zack Snyder, Daisy Ridley, Ewan McGregor, Mads Mikkelsen, Ezra Miller, Dan Aykroyd, Dolph Lundgren, William Shatner, Martin and Charlie Sheen, Ian McKellen, Val Kilmer, Christina Ricci, Crispin Glover, Simon Pegg
Austin Butler, Olivia Colman, Adam Driver, Emily Blunt, Boyd Holbrook. I saw Lea Seydoux but I didn’t get to talk to her.

Matthew Lillard, super cool dude. Kane Hodder as well, guy who plays Jason.
Lead singer of A-Ha
Saw Bruce Willis playing craps in Vegas
A shitload of people were around him so I didn't get a chance to meet him
My dad grew up in Hollywood in the 1930s and '40s. His father was a studio musician (not famous but he did have some movie credits.) He had stories about Bing Crosby coming over and playing with his kids, going to Sunday school with Elizabeth Taylor, and Richard Chamberlain taking his part in a high school play after he had to drop out. He was never close to the rest of his family, so I've never been to the West Coast or seen any of that shit.

I had one of the more random /tv/ meetings. In the late 2010s I dated a tall Taiwanese/Chinese/American chick I met on Craigslist (for the zoomers, it used to have a legit personals section, even though it was usually overrun with scammers and hookers.) Her father had been a moderately successful director in the 1970s. He did some some kung fu movies and other random shit. We found a subbed copy on Youtube of one movie he did that was basically a jukebox musical featuring all the famous Taiwanese singers at the time. I vacationed with the whole family for a weekend. Guy was gruff and didn't speak much English. Daughter had a nice rack but was kind of an airhead.
the only story i believe
I'm hoping to work up the courage to meet him soon
How was it hanging out with that ol chunk of coal?
I was on a few movies as a boom operator. I basically just held it, as an apprentice. Hollywood is obviously really weird, I'd believe a lot of the rumors. I'd say the worst celeb I met was Nicole Kidman. She reminded me of Anne Hathaway in that Witches movie
Lundgren just like popped out of nowhere and was avoiding the 2nd unit director. He was just chatting to kill time. Some other guy asked about Rocky IV and he talked about it for a good 15 min and gave some intern a history lesson about Konstantin Chernenko.
Pugh was worried she had missed a callback to the set. She was kind of glowing from sweat and touched me as she talked. She asked for my name and then was talking to me about how tired my arms must get and asked if she could hold the boom mike replete with casual sexual innuendo. Scarlett Johansson seemed like a lost little girl . She chugged some seltzer water and ran off to do one of those silent burps. When she came back she mouthed 'brain freeze' and then just went back to listening to Florence gossip and flirt and such. When Scarlett arrived on set she had a big, really gay bodyguard and would throw her srms around and smile like she owned the place. Outside of that she was super shy and timid and held herself like a follower. Lovely is the best word to describe her, old timey and kind of cringe but still. She was always guarding her womb. From what I know about Hollywood I would say she was supposed to be an artsy indie actress but blossomed into just the hottest piece of ass you can imagine. If you see her mom or sister you'd realize what a surprise that'd be. I heard rumors she was actually Robert Redford & Kim Basingers daughter, regardless her 'mom' was a momma bear.
Lol. Forgot I answered these last night. I'm no longer in contacts with Poo, but you could honestly just walk up to her. I don't know how or why she got into Hollywood but she's different than the rest. Or was anyway

I met Mike Starr from dumb and dumber at the gym I went to. He was very kind and and had a jovial aura to him. I haven't seen him in a while but he was very pleasant and I hope has doing well

I've also seen Gianna Michaels back when i worked at rite aid she had her money in her bosom.

