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How can they see the galaxy if they are in it?
Man imagine all those worlds therein that galaxy

>Here's a cold planet and a forest planet

Godammnit George.
That’s a nebula.
they're in a satellite galaxy, and are observing the main galaxy
it's a different one
>hugging your sister like that
Say what you want about Rian, but that salt planet at the end of 8 might be my favorite.
you mean how they can see the one galaxy that exists when they're in it?
It's not a galaxy it's described as a shit they are watching a space shit.
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>every planet is just one biome
newmoot ban this retard
fuck off postmodern faggot
>lava planet
>with industrial theme*
>Here's a dark rock planet
>Here's a yellow rock planet
>Here's a water planet
>Here's a red rock planet
>Here's a gas planet but orange
>Here's a gas planet but light orange
>Here's a gas planet but dark blue
>Here's a gas planet but light blue
It's the Rishi Maze
>god is less creative than george lucas
oh no no intelligent designbros
lava planets are a real thing
ice planets are a real thing
desert planets are a real thing
ocean planets are very probably a real thing

you shouldn't take every whiny loser's arguments to heart
The real explanation is Lucas is a fucking idiot hack like Jar Jar Abrams when it comes to space.

The other explanation is that it’s not their galaxy they’re looking at
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My favorite is the Caribbean Paradise planet.
Or maybe it's a kids movie and only lonely vitriolic fags argue about it.
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Abrams is worse. In Empire Strikes back that was supposed to be just a cool end scene with no other purpose but in Star Trek 2009 it was an important plot point that Spock was watching Vulcan getting destroyed from another planet.
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So nice they used it twice.
It’s actually a mirror
reminder that this is the only shot that Lucas contributed to ESB. it looks very nice, but of course it makes no sense.
>it makes no sense.
It's a movie about space wizards and laser swords
Or maybe Lucas had no idea what he was doing other than trying to make an adventure movie in space and decided that visual style is more important than scientific accuracy?

Whether it’s slow moving lasers fired from guns because the way the camera captures it at a lower frame rate making for a cheap effect.

Or not understanding that a Parsec was a measure of distance not a measure of time.

Or that a space ship doesn’t move like a world war 2 dog fighter in an atmosphere.
They're in a galaxy far far away, watching the viewer of the film.
Cretins like OP are the reason Star Wars is literally gay now. Critique bereft of any actual merit. Cinema Sins tier "analysis"
That's our Galaxy, which is why it sparkles where Earth should be. Anyway they travel faster than Trek warping, so they could travel outside, stocked up.
It has merit.
Thats why you laugh it off and say “shut up, nerd.” And start quoting Black Scientist man why he hates space movies and sci-fi because of all the inaccuracies presented, and that the rule of cool and visual style and presentation are more important than scientific accuracy.

But because you’re not an autist. You’re enjoying the emotionally evocative scene and created fantasy images that bring the story you are experiencing in to focus in a way that maybe the viewer hadn’t considered.

Because this scene depicts the Galaxy, and the intentional smallness of the galaxy is being projected on the shoulders of Luke and Leia as saviors against the Empire against that back drop. It’s a powerful moment to end the best sequel ever made on.

That is how you counter shitty criticism. That’s why you begin to appreciate old Lucas. Because he really did have a good eye for that kind of stuff.
It's like Star Wars got so big as a cultural touchstone that children enchanted by the originals grew up and wanted to treat it like the fucking Bible, writing commentaries on it and picking it apart with a microscope. Unfortunately it simply didn't have the legs for that level of scrutiny so, in response, disillusioned middle aged nerds made sport of who could pick apart a 70's family scifi adventure like a disaffected Bible Belt teen discovering atheism
Truly grim stuff
Star Trek made a similar mistake in an early episode, perhaps the second pilot, where the voice over said they were leaving the galaxy to explore the rest of the universe or some nonsense like that. To the average person of the time, it probably wouldn't have raised any eyebrows. Going to guess someone on the show realized to error and set them straight going forward.
Wait, what? Are you talking TOS? What was that in reference to?
That's not our galaxy
All images of galaxy that's like ours are Andromeda.
They calculate that our galaxy is very similar in look to Andromeda
i wonder if their telescope can see me masturbating in the park :)
The problem is people still think Tolkien wrote fiction, so they expect other writers to be able to have as deep and consistent a lore as the legenderium, but all Tolkien students know Rolkeon did not write fiction.
It's plausible. But it appears they are hundreds of thousands of light years outside of the galaxy.
Maybe it's another galaxy?
Maybe the rebel alliance moved outside the galaxy to hide and build?
This doesn't make sense however as the unknown zone wouldn't be unknown if they could travel hundreds of thousands of light years so easily.

