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"Star Trek TNG season 1 is really good, stop criticizing it!!"
no, i don't think i will.
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>ugh stupid chuds stop complaining about The Acolyte, it's just fine
for a moment I thought you said Star Trek TND
Should I be avoiding it? Aware me on why people don't like it
It's too Star Trekky
I can never get into TNG, too 80's for me. Only when Voyager and DS9 started airing is when I took a real shining to Trek.
i recently watched all of tng for the first time and didnt really notice any difference between the seasons
although the show really gets good once the security girlboss fucking dies
That happens at the end of season 1
>You're criticizing TNG Season 1? While there are starving children in Africa? Wow, pretty pathetic you white incel.
>You're criticizing TNG Season 1? What you should be criticizing is the genocide in Palestine you JEW FUCK
happy pride month, bros
This thread is inaccurate though. Mike has flat out said there’s only a few good episodes from Season 1 (I don’t agree) but your bait doesn’t work because of it. Rich also does not give much praise to Season 1. I forget the reasons but probably the obvious ones and Code of Honor is so notoriously offensive that it’s probably gonna get removed one day from streaming.
He didn't say that
He didn't say that
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what is it about RLM that attracts mentally ill weirdos?
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Are YOU the one saying this to Mike and Rich? Because Mike and Rich made an entire video talking about how trash TNG Season 1 is. They had to struggle for good things to say about it in their TNG Season 1 video.

Actually they never said that. They may have hinted at something along the lines of it but they never actually said that.
>Aware me
every episode in season 1 is memorable with high rewatchability. score alone makes it better than most of the rest of the series
Yeah the music is quite good. It also has more life and vibrancy than later eps, even if it's a bit cringe.
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Based lefty Mike.
>chuds thought the guy who worships Picard would be le based racist just like them
It has a few episodes that are lower quality than the ones from the later seasons, but overall it's fine. The ones who complain about it the most are the fans who have already seen the entire show multiple times.
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Just watch it, it is what it is.
It is certainly not "bad" like modern Star Shite.
They are just old 60's scripts left over from the old show and it shows.
Embrace the cringe.
>20 replies in 5 hours
They fell off
so it goes
all things must pass
they "died" as far as I am concerned when they stopped making any more of their actual films and just costed on patroen money
it doesn't matter if their movies were bad, they were hilarious in their own way and I loved that they still tried, now they are just fat old fucks left behind now all the kids screaming louder than ever
like a lot of tv shows, especially from that era, the first season was finding it's feet and varies in quality, I'd say rather than being outright bad it's more that quite a few episodes are just really dull compared to later when it's found it's groove and knows which actors/characters work best with eachother.
For me it's when Wesley leaves. I hate him so much. I'll skip individual scenes if they have Wesley in it. S01 is a chore.
we can only hope that the zoomers who take their place are actually not fags. its theoretically possible. just hugely unlikely.
What does it feel like to have a best bro you're close enough to to put your arm around him during a movie and not have it be gay, guys?
Nah, there are some episodes that are egregiously bad and retarded, though they often go to the point of being funny because of that. The "drugs are bad" episode, the spearchucking African aliens episode, and the episode where every is horny and fucking themselves to death all fall into this.
Watching TNG as a kid, I never minded Wesley so much, I thought his hate was a meme, but rewatching after what an absolute baaaaaaasedfuck he is now, I get the hate, the actor made me retroactively hate his character.
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TNG season 1 was a great direct successor to TOS and would've been fantastic if it had've been filmed with the original cast in their prime years in the 60s, or even with a new cast full of boomer chads and staceys in the early to mid 70s, but by the late 80s the swashbuckling Roddenberry style of Star Trek no longer resonated with the low t, mentally ill, corn addicted, shitlib globalist mutts the population of the US had devolved into, and they needed more effeminate tryhard touchy feely inclusive sci fi to reflect their rapidly regressing culture.

TNG is still good and infinitely more manly than any post-2001 Trek, but it is still a soi show and if you were a fan of TOS Trek in 1987 you wouldn't be wrong in thinking the Roddenberry seasons of TNG were good.
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>baaaaaasedfuck filters
lmao, I wonder how many 000's the filter goes up to
literally nothing wrong with the Black planet, faggots are just mad they are still tribal
Yeah the acolyte "review" wasn't even about the acolyte it was just him complaining about people not liking it
It's probably a regex like /\bs[o0]+y\b/
liberal "voting for Biden" Mike just wanted you to hate it for the right reasons
No one was ready for the absolute kino that was conspiracy. It was the single peak of star trek as a franchise. Now, yes, that’s not saying much as trek is a gay commie show that appeals disproportionately to child molesters. But it also is worth noting that an episode about burning the monsters hidden in the recesses of people’s brains until their coiling, chitinous evil is revealed caused a knee jerk reaction amongst these nerdy nonces.

It’s not that season one is good, it’s that star trek is for unrepentant faggots. Watch conspiracy, if you must, then turn that pedo-propaganda off immediately. I hate star trek.
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you'll accept it and like it if you liked TOS, even the bad episodes. after a while it'll become its own beast and for a few seasons probably is the best tv show ever made unironically.

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