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>*electrifies your cinema with heart rushing kino*

Was this the best film of 2022? No, the best film this century?? Or at least a clear example of a sequel being better than the original?
i never watched the first so yes this one is better
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>heart rushing
Yes to all.
What about it in particular did you like?
One of the last good blockbusters there will ever be
First one is better. The sequel feels like a retread
I dropped the franchise after the DEI forced inclusion of Hollywood in the original. A nigger navy pilot? Lmao.
I got kind of annoyed at the pussyfooting around who exactly they were fighting. I get that it’s to avoid landing in any hot water with foreign countries but still
It was even worse in this one. Still, nothing overtly ‘fuck whitey’ at least.
it's the best movie since lotr trilogy. the flight sequences are absolutely incredible. tom cruise still does it with ease and style. jcon is a beautiful waifu. even finds a way to make you cry with ice man
it was a breath of fresh air when it came out but on second watch it's a formulaic hollow movie doubling as a vanity project for tom cruise
If anyone deserves it it’s Cruise though
for once one of these threads is right
Is today "opposites day" and nobody told me?
It was Iran with just enough plausible deniability.
>5th gen stealth fighters
>Edge of Tomorrow
>Top Gun Maverick
>War of the Worlds

Those are the Cruise trinity of Kinos and anyone who says otherwise should shut up
>no mission impossible
Trash. Every single one
What are anons best ideas for Top Gun 3? Because it's already greenlit. How can they top Maverick? Do they need to add a slight genre twist? Because UAPs are rumored.
It was Israel but Cruise can't exactly say that (yet)
I just assumed it was Russia/China with all that forested snowy mountainous terrain but they also go out of their way to specify it’s a ‘rogue state’ or whatever so it could very well be anyone.
For me it was the daughter.
I'm still disappointed they chose to not include Val in the mission and sacrifice himself for our guy though. That was the original plan then Val got sick. But him being sick could be written into a kamikaze mission. Absolute kino.
He's in the American military so it's definitely not Israel
It's set in the near future, before 2030. But you must have forgotten when Israel attacked America. Why don't you go wiki USS Liberty Attack and educated yourself, partner.
I think Jennifer Connelly is an attractive lady
Yeah but they're allies. It's more likely to be China/Russia/Iran.
There is literally only ONE country that has old F-14 Tomcats and that is Iran because they used to be America's allies at one point.
>For me it was the daughter.
Fucking same. What a hottie. Cruise should have fucked both
It’s probably Iran then yeah
>Retcons the original ending to recycle it
>The Next Generation crew exist only to recreate, shot-for-shot, scenes from the first movie
>Tom Cruise and Jennifer Connelly have zero chemistry
>Iceman killed off for no reason
Stupidest film I've seen in awhile. Gave me a new respect for its predecessor.
my first thought was china what with all the drama with the taiwan flag but idk
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I genuinely do not even remember what the plot was in this regard. It's like a fever dream and then death troopers show up and an extended action sequence starring a lot of good actors playing forgettable non-characters fighting an ambiguous group of mystery niggas ensues.
The plot is quite literally just 90 minutes of Picard's awkward tension with Wesley from S1 of TNG. What a horrible concept for a feature length.
That’s… a pretty accurate summation. I just watched it last night and that’s about it
Redpill me on Top Gun. I've had it downloaded for ages but never get around to watching it because I have no idea what it's about. Why should I watch it? I have also not seen the original.
what am i looking at
It’s a homoerotic action film from the 80s that boomers love then got a sequel in 2022 and everyone really loved that. Maybe the best work Cruise involved in outside of Interview With a Vampire
Whoever put together her outfits in this movie should be deported to Siberia.
Fuck off. Since the vietnam war, nigger pilots fought well side by side with crackers. To be a pilot, you have to really qualify, especially for naval aviation. You oth, probably were rejected from being a mall cop.
But why do people like it
>To be a pilot, you have to really qualify, especially for naval aviation
don't google women fighter pilot crashes
>Iceman killed off for no reason
He is dying irl, it was a touching sendoff for the actor.
I advise every single young man I meet to not joint the military specifically because it allows women. The only military on Earth with mandatory female conscription is Israel, because they fully know they won't ever have to send their women to war, it is an active taunt to the rest of the world. Never allow women in the military.
