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Was this an appropriate reaction? Why does being told to smile irritate so many?
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Smile, though your heart is aching
Smile, even though it's breaking
listen up and listen good chuds
women don't owe you a smile
women don't owe you attention
and most importantly women don't owe you sex
Because they're fucking cunts. Simple as
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Garfield's still alive bro.
How did this become a woman thing? I was a sullen little boy growing up and women constantly told me to smile.
Women tell me this all the time
This is not a gendered issue
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When there's clowns
In the sky
You'll get by
It really grinds my gears when cunts reply with "excuse me?" or "what did you say?". Do you really want me to say it again or are you just being annoying.
>oh sorry becky, now go get my salt you cunt
>Was this an appropriate reaction?
No. It was emotional and childish.
>Why does being told to smile irritate so many?
For me (a dude who has been told this a lot) it's a combination of things. The first is just how frequently it happens. It is predictable and tiresome. The second is that my lack of a smile does not mean I am not happy. Third, I am not here to perform for you, and I am not interested in broadcasting a submissove, non-threatening facial expression in order to put you at ease. Unless you're giving me something I want or telling me a funny joke you javen't earned a smile. Also I kind of want people to not be sure how friendly and safe I am sometimes. Maybe I want you to second guess trying to have a conversation with me.
Because only women will cry about loud and long enough that it becomes a part of their personality.
Do you also respond like a massive cunt?
you probably just have jacked up teeth
>never smiling ever again to own the moids
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Incorrect. I have been this way since I was a child. If it's not, "you should try smiling!" it's, "you look like you're angry/deep in thought." For whatever reason my emotions don't reach my face until they're very strong, and the lack of facial expression seems to really bother people. I sometimes force myself to smile when someone pulls out a camera for a pic, but it feels weird.
They're letting you know it bothers them and they are testing you to see if you have the balls to say it again. It's a consistancy with women.
has anybody ever actually said this to a woman in history?
>you haven't earned a smile.
Look at this guy. No one thinks you owe them emotions. You aren't special. You live in a society where certain behaviors are accepted and anyone who doesn't behave that way is seen as abnormal. That's what you are. Abnormal. Either learn to integrate into society properly or fuck off with the other weirdos
>fuck off with the other weirdos
I made my choice years ago. But don't try to turn this around on me, the issue is people imposing on me to smile at them.
now tell that to a fat girl
because women have to make everything into "oppression" for them. remember the whole manspreading epidemic

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