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I always aspired to be Burke, but I turned out to be Gorman
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Born to be a company man

Forced to be a dipshit LT
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he's dressed like MaGruber
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Kirsty we can't bring weapons into hell, we'll hit the reactor core.
Aliens Dark Descent is basically a Gorman simulator. Best video game interpretation of the film.
Gorman had shit luck. First combat mission and he draws deadly extraterrestrials.
It was his second combat drop, still really shitty. First one probably went smooth and by the numbers.
well huh
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Can someone tell me one single substantial difference this movie would have if it was set in actual Vietnam instead of space-veneer Vietnam?
The fuckin 'charlies in the trees' (ceiling)
The 'shit we've got to do something with this little kid' who survived the village massacre
The nest of commies where they took prisoners...

I guess Bishop wouldn't have been workable. That's the only thing. No wonder Ridley started to focus on robots (covenant is just a lost puritan colony and alien itself is hauling some ore in any remote hostile location and there's a leopard there which usually wouldn't live there and at first isn't seen clearly)
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>Kills a bunch of illegals and a jew with one grenade
based based based
Burke was a weaselly criminal psychopath who got eaten by the product of his dipshit plan
Gorman was an honorably United States Marine who drew a bad beat, but died with his Marines to by Ripley a little more time.
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>Can someone tell me one single substantial difference this movie would have if it was set in actual Vietnam instead of space-veneer Vietnam?
I can not. That's literally the point.
>I guess Bishop wouldn't have been workable. That's the only thing.
An apolitical civilian technician subcontracted to the military, like a radar technician for Lockhead. These types are all over the military now, but the trend was going in Vietnam.
wierzbowski here
secondary character, influence ended off screen
If it had been a regular combat drop against a human enemy Gorman could understand, I think he'd have done alright so long as he listened to Apone's advice once shit hit the fan. He could have matured into a real standup officer. You have to admit he ran a pretty clean op during the initial landing.

Also, the reactor incident wasn't really his fault. Ripley and Burke were the Weyland Yutani specialists, they should have known about the risks of the reactor well beforehand and warned Gorman before they even went in. And then of course, the marines still ended up discharging their weapons anyway. So had Gorman just told Ripley to fuck off and ordered his men to hastily retreat so he can reevaluate the situation, he probably would have saved most of them. His only real mistake was ordering the troops to disarm rather than to retreat.
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What the fuck were the logistics of their mission, anyways? Just fucking go into hyper sleep to check up on a colony? The staff you send is 1 LT, an android, a crazy trucker from 50 years ago, and a Jew?
>His only real mistake was ordering the troops to disarm rather than to retreat.
That and not securing his LZ, He knew that the creature were real and could be anywhere so he was effectively behind enemy lines. He coulda shoulda set up sentry guns around his drop-ship, and/or left one of his squads with it. But he was what, a 23 year old fresh out of OCS or ROTC. Almost as though he was chosen for his inexperience to make him and the rest of his marines easier to murder.
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>We made it, Sweetie. We're home.
For as much as everyone loves Apone, he really should have been suggesting things like this. The more you notice how little the sergeant actually tries to correct Gorman, the more I start feeling sorry for the guy. He really was set up to fail.
Gorman was the typical officer fresh out of academy without any combat experience whatsoever and without personality. He was not really to blame, he was picked because he would be an easy yesman for Weyland-Yutani's interests.
The area was secured, and they definitely figured they'd have been attacked by then if anything was nearby. All but 1-2 of the creatures were quite a drive away all the way over at the processing plant. It was more Spunkmeyer being a tard that caused trouble. If he'd stayed onboard with the ramp up, there'd have been no issue. But yeah, sentry guns could have helped since they needed all hands for the plant.

I was gonna mention how William Hope was also in Hellraiser 2 but that other anon beat me to it. He plays a similar type in each case: a well meaning but bumbling authority figure who's in over his head and ultimately bites it.
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There are so many plot holes if you stop to think about it for more than 10 seconds
>Why did they need to go into hyper sleep at all for a 7-8 week journey
>Why does everybody need to go down to the planet and leave a ship completely deserted? Why couldn't the higher ups and Ripley stay on board and monitor from there?
>Why does the giant military vessel have zero crew anyway? How come there aren't even a few androids stationed there to keep things in order?
>Why does Lady Gaga land her dropship in a hostile environment?
Those aren't plotholes. They're just how things work. And they do obviously work even if you want to whine about it. And a 7-8 journey with everyone awake uses far more resources and pay than just going to sleep and waking up for a quick operation.
>Those aren't plotholes
They obviously are since the story would not have worked if any of these bizarre inconsistencies didn't occur
>and waking up for a quick operation.
>wake up after 8 weeks of deep sleep
>feeling groggy as fuck, muscles weak from no exercise
>quick operation
lol have you ever had a job? all of these are just things some new starter will be asking after some day's operations go wrong. It's because of resource limits and the reality of any situation requiring a degree of 'muddling along'. And you'll say 'Why wouldn't you allocate more resources to this important thing?', but eventually with more experience you'll see that this thing that you thought was be-all and end-all, wasn't that important at all.
it makes sense within the context of the film and how the marines/company operate
sleep for the trip to minimize resources
overconfidence in the marines being able to handle anything + ripley's story being kinda bonkers means they aren't going to play it super safe and stay in orbit, they monitor from the "safety" of the APC and go in once they think it's clear even when in reality it isn't
you don't need a crew to operate a ship that can for the most part do everything itself, it's only when they loose nearly everything + the colony systems being trashed does it mean they are disconnected from the ship until bishop does his job which he is able to do quite well
the dropship landed because again overconfidence in thinking the area wasn't really dangerous since it was a ghost town when they showed up
all this also has burke likely pulling the strings to get someone like gorman in charge of the operating since he's a newbie and can easily be pushed around a bit by the company if need be
once gorman is out of the picture a guy like hicks just sides with ripley since he's a marine who wants to win the fight and live without caring about the colony or the company's stake in any of this
it's logical stuff within the universe these people live in which is why it works
Gorman at least redeemed himself in the end.
I watched Hellraiser 2 for the first time within the last year or two, and was like "Who the fuck is that guy?"

It was driving me nuts.
My headcanon trilogy is Alien, Alien Isolation, and Aliens. Everything else can get fucked.
He was a representation of the "never actually in combat but officer in charge" trope. He dies a heroic death by going back for Vasquez and choosing to blow up with her instead of trying to run away (i.e. doing something heroic then accepting his fate).
It's the perfect trilogy. Don't know why so many are fixated on the idea that all the characters must die horribly for a story to finally "end".
Dark Descent was pretty kino too, you should play that one.
that game was so close to being really amazing - it's better than a lot of other alien titles but i really wish there was more levels and variety - feels like it ends once it just starts to really get rolling
also screw the few times where you setup knowing there will be a fight and then a cutscene moves your marines
deff recommend though if you are an aliens fan
For it basically being the only game in its very specific genre, it's still amazing even despite the handful of flaws

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