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>To be a pilot, you have to really qualify,
Depends on the type. Commercial airplanes, not so much. You’ll probably be flying with Air Shaniqua in the very near future for example.
Holy shit, I completely forgot Kilmer actually had throat cancer irl
Guess it makes sense they never brought him back in a more prominent role
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>rips off Star Wars and that joke from Kill Bill 2
>filled with every predictable feel good trope in the book, on the level of "a very smart science professor was one day lecturing his class that God does not exist..."
also the song
We're all dying. You know what would have been touching? Making his character relevant to the plot instead of being a glorified therapist to a plot thread that was already resolved in the entire second half of the original film. He already had written a memoir AND a critically acclaimed documentary about his life and career before Maverick came out. Nobody gives a fuck about his minor role in Top Gun, nevermind a glorified cameo in a soft reboot.
Realistically why didn't Iceman have a larger role anyway? Kilmer had been working successfully with some corporation on technology to recreate a person's distinct voice from samples using AI, and people thought it was actually used in Maverick even though it wasn't, but I mean, why not?
It felt like a half-baked attempt at sympathy/nostalgia points, much like the rest of the film. Kilmer should've written the damn film honestly, I would have trusted him over Tom Cruise and whatever writer's room of unpaid interns he used to boost his ego.
>why did young boys like an action movie about cool fighter jets?
I absolutely loved it because it was just a generally well-made action movie that didn’t muddy the fun with current year shit. If it were 2004 I’d have thought it was just pretty good, but for 2022 it was fantastic.
look at everything else released that year and it’s hard not to say it wasn’t the best film of 2022
It was very good. It knew exactly what it was, which was a by-the-numbers formulaic action movie, and it nailed it. It didn't try to be smarter than it was, it didn't try to get you to think, it was a popcorn movie through and through and it hit every note. There's something to be said for a basic movie executed perfectly. It looked great, it moved fast, I've got not complaints. Great movie.
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For me? It's Morbius. Really though, I wouldn't put it in the top 5, and I haven't even seen a lot of films from 2022
>The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent
>See How They Run
>The Banshees of Inisherin
>Glass Onion
>The Last Wish
I liked it. Hardly the best movie ever or anything but I can’t say I didn’t enjoy most of its 2 hour 30 minute runtime. I have zero idea what the third movie they’re already making is going to entail though.
>Glass Onion
i liked it more than most but c’mon…
>inb4 Rooster dies
Yeah it was inferior to its predecessor and the worst movie on that list, but I enjoyed the characters and would rewatch it before Maverick, or Allah forgive me for even mentioning it, Branagh's Death on the Nile.
>Branagh's Death on the Nile.
This is the first time I’m hearing of this. Is it that bad
do you guys think Cruise is going to die horribly in one of these stunt movies? i hate the idea but man i feel really paranoid whenever i see him in a new movie and remember he’s literally 60
now i wish i saved all those funny memes about this kek
I love how people describe this like it's face off. A pacman of the movie is spent in training and them be gay fuck off
Branagh himself is fine, and no the movie is not horrible. It's arguably worse than that: it's just boring. Something about the way it's edited and Poroit's involvement. It felt like he had nothing to do and was just kind of wandering around while the plot conveniently unfolded, and then it ends and the mystery of the supporting cast who are not built up or acted very well is over. That being said, Haunting in Venice (2023) was pretty good. The plot was not great, but the performances were much better from the entire cast, Poroit had characterization and depth, and visually it was amazing. That shit was great to watch in theaters.
I think the funniest thing is they had the enemy pilots behave almost like robots. Not so much as a single grunt and of course we never see their faces with those pitch black helmets. Very important they didn’t imply anything with the appearances of the enemy.
something confused you anon?
The black admiral guy was really annoying in this
Guy was there for decoration and to be sassy and obnoxious

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