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/tv/ - Television & Film

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Confess your /tv/ related sins
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Always end up falling asleep through LOTR*
I only watch movies that have pretty actresses. There are some high rates movies I should watch but I can't bring myself to and I watch some imdb 6.0 slop over it
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I've fapped to Meet The Spartans
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I consider The Godfather III the only good part of the trilogy.
I don't like The Slopranos
I despise the Office and every character on it. My mom loves it so she watches it daily. It drives me fucking bananas but it keeps her happy and she's easily stressed, so I watch it with her.
I really want Awkwafina to rim and finger my asshole while giving me head
The only shows that I am currently watching are Rick and Morty, Is It Cake, and JJK
Carmen Electra does that to people.
Prince fucked her super hard with his bbc btw.
The only things I've watched in the 2020s:
>Better Call Saul (marathoned from start to finish for the first time after waiting to hear if the finale was generally well received)
>rewatched Breaking Bad to see how well BCS leads into it
>rewatched Arrested Development (including the Netflix seasons; I still maintain S4 is pretty good)
>rewatched Seinfeld
>Smiling Friends (started watching because my /tv/bros told me the pilot had RLM Mike as a guest VA)
>nearly the entirety of Oneyplays (because I enjoyed the Smiling Friends pilot)
>the entirety of Sleepycast (because I was running out of Oneyplays)
>the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared TV show
>saw 2 flicks that my brother invited me to see with his girlfriend because he wants me to go out more (that animated brown Spiderman movie and Godzilla × Kong)
>started rewatching The Sopranos recently
>random shit the Youtube algorithm recommends to me
That's it. I don't play video games besides Pokemon (including some of the mobile spinoffs) out of stockholm syndrome. I don't read books. I never try out new music; I just constantly relisten to stuff I'm nostalgic for. I stopped following the news before the scamdemic but I still pretend to take sides in political/ragebait threads. I stopped browsing the sharty. Other than that I baskinpost (formerly sneedpost/banepost/leebait). I am who you share this board with.
I've never watched Better Call Saul even though Breaking Bad is in my top 3 shows of all time
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I'm old and have watched a fuck ton of movies in my life, but I can't remember the last time I actually watched a movie. Not even zoomer tier watch for 15 minutes and put it down.
I've watched some films just to become familiar with the source material just to enjoy some ASMR roleplay videos.
>some of the mobile spinoffs
go? and isn't there some sleep one?
I enjoy Michael Bay movies.
I've watched all of Tariq Nasheed's documentaries
Me too
My cousin had a wet dream about me and then tried to seduce me because of it. We ended up having sex with watching television while our parents were out for dinner. After that we ended up fucking every day like and rabbits and I pumped so many loads on her face, tits, and butt. I miss the feeling of our tongues tangling and the cute little squeal she would let out when I would start groping her bare body.
ecstasy scene is one of the funniest in cinema
lowercase sarah the best
The Office is kino when you have depression.
>Other than that I baskinpost
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I'm normal and I like normal movies for normal people.
What scene(s)
Until I was in my 20's, I hadn't seen Back to the Future, and I thought the movie A Sound of Thunder was Back to the Future.