I've definitely not recognized a few people.
I sold michael berryman (the hills have eyes guy) a tv when I worked at best buy. Seemed like a nice guy.
I met Bruce Campbell a couple of times. Sid haig was a funny dude he was pissed because nobody was buying his pictures.
/mu/ related I met the the guys in korn. A couple of guys from that band orgy (walking around at the family values 98 tour). I met chino from deftones and all the guys in team sleep (including Zach hill who is the drummer for death grips). I met tech nine and a bunch of d list rappers that tour with him.
I got to meet that wwf wrestler rafiki. He had a table set up and was doing autographs with a bunch of his kids that later became wreslters too at my local Hollywood video (anybody else remember hollywood video?).
Basically a laundry list of semi-famous/d-list but not famous famous people.
Dylan,Dylan,Dylan,Dylan,and Dylan
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Bam Margera actor in jackass
Are you 12 there or are you like 5'2"?
I could definitely tell he was already losing it back then.
I'm a girl. ;-)
I met the some of the cast of the original 90210 when they came to my country.
Post the uncensored version
>Spent a night with her in 1995 or 1996
you gotta tell us more, give us the lowdown
That's fantastic. Norm was a man with lots of stories, and lots of thoughts on old time Hollywood. I'm not in the business but still would have loved to encourage him to talk about that stuff, and Nixon of course.
Also fantastic. Val had such a reputation for being a difficult/over serious actor, love to read that whatever he might have been on set, he was a warm person outside of movies.

I saw Dakota Johnson at a Q&A in NYC after one of her movies a couple weeks ago. I didn't get to meet her as people surrounded her the moment after it ended, but she was funny, very gracious to her fans, and even prettier in person.
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I talked with The Chieftain at a Wargaming hosted party event a few years ago. Guy is slenderman in person.
I lost my virginity to Tom Jones.
I love you as Elvira.
I slept with a famous movie actress.
I guess Melissa McCarthy counts as famous.
I used to do set security, and I worked on NYPD Blue and met Rick Schroeder.

Then one time I was standing outside another job I had in Hollywood at night and freaking John Lovitz walks up and asks me for directions. I also met Danny Masterson on the lot of that 70s show
I smoked pot behind a bar with a locally known female tv news anchor. She was hot and funny.
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I was coming back from Anime Boston in 2010 and got lost trying to find a subway. Walked up to a couple cops who seemed to be overseeing some kind of scene with lights and generators, and they said "Hey we're actors, we're shooting a movie here!" Never figured out what movie it was.
Was he cool?
Anon, if it was Hunter Schafer I have some bad news for you.
met john travolta and hung with him a little in west end, lucaya bahamas. back in 2008/9.
he owned a townhouse there, we go there often to fish and get away from florida. nobody bothers celebs in the bahamas..
anyway he was there for the new years holiday (as were we), we finished up fishing, for the day, after slamming the wahoo. he was walking the dock, showed him the fish, and started shooting the shit. showed him the boat. really chill guy. talked a little about flying (we are in aviation)
we invited him fishing if he could get away, he was on the fence as he was entertaining. he did invite us to dinner.
anyway, everyone knows what happened next.
fucking tragic, bahamians tried to fuck him over..
Chips maybe?
I banged Hunter Schafer on the set of Hunger Games. Gave me the best head of my life. It was so good I told her I’d eat her pussy to repay her but she said don’t worry about it. She also wanted anal, so she’s definitely freaky. Let me go bareback and everything. I think she’s a little insecure about her body because she insisted on keeping the lights low.
Got invited to an awards show from some German youth magazine because I was doing some modelling work and they wanted good looking people there. Show was called Goldener Otto.

Scully was there to get the award for best actress or whatever.

Afterparty was in some high end hotel. Almost everyone was wasted on drugs and alcohol but I don't like that shit so stayed mostly sober and was one of the few guys dancing so I got a lot of attention from the girls.

Scully was dancing as well, started dancing with me, started chatting, she was a bit drunk and we ending fucking all night in her room.

She's really short and was wild in bed.

