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>ruins your japanese kino
Cicada sounds are comfy.
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Higurashi is great though.
You don't have these in your country?
This. Sounds like summer. When the sun is setting, and it's cool and still in the evening you hear the cicadas hum and the mourning doves coo. It's one of the most relaxing things in the world. It's even better with some cold beers and a hot barbecue grill.
wtf is that gothmog hand
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Ryukishi can't draw hands.
>tfw after a couple beers and you tune in to the frequency of the cicadas buzzing and just fuckin trip
My biologist wife handles all kinds of freaky bugs and sea creatures but fears these lil niggas like you wouldn't believe.
>enhances your Nipponese kino beyond belief
Is what i think you meant
The sounds of nature can be rhythmic and intoxicating at times. If you are fortunate enough to have access to them.
One of the best nights sleep I've ever had in my life was to the sound of gentle rain and owls calling to each other. It sounds dumb, but it was very nice.
What does she know that we don't?
All bugs should be killed
they're called mormon beetles for a reason
Back in the late 90s when I watched anime I actually thought something was wrong with my CRT monitor because of the whining sounds during certain summer scenes. I genuinely never knew these things existed and assumed it's some odd kind of electrical failure due to lack of shielding or speaker sensitivity or something.

No, I never watch live action so I never noticed that it isn't what i thought it was.
That’s not dumb at all anon.
In fact, it’s one of the smarter posts on this board.
that's pretty hilarious
damn man that's actually retarded.
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>spend 20 years under ground
>only go outside to literally scream at the world as loud as you can that it owes you sex
I hate these bugs so much.
Every time you're just trying to sit around on a nice summer evening and you have bugs screeching the equivalent of:
Until they literally drop dead.
>just girly things
They literally don't do anything but make buzzing sounds
kill them
they didn't die virgins like you will
>enhances your SoL kino
When I was a kid in the 90s and there was a TV broadcast from Europe, it ran at a different frequency than my local TV networks, so it made me think other parts of the world looked different, because of the angle of the sun or something. I can't describe it to zoom zooms who grew up with digital signals and internet video that's standard worldwide
and eat zem and live in ze pod
Stop Asian Hate

I was listening to a radio story earlier today about how cicadas are especially tough for autistic kids to handle, since they get upset by loud noises. I was happy at the idea that nature itself is bullying and punishing autistic children over their defective brains, as if to say "Just deal with it. Get over it. Be normal." And they can't lol
a few years ago there was some schizo making youtube videos about ultrasonic weapons ruining his video he was making outside, conspiracy related.
I explained to him what a cicada was, I have no fucking idea how someone could be 40 something years old and not know what a cicada is.
they don't even have a fucking mouth.
they can't eat, it goes without saying that they can't bite either.
They're pretty great when you have Tinnitus. Not as good as crickets though.
It's cicada season here
Soon my dog will enjoy his nightly crunchy snacks
they buzz around in circles around me n sometimes bump into me
Sometimes they land on me and then go to sleep
Very rarely will land on my arm n kinda poke at my arm trying to feed like it's a tree
I remember there being tens of thousands of these growing up in the suburbs of NY. I haven't seen them since. They come out every 17 years or something?
> trying to feed
dude, they have NO mouth.
they can't feed. They can only seed, suck, and fuck.
There's some link in this old kino to the monster and the cicadas inawoods.
>I came BACK! Just like the cicadas!

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