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why did trannys never throw a fit about this one? They literally make a mockery of their whole gimmick
Most of the ones who were alive when that movie came out roped probably.
He's not trans, he's a cross-dresser. Cross-dresser comedies were always immensely popular in the LGBT community until the internet was invented and the AGPs were able to make a stink about everything.
Because trannies didn't have a voice back then because they make up 0.02% of the population. What you mean to ask is, why didn't the Jewish media make a fake issue out of this back then? The answer is, they only get bolder by the year.
I rewatched it recently and two things that stood out to me were the gay brother couple (Uncle Joe and Aunt Jack) and the bus driver that said he liked hairy Mediterranean women. Those two jokes are so funny and could never be written today because the internet has given every single idiot loudmouthed unemployed retard the ability to send some random cunt activist with a million followers on Twitter a message to start a campaign to get a movie that dares to have funny jokes cancelled.
He's not trans, he's just pretending to be a woman
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Dame Edna made this OK, it's a character + in a full-blown dramedy about family reconciliation after divorce. Old women also don't have "sex" enough to be threatening.
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Because if you are talented enough you get a pass for basically anything. Jackson did some dodgy shit. But he also put out thriller.

The real answer is no one gave a shit then
Fun fact:
The Wikipedia page for the first Ace Ventura movie is an active battleground for Trans Acceptance.
When's the last time Hollywood made a queer comedy? And I don't mean a movie with queer people that talk about sex and the comedy comes from "Oh my god no my dildo fell out of my purse in the gym locker room", I mean a genuinely queer comedy that was actually funny and had talented actors? I think Hollywood's whole "minorities can only be played by minorities" shtick has really caused movies about those same minorities to suffer, because there is inherently fewer of them, so the talent pool and range is smaller.
Wikipedia is a cesspool. I know a lot about marine diesel engines.
I repair them for a living.
and I get dunked on when I fix pages that have legitimately wrong info
He’s not trans, he’s a crossdresser. Basically a male-indentifying heterosexual man in a dress, unlike most MtF transgenders, who are female-identifying heterosexual men in dresses.
Why are incels so obsessed with trans people? Has the lack of sex driven them insane?
it was a run-by fruiting
Incels aren't the ones broadcasting trans people in every single sphere of media, anon. Turns out most people don't really care that two men are fucking and will accept that it's none of their business, and really most people won't care if a man chooses to crossdress in his spare time - but most people absolutely don't accept that a man can put on a dress, say he's a woman, and start demanding to invade spaces where their wives and daughters are at.
Trans activists brought this upon themselves by flying too close to the sun and by not policing their own lunatics.
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Because trans men in women’s bathrooms are a direct physical threat to female members of my family.
Blah blah blah just tell us you never have sex
Try bringing up your chud views to a woman and see how nobody actually likes you.
Women in your family in the most danger from other people in your family, by a massive fuckin margin
>Try bringing up your chud views to a woman
My fiance agrees completely because turns out sane women are against it to, they're just scared of being seen as bigots for speaking out because they've aligned themselves with LGBT shit up to this point. To quote her: "I was fine with everything up until this and now I'd be attacked for saying it makes me uncomfortable". Trans activists are literally men saying that their delusion is more important than real women's safety.
>My fiance
ahahahahaha you fucking faggot you're engaged to a man hahahahaha faggot
Oh I didn't realize spellings were different, thanks anon. Fiancee, I'll keep that in mind.
Why do grifters all have that same faggy aura?
sexless losers that are too ugly/boring for anyone to pay attention to them so they resort to edgy political statements
It's the phenotype of rat people
Is your fiance your cumsock?
Believe it or not, functional adults with jobs and fiancees and even wives and families visit this site.
My wife of eleven years also dislikes trans ‘women’ for the exact same reason.
>X is more dangerous than Y therefore you shouldn’t do anything about Y
Peak fucking retardation on open display.
>Women in your family in the most danger from other people in your family, by a massive fuckin margin
Being in your house is more dangerous than being outside of it, by a massive fucking margin. Think about that, retard.
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As opposed to sexless losers who become ‘transbians’ because then women HAVE to sleep with them or be branded transphobic bigots?
No, they have the same sexless loser aura.
