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Jon a' coppo Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200505804
It's exhausting to watch how insecure jon is and his eternal quest to do everything he can do to prove how tough he is
why was that fucking cunt tayleigh screaming at jon?
how the fuck that insufferable cunt already managed to beef with someone?
can't she see everyone hates her?
Three Fishtank polls:

i kinda liked the shit bakes but this will do
fellas, how did the Simmons situation end? Did he ever sue Sam? I remember last year reading some shit about him wanting to sue him and many people backing him but it seems like he's just being a weird faggot
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damius will return
fucking over fans and sucking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
Here comes the sun, wake up retards, here comes the sun, wake up retards, and I'll say...the N word.
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Click on me!
destiny still ironing the last bits of the lawsuit
expect it to drop soon at any point in the next 2 months

>Haha I'm a vampire
>The only way to defeat me is to bust my bummy
>What's wrong? Scared?
>*Falls asleep from xannies*
>what he sees vs what she sees
still waiting for the tayleigh rape review
did anything funny or interesting happen?
I'll never understand why some people latched on to Tayleigh. She's not really attractive at all and is pretty much the only fish ever who has had a straight up miserable spiteful malicious personality.
my white boy semen!
last i heard he paid nick rekieta to be his lawyer but something came up recently and he's no longer available.
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So what's next for Betty?
Does she leave the ftl all together, does she give up on that and start streaming 2.5, better yet, does she start an Onlyfans?
anyone got a qrd of events after that yellow edgelord samurai guy turned up? Also is there any good clippers yet?
>Sam dressed like a vampire riding a dirt bike
>Tai taking the piss out of everything
>Tayleigh/Jon screaming match

so not much
just imagined how confused someone would be if they didn’t watch season one and they see this swagapino get posted in every thread usually with something in reference to his bummy being busted

Destiny and Sam would get along well. They both like 'em young.
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Taylor and Betty were both built for big, dark, black, nigga cocks. Nigga balls and rimming their kingly assholes too.
If they had any balls they'd make her the town whore npc
That bummy was raped
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If Tayleigh has million number of fans i am one of them . if Tayleigh has ten fans i am one of them. if Tayleigh have only one fan that is me. if Tayleigh has no fans, that means i am no more on this earth . if world against Tayleigh, i am against the world. i love Tayleigh till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of Tayleigh
>and is pretty much the only fish ever who has had a straight up miserable spiteful malicious personality
every other fish has some redeemable qualities that make you connect and root for them at least at some level even if you don't really like them that much as a whole.
she got zero. straight up vile person that you want nothing but bad things to happen too.

How do I get my hair this fucking shiny and soft or is it just genes
I thought like this once and woke up. Anon wake up you’ll feel better
She needs to start talking BBC. Looks sexy af with that dildo.
Be a golden retreiver.
>Jon is visible mad after the encounter with the vampires and TTS calling him gay
>He doesn't understand how the RP rules work
>He hides behind the camp and the fish believe his gone
>Tay talks shit about him
>"I'm going to be honest,it's pretty gay if Jon gets mad at TTS since he just got here and in my case they've been calling me a dyke all day long"
>Jon explodes because he thinks the moment he's gone the fish start to talk shit about him
>Tay and Jon begin to scream at each other
>She calls him a faggot
>Letty makes fun of him and laughs at the situation
>Jimmy and Tai don't say anything
>Staff appears just in case things go wrong
>They keep screaming at each other and eventually ends
>Ben: I'm glad all of you kept it civil
>Tayleigh/Jon screaming match
qrd and context?
the first thing i thought when the panties thing happened and she wouldn't accept that cole didn't do it was "this is exactly what letty haters think letty is like". pretty much the only reason i have any sympathy for her is because she's young, but she has shown no self awareness or ability to improve so i doubt she'll change much as she gets older.
She's tough and competitive. But she's a legitimately nasty person who has hate in her heart and has the insane ability to lie constantly with no remorse and without thinking twice.
wake up from what fat gay?
Rocky was banned for life for being a legitimate schizo parasocial freak so there’s only the secondary clippers at the moment.
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When is fatty going to inevitably show up?
The last taycuck
all the women and faggots who insist you need to use separate shampoo and conditioner for hair care are lying faggots just use your excess beard products (for me, oil and balm but i know some people use butter as well) and that's it
People will say laugh at it because calling Jon gay is always funny but he was 100% right in getting pissed about her talking shit about him as soon as she thought he was gone.
Was this not a reference to Fatty?
bitty is jet thoughbeit
He’s the final boss
Cole is a bbc addicted pervert. She was right about him being a perv. Its called female intuition sweety.
>Tay talks shit about him
>"I'm going to be honest,it's pretty gay if Jon gets mad at TTS since he just got here and in my case they've been calling me a dyke all day long"
wow tayeligh being a hypocritical snake at the very first opportunity she got?
who could have seen this coming.
its not like this "free speech absolutist" was whining for jet to censor the TTS after getting the very first jordan TTS.
seriously, fuck that dyke cunt.
idk i havent been watching
the actual "game" is clearly an homage to fatty so i'd say within 2 weeks he'll make his presence known.
Another extremely important note for anyone who missed it is that there’s conflict brewing between Sheriff Ben and Deputy Peter. Apparently Peter has been calling Ben short and bald
and yet nobody bothered to clip this, curious..
I'm not even trolling when I say this. Tayleigh has turned in to so much of a miserable bitch that I'm starting to think that if Clayton Mayo really did heem her, she probably did something to deserve it.
The last Taytriot is a Polack from /bant/
I actually didn't even actually see that on the banner, some dude posted that screencap in the last thread so I assumed it was about Fatty since he's a known shit slinger lol. So in other words, we might see him show up later today.
Taking BBC with bitty


Best thing is twitter with the fishtank hashtags
Jon will not survive constant Gay Guy Alert SFX blaring from his torso 24/7
Kek based Tay
All over twitter if you search for it
bummys will be busted
the entire "game" created by the wiggers feels like a reference to fatty

my nigga i dont have a beard, I wash it daily though maybe that's fucking it up. But good call on the not buying over-priced bs
No he wasn't.
Retard. Go back to the sharty.
This is what likely happened
Obviously everyone hates tay rightly so but has anyone else had enough of her just laughing and repeating what was said? She has not done anything of note other than calling jon a faggot.
He's not going to make it through tomorrow unless production saves him. Trish, Tayleigh, and Letty all hate him. Tai doesn't like him. He's already fragile and chimps out over small things.

I hope he runs into the woods and hides and they can't find him.
She makes the Jim from the Office face to the camera regularly and it pisses me off to no end
Uinironically slit your fucking neck until you're convulsing on the floor from your blood sprout. You're a waste of oxygen, you pathetic fucking faggot.
He's their ol' reliable. As grating as his squealing and high pitched voice is, they can always count on him to show up and create conflict. Although, this being outside in the summer heat might severely limit how much they can deploy him. His HP will dwindle fast.
>imagine how much taylor and letty poop is gonna be piled up in the porta potty after 2 weeks
Get of her dick nigga all you do is yap about her
Lil snowbunny taylor
>he doesn't use conditioner
if you want a glorious mane it needs to be moisturized.
For me it's the The Office reactions she does to the camera.
That webm made me wretch irl
play some poker with us while the streams are dead
Yeah, he was 100% right to be mad about it
I think it's a bad idea to get into a conflict so early on, but Tay probably understands shit like this creates content, and it's what most people watching want
She finna cuck lil whiteboi tj lmao
She's so fucking gross man. These posters need to be euthanized.
wildlands cave looks so cozy
the fact Mr. Beast crew’s gender changing changes your day?
the fact LOL player broke up with his gf changes your day?
the fact a streamer guy whispered to a minor changes your day?

