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watch LIVE at flowstreams.pw/fishtank
Tayleigh is gone. Confirmed by twitter.
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>noose already setup to hang john and tay

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Hottest girl?

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does anyone have a clip of any kentucky TTS sent to tayleigh?
Whoa! Blacked Betty, bam-ba-lam!
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baesie mogs
So only the director cam is watchable, have they given up on the wearable camera tts harnesses already?
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always on top
Blacksmith Girl is going to be the breakout character this season

I just hope she can stay in character
JimmyJon is the show
letty x Jon fight incoming
I like how greg hasn't moved since he arrived.
have you seen a single clip posted of this season so far gayboy?
Does Jon know dumbgay is gay? That should get a fun reaction.
Jimmy's a part of their gang. That tree he chopped down was their calling sign
>goes to visit her 'cock buddy'
>cant stop throwing up in the morning

If you come with a funny tts, I'll pay for it.
I want gamechanging shit. No exes or current bf's you simp niggas.
Hit me with your best, if it's funny I'll do your TTS for free
>you are a raw egg sucking tard
I mean, where's the lie folks?
Blacksmiths wife wants jon in a noose
For me, it's Blacksmith's Wife
>Hopefully we can put that noose to work
I like this girl
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I wish jon a million dollars.
Rackets style.
I want to cuck the balcksmith
thats a witch.
real thread

Conserving his chi
He’ll need the reserves of spiritual energy for the battle he will soon engage in
>have you seen a single clip posted of this season so far gayboy?
She's really putting in solid effort

Jet pay that woman and give her more lines!
get Duanyay and Jon to start talking to each other
jimmy is tittymogging letty
Why does Jon make so many here seethe?
holy fuck is this really josie

where is this from

she looks extra fucking gorgeous

god I might fucking cum tribute this picture at some point
splitting threads is gayer than whatever this one is
>Late and gay?
you know that's nifty's girlfriend right?
The same Twitter that co firmed Jon wasn't coming because of his dead mom?
>It's hard to get hard
Deep thoughts from Tai
fuck off retard nigger, this one is fine
Should have saved it fag
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>"winner of bloodgames gets to be a contestant on season 3"

It's so over, I'll never get another Tay stream...
Why don’t you just talk to a woman in real life?
no donjolly.com tho
fucking retard get over it
Give me something bro, You got a free TTS on your hands. As long as it's good I'll send it.
He will fuck you for like $50 plus shipping.
No one, literally no one, cares.
Running list of birds I have heard in the background

>Chipping Sparrow
>Pine Warbler
>American Robin
>Northern Cardinal
>Black-capped Chickadee
>Tufted Titmouse
>Red-Bellied Woodpecker
>Carolina Wren

Best Birdcall Cam: Bus

The presence of Pine Warblers is kind of surprising since they shouldn't really be in RI right now, though it's not impossible. RI is just a little bit south of their breeding grounds which usually extend down to New Hampshire and Maine. Possible I am misidentifying since I'm not super familiar with the area, but it really sounds like there is a Palm Warbler nearby
probably because hes annoying and retarded
I actually started reading some of it because of the spam and it's actually good
Just say "Duanyay was talking shit about Jon using steroids"
Who is providing John with his schizo clothing.
>jontent interrogating dumbgay
The Clash of Divas
I don't watch fat mexican looking types sorry
Dunye's hobbies include being black and gay.
laura is that you?
This is hard to watch. When is season 3 happening?
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>She will fuck you for like $50 plus shipping.
I know, why do you think I bought the cow plushie?
after 24 hours everybody has dropped their act and stopped roleplaying. nobody cares about quests and are just hanging out.
The music has been a very good addition
Threads have lost their sovl /bant/ has officially drained all the lifeforce from /ftl/
Any chance of a fatty cameo this season?
no, but I know her
I haven't watched much of this so far, I'm assuming the general consensus is that it's significantly worse than S1 or S2?
Oh god this is gonna be bad.
You tried
It would if you could adjust its volume. rn its shit
Apart from you, you're fucked sorry bud
fuck off nobody cares
Jon is actually going to snap and kill someone lmao
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jon already regretting it lmao
yeah cry white boy, boo hoo hoo a gay TTS.
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>gay stuw is nowt wunny
trish lookin like a snack as always
Most definitely. They've mentioned him losing weight specifically for this season and he's the airsoft god. He'll be there
>Jon seething already
It's not even noon yet and TTS just came on
TJ would be grinding quests right now
Recently I was in a bus and looking out the window I saw a girl, maybe 12 years old, covered in pigeons in front of an auto shop
She had thrown bird feed and was holding more bird seed outstretched in her hands, so the pigeons (who were probably familiar with her) had stood all over her arms
Driving by very quickly, it looked a little bit angelic - young girl covered in moving feathers
She was probably covered in bird poop though