I left in the morning and never saw her again, the end.
>one of the few guys dancing
Brother had lunch with Erik Estrada last year. Apparently the dude didn't "get" Sealab 2021 and was just doing it for the paycheck.
why are woman attracted to dancing? it's cringe
Being able to dance has gotten me laid so many times I have lost count. Girls love a guy wo can dance.
Because it's fun and shows that the man has confidence and is comfortable with his body.

Being tall, charming, athletic and extremely good looking helps as well of course.
holy kino, big if true
why are women so dumb? h-he can dance! now ill fuck him!
I felt like a douche, but I ran into Elijah Wood at an airport and took a picture with him. He was really nice.
Women love dancing with gay men

>Being able to dance has gotten me laid so many times I have lost count. I've fucked thousands of dudes. Girls love a guy wo can dance. I danced with Gillian Anderson and got fucked by her boyfriend while she got a piss bath from a bunch of tweener fraus
Who cares? If I get to fuck hot girls just because I can dance and make fun conversation.

Dancing is fun, fuckin is fun. What's not to like?
I played youth ice hockey in Southern California in the 90’s. The star of the Nickelodeon show in pic related was on my team. His name was Brandon I think but the coaches called him Hollywood.
yeah but how do you learn to dance?
I met Drew Carey at WB Studios when I was a kid. He was pretty nice.
I didn't know sailors just strolled around in their dress whites like in the movies
Learned the basics in dancing class. I come from an old and rich family so the kids all learn dancing, playing tennis, etiquette and stuff like that.
so if i dress up in an interesting way i may get dragged into wild situations? noted
i meth a few
yeah but i'm guessing dancing in the club isn't the same as pair dancing? anyway it would be cool to learn how to dance (especially old-school or folk dances, mostly because i love that kind of music.

>I come from an old and rich family
that's cool, didn't know 4chan attracted so many different kinds of people. are those kind of old-fashioned rich people rare nowadays? i get that feeling
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I met jinnytty
Not anon you reply to
4chan is full of trust fund babies. I assume rich people have to act a certain way in public so I assume they come to weird anonymous sites to let off steam.
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If you're young enough, dancinanon can help you out on discord. They'll clean you up, get you in shape and have you pooping for them in no time
nta, but my dad works at Nintendo.
I'm trans too, if that matters
>are those kind of old-fashioned rich people rare nowadays

There are plenty. Some things never change.
They like all kinds of stupid shit. But if you want to get laid, you have to at least pretend to enjoy some of said stupid shit.

My family is old but I'm not from a rich branch. Grew up in the upper middle class but managed to build a successful career on my own.
I went on a date with one of the finalists on an early season of American Idol.
She was the hot, quirky girl that everyone got a huge crush on.
The weird thing is that she was way more into me than I was her. The mystery was revealed as it became increasingly clear that, despite being charming and super hot, she was absolutely batshit BATSHIT insane.

I made up an excuse to not see her again.
There's some kind of moral here
Camila Velasco?
you will die being a stranger to a love that submits willfully
What the fuck did she do on a first date to come off so crazy that you didn't even try to sleep with her? Did she piss on the table? Details? Was it like that '80s movie Blind Date. I've slept with massive cokeheads just because they were hot. And cokeheads are about as crazy as they come.
>she was absolutely batshit BATSHIT insane
what did she say/do to give you this impression of her?
I got to meet Tony Hale at my school, and got to have lunch with John Ratzenberger and his family 10 or 15 years ago. That was neat.
Make America Great Again.
I installed sound equipment in Mariah Carey's pool house and one of her idiots yelled at me for having a bottle of water in 95 degree heat.
Already showing her panties, huh. Ssslut.
This I believe
>German youth magazine because I was doing some modelling work

Um, were you a Bravo Magazine Bodycheck Boy? You know you can't post your pictures on here, anon.
Whoa, just like in that Touch My Body video! Play with me some more, put me on the floor!
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I met Jeff Hardy at an airport in 2018. I was in the smoking area and we took a picture and spoke about some shit. I remember he was listening to some sort of ska band lmao