If you're living someone else's life, you don't get tomorrow.

That's all. I’ll go to work. Bye.
Seeth harder cuck
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xavier spotted in raven form walking through schitty
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I hope we get tons of juicy whiteboards this time around
Yeah idk wtf is wrong with taytriots
>I hope he runs into the woods and hides and they can't find him.
kek that would be fucking great
Based japdick poster
So... Where the fuck are they even? What state are they in mainly? I want to know what time it is there the time is fucked for me on the site.
What quirky funny bits will Vance have preplanned for us this time?
Bitty status?
The message is true but the delivery is very effeminate.
Should be 5am eastern time for them
rhode island, they got doxxed and swated already
Tai has said multiple times that he flew in to Rhode Island
The location has been leaked I believe for a week already
Jon really messed up talking so much shit on twitter before the show started. Letty and Tayleigh are the only fish who were ever willing to straight up get evil and he was claiming he was going to force them to make him a sandwich every day. Wetawd kicked the hownets nest.
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This cute girl from Texas makes you upset and type headcanons and insults about her all day? LMAO. Get a life.
>*Squeezes Jon's bicep*

Oh wait, Vance would do none of those things, because he's a boring faggot. Fuck Vance
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He's probably gonna do the one where he doesn't come because he's doing well for himself on the outside
Hey look it's the leaf faggot from /bant/ but he's pretending it's not him because he didn't say mindbroken this time
the lighting in her trailer really helps her a lot. The wig is a lot better than her natural hair too.
Hmmmm why is it that Rhode Island seems to be the centre of operations for Sams projects? Is it because of a certain law perhaps?
Holy fucking cringe
>cute girl
You're crazy. People don't actually think this do they?
I liked Vance. He proved himself great when he had something to work with or someone to bounce off of.
>Why does Sam record in the state he lives in?
because kush is legal
the fact bald chud lady hasn't streamed for a month changes your day?
the fact bald chud lady not shipping beanies you bought changes your day?
the fact bald chud lady fucked a hick from kentucky changes your day?

If you're living someone else's life, you don't get tomorrow.

That's all. I’ll go to work. Bye.
Because he lives there you stupid cunt
Flowstreams if you’re still here could you make it so you can rewind in the player like you did last season? Would be super useful for getting screencaps, clips, and catching up on missed stuff
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she can be cute sometimes but it takes a lot of make up, good lighting, and a wig.
>tayjeets are starting to cope over getting cucked and shit on by their chudqueen
when's the beanie arriving?
What law
Fuck you
by day 3
where are the NPCs sleeping?
I would wager its something to do with him living in Rhode Island for nearly two decades
I bet tayleighs pits smell rockin ngl. That mid 2000s skater girl smell.
Inb4 someone swats the forest
Taytriots please stop being cucked it’s not a good look
Nah, that facial structure is wack. Something about her will always make her look like an old woman or a drug addict, she looks like she shouldn't have teeth.
sure, if i had a long hair, i probably couldn't depend on just my excess beard oil and beard balm to moisturize my hair. i don't typically think of most guys needing more than their excess beard care products to take care of their hair. hell some of them even tell you to use the excess product on your face and hair as a moisturizer
I can't wait for all the contestants to contract lyme disease
They have a house on-site that everyone is staying in.
Hes talking about R.I’s medieval-tier AOC laws
Has Lance killed himself yet?
That's a good question. When ARE the beanies arriving?
Vance can be really funny people just don't realize it because he's more quiet and subtle. He doesn't really work well in fish tank where people are constantly screaming and doing gross stuff.
>doing well for himself on the outside
That’s a good one
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wym? She's a qtπ
Its a mobile home sir
Age of consent is 16 there
what is with the correlation between Sam Hyde and fishtank fans and blacked porn obsessed losers? they're more obnoxious than footfags at this point

for fucks sake get off the internet and stop watching porn it's making you sick in the head
these people that just repeat the same shit over and over again about fishtank girls for thousands of threads have to be bots right, they can't be real people
have you ever seen her teeth? they're super fucked up meth addict looking teeth.
Nigga how do you swat a forest
She has such an unfortunate face. It was over for her before it even started
never especially after 2.5 when she get her phone back and goes home and sees that bridge she burned
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this must be the bible again right
why the fuck is jon still seething?
>letty and tay being above bex and trish
you guys are fucking insane
Where's your beanie?
she literally shouted jordans cock out live.
you have to stop living in delusions, either proudly accept the cuck title or just drop her.
what you are doing is just sad and pathetic at this point.
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How the fuck does vance of all people piss you off
He hasnt even met Trish yet tho lol. Why she mad
after actually seeing her fucked up teeth it made me realize that chris cut her just as deep as she cut him during their fight when he was making fun of how fucked up and yellow they were.
They're not that bad
The most delusional simps I've seen yet, there's hours of footage of her looking dogshit
Yeah it's like that in most of the country.
>what is inspect element
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Half the country has medieval tier consent laws. Why are Americans so disgusted by their own age of consent laws?
Tayleigh, kino. Letty, hot but insufferable. Taylor, needs to drop the warthog piercing.
Letty is a princess!
maybe on planet meth mouth
Somebody show this faggot the mime picture
Taytriots are gay and you can't convince me otherwise, Tay looks male. I can't fathom how something like that is meant to be hot.
letty is hot she just has a weird eye
Where's this nigga's beanie?
I didn't order
they like em broken
you have to lurk 8 months and be over 18 to post here
Tay is just a hot tomboy. She's cool and badass yet still looks fem. Yall wouldn't get it ig.
These /bant/ people are actually FUCKED.
kys in minecraft and irl
Where's your beanie?
the show desperately needs vance's high energy
cut deeper tranny
>tay backstabbed everyone in the tank
>taytriots somehow surprised she backstabs them
cmon now
California actually has this law where it makes it 14 as long as there is written permission by the parents
Because I actually live in a state that doesnt treat their citizens like shit(California)
I'm walking to the forest RIGHT NOW guys. No cap. Tell me how to wake up Letty
It was just a few generations ago that 30 year old men were marrying 13 year old girls and society saw absolutely nothing wrong with it.
KEK ok >>200510715
3 people said tayleigh is hot and you niggers are seething. fuck sake everyone here is retarded
Where's your beanie?
she looks like an adolescent male, she's very insecure and gay.
with a cock in her mouth

Ive been here since you were in elementary school
see >>200510715
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I was under her spell but came out of it
Who’s cock is that I don’t use /bant/

We just get 'em like we did in 'nam. Oh wait.
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imagine hating on this chud cutie just because she's based and doesn't give a fuck
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I don't care if Tayleigh stops streaming
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chuddette haters are DESPERATE, HUNGRY folks
like lil' angry wasps.
Deal with it, nerds.