Transgenders don’t own houses anon. They live with their patients until they reach their 30’s or 41.
It was about a man dressing up as a woman in order to get closer to kids. Are you kidding? They fucking LOVED it.
maybe if i had sex with a cute tranny i could finally be cured of my toxic chudcel ways wink wink nudge nudge
>cute tranny
No such thing exists and faggotry is mental illness
Please note: this poster does not represent the alt-right chud community.
John Waters and Jodie Foster still made great art. Being mentally ill doesn't mean you can't do great things.
Birdcage probably
Holy shit. It boggles my mind because gay people love campy, funny shit, and at least the ones I know love jokes about themselves. How strange that in 2024 we are less free to talk and joke about sexuality than when I was 7.
>X is by comparison not even worth mentioning next to y
>Obsessively scream about x
>Never mention Y ever not even once
>Pretend to have some sort of high ground
JFC you people are indoctrinated retards
>Turns out most people don't really care that two men are fucking
This is not true. Most people find it ghastly. The insidiousness lies in people making statements like this and then just presuming they aren't challenged.
There's a difference between gays and trans people. The latter is trying to use deceit to make you think it's a woman. The former doesn't hide what it is.
I can't speak for trannies but for me personally it's tough to stay mad when you're laughing your ass off
>There's a difference between gays and trans people.
There is not. Shemales and faggots are the same deviant aberrations.
>Most people find it ghastly
Most people find ugly fat people fucking ghastly. It doesn't matter as long as you do it at home, like a normal person.
>dude I'm doing something profoundly disgusting and immoral but at least i'm not lying about it that makes me a good person haha
Yeah extend your argument to pedophiles like you always will, faggot.
>I don't like thinking about two men fucking so it must be outlawed
Literally anti-freedom. Go to Sudan you faggot.
It does matter, and desperately screaming that it doesn't will never gain you acceptance, faggot. You are profoundly nauseating to normal people. The ONLY reason you have any sort of semblance of superficial "acceptance" is society is only because you've had to expend near-infinite effort subverting social systems with marxist principles to recreate a totalitarian fear-state where no one dares speak what they really think about your perversions. You know that to be true, it's part of your operating creed.
Why don't YOU go to Sudan, faggot? Since the evil white christian west is so bad I bet you'll be quickly accepted in the noble enlightened brown countries.
>trumpanzees let their country get "subverted" by a bunch of fags and trannies
I'm not even gay. You care way too much and that says way more about you than it does about me. I see a faggot and go "ah okay, that is a faggot". You see a faggot and your day is ruined and you curse your existence and the course of history that led your life to this point.
You are the biggest faggot of them all lmao.
>when your queer perversions are so "tolerable" and "acceptable" you have to spread filth in public dilating your assholes with rainbow-colored dildos in front of children in pride parades to force the whole of society to submit to one giant humiliation ritual
Yeah, totally sane and balanced.
Did normal people at any point even like cross-dressing even in "harmless" and "wholesome" contexts like this? I always thought this kind of shit was always weird and offputting as a kid and knowing how perverted trannies and drag queens are now I feel like I was picking up on it in my gut.
>I'm not even gay
Nice try fag. You sound like a fag, you type like a fag, you have fag ideas, you're a fag. Saudi Arabia is right about how to deal with fags.
Have you ever been to a pride parade anon this sounds like my grandmother yelling about dungeons and dragons
Actually 90% of men are repulsed by gay men and fags make up80% of child molestation cases
>sex is the most important thing in the world
>and since im not having it you arent either
>sex sex sex
You are a porn addicted sad individual
Any and all women despise trannies
FtMs less so but still looked down upon with disdain but MtFs are regarded as vile grotesque and disgusting. There is nothing a woman finds more revolting that you trannies
Two wrongs don't make a right.
>You sound like a fag
And you know that how, sweet-lips? Remind you a little too much of glory-hole encounters, big boy?
>uh uh dude degenerate faggotry isn't real
Ah so you're so broken this is the tactic you're going with. The whole "pretend the reality staring everyone in the face isn't real". Well you can go to google and dig up ten thousand disgusting nauseating pride pictures on your own time, I'm not going to contribute to that garbage's visibility. But the filth, and the number of people who deserve execution, are very real and need to be purged.
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>im a perfectly normal person and its you who is the weirdo now accept my perfectly normal opinion that needs to be normalised first to even be remotely discussable
And there it is, the most common tactic of the left.

