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What happened to beach movies or people just going to the beach in movies, /tv/?
getting a tan is considered transracial
Rich mans Margot Robbie
the beach is racist
what's that pose called?
Are there any pornstars that resemble prime Jaime?
The human male arouser
jesse jane?
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have you been to a beach lately?
Remember white people? They used to be beach goers, and stewards of nature, compassionate, well bred people, but now I don't see them on TV anymore, or at the stores anymore, or at work anymore
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toad style
I'm sure crying will fix it.
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I used to fuck this fat bitch who's favorite position was Toad Style. I made her squirt and yet, she told her friends I was "bad in bed". I forgot the first rule of being a player: Never Fall In Love.
it's hard to set up green screens on the beach
Slut's toad style is no match for my whooping crane style, tell her I demand satisfaction for the pride of my dojang
Women have no concept of dignity. My ex would always tell me I was packing and when we broke up she told our mutual friends I had a micro peen.
They can’t surpass Mr Bean's Holiday
I can confirm this a hundred times over with my ex wife, but as a man I still get a huge chubby hearing about how my current wife brags to her friends. At her bachelorette party they were being dumb women and talking about sex, she said we still bone every day and they all were surprised saying seriously, after 3 years, and getting jealous and catty. Man I hate women so much but I love sex with their vaginas
>I made her squirt
that's urine. she pissed herself
because 99% of americans are too fat to even realistically consider to self insert themselves into a beach fantasy scenery where people actually look healthy.
Beach scenes = women in skimpy clothing = straight-coded = SEXIST MISOGYNISTIC REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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Don't throw stones if you live in a glass house
>What happened to beach movies
good thing i'm not a bong then
try harder seppo cunt
Institutional racism caused this
that sounds like the plot of Lifeguard Tower 13
Sometimes I worry about over population on Earth.
Don't need to, wombat-dog. Just need to email your abbo gov'mint that you're not vaxxed, lmao.
ausfailians are just bongs with extra steps
So you're a bong?
You shouldn't. Pretty much every country outside a handful of african and central american countries has negative brith rates.
It's too damn hot now a days. Also all the people in the old film now have skin cancer.
robots with emulation now!
What is a surf movie with some racist group in it?
It wasn't a comedic movie.
Are there any sexploitation movies with sling swimsuits?

If he swapped out all the carbonated jew for some unsweetened tea, he'd be a lot better off with just that alone

>Feral nignog biting your ear

I'm sure it bit all sorts of diseases and viruses into that white knight's ear that he'll never recover from
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le grand blue is technically an ocean movie but is still must watch.
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You don't need to visit the beach to wear a swimsuit
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kojima!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can't keep getting away with it.
polution, retards shitting in the water.
I was at the pool with my kids yesterday, community pool for my pretty upscale neighborhood and a pack of blacks came so I quickly rushed them out and left. I read a story years ago about how blacks never learned to wipe even though white fourth grade teachers followed these chimps in to the bathroom and tried to show them, so I always know there's shit particulates all over the beasts asses. Honestly and I know this'll be a shock but I'm honestly just a bit racist too, I can't help it
the beach is full of violent niggers so yeah
In the Harambe Lived universe Margot Robbie didn't steal her career.
A large drink over there is a medium in America lol
I love how she just laughs and the guy just walks away when he realizes his words had 0 worth.
why would a restaurant serve him leftovers from his mother?
Because the modern beach atmosphere is a nightmare
The beach is full of terrible people. It's the lowest class of human. You expect bikini beach babes, but it's all fat asses and POC yelling at each other and the constant attack of flavored vape pens. As fun as weed can be, it's destroyed outdoor locations and events. Beaches are hell on earth in the fast majority of what we used to consider the 1st world.
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>toad style
that sounds immensely strong and perhaps immune to nearly any weapon
>you shouldn’t worry about the brown hoards spreading
It’s becoming worrisome
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>What happened to beach movies or people just going to the beach in movies, /tv/?