Thanks for reading my bird story
Smile and optimism... gone
Yeah we all knew this was going to happen just enjoy it for what it is desu
where the fuck did that tay dude go?
>Dunye defending Jimmy
Imagine getting the chance to play a real life RPG and not participating. These "people" don't realise the opportunity they've been given
god fucking damn i would straight up rape trish the dish it would be so fucking delish
i need to put my white seed in this pinoy treat
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I don't care what anyone says, this is the perfect woman
Dude Jon's entire mood shifts as soon as he hears the first TTS
get jon talking about how cool russia is to ukranian letty again.
What is it about Jimmy that triggers this maternal instinct in people
That’s because it’s all stars. S3 will correct that hopefully as the fresh start jet promised
he's pregnant and going home
reminder, Tayleigh called Letty a slut and whore when she was in season 2
turns out she was projecting her insecurities
You replied
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My beloved Tayleigh, I hope she's alright.
Her eyes are looking 180 degrees apart
She's got that summer hump going on
A tts is going to break the camel's back and Jon is going to take it out directly on Duanye or Letty.
Why is Tayleigh so nice to Letty now?
No TJ, no watch
goblin jew
Shut the fuck up AB
Hes getting a big ol helping of KFC tonite!
always was
called every girl a tranny when she was the one who looked like a man the most
>another Taylor video uploaded today
Wow she really does have a content release schedule for her entire time gone, she’s a machine
Jon is definitely trying to get Simmons'd by Duanye
jon looks fatter too, maybe he really is 190
>Not even tay simps realised she was gone
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Good morning /ftl/
Lefty is too powerful. S1 aura. Same with Jon and jimmy
look at his eyes, he has the mind of a child
Hey guys, Jet here. Can we please be nice to Tayleigh.
>it was meeeee :D <3
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Threadly reminder Duanye cannot speak French and is just pretending. He has 5 sentences he pulls out to pretend he's bilingual. He cannot speak French.
Also he's gay and hides it for some reason.
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>dont let any mean TTS about jordan or kentucky go through for tay
>allow jon to get riled up enough so he can kill somebody in basecamp
kek, tay getting coddled once again!
And That's A Good Thing
>learned about the abusive backstory behind the leaked Letty nudes and feels for her coming from an abusive relationship
>found out letty is bisexual and wants to scissor her when the show is over
>pussied out once she encountered Letty and knows she can't compete with her natural stacy energy (most likely answer)
Jon SEVERELY uncomfortable interacting with this zesty nigga.
And he's going to get his heart broken again when he finds out Duanye does voodoo shit
Is she out fr?
what is jon's diagnosis
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I miss him.....
stop blocking TTS about Kentucky and we have a deal. Tayleigh is a pussy and a slut for fucking her fan after knowing him only 20 days
What is the proper title for Letty fans this season?
Lettyknights? Lettywaffen, it's all so disorienting and hard to follow :'(
crazy that an airheaded blonde like her can figure this stuff out but not 99% of streamers
Taylor tiddies
Whatever happened to the entity? Is that just forgotten now?
dumbgay is going to attract a bear thinking he's a wounded animal.
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>comes on your show
>does nothing
>eats all the free food
>says he doesn't want to be on camera
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lmfao brian
nice attempt to change narrative so it somehow looks like a win
we need a cam on taylor at all times
some things never change
>Jon going into tard rage is kino Jontent
>Noooooo why are you trying to make Jon riled up
she got them by the balls with the frank rape allegations
hopefully she's gone due to her being a pregnant bulimic junkie in withdrawals
It was forgotten as soon as Jon started sleeping downstairs in season 1
shoot that nightwalker brian dead greg.
Jimmy tiddies
>deep voiced blonde
im in love
LMAO Mauro btfo
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Last breadcrum of sex appeal left in the show
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What's interesting is that I'm feeling sick and my head hurts also. I think me and Tayleigh are spiritually connected.
Trish delish!
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mauro parade float lookin ass.
yeah nah brah. We all know jon doesn't use steroids . I'm a /fit/izen so, yeah,
Just look at him.
But if anyone has a good TTS idea that could stir the pot lemme know,
I'll send it for free,
oh shit mauro is back?
I think you and Tayleigh are fuck ugly and retarded
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This was the best fishtank segment by far and I'm not joking.
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brian v s jontent..
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it's called a joke anon.
Is every single one of you in here severely autistic? do I have to add markers to everything to signify when I'm joking?
Give me a break...
actual Peter W
Is greg a fish or a goddamn npc, I feel like he doesn't even know
>Jon trying to get back any pride because of the TTS
Jon gonna fuck this lanklet up
Is Brian an actor?
Reminds me of IASIP
>brian walks up
>immediately asks him to do push ups
He's so insecure it's unreal
nice attempt to change narrative so it somehow looks like a win
kek based brian
She's literally Dr.Girlfriend
john is such a faggot. thrggm4ow him off already.
kikeboy brian actually entertaining a lil
Dear god Jon is a total meathead. He has nothing interesting to offer for the group so he is just doing pushups.
>no shortstack milky maiden goblin gf
he went to film school keep up with the peter lore
fish until Vance arrives.
shoot him brian and redeem yourself.
>he doesn’t know
>get rid of the energy machine
youre a friendtank fag
Peter channeling his child peter with these rps. Good for him
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king shit
Tay is gone and nothing has changed, lol.
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>Tay: "I ain't a slut like Letty!"
Also Tay: Fucks a fan after he buys and plushie and knowing him for 20 days
Brian is mogging this dude hard lol
We praying for next life brother...
Brian has like a whole foot on jon, I doubt it.
forgot she was gone
he's a soup kitchen connoisseur
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Roe v. Wade?!? More like Row Row Row your boat gently BACK DOWN TO TEXAS YOU FUCK-ASS PREGNANT DYKE
how's the jordan semen feels in your butt?
>I'm not trying to get touched by any whores *points at all the women around*
fucking kek
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Peter W?
Yes and dedicated to his craft…craft services that is.
>I've known you for 30min and I've had my life threatened four times now
Fuck, Brian is winning me over
He's on steroids fr fr no cap on my mommy
jon getting mogged hard
It's funny how the most boring people from the show like Brian and Vance shine when they get given an acting role.
Cry more weak faggot
prettiest girl. best girl. sweet josie.
letty needs to get her feet out
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I watched season 2.
Tayleigh said there that birth control pills are bad for your body and that she will never take them. (ignore the fact she's doing drugs, whipits, amphetamines, mdma, windex sniffing,)