They KNOW, implicitly, that homosexuality is shameful and degrading. So they adopt it as a persona to attempt to shame and gross out the opposition. It's amazing watching them self-sabotage like this every time. The demand "acceptance" and "tolerance" but they know deep down that what they're doing is repulsive, and they use that as a cudgel because they can't defend their behavior in any way.
everything about that movie was awful and stupid.
>being gay is fine you disgusting filthy faggot
Why are you using gay as an insult? Is being gay an insult?
>So they adopt it as a persona to attempt to shame and gross out the opposition.
No nigga it's because we know you're so disgusted by the concept that you'll take an insinuation that you yourself are gay as an insult. Jesus Christ you faggots are so obviously laughably retarded. What, you think everybody that calls you a virgin is themselves a virgin? The level of cope you people jump to is hilarious and sad, because of how obvious it is to everybody but yourselves.
>when your perversions are so normal and healthy you need to use armed police forces to force the public to accept them
Seethe harder tranny
A guy in make up looks like an ugly old woman and yet he passes without even caring and you with pills and surgeries look even more like a man
>tries to defend fags by admitting gayness is shameful and disgusting
Amazing mental gymnastics. It's incredible watching a brain self-destruct in realtime. Thank you for admitting that faggotry is repulsive and wrong.
90s trannies were just happy to not get curbed (and America was a better place for it).
>Im not coping youre coping
>proceeds to post cope and say that hes seething
I've never met someone who so obviously has multiple terabytes of trans porn but hates themselves for it
>repulsive gay uses gayness as an insult because he knows, implicitly, that what he is is shameful and degrading
Many such cases.
>A guy in make up
he wore prosthetics retard
NAMBLA community*
ftfy nnttm
Fags and trannies knew they were weirdos back then plus the movie isn't about transitioning he's crossdressing to care for his kids and get past the legal system.
We can 100% eliminate the possibility of assault in women’s spaces by banning biological males (trans or not) from those spaces. None of your brainrot pseudologic and whataboutism will ever convince a normal person that inaction is the best course.
People that intend to assault women aren't going to be stopped by a sign on a bathroom door.
>Never mention Y ever not even once
Because we’re discussing a specific issue and you’re attempting to muddy the waters by including another, not-relevant issue to the data set.
>we need to do something about the high level of drunk driving related traffic accidents in our county
That’s your line of reasoning. And you troon apologists wonder why normal people have zero respect for you.
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You don't care about women being assaulted, you only care about demonizing trans women. A more apt comparison would be if you said "drunk drivers in red cars need to be stopped!" and a sane person said "why do you only care about red cars?"
God Willing
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back then
>laugh at the man in woman outfit

