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Mark Wahlberg plays a bumbling, working class, white loser who is recruited by his high school sweet hear Halle Berry (who is a black woman) to become a spy. Together they got 24 hours to train Marky Mark into becoming a super spy who can get a briefcase.

Didn't Halle Berry get all commando-y for a John Whick movie? Wonder if this was her true calling all along?
what happened to that movie where he was a family man and a spy or something?
> Halle Berry (who is a black woman)
Are you a zoomer? Halle Berry has been a famous actor since the 90’s. Having her in a lead role, even alongside a white actor, has happened many times throughout her career. Are you so sensitive you specifically had to point it out?
Mark hasn't had a single good streaming movie. That one about reliving lives sucked.
Halle Berry always was always trying to be an action star the only problem is the movies she was in sucked.
Halle Berry is ablack woman?! Why have I not been informed about this before?
Is nothing sacred anymore? Next thing you know there will be a black catwoman.
Halle Berry is 57
Mark Wahlberg is 53
JK Simmons is 69
Why is Netflix casting grandma's and grandpas is their rom com action movies?
Most of the movies releasing now have been in development since before covid. There's a huge backlog of shit in the pipeline that was delayed. These releases are the last gasps of a dying generation, but a new Hollywood revolution is about to emerge in the next couple of years, similar to the 70s and 90s indie movements.

t. insider
>netflix production
>lead role
He just said she was black, thats it. Why did it trigger you so hard?
There are no young stars.
because some summer bee edgy pol fag in training is trying to make this movie sound like wokeslop and has not understood why that is very, very stupid. you should feel bad and go back to poltard training camp.
It is quite literally just saying the race of the woman. You're genuinely midbroken by /pol/ and likely this board in general.
you literally went out of your way to point out her race. there is no "just" about it.
>Why is Netflix casting grandma's and grandpas is their rom com action movies?
Timmy, Zendaya and Ayyyyy are overbooked these days.

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