Star wars is a mess.
>people still think Tolkien wrote fiction
What do you mean by that? Are you referring to the idea that middle earth is actually pre-historic earth or?
Uh, this is obviously Redneck Riviera planet.

That's not a galaxy thats a proto-planetary disk with young star
Ahh actually you're right
>>Here's a gas planet but dark blue
>>Here's a gas planet but light blue
Not even. NASA has admitted they used a color filter so we could tell the difference. In reality Uranus and Neptune are essentially identical in appearance.
Ok, enlighten me. whats the error with the idea of "leaving the galaxy"?
>The other explanation is that it’s not their galaxy they’re looking at
I mean, thats a given right? OP is just making a silly joke and no one takes it seriously, right?
The planet from the end of KotOR?
My interpretation was always that their rendezvous point was in fact outside of the galaxy because the Empire couldn't find them so far out.
With the level of technology in Star Wars it's entirely plausible, though normally no one would go out that far because there's literally nothing there and it would be dangerous to be so far from any place you could land for repairs/etc.

It could also just be a new star with an accretion disc around it. With a light filter on the window so they aren't blinded.
He might be referring to Tolkien’s claim to have found the Red Book of Westmarch or other writings from Middle Earth preserved for modernity by a time traveling Anglo-Saxon named Ælfwine the Mariner.
Should I even bother to pirate the latest The Acolyte episode?
you shoudln't even have bothered considering pirating the Acolyte to the extent your contemplation compelled you to ask this question
Scariff. The end of Rogue One.
The second beach planet is where Andor got arrested and forced to make parts for the deathstar.
Man, in TFA Han and the others on Takadona or whatever that retarded planet was called go outside in DAYLIGHT to see those planets that were blown up tens of thousands of lightyears away in the sky.

JJ did the same retarded thing TWICE. But it's even worse in TFA because the weapon (starkiller base) fires from the outer rim to the mid core planets (the Republic planets whatever the nu capitol was called) destroys them somehow across tens of thousands of light years and then it's witnessed tens of thousands of lightyears away on another planet entirely. The entire sequence is the most retarded thing to ever happen in star wars and it's not even a competition. JJ has no idea how space works, or how interstellar distances work, or how light travels in space lol
Tolkien was a Rosicrucian. He had access to literature that only the Vatican does as well. Rosicrucians are a secret order that preserve the true history of the earth.
Everything you think you know about European paganism is a straight up lie. Invention of the Catholic Church because what they found was the Europeans had the other half of the story and they felt mankind as a whole was not ready for that.
One of his students is on record as saying one time she was alone with him and she asked him straight up if he came up with all of this or if he had “seen beyond the veil”.
She said all he did was smile and wink at her.
That is not a galaxy, I don't care what some stupid rag said in the 90s. And it sure as shit isn't a galaxy that they're in.
>galaxy far far away
The way intergalactic distances work, shouldn't any galaxy other than your own already be far, far away? Why not just say "another galaxy?"
>that salt planet at the end of 8 might be my favorite.
Said no one ever lol
>That’s a nebula.
This level of retardation is borderline experimental. I've quite clearly not a nebula, it's a galaxy
My preteen self asked the same, lol.
George just doesn't understand space, like most in those days (unless they had some basic knowledge).
Galaxy was often confused with system and star with planet. I see it all the times when I read/watch old stuff not made by people with some minimal scientific background
I don't know about leaving the galaxy i dont remember that in any ST but i know in TOS they mention doing a time traveling maneuver like it's not a big deal
Angels live there.
Slutty, slutty angels.
Because it's not the Galaxy Far Far Away, it's one of two satellite galaxies that orbits the main galaxy. If you actually watch the scene, you see the Falcon doesn't actually fly towards it, but heads off of screen left.

>Or not understanding that a Parsec was a measure of distance not a measure of time.

No, fuck you and fuck this repeated garbage that dumb cunts think because they're too fucking stupid to understand what's going on.

