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Yon Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200540074
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this shit is gay
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Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
this show is fucking gay and if you watch this shit you gay nigga kill yo self nigga
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best girl
Not with that warthog nose ring
Channing you need another bodyslam if you want anyone to believe you
Despite the nose ring
Not til she gets rid of the thing.
the nose ring is great wtf if she gets too annoying just hold a battery to it and it should straighten her out
>these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

>you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
she has better tits than most women tbqh. possibly even taylor.
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Are you the Big guy?
Letty is sexual kino
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i fucking love this episode
QRD on the last couple of hours?
cope and seethe
Who's ready for the severe thunderstorms to roll through?
Jimmy's about to beat a woman
literally nothing happened
Jon is too fucking retarded for this, he won't RP, he won't go down cause he does not understand the rules
Jimmy was slain by a vamp before being revived, John hasnt been wearing his googles, keeps whining about not having axes, just generally being a tard, thats about it
Most Neptunian moment? Most Goranian moment?
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The fire rises
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What the fuck am I doing with my life that I'm watching these 30+ year old idiots bumble around a forest with cap guns?
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smella smogs <3
>delay the combat by an hour to farm TTS
>it is now pitch black
>the vampires are wearing all black

I love Mama Juju!
>30+ year old idiots
nobody there is 30+ except scott and tai
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white man's burden
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>tay talks about how her entire family is watching
>apologizes to them because she "hasn't been home in a while"
>calls some white trash son of a meth head alcoholic she fucked after he gave her $50 her "cock buddy"
Jon is the main character.
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What's the verdict on Day 2 of Jet Niptune's Bloodgames?
Why don’t you start markyposting on iFunny now that they’re a sponsor and see what happens
its so bad im watching ford vs ferrari instead
It's raining. Lack of steady cam or night vision means no one can see shit.
Can director cam just focus on wet mama juju instead of this cringe battle
gaining eyebrows really did wonders goddamnnnn
KKK militia kino
Xavier and Sam were the only highlights
>don't fucking touch me, you NIGGER
what the heck did vance mean by this?
Jerma mogs
Think I'm gonna watch that new mad max movie
wtf broke?
how many fucking vamps did jet hire? there's been at least 50 killed in the past 30 minutes...
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Special guest star…
Letty needs to verbalize her spells. "Fireball!" "Ice bolt!"
I still don't know if I even like it. I lay in bed and listen to it on 5% volume. Bad outsider art meme show asmr.
Jimmy is king.
>its so bad youre watching modern slop
grim indeed
>no link to donjolly.com
The unpredictable bad weather will continue
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>Tay: "I aint no slut like Letty!"
>Also Tay: fucks a fan after he bought a plushie and only knowing him for 20 days
good idea I am too
still hurts bros...
they should honestly rip off some of the doll-house stuff
What the FUCK is Tayleigh even doing???
So what’s the actual point of the game, do they die when the vampires hit them? Is there a way to “win” the show?
i need to treat her chest's mosquito bites with some cream
jermas fanbase dress up like women and masturbate while roleplaying anime children in his chat
This was just from him watching. Imagine him with Jon's role.
>Greg goes to a hotel at night
>Tay is sick or some gay shit and isnt participating
>Jon is mentally 10 and will never admit getting hit (failRP)
>Jimmy cant be trusted with weapons
>Letty has a FoV of 160 but the most useless
>Tai already used his invisibility potion
its so over
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are you guys actively watching or have it on as background noise
How is Letty at 3 hearts if she was downed?
this is somehow worse than i expected
we love the nose ring actually
Jimmyfags have the most broken minds
Xavier carried hard, Jon's introduction improved everything immensely, WAY less lag. So far Im really enjoying myself
All of the effort was put into sculpting the arena and it looks really good
s there any wrong with rimming a Twink???
sulking because she knows is over
boston Jerma was great, it all started to go downhill once he went west.
why are you fucking freaks so obsessed with trish
she is L I T E R A L L Y like half of the young adult women in california
this fanbase is much worse
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Vance flight status?
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Why doesn't she call Letty a slut now? What's with Tay pretending to be friendly and kind all of a sudden?
You only lose a band if you choose to revive yourself
>anon incapable of fucking a girl withing 20 days of meeting her
background noise mostly. i check to see if letty, trish or taylor are on screen sometimes though.
that zoomer needs to give him back
I tab in between shitposts
>I'm sick :(
How hard is it to point and shoot, Tayleigh
these threads make the show 10x better... is this what it's like watching movies with frens irl? :(
They are just like him
Background noise
I’ve r
background noise
tried watching but its too fucking dark and the camera is all over the place
if jimmy uses one of his health sticks it heals the damage
nah that's antijimmyfags like yourself
remembering this garbage happening and getting praised to hell makes me appreciate fishtank so much more. even with its problems at least it's not this shitty sanitized twitch trash
I don't watch I just donate. Sometimes I'll drop a cnote or two lol
She is incredibly hot.
imitation is the greatest from of flattery
Fake scaredy cat bitch, she couldnt handle the heat from Letty. Tayleigh would fold
absolutely love her voice, good god imagine her stroking your hair while she holds your head in her lap while whispering sweet nothings..TJ is a fag if he's not insisting she do this multiple times a day
Elder Vampire here. I don't need to pay for TTS or a fishtoy because of my vampire magic. Send in a stealth wave of the blonde vampire minion alone 1 hour after this horde ends. Her mission is to stealth attack Jon.
uh oh
Just like with S2, my eyes are glued to these threads while they retards scream on my second monitor
There's no way Jon didn't get hit when he was flailing like a tard
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dollhouse was 1000x better than this trash
that's what I'm saying though, phenotypes like hers are (mostly) all attractive (until 30) and they are all over the fucking place in california
Background noise. The audience is funnier than the show, regrettably
I don't think anyone is talking about him
lmao this
he’s the main character
they've never been to california
She's too busy being a whore to even have time for that.
meh, jerma's always just been a clean funny dude, it's not really a 'sanitization' thing. I liked it for what it as
This is the same place that simped for Tay, Trish is a 10 in comparison.
Letty wetty
Fucking turn TTS on so we can torture the junkie puke bitch.
based seasoned fishtank veteran
Nuh uh
>absolutely love her voice,
fucking fag and a beta bitch. kill yourself. mommy issues having faggot.
That would be Sensei Scott
If he cheats the vampire minions will report it back to Jet and he will be punished. They know if they hit him.
did tayleigh seriously just call jimmy her own name?
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There is a general sentiment that Tayleigh is one of the smarter fish but her past behavior suggests otherwise
>Goes out of her way to nonsensically antagonize people like TJ and Jon who would be much more helpful to her as allies
>Sam told her the key to winning season 2 is an uplifting character arc but instead she doubled down on debasing herself and abandoning her morals
>Physically assaults another contestant despite knowing a someone else was just disqualified for this same behavior
>Thinks letting Jet and the wigger crew attach an IV into her is a good idea
>Was consistently outwitted and outperformed during the Swamp Olympics by a mentally challenged person and someone who can't speak English
>Mistook the NPC that is an homage to the RE4 Merchant to be a Minecraft reference
>Thought the reference to HAL from 2001 was a reference to the Kirby dev HAL Laboratory
>Looks up to Jimmy during times when Jimmy is being an idiot
>Starts to gain the audience's respect by defying Frank and then immediately switches to become Frank's bitch and kisses him and talks about fucking him
>Finds the simple act of streaming to be a mental challenge
>Fails to understand how angles and mirrors work together so everyone saw her naked on the bathroom cam
>Thinks dressing like an edgy ten-year-old boy is cool
>Easily gaslit into shaving her head for no reason
Maybe California isn't so bad after all...
Tai wants out
I only read the threads
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We could've prevented this, all we had to do was acknowledge The Don
they didn't say nigger a single time, actual unwatchable slop
kek, Tai is done already.
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>bring back "fan favorites" to rake in money for S3 (mauro is absolutely not a fan favorite but whatever, you're desperate)
>one of them loses almost all of her fans 24 hours before the show starts because they find out she's fucking some redneck that bought a $50 plushie from her
>cries to you in private to block any mention of him or fucking him on TTS
>somehow even worse at playing along than jon, ruins every bit by jim halperting to the camera
>is gone for the entire morning and literally nobody cares and the show is completely unaffected
>is sitting out the nighttime vampire attacks and literally nobody cares and the show is completely unaffected
It's time to kick Tayleigh off. No way Jet is making money by censoring TTSes for her and there are no simps left to shower her with praise. I'm pretty sure the only positive TTSes she's getting is from her "cock buddy." Not only does she bring literally zero value to the show, but I'd argue her presence is negatively impacting it.
>Tai already over this shit
yeah hes gonna bail
Nuh uh, he kiwwed dem fiwst
>tai wants to quit already
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she's fun
she better call him a faggot if he doesnt go down
i just looked at lettys butt lol
It seems the vampires have to run all the way back to town or somewhere to respawn.
someone was rinsin the clip goddamn
Nigga I don’t watch the show I’m playing the new Elden Ring and starting arguments in these threads
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Xavier Gay fucks birds.
why haven't they given tai alcohol yet
trish delish
what camera?
Browsing the threads make this slop actually enjoyable