She was just almost painfully le quirky - she had a serious conversation with a spider in the corner of a room and loudly made up strange songs about things that were happening.
She just acted exactly like a Manic Pixie Dream Girl in a shitty 2000s movie - and, in person, that's really strange and off-putting
What season?
Okay, guys, the thread's name is "have you ever met someone famous", not "have you ever put your face between some skank's legs in California", okay? This is hard to read.
didn't meet him, but a friend of mine helped set up seth rogans wedding tent or something and he snagged one of his champagne bottles and we drank it
>unironic "I WAS PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED" in 2007+17
Oh, is he a farmer?
I can imagine how happy your dads were!
where are ur tits?
I met demi moore when I was quite young and she kissed me a lot in a bar while about forty people took pictures of us for some reason.
I remember you from the last thread, I was the one who said you weren't impressed.
i read your reply much later but I think the thread had finished by then, I'm glad we could meet again - it's almost like you met someone famous, me, because
I had sex with her in 1990, 91, 92, 93, 94 and then stopped because she became a man, so technically you're a faggot
Elaborate anon
Don't date crazy. I went out with a grown ass adult woman a few years ago who got way too close way too fast. She was some kind of paranoid BPD/bipolar case and I regret not calling it off after a few dates. Instead it turned into a relationship and my dumb ass fell into the trap of always thinking it'd get better.

Funny, I had a single date with a chick like that. She acted like she was playing to a theater crowd. More annoying than you'd think.
Florence pugh is hot you in person? Was she really flirting with you?

Tell us more about Scarlet Johanson
this also describes me, but my dad owns nintendo and I'm trans
Will Smith came to my country promoting Bad Boys 4 and he did it in a commercial cinema that I visited very regularly.
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57 and on 4chan. Shame you don't remember working with her on General Hospital.
Are you tired of people telling you, you were omg raped by a vicious sex predator like picrel when you were a horny sex predator yourself?
The same people love slaughtering unborn babies by the billions
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one time I was 100 feet away from taylor swift
Yes. Florence is beautiful in person. Her eyes particularly. I wouldn't say she was flirting, she's just like that. Neither her nor Scarlett seemed to belong in Hollywood. I know enough about Dolph to understand why I'd say the same about him.
I don't have much else to say other than she's adorable. Scarlett that is. A lot smaller than you'd imagine, probably the softest person I've ever seen. Her face looks so much prettier in real life. Some anon posted a collage of her moving and those are better than stills but in person it's almost like night & day. I know she hates being called Scarjo as everyone was told not to call her that, though I can't really see her doing anything about it. I think she was 15 years older than Pugh but she was kind of tagging along like a little sister, reacting to her.
Her tummy, mons & thighs in a white suit drove me insane. Just a beautiful thing. I'm also fairly certain she wears underwear to minimize her boobs & butt. She carried a hydroflask everywhere like a vsco girl. She just seemed a lot younger than she was
I saw a short video of Florence Pugh and she looks very cute up close and with that nose ring.
Did she have sex with her bodyguards? They're big bastards, they've probably been in her hotel suites when she's in various states of undress, they grab her like cavemen and move her around on their own initiative with no complaints by her. It's a pretty sexy and one way dominate relationship made kinkier by her being their employer.
In fact there are rumors about it online.
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She didn't have a nose ring. She is much prettier than anons let on. She made Weisz look awful, though she's a lot younger. Weisz seemed drugged out of her mind too.
I wasn't on this location but this is the white jumpsuit I'm talking about. The one she wore on set was more satin-y as I don't think she had any booty shots (those are intentional. MCU isn't as sexless as people make it out to be.) Normally she had a hydroflask and would clutch a bag to her womb. For some reason she always had a 5-7 year old black child with her and she would often hold them to her like she was hiding behind them. She was always hiding behind something. I don't really know what else to say
She looks pretty fuckable here.https://youtube.com/shorts/M23zxhSBBtw?si=eZtKIPI80VlerWKQ
That's David Harbor btw. He had zero presence lol, but was really nice. The director was ok. This is a staged shot btw.
Also, kind of random, Scarlett had to sneak La Croix waters or her mom would yell at her. I think she had quit smoking or something and they were her new thing? I have no idea. Her mom was on set about 50% of the time
Sacrjo's pussy looks delicious in the photo.
Yeah. I met Wil Wheaton. I met the dude that played the Green Ranger who's dead now. I met Brandon Routh, Helen Slater, Erica Durance, and Katrina Law. Not an actor, but I met Steven Tyler and DMC from Run DMC. Met Morena Baccarin from Firefly. Also met Tera Patrick the pornstar.
Really? Google is horseshit now, I can't find anything except BS articles of her and MGK.
It seems that she likes to fuck with bodyguards just like Angelina Jolie
I'm too old and/or male to get this reference but it seemed like it would be funny so I chuckled.