The pregnancy rumors actually have hold.
Any good clippers I can watch, have to go wageslave and I'm addicted to this shit
he got his back blown out by dumb gay the night before the show started
What raped Jon's brain worse? Fishtank or Andrew Tate?
>Stop being a faggot
lmao Brian couldn't even keep a straight face
>As a self proclaimed alpha I let no man tell me what to do
based Peter
He's not even a meat head. He's just a larper
>muh height
Royce Gracie whooped dudes asses 3 times his size back when UFC didn't have weight classes.
i'm warming up to the roleplay cringe
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>Brian mogs the hell out of Jon
>tts comes in with perfect timing "jon has the push up form of a gay man"
If you had any idea about women you’d know that 20 days of constant messaging is a long ass time and is not weird to fuck after then
Based Jon pressing brian
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All of the RP stopped when Jon showed up and was too retarded to play along. He is taking everyone else out of it with how insufferable and unfun he is. Throw him in jail and leave him for 2 weeks.
Lettychuds, she shouted them out last night.
this is next level neptunian
>this music with Ben's speech
This is perfect
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pure love
sweetest girl
oh wow the fishtank website i paid for doesn't work and I have to go to flowstreams AGAIN to even get a live feed. Wtf man
Cope. John isn't Royce Gracie. He's not going to put him in a gay jiu jitsu hold
>Deputy Brian is a real-life homo
holy shit my sides
Alright this is genuine neptunian kino, you've won Jet.
>Deputy Brian is a real life homo
>RP aside Brian is a faggot
>RP aside, Brian is a faggot
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You see, Jon, deputy Brian is a faggot
>RP aside, Brian is a faggot
has me rolling
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The chicken guy was doxxed yesterday and he lives 52 MINUTES away from those caves, kek.
It really is true, she went to Kentucky to fuck the fan who bought her plushie.
20 days, 20 fucking days. hahahahahaha
>You want something better than shooting him in the dick, buddy? How bout this shoot him through the heart...
>Shoot him in the eye?
this is gonna be bad
Thank god for Ben
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seethe lanklet
Unironically Jon is better looking Brian is just taller
who gives a single fuck about tay, get a life faggot no one likes this boring bitch
i wish a girl would fuck me
This is K I N O
im convinced someone is gonna lose an eye this season
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>Jon actually takes Brian's eye out with an airsoft gun
Brian vs. Jon kino
>I wish I knew how to quit you
>see you tonight deputy
If it weren’t for the fetal alcohol syndrome, Jon would’ve been an actual Chad
Jon should rizz up Trish to make Brian seethe
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Tay gave me the ick yesterday.
She said her family watches the show, like she's proud, like they are proud.. of her being on fishtank making a lolcow of herself.
This bitch is getting on my nerves for how retarded she is.
jon had a smile on his face through the whole thing. he's not taking it seriously, he's just a hyper tard
weird that Ben didnt tell Jon to start mentioning the ex to Brian
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Trish really do look like an old west hooker tho
Bwokeback Mowntain
When do Taylor and Letty makeout?
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>jon is an energy vampire
>it's already the "coddle jon" show

Cool 2 weeks of this will be so fun
The witches
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Josie is my waifu and I wanna poke her cervix with my cock and lick her feet and suck her tongue before cumming deep in her womb but Jon doesn't make me seethe
>Her dad was watching when she showed her titties on the bathroom cam
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I like her and I care
Schizo Vance was the only time vance was entertaining.
FACT: If you watch on flowstreams you are a faggot, the website and scanlines are part of the soul. Nobody can debunk this.
>NPCs out of character, hanging out and chatting
will they outrun his gun?
capcha: KYSN
Brian rivalries are certified kino

>fragile ego but larps as a big man
>gets coddled because he's retarded
>won't stop yelling
The only ones taking it seriously are Gregg and maybe Letty
holy shit vro let's move the whole welterweight bracket to fight heavyweights because we don't understand how size works. Dana White can make billions of dollars you figured it out man
My wives.
He really isn’t. His face is squashed as fuck
>why don't you kill the angel moms?
>they're in mourning
Goran, you've done it again.


at least he will have a mean story to tell to the buddies at the soup kitchen
Jon holding onto a grudge against the blacksmith
Jet stop coddling Jon
I love how Jon is beefing with everyone already.
the scanlines make no sense for this, it works better for normal fishtank. anyway, i'm not paying $60 for a barely functioning website lmao.
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jon is a based josie appreciator. he's alright in my book.
hahahahahaha. nice bait
this is what welcomes you into heaven after you get across the rainbow bridge with your doggo
man, taylor and letty just fucking chatting about the weather, and trish sitting silently

real great NPC content there
>doesn't work in Firefox
fuck off Wes
yeah but Brian has a rat face
Jet’s harem
my harem(trish is the main bitch)
You couldn't write a better closeted gay character than real life John
you get everything important for free on director cam
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did we ever get a non meme answer on Ben's actual age?
how much would I have to pay for each of them to smother me with their bosoms.
then he leaves instantly.
maybe if the site would actually send a confirmation email to my throwaway address I would sign up
fucking sam was just boxing out of costume yesterday
Knights of Brian rest up and get ready, have a feeling there is going to be a long battle in the future
Coddling Jon is funny because it gets his ego up and he acts even more retarded
>the time Jebediah lectured someone on Brian's untrustworthiness citing his ratlike physiognomy
huwr duwr im a fuckin mowon wets do pushuwps
>only ever watched on flow so had no idea about the scanlines
Kek this
Turned 19 last month
I cant believe its actually true. Part of me wish it was just more schizo concerntrolling
Could Greg really do 30 pull-ups back in his prime?