Genuinely don't know if I could've made it through the entirety of S2 without them
i hope someone clipped Tai checking his gun by looking down the barrel lmao
i know its a airsoft and he has goggles but it looked funny
Did they tell Tayleigh to do nothing or something?
if you haven't learned to appreciate the subtly beautiful things about women like their voice, laugh, smile, mannerisms, etc. you're either 14 or have mommy issues yourself, fag
someone please tell me they took screenshots of that chubby blonde vampire
Dope track desu.
I swear I've seen that girl-vamp with the thick meaty thighs more than once.. are they just being downed and getting back up and attacking again or some shit? I thought they had like 500 vamps on standby..
just want to extend a double fuck you to the anon that told me that it was just bugs when I called the rain out early
Lecherous pig
did you see any of S2? thats kinda her whole thing
>the chick balancing the sword in her palm on her way back to spawn
Cute :)
>the vampire back at shitty trying to balance a sword on their palm
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it's more of a test for the scale and tech they want to try for season 3 than a cash grab because i can't imagine they're making a ton of money from this
she's killing the vibe
>implying she has to be told to not do nothing
That's the blacksmiths wife. If it weren't for her fat ass thighs she'd be easy to confuse for Taylor cause of their hair.
I want Xavior so bad its not even funny
trips... it's real
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you thought they had 500 extras?
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I might go downstairs and get some ice cream
>one of those vamps hit me right in the face!
>didnt go down
Jon is so good at this!
she produced the majority of the content especially down the stretch in s2, low iq mongrel
was that josie in the mask that they cut to for a second?
kek that cut to bex
this is the exact thing she did during season 2 for the first 3 weeks. she just sat in bed by herself and did nothing because she's going through withdrawals from her homemade toilet meth
based retard
>Jon will be level 20 by the end of the show from all the coddling
what flava playa?
>sylvia forgotten
>damiel forgotten
This looked mad gay and cringe but I saw a clip of Sam on a dirt bike in a Vampire Hunter D outfit that made my sides exit. This is still trash in spite of things like that, right? I don't have time to dedicate hours to watching this.
you are a maniac if you believe this
Betty's future
>one ah da vamps hit me wite in da fays
>*doesn't go down*
Source: my ass
None of this has anything to do with season 3
Josie just did a stream dummy
How much money have y'all spend so far?
yeah dude 20 hours a day laying in bed or sleeping crocheting until the final week and a half
very awesome. content machine
shut the fuck up tayleigh
Jon is gonna us "hit them harder" as a blank check to hurt someone.
oh I just saw the autistic balancing of the weapon and thought it was her
Jon based for making all the larpfags seethe
The entertaining cast members will continue to be demoralized until the don delegation is recognized
It's Tayleigh's future (mother in law)
based woman lover
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This legitimately sounds gay. What happened to Sam. He needs to cut Jet off and show us WP2 already.
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so far it's s1 > 2.5 > s2
nothing man i learned my lesson last season
nobody thinks this
none, I’m saving tts for season 3
The chat poll in every scenario that was just A (boring), B(rude), or C(gay) and having C win nearly every time also ruined the show knowing his fanbase was responsible for majority of the votes
never donated
never made an account
never accessed the site
free flowstreams
neighbors wifi
What can you even buy this season other than TTS? I haven’t visited the actual website at all
Jon doesn't understand he's supposed to go down if he gets hit
>"letty's kiwwed a shitton too"
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>post 2019 jerma
seriously, I drunkenly spent like $400 last season
It's okay I kinda wish she were there too
I feel like they are doing this just the load the fish up with some cash
Basically yes. Thereve been some funny moments but it’s mostly unwatchable
insider here
world peace 2 in its current state is worse than any fishtank season by a lot. it's really awful
guys remember last night when the actor guy started doing his bit and someone posted like
>wow how does this guy speak so good??
$40 to flowstreams
>"send in seven of them at once"
Why does Greg leave at night? Isn’t he a contestant? Tayleigh doesn’t participate in any scenarios either.
she was the de facto heel of the show once Jimmy left and played the role perfectly. Trish TJ and Shinji were absolutely nontent planks of wood. be serious.
Based Jon
more satanic than fishtank
s2 week 1 mogs s1
they should make them show us the loot
that's pretty fucking funny actually
extremely based
fucking kek that was TJ posting from home
I would go on a Fishtank season if I were guaranteed a reasonable stipend for competing
Give Jon another sword like Zoro
>we thoroughly tested this by the way
WP2 is coming next summer after fishtank 3.5 airs, trust the plan
>Letty has a FoV of 160
Who's the one who keeps stuffing packets with loot? TJ?
Please stay zoomed in cameraman I don't really want to see whats happening anyway
she didn't do anything though. that was her "role" but she sucked at it because she didn't do anything
>let mean TTS through to Tayleigh
>give Xavier more screentime and script control
>punish fail RP
>steady camera coverage during vampire attacks with good lighting only
>do Blair Witch style horror at night
I was slow clip that, least someone saw it
What the hell is going on with WP2 anyway? Didn't Sam say it would be out in the spring?
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from top ten paypig both seasons to none baby!!!
suck a cock jet
Mush mouth couldn't fathom a guy talking for more than a minute
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none. spent way too much on s2 and this format isn't doing it for me. i'll no doubt waste more once s3 starts.
Moths are aggro on Jimbo need to be nerfed
Yeah my Dad sweeps the floor at Nintendo and overheard they were insolvent.
fishtank fans aren't used to seeing bare minimum effort
Jimmy seems so much more relaxed than in season 2, it looks like he's actually enjoying himself :)
>punish fail RP
absolutely is a must
Somebody your posts will be appreciated, Donposter
>only knowing him for 20 days
massive self-report
Scott is probably more into this than anybody else
tay mommy
Camera coverage, angles, and lighting are so bad it's impossible to tell what's happening.
it's never been remotely funny so that makes sense
Give anyone other than Jet script control
Are all fish tankers smelly brown beaners like this anon? >>200547393
hes just filling in for vance
This is kinda based.
>>Jon is mentally 10 and will never admit getting hit (failRP)
he did this same shit during the s1 nerf battle.
>do Blair Witch style horror at night