I signed up to be an extra in Aftermath (Arnold movie no one has seen) for the hell of it because it was 30 minutes away and I was off that day anyway.

Hung out in a hallway. Arnold with some old dude all the time, they spoke German. He walked my way and I stared him down for no reason, and he said hi. I said "Hallo, wie gehts". He laughed and said "Sehr gut."

Then a few hours later they called me up to play a murse. The director thought I looked too angry and not caring and told his helper to kick me out. So his helped kicked me out. The end.

Saw Arnold before at some taekwondo tournament and saw Bruce Willis while working as a teenager at an amusement park.
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I met Matthew McConaughey while working at Whole Foods in Cleveland on May 19th 2017, he came up to the deli to buy a few servings of cranberry tuna. I was the only one who recognized him, got him his tuna and asked him a few questions about the nature of the industry and if he was part of a secret society. I already knew he was of course but wanted to see his reaction kek. Caught him off guard big time

Then he went to the salad bar and started making himself a salad. Took some pictures from afar
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so he moved on?
It's weird because she's not as sexy as Scarlett, but certainly more F'able.
Scarlett is more kissable than any woman I've ever seen and I mean, it would be all over.
What's wild is their voices don't really fit them. Scarlett is so husky, throaty and smoky. Florence is just straight up contralto, very to the point. Scarlett kind of meanders and ends up in this squeaky hyperfeminine question mark.
Not to sound pervy but I really wanted to see them lez out lol. I joked around about it with Alex, 'Scarlett, You simply Must squirt for me, my wrist is tiring.'
My boss saw the infamous 'undie' scene btw and he just shook his head. She really has a great body. I know for a fact Scarlett had it cut due to peer pressure from her jew york crowd. The test audiences are redd*t but not that redd*t
McConn is a legit spook. Same as Harrelson. Magic Mike was a psyop (don't know how or why) and after that he was given the keys to Hollywood. I think he made a movie w/ Anne Hathaway a few years ago where he whored himself out to get his card punched again.
Never, and lived near Hollywood for years. Everyone I know has seen lots, but for some reason I never observed any.
I've met Steven Seagull and Janet Jackson the 90's. Mr. Seagull was on the USS Alabama Destroyer because my mom worked there in the 90's and all the interior scenes were shot on the Alabama. Janet was filming a music video, before Michael died, my cousin was the lighting director for the video, he called me out of the blue and I went to work with him and there she was. You nearly wouldn't know she was famous. Mr. Seagull's eyes followed me everywhere in the mess hall of the Alabama, his aura of being some kind of karate sage master had only just because and I remember thinking, YouTube killed that man's career, YouTube and fucking HAMBURGERS.
After asking about secret societies he gave me a very knowing smile and said “no no no”, then I just thanked him for answering my questions and complimented him on his performance in True Detective, that made him smile again and he thanked me, then left
Do you know if the rumors about Scarlet are real?

