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>Dracula Untold and The Mummy, two most famous attempts to create a shared monster universe that failed at the box office are now huge hits on streaming services.
>Universal's Dark Universe was supposed to include famous creatures from the studio's titles, including Frankenstein, Dracula, The Wolf Man, The Invisible Man, and more. Eventually, The Mummy's poor performance killed all Dark Universe plans. Dracula Untold was initially meant to be a part of the failed Dark Universe, and since all plans for future films were scrapped in 2019, there is no current plan for a sequel.
Too bad it's too late now. They wasted many years and buried the concept.

I though they did a Wolf Man movie, no?
Their earlier Wolfman remake with Benicio Del Toro and Anthony Hopkins is better than any of those films.
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It's never too late. All they have to do is to film Dracula Untold sequel which introduces Van Helsing. They have the script already so just keep their budget in check and go for it.
the Darko Verse was ahead of its time, but people were to busy digesting marvelslop

Too bad now it's to late to see Dracula fight the Invisible man in monsterbowl
Scorpion king was popular among my circle
Dark universe would have been interesting, but they decided to go the capeshit route. The Dark universe should be focused on the monsters themselves, but The Mummy was the origin story of Tom Cruise's mummy superhero powers.
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I like the Wolfman remake. The unrated cut is the way to go, though. The theatrical cut was kind of mangled for a PG-13 rating.
How can you fuck up an anti hero Dracula movie?
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Go ahead. Still not watching.
Preach Nigga.
Sarah Gadon kino
>Luke Evans: I really wish I was fondling a sexy guy right now
I initially read it as Druk Universe
if I hear about the Dark Universe again I'm going to fucking puke
Dracula Untold was pretty rad.
This. There's all talk and nothing actually happens.
If i was him I'd fondle Sarah Gadon's ass.
He's gay, he doesn't care.
>the letters hidden behind the head
>Dracula Untold and The Mummy, two most famous attempts to create a shared monster universe that failed at the box office
I don't understand why this narrative keeps being pushed. Dracula Untold made 217 million on a 70 million budget and The Mummy made 410 million on a budget of 125 million. Were they huge runaway sucesses? No, but they were hardly failures
female upper back sex
>just filler people put on in the background
>only advantage over Food Network shows and reality TV is the massive budget spent
>will still never recoup that massive budget, as streaming services lose money anyway
This is the biggest cope from a corporation in a long while
Helsing was shit.
Untold was shit.
Jackman's a faggot.
The Mummy even set Tom Cruise opening record.
Dracula Untold is the highest grossing Dracula film not counting inflation.
you ever hear of Morbius?
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the problem is that they didnt want a horror franchise so they repurposed them as action movies
Luke Evans is gay, retard.
Good. The concept is cool but their plans were fucking retarded beyond belief
They said that they wanted action adventure films with roots in horror.
at least that intro won't go to waste like DC's
How can Universal even own those IPs when theyre all public domain now? Dracula is from the 1880s modern day cunts cant claim to own it
Universal copyrighted their image of public domain monsters. Dracula in the book has mustache and is portrayed as old weird man. Universal dracula is a playboy.
Universal copyrighted their image of Frankenstein as well.
And finally, to make it even more confusing, Bela Lugosi copyrighted his image of Universal Dracula and that's why Universal almost always uses different ones.
Oh right that horrible Invisible Man reboot where it was capeslop instead of horror
Called it.
Francis Ford Coppola already did it.
>All they have to do is to film Dracula Untold sequel which introduces Van Helsing
The Van Helsing that going so solve crimes with the NYPD?
The movie did decent at the box office I think, it just wasn’t the blockbuster success they wanted. They easily could’ve made it into a new Underworld esque franchise making reasonably budgeted action films for modest profits
Hahaha no.
>The story opened with a young Van Helsing witnessing the death of his parents at the hands of several monsters, including - seemingly - Dracula. In present day, Van Helsing hunts monsters of all varieties in an RV. It also revealed he was a former member of Prodigium, the secret monster-hunting group introduced in The Mummy and led by Russell Crowe's Dr. Jekyll, who also made a cameo.
Kind of proof that they considered it canon set in the same shared universe as The Mummy.
A lot of ghouls in NYC. It could be like Blade but slightly different.
In a deleted scene they imply that a vampire apocalypse engulfs the world in the future thanks to Dracula's actions. Would've been kino to see.
>Helsing was shit
This was Joe Johnston pet project for years, you can see he really tried to get a good movie out of the producers bullshit. Unrated Cut is indeed far superior.

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