go ahead:
>insult me
>insult the chuddette army
>insult tay
>make le epic character assassination posts
>cry about Kentucky
>cry about streams
>cry about crochet

It does nothing....
forever, and always, in tay we trust
*real humane bean.wav*
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Hottest fishtank girl much?
Sir I'm a taytriot. I don't have the money for one.
He has high T he knows the rule of men in the wild he could of smashed Tay's nose into her skull.The weak must fear the strong again.
no time to sleep when you're running a party bus empire, alongside owning 36% of a restaurant and working a full time job.
Where's your beanie?
Tay: haha jon gets mad about the TTS calling him gay!
Also Tay: *tells Jet to block TTS about her boyfriend*
Replace Tayleigh with Summer. Bring in a vulnerable girl that Jimmy can instantly fall in love with then soon after want to kill (he is boring without the rage sperging). Bring Cole back have Jet dogeza as apology. Bring Wosie as the native who lives on that reservation
After today I feel like there's no fucking way she's coming back. I'd only watch anyways just to see how much of a shit show it would be.
Reminder that any unironic Tayjeet post you see here is from an unhinged Polack
two full time jobs, and firefighter and marine and investment broker.
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keep trying, nerd.
You will never take her from my heart.
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his full time job is some bullshit multi level marketing scheme. Makes me kek every time.
tsmt I’m done with her I just want to watch the hell she’ll get on that return stream
No beanie?
why does she look so fucking weird here?
You're mentally ill. I can't even imagine how fucking ugly you look.
taytriots are absolutely fucked in the head
not just hot, THE HOTTEST. above bex, above taylor. mental illness
"Big dick" Benleaks
some people are alive but they do not live
has jimmy raped someone or some nigger been Committing crimes? lmfao niggers Ican't cope
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How times change
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Good morning! I love Betty :)
>hey man you want me to give you a handjob behind the porta potty? I'm so stoned I don't even give a fuck right now dude.
call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage call jon gay make him rage
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go ahead:
>insult me
>insult the chuddette army
>insult tay
>make le epic character assassination posts
>cry about Kentucky
>cry about streams
>cry about crochet

Chuddette haters SEETHING
The morning sermon has begun
no wonder she stabbed them in the back and fucked that random kentuckian.
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There's no way she's too dumb to realize that the ship has sank at this point.
Letty is a butterface, her body is all right at least
Tay should be last but sadly her simps have a warped view of reality
fucking over fans and sucking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
kfc's real human semen has been on her
>blacked porn obsessed losers?
That’s half the website now
the only fish girl I've cranked it to is Betty. Something about her really gets me going.
trisp confirm, her teeth look normal btw.
>already cracking 7 hours in

worse than summer.
idk man she’s hard headed
What happened to Tay? I'm looking for clips.
Not him but I'm a taytrot and im handsome
>My chud husband
What did Tayleigh mean when she called Frank Hassle this?
>wosie not in first place
what a shitshow of a poll
untalented boring bug eye woman?!?!#@?# TUMMY TUMMY SEXO PRINCESS
untalented fugly dyke retard!@@!@! TOMBOY TRADWIFE KEKADOODLEDOO MY WIFE

edit thanks for the the silver kind strtendtre
put me in the screencap /thread
whats going on bud?
I'll try to do a QRD
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders and visit friends and family out of state
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>tweeted a few photos of caves it was tracked to be mammoth caves in kentucky and people put it together
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt and she followed him on twitter when he uploaded the video
>tts comes through making fun of her for fucking that guy from kentucky who bought the chicken plush
>She immediately jumps up and asks jet to talk to him in private
>they start blocking tts about plushy/kentucky sex

basically she confirmed it was all true and she's been lying out of her ass for months
my bad fogetting c*ckolds get off to the humiliation.
i sincerely hope you get help and can turn your life around some day.
this fetish you have is self destructing
taytriots still coping lol
>spared no expense
Where's Tayleigh's beanies?
shoutout to my cock buddy
need to add >>200510946 to >>200510942
because the way she reacted to those tts basically confirmed it's all real. + the "shout out to my cock buddy" thing
Letty is actually hot don’t compare her to the ugly bald beat dyke lesbian
they need to be put down like ol yeller
coming soon! alongside structural items etc.
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hey guys heres a tayleigh lore dump hehehe WTF IS THIS NIGGA DOIN why he know all dat do?
did she really tell jet to censor TTS about the kentucky guy? kek. so it is confirmed they fucked.
>talks multiple times about how her entire family is watching
>Gives a shoutout to her "cock buddy"

She really does have autism
Looks like a fun place to make them play airsoft/paintball. I can't wait to see them bitch and moan about getting hurt and for some drama to erupt from it.
looks like a cheap paintball arena
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is it this?
She called him her cock buddy I think that was more than enough
holy shit that reminds me. this dyke probably promoted her merch while she had chicken boy cock in her mouth
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For anyone who watched the vampire combat last night (I was asleep); what's the verdict? Is it neptunian?
who's got the weird pic of tay smiling in the mirror after getting out of the shower kek
Thank you anons, have a blessed and happy day.
You couldn't hear what they talked about but two tts about kentucky guy fucking her came through and she was obviously shook and then she immediately ran to Jet. Later someone tried to send another and they rejected it so its most likely on the banned list with marky and jemby
Taytriot, where's the beanie? Answer us!
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>probably promoted her merch while she had chicken boy cock in her mouth
everything she's done in the last month happened whilst this was happening
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kill summer
behead summer
roundhouse kick summer into the concrete
slam dunk baby summer into the trash
crucify filthy summer
defecate in summer's food
launch summer into the sun
toss summer into an active volcano
stir fry summer in a wok
judo throw summer into a wood chipper
twist summer's head off
report summer to the IRS
karate chop summer in half
curb stomp pregnant black summer
trap summer in quicksand
crush summer in the trash compactor
liquefy summer in a vat of acid
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are there more Taylor clips from last night or nah?
Cole was supposed to be in this season, luckily he quit before it started this time.
Hard to really see what’s going on but it was alright on the director cam with the music
That was one of the most tone deaf things I've ever seen an internet personality do. Trying to sell merch when she straight up abandoned her fanbase for a month lol
bummys were busted
coomed on in jordan's trailer home
>i'm gonna put a warn on your account
It’s crazy lmao
Being crocheted by her fat friend allegedly
Just remembered that some people during season 1 genuinely believed letty had a 2 year old son
Damn you're right they should have built some brick walls for their airsoft bit
>what is a wawn on my accownt?
and CK/Brian kek
Anyone have a clip of taylor talking about her dead husband
best fishtank momens":::
so here we go folks
Jimmy cumming
Rape Jimmy moments
Fatty talking about nothing and breaking the mics
Porn talk from fatty
Frank rape (real)