Any more info on this?
Idk what rumors? Farting ones? I can see Florence farting in front of everyone but not Scarlett

Not really. He's a spook and part of some 'clan' that includes Richard Linklater, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Doug Stanhope & Bill Hicks. I don't think they even make it a secret.
There's ONE conspiracy but they're not all in on it, participation wise. A lot of family favors. There's a lot of infighting, I saw it in Hollywood. Not all of them are blood drinkers either, I doubt any of those guys were/are up to much. I left Hollywood because of my research into the Zodiac case. Someone put a dead dog in the back of my car and one time I came home to a bullet on my front step and another on my desk.
Dude Arnold got you a chance to cameo in the film and you blew it
Yo how is he a glowie?
Lol what!
>He's a spook and part of some 'clan' that includes Richard Linklater, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, Doug Stanhope & Bill Hicks. I don't think they even make it a secret.

Are they Republican glowies?

>Not all of them are blood drinkers either, I doubt any of those guys were/are up to much.

So who are blood drinkers?
while he was filming mortal engines in new zealand, robert sheehan used to hang out in the bar i worked at. his cousin was a friend of the bar, so he wound up joining the regulars table on a friday night. we had a couple of lock ins with him. nice guy. i never really acknowledged that he was a celebrity. we just drank and laughed.
he brought hugo weaving along one time, but it was my day off, so i missed out on meeting hugo.
Rumor is that Scarlet is sexually insatiable
Specifically he's from a literal clan. Michelle Monaghan is from the same one. They are occult. Outside that he's just connected and so his career was amped. His dad was a literal spook due to connections w/ George HW Bush (Supreme Leader) and so is he.
I suspect matt Damon,Ben afleck, George Clooney,Brad Pitt are part of the club. Maybe Margot Robbie is too

These actors make many films with glowie themes
met the big Mel in Finland last week

I don't think they have any party affiliations. They are all just from families descended from a much older contingency out of Florence, Italy (lol, Florence Pugh. Just heard it. OFC she was in Midsommar. I really doubt she's anything but a goofy actress they have flaunting moloch nose rings.)
They branched out all over Europe. They picked up other Kabbalah/Frankist families in the 17-18th centuries.
The blood drinkers are the third branch and are all tied up w/ the tibetan book of the dead.
It's not what you think tho. I doubt even Alex Jones has any idea. Bryan Singer is a real bad guy, as is Christian Bale (sorry).
But take a guy like Joaquin Phoenix- it's not even a secret he grew up in a pedo sex cult. Same w/ Rose McGowan
Maybe. I doubt it. Seemed like she was on a short leash
Mix of things. Some were conventions, some were film premieres in London when they do the meet the fans stuff. A couple were different. Simon Pegg was in HMV, Dan Aykroyd was in a booze store as he was promoting his vodka. Ezra Miller was getting high outside after a gig and we got talking.
Ah, I think you mean the Venetian nobility. Yes, it is the deep state formed by ancient European families.
I heard Tom Hanks, George Clooney are from well-connected old families. Heck, even Joe Rogan himself. That would explain why that fool is so popular.
Families who are being outcompeted by tech billionaires and influencers
The part about you getting shadowed and intimidated for looking into the Zodiac killer. Literally what?! Was it some schizo from the industry playing pranks or did you feel it was real? Can't believe they'd still try to cover up the Zodiac story it's been covered top and down.
I think they're mainly from Florence. Maybe they moved to Venice idk.
Dave Grohl is a member of the Taft family and his last name is Tibetan for Liberation, Not by accident. Yet he's one of the coolest people I ever met and will talk your ear off about this stuff. I guess I could've included him but he's not really TV/Film
I never met him but I hear Glenn Howerton is the same way.
This stuff isnt as far from the mainstream as we'd like to think and many of those 'involved' are just as in the dark as the rest of us
I have no idea, really. Psychopaths are gonna psychopath. The Zodiac Killer was largely a prank (a very sick, violent prank) pulled off by a tribe of pederasts. My friend called them the 'Boninized'. I guess they're still out & about
>Bryan Singer is a real bad guy, as is Christian Bale (sorry)