How many can (You) do???
i want to sniff them
I've listened to his podcast (no homo) and he was unironically born in 2000 or 2001
>I'm gay so everybody else must be too
shut the fuck up faggot
works on my machine
If you write a character like Jon they'd be considered too on the nose for how closeted they were
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dude it's over
Tayleigh even shouted him out yesterday after a TTS. pack it up. move on.
Jon is fat, probably used to have a Cleft Pallet (cause he looks like one of those guys) and speaks like an actual retard. Brian is just your average ugly white mutt.
and on flowstream i get that without a bunch of stupid shit all around the edges taking up half the screen space
>supplement to help letty go poopies.

stinky letty doo doo
Until airsoft fatty shows up
i find that hard to believe. he looks at least early - mid 30s
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oops actually its just contestants and the actors sitting around talking shit please buy season pass
Having some chicken
He’s 22. I watch the HK2 podcast so I know!
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Greg is so effortlessly cool
loud ass poll noises, stupid popups and scanlines. the site is so bad
The bloated mess of a webshite can fuck off. The video quality is already bad enough without making it intentionally worse
>self-inserting as Jon and getting personally offended on his behalf
that wetawd is a FAGGOT
of a BBC
Post THAT Taylor webm
>i dunno i just got the most expensive one
>my buddy got it for me
How fucking new are you?
This sounds like bullshit but I've seen some people age pretty badly. Like twink to middle aged dad in 4 years.
Want to do some push ups?
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Letty is a princess!
nah you are, and for the record Jimmy is my self-insert
The fuck was he supposed to do? Knit some beanies, play videogames? Collab with Jet and Ben on an ironic rap song?
$1 dollar swisher sweet
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>I use the same OGX body wash as Letty
gonna goon to this
Pudgy Pete is pushing 240 pounds.
Why does Jon think he's better than the sherrif.
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>I cant believe its actually true. Part of me wish it was just more schizo concerntrolling
I can't believe it either, it's insane.
Of course this could be a massive coincidence, she went to Kentucky with her brother, 6 hours away from where he lives.
(I don't actually believe in that, I think she's dating Jordan)
>Letty hangs out with Taylor for 5 minutes
>Leaves to put more makeup on
A Hapsberg maybe
I just woke up any Tay happenings?
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Move on from what? I don't care.

he;s born in 1999 but he looks older becasue he had a rough time serving in afganistan and iraq
she constantly switches from ugly to hot somehow
it might be the glasses
Be kind of cute and drop 50$ bucks on her and you can fuck her
We need to get Jon on city council.
>forgetting him cuddling and wrestling with Simmons.
>his absolute self-destructive heartbreak when he learned about the accusations
the whole show really revolves around Jon. They should get him on survivor
She must take her shoes off
He mentions it casually. In one episode he talks about being 1 during 9/11 and nobody laughs or treats it as ironic. He somehow is.
tell me about ben oregon
bwo I bet I could do WAY more push-ups then you
icky pukers
bewn owegon
Is he really running for city council?
Where is "Binowgin"? Wisconsin?
>jon for city council
oh my god fucking please make this happen
Jon campaigning on fucking Fishtank of all things
Why is Jon's voice like that? Is he actually retarded?
she's sick and mumbled something about IV drip
Currently not on fishtank getting treatment.

She might go home.
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>This fucking retard is gonna be someone's town councilman
He's European.
>Move on from what? I don't care.
-Tayleigh unironically when she gets back to her 5 viewers left
holy kek
speech impediment
tai>everyone else
S1 cast really mogs S2
I'd vote for him for President.
thats betty not tay
jon would be considered a nazi by northwest liberals
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>Jimmy said he weights 210 now
>Letty had a sex tape and nudes leak whole trying to fuck every man on season one
>Sylvia got pregnant by a random at a concert and has an OF
>Betty is a cam whore with a BBC dildo
>Summer trooned out and has a black BF
>Trish had trains ran on her and was divorced before turning 21
>Tay fucks some guy who bought a chicken
>constant spam and seethe
She’s been MIA all morning (‘sick’ according to the bottom text)