Somehow I had it recorded on a VHS with Back to the Future written on it. It just happened to be another time travel movie by coincidence so it took me forever to find out.
I have never acted like The Driver, CIA, Joker or Blade Runner 2049.
Back when I used to occasionally work in the entertainment industry I sniffed the used panties of a few different actresses
I'm regularly outdone by 18 year old girls. They have jobs, they have more life experience than me, they have better social skills. I'm the world's biggest loser and I can't live with myself anymore.
When my gf and I watch a mystery show together, I often watch an episode or two ahead and then start making predictions. But I intentionally make some wrong predictions as well.
I want more male nudity and gay stuff in the boys
t. gay anon
most of it tbqh, it felt too much like a soap opera. I liked Chrissy tho
you have my interest
I comment here on movies I have never seen or cared about
I voted for Biden and I'm doing it again.
I'm not Gadon anon, but I'm starting to develop a thing for her, too.
I do that without watching any episodes ahead of her. She hates when I get something right.
I'm not actually Ryan Gosling
That was the story, dumbass.
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I think bojack horseman is unfunny cringe garbage for pseudo intellectuals.
I love watching extreme low budget underground gore movies and pseudo snuff. No, I don't watch real gore
Mid sin? Bought 75" TV... Have hundreds of films downloaded. HTPC hooked up. Just end up watch youtube or twitch trash.
Worst sin? I've....... Ok look I'll just say it.. I've burgerclapped at the end of a film before. When alone at home. The shame is real.
I used to jerk off to the beer fest cd I had when I was a kid. The Swedish girls' boobs and the skinny black girls
I dislike him and you a lot, im gonna snitch on you both
I no longer watch movies, as nothing released in the last 20 years is of any interest to me.
I solely watch old movies, and that's only when I'm motivated to watch one and not just watching Youtube videos on dated technology that is no longer relevant.
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I enjoyed Sucker Punch and even owned it on Blu-ray for awhile. It is my go to “fuck you I liked it” kino. It’s a cool live action anime type film without being a live action adaptation of a better anime. This is from before Zack Snyder just stopped caring at all and phoning everything in.
I will always defend Sucker Punch
extremely “we just want you to have higher wages, bro” post
you’ll ack before the 2028 election
Vampires are real and they're hiding clues in Vampire media. I haven't told anyone because they won't believe me, and i.dont want to draw attention to myself from vampires.
I have never seen the sopranos, the wire, lost, mad men, or band of brothers
I fucked my sister
I post BBC threads because I'm into BMWF as a white guy
I realized BCS was a prequel of another show during season 2.
Roll tide
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I start watching movies when I’m druk and then fall asleep and never finish them
why is one lower cases anon..
>>the Don't Hug Me I'm Scared TV show
Is it good?
I think starwars and startrek are overrated
i pay for steaming apps
are they creamy?
so you're like every single other leftoid, wow
why do they give clues?
Everything. OK, I'll talk! In third grade, I cheated on my history exam. In fourth grade, I stole my uncle Max's toupee and I glued it on my face when I was Moses in my Hebrew School play. In fifth grade, I knocked my sister Edie down the stairs and I blamed it on the dog... when my mom sent me to the summer camp for fat kids and then they served lunch I got nuts and I pigged out and they kicked me out! But the worst thing I ever done: I mixed up all this fake puke at home and then I went to this movie theater, hid the puke in my jacket, climbed up to the balcony and then, t-t-then, I made a noise like this: hua-hua-hua-huaaaaaaa - and then I dumped it over the side, all over the people in the audience. And then, this was horrible, all the people started getting sick and throwing up all over each other. And I never felt so bad in my entire life!
I’m in love with a male OldTuber
Alabama cousins
The Matrix SUCKS
Didn't like it back when it was new, don't like it now.
Based. Me too.
you're not alone
gay here
I also have a fantasy where she rims me, but she doesn't touch my dick or take her clothes off so it's still gay
Based. My grandfather went outside, for the first time in YEARS , just to vote for Joe Biden.

I was so happy to see him leave the graveyard.
I hate niggers but I fucking LOVE blacksploitation movies. How many Hail Marys, padre?
That wasn't tobacco my friend gave me it was weed.
I haven't a watched a whole movie in a single day in years. Easily over a decade if you don't count going to the kinoplex.
Day five of ignoring this girl that wants to cheat on her bf with her with me so I can get drunk and watch movies and youtube, had to correct my post
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I enjoy Star Trek enterprise
Were the clues Counting clues?
You're probably not even the biggest loser in this thread, brother.
i attend non-denomination church but midnight mass is my favorite show
Only knock against her might be that she's old but she still looks good so that's nothing. I figure every anon has a thing for her they just like pretending to be mad at that anon
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True Blood was kino, I loved it from start to finish. Some annoying characters but it was a fun ride.

I also watch Shameless (US) all the way to it's final season, after some of the melodrama turbo-cuck social commentary wore off after a few seasons, there was a good stretch of solid dramedy with a mostly likeable cast that I enjoyed catching up with each year.
i finish them while drinking, wake up, and log them on letterboxd as if i remember the ending

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