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/tv/ - Television & Film

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We talk about movies and tv all the time, but what are some good documentaries or nonfictional content out there?

I'm currently watching National Geographic's "One Day In Jonestown" documentary and it's really interesting seeing the moments before the massacre play out.

Can you recommend me some others I should check out?
there are more good docus than bad ones, but there are very few kino ones. just pick a subject and dive on in. for true crime though, you are going to need to pick up some books.
It does comfort me that for the time being, they're not wokifying documentaries.

They've certainly tried to alter history, like with that Cleopatra netflix series, but then Egypt just called them out on their bullcrap.
Reverend Jones was based.
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He was a monster who killed hundreds of people. He wasn't a Christian, he wasn't God, he was evil
Here's a cool one for you, it's about the military and culture of Taiwan during the Cold War.
He killed more niggers than any /pol/ larper could ever dream of
Fauci ruined millions of lives, I'm not watching a documentary that just lies and fellates him.
>american conspiracy on netflix (i was literally shocked they put that out)
>robodoc (needs no explanation)
>hookers on the point (old HBO exploitation doc about street hookers)
>filmworker (doc about kubrick's assistant)
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I watched this with friends just to make fun of it, but it wasn't even fun to watch for that reason, it was just boring as fuck.
Just so happens that friends of WEF Leo wanted to play Jim Jones, + Gyllenhaal wanted to produce a miniseries based on cult leaders like him. Almost like a "don't do that, but do as we charismatic celebs say."
Reminder that the Jonestown inhabitants were slaughtered by the CIA. They were killed by bullet wounds, and bodies were piled on top of each other. They didn't die by koolaid.

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