Goyslop ""content"" (psyops)
CHALLe nges
Letty POOP
Neptunes investigation

Unadaltereated Goranian kino (kinograpè)
6 hour complain to fish about being boring
frank hassle and goran call
Brock Landers will still buy a shirt and donate to her telling her to remember to eat.
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>Tayleigh was too busy taking 50 dollar plushie dick to make the beanies
To add to this kentuck boy has been doxxed already
The larping larp is actually fun I must admit
jemby bros will be vindicated
the truth will be revealed
throat fuck summer's freshly behead head through the neck hole
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stop sexualizing her!
jordan paid $50 to hit
The neptune investigation would have been better if it hadn't been so drawn out. Ben was pretty funny though.
>being autistic
She isn't
weird fucking nigger shut up
I was only able to tune in for bits and pieces, can someone tell me what the actual game/win condition is? Can they “die” and there’s a winner or whatever or is it just Jet Neptunes summer camp with paid friends
jon and Tai are the only interesting fish at the moment. it feels like the rest of them barely give a fuck
Is there anything noteworthy in the contract in OP's pastebin?
apparently tayleigh is leaving the season early because she wants to go back to texas and entertain her fans. she also wants to clarify that jordan is only a fan and she is not in a relationship with him.
all ive seen is this moment, she prolly mentioned it earlier too
not weird, edmund kemper pilled
Every time I see this pasta there’s more things added to it
she read this and never responded. She and chicken man probably laughed at it. Best part is if she ever actually makes my beanie that's the account I put for her to send the invoice to lmao
Pipe dream
>it feels like the rest of them barely give a fuck
because nothing has happened yet
people have been dropping faggot a lot these days and I'm glad it's back in the public lexicon
coming back here and seeing not only that theres still like two taytriots, but that they've gotten cucked and disrespected harder than before, is hilarious. by some hick faggot who rubbed it in as well nonetheless.
(he did this to his mother)
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My daughter the cock buddy
Betty is quite the principled young lady.
Does it suck
and how am i supposed to do that when she can't stop posting her pristine betty holes and pissing all over the place like a cat in heat?
bitty needs incel /ftl/ bukkake correction.
she needs our seed all over her to fix herself.
its the only way!
good news for the taytriots, she's going back to texas and getting some streams going. she wants to finish her beanie orders as quickly as possible and get back to streaming for her fans.
Jets failed gumball bit in s1 dont even remember this but It was really dark in a sense anyone rremember other jet forgotten bits?
>parasocial relationship between attention-starved autist and hundreds of deranged lonely men goes bad
just don't pay for it lol, ghost her once she finishes it
It says that fish can legally be raped, not joking
Does anyone have a screenshot of Cole’s green text with this pic
I'll stop when stops being the BBC queen
Jimmy is just having fun playing in the woods. Letty is obviously just laying back and observing things like a Machiavellian psycho, she's already shit stirred a few times though. Greg is super in to the larping. Tayleigh is the only one who seems miserable.
oh yea she said her husband was a fighter and died in a big fight or some shit like that
c'mon dawg
Where's the beanies?
tayleigh has dropped out of season 2.5 and will be replaced with ella
She will only look at your dm’s if you look like a greasy pimpled face hillbilly
pls respond! sirs!
Is the directer cam stuttery for anyone else? If you manually switch to the cam shown on director it's fine though.
Aint no way I'm paying for that shit in the unlikely event she ever actually makes it lol.
>Greg is super in to the larping.
greg is dead
just wanted to announce this guys, yeah I'm done with Tayleigh :/ lmao what are you doing nigger
feel bad for you and hope you seen the light.
just another victim of the vile toxic cunt talyeigh pendelton.
honestly if anyone deserves a jezza its her and not letty.
tayleigh has confirmed on telegram that she doesn't like being a part of season 2.5 and believes sam hyde abused her. she also left a clever, subtle marky reference in her post. she will be leaving the season early to go back home and finish up her beanie orders.
Bex needs to drop some tum kino then her support (and my dick) will grow
probably the nord and the candian cuck
Guys, Tayleigh just hung herself…..
my fucking head is cold, thanks tayleigh.
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He got sniped. Vance arrived yesterday. He's busy lining up shots on all the other fish as we speak.
did jon sleep like this the entire night?
*zoom in on message*
*vine boom*
*crash sfx*
Bruh lmao
Nice beanie
he slept on the ground behind the bunks
nigga slept in leaves till Ben came and told him to get up lol
>Trish's socials aren't in the pastebin
i didn't know if you were talking about tayleigh or taylor. i saw taylor's teeth and i'm like nigger i'm in my 30s and haven't seen a dentist since an age i was younger than her and goddamn somehow her teeth are significantly worse than mine. faggots even tried to white knight her and say that natural yellow is fine. nigger do you even know what you're talking about when you talk about naturally stained teeth
I'm over her. I only gave her like $10 total via tts anyways and that was almost all just shitposting fuel for /bant/bro memes.

I'll never watch another stream or support her again. She's a nasty spirited woman.
tayleigh is DMing fans on twitter to tell them she's sorry for not streaming lately, she's been dealing with the trauma of getting called cringe by sam hyde her idol and will be leaving season 2.5 to go back to texas. she will apparently be replaced by ella.
>people think Vance is delayed but he’s actually posted up like The End from MGS 3 for the entire show
actual funny Vance bit potential
bump pls sirs

imma need some receipts
My heart is as cold as my head (No Beanie)
Is Trish proving that Filipino's are the most powerful race in the world?

This guy is brand new and has been posting some clips, he just posted a samurai guy clip
if fucking only
same but I gave her a month subscription and $5 in tts I just want to see the meltdown return stream
Be honest, you people complain about this but you'll watch anything to do with fishtank right?
what happens when one of the fish gets banned?
tayleigh i have fucking frostbite on my fucking head now
You guys are insane holy shit. I didn’t like her but her fans somehow manage to make me feel sorry for her
We don’t know bro
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no way she returns if she immediately asked jet and turned off TTS. i think she took the 15k and ran off with it. probably thinks she is rich too with that 15k.

She seriously looks black here. Like 100% black.
i do like my slop
We just want our beanies.
I'm insane because I thought she was cool for a bit but now no longer like her because she's been acting like a cunt for months?
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who are we all rooting for this season
Woops forgot link

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My head is crying
i have never before in my life seen someone fumble the bag this hard, rest in piss cunt
someone needs to TTS tay about structural items pls
I have no beanie and i must seeth
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Good morning ftl,

Did anything happen after bedtime last night?
i've promoted to only reading the thread and never actually watching whatever gay larp they're currently doing
there's no way she does a return stream kek
>i was thinking about crocheting garlic
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what a stupid bitch, im only cumming to tay once a day now.
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What no fucking beanie?
Jon will sleep anywhere except in the designated beds
Yeah let me lie about depression and leave for a month to suck dick and come back and make merch you will buy it right
Sounds like this shyt is boring
Yes bro you’re talking about an internet girl that you don’t know who you gave money to, you’re talking about her as if she’s your friend you had a crush on and not someone you’re only an audience member to

That’s fair at least you have a right to be mad if she ripped you off
she doesn't even realize its over lol
Beanie-less ben (tay never made it for him)
a woman has needs ok?
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Obama bin Sama
it's going to be so funny when jon doesn't go along with any of the larping
>me on account of no beanie
have there been any good looks at bex this season yet
Beanless Ben looks like he should be smashing rocks together and foraging for grubs under fallen logs
acting like getting dicked down wouldn't cure depression
Yeah he is going to sandbag everything it will be great.
>tay simps are only mad because she has a boyfriend
>they still would defend her to their very last breath even though she acted like a cunt in s2 and outside the tank and looks like a beat dyke
Do you realize that she literally cried saying we were her friend and was reading and probably posting on /bant/ every single day?

