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Me and my sister watched a couple episodes together and she said that it was "pedo TV" lol is she really wrong? I feel like the creators are sorta maladjusted
Of course she's wrong. It's the new Rick & Morty. You couldn't possibly get any more normie.
what age is she
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A toast! (to your gf being right)
what's pedo about it?
25, I'm 23
you are both obvious zoomers, the entire thing is like mainling newgrounds at its heyday
Mom says you're not supposed to be alone with her in the same room anymore.
what's she wearing rn?
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>to Nikolas Alexander, for successfully managing to pirate Warcraft 3, so that he may play Defense of The Ancients. Congratulations, Nik. Enjoy your DOTA.
Who's that fag? I know Bicflame is something about Sam Hyde but who is the old man? Some jewy pedo?

IDK, maybe just in its perverted mentality? She pointed out that it was a little weird that the first episode had the breastfeeding thing that was kinda like a creepy pedo talking to a kid and then right after the "I love kids" bit. Then for the Mr Frog episode she still just thought the vibe was corrupted like something a pedophile would like. I unno, it's funny and I bet half the shit everyone watches is made by pedophiles so who fuckin cares lol
Pedos are normies, it's just most are closeted. Also Rick & Morty creators are totally nonces too lol, Adult Swim just attracts that sorta thing I think
I am a zoomer in terms of the cutoff, but I grew up on Newgrounds shit too.

I loved Oney and Psychicpebbles growing up, but I grew up to believe that a lot of the shit they were doing is pedo-signaling. When my sister made that point I was shocked cuz she said kinda what I was too scared to say myself...
I don't understand why the fuck you are posting on this website. Fuck off an kill yourself newfag normie retard
I dunno, she asleep. Earlier she was wearing some hippie lookin shit
Dude, I know what this site is like...I know that it's where degens lurk. I want to get people to just fucking admit it already.

OP you are a gargantuan faggot, you should go explore your sisters body
Is ur sister rapeable?
Your sister reads lolita and loved the new Martin freeman jenna ortega movie, she also watches euphoria but only the boob parts
Your sister is grooming you.
smiling friends is shit only because zach is not funny and never was.
hellbenders, however. now that was a cartoon.
Who tf says "pedo TV" out loud?
SF is fun and entertaining slop, nothing pedo about it, your sister is really weird. Gives me the ick
Your sister is a stupid whore
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It is pedo TV. Pedo religions.
>Who's that fag? I know Bicflame is something about Sam Hyde but who is the old man? Some jewy pedo?
It's Roger Stone who is hated by the mainstream media because he helped Trump. He is a sleazy guy. Wikipedia won't tell me he's jewish. There was a documentary where he owned up to his personality as a sleazeball, but it was his associations with Trump that got his house no-knocked a few years ago.

No sexual shit AFAIK.
>Reddit Friends
It's made by newgrounds people and given the greenlight by adultswin. It doesn't get more pedo than that
it's almost as if the creators didn't adhere their beliefs to the show, also coomers are quite pathetic and I say this as one
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Force her to watch evangelion.
/co/ is a literal tranny board with a literal nigger moderator to boot
no wonder they hate it
This infograph is gayer than the people who like Smiling Friends. "Punching down". What faggot language.
Exactly. I think subconciously this is what she saw maybe...
I swear the show is a big elaborate joke between Zach and Michael on making the most Reddit-ass show and watch his fans who would normally hate that shit either suck it up or hate on it
Is there even a single child character ever shown onscreen in any episode of Smiling Friends?
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women are all unfunny behavior-policing schoolmarms and I don't respect them
I don't think it's that the show contains pedophillic material but more that it feels like it was made by pedos or at the very least very depraved people
>"I grew up with newgrounds"
This gets more pathetic every year. Lmao.
>'pedo signalling'
I have no idea what the fuck any of this 'signalling/coded' shit means. Zoomers are fucking ridiculous.
If you see something random that has no connection to kids whatsoever and think "pedo" that sounds like projecting. Normal people don't just see random shit and think about pedos all day.
What was her reasoning?
good one. but at any rate, it never happened so feel free to insert whatever you find the most entertaining
For shits and giggles I wanted the bullshit reason, but if there isn't one then whatever.
women jump to calling all sorts of random shit pedophile adjacent all the time, youre not a true outsider if you never had a some random women associate you or something you said with pedophiles, i used to drive a big white workers van around with no text on it it was brutal
at first i thought you were being ironic the way you talk but no its the real way you think, get your shit fixed bro, also i have a dumbass sister and im sure you do too
Roger Stone is an old Nixon operative who later became a Trump operative, though he worked with the Reagan, Kemp, Dole, and GWB campaigns in his career. He's a friend of Alex Jones and Julian Assange, big into JFK and GHWB conspiracies, and obsessed with custom suits. He played politics dirty and was always open about that fact.
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When did hating porn go from being a feminist thing to a "right wing" thing. I thought it was universally agreed upon that porn is bad for your brain and soul as it is degrading, fake, and lacks true intimacy. Also dunking on edgy nihilism was to differentiate from every other adult cartoon especially Rick and Morty which seemed to reveal in it.
So why should I hate him? And why does the fag keep posting him in the credits of the show like it's a smoking gun
/co/ are fags for a lot of other reasons but the "/co/ smiling friends conflict" exists entirely inside the mind of the schizo who made that image and everyone on that board fucking despises him.
She said no such thing. You probably don't even have a sister. Post a naked timestamped picture of her to prove that you're not lying.
that aint happen
women love this stupid shit
Yell at her until she cries. Now. Just tear into the dumb cunt until she's a drooling sniveling mess. Call her retarded and fat, call her fucking ugly. Say she's unfuckable but it doesn't matter because she's barren anyways. Throw egg and tomatoes at her. Say she's the inferior offspring. Trash her room with a bat or shovel. Shit in her bed and piss in her closet. Put that hole in her place.
Please blow your sister's head off on behalf, thank you
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Women are much wiser than men.
Avast ye bro
I won't lie, season 2 was kinda shitty
Yeah just look at the gay scenes with the yellow fag
I'm talking bout that gay shit with frodo at night by the campfire
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>Dan Harmon when smoke shops begin replacing Rick and Morty pipes with Charlie and Pim bongs
That was funny tho.
My brother's wife liked it but he didn't like it because he subconsciously makes an effort to dislike things that I like
>is she wrong?

is she a woman?
Your sister sounds like a real bitch, like Carole Baskin.
>You will never fingerbang the sister to late night Adult Swim shows ever again
He sounds based. You should fuck off.
neither of them are jewish idk where you're getting this idea from

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