Would (You) want a Jon on your city council?
City Counciwor Jown
KWAB, stupid cunt
jon started doing roids?
he was pro hitler in S1
That's fucking rough. I'm a lot older than him and look better.
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soul vs soulless if you think otherwise you have aspergers
Missed all of yesterday are there any recap videos?
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young sheldon lookin ass
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none of these people should be able to vote let alone run for office
Betty doesn't even know who her father is.
his time on the show is an outstanding resume
Only Taylor and Greg are good enough
she puked after she took a shower because shes bulimic and now shes visiting the nurses office
you don't remember tayleigh showing off to the cams in a desperate attempt to cling to fans? it sure was coincidental how she kept slipping up
Still waiting.
Say anything you want I'll put it on TTS as long as it's funny.
I'll eat the cost.
Why is everyone so quiet?
HMU with a funny TTS I'll send it.
Outside of the major cities the PNW is pretty red.
He was 13 in 2014 and went to college in the late 2010s/early 2020s, so he's from 2000 or 2001
Nick Flentiss
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does the soulless one have a bunch of spam and less available cameras?
I put on 30 lbs recently. Went from 302, to 125, to 155 over the span of about 10 years, but dropped the weight mostly about 8 years ago. Jimmy is easily like 250. Easily. He might be even more because he's pretty tall. But this fat fuck is EASILY 250.
Pregnant dog
I'll be her daddy.
>Nick Flentes
>nick flentes
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I didn't watch season 1. Who is this guy and why do you guys post his ugly mug in every thread?
he did it AGAIN
Nick Flentz
Letty is kinda cute without her glasses actually
Jimmy trying to speedrun a rape charge
somebody posted his childhood yearbook photo from the late 70's, dudes like 48
there's no fucking way. i need a link to the episode he says this
Letty boyfriend
He's my baby
Shout out Nick Flwentes
Jimmy is trying to fuck Letty
Wonder when he's going to hugrape her
I look like him and I am pushing 240. Trying to fudge the numbers when you are obese is pathetic. Numbers don't matter, you are simply "obese."
the spam is part of the soul sorry it gives you autism sensory overload
In John's mind its NYC, London and Bend.
there was absolutely nothing gay about any of that, just bros doing bro stuff
Jimmy has a 70a serial killer hair cut going on
lets gooooo jimmy
>Jimmy with the rizzstraining order
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so true, I don't see why these discord troons keep dialating about tay, I guess because shes based and these kiwikikes need anything to tear her down because she isn't a hedonist left wing faggot like they are.
>Let awone
A B on YouTube
All right but why does he say "youse" in place of "you" and "your"
>jimmy only 1 day into nofap
how long until production need to have the talk with him again
Ben actually is handsome despite being small and bald. No homo

zoomer wigger member of crew of zoomer wiggers who got fired people allege that he fucked letty too (probably true she's a whore)
Put down the cheeseburger and start exercising, fatty.
Im a gwoper
Nick fwentez
I hope someone buries that hatchet in jon's head. He is so fucking awful.
he not doing it
John running on the platform that all his opponents don't know how to write a check lel
I'm almost sure he said it on an episode between december and january
Whenever Jon gets bored he just immediately goes to getting Jimmy to talk about Tucker Carlson again.
kek Tucker Carlson IS the fucking man
>3 to 5 dollars a year a month
>no one in the city council writes a check to you
Imagine having Jon represent you
Ben is a nice looking man
he really got fired?
kiwifarms is the most supportive of tay

so according to you she has the most kike supporters KEK
oh nvm she's mad uggo lol
>no one in city council know hows checkin book works
well its 2024 jon, they probably have a treasurer or some other official who has banking direct deposits transferred to where the money needs to go
jimmy will be fine considering the retard john has picked about 4 or 5 fights already today
Uploaded an hour ago
The thing is, we're in such a state of clown world, that somebody like Jon could easily make it in.
Flashback footage of the protagonists dead wife at the start of a 2000's era psychological thriller/horror film
I don't think he ever said he was pro hitler, you pitpul kike. But I am
Save your cash right now, they’re not letting Jon get too riled up and Tay in in hiding
They also don’t have body cams so it’s useless to get them to run off somewhere

I think it would be very easy to get Jon and Jimmy digging a hole in Gulch
Maybe there’s some way to convince them to puncture the water tank
For a jew perhaps.
His dad funded WP2. So Sam made Jet give him a job on production. After the show he got together with Letty. Now he’s single and MIA.
Jimmy looks like Elias Bender Rønnenfelt's ugly mutt cousin
>I don't act on my intrusive thoughts
fucking kek
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>Jimmy and Jon's conspiracy theory shit scaring off the only bitch in the camp
dear god she looks 30
no you're definitely fatter you just don't realize it
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>i hate this cunt lets spend half a million dollars on education for him
He talks about the ps3 being his first console
302 to 125 is an insane drop
How are your knees? How tall are you?
>jon if a tick bites you there's a big chance that you will develop an llergy to red meat for the rest of your life, leaving you weak and gay, ticks are a leaked bioweapon of the united states government
>Jimmy has mommy issues
least surprising thing I ever heard
Nah he's probably 220. That body without ever working out is for sure not 250
>from what
Actual babble, kys
What happened to Vance?
Dr. Fred Hyde did the same thing for his boy.
>all this Jimmy lore

this motherfucker is rich? wtf
silent hill poses don't turn me on
It's just retarded at this point. They seem like former waifufags who are upset they couldn't fuck her.
He's like 6"2 or something though. Maybe even taller. When I was 250 Jimmy's body and my body looked the same, and I'm a fucking 5"8 manlet.
That's why he's so educated on the Hoardeman's lore. They used to teach it behind close doors on Harvard
I decided to do it after Jet reached out and convinced me
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"The morale isn't all too jolly over here, when are you guys going to get an xbox with Halo?"
he cried
his family is yea
Is it still boring?
how do you get all the cams above chat?
12 years of MMA.
>Just realized I'm gay
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so you're telling me I should get on my knees and eat her ass and pussy while she sucks me off upside down???
I think he was the dipshit who flushed down a bunch of rubber snakes and broke the plumbing for the S1 house. It cost them like 30k kek
>because shes based
You don't get it waifufag. They all suck.
Making 5 to 10k at a concert
>Hey Jimmy is your dad's name Fred last name Hyde?
Good idea for TTS but I'm not a paypig
>Production around
>No Bex, just the Screenwave slobs