Yeah a plot twist where vamps are not even the real baddies
I love this place
They can't even get Jon to wear goggles lmao good luck doing shit about his roleplay
if they did that the sbow would end before vance even gets there
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this has honestly been a breath of fresh air for the fishtank formula even though i understand it isn't for everyone
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>spending money on fishtank
>Blair witch
Yea this would be fun
I for one, welcome our new Tayleigh contestant
If I was there I would rescue vampire Bex and turn her good
KEK. santoryu jon.
Why is Tay pressing Jimmy about using the gun
Cute Letty close up.
yeah he's actually not bad at this. plus it was funny when he said "why do you talk like that" to jon after being hit by the confusion spell
This is bullshit but I believe it. The only leaked shots were extremely grim, and the rumors surrounding the early skankfest preview were not good.
That and the floating release date don't give me much hope.
Seems like the Season 2 FT edit might be good at least
Jimbo REALLY wants a gun
He's medic because they don't want him with weapons lol
>not having her turn you so you can spend eternity together
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I should be paid to watch this.
Does Jimmy really think that he's not allowed to have guns because they wanted to nerf him and not that he's mentally unstable?
>jawn at the end of bloodgames
All classic behavior
Yeah but shes being kinda a bitch about it
she's really into rules, remember s2
Honestly feel that Trish would’ve been better than Tay for this season
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I love Trish!
there's already precedent with the weighted boxing gloves
alright I think this bit has gone on long enough, can we please get a closeup of Trish' feet now
He's in a bad mood for some reason.
donheads appreciate my work, that's all I care about
At least 2 of the skits will be good.
>t. was an extra in 2 of them
Dude I was donating like $400 a day to Josie before I realized I need to scale back. Its easy to get lost in the moment plus TTS is so fucking based
>nothing happened
>nothing actually happened because this is nontent
Jet definitely saw the Trish gooners ITT asking for Trish to stay at the basecamp with the other fish tonight
Tay is a weak, lifeless retard. No chill, no bantz. Gay faggot all around.
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Why is Tayleigh not participating
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Did anyone manage to figure out what the battle encounter music is?
was tay crying?
anyone would be better than Tay
I said I haven’t even used the website, you’d to need to have the spending habits of a nigger to give a dime to this show
Why can't Tay play?
trish should be wherever tay is to counterbalance the cringe and beatness
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>Dude I was donating like $400 a day to Josie
a connoisseur
Based Jet.
she's preggers
lol jon said to send 7 at a time and now 7 of them are coming
How the fuck is tais face so smooth at 36. He could legit pass as 10 years younger if not for his norwood level 7
The combat in bloodgames is kind of fucked. The action happening at night when visibility is low makes it difficult for the audience to follow, too much happening so the cameraman can’t follow anything. They should make it turn based, or make some kind of rule where contestants have to 1v1 the vamps if they are engaged in a battle that way it’s not everybody running around confusingly.
xavier talks good as fuck.. the way he comes up with words is quick, much quicker than normal.. i've seen normal people talk and they're better than me but he's just on another level
Anyone know Xaviers socials?
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>Dude I was donating like $400 a day to Josie
she is with child
hes asian
kek checked
hes asian
herro tai nguyen use vewy smmooth cweam
that's a man
Tai is a wonderful soul and you get the skin that you deserve
We kneel Goran thank you
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shes been "sick" all day so they are making her stay out of the fun night time part
its like when you stay home from school and your parents dont let you play video games
>He actually is sending 7 of them
Based, this is Jon's show now.
he is asian
anon you might just be inarticulate
Continuing to repost my suggestion for a revamped version of The Cage for season 3. Every fish must et a set amount of laxatives and drink 1 Zipp every hour. Last person in their chair wins. Alternatively, instead of laxatives, sugar free gummi bears.
I feel like I’m having flashbacks to some evil dark nightmare everytime I see a webm or screenshot from season 2
lmao no he's not he just rambles - he uses a ton of mixed metaphors and you can tell he's reaching for something to say most of the time
cameraman is too zoomed in too. but maybe he needs to be because of the light? I dont know. Hes also doing shaky cam to make it seem epic.
if the camera man kept the camera still it'd be totally fine
Tayleigh didn't fuck a guy because he brought a beanie right? I thought you guys were memeing.
Tell the truth.
bex made it for the show
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i love abo
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kino soundcue
this is fucking stupid, i just want letty, trish and taylor to hang out
thank you, the donations help with our kid :)
do you guys remember when the gregcam was on last season and somebody said he had a boner and he was like "nope, i'm smooth as a rock"
he bought a $50 crochet chicken actually
It was a chicken plushie and she herself is heavily implying it

Throwing up in the morning, emotional. Her trip was to so she could tell her bfs family together with him, then her side too. It all makes perfect sense.
glad they have scott the zero charisma faggot keeping things moving at the camp
Xavier unmasked?
oddball ass nigga

this on mute
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Why is this loser on this show?
Fishies arent getting the thunderstorms but I am getting a lot near me.
what about when he says doth and thine and shit like he jumps in and out of talking like final fantasy tactics, WHILE playing as a character..
meh.. I can talk just not as good
shoutout to my cock buddy
The combat needs to take place where the night vision fixed cams can see it.
ahahahaha yes lmfao
I hope not
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he was awful last season but he's had a few good moments so far
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Sensei Scott goes to bed every night and dreams he's this dude
hes kino tho
Seems like assigning more defined characters to act out turns nontent into content. unless they're Mauro, and they still suck