It's a straight up beTrAYal
>structural items to PROMOTE
very peculiar wording kek
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went to bed during the samurai chat last night, anything good happen since?
What character is Bex in this? Is she the creature that was following the Duke?
Yeah, nobody has a fucking beanie
shes the sexy one that makes my penis hard
My only regret was....no......beanie
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me when i get my beanie! (and structural items)
frank hassle does

one anon got one of the ones she had in storage and said it smelled like dirty carpet.
you guys realize that broads like this are a dime a dozen in calif, yeah?
Is Jon sleeping or is he just pretending
Oh she said a gossip/simp general on a Chinese cartoon website that’s responsible for her income were collectively her friends, I guess it’s totally normal to talk about her as if she’s a real girl you know then
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bible status: fuckin' closed
She is a vampire.
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so when does taylor go in to replace tayleigh?
you just had to be there.
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I didn't see this
Was too busy doing more important things like jerking off and watching anime
Impressive but not unexpected that jon is immediately upset by tts
Also impressive but not unexpected that tay immediately shittalks others behind their back
They are both acting EXACTLY like they had on their times in the fishtank. If it seems like they didn't learn anything at all from the experience it's because they didn't. You would think that after going through some unique and stressful situations they might have learned something about themselves and tried to change for the better, but that's clearly not the case here. Jon has an excuse that he was only there for 2 or 3 weeks I guess, but with kay, she went through the entire thing, and in the end, lost because her behavior ended up damaging all of the relationships in the house with others. It's like she's incapable of looking at herself with a critical eye and thinking "hey, maybe I shouldn't shittalk people and be a two faced person 100% of the time"
Again, fucking impressive that both of these retards managed to continue being retarded for so long and slip back into their terrible personalities so quickly
Out of the two of them, they're both in the wrong, but ray is the most in the wrong
I liked this dude on s1 and have fully turned on him. Jon is a goof that bible shit is goofy
People were ready to throw Josie insane money right after S1 but then waited 2 weeks to stream (plus got tossed around at the wigger parties). She still made a good bit but fumbled a lot
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All work and no beanie my jack(dies of frostbite)
aughhhhh my scalp! my scalp freezing blue!
Tayleigh you rat! you weren't using the brake to knit me a beanie! you were riding kentucky cock to give me the ol freezing scalp!
how could you do this to your own taytriots
they freezing scalp tayleight?!
looking for an arc this season hmmm artist guys?
i see, she expects to have a second surge of popularity comparable to post s2. better nobody tell her
When did Jon come? I fell asleep
t. heathen
jon is evolving into a based tradgymcel and ur just terrified that a beast like him is gonna walk the earth
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bros this is the beanie tayleigh sent me.. what does she mean by this?

Is this what we get to see from the director's cam? Looks pretty crisp quality wise
>goes all of season 2 and doesn't complain to production or threaten to quit once
>becomes /bant/'s girlfriend for a few months
>they mind break her so hard she has to start having tts censored

this is why you dont pander to 4chan retards.
nice mkultra tat faggot
I enjoy him on the show sometimes for the jontent but his social media presence is bad outside of this show
around 11pm
Despite actually being about satanic creatures this season has far less satanic vibes than the last two
why is it okay for taylor to get fucked by that retard and not okay for tayleigh to get fucked by some hick retard?

yall are giant hypocrites.
why the fuck would I ever follow any of these people outside of the show?
greek nigger
so is she leaving or staying?
That is
Sound analysis.
I dont "follow" them, I've seen stuff here and there
I just tuned in missed all of yesterday. Anything good happened?
See if you can figure it out if you think really hard about it.
It was supposed to be me t b h
we've told you 1005 times its not about the boyfriend, its about her shitty attitude and lying
Tayleigh was doomed from the start when she decided to get in with /bant/. Even Josie was smart enough to not pull that stupid move.
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Tay has not streamed in 20 years i feel wonderful Charlie
once I close that tab these people no longer exist to me
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Taylorfags were self inserting as TJ while Tayleighfags think /bant/ as a collective are her boyfriend and they’ve been cheated on
nigga please taylor and tayleigh have almost 0 overlap in their communities, taylor fans are happy for her and tj
>Letty: 18 results
>Tayleigh: 48 results

Tay is winning and its not even close.
Hey guys, Greg here

Everyone's favorite muscle mommy will be making an appearance today
as one of tayleighs haters, it feels good to watch all her fans turn on her outside the couple of cucks who still worship her. goddamn i love being right.
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I really didn't like tay for many(MANY) reasons in the last season, but I was willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that it was "all a part of the game, bro" like she was saying. Not saying I liked her after it was over, but I was willing to accept that maybe she wasn't such a piece of shit irl because the tank in a way forces you to behave differently. There were some people saying towards the end last time that the fish were all showing signs of "disassociation". I'm not gonna say that's true or whatever, cause that's a heavy statement, but they were all kinda breaking for sure. Anyways, when it was over, I stopped caring and thought, "maybe tay isn't as bad as she made herself out to be"
No. She's a piece of shit every day of her life. Fishtank or no
why you guys fighting over a crack whore and a bulimic bitch?
Aren't you dead
She did her first stream in Sams office 3 days after the show was over.
Why do these people have "communities"

Stop insulting Letty. She can hear you in her slumber.
this is worse because tay has literally no fanbase left at all apart from maybe brocklanders who prob gets off on getting cucked
Basically this. She was creating a hardcore simp army on /bant/. People were rallying behind her hard and using her face as reaction images on other boards trying to meme her into being a big deal. She was referencing them constantly and used 4chan edits in basically all of her thumbnails.

Pandering to sad lonely men like that then doing a 180 and basically telling them to fuck off is obviously going to piss people off.
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bliccy as vampire queen PLEASE
KEK this is a flawless post
to fullfill their desire to give strange women money (to paypig)
I can't believe they got the Chris McCandless bus as a freeloader
Isn't that why onlyfans and by extension, most paypig services exist
Well fuck. Guess I answered my own question
I'll promptly kms
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same bro, feels good to be vindicated.
the truth always wins eventually
it's not the boyfriend it's the lying and the fact that she turned into a massive cunt for her last 2 months of streaming
>turned into
I honestly thought that chick who was standing next to Sam when he appeared was Bliccy at first
I look like this and do this.
anon you poor innocent soul
the internet is so far beyond tame parasocial relationships now, it's just second-nature to kids raised on technology to the point where they don't realize it's weird
I understood that but I wasn't aware of the total lack of self awareness involved in all of it
I always thought there was a hint of irony but naw. These people actually get invested and think this shit is real. Doesn't bode well
Every single person that went back to the tank durring their seasons ended up ruining their "characters" and leaving a worse impression than when they left.
The only one that wasnt worse was alex because you couldn't get lower than 0 (he's been fine this season, I guess, haven't seen him too much but he seems to he sticking to the rp)
The /bant/ thread are a really toxic slippery slope if you're a lonely guy. There's always fish tank related people in there talking or lurking. There's lore. There's memes. There's lolcows. There's regulars you slowly get to know.
>see people itt argue that someone named "bex" is apparently the hottest female part of cast
yeah, you guys are all degenerates. can't believe i was fooled into looking her up only to discover she advertises she's a coalburner
>There were some people saying towards the end last time that the fish were all showing signs of "disassociation"