Q mogged you bitch
Nah they didn’t fire him Sam/Jet didn’t need him anymore after s1.
My back is fucked, my knees are fine. I'm 5"8-ish. Probably on the lower side. It was an insanely fast drop. Did 1200 calories a day + at least an hour run. No weight training cause I'm a fucking idiot, so I've put on 30lbs trying to go back to the gym and put some muscle on. I was just desperate to not be obese, and I was in my early 20s so I felt like I had no time to do it.
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>jimmy shits on cole fo being rich
>is rich himself and sucks brian off who made sob stories about being poor
what the fuck is wrong with that redditor and vampire
Hes saying visually. Most people underestimate how fat they look themselves.
He's being SEWIOUS
time to face the hangman jon.
He's gonna be a few days late.
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>starts acting like a cunt to all her fans
>doesn't stream for a month
>went to Kentucky to do mushrooms and get fucked by the chicken plushie guy
>rushes to Jet the first instances of getting pressed by TTS
>Jordan doxxed
>now has morning sickness and will probably have to leave
>gets nothing except a hick baby, all her fans are gone and aren't coming back
>stuck in Melinda's trailer forever
Wtf Taylor actually knows how to tell in a story through a cut, they should hire her to edit season 3
What is Jon seething about now?
you know what, at first i was incredulous but looking at his selfies on instagram he actually has pretty nice skin, like someone in their early to mid 20s. i think his facial structure and hair genetics throws me off.
What did Q do to him?
Ben looks exactly like the average Anglo medieval lackey
Anglos have three forms: brute (norf football fan), farmer (Ben falls into this), and Literate Noble (gay)
fucking kek ben and brian are actually good
I like Ben and Brian as a duo
its some tjmaxxer editing vids for her
best duo so far
AB a fat chick
Seems highly possible, he doesn't strike me as a busy guy
Amen ti what jimmy's saying about the trouble teen industry.
You know Elon?
Anybody know elon?
I did six year their.
Jimmy is right about everything.
He getting shit on for being autistic but it's true
Here's what jIMMY and I grew up with https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ybfD2Be9aII
Jimmy references it all the time. He's not wrong. It's my life.
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That's what she gets for turning against meme magic. Srs
>gunshot after he went in
RIP Deputy Brian
Yeah I'm thinking Ben kino is back on the menu
if only you knew
>dem zambiez
yo vance can i get my job back?
Ben is kino incarnate
>he actually killed himself
F and kek
ofc he was a tjmaxxer
>Contestant Brian is F-tier
>Deputy Brian is S-tier
what causes this phenomenon
Yeah the desert werewolf physiognomy and Norwood 6 at age 17 don't help
Ben is always the best producer , s1, s2 and now 2.5
Nick and Charles literally referenced Elan in a recent clip I saw.
Ben’s hot pink Osiris D3’s are ruining my immersion.
as a contestant they have to be interesting on their own
as a member of the staff they get told what to do
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Jonbros are we back?
Lower stakes for him means he doesn't have to try so hard and can act more natural.
I knew a guy who told everyone that he was gay, got a boyfriend, then realized that he wasn’t actually gay mid way through giving a blow job
My point here is that there are good and bad times to realize things
>Deputy Ben speech starts at noon to rally the fish
>Calls the vampires zombies
>Deputy Brian corrects him
>Ben yells and tells him to shut the fuck up
>Tells the fish they need to put on goggles before a vampire attack and that the town isnt safe anymore
>A vampire will yell PVP and they need to put their goggles on
Fake voice?
not anymore he isn't kek
you’re autistic
Eight hour alcohol withdrawal induced acting, our boy is undefeated
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We already knew this lol
I always assumed he was part of some retarded youth program where they pretend to be firefighters and just dig trenches. He's older than I thought though so maybe his history is real.
That's for Dungyay.
surely not in a negative way? they literally recreated elan with fishtank. hypocrites.
>doing the whole scene over again
Alright, this is a good bit
yep s2 is over
Aw I was hoping Brian would become a zombie and attack them post suicide for a true tutorial
You’re a faggot Q
Jon won.
Nick and Charles have next to nothing to do with fishtank
Run it back, kek
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Looks like Tay has a Lil Freddy Durst growing insids her LOL
>the gun miss fired I'm fine
Brian is genuinely hilarious
my bad, i saw nick's name and my brain registered it as pgl
>Jet dictating how to act and feel in RP
This completely defeats the point of having player characters. Has Jet ever played an RPG in his life?
Jon is actually gonna shoot Brian's cock off with that airsoft gun what a retard
>Mauro was shit in Season 1
>Mauro was shit in Season 2
>Mauro is shit in Season 2.5

