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Now that the dust is finally starting to settle down it's time to admit that it's good.. and the best one.
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That's the thing...if you weren't 6-12 in 1998, you just don't GET IT. The hype and promotional advertising was everywhere, the action figures were Ballin, and the world was perfect. This was just pre Phantom Menace hype too. That was a good couple of years.
>jean reno at his peak
>matthew "kino" brodderick
>cool ass monster design, unlike its jap counterpart which suffered heavily from being overdesigned
>kick ass soundtrack, and the best ever rendition of kashmir
>kino late 90s/early 00s aesthetics
>military/urban ops porn
>didn't shamelessly set up a sequel
>is basically the perfect popcorn flick
You guys were all brainwashed by the reddit crowd. It's a solid 10
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Bro the movie was ass and I saw it when I was in that age bracket. Godzilla gets hit by a missile and falls off a bridge. Retarded. The early teaser trailers were the only good thing about it.
this, i wouldnt call it a 10, but its a great popcorn flick and i thoroughly enjoyed it. Scared to watch it today though, im sure it aged poorly.
No, it is very Jewish. There is this Jewish attitude about it that says there has to be some sort of overly snobby statement or message that has to be conveyed to the audience with a certain condescending attitude like "Oh Godzilla is stupid look at me making a Godzilla movie ha ha isn't that funny I bet the movie critics will be awfully harsh towards this movie that I am making right now that you are being forced to watch ha ha" instead of taking the concept and doing something with Godzilla like we can see in the animated series where we are actually exploring what it would be like in a world with Godzilla and how to deal with that realistically and in detail rather than just paying all your Jewish friends in marketing to equate Godzilla with a dick joke.

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