there was some guy on the /ftl2/ thread who would always write long essays for psychoanalysis on tayleigh and in her defense

wonder how he feels about her now
Hey just wondering how do the contestants take a shower? All I've seen is port a potties is there a village bathouse somewhere?
anons 5 minutes without fantasizing about interracial porn challenge level impossible
the whole town will be a wrecked ruin by day 6
Who tf is alex
Jet hoses them down in mountain dew every morning
Thanks man
I was a pretty heavy writefag in the past two seasons and would give longform takes on stuff
Feels nice to be doing it again
if you wouldn't immediately gulp up the bvlls seed straight out of bexes blased gaped used anus without a second thought you simply don't belong on /ftl/
Jet told them last night that they have proper shower in schitty they can use
Literally not even the fish know what's going on
Jet said that they can take showers inside
richards alter ego
That’s a club not a spade dumbass
Sexy monkey sexo
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That's friggin edited pal
You are pornsick, bro. Just stop watching. That's all you need to do. You can have a normal sexuality again.
Jimmy is gonna pass out again in that shower from gooning
Take a closer look
i can't, im too far gone, its way too late for me
I genuinely was gonna buy a beanie but I didn't have any money and this is how it is, I still love her but she keeps fumbling.
Sam is either 40+ or getting there I can't remember
But what kind of thoughts do you think go thru his mind about his choices
Do you think he understands the absurdity of it
Do you think when he's standing dressed up around a bunch of 20 year old retards playing games he ever feels panic
Wtf bros this is way better than the first 2 seasons
I didn’t bother checking I assumed it was this same image people have argued about before >>200511872

No retard. He's just in dark-mode so the emoji turns white. But he is a thousand times more retarded due to his BBC obsessed brain.
> I still love her
honestly at this point its sad more than anything else
Personally, I was rooting for taylor and teej to get together because I think the looksmatch and have complimentary personaities (they're both kinda retarded)
While I do find taylor physically attractive, I never cared beyond wanting a happy ending for her and tj
I was(still am) a lettyfag, but again, it was never about attraction purely(she does have a sexo body) it was about how mentally manipulative she could be. She was running laps around everyone else in s1 and I thought it was fascinating how she could mentally ruin so many people. She's like a spiderqueen
I can't underage tayfags or josiefags that genuinely want to make them their gfs
No because he just views the show as a flypaper for paypigs
>These people actually get invested and think this shit is real.
yeah it's the unfortunate side effects of the internet generation, internet "relationships" seem more tangible to them than irl, both for friends and partners
it's fucked because I feel like if my mom got me a cellphone earlier instead of making me wait (this was back in the day of flip phones and sidekicks) until I was like 13, I'd be just as bed

I'm assuming it's in that small brown barn looking building that you can't see unless the handhelds are pointing in the opposite direction to the regular schitty fixed cam?

They really should have had another cam pointing in the opposite direction to cover the whole town square
>But what kind of thoughts do you think go thru his mind about his choices
"If I never blew the tranny hooker then 4chan wouldn't keep reminding me about it"
Yo what time did Sam show up and introduce the show/explain the rules and shit I want to watch what happened today
Have they counted rice yet
he gets to have fun and make tons of money what's not to like?
not to mention he gets to larp as the big boss guy with his underling zoomers.
easily beats being a cubicle wage cuck.
GORAAAN fix your DAMN site I wanna listen to the bible Study
Jon is still Jon. Still funny
The one in my screenshot is clearly a club and the one in his is clearly a spade. Turning on dark mode doesn't change the whole emoji buddy

And this is why I'm once again pissed at Jet even though it's starting to look pretty good. Why the fuck are the rules etc not clearly posted somewhere on the website's UI and why is there no Day-to-day summary. It takes fucking 10 minutes, niggers.
I was an essayist writefag but I would do the opposite and shit on tay
Feelin vindicated and great, bros
You didn't learn anything with previous seasons did you
One is clearly captured by the default Windows screenshot button and it does very much look like a spade. One doesn't appear to be captured with the native screen capture, shows a club, and when I visit the page, I see a club. Is it simply a dark mode error or did staff force her to change the spade to a club that quickly?
Unironically I watched a video a few days ago of a Jewish rabbi explaining to his audience why modern people are so retarded, and this was part of it, he said "everyone has a million friends, but no closeness. Everyone has buckets of attention, but feels no love. Everyone has the appearance, the cloak of intimacy, but no intimacy, and this is what happens when we stray from G-ds design for our lives." I couldn't really argue with that and it made me think, if these people view other people including non religious Jews as ape tier retards I can't blame them
Traditional Christian communities probably feel similar
newGOD alert newGOD alert
She's a DJ so she's queen of the clubs. idk what part of that is so hard to understand
Taypedos are becoming the new Josiepedos
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I think he's just having fun man
He genuinely looks like he's having fun when he's actually in character
He looked fucking ruined every time he wasn't playing goldstriker but was on set last season
>no gay template by op
>no josie
>no josie simps
>barely any marky/channing spam
>barely any gimmicky poster
>only people at disbelief with jet's chronic incompetence

This might be the best era of /ftl/
Trish won.
People forget that Sam actually cried of happiness during the S1 ending.
She definitely did it intentionally to troll retards online
Same with her blowing the dildo
Girl is smart and knows how to bring in seethebux
aside from the god's design bullshit I think it's bang on
the internet has commodified friendship and that started super early, I remember when myspace first came around people were already flexing how many friends they had before followers were a thing
Are you confusing bex with betty, bro?
blowing the dildo was betty, unless there's a video of bex I haven't seen
>after 2 seasons he still thinks there are rules
You are dumb. The definition of a dumb person.
wrong, theyre even worse
Ah, it was just a typo with the alt code then. So, the goal was not for bextacee to advertise herself as the queen of spades.
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>Are you confusing bex with betty, bro?
he absolutely is
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you're right my nigga I checked myself, apologies.
have you guys figured out that the whole thing is pre-recorded? i did.
Oh. I must be then. Yeah
wish they had good portraits of the full cast on costume including NPCs, would've made a tier list by now
Ya, when he said "gods design" I think he just meant like. Family and community, forging real bonds in a moral community and keeping a low profile. Simple, localized happiness vs chasing fame and fortune
Why is the morale gauge set to max?
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>people with a dead/ repressed inner child confused by adults having fun playing games

Never fails to make me chuckle
she never did because the spade one is edited by someone from here to get bbc fags riled up
Yeah they’re pretty fucking bad at making the show accessible to anyone who isn’t a NEET, it could be genuinely huge if they fixed that too

In S1 and S2 Sam showed up to do an introduction then made them count rice, I caught those both live but I couldn’t tune in for most of today I just wanna know what time it actually “started” so I can watch on a restream VOD because I assume the opening hours was just cameras freezing and wigger mumbling
Was every funny moment so far brought by Tai exclusively?
>watching on the official website
I fucking love this costume. It's so fucking silly, the shoulder pads really make it.
jon entering the group's slow, reserved conversation just to start yapping and literally squatting tai was kino
Greg falling off the dirtbike like 3 times in a row was a fishtank CLASSIC
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please don't insult us like that
i get why people might have hated us but we never got even close to being as bad as the taycucks