>laugh at people who think man in woman outfit is wrong

A sign may not deter a resolute rapist, sure, but that doesn’t mean we should welcome potential rapists into women’s’ bathrooms. What a phenomenally stupid argument.
>We can 100% eliminate the possibility of assault in women’s spaces
>A sign may not deter a resolute rapist
I trust you see the contradiction?
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>You don't care about women being assaulted,
Yes, I do, especially members of my family.
>you only care about demonizing trans women.
I’m multitasking, I can do both.
>A more apt comparison would be if you said "drunk drivers in red cars need to be stopped!" and a sane person said "why do you only care about red cars?"
Nobody would ever mention red cars in this context. Garbage distraction attempt. Try harder.
Ah, sophistry.
I make argument A. You make argument A+B, then ask why I didn’t refute B before it was even raised. This is both stupidity and bad faith argumentation. You’re incredibly dishonest, stupid, or both.
Robin Williams killed himself because of the attention Good Will Hunting gave.
We have so many trans/nonbinary/AFAB/AMAB etc people, I wonder why the sexual-identity-progressive left are pushing for ‘transwomen are owed access to women’s spaces’ instead of agitating for spaces of their own?
This entire nonsense could be shut down with an ‘agendered’ bathroom space open to everyone who didn’t identify as cismale or cisfemale.
>You make argument A+B
I simply outlined a scenario that contradicted your claim. I added nothing new. You seem frustrated.
>Yes, I do
Curious how this very serious concern you have only ever seems to manifest in one hyperspecific way that lets you complain about transpeople.
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Well you’re reviewing an incomplete subset of data. You’re seeing my arguments here and assuming they are the totality of all my discussions about gender violence, which is not the case. But nice try.

The ‘contradiction’ was relating to additional points not being discussed at the time I made the first of the posts. I agree that the language I used lacked specificity, and that this has contributed to your ‘gotcha’ moment. Please regard all future discussion of the ‘100% of sexual assaults’ as ‘100% of sexual assaults by transgender-identifying biological males allowed legal access to women’s’ bathrooms on the basis of self-identification’.
No, this entire nonsense could be shut down if mentally ill retards who think there is a thing called 'non-binary' are put into mental asylums where they will have their own bathrooms and their leftist allied are told to eat shit and stop touching kids.
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>i see a sexual deviant and I think 'ah, it's a sexual deviant'
We can both be right anon.
realistically, businesses, etc. aren't going to want to add a whole new bathroom because that costs money and uses up too much space

queers still love it. its broadway hit https://mrsdoubtfirebroadway.com/
>realistically, businesses, etc. aren't going to want to add a whole new bathroom because that costs money and uses up too much space

And that is also the reason why corporations support this leftie nonsense. They can eat an extra bathroom, smaller shops can't.
Robin Williams was an honorary jew. They gave him a pass.
Because despite trannies being like 0.008% of the population, they have some seemingly weird amount of influence on media
There's a difference between consenting adults of the same sex being in a relationship and someone praying upon impressionable, naive children.
I guess they just had a better sense of humor than you do.
every woman i know thinks trannies are a fucking joke, including the zoomers. bad luck faggot.
Trans shit is just the dark shadow of the incel
the man who never gets his dick wet
and the one who thinks about cutting it off
the difference is the second is a protected class
There was this article in the NYT complaining about how hard trannies lives were now that ‘le ebul Republicans’ were politicizing them. The entire comments section consisted of a bunch of trans people getting assmad at the author, saying that actually it was the tranny activists who politicized everything, that their lives were more or less normal and nobody gave a second thought to their delusions before a handful of unhinged activists started aggressively forcing trannyism on everyone else, which of course caused an entire cohort of normies to become radicalized against trannyism whereas they wouldn’t have even known about it otherwise.
Trannies didn't exist back then.
What few there were we killed in the streets literally.
Zoomers don't understand in the 90s a tranny couldn't even step foot outside without literally being murdered within the day. No joke. They've retconned all of real history from you idiots.
Takes them a little while to sharpen up. This is a step up from Tootsie (1983)
just looked lmao
fucking degens
Compare the plot descriptions on the main page, and on the general Ace Ventura page


"Altered his appearance"
"Had a sex change"

"Dramatic revelation"
"Exposes bulge in silk panties"
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you're trans btw

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