Feels like another lesson that could go into S3, alongside more structure and an always on duty cameraman
>I can talk just not as good
anon that is literally what being inarticulate is
Harass Sam and Jet on twitter until they make Tayleigh stop smoking while pregnant
well said greg
Jon is so fucking good at this its crazy he hasn't been hit a single time
squirt squirt
alright he has his moments. big xavier fan btw
trish jiggle
This plus sylvia getting pregnant with some fat slob kiwi just made it clear to me how desperate every ft girl is
more thunderstorms inbound to their location in an hour or so
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Theres too much substantially incriminating evidence, and earlier she literally said "I'm taken I have a boyfriend". He also allegedly tts this
lil nigga using hacks
Votekick Jon
Damn Jon is a beast…
i feel like they're gonna up the horror elements as the days go on. maybe at some point thr vamps will be given aztec death whistles to torture them at night.
Jon just got hit by the shield guy, I heard it. He doesn't even care
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Is the target audience for this show 13 year olds?
yeah he's rp'ing at least
Review the Schitty cam footage I'm almost certain Jon was hit
They're terrified to call him out for not going down because he'll go into a roid rage sissy fit.
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Common josiecel L
boxing may unironically be the downfall of mde, scott sucks
herro target audience tai nuyen
lightning bolt lightning bolt
Jon's OP.
he even said "oh shit" when he got hit then just moved along lmao
hes crazy good at pretend fights
i remember when one of the swamp olympic challenges was to get greg to cry and tay's retarded idea of trying to get him to cry was to tell him to say the n word and he just stonewalled her by saying "WOOHOO IT'S-A ME"
Tay has a humiliation fetish and you can not convince me otherwise.
lol he's really getting into it.

little boy mode
honestly this is so bad im starting to feel bad wasting flowstreams bandwidth
Is Jon running around in slides?
It’s for crypto millionaire neckbeards who are mentally 13
Votekick Jon (2)
is jon looting the shop lol
>Jon taking the time to steal shit
It was last winter, then spring, then summer, now it’s this winter..
>Jon just casually stealing from the merchant
Didn't he say not to steal
She just rimmed him
>Jimmy reaction
This is actually kinda hype.
So is Vance really just not coming? Was it really all a ruse to get Greg as a fish?
F1 jon
F1 jon
F1 JON!!!!
No offense, but for non esls it's not that difficult.
lmao god I hope so
Saw an hour of it at mondo party. Was pretty good/decent nothing groundbreaking though.
they should be defending the town every time the lighting suck shit everywhere else
Ifunny is sponsoring this season. What do you think?
hope so vance is fucking nontent and boring and greg mogs him hard
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For me it's Scott Sullivan – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
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I was once a dedicated /FTL/ shitposter and I just tuned in for the first time tonight...

but this shit doesn't even deserve this comment or bump.
The actual game part is so boring them chilling around the fire saying retarded shit is more fun
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>mondo party
Okay thank you
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Is this Goblina?
damn I also feel this way and am now learning that I'm retarded
Okay UNIRONICALLY what the FUCK is wrong with Tayleigh? Why is she getting an IV drip?
he sold letty into white slavery for it
what the fuck? is tay severely sick?
It’s been finished . Look at distribution/vetting offers from networks.
tay doctor visit ASMR
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Who is this fat whore and why does she have a cattle prod?
who's mom is that?
why are they doing this part on stream wtf
Vance was Don Jolly'd, pray for RockyStream
she's preggers
>"the diagnosis is... you're pregnant!"
Imagine the kino
what the fuck is going on
kwableigh had a doctor flown in for her
This. I hate it so much. It's soooooo baaaddd...
>using tay's doctor visit for content

Tay chemo therapy
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Vance posted a pic of his plane earlier today saying he was on his way.
she's destroyed her body with drugs and never eating. Stupid ugly bitch.
cool 11pm doctors visit in the woods
tay's gonna pass out
nevermind its a nurse
i cant post this for 25 seconds
please dont yell at me
I've realized my mistake now
penis inspection day
She turning to a vampire and this is all part of it? She seemed like the best role player so far. That or she actually is ill.
Is Tayleigh of all people really worth this trouble to keep her on?
mine faggot now fuck off
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Is Tay detoxing or something
this is awesome af you guys dont know fuckin kino when u see it ive had a hard on for the last 37 hours and it keeps twitching every time i see trishes fat ass or taylors boobies or lettys hammerhead canvas built for face fucking. even that short haired twink is kinda gettin me goin i wanna cum so bad. like fuck imagine an orgy with these whorse fuckkkk im so close
never seen a livestreamed abortion before this should be kino
would be funny
why'd they take TJ out to the doctor but have Tayleigh stay lol
>she did the face again
Why are they director camming Tay’s doctor’s appointment when there’s a vampire raid happening in Schitty? Is this arg shit? Is she going to give birth to gormedious’s demon offspring?
hes asian
Retarded idea
>doctor administering an IV for an hour in a soon to be huge thunderstorm
where the fuck do you think they are that a doctor can't just drive there?
her eyes look like she was crying to me desu
I'm almost buying into the preggers thing
Jimmy, you... ARE the father!
Missed everything that happened after it started raining. Fuck.

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If Tai wasn't balding he'd look younger than Tayleigh
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There is a general sentiment that Tayleigh is one of the smarter fish but her past behavior suggests otherwise
>Goes out of her way to nonsensically antagonize people like TJ and Jon who would be much more helpful to her as allies
>Sam told her the key to winning season 2 is an uplifting character arc but instead she doubled down on debasing herself and abandoning her morals
>Physically assaults another contestant despite knowing someone else was just disqualified for this same behavior
>Thinks letting Jet and the wigger crew attach an IV into her is a good idea
>Was consistently outwitted and outperformed during the Swamp Olympics by a mentally challenged person and someone who can't speak English
>Mistook the NPC that is an homage to the RE4 Merchant to be a Minecraft reference
>Thought the reference to HAL from 2001 was a reference to the Kirby dev HAL Laboratory
>Looks up to Jimmy during times when Jimmy is being an idiot
>Starts to gain the audience's respect by defying Frank and then immediately switches to become Frank's bitch and kisses him and talks about fucking him
>Finds the simple act of streaming to be a mental challenge
>Fails to understand how angles and mirrors work together so everyone saw her naked on the bathroom cam
>Thinks dressing like an edgy ten-year-old boy is cool
>Easily gaslit into shaving her head for no reason
Tay having withdrawals after partying for a month grim
this fucking town/shop music playing over her doctor visit KEK
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>She seemed like the best role player so far
You can't be serious, Anon.
faker tayleigh costing production money bringing in a medic for no reason.
>The juxtaposition between them fighting vampires and an unknowingly pregnant Tay getting checked on
and you guys say there's no content.
Thank you Jon for saving Trish
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All part of the plan
being pregnant isn’t a medical emergency
It’s Jan Rankowski
Is this lady jets new personal mommy he was talking about? Very motherly.
because tay is here for humiliation purposes
Humiliation ritual
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>How does this Jet guy talk so good
>I can talk ok but he just comes up with words so good and fast and even plays a character at the same time
TJ is nontent so it didn’t matter
>pausing the high energy RP to film Tayleigh getting an IV
actual lol
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Ok, I gotta get this off my chest (and yes I'm seething, and yes I probably have over 60 PIDs I'm not even gonna check), but FUCK I hate that bitch so much. Straight up fleeced some poor souls. She should go straight to hell and be forced to be a greeter at Walmart forever. You know she was taking that Jordan retard horse cock and moaning out like crazy. His grandma probably had to fucking close the door so she wouldn't hear that shit. Afterwards he busted on her face behind her shitty 1920s cottage house. Fucking Tayleigh, fuck that cunt.
Is Tay dying tf
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this is like when you watch a parody movie and they cut away to some random mundane activity while everyone else is fighting for their life
Mauro is such a shitty doctor they had to call in an alt
Did they get this lady off an app or something?
this poor lady when she finds out she is working with racists
>it gets re casted into youtube