Nolan is also a glowie. His brother was literally a hitman who was locked up in prison and then released under strange circumstances.
A psychological operation. It seems really absurd to me that the published riddles credited to the Zodiac Killer have been impossible to solve.
Sounds right.
Bale is close to the Clintons, Kissinger & Gloria Steinem. The Clintons are- let me put it this way, I don't doubt Frazzledrip. I don't know if he does anything all that bad, he's just very cold & mean (or so I hear.)
Prime Derek Jeter pumping and dumping you and leaving you with herpes will do that to any woman.
How the hell is it that a Welsh actor like Bale got involved with the damn Clintons and the cretin Kissinger?
I heard that Hilary Clinton is actually a Rockefeller just like Hanks.
The presidents of the USA are elected in advance. Obama was prepared for the job from the age of 8.

Finally, fuck Bale. He never convinced me as Batman and always seemed like a stuck-up bastard.
Working retail I’ve helped Hannah Sophia Robb and Carrie Anne Moss, I’ve seen Chloe Sevigny a few times around the city and last time I saw her I just nodded. Celebrities aren’t that big of a deal unless it’s someone you really enjoy
were they goot looking
I can't see her having herpes but idk

Two of the 'pranksters' are well known suspects - Hal Snook & Kjell Qvale. And they absolutely did kill way more than just 6 known suspects.
I hate to admit it but a lot of Hollywood directors seem to me to be in shit. Many of them, very successful.
Michael bay
Hell I think even guys like Cameron or Guillermo del Toro have countless sins as part of their effort to achieve success.
Yes of course, Carrie looked exactly as she did in the trilogy I was actually surprised at how much she stayed the same. She probably sensed I knew who she was cause she got weird and ended up talking to my melaninated coworker for the rest of her stay but I talked to who I presumed was her husband at the time and he was a cool dude. I also didn’t know this was a thread about both genders, Javier Bardem came to my exes job and didn’t stay long but he was really nice and I had a weird experience with the Indian dude who played Samir or whatever in Office Space
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Carrie had milf energy?
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I met most of the cast of Little People, Big World while I was in LAX. I was in uniform (army) waiting for my connecting flight to Monterey and I waved at them because I recognized them. They thanked me for my service and that was that.
I saw Will Ferrell at Mardi Gras tossed beads off a balcony like a madman

I've met more athletes though.
I shook hands with Tommie Smith (the guy who did pic rel at the Olympics)
I met the entire 1988-89 49ers. My cousin played for them (yes he still has his ring) and I went to an event with him and I got to hang out after it was over.
I worked at urban outfitters in Brooklyn at the time and we had some magnetic dart board thing that you could throw your keys on near the cash register, so this dude walks up and starts throwing his keys at it. I see him or he sees me watching and I join in, and we start throwing his keys back and forth trying to get a bullseye. After fucking around and talking about how cool and fun it is, it dawns on me I’ve seen him before. I genuinely asked him “hey have I seen you before? Did you used to work with my mom(she worked at a YMCA before and no I didn’t mention that) and he gets all pissy and says “yeah I bet you do” and walks away. 20 minutes later I come across my bosses googling his picture and saying “that’s the guy!” Or some shit
The Milfiest. You absolutely will get lost in those blue eyes
I'm 31, very handsome, and have never met anyone famous. I saw Bill Clinton from across the street once in Chicago, but he did not acknowledge me (which is surprising because, again, I would have been a sexy child).
So who was phone?
I went to high school with Jeff the Drunk. The same very small school produced a Playboy Playmate in 2015.
Me and it always has been
I met the black Ghostbusters guy at a fan convention event I was volunteering at. I was in charge of guiding around VIPs and got this guy in a wheelchair that had a popular video blog about nerd stuff (this was back when Youtube was just starting to get huge so it didn't give him as much weight as it would today).