Oh yeah sam definitely didn't pull people in the basement, stop them from tearing up passports, cuddling Jon 24/7 and they obviously were not allowed to physically touch each other aggressively. Fuck you. There are rules and they are usually shit.
The intro this season was himself forgetting the name of his own character after someone asked him to repeat it. Then he kept riding his dirtbike and Trish broke the seat with her giant ass.
Check this website out it's pretty cool youtube. com
The problem has always been the lack of planning in the right places
There's nothing wrong with letting the fish loose and see what natural things come up. Some of the best moments of the past two seasons were exactly that, but jet seems to think "hands off" means doing fucking nothing
You need to have invisible hands that provide structure while keeping about half of the time flexible so you can use the organic moments when they come up but have a plan incase they don't
>people with a dead/ repressed inner child
i didn't choose this life you know
What's this nigga's name?
the moment sam showed up with it and his character i knew this season has at least some potential to be entertaining.
Who is the most raped person associated with fishtank?
schizo nigga
The viewers
That's the problem
They all have potential
But the wiggers crew is just incapable of realizing it and bring it to reality
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I'm a number taytrot and will be untill the day I die
I love that the Duke, who is obviously a millenia-old vampire king, just wears sneakers lmao
have you tried lightening up? sad niggas like you are boring
Mentally speaking, Cole

I am convinced every single female contestant has either been raped/throwing rape allegations around.
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You desperately need S3 to start so you can attach to a new girl who will never know your name
Jimmy and it’s not even close
>no josie
Josie QUIT
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ahmen brother
you think this about all women, deluded weirdo
I will not watch season 3, I'm not watching this one either.
My prediction from everything that Jet has said is that Season 3 will feature more so 30 year old black women type normies than the type of fishtank contestants we're accustomed to
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Sorry what? couldn't hear you over my LOVE for TAY
hellooooooo wake them niggas up jet
cu*koldry is harmful to your soul.
Those things you mentioned are laws. You cant hit people or tear up passports.
Aggressively, offensively ugly
How much of a liability is roided out Jon? Sam might be the only one able to subdue him if he loses control.
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Josie wosie nigger
See you in a few hours bro
Even Jon got a few pounds, damn

The audience 100%
I’ve learned my lesson no simping for a woman in S3
I like the house full of internet autists gimmick better but season 2 was such a shitshow I’m happy to see them try something different instead
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Bless chud haters, for they suffer and seethe more than we ever could
The true entertainment is riling the simps up and watching them swarm like wasps
Good for her, man
These threads would be at #86 with those faggots flooding every frame of ver walking around
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perfect dreamy girl
no one quite like her
Was S2.5 just an excuse for Jet to walk around shirtless for 2 weeks?
genuinely shut up and die in several fires
i'm all for it this is goontank for gay anons
>highway noise
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I heard some gimmick ideas I thought were good, but the only one I can remember is
>indiantank. 10 fish. 5/5 split of male and female indians. Also half are americanized from here and the other half are full on streetshitters. Bonus 11th fish who is a feather indian trying to blend in. If they figure out he's not a dot indian he gets kicked, but if he survives to the end he gets the prize money and extra
Taycucks… it’s time to admit she won.
jon won
S3 is going to be Milf Manor
I really wanted them to bring in an Indian guy as a freeloader and pay him to act like Letty/Tays biggest fan to make the meme real
I am politely asking for a mirror of Cole's car drinking Instagram stream
jet here, i find a cool breeze grazing my nipples extremely erotic
I noticed neither side brings up their respective winners to each other and I think that plays into exactly what you’re talking about.
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that's not very nice of you
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Tay is an inspiration, she's strong and resiliant. She inspires me everyday to be better
the next fishtank will be in an european castle
Jet here

We've got something BIG planned for today. Make sure you watch :)
so wtf does that mean? she only fucks latinos?
Give Jimmy a loaded gun
Where's the beanies?
oh fuck me i missed it all
Senator Armstrong looking ahh bitch
best streem!
maria is making them
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duanyeyes BBC ?!
Nightclubs m8
9 year old boy lookin mf
Is there a map of the cams relative positions?
But Tay promised she would make them herself
Did fatty throw feces at contestants in season 2?
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When is the zombie arc Jet
>Queen of Clubs
She only fucks promoters and DJs
He had a big pile of the stuff hidden somewhere
i can't believe taybros quietly took this abuse all this time.
its genuinely sad and heart braking, no one deserves to be treated that way.
why is wes staff?
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2014 Zach Hadel
Hey guys, Jet here

Does anyone know Kai Cenat? He should really be watching Fishtank I bet he'd love it lol
tay as we knew her is dead
where do the Sam and the wiggers sleep?
why is tayleigh still alive?
Can't blame an indian programmer of wanting to be outdoors in the woods 24/7 for 15 days
They're not real people.
So funny to see Taytriots finally realize that Tayleigh is a cunt
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>No. No beanie. That's just not going to be a reality.
did they give jimmy a real revolver earlier.
Jokes aside I think bloodgames has been a bad look from a professional standpoint so far, unless they get their shit together or funny stuff happens often this will be a shameful flop
it’s airsoft, friend
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they're going to have a medical emergency when jimmy puts it in the mouth and pulls the trigger and chokes on the pellet
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>the real viewership
Somebody PLEASE post those shirtless pics of Jet from season 1 where he looks like a dud of milk. There are a few I think but I lost my fucking folder.
>5:30 am
Where is Greg?
Where is indian wife josie?
he's a theatre kid deep down
Where is Cole?

It's 7 AM and nothing is happening.
links to youtube clips being uploaded? anything good happen so far besides jon test sperging out
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>viewmogged by washed up irish leftist comedian
they should've been up and moving an hour ago
kids these days

I agree, but these are NEETS fren. In season 1 they woke up around 1-3 pm pretty much every fucking day.
hellooo hello helloo wake upp chop chop
They should be fighting for their lives rn
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its neptunian
Nooooo Bliccy, don't suck me!!!! Ouh...
>brian gave up his new career as a waiter for 5 minutes of clout on sam hyde's reality show
fatty jr.
He clearly keeps making bad choices, him streaming to three people on Twitch seemed more prosperous than going to the Coast Guard.
I just took a huge steaming Tayleigh. Christ, it fucking reeked.
jon getting into bed for the first time at 7am
He’s Scottish you dumb nigger
the real baby that should have been tickled
where the fuck is everyone? why do I only see Jon?
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>you hear sounds of cars in the distant freeway
>on the director cam and loudspeakers, an ominous track plays
>jon wakes up from his lawn chair slumber
>louder and louder, you hear the humming of an engine getting closer to basecamp- foliage and trees cracking in the distance
>an SUV rolls into frame of the trail cam, braking quickly before crashing into the living quarters
>the license plate reads... "arkansas"
>switch to a bodycam from inside the truck
>the neptunian director cam score climaxes in sync to the mysterious figure carefully opening their car door
>out walks the powerful driver, dawning full roman gladiator attire
>he reaches his arm out to jon, who is in pure awe of the situation
>"the name's cole dennis... i don't believe we've met"
theyre all sleeping in the beds but its hard to see them because of all the black coverings and the black nets
bruhs he looks so soft
imagine filling this bad boy with your spunk
Sam sure does love those underage fangirls
any greg updates?
cut this POS tree down, just bend it over.
fuck cole. that baby back bitch
shut up nigga
I can't fap to her. The mental illness and self harm scars turns me off
cannot be serious
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They would botch the execution and turn it into a big nothing, but yes, this and bimbo Santanico Pandemonium would redeem this trashfire
You want to watch Jimmy sleep?
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Missing the part where he drunk drove all the way there