Because it is 2024
The average weight for American women is around 170 lbs.
The average height for American women is like 5'4"
There has also been an explosion in the popularity of (terrible) tattoos
So showing a thin woman with good skin at the beach in a cute swimsuit would be considered gratuitous objectification, and turn off most of the audience.
how come she never had a big career? just dvd tier movies
>those hairy arms
Is she half-bigfoot or something?
Women have body hair
Is she balding bros?
yeah women should wax or laser off their body hair, especially armpits
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I think it's cute.
It's always funny to me when someone points out the things I like and hates them

>omg hairy arms so gross
>omg she dresses like a guy and has short hair
>omg she has abs and a biceps that's so gay
>omg her jaw is too big
its incredible how pretty Pamela Anderson was before getting bogged, its like a completely different woman
eh, you sound like you actually like dudes tho
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90's had the most kino beach movies
No, but genocide will.
Everything men like is verboten
Fuckin A.
Bitch has about 2 grams of titty meat. And she's a kike.
God bless Andy Sidaris
Yes Abdul, there are jews in American media. We noticed.
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post more
At the beach atm with the woife, its torture man so many great asses and tits everywhere.
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>fucked her senseless
find me the problem and I'll find you a dick to go suck
even more worrisome bud
Everything is nothing and nothing is everything.
Long live postmodernism. Yaaay.
MJ married and hit this, and yet there's still a conspiracy of him being gay. Just don't add up.
I'm going to say it
shut the fuck up, redditor.
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When it's properly used it's almost invincible
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who has the better face?
white people realized they kept getting skin cancer and stopped making them :(
The homeless took over American beaches.
what is the name of that cult film with surfers in some remote part, possibly australia?
And also because she isn’t built like a man
>she told her friends I was "bad in bed"
did she say that after you broke up with her? Or were you never in a regular relationship but in a friends with benefits thing? If any of the two is the case, i guess it might be just out of spite for you; but either way her saying that stuff is pretty funny if you were making her squirt
>What happened to beach movies or people just going to the beach in movies, /tv/?
There's a meme in movie industry for last decade+ where they set the movie in tropical/beach area and they film in Hawaii, of course people want to chill in Hawaii so tons of a-listers will sign on and then the movie takes a big fat shit all over the place and nobody ever hears about it because it's actually just a vacation disguised as a movie.
>when she leaves the jizz on overnight
someone did a video on how cities will give homeless one way tickets to hawaii to and they have no support to raise themselves up.
the milla jovovich and steve zahn film about a couple stuck with a criminal on the loose on an island getaway is cool.
there aren't that many homeless in hawaii, it's under 10k last I remember in a ~1.3mil population state.
but honestly if the choice is being homeless in socal/hawaii vs living in the midwest, that's an easy choice. weather is literally always perfect so you can live in a tent no problem.
I'd like to try your toad style
Do you think your Wu Tang sword can defeat me?
NTA but y'know, when i look at the obesity statistics i can't help but have the notion that we have more or less raped the natural order of food availability, mainly because right now there is twice as much obese adult people than underweight adult people - all that in a world where, in natural circumstances, it's starvation that's one of the leading non-human and non-predation causes of death
i also thought of this lol
>on Earth
Nuke these brown countries, and soon
only surfing cult film I can think of would be Endless Summer
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she called an tv host an ugly jew as a joke, he took it so personal that he told his jew friend to blacklist her from hollywood

that was the end of her career

also the same with megan fox, she called spielberg a nazi on set, so he blacklisted her from any future projects as well
just saw the trailer, will watch but it isn't my movie.
mine was early 90's with rough and unkempt look.
There is some rivalry maybe. Only saw one scene and don't remember anything else.

found the clip
I've heard it called M-sitting or W-sitting or wariza, if you are japanese.
that's not Lisa Marie Presley.
A high-end Margot Robbie
Are women using cum as mascara now?
Point Break
Big Wednesday
Blue Crush
I was in Rodanthe last week. It was very nice. Did some boogie boarding.
My name is earl gave me the hardest white trash fetish because of her. I live in the Midwest so I know from experience, dude.
point break is a big production and I remember all of it. Blue crush is early millennium and also very clear film. I will check out big wednesday.
Layely my nice has beeb greeting me in this pose when i go over to visit, eg when i come in her.room or jisy on the couch.

What does shr mean by this? She's 11 by the way.

Also OP a gopd beach movie is calldd Old and starts thomasin mckenzie in a tight bikini
That's pure fucking sex you retarded faggot
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Why do these fatasses always nod while stuffing their faces?
to help the food pass through their battered esophagi
swallow reflex malfunction or dysphagia.
they are all chronic mouth breathers and so their tongue never touches the roof of their mouth.
if you try to swallow without having your tongue at least touching the back of your front teeth, then you'll find it impossible to do without accessory muscles.
they also have a breathing reflex dysfunction from obesity, they breath with their abdominals instead of their diaphragm because of all the visceral fat/poor posture (you do the same dysfunction when you don't brace your core and take a deep breath) resulting in incomplete filling and emptying of the lungs and/or opposite action of the diaphragm.

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