Why do they keep bringing him back?
>Brian kills himself
>comes back as a zombie
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>Tayleigh on IV drip because she's too stupid to eat
KWAB, what a bitch lol
I'm a Bong and Ben isn't of the farmer stock. They are fat redskined and blonde. Ben could however be a noble/jew mix breed. A hybrid of some sort.
It’s a bit
He's making a JRPG
Brian will break character and beat his ass
Is Jet taking Ozempic?
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Employers love consistency
>This completely defeats the point of having player characters.
The fish will just be themselves, unless given direction.
He watched Sam play Fallout so he got the jist of it
its the only way to get these dumbasses to play along
No way I would trust Jon with a chainsaw
Fast EMT response is also basically impossible in that kind of setting - a helicopter just carries the corpse out after a couple hours of bleeding
for the price of "free," why not?
autism post
boo i was hoping she would leave
What's Jet thinking right now?
kek i like jon riling brian up
That’s what makes it funny. Jet enjoys making you seethe
I hope someone clipped Ben telling Brian to kill himself
unironically deserves everything bad that's coming her way
ben doesn't look anglo at all, he passes as central / south atlantic european
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you dont understand
look at his haircut, its like lynch when doing the meme
and his character is like this guy
Well it’s him on the left and there’s a lot of other photos
>Jet turned his interruptions into a "bit"
I hate this fat faggot so much
ms piggy
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>Blacksmith's wife crying in the background
Brian is a faggot but he has surprised me with how well he's doing his rp.
Jet would never take shortcuts to achieve his goals.
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Tayday is every day
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This redo of the cutscene is even more intense
Eastern Wood-Pewee calling behind Sheriff Ben's speech
Yosemite Ben
That was big god Christopher lynch
How about you hang yourself instead.
Shit bait.
>"Ben should remain an alcoholic forever"
He looks Anglo, Atlantic European is Anglo
sam wont be appearing?
the roleplay is them pretending Jet is competent
He's just a volunteer. All they do is dig trenches and clear brush
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If Big God was running this, it'd be kino.
Are there any high resolution images of Taylor?
how deep inside a woman is her hot churning baby factory anyway?

letty being as skinny as she is, there's like an inch and a half or like 2 inches of flesh and muscle between the outside world and her cum receptacle right?
Brain has just won me over again.
finally the Neptunian vision is being realized
His surname is Taylor
Thank fuck, the most natural outcome for this shitter after her downfall
>mfw an anon tells me to kms
I wish he was walking around shirtless like Jet
The goy looking jew fears the jew looking goy
not really. npcs dont get too much screen time and if the camera moves the bitrate turns to dogshit. so its really hard to get a good screen cap.
It's the reverse. Brian height mogging Jon makes him angry.

They've been a bit since season one.
>"shit bait"
>still falls for it
you're a petty faggot who put up someone's doxx because you were THAT butthurt
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>he did it on powpoise
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What would you call this physique?
Fucked up
peak male physique
Jews historically were taylors as they were banned from many professions.
MDE sitcom with ben as the MC when
Reddit bod
The scan lines are fucking awful. Probably one of the single worst things about it. turn them the fuck off Jeet!
Randy Bobandymaxing
Real life dadbod
How did Tai get level 2? Did he complete a quest?
hope they use a revive stick on him. i can't believe im actually wishing brian was alive for once
literally me
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Jon is buying into the rp and starting to get genuinely angry at ben for not protecting the town
>you just know
goes to the gym but eats whatever and whenever
Oh no we put Jet's dox up. And?
Peak performance
oh no someone else having sex IM GOING INSAAAAAANE
he's an allstar
He killed six vampires last night that Jon tried to take credit for.
Jesus christ lol
I want Jon v Brian boxing match. Give the people what they want Neptune.
Balkan village rapist
Yew wo suppowsed to pwotect us
el homero simpson
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So the S2 episodes won't be out right
>season 2.5
>Letty still refusing to clean
in 10 days when Sam gets bored
based Jimmy is gut mogging everybody
Yeah I saw nick making jokes,
Which I respect actually,
We were all freaks that got dragged to new england,
We used to dream about girls from Mass/RI
The whole sysAnon shit from last season was weak af. Everyone who grew up in N.E. had connections to those people.
Watch the video man,
I did that for years.
Now its an N.E. meme but there's so many people that went through that. Including Jimmy.
He's my favorite fish. Can't hide it. I believe all that mormon bullshit because I've experienced myself, We been through it vro.
Jet thinks it's funny to bring back the worst contestant and he's right
Damn Trish is pure SEXO in that makeup
Trish looks like the dirtiest, cheapest hooker in the mining town
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I wish me and Josie were both working as part of production on this show and every time we got the chance we'd sneak off into the woods to fuck and we'd come back to "town" with my cum still half in her pussy running down her leg
Unironically Reddit bod
‘Best contestant’ of each day gets a level up and some prize, highest level at the end is the ‘winner’

Thanks my guy. Then why the fuck is Ben now explaining how to kill vampires and distributing goggles? Am I missing something? Thanks for the update.
she's fucking hot
He got it rewarded at the end of the night for being pure kino the first day.
It was genuinely unreal watching her with that fucking broom in S1. I've never seen someone put in so much effort to NOT do something as she did with cleaning.
who got the full trish delish pasta
I'd make her an honest woman
If he left right now it would be kino
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looks like she's covered in mosquito bites from last night
Trish delish my favorite fish!
Yeah, and why did you do that? It's inciting harassment for no reason other than thinking that you're "owning" mde for doing what we call all just do in VLC. You're a bitch
Actually the cheapest hooker they've got is Brian the Swedish German.