This needs some tts
tay about to get an embolism live on camera
Not cool, this guy sexted a 16 year old. Don't bring him up.
Jon's hiding in the shitter
say something of substance or fuck off faggot
Is Jimmy contractually obligated to bring up Jews in every conversation?

Must be exhausting
I should be there in about three hours. Listen for honking
I'm praying there is a clause in the contract that lets them charge this expense to her.
wrong again
>its pretty niche

I havent watched today, whats happened since last night?
You cannot deny the Tay coddling allegations after this. Holy shit.
sounds like a travelling nurse but she said she can't administer medicine so I dunno
He wants Sam to think he's based
they're giving her fent for her withdrawls
Who is directing right now??? What the fuck lol
Shut up asshole. Jews did 9/11 you know...
This woman has to meet Jimmy
Okay Jet, this is a good set up
Even though it’s true and why again? Average TJnigger IQ
What's actually wrong with Tayleigh? I see some people saying she's pregnant but I am not buying that. Is it just dehydration?
>all down
it's fucking over
jon cam up
this is going to be kinography
She said she can't administer medicine without an order from a doctor and the order hasn't come through yet
Its a funnyjunk thing. You wouldn't get it.
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Does she think she's being funny?
Josie wosie uwu
>Verification not required
why did jet say "just don't focus the camera on her"
they're censoring tayseethe TTS but ok
what was jet talking about
Jesus Sam just release WP2 already this is a mess
This show was a mistake. Fire Jet. Take all of his money and destroy his future. What a prick.
Tayleigh must be sick - she puked up everything she ate! Not typical for her at all
>Feed returns with Jet holding up a postive pregnacy test to the camera
She’s being iFunny
for fucks sakes goran
I would pound this bussy like no tomorrow.
he's literally me fr
flowstream down for me but real site swap to basecamp works
ah okay, I heard her say order but I didn't catch the full thing
yeah they probably just hired the nearest house call nurse they could find
>i-it was the muslims fault not israel!!!
Fuck off right wing incel
They don't want their retarded fanbase doxing and harassing this woman
Because she is a nurse and not part of the show
windex withdrawals
No more stream for the rest of the night guys, sorry. Gonna have a bit of rest and relaxation to restore the vibes maybe pizza too
Tay is pregnant and is smoking lmaoooo
>streams down
very reminiscent of s1
Did she just say "you're not too hairy"
you’re always replying to any pro TJ posts the same way because you’re mentally challenged by his existence
>any jordan junior that would start forming within tay would miscarry due to severe lack of nutrition
calm down saar
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Does Betty wipe back to front or front to back?
actually lol
ok, cool
just tuning in, what happened to taylee? I hope she's dying, thanks
kek classic
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what's his angle?
Thanks Tay for forgetting to drink water while pregnant so they have to take the stream down
Neet that left her house for the first time in 6 months overdosed on nature
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every reply is one kiss on gregs tummy
never coming out
How the fuck do you dehydrate yourself here? They literally have water right there
does she know?
tay should fuckin die
if they ever turn TTS on please someone send this to the puke bitch

"Shout out April and Waylon. Bless it"

it will probably get her to finally leave. Or bitch out to jet again.
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Uh oh, I remember this part from Diablo 2
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Tay currently
Tay being pregnant would unironically bweak fishtank
do it yourself broke ass bitch
baby will come out the womb in this
obviously the former
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My friend farted on Sam Hyde after his comedy show when he asked for a picture. This supposed ‘tough guy’ said something like "Hey bud that was kind of weird"
So you know what my friend did? He farted on him again.
When the people around them realized they could fart on big bad Sammy with impunity they all started farting on him.
He started tearing up and when my friend noticed he was crying Sam tried to blame his watery eyes on the farts.
Well that just made everyone fart harder. KWAB. I think he's going to post a video of the incident soon
She doesn't wipe
idk maybe it's because she vomits everything she eats?
When is NIFTY coming back?
>stay a while and listen <banes voice>
body shots from that belly button
grim we must pray for lil jordan junior
she doesn't wipe at all
>Jon wants an IV because he sees someone else get one

Literal child
She got preggers
Lmao you are mentally ill. If the Jannies were merciful they’d add ID’s to this board during fishtank to prevent little schizos like you having their minds broken
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>show built around fish going outside and touching grass
>need medical treatment after a day
Lol, sammy is such a bitch. What a dumb motherfucker.
Probably. Her bfs mom got arrested for meth and dui
having her sleeping all day and making tay seethe by her very existence would be kino
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I hear footsteps in the Gulch
he wants vitamins and minewaws too.
tbf I asked a nurse the same thing when my mom was getting an iv just because I was curious
just zoomer things
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The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a

* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...
Northeastern Windham County in northern Connecticut...
Southeastern Worcester County in central Massachusetts...
Southwestern Norfolk County in eastern Massachusetts...
South central Middlesex County in northeastern Massachusetts...
Washington County in Rhode Island...
Kent County in Rhode Island...
Providence County in Rhode Island...

* Until 1145 PM EDT.

* At 1045 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line
extending from Union to Canterbury to near Groton, moving east at
55 mph.

HAZARD...70 mph wind gusts.

SOURCE...Radar indicated.