Taylor fans are cucks
Now activate JavaScript to eliminate the mondojeet bots and let’s see the real viewer count
Drinking is such a lame addiction, do something cool like heroine
>"the name's cole dennis... i don't believe we've met"
Do you hear the fanfiction this fucking clown is coming up with?
Kek I remember this edit
Jet I kneel
Co(h)le arrives to Schitty in a scraggly suit, clearly drunk, teary eyed and holding a bunch of flowers.... Neptunian
damn, the views are really low
wonder what Jets thinking right now
Damn Jimmy is getting so fucking fat
Just tuned in
is it down for every1?
More people were watching Josie sleep...
trish, tay and letty all gained weight too
slow thread today huh?
Fuck off Jet how about you actually make the show good by getting your dad to play a vampire that tries to rizz up the female contestants
Im gooning. Join me
>Tayleigh fans fucking despise her now
>Jimmy's 'fans' don't actually respect him as a human being
>Shinji's fans hate him for not living up to his potential and for turning out to be a bigger loser than Brian
>Cole's fans bailed on him the moment he exposed himself as a unironic BBC poster
is there any S2 Fish that has a fanbase who likes them for who they actually are
Must say, Trish is looking extra delish
He's thinking "man I'm high off these whippets and weed"
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johnny mentioned
it is 4-7am in america you retards
I hear and it’s kino

>p-please respond!!
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we like taylor for her big tits, does that count?
desu there's way too many cameras
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Does Princess Abi count?
TJ nobody even moans that he doesn't stream everyone is just happy for the lil nigga.
drop the scallywags invite bro
I'm looking the join a 'sesh someday
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it was magical.....
She never gets them out tho
It's not kino, it's guano.
thread doesn't seem too jolly
I still like Cole but I don’t follow the contestants when the shows not on
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sometimes the tease is better than the reveal
I guess Trish, I see a lot of people saying nice things about her and not a lot of complaining.
They should know by now that people are watching in all time zones
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Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
seriously if he's her boyfriend, what a fucking asshole lmao he nuked her streaming career for no reason
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>ella is a fella
Anyone else getting cobra vibes from the duke?
Brian is fucking the shit out of that rn
where is my fucking beanie
trips of truth, TJ won so fucking hard
sucking wosies cock until her balls are completely drained!
agreed this sucks so far
why do you write like you get off to it?
whens the training kino start?
sam already copied cobes' style when he did the cigarette video on the tractor and had some guy come and talk to them about whether they got permission to film or not
Kek I remember that. Those museum people mogged Sam and bic hard
this narrative that cole is a BBC ADDICTED BLACKED BLACK COCK POSTER KEK is so deranged, he admitted to watching straight porn with a black guy. that's it. that's literally it.

everyone has done it, stop acting like you've been a little chuddy TND chud your entire life. you've been on a porn site and watched a video with a black guy in it. ONLY 4chan is this obsessed with race-baiting and race play, nobody else thinks about the world like this. no normal person thinks watching straight porn with a black guy in it one time makes you a cuck. it's fucking deranged, please talk to some normal people you porn addicted freaks I hate all of you

So wait you're saying I can both fuck her pussy and let her peg me afterwards? This is great news!
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trish seemingly. has a good attitude, isn't spiteful which doesn't seem like much but so many seem to fuck it up.
So like
Tay immediately wanting to talk to Jet in private after a TTS about her fucking a fan for a plushie comes through basically confirms it
She's such a retard lmao
>Cole is drunk and blacked posting again
Peter likes tj too much to fuck his girl like that. If anything I honestly think he'd rather fuck TJ if he could
Taylor is the hottest and Letty comes in second because or her stupid eye. The list is fucker from there on
what are your thoughts on season 2.5 so far? I'm kind of liking it. has potential
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>stops streaming for a month to get fucked by some hick before 2.5 all the while Maria is making her crochet orders
Just when you think it cant get any funnier it does
>jimmy trying to chop that huge tree down
Watching any straight porn makes you a cuck tho
>cole missed work again and is drunk and blackedposting in his car
fucking over fans and sucking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
Hated at first but it grew on me.
>DUDE im so fucking rich. i have 15k, fuck those losers. i dont need them!

kek stupid windex huffing crack whore
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he was the cucksule of rome
Pinoys are pretty good people imo
Where’s my commission dyke did your internet one night stand lose in your hairy pussy? Stupid retard

A fewwow apha mawle
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>She's such a retard lmao
Cole talking about bbc porn be like
>2-3 guys posting the same shit slightly rephrased over and over
has TTS needled her about the beanie progress yet?
I'm just waiting for channing to show up in another disguise
>says she doesn't miss frank
>still makes a beanie for him before any of her simps
how do these fags rationalize this
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Come on guys fill in the heart.Yoy guys know im only doing this for you guy's right.Im doing it for you so why don't you try doing it for her?
Is this real or headcannon?
stfu you ESL retard
Someone has to show up right? It’s outdoors, did they dox themselves yet?
The looser formula and it being outside makes it feel a lot fresher. It's not standard fishtank so I get the sense that the contestants feel like they're in uncharted territory like during the first tank when nobody knew what to expect.
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They will never make me hate you
yes because youre a cuck
they don't.
they simply filter that thought out of their mind exactly how they filter anyone pointing out how big of a two faced hypocritical cunt she is.
there's a reason they are called taytroons.
this makes me sick to my stomach
>shoutout to my cock buddy and my family
Is the director cam audio fucked for anyone else?
Someone bake
I cant believe we never noticed beaniegate it was under our nose the entire time.
no i think you are
jet they're fucking awake turn on TTS fat nigger
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Its not fair, if I'd known itd be that easy I'd have bought something from her
i hate tay so much
Yes, switch to cam1
That's just what I was thinking. I know they have these threads open 24/7.
hey yid
remember when jimmy said tay's heart belongs to someone else
Josie is 137 IQ
Letty is 142 IQ
Vance is 130ish
Even Damiel is close to 125
This bitch could be 260 IQ she would still be a midwit at heart
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hello :)
>tays pussy is worth $50 plus shipping and handling
damn imagine all those simps who dropped hundreds, or thousands on her and didnt get a crumb of pussy KWAB
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Does anyone have a clip of that cock buddy shoutout?
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Can I get a qrd in Cole being bbc poster?
these aren't their real IQs. those are MENSA numbers
was premade
Vance is dead centre 100, Letty is like 112 and Josie is 74
No comment
thread open sure, but they're still passed out from last night's whippet binge as they tend to be until around 2-3pm
Tayleigh is 136 by MENSA standards, so her score doesn't matter either
He posted with his trip on /pol/ about wanting white woman to be fucked by BBC
This is closer to reality. 130-142 is what you would want for prestigious grad school/Law programs. 74 is borderline clinical retardation. I think Jon is the only one who possibly possesses an actual intellectual disability.

Vance 105.
Josie 90
Letty 115.
Jon 80-85.

How we feelin' about these

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