Only Jet and Ben gotta hold him down cause he don't go for all that funny business.
barely 24 hours of S2.5 has been surprisingly funnier to watch than most of S1 and the entire S2
Here in Canada we call that a Molson Muscle.
Mauro is a doctor?!
Mauro adds literally nothing
I would not pull out
Dr. Mauro is one of the best characters we've ever had
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Sorry goys, property of The Duke.
for me it's cheap vodka
that ass

Are you sure? I thought the one last to die would be the winner. I like the highest level more though.
Guys it’s a bit you fucking retards. It’s no wonder you morons actually thought the show was scripted for the longest time.
>12 pm and the fish still don't have their cams up
those are track marks
Jimmy and Jon carrying the show again
We could care less if it's harassment.
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frequent consumer of goran cuisine.
Mauro has 100lbs on him and major gut girth
Do NOT let Delicious Tacos see this he'll have a heart attack
Because in universe the attack on the village was a surprise so their characters didn't receive any instructions on how to kill them yet. The goggles are so no one shoots an eye out. Probably because Jon got aggressive with a vampire last night and keeps threatening to shoot Brian in the face.
never thought i'd say this about these tards but the cam quality is really really good. There's some issues with compression quality because of the environment, which I would've assume Jet and Sam would've known about, but other than this and the broken cams, it's pretty nice. What are they using? looks like phones?
>letty getting pressed for STEALING
based merchant
watch on flowstreams, it has every cam and no gay filter
She'd be covered in my children after I'm done with her
>the bit is that he's not at all entertaining
guessing they have to pick a portion of the day to use the phones/cameras since there is limited battery on them and can't swap out new ones
wow you're so cool bro acting like a sociopath you really owned jet neptune haha stupid goran
They're all together. Why set personal cams up when they're grouped up and there's a camera man?
lol Jon blowing the RP to smithereens
>I'll give you until sundown, that's when I close my shop...
>Sundown tomowwow?
>Sundown today.
>Sundown tomowwow?
i knew jon was gonna try to rob the store
Jon is saving the show

You're a g my nigga thanks
Galaxy S21s I think
haggling is part of rp
jon breaking shit again lol
At work cant tune in at the moment, any morning kino?
Jon is fucking exhausting lmao
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Jon is so fucking dumb man
Yeah right? We owned him so hard!!11
I meant that he looks more southern than Anglo. He doesn’t particularly look Iberian so I take the Atlantic part back desu. I could see him as being Central / south French, Swiss, or Italian (specifically north / central Italian imo). He also could pass as Cajun / Acadian (old stock French). Could see Rhineland German too.
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Jon is really pushing the actor's abilities to not break RP kek
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Jon just sold Letty into slavery
>If she doesn't have 10 silver by sundown I'll suck your dick
Why did Jon say that?
Did Jon just sell Letty into sex slavery?
so based
she owes 30 silver now
holy based
>Jon still trying to haggle with everyone over everything
Holy shit this nigga rely sold Letty as a slave
He’s pure Norman stock
FUCK, what I miss?
>could see him as being Central / south French, Swiss, or Italian (specifically north / central Italian imo). He also could pass as Cajun / Acadian (old stock French). Could see Rhineland German too.
That's a long winded way to say jew
pure americana
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fucking based
Jon has spent the morning bullying the NPCs and Brian
Chat is split on if Jon is annoying or ‘content’

Tay has retreated to the fuhrerbunker, allegedly ‘sick’
This is fun
wetty is a swut who bewongs in forced serwitude
And she’s an owed owes the merchant her indentured servitude. It’s over letty bros.
unironically, yes he keeps leaving. like the meme.
I really hope they throw john in the jail and leave him there
>Letty owes ten silver
>Jon makes it to where she owes 30 and is a slave
This is a business man
>so you're a fucking pussy
my fucking sides
the only noticeable downside I've seen is that the streams are behind the main sites by like 20ish seconds.
trying to RP with a retard like Jon is gonna be impossible
brain is the best character so far this season
Tay isn't sick she's being a pussy she can't face the TTS humiliation
>he missed
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tummybros, we eating good today
>all of them trying not to break character
jesus fucking christ this is peak gorian chemo
what TTS?
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>jon vs brian yap battle
Jon is so obsessed with Brian's penis it's unreal
You think straight rp would be better than this jontent? Theres no way, this is hilarious
George Floyd Jon, Deputy Peter
He would try to disassemble any ‘jail’ they try to put him in
He sort of drives conflict but he does require a lot of wrangling
Jimmy's tummy...
>Jimmy has an RP horse
>His dumbass is gonna sell it instead of avoiding an encounter by sayin 'you cant catch me I have a horse' and mounting it and running away
How long until Brian and Trish go for round 2? Make your predictions:
>word that again, please
this is gold
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Peterephiles are so redeemed this season
Someone joked Jon got isekai'd into vampire universe which is why he's so retarded and doesn't know how to play along for shit
i want them to repeat this while drunk lol
>Typically, the merchants own the town criers
Viewers can send ‘text to speech’ messages to the cameras
Viewers also recently deduced that Tay has been doing nefarious deeds, and have been bullying her a little bit
She denies the allegations but has been in hiding all day
brian redeemed
I wish Cole was here bros
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>a closeted gay retard screams incomprehensibly at other people and refuses to play the game
>then he challenges everyone to do pushups
Yeah, hilarious.
Day 3 in the female porta potty
Cole and Summer
Brian mogs
Cole surprise cameo as the king would be kino. Even more so if JC is his queen
Jon is determined to ruin the whole bit LMFAO
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Cole's gone.
Why is this not already a plot point
I was a hard working firefighter/party bus/restaurant owner until truck-kun sent me to a vampire universe
Brian W
waifufag detected
Brian legit has a new gf irl and probably doesn't want to go there. I haven't even really seen him interacting with Trish. She said he unfollowed her on socials awhile ago too.
no way fag
The Brian and Jon animosity is saving the show.
Just heard a classic duanye caw

Has Tayleigh been gone all morning or is she just nontent?
Gone, got sick.

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