IMPACT...Expect considerable tree damage. Damage is likely to
mobile homes, roofs, and outbuildings.
epic #JimFace from our girl Tayleigh!!! Let's go taytriots!!!!
stupid ugly chinless cunt
Genuine question why did they invite Tay to be a competitor?
onions tax
These jim halpert faces are so fucking cringe dude


I had a hostess I used to work with who collapsed at work because of dehydration. How you get dehydrated working at a place where you have access to soda fountains for free makes no sense but some people just forget to drink fluids
Like does he know Ben is a Jew?
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What a fuckin NERD
>blood games
>stream lags
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she just keeps doing it
ifunny sponsors this fluids transfusion
Xavier needs to be there to hold her hand
lol why does she need an IV?
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I was thinking more of the Dark Wanderer
Sam finna go full Diablo on they asses
she generates seethe
kino thunderstorm
It would be hilarious if they are medically "torturing" Tayleigh. Can't stop complaining? Well it's time for non-stop medical treatment for two weeks. You have to sit in a chair with an IV in your arm. It's like Rear Window. Then you can bring Nifty back and she can hang out with Tay all day. "No Tayleigh, don't leave your chair, you're too sick, remember? Just sit here and let Nifty take care of you!"
>tay euthanization stream
Let's gooooo
is tay preggo?
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Tayleigh is playing real life blood games right now
very zesty angle of jon
Reading this post as the thunder started was pretty cool
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can they start jim halpert taxing this cunt already
She's gotta know that the constant jimfacing is annoying and is doing it as some attempt at le epic anticomedy
She's been puking and not eating all day. Normal Tay stuff
they let anyone who wanted to come back who would do it for $1000 a week
Why would the chickenman even do it? Did his put a paper bag over her head?
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should be doing it to Taylor instead
this would be sooooooo kino
fuck tayleigh and her redditory facial expressions. her and letty both make me want to genuinely harm them in real life. the things i would do to watch them each get socked in the mouth holy shit
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tay by the end of this
are they just gonna sit in silence for an hour while it drips?
No, she's the one who seethes, and you (her fans) are the only people more worthless than her.
Ideas for the Kill Tayleigh challenge?
>Wearing contacts, shaving & getting her nails done
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bros it’s coming for me
You're lying I hate you. I love Xavier I need real socials.
>It's like Rear Window
I'd prefer if it was like Misery
you're giving her too much credit
You can really see her crow's feet in this one.

Bitch is wrinkled at 22 lmao
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no? taylor is very sexy and nice.
Giving her way too much credit anon
this but frank instead of nifty
This is the same person who epic randomly shaved her head for no reason in s2
This is gonna happen but she's not even gonna do anything
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Roadhog is going to be crushed by a tree and there's nothing we can do to stop it
>why are your hands shaking
letty > you
The storm is approaching.
It's totally something she would think of for a lame attempt at "trolling"
She's a conniving whore and clearly her bullshit is still working on people
Fat ginger fuck
u should actually kill urself
i mean it with sincerity because ur already on a ricardo lopez track lol
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At this rate I'm going to fill out the entire card.
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not gay or anything but the Merchant has a nice voice
the thunder is a kino atmosphere
It’s literally him though.
ThunderGODS....get ready
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comfy thunder sounds
70-80mph winds look possible along that line of storms heading their way. They'll actually want to get them inside because I bet some widowmakers could fall in this storm.
who is the merchant guy?
mad faggot
the pajeets are flooding the threads
Make it slow and painful
>Letty working her magic on the merchant
because it’s always been one guy when they did
Anon I have a smoother face than he does. I'm 35.
All you have to do is not consume shittons of drugs and alcohol. Get out of your seat and walk around.
It's not hard.
hate sink and guaranteed tts
they're holding back now to prop up her spirits before tearing them down
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ahahahaha man holy fuck is there anything goran can do right
WTF is this IV even gonna do? Isn't she just gonna need another one tomorrow?

Over/under on how long until Tayleigh leaves?
north NJfag here it's fucking pouring and thundering like crazy, if MA/RI gets this you are in for quite a show
>* At 1045 PM EDT, severe thunderstorms were located along a line
>extending from Union to Canterbury to near Groton
thought that said to near goron kek
>I bet some widowmakers could fall in this storm.
Hopefully it kills all of them.
tayleigh was humiliated by sam too
Guarenteed Jon will refuse to go inside
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just tuning in do we know the trader is cole?
the trader
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As this expert graph shows, the problem with tayleigh so far is that she isn't trying enough.
yes i am mad because you're spamming ur autistic butthurt parasocial incel slop in every fucking thread
no women will ever love u, internet or otherwise, and ur obsession with strangers on the internet is a direct reason why
in s2 for sure, but there have been like 5 TTS for her so far this time
It looks like the new stocky soundcloud rapper guy.
t. incel
Where does IV nurse rank on the freeloader tierlist?
holy shit is that classic paul dano???
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Could this structure withstand 80 mph winds?
They should see how long they can keep the doctor there like Greg
sam yelling out 1488 "camera on tayleigh!" 1488! i think you can circle her getting humiliated
Rain in June? Like SUMMER rain?
Nurse is probably wondering why there are two retarded sounding guys arguing with each other rn
a skeletal bimbo that loves farts has never had a job and feminizes men is better than me? nice try pal
Allows your body to absorb what you need faster
you're right, I thought i checked that one off
i wish it was storming here too its about to get so comfy
there is a non-zero chance we see one of them get struck by lightning
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When will Tayleigh realize she's the one being laughed at. Does she really think fucking a broke junkie fan after knowing him 20 days makes her look cool? Unbelievable stupidity.
well hello beautiful
The weather in the NE has been awful, wonder if prod ends up delaying for a day or two
Tai should beat Jon's ass
This poor fucking nurse
don't know why people are expecting this to be another hellhouse torture show. it was never portrayed as such, this is basically their summer vacation
perfect fucking timing for xavier
but i havent posted my tayleigh curse since s2 ended
loooool yeah tell those stupid simps
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Getting Vietnam flashbacks to a certain frame
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Neptunebros were back
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>Only 22
>Disgusting beat and wrinkled face
>Saggy grandma skeletor tits
>Windex MDMA addict
>Massive slut, fucked a fan (likely pregnant)
she's definitely smarter than you
i wonder what this woman is thinking
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i miss taylor
yeah sure you're not the same retard spamming the same autistic posts about her in every single thread
i believe u
>random nurse lady reaction to Xavier
where my Middlesex county bros
It'll tip over unless it's well anchored.
>Jet, I think I'm better now. Can I leave?
>Sorry, Tayleigh, you still look pretty sick to me. The nurse is coming with your treatment. Just hang tight. Don't exert yourself by trying to run away. Remember how you told us you couldn't stop puking? Can't have that happen again.
Shit looks like it would fall apart if i blew on it
>a tree falls on one of their shacks and kills an npc
No but it makes her pp feel good
XavierGODS tap in
>the nurses face
did anyone catch that
You'll see. You'll all see. When it all comes crashing down and it's revealed what she really is, you will see.
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im really not
if you love her so much why dont you buy a chicken from her
PLEASE fund the quests
haha it would be so ironic right
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buddy a woman being smarter than anyone is the dumbest proposal of the year, especially one like nina
Xavier is supposed to be a main character? He doesn't project his voice or try and control the room. He just talks and people ignore him.
TSMT she’s dialled it back too much, she needs to start screaming fuck idubbbz
xavier had a stroke :(
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>Massive slut, fucked a fan (likely pregnant)
Not even a joke.
Tay said on season 2 that birth control pills are very bad for your body and that she will never take them.
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>turning TTS on right as Xavier comes in
why is Jet so mean to his talent ;_;
Unbelievably stupid to let her cock boy antagonize her simps
They are really dedicated to the RP.
>Windex MDMA
Is that a real thing? Making MDMA from Windex?
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>TTS on when Xavier is on screen
This poor nurse lmfao
imagine the nurse telling her family and friends about this tomorrow
somebody try to tts the nurse
you guys remember when everybody was ttsing the garage when those workers were out there?
>xavier doing the best larp
>tay just laughs and apologizes
Her bf comes from a druggie family
She's detoxing. She'll be better in like 48 hours.
#who is the man in the mask
>xavier calling tayleigh "taylor"
She is surrounded by retards and autists and they just turned on the tts
This is great
You and God knows how many other men
>everyone else ignoring him