Han was fucking lying about doing the Kessel run in less then 12 Parsecs. He was literally making shit up to impress what he through were backwater idiots, in order to get them to pay his high price, because Han is a "Rogue and a Scandal".
Hell the shooting script literally gives the direction for Kenobi as
>Ben reacts to Solo's stupid attempt to impress them with obvious misinformation.
And Guinness even makes a little "oh really?" gesture after Han says it.

It's like some shitty bush pilot telling what he thinks are a couple of red-necks that his plane is the fastest plane in the world because it flew the New York to London in less then 50 kilometers, because he thinks they're too stupid to actually know what a kilometer is.
>40 years later headcanon
Not on screen.
yes? you mean like how it is in real life you terminal retard?
there's a reason Earth is special
It's where the ayys who use organic ships and are immune to the force come from, massive foreshadowing
I unironically love how Disney is killing this retarded 70s hippie franchise.
There are two "nearby" galaxies to the one every Star Wars takes place in. Except the second half of Ahsoka, which takes place in one of those other two.
The falcon crossed half the galaxy in less than an hour so it's entirely posible that it was their own galaxy, basically the empire rules the galaxy so they had to go that far away. It rotates for style ans that's what was used to deny that it was the galaxy and that it was a protostar or something.

Just like real life then, even earth was one biome for majority of its history
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> Hoth but salty

The jokes write themselves.
It was so easy to just make the planet be on the same system and make starkiller base move
Isn't C3P0 canonically gay now? LMAO
The universe is CGI
That's why he walks funny
Yes! You can set up a date!
>Ok, enlighten me. whats the error with the idea of "leaving the galaxy"?
They're very far away.
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>A galaxy far, far away turned out to be a Magellenic Cloud
That was a parody on him in Tripping the Rift, anon just went slightly mad.
If it was attempting to be scientifically accurate you fags would nitpick it and mock it like Interstellar.
And when it's just trying to be entertaining fantasy you still nitpick it and mock it.
Maybe you deserve Disney raping the franchise to death.
holy fuck i just wasted like half an hour reading random shit on wikipedia about space
>all planets have to be different terrain
I hate this in SW
>galaxy that takes up 30° of arc is much brighter than interior lighting
stupid artists and their "hurr if it looks good it looks right" philosophy
Name one planet or moon in the solar system that has anything more than "normal environment" and "polar environment".
>land on planet
>eat the ground
Bravo Rian
>all he did was smile and wink at her.
That settles it. Old professor winking at female student is irrefutable. Did he also tell her about his magical ring of power and something about going deeper than the dwarves into Moria?
it's not a window but a display with more than 9000 nits
What the fuck are you talking about? You can see the galaxy from where you're sitting. Look down. That's the galaxy.
It's salt.
Everything in the ST happens in the same star system.
Why? it was functionally and literally just a hoth ripoff.
It’s so far away that it looks like that despite the fact that they are in the galaxy right now . That’s how large in scope it is
I mean... we can see the core of our galaxy too and it doesn't look like we're connected.
There’s way more to Tolkien than what he let the public know about him, that’s for sure. He was adamant he despised allegory and that he was not a fiction writer. The one time I can find where he addressed this question directly someone asked if Middle Earth was on a different planet and he said, “Oh no, it’s very much our world. Just a different era.”
>be in house
>want see exterior
>have legs
>walk outside?
>no, am fa/tv/irgin
>invent Millennium Falcon
>hyperdrive to outside
It's a Jizz players festival.
they're looking at a painting you morons.
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>heroes arrive in system
>scan planets
>just a couple of rock planets close to the sun and some gas giants further out
>only habitable planet is a mega continent with planet wide tropical conditions and mega fauna covered in rain forest from pole to pole
very Supreme Commander Forged Alliance
False premise. Movies don't need to be retarded ad all
That's not the galaxy, that's the Rishi maze.
>things nobody have said
we're in the Milky Way, but we can still see the rest of the galaxy.
>but it's realistic dude!
why do you retard mutts keep saying this lmao
They are seeing the galaxy Thrawn was/will be? exiled to
"Every planet is just one city" is worse
Like if someone says they are going to Tattooine, you just know it's going to be Mos Espa
Around us, not in the distance
They're way out at the very edge of the galaxy slightly out into intergalactic space because they're hiding.

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