He was nice enough, all smiles and very surprised at my good English (ESL and in a foreign country for him). But when I told him I'd be translating for his scheduled interview with the wheelchair guy, his handler stepped in and said we'd need to pay up for that. I don't remember how much exactly, just that it was 5 times the price of a signed autograph at the fan meet he did later. In any case wheelchair guy was kind of pissed and refused, we ended up interviewing Yoshitaka Amano instead (this sucked as his translator only spoke JP/ENG so there was a two layered translation going on).

There were a few other minor celebrities there, but I'm not into SF/anime stuff so I didn't notice anyone other than Nathan Fillion because I'd seen Firefly that year and Bonnie Wright because the HP movies were coming out at the time. Overall it wasn't worth volunteering for, best time I had there was before opening and after closing as we'd get free rein over the whole place and just hang out with game designers playing on arcade machines. The year after I did this, some giuy at my college randomly met Kojima there and beat him 10 time in a row on SF 3rd Strike, that might have been worth going again.
Did you tell him he was right about the Jews
Spielberg's father was a spook and got him a job. He was gigatalented. Rumor is that he had sex w/ both Kerri Green & Winona Ryder when they were underage. I think Green was 17 and Ryder was 15. Apparently Ryder was being fucked mercilessly by Rob Lowe and Spielberg decided to get some. He may be innocent or guilty of worse, but that's what I heard. And so he was compromised. Carol Ann from Poltergeist was probably too young for him, idk.
Tarantino spent a lot of time with Harvey Weinstein. It seems to me that they are both very dirty. I heard Tarantino may never make his 10th movie.
I grew up in LA and my family once pulled up alongside Jay Leno in traffic. He was driving some classic car and I did the trucker horn gesture and he honked his car's "AWOOGA" horn for me a few times. I still like Conan better.

Also, in high School I once had Denver Broncos legend John Elway curse at me because I sacked his son threw times in a game.
btw, Rob Lowe is an unrepentant ephebophile TO THIS DAY
Tarantino is an open junkie degenerate. He doesn't even hide it
Not that it's recent news, but Cameron just seems to be guilty of being an absolute asshole
Other directors who are possibly dirty:
Tim Burton
Bret ratner
James gunn
he rape
I wish I could just go full old man mode and wear comfy polos, chino shorts, crocs & croakies
Ryan Gossling but it's a very strange story
why the gay shirt?
Jay Leno walked past me at a car show. Also someone that may have been Dav Pilkey was a guest speaker at my elementary school.
Also someone I went to school with met someone that looked like Guy Fieri.
Steve from blues clues
in middle school i went indoor skydiving on my birthday, Jason David Frank (the green ranger) was there and we got pictures taken with him. then he and his wife had a whole fucking routine they did way past the time limit and made us wait for them to finish. i didnt care tho, fucking loved power rangers as a kid. i had all the action figures and used to make them die in car accidents and make my sisters barbies cry over their corpses.
Electrical infetterence
how is this shitty thread still up
I saw Kaley Cuoco in line for concessions at the Cinerama Dome seeing Interstellar. But that was when she had short hair so I really didn't care
Don't be like that. What's on your mind?
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I met God once outside of a Dennys. He's actually super gay
I miss Arclight Cinemas. I normally see creative types at AMC Burbank and AMC Grove. One time one of the people involved with a film 'secretly' came to the theater opening weekend (as they usually do for attention). I acted like I didn't notice them in the lobby and then loudly said to my friend that the movie was overrated garbage. I hope I ruined their night.
What do you mean “you saw it in Hollywood”?
Based pasta
Did she died?
How does one nut 3 times?
This guy FUCKS
I lived in Toluca Lake for years. Basically Hollywood. Worked in Hollywood as well. Euphemism for show business
Recent one is one from a horror con in fl Corey Taylor was playing a set and a balloon popped and joked about having to duck and cover and played SpongeBob theme. Then met girl from sleep away camp and she took a pic for free since we were the only ones she met there so far who knew about New York. Also last month I met Alice cooper and saw the Blair witch cast, Friday the 13th remake cast, and Kathryn newton who’s been in a few movies lately

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