Poor Xav
scott made it too obvious what he was doing and scared her off the cams, very sad
this is Jan Rankowski right?
>xavier kino ruined by tts spam

i literally do not give a single fuck about a single person involved in this and i am watching it purely for entertainment
if a tornado hit and wiped out the whole stream i would simply switch tabs and watch something else
u fucking freak
this is premium asmr
>allowing tts while the nurse is there
the so called cock boy is losing, imagine fucking tayleigh, yuck!
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she'll tell the others at the swinger's party.
that is for sure jace lol
Is this a normal thing in America? To get an "IV" outside of a hospital? Administered by a seemingly random person? Basically on a whim?
>fucking mentally ill twinks is….. LE BAD
Tayleigh did nothing wrong
Sam did nothing wrong
bitch is 22 and looks like she's pushing 50
TTS with Xavier AND the nurse there is fucking psychotic
someone found her reddit and she was posting asking if she could extract some drug similar to mdma from nutmeg with windex
someone tts and ask xavier if he owes anybody 5k
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bruh i always thought this was just some cringe rp pic but i recently found out what it really is. pls stop posting it
i cant believe i made you so mad by posting a picture
*shoves you*
what now huh
This poor lady, she is going to be traumatized.
What is the nurse thinking rn?
How long until the reveal all the townsfolk arw vamps?
>Windex MDMA
Okay, I'll bite. What's the story there?
Xavier is kino
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>when you're forced to listen to dumb bullshit by a vampire larper because you have to give medical attention to some butch girl
This is the power that comes with privatized healthcare.
The wiggers better be giving her a a free season pass and extra tokens for this
yeah i did it last week
>zoomers calling everybody a twink even ugly guys
>use the language of homosexuals
what the actual fuck is wrong with you faggots
>xavier getting bullied
Tayleigh is NOT okay dude
The nurse has heard worse if she's ever worked more than three months at a hospital.
wtf is wrong with tayleigh lmao
i think you should draw a really hot bath, grab a knife and take it in the tub with you, and then make two long, deep vertical incisions on both forearms
>tayleigh still trying to do le office face while shuddering and dying
No, ask him about his thoughts on ethics in games journalism
why do you think i should do that :(
>bitch is 22 and looks like she's pushing 50
don't do drugs
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She's probably thinking of this
Letty and Jon need demerits for no selling Xavier
Damn, fucking brutal, it's easy to forget as a middle class suburban kid how fucked up some people are
Xavier seething lol
too much fresh air
guys my power is legit out in northeast corner of CT, pls give me the QRD as im on my dying phone battery
she's a druggie WHORE who fucked some rando from Kentucky who bought her plushie
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This is kino
I dont think you should, fren
jon is a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag
based jon nuttin on the samuraicuck
Christ, the second-hand embarrassment is palpable.
Jon really doesn't do himself any favors wrt the homo accusations
give tay some cigs that'll heal her
Whatever she's getting paid it 100% isn't enough
does anyone have a picture of Letty holding me between her breast
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>everyone bullying xav when his giving it his best
Im actually fucking angry at this shit
jet can you turn the rain up, I can almost hear them talking
if you dont have anything nice to say dont say it at all
Xavier Ravenblood, Lord of the Night, is delivering a monologue to Tayleigh as she's getting an IV drip administered by a real normie nurse. Tayleigh is regularly making Jim faces to the camera
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>Okay, I'll bite. What's the story there?
she tried synthesizing her own MDMA using windex, at least that's what she told Brian in S2
come over to cromwell we have power
ice poseidon wishes he could have put something like this together, the fishtank production team only gets better and better with more experience.
>it's fucking hailing
Christ lol
If Jon wasn’t there the story would be more interesting but Jon also provides retard kino occasionally
give her a reacharound
Tayleigh ia fucking incapable of ignoring the camera when it's point at here.
What does the IV do? What are they putting into her or taking out of her?
Jon making Ravenquer his bitch
Cowboy is such a comforting presence
Sound is O.K., Jet! Keep up the good work!
i guarantee this isn't even the weirdest situation the nurse has been in
>Xavier doing his RP and laughing while Tayleigh is dying in a thunderstorm
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Man, zoomers are the softest generation of all time jfc.
Director mode
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What's she thinking
Dude's been nonstop for 2 straight days and we've got 12 to go
he'll be fine
the first rv stream was better than any fishtank
This is Xavier's test. If he can pass through the fire, he can make it through anything.
>it's fucking hailing
erm what the hail
Tayleigh sounds like she's gonna pass out. probably cold as fuck in the rain
They doing this to mock tayleigh for claiming medical dehydration after 6 hours of not drinking fluids?
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>tayleigh dies and fishnet gets shut down all the manchild "investors" lose everything

aww hail naw
why is the handheld froze on this
Tayleigh passing out while Xavier is rambling in a hail storm
That actually might be the worst twerk i have ever seen. My penis went inside of me
remember when you retards thought it was rain and called me stupid for referring to it as hail?

ayo deadass we all twinks n sheit doe nugga
Best content she would have produced
Lmao my retarded ass thought that she took pills that were pressed in the shape of a winddx bottle
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>TTS increase from 30$ to 32$
This is such a fucking disaster
for me its Chicken Andy, Goo and JJ
i hope so. she said he was dehydrated multiple times and yet did nothing.
>Tay shivering and cold in the rain on an IV
Yup I'm thinking she'll be leaving soon
She lacks basic human survival functions, like eating food and drinking water
I said it before but if she's pregnant she's going to have a miscarriage
>I'm killing it with my Jim Halpert larp
P S Triple
Wow this is so great I love listening to fucking hail and rain
holy shit this is hell for tayleigh seriously lmfao
>Main camera besides camera guy
>Let's put the mic outside and undsheltered right next to TTS speaker and 30ft away from where everyone would actually be speaking
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>tayleigh death arc
finally, some fucking kino
Yeah it's hailing in late june during a heat wave you fucking retards
oh HAIL naw!!!!!!!!
Comfy Tayleigh dying in a hail storm kino, this is way better than the fighting vampires shit
What found footage horror movie is this?
Tay is either pregnant or she's coming down from a meth bender and hasn't been hydrating herself and eating properly.

Id laugh so hard if she's been using her pay pig simp money for meth in Kentucky.
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>we got the good ending
I heard Kenny vs Spenny is gonna make an appearance.
Reminder that TAYLEIGH is in love with XAVIER who is NOT AN ACTOR
even God hates her now
this poor nurse lmao
the storm effects here are pretty good! how'd jet pull this one off anyways?
this is hilarious
eat a dick pedantic bitch
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everything is going just according to keikaku
meth is like stupidly cheap now thanks to fent
kino... simply kino...
its to cover the cost of raising the volume 3db over the hail
Shitty cam pretty comfy
well the idea of tay getting an iv drip from an unsuspecting nurse while xavier lore dumps on her and she almost passes out is funny in concept at least
i hope the nurse is recruited like greg was in s2 to take tays place
damn, imagine being one of the settlers of america when healthcare knowledge was even shittier and having to deal with worse conditions
she looks actually messed up
>she always looks messed up!
well she looks weirder than usual
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Tayleigh spent a whole month doing drugs in Kentucky and barely eating food.
Jet, you need to send her home before she dies on fishtank, I don't fishtank to shut down.
Remember guys, clear weather for the whole two weeks
Xavier is a GOD
it hailed last week in connecticut dipshit. suck my cock
its the best camera by far
Meanwhile Vance sitting comfy in an airplane
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1488!! I hate niggers!!!
Ben is going to seduce the nurse
is fat trish still out there? I can't tell with all the noise and rain
Is there no way to switch to the hand cam without it being selected by director?
>nonsense lore dump during loud as fuck rain while someone gets a medical treatment
pure kino
even they drank water when they were thirsty. tayleigh did this for attention.
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this is so fucking funny. i just know Jet is laughing his ass off right now. ben is smiling from ear to ear
Please god no

Goblina got Spenny shook
god of the sea or something
This is the cringe I been waiting for
probably fine
go to hail and die bitch
will their beds not be soaking wet? aren't there holes in the walls?
do they have like a covered golf cart or some motorized vehicle or did they make the nurse walk all the way out there in the dark?
>mother nature is giving us hell house
i kneel
In Vegas, June and July are peak hail months
Who the fuck is direction. Put the hd camera on retard!!!!!!
We know. What was the point of your post?
This but with jimmys hammer decapitating brits skull in s2
hailing in RI but scorching heat over her in the uk
take that colonials
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>Xavier still in character during the storm
How many times has xaviar dropped his papers, they must be soaked. Holy shit I love him
The winds will absolutely drive the rain into their beds and make them cold and wet, it's going to be a shitty night for them.
>tested btw
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based chudwife
that's when it's most likely to happen
shouldve sent a black nurse
Yes. That's when hail usually happens.
>letty's cam has perfect view but no audio
great fucking job jet
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We meet again Xavier Gay
Having the actual camera footage adds alot to this. Hopefully they do this in season 3
>Lettys mic still fucked

>didnt think to cover the cameras
the clear weather in question
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Can you believe people actually simped for that thing?
i can't click this??
Ice poseidon is a millionaire funded by the largest gambling site on the internet
They already had multiple rapes on the earlier seasons, one OD is no biggie

I'm so glad I've never given these fags a dime
She walked lol
Holy retard.
It’s called monsoon season, I was out there one time and they had insane flooding a bunch of the casinos got fucked. They use the tunnel network under the strip to dispense pooled monsoon water, which also inadvertent my drowns the thousands of homeless mole people living down there if they don’t surface in time.
What? They put fent in heroin not meth
Goldstraven shouldve carried her out on his steed
I know idiot, I mean nobody wants meth anymore because everyone's just on fentanyl
Xavier is such a fucking champ dude
You're retarded
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>i'm so glad i stopped streaming to be here
why are there so fewer contestants than they advertised?
it's not, this sucks i couldn't hear anything Xavier said, what a waste
It's Neptunian
thats the point hes just saying a lot of nothing
The National Weather Service in Boston/Norton has issued a

* Severe Thunderstorm Warning for...
Northwestern Bristol County in southeastern Massachusetts...
Providence County in Rhode Island...

* Until 1145 PM EDT.

* At 1106 PM EDT, a severe thunderstorm was located over Scituate, or
near Johnston, moving east at 55 mph.


HAZARD...80 mph wind gusts.

SOURCE...Radar indicated. At 1055 pm 75 mph winds were reported
near Danielson, CT. These storms have a long history of
producing widespread wind damage.

IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged. Expect
considerable damage to roofs, windows, and vehicles.
Extensive tree damage and power outages are likely.

They are fucked.
seconded. yep
this is retarded. people stop doing stimulants because opiods are cheaper? nigga do you know how drugs work
Also playing ER right now. Very comfy
>IMPACT...Flying debris will be dangerous to those caught without
> shelter. Mobile homes will be heavily damaged.
Is this real? They could unironically all die
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If they don't get inside the house, someone is going to get injured.
based honestly
shadow of the erdtree is peak i've been having so much fun with it
yes but this stream doesn't take place in CA. it takes place in motherfucking Rhode Island and the motherfucking woods with motherfucking autists. she's the most attractive girl there (arguably) second to taylor or bex. that's why people chimp out on her.
funny jon face screencap post it
>Severe thunderstorms roll in and fry all the electronics and all the props get blown to shit
>all the fish start getting heat stroke
>Cops get called in and shut it down due to permits/complaints
>An unhinged Tayjeet stalker shows up with a gun
>Jimmy being retarded and starting a forest fire/attacking Letty with an axe
>Jon breaks all the props, sabotages the entire larp and quits and just runs off in the woods in the middle of the night
>Chris rapes Letty

It's been prophesied.
I’ve figured it out…Xavier is an ancient vampire and mortal enemy of duke gormedious von goldstraven. The duke is a legendary dhampir hunter. His naturally shy nature prevents him from revealing his true purpose to the fish. Xavier is trying to manipulate them into joining his ranks to destroy the duke ushering a new era of vampire supremacy.
lol sam reposted the jim face meme on twitter
yeah ive been out in arizona earlier in my life and seen how fast the monsoons can come and go from a straight road in the desert to suddenly those tiny little dry cracked creekbeds that used to be a tiny dip in the road are now overflowing and will submerge half a vehicle.

apply that to las vegas tunnels would be scary.
glad they have cowboy there to stand around and do nothing lol. what a fag
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Hi yes her pussy is filled with kentucky fried cock
I said this earlier but people called me dumb because ‘a vampire Hunter wouldn’t be worth hundreds of years old’
xavier numba 1
Get the white trash skank outta hear.
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I'm not gonna lie this is kinda peak. I